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macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture0 {($T : ident )=>( int_module ! ($T , # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]);); ($T : ident , # [$attr : meta ])=>( doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The smallest value that can be represented by this integer type.\nUse [`" , stringify ! ($T ), "::MIN" , "`](../../std/primitive." , stringify ! ($T ), ".html#associatedconstant.MIN) instead.\n\n# Examples\n\n```rust\n// deprecated way\nlet min = std::" , stringify ! ($T ), "::MIN;\n\n// intended way\nlet min = " , stringify ! ($T ), "::MIN;\n```\n" ), # [$attr ] pub const MIN : $T = $T :: MIN ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The largest value that can be represented by this integer type.\nUse [`" , stringify ! ($T ), "::MAX" , "`](../../std/primitive." , stringify ! ($T ), ".html#associatedconstant.MAX) instead.\n\n# Examples\n\n```rust\n// deprecated way\nlet max = std::" , stringify ! ($T ), "::MAX;\n\n// intended way\nlet max = " , stringify ! ($T ), "::MAX;\n```\n" ), # [$attr ] pub const MAX : $T = $T :: MAX ; })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture1 {($($ty : ty : add ($addfn : path ), mul / div ($bigty : ident );)*)=>($(impl FullOps for $ty { fn full_add ( self , other : $ty , carry : bool )-> ( bool , $ty ){ let ( v , carry1 )= intrinsics :: add_with_overflow ( self , other ); let ( v , carry2 )= intrinsics :: add_with_overflow ( v , if carry { 1 } else { 0 }); ( carry1 || carry2 , v )} fn full_mul ( self , other : $ty , carry : $ty )-> ($ty , $ty ){ let v = ( self as $bigty )* ( other as $bigty )+ ( carry as $bigty ); (( v >> <$ty >:: BITS ) as $ty , v as $ty )} fn full_mul_add ( self , other : $ty , other2 : $ty , carry : $ty )-> ($ty , $ty ){ let v = ( self as $bigty )* ( other as $bigty )+ ( other2 as $bigty )+ ( carry as $bigty ); (( v >> <$ty >:: BITS ) as $ty , v as $ty )} fn full_div_rem ( self , other : $ty , borrow : $ty )-> ($ty , $ty ){ debug_assert ! ( borrow < other ); let lhs = (( borrow as $bigty )<< <$ty >:: BITS )| ( self as $bigty ); let rhs = other as $bigty ; (( lhs / rhs ) as $ty , ( lhs % rhs ) as $ty )}})* )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture2 {($name : ident : type =$ty : ty , n =$n : expr )=>{# [ doc = " Stack-allocated arbitrary-precision (up to certain limit) integer." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This is backed by a fixed-size array of given type (\\\"digit\\\")." ]# [ doc = " While the array is not very large (normally some hundred bytes)," ]# [ doc = " copying it recklessly may result in the performance hit." ]# [ doc = " Thus this is intentionally not `Copy`." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " All operations available to bignums panic in the case of overflows." ]# [ doc = " The caller is responsible to use large enough bignum types." ] pub struct $name {# [ doc = " One plus the offset to the maximum \\\"digit\\\" in use." ]# [ doc = " This does not decrease, so be aware of the computation order." ]# [ doc = " `base[size..]` should be zero." ] size : usize , # [ doc = " Digits. `[a, b, c, ...]` represents `a + b*2^W + c*2^(2W) + ...`" ]# [ doc = " where `W` is the number of bits in the digit type." ] base : [$ty ; $n ], } impl $name {# [ doc = " Makes a bignum from one digit." ] pub fn from_small ( v : $ty )-> $name { let mut base = [ 0 ; $n ]; base [ 0 ]= v ; $name { size : 1 , base : base }}# [ doc = " Makes a bignum from `u64` value." ] pub fn from_u64 ( mut v : u64 )-> $name { let mut base = [ 0 ; $n ]; let mut sz = 0 ; while v > 0 { base [ sz ]= v as $ty ; v >>= <$ty >:: BITS ; sz += 1 ; }$name { size : sz , base : base }}# [ doc = " Returns the internal digits as a slice `[a, b, c, ...]` such that the numeric" ]# [ doc = " value is `a + b * 2^W + c * 2^(2W) + ...` where `W` is the number of bits in" ]# [ doc = " the digit type." ] pub fn digits (& self )-> & [$ty ]{& self . base [.. self . size ]}# [ doc = " Returns the `i`-th bit where bit 0 is the least significant one." ]# [ doc = " In other words, the bit with weight `2^i`." ] pub fn get_bit (& self , i : usize )-> u8 { let digitbits = <$ty >:: BITS as usize ; let d = i / digitbits ; let b = i % digitbits ; (( self . base [ d ]>> b )& 1 ) as u8 }# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the bignum is zero." ] pub fn is_zero (& self )-> bool { self . digits (). iter (). all (|& v | v == 0 )}# [ doc = " Returns the number of bits necessary to represent this value. Note that zero" ]# [ doc = " is considered to need 0 bits." ] pub fn bit_length (& self )-> usize { let digits = self . digits (); let zeros = digits . iter (). rev (). take_while (|&& x | x == 0 ). count (); let end = digits . len ()- zeros ; let nonzero = & digits [.. end ]; if nonzero . is_empty (){ return 0 ; } let digitbits = <$ty >:: BITS as usize ; let mut i = nonzero . len ()* digitbits - 1 ; while self . get_bit ( i )== 0 { i -= 1 ; } i + 1 }# [ doc = " Adds `other` to itself and returns its own mutable reference." ] pub fn add < 'a > (& 'a mut self , other : &$name )-> & 'a mut $name { use crate :: cmp ; use crate :: num :: bignum :: FullOps ; let mut sz = cmp :: max ( self . size , other . size ); let mut carry = false ; for ( a , b ) in self . base [.. sz ]. iter_mut (). zip (& other . base [.. sz ]){ let ( c , v )= (* a ). full_add (* b , carry ); * a = v ; carry = c ; } if carry { self . base [ sz ]= 1 ; sz += 1 ; } self . size = sz ; self } pub fn add_small (& mut self , other : $ty )-> & mut $name { use crate :: num :: bignum :: FullOps ; let ( mut carry , v )= self . base [ 0 ]. full_add ( other , false ); self . base [ 0 ]= v ; let mut i = 1 ; while carry { let ( c , v )= self . base [ i ]. full_add ( 0 , carry ); self . base [ i ]= v ; carry = c ; i += 1 ; } if i > self . size { self . size = i ; } self }# [ doc = " Subtracts `other` from itself and returns its own mutable reference." ] pub fn sub < 'a > (& 'a mut self , other : &$name )-> & 'a mut $name { use crate :: cmp ; use crate :: num :: bignum :: FullOps ; let sz = cmp :: max ( self . siz
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture3 {($t : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl FromStr for $t { type Err = ParseFloatError ; # [ doc = " Converts a string in base 10 to a float." ]# [ doc = " Accepts an optional decimal exponent." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function accepts strings such as" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'3.14\\\'" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'-3.14\\\'" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'2.5E10\\\', or equivalently, \\\'2.5e10\\\'" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'2.5E-10\\\'" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'5.\\\'" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'.5\\\', or, equivalently, \\\'0.5\\\'" ]# [ doc = " * \\\'inf\\\', \\\'-inf\\\', \\\'NaN\\\'" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Leading and trailing whitespace represent an error." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Grammar" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " All strings that adhere to the following [EBNF] grammar" ]# [ doc = " will result in an [`Ok`] being returned:" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```txt" ]# [ doc = " Float ::= Sign? ( \\\'inf\\\' | \\\'NaN\\\' | Number )" ]# [ doc = " Number ::= ( Digit+ |" ]# [ doc = " Digit+ \\\'.\\\' Digit* |" ]# [ doc = " Digit* \\\'.\\\' Digit+ ) Exp?" ]# [ doc = " Exp ::= [eE] Sign? Digit+" ]# [ doc = " Sign ::= [+-]" ]# [ doc = " Digit ::= [0-9]" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [EBNF]: https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-notation" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Known bugs" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " In some situations, some strings that should create a valid float" ]# [ doc = " instead return an error. See [issue #31407] for details." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [issue #31407]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/31407" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Arguments" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " * src - A string" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Return value" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " `Err(ParseFloatError)` if the string did not represent a valid" ]# [ doc = " number. Otherwise, `Ok(n)` where `n` is the floating-point" ]# [ doc = " number represented by `src`." ]# [ inline ] fn from_str ( src : & str )-> Result < Self , ParseFloatError > { dec2flt ( src )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture4 {($(# [$stability : meta ]$Ty : ident ($Int : ty ); )+ )=>{$(doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "An integer that is known not to equal zero.\n\nThis enables some memory layout optimization.\nFor example, `Option<" , stringify ! ($Ty ), ">` is the same size as `" , stringify ! ($Int ), "`:\n\n```rust\nuse std::mem::size_of;\nassert_eq!(size_of::<Option<core::num::" , stringify ! ($Ty ), ">>(), size_of::<" , stringify ! ($Int ), ">());\n```" ), # [$stability ]# [ derive ( Copy , Clone , Eq , PartialEq , Ord , PartialOrd , Hash )]# [ repr ( transparent )]# [ rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start ( 1 )]# [ rustc_nonnull_optimization_guaranteed ] pub struct $Ty ($Int ); } impl $Ty {# [ doc = " Creates a non-zero without checking the value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Safety" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The value must not be zero." ]# [$stability ]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "nonzero" , since = "1.34.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const unsafe fn new_unchecked ( n : $Int )-> Self { unsafe { Self ( n )}}# [ doc = " Creates a non-zero if the given value is not zero." ]# [$stability ]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_nonzero_int_methods" , since = "1.47.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn new ( n : $Int )-> Option < Self > { if n != 0 { Some ( unsafe { Self ( n )})} else { None }}# [ doc = " Returns the value as a primitive type." ]# [$stability ]# [ inline ]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "nonzero" , since = "1.34.0" )] pub const fn get ( self )-> $Int { self . 0 }}# [ stable ( feature = "from_nonzero" , since = "1.31.0" )] impl From <$Ty > for $Int { doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Converts a `" , stringify ! ($Ty ), "` into an `" , stringify ! ($Int ), "`" ), # [ inline ] fn from ( nonzero : $Ty )-> Self { nonzero . 0 }}}# [ stable ( feature = "nonzero_bitor" , since = "1.45.0" )] impl BitOr for $Ty { type Output = Self ; # [ inline ] fn bitor ( self , rhs : Self )-> Self :: Output { unsafe {$Ty :: new_unchecked ( self . get ()| rhs . get ())}}}# [ stable ( feature = "nonzero_bitor" , since = "1.45.0" )] impl BitOr <$Int > for $Ty { type Output = Self ; # [ inline ] fn bitor ( self , rhs : $Int )-> Self :: Output { unsafe {$Ty :: new_unchecked ( self . get ()| rhs )}}}# [ stable ( feature = "nonzero_bitor" , since = "1.45.0" )] impl BitOr <$Ty > for $Int { type Output = $Ty ; # [ inline ] fn bitor ( self , rhs : $Ty )-> Self :: Output { unsafe {$Ty :: new_unchecked ( self | rhs . get ())}}}# [ stable ( feature = "nonzero_bitor" , since = "1.45.0" )] impl BitOrAssign for $Ty {# [ inline ] fn bitor_assign (& mut self , rhs : Self ){* self = * self | rhs ; }}# [ stable ( feature = "nonzero_bitor" , since = "1.45.0" )] impl BitOrAssign <$Int > for $Ty {# [ inline ] fn bitor_assign (& mut self , rhs : $Int ){* self = * self | rhs ; }} impl_nonzero_fmt ! {# [$stability ]( Debug , Display , Binary , Octal , LowerHex , UpperHex ) for $Ty })+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture5 {($($t : ty )*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "nonzero_parse" , since = "1.35.0" )] impl FromStr for $t { type Err = ParseIntError ; fn from_str ( src : & str )-> Result < Self , Self :: Err > { Self :: new ( from_str_radix ( src , 10 )?). ok_or ( ParseIntError { kind : IntErrorKind :: Zero })}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture6 {($($t : ident )*)=>($(sh_impl_unsigned ! {$t , usize })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture7 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Add for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn add ( self , other : Wrapping <$t >)-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_add ( other . 0 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Add , add for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t >, # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref" , since = "1.14.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl AddAssign for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn add_assign (& mut self , other : Wrapping <$t >){* self = * self + other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl AddAssign , add_assign for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t > }# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Sub for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn sub ( self , other : Wrapping <$t >)-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_sub ( other . 0 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Sub , sub for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t >, # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref" , since = "1.14.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl SubAssign for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn sub_assign (& mut self , other : Wrapping <$t >){* self = * self - other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl SubAssign , sub_assign for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t > }# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Mul for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn mul ( self , other : Wrapping <$t >)-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_mul ( other . 0 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Mul , mul for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t >, # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref" , since = "1.14.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl MulAssign for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn mul_assign (& mut self , other : Wrapping <$t >){* self = * self * other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl MulAssign , mul_assign for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t > }# [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_div" , since = "1.3.0" )] impl Div for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn div ( self , other : Wrapping <$t >)-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_div ( other . 0 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Div , div for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t >, # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref" , since = "1.14.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl DivAssign for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn div_assign (& mut self , other : Wrapping <$t >){* self = * self / other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl DivAssign , div_assign for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t > }# [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_impls" , since = "1.7.0" )] impl Rem for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn rem ( self , other : Wrapping <$t >)-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_rem ( other . 0 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Rem , rem for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t >, # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref" , since = "1.14.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl RemAssign for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn rem_assign (& mut self , other : Wrapping <$t >){* self = * self % other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl RemAssign , rem_assign for Wrapping <$t >, Wrapping <$t > }# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Not for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn not ( self )-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping (! self . 0 )}} forward_ref_unop ! { impl Not , not for Wrapping <$t >, # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref" , since = "1.14.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl BitXor for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn bitxor ( self , other : Wrapping <$t >)-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 ^ other . 0 )}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture8 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(impl Wrapping <$t > { doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the smallest value that can be represented by this integer type.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert_eq!(<Wrapping<" , stringify ! ($t ), ">>::MIN, Wrapping(" , stringify ! ($t ), "::MIN));\n```" ), # [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const MIN : Self = Self (<$t >:: MIN ); } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the largest value that can be represented by this integer type.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert_eq!(<Wrapping<" , stringify ! ($t ), ">>::MAX, Wrapping(" , stringify ! ($t ), "::MAX));\n```" ), # [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const MAX : Self = Self (<$t >:: MAX ); } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nlet n = Wrapping(0b01001100" , stringify ! ($t ), ");\n\nassert_eq!(n.count_ones(), 3);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn count_ones ( self )-> u32 { self . 0 . count_ones ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(!0" , stringify ! ($t ), ").count_zeros(), 0);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn count_zeros ( self )-> u32 { self . 0 . count_zeros ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation\nof `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nlet n = Wrapping(0b0101000" , stringify ! ($t ), ");\n\nassert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn trailing_zeros ( self )-> u32 { self . 0 . trailing_zeros ()}}# [ doc = " Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount, `n`," ]# [ doc = " wrapping the truncated bits to the end of the resulting" ]# [ doc = " integer." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Please note this isn\\\'t the same operation as the `<<` shifting" ]# [ doc = " operator!" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Basic usage:" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " #![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]" ]# [ doc = " use std::num::Wrapping;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " let n: Wrapping<i64> = Wrapping(0x0123456789ABCDEF);" ]# [ doc = " let m: Wrapping<i64> = Wrapping(-0x76543210FEDCBA99);" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(32), m);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn rotate_left ( self , n : u32 )-> Self { Wrapping ( self . 0 . rotate_left ( n ))}# [ doc = " Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount, `n`," ]# [ doc = " wrapping the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting" ]# [ doc = " integer." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Please note this isn\\\'t the same operation as the `>>` shifting" ]# [ doc = " operator!" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Basic usage:" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " #![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]" ]# [ doc = " use std::num::Wrapping;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " let n: Wrapping<i64> = Wrapping(0x0123456789ABCDEF);" ]# [ doc = " let m: Wrapping<i64> = Wrapping(-0xFEDCBA987654322);" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(4), m);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn rotate_right ( self , n : u32 )-> Self { Wrapping ( self . 0 . rotate_right ( n ))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture9 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(impl Wrapping <$t > { doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nlet n = Wrapping(" , stringify ! ($t ), "::MAX) >> 2;\n\nassert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 3);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn leading_zeros ( self )-> u32 { self . 0 . leading_zeros ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Computes the absolute value of `self`, wrapping around at\nthe boundary of the type.\n\nThe only case where such wrapping can occur is when one takes the absolute value of the negative\nminimal value for the type this is a positive value that is too large to represent in the type. In\nsuch a case, this function returns `MIN` itself.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(100" , stringify ! ($t ), ").abs(), Wrapping(100));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(-100" , stringify ! ($t ), ").abs(), Wrapping(100));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(" , stringify ! ($t ), "::MIN).abs(), Wrapping(" , stringify ! ($t ), "::MIN));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(-128i8).abs().0 as u8, 128u8);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub fn abs ( self )-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_abs ())}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns a number representing sign of `self`.\n\n - `0` if the number is zero\n - `1` if the number is positive\n - `-1` if the number is negative\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").signum(), Wrapping(1));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(0" , stringify ! ($t ), ").signum(), Wrapping(0));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(-10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").signum(), Wrapping(-1));\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub fn signum ( self )-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . signum ())}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns `true` if `self` is positive and `false` if the number is zero or\nnegative.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert!(Wrapping(10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").is_positive());\nassert!(!Wrapping(-10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").is_positive());\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn is_positive ( self )-> bool { self . 0 . is_positive ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns `true` if `self` is negative and `false` if the number is zero or\npositive.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert!(Wrapping(-10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").is_negative());\nassert!(!Wrapping(10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").is_negative());\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn is_negative ( self )-> bool { self . 0 . is_negative ()}}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture10 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(impl Wrapping <$t > { doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nlet n = Wrapping(" , stringify ! ($t ), "::MAX) >> 2;\n\nassert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 2);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub const fn leading_zeros ( self )-> u32 { self . 0 . leading_zeros ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns `true` if and only if `self == 2^k` for some `k`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_int_impl)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert!(Wrapping(16" , stringify ! ($t ), ").is_power_of_two());\nassert!(!Wrapping(10" , stringify ! ($t ), ").is_power_of_two());\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_int_impl" , issue = "32463" )] pub fn is_power_of_two ( self )-> bool { self . 0 . is_power_of_two ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the smallest power of two greater than or equal to `self`.\n\nWhen return value overflows (i.e., `self > (1 << (N-1))` for type\n`uN`), overflows to `2^N = 0`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n#![feature(wrapping_next_power_of_two)]\nuse std::num::Wrapping;\n\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(2" , stringify ! ($t ), ").next_power_of_two(), Wrapping(2));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(3" , stringify ! ($t ), ").next_power_of_two(), Wrapping(4));\nassert_eq!(Wrapping(200_u8).next_power_of_two(), Wrapping(0));\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [ unstable ( feature = "wrapping_next_power_of_two" , issue = "32463" , reason = "needs decision on wrapping behaviour" )] pub fn next_power_of_two ( self )-> Self { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_next_power_of_two ())}}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture11 {($($t : ty )*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl FromStr for $t { type Err = ParseIntError ; fn from_str ( src : & str )-> Result < Self , ParseIntError > { from_str_radix ( src , 10 )}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture12 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(impl FromStrRadixHelper for $t {# [ inline ] fn min_value ()-> Self { Self :: MIN }# [ inline ] fn max_value ()-> Self { Self :: MAX }# [ inline ] fn from_u32 ( u : u32 )-> Self { u as Self }# [ inline ] fn checked_mul (& self , other : u32 )-> Option < Self > { Self :: checked_mul (* self , other as Self )}# [ inline ] fn checked_sub (& self , other : u32 )-> Option < Self > { Self :: checked_sub (* self , other as Self )}# [ inline ] fn checked_add (& self , other : u32 )-> Option < Self > { Self :: checked_add (* self , other as Self )}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture13 {($($Arg : ident ),+)=>{ fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { extern "Rust" fn ($($Arg ),+)-> Ret , $($Arg ),+ } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { extern "C" fn ($($Arg ),+)-> Ret , $($Arg ),+ } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { extern "C" fn ($($Arg ),+ , ...)-> Ret , $($Arg ),+ } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { unsafe extern "Rust" fn ($($Arg ),+)-> Ret , $($Arg ),+ } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { unsafe extern "C" fn ($($Arg ),+)-> Ret , $($Arg ),+ } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { unsafe extern "C" fn ($($Arg ),+ , ...)-> Ret , $($Arg ),+ }}; ()=>{ fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { extern "Rust" fn ()-> Ret , } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { extern "C" fn ()-> Ret , } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { unsafe extern "Rust" fn ()-> Ret , } fnptr_impls_safety_abi ! { unsafe extern "C" fn ()-> Ret , }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture14 {($($t : ty )*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Clone for $t {# [ inline ] fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture15 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl PartialEq for $t {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )== (* other )}# [ inline ] fn ne (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )!= (* other )}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture16 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Eq for $t {})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture17 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl PartialOrd for $t {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$t )-> Option < Ordering > { match ( self <= other , self >= other ){( false , false )=> None , ( false , true )=> Some ( Greater ), ( true , false )=> Some ( Less ), ( true , true )=> Some ( Equal ), }}# [ inline ] fn lt (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )< (* other )}# [ inline ] fn le (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )<= (* other )}# [ inline ] fn ge (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )>= (* other )}# [ inline ] fn gt (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )> (* other )}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture18 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl PartialOrd for $t {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$t )-> Option < Ordering > { Some ( self . cmp ( other ))}# [ inline ] fn lt (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )< (* other )}# [ inline ] fn le (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )<= (* other )}# [ inline ] fn ge (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )>= (* other )}# [ inline ] fn gt (& self , other : &$t )-> bool {(* self )> (* other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Ord for $t {# [ inline ] fn cmp (& self , other : &$t )-> Ordering { if * self < * other { Less } else if * self == * other { Equal } else { Greater }}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture19 {($Float : ident =>$($Int : ident )+ )=>{# [ unstable ( feature = "convert_float_to_int" , issue = "67057" )] impl private :: Sealed for $Float {}$(# [ unstable ( feature = "convert_float_to_int" , issue = "67057" )] impl FloatToInt <$Int > for $Float {# [ doc ( hidden )]# [ inline ] unsafe fn to_int_unchecked ( self )-> $Int { unsafe { crate :: intrinsics :: float_to_int_unchecked ( self )}}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture20 {($target : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{ impl_from ! ( bool , $target , # [$attr ], concat ! ( "Converts a `bool` to a `" , stringify ! ($target ), "`. The resulting value is `0` for `false` and `1` for `true`\nvalues.\n\n# Examples\n\n```\nassert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($target ), "::from(true), 1);\nassert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($target ), "::from(false), 0);\n```" )); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture21 {($Small : ty , $Large : ty , # [$attr : meta ], $doc : expr )=>{# [$attr ]# [ doc = $doc ] impl From <$Small > for $Large {# [ inline ] fn from ( small : $Small )-> Self { small as Self }}}; ($Small : ty , $Large : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{ impl_from ! ($Small , $Large , # [$attr ], concat ! ( "Converts `" , stringify ! ($Small ), "` to `" , stringify ! ($Large ), "` losslessly." )); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture22 {($source : ty , $($target : ty ),*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "try_from" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl TryFrom <$source > for $target { type Error = TryFromIntError ; # [ doc = " Try to create the target number type from a source" ]# [ doc = " number type. This returns an error if the source value" ]# [ doc = " is outside of the range of the target type." ]# [ inline ] fn try_from ( u : $source )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { if u > ( Self :: MAX as $source ){ Err ( TryFromIntError (()))} else { Ok ( u as Self )}}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture23 {($source : ty , $($target : ty ),*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "try_from" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl TryFrom <$source > for $target { type Error = TryFromIntError ; # [ doc = " Try to create the target number type from a source" ]# [ doc = " number type. This returns an error if the source value" ]# [ doc = " is outside of the range of the target type." ]# [ inline ] fn try_from ( u : $source )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { let min = Self :: MIN as $source ; let max = Self :: MAX as $source ; if u < min || u > max { Err ( TryFromIntError (()))} else { Ok ( u as Self )}}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture24 {($source : ty , $($target : ty ),*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "try_from" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl TryFrom <$source > for $target { type Error = TryFromIntError ; # [ doc = " Try to create the target number type from a source" ]# [ doc = " number type. This returns an error if the source value" ]# [ doc = " is outside of the range of the target type." ]# [ inline ] fn try_from ( u : $source )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { if u >= 0 { Ok ( u as Self )} else { Err ( TryFromIntError (()))}}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture25 {($source : ty , $($target : ty ),*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "try_from" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl TryFrom <$source > for $target { type Error = TryFromIntError ; # [ doc = " Try to create the target number type from a source" ]# [ doc = " number type. This returns an error if the source value" ]# [ doc = " is outside of the range of the target type." ]# [ inline ] fn try_from ( value : $source )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { Ok ( value as Self )}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture26 {($mac : ident , $source : ty , $($target : ty ),*)=>{$($mac ! ($target , $source ); )*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture27 {($Small : ty , $Large : ty , # [$attr : meta ], $doc : expr )=>{# [$attr ]# [ doc = $doc ] impl From <$Small > for $Large {# [ inline ] fn from ( small : $Small )-> Self { unsafe { Self :: new_unchecked ( small . get (). into ())}}}}; ($Small : ty , $Large : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{ nzint_impl_from ! ($Small , $Large , # [$attr ], concat ! ( "Converts `" , stringify ! ($Small ), "` to `" , stringify ! ($Large ), "` losslessly." )); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture28 {($Int : ty , $NonZeroInt : ty , # [$attr : meta ], $doc : expr )=>{# [$attr ]# [ doc = $doc ] impl TryFrom <$Int > for $NonZeroInt { type Error = TryFromIntError ; # [ inline ] fn try_from ( value : $Int )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { Self :: new ( value ). ok_or ( TryFromIntError (()))}}}; ($Int : ty , $NonZeroInt : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{ nzint_impl_try_from_int ! ($Int , $NonZeroInt , # [$attr ], concat ! ( "Attempts to convert `" , stringify ! ($Int ), "` to `" , stringify ! ($NonZeroInt ), "`." )); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture29 {($From : ty =>$To : ty , $doc : expr )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "nzint_try_from_nzint_conv" , since = "1.49.0" )]# [ doc = $doc ] impl TryFrom <$From > for $To { type Error = TryFromIntError ; # [ inline ] fn try_from ( value : $From )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { TryFrom :: try_from ( value . get ()). map (| v | { unsafe { Self :: new_unchecked ( v )}})}}}; ($To : ty : $($From : ty ),*)=>{$(nzint_impl_try_from_nzint ! ($From =>$To , concat ! ( "Attempts to convert `" , stringify ! ($From ), "` to `" , stringify ! ($To ), "`." , )); )*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture30 {($t : ty , $v : expr , $doc : tt )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Default for $t {# [ inline ]# [ doc = $doc ] fn default ()-> $t {$v }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture31 {($t : ident )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > Hash for $t < T > {# [ inline ] fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , _: & mut H ){}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > cmp :: PartialEq for $t < T > { fn eq (& self , _other : &$t < T >)-> bool { true }}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > cmp :: Eq for $t < T > {}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > cmp :: PartialOrd for $t < T > { fn partial_cmp (& self , _other : &$t < T >)-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > { Option :: Some ( cmp :: Ordering :: Equal )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > cmp :: Ord for $t < T > { fn cmp (& self , _other : &$t < T >)-> cmp :: Ordering { cmp :: Ordering :: Equal }}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > Copy for $t < T > {}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > Clone for $t < T > { fn clone (& self )-> Self { Self }}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized > Default for $t < T > { fn default ()-> Self { Self }}# [ unstable ( feature = "structural_match" , issue = "31434" )] impl < T : ? Sized > StructuralPartialEq for $t < T > {}# [ unstable ( feature = "structural_match" , issue = "31434" )] impl < T : ? Sized > StructuralEq for $t < T > {}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture32 {($($t : ty )*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Copy for $t {})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture33 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Add for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn add ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self + other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Add , add for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture34 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Sub for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn sub ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self - other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Sub , sub for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture35 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Mul for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn mul ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self * other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Mul , mul for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture36 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ doc = " This operation rounds towards zero, truncating any" ]# [ doc = " fractional part of the exact result." ]# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Div for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn div ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self / other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Div , div for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture37 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Div for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn div ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self / other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Div , div for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture38 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ doc = " This operation satisfies `n % d == n - (n / d) * d`. The" ]# [ doc = " result has the same sign as the left operand." ]# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Rem for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn rem ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self % other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Rem , rem for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture39 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ doc = " The remainder from the division of two floats." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The remainder has the same sign as the dividend and is computed as:" ]# [ doc = " `x - (x / y).trunc() * y`." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " let x: f32 = 50.50;" ]# [ doc = " let y: f32 = 8.125;" ]# [ doc = " let remainder = x - (x / y).trunc() * y;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " // The answer to both operations is 1.75" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(x % y, remainder);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Rem for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn rem ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self % other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Rem , rem for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture40 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Neg for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn neg ( self )-> $t {- self }} forward_ref_unop ! { impl Neg , neg for $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture41 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl AddAssign for $t {# [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn add_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self += other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl AddAssign , add_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture42 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl SubAssign for $t {# [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn sub_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self -= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl SubAssign , sub_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture43 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl MulAssign for $t {# [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn mul_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self *= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl MulAssign , mul_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture44 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl DivAssign for $t {# [ inline ] fn div_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self /= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl DivAssign , div_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture45 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl RemAssign for $t {# [ inline ] fn rem_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self %= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl RemAssign , rem_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture46 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Not for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn not ( self )-> $t {! self }} forward_ref_unop ! { impl Not , not for $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture47 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl BitAnd for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn bitand ( self , rhs : $t )-> $t { self & rhs }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl BitAnd , bitand for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture48 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl BitOr for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn bitor ( self , rhs : $t )-> $t { self | rhs }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl BitOr , bitor for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture49 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl BitXor for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn bitxor ( self , other : $t )-> $t { self ^ other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl BitXor , bitxor for $t , $t })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture50 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(shl_impl ! {$t , u8 } shl_impl ! {$t , u16 } shl_impl ! {$t , u32 } shl_impl ! {$t , u64 } shl_impl ! {$t , u128 } shl_impl ! {$t , usize } shl_impl ! {$t , i8 } shl_impl ! {$t , i16 } shl_impl ! {$t , i32 } shl_impl ! {$t , i64 } shl_impl ! {$t , i128 } shl_impl ! {$t , isize })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture51 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(shr_impl ! {$t , u8 } shr_impl ! {$t , u16 } shr_impl ! {$t , u32 } shr_impl ! {$t , u64 } shr_impl ! {$t , u128 } shr_impl ! {$t , usize } shr_impl ! {$t , i8 } shr_impl ! {$t , i16 } shr_impl ! {$t , i32 } shr_impl ! {$t , i64 } shr_impl ! {$t , i128 } shr_impl ! {$t , isize })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture52 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl BitAndAssign for $t {# [ inline ] fn bitand_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self &= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl BitAndAssign , bitand_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture53 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl BitOrAssign for $t {# [ inline ] fn bitor_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self |= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl BitOrAssign , bitor_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture54 {($($t : ty )+)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl BitXorAssign for $t {# [ inline ] fn bitxor_assign (& mut self , other : $t ){* self ^= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl BitXorAssign , bitxor_assign for $t , $t })+)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture55 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(shl_assign_impl ! {$t , u8 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , u16 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , u32 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , u64 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , u128 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , usize } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , i8 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , i16 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , i32 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , i64 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , i128 } shl_assign_impl ! {$t , isize })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture56 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(shr_assign_impl ! {$t , u8 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , u16 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , u32 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , u64 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , u128 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , usize } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , i8 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , i16 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , i32 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , i64 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , i128 } shr_assign_impl ! {$t , isize })*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture57 {{$n : expr , $t : ident $($ts : ident )*}=>{# [ stable ( since = "1.4.0" , feature = "array_default" )] impl < T > Default for [ T ; $n ] where T : Default { fn default ()-> [ T ; $n ]{[$t :: default (), $($ts :: default ()),*]}} array_impl_default ! {($n - 1 ), $($ts )*}}; {$n : expr ,}=>{# [ stable ( since = "1.4.0" , feature = "array_default" )] impl < T > Default for [ T ; $n ]{ fn default ()-> [ T ; $n ]{[]}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture58 {($($t : ty ),+)=>{$(# [ unstable ( feature = "c_variadic" , reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \\n all supported platforms" , issue = "44930" )] impl sealed_trait :: VaArgSafe for $t {})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture59 {{ narrower than or same width as usize : $([$u_narrower : ident $i_narrower : ident ]),+; wider than usize : $([$u_wider : ident $i_wider : ident ]),+; }=>{$(# [ allow ( unreachable_patterns )]# [ unstable ( feature = "step_trait" , reason = "recently redesigned" , issue = "42168" )] unsafe impl Step for $u_narrower { step_identical_methods ! (); # [ inline ] fn steps_between ( start : & Self , end : & Self )-> Option < usize > { if * start <= * end { Some ((* end - * start ) as usize )} else { None }}# [ inline ] fn forward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { match Self :: try_from ( n ){ Ok ( n )=> start . checked_add ( n ), Err (_)=> None , }}# [ inline ] fn backward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { match Self :: try_from ( n ){ Ok ( n )=> start . checked_sub ( n ), Err (_)=> None , }}}# [ allow ( unreachable_patterns )]# [ unstable ( feature = "step_trait" , reason = "recently redesigned" , issue = "42168" )] unsafe impl Step for $i_narrower { step_identical_methods ! (); # [ inline ] fn steps_between ( start : & Self , end : & Self )-> Option < usize > { if * start <= * end { Some ((* end as isize ). wrapping_sub (* start as isize ) as usize )} else { None }}# [ inline ] fn forward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { match $u_narrower :: try_from ( n ){ Ok ( n )=>{ let wrapped = start . wrapping_add ( n as Self ); if wrapped >= start { Some ( wrapped )} else { None }} Err (_)=> None , }}# [ inline ] fn backward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { match $u_narrower :: try_from ( n ){ Ok ( n )=>{ let wrapped = start . wrapping_sub ( n as Self ); if wrapped <= start { Some ( wrapped )} else { None }} Err (_)=> None , }}})+ $(# [ allow ( unreachable_patterns )]# [ unstable ( feature = "step_trait" , reason = "recently redesigned" , issue = "42168" )] unsafe impl Step for $u_wider { step_identical_methods ! (); # [ inline ] fn steps_between ( start : & Self , end : & Self )-> Option < usize > { if * start <= * end { usize :: try_from (* end - * start ). ok ()} else { None }}# [ inline ] fn forward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { start . checked_add ( n as Self )}# [ inline ] fn backward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { start . checked_sub ( n as Self )}}# [ allow ( unreachable_patterns )]# [ unstable ( feature = "step_trait" , reason = "recently redesigned" , issue = "42168" )] unsafe impl Step for $i_wider { step_identical_methods ! (); # [ inline ] fn steps_between ( start : & Self , end : & Self )-> Option < usize > { if * start <= * end { match end . checked_sub (* start ){ Some ( result )=> usize :: try_from ( result ). ok (), None => None , }} else { None }}# [ inline ] fn forward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { start . checked_add ( n as Self )}# [ inline ] fn backward_checked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Option < Self > { start . checked_sub ( n as Self )}})+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture60 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl ExactSizeIterator for ops :: Range <$t > {})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture61 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "inclusive_range" , since = "1.26.0" )] impl ExactSizeIterator for ops :: RangeInclusive <$t > {})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture62 {(@ impls $zero : expr , $one : expr , # [$attr : meta ], $($a : ty )*)=>($(# [$attr ] impl Sum for $a { fn sum < I : Iterator < Item = Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ($zero , Add :: add )}}# [$attr ] impl Product for $a { fn product < I : Iterator < Item = Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ($one , Mul :: mul )}}# [$attr ] impl < 'a > Sum <& 'a $a > for $a { fn sum < I : Iterator < Item =& 'a Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ($zero , Add :: add )}}# [$attr ] impl < 'a > Product <& 'a $a > for $a { fn product < I : Iterator < Item =& 'a Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ($one , Mul :: mul )}})*); ($($a : ty )*)=>( integer_sum_product ! (@ impls 0 , 1 , # [ stable ( feature = "iter_arith_traits" , since = "1.12.0" )], $($a )*); integer_sum_product ! (@ impls Wrapping ( 0 ), Wrapping ( 1 ), # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_iter_arith" , since = "1.14.0" )], $(Wrapping <$a >)*); ); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture63 {($($a : ident )*)=>($(# [ stable ( feature = "iter_arith_traits" , since = "1.12.0" )] impl Sum for $a { fn sum < I : Iterator < Item = Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ( 0.0 , Add :: add )}}# [ stable ( feature = "iter_arith_traits" , since = "1.12.0" )] impl Product for $a { fn product < I : Iterator < Item = Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ( 1.0 , Mul :: mul )}}# [ stable ( feature = "iter_arith_traits" , since = "1.12.0" )] impl < 'a > Sum <& 'a $a > for $a { fn sum < I : Iterator < Item =& 'a Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ( 0.0 , Add :: add )}}# [ stable ( feature = "iter_arith_traits" , since = "1.12.0" )] impl < 'a > Product <& 'a $a > for $a { fn product < I : Iterator < Item =& 'a Self >> ( iter : I )-> Self { iter . fold ( 1.0 , Mul :: mul )}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture64 {($cfg_cas : meta , $cfg_align : meta , $stable : meta , $stable_cxchg : meta , $stable_debug : meta , $stable_access : meta , $stable_from : meta , $stable_nand : meta , $const_stable : meta , $stable_init_const : meta , $s_int_type : literal , $int_ref : expr , $extra_feature : expr , $min_fn : ident , $max_fn : ident , $align : expr , $atomic_new : expr , $int_type : ident $atomic_type : ident $atomic_init : ident )=>{# [ doc = " An integer type which can be safely shared between threads." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This type has the same in-memory representation as the underlying" ]# [ doc = " integer type, [`" ]# [ doc = $s_int_type ]# [ doc = " `](" ]# [ doc = $int_ref ]# [ doc = " ). For more about the differences between atomic types and" ]# [ doc = " non-atomic types as well as information about the portability of" ]# [ doc = " this type, please see the [module-level documentation]." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " **Note:** This type is only available on platforms that support" ]# [ doc = " atomic loads and stores of [`" ]# [ doc = $s_int_type ]# [ doc = " `](" ]# [ doc = $int_ref ]# [ doc = " )." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [module-level documentation]: crate::sync::atomic" ]# [$stable ]# [ repr ( C , align ($align ))] pub struct $atomic_type { v : UnsafeCell <$int_type >, }# [ doc = " An atomic integer initialized to `0`." ]# [$stable_init_const ]# [ rustc_deprecated ( since = "1.34.0" , reason = "the `new` function is now preferred" , suggestion = $atomic_new , )] pub const $atomic_init : $atomic_type = $atomic_type :: new ( 0 ); # [$stable ] impl Default for $atomic_type {# [ inline ] fn default ()-> Self { Self :: new ( Default :: default ())}}# [$stable_from ] impl From <$int_type > for $atomic_type { doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Converts an `" , stringify ! ($int_type ), "` into an `" , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), "`." ), # [ inline ] fn from ( v : $int_type )-> Self { Self :: new ( v )}}}# [$stable_debug ] impl fmt :: Debug for $atomic_type { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { fmt :: Debug :: fmt (& self . load ( Ordering :: SeqCst ), f )}}# [$stable ] unsafe impl Sync for $atomic_type {} impl $atomic_type { doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Creates a new atomic integer.\n\n# Examples\n\n```\n" , $extra_feature , "use std::sync::atomic::" , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), ";\n\nlet atomic_forty_two = " , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), "::new(42);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [$stable ]# [$const_stable ] pub const fn new ( v : $int_type )-> Self { Self { v : UnsafeCell :: new ( v )}}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns a mutable reference to the underlying integer.\n\nThis is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are\nconcurrently accessing the atomic data.\n\n# Examples\n\n```\n" , $extra_feature , "use std::sync::atomic::{" , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), ", Ordering};\n\nlet mut some_var = " , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), "::new(10);\nassert_eq!(*some_var.get_mut(), 10);\n*some_var.get_mut() = 5;\nassert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 5);\n```" ), # [ inline ]# [$stable_access ] pub fn get_mut (& mut self )-> & mut $int_type { self . v . get_mut ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Get atomic access to a `&mut " , stringify ! ($int_type ), "`.\n\n" , if_not_8_bit ! {$int_type , concat ! ( "**Note:** This function is only available on targets where `" , stringify ! ($int_type ), "` has an alignment of " , $align , " bytes." )}, "\n\n# Examples\n\n```\n#![feature(atomic_from_mut)]\n" , $extra_feature , "use std::sync::atomic::{" , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), ", Ordering};\n\nlet mut some_int = 123;\nlet a = " , stringify ! ($atomic_type ), "::from_mut(&mut some_int);\na.store(100, Ordering::Relaxed);\nassert_eq!(some_int, 100);\n```\n " ), # [ inline ]# [$cfg_align ]# [ unstable ( feature = "atomic_from_mut" , issue = "76314" )] pub fn from_mut ( v : & mut $int_type )-> & Self { use crate
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture65 {($($target_pointer_width : literal $align : literal )* )=>{$(# [ cfg ( target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr" )]# [ cfg ( target_pointer_width = $target_pointer_width )] atomic_int ! { cfg ( target_has_atomic = "ptr" ), cfg ( target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "ptr" ), stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ), stable ( feature = "extended_compare_and_swap" , since = "1.10.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_debug" , since = "1.3.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_access" , since = "1.15.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_from" , since = "1.23.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_nand" , since = "1.27.0" ), rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_integer_atomics" , since = "1.34.0" ), stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ), "isize" , "../../../std/primitive.isize.html" , "" , atomic_min , atomic_max , $align , "AtomicIsize::new(0)" , isize AtomicIsize ATOMIC_ISIZE_INIT }# [ cfg ( target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr" )]# [ cfg ( target_pointer_width = $target_pointer_width )] atomic_int ! { cfg ( target_has_atomic = "ptr" ), cfg ( target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "ptr" ), stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ), stable ( feature = "extended_compare_and_swap" , since = "1.10.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_debug" , since = "1.3.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_access" , since = "1.15.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_from" , since = "1.23.0" ), stable ( feature = "atomic_nand" , since = "1.27.0" ), rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_integer_atomics" , since = "1.34.0" ), stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ), "usize" , "../../../std/primitive.usize.html" , "" , atomic_umin , atomic_umax , $align , "AtomicUsize::new(0)" , usize AtomicUsize ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT })* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture66 {($ty : ident )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Debug for $ty { fn fmt (& self , fmt : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result { float_to_decimal_common ( fmt , self , true , 1 )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Display for $ty { fn fmt (& self , fmt : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result { float_to_decimal_common ( fmt , self , false , 0 )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl LowerExp for $ty { fn fmt (& self , fmt : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result { float_to_exponential_common ( fmt , self , false )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl UpperExp for $ty { fn fmt (& self , fmt : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result { float_to_exponential_common ( fmt , self , true )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture67 {($($t : ident )*)=>($(impl DisplayInt for $t { fn zero ()-> Self { 0 } fn from_u8 ( u : u8 )-> Self { u as Self } fn to_u8 (& self )-> u8 {* self as u8 } fn to_u16 (& self )-> u16 {* self as u16 } fn to_u32 (& self )-> u32 {* self as u32 } fn to_u64 (& self )-> u64 {* self as u64 } fn to_u128 (& self )-> u128 {* self as u128 }})* )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture68 {($($t : ident )*)=>($(impl DisplayInt for $t { fn zero ()-> Self { 0 } fn from_u8 ( u : u8 )-> Self { u as Self } fn to_u8 (& self )-> u8 {* self as u8 } fn to_u16 (& self )-> u16 {* self as u16 } fn to_u32 (& self )-> u32 {* self as u32 } fn to_u64 (& self )-> u64 {* self as u64 } fn to_u128 (& self )-> u128 {* self as u128 }})* )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture69 {($T : ident , $base : expr , $prefix : expr , $($x : pat =>$conv : expr ),+)=>{ impl GenericRadix for $T { const BASE : u8 = $base ; const PREFIX : & 'static str = $prefix ; fn digit ( x : u8 )-> u8 { match x {$($x =>$conv ,)+ x => panic ! ( "number not in the range 0..={}: {}" , Self :: BASE - 1 , x ), }}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture70 {($Int : ident , $Uint : ident )=>{ int_base ! { fmt :: Binary for $Int as $Uint -> Binary } int_base ! { fmt :: Octal for $Int as $Uint -> Octal } int_base ! { fmt :: LowerHex for $Int as $Uint -> LowerHex } int_base ! { fmt :: UpperHex for $Int as $Uint -> UpperHex } int_base ! { fmt :: Binary for $Uint as $Uint -> Binary } int_base ! { fmt :: Octal for $Uint as $Uint -> Octal } int_base ! { fmt :: LowerHex for $Uint as $Uint -> LowerHex } int_base ! { fmt :: UpperHex for $Uint as $Uint -> UpperHex }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture71 {($($T : ident )*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl fmt :: Debug for $T {# [ inline ] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { if f . debug_lower_hex (){ fmt :: LowerHex :: fmt ( self , f )} else if f . debug_upper_hex (){ fmt :: UpperHex :: fmt ( self , f )} else { fmt :: Display :: fmt ( self , f )}}})*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture72 {($($t : ident ),* as $u : ident via $conv_fn : ident named $name : ident )=>{ fn $name ( mut n : $u , is_nonnegative : bool , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { let mut buf = [ MaybeUninit ::< u8 >:: uninit (); 39 ]; let mut curr = buf . len () as isize ; let buf_ptr = MaybeUninit :: slice_as_mut_ptr (& mut buf ); let lut_ptr = DEC_DIGITS_LUT . as_ptr (); unsafe { assert ! ( crate :: mem :: size_of ::<$u > ()>= 2 ); while n >= 10000 { let rem = ( n % 10000 ) as isize ; n /= 10000 ; let d1 = ( rem / 100 )<< 1 ; let d2 = ( rem % 100 )<< 1 ; curr -= 4 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d2 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr + 2 ), 2 ); } let mut n = n as isize ; if n >= 100 { let d1 = ( n % 100 )<< 1 ; n /= 100 ; curr -= 2 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); } if n < 10 { curr -= 1 ; * buf_ptr . offset ( curr )= ( n as u8 )+ b'0' ; } else { let d1 = n << 1 ; curr -= 2 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); }} let buf_slice = unsafe { str :: from_utf8_unchecked ( slice :: from_raw_parts ( buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), buf . len ()- curr as usize ))}; f . pad_integral ( is_nonnegative , "" , buf_slice )}$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl fmt :: Display for $t {# [ allow ( unused_comparisons )] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { let is_nonnegative = * self >= 0 ; let n = if is_nonnegative { self .$conv_fn ()} else {(! self .$conv_fn ()). wrapping_add ( 1 )}; $name ( n , is_nonnegative , f )}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture73 {($($t : ident ),* as $u : ident via $conv_fn : ident named $name : ident )=>{ fn $name ( mut n : $u , is_nonnegative : bool , upper : bool , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ > )-> fmt :: Result { let ( mut n , mut exponent , trailing_zeros , added_precision )= { let mut exponent = 0 ; while n % 10 == 0 && n >= 10 { n /= 10 ; exponent += 1 ; } let trailing_zeros = exponent ; let ( added_precision , subtracted_precision )= match f . precision (){ Some ( fmt_prec )=>{ let mut tmp = n ; let mut prec = 0 ; while tmp >= 10 { tmp /= 10 ; prec += 1 ; }( fmt_prec . saturating_sub ( prec ), prec . saturating_sub ( fmt_prec ))} None =>( 0 , 0 )}; for _ in 1 .. subtracted_precision { n /= 10 ; exponent += 1 ; } if subtracted_precision != 0 { let rem = n % 10 ; n /= 10 ; exponent += 1 ; if rem >= 5 { n += 1 ; }}( n , exponent , trailing_zeros , added_precision )}; let mut buf = [ MaybeUninit ::< u8 >:: uninit (); 40 ]; let mut curr = buf . len () as isize ; let buf_ptr = MaybeUninit :: slice_as_mut_ptr (& mut buf ); let lut_ptr = DEC_DIGITS_LUT . as_ptr (); while n >= 100 { let d1 = (( n % 100 ) as isize )<< 1 ; curr -= 2 ; unsafe { ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); } n /= 100 ; exponent += 2 ; } let mut n = n as isize ; if n >= 10 { curr -= 1 ; unsafe {* buf_ptr . offset ( curr )= ( n as u8 % 10_u8 )+ b'0' ; } n /= 10 ; exponent += 1 ; } if exponent != trailing_zeros || added_precision != 0 { curr -= 1 ; unsafe {* buf_ptr . offset ( curr )= b'.' ; }} let buf_slice = unsafe { curr -= 1 ; * buf_ptr . offset ( curr )= ( n as u8 )+ b'0' ; let len = buf . len ()- curr as usize ; slice :: from_raw_parts ( buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), len )}; let mut exp_buf = [ MaybeUninit ::< u8 >:: uninit (); 3 ]; let exp_ptr = MaybeUninit :: slice_as_mut_ptr (& mut exp_buf ); let exp_slice = unsafe {* exp_ptr . offset ( 0 )= if upper { b'E' } else { b'e' }; let len = if exponent < 10 {* exp_ptr . offset ( 1 )= ( exponent as u8 )+ b'0' ; 2 } else { let off = exponent << 1 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( off ), exp_ptr . offset ( 1 ), 2 ); 3 }; slice :: from_raw_parts ( exp_ptr , len )}; let parts = & [ flt2dec :: Part :: Copy ( buf_slice ), flt2dec :: Part :: Zero ( added_precision ), flt2dec :: Part :: Copy ( exp_slice )]; let sign = if ! is_nonnegative { "-" } else if f . sign_plus (){ "+" } else { "" }; let formatted = flt2dec :: Formatted { sign , parts }; f . pad_formatted_parts (& formatted )}$(# [ stable ( feature = "integer_exp_format" , since = "1.42.0" )] impl fmt :: LowerExp for $t {# [ allow ( unused_comparisons )] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { let is_nonnegative = * self >= 0 ; let n = if is_nonnegative { self .$conv_fn ()} else {(! self .$conv_fn ()). wrapping_add ( 1 )}; $name ( n , is_nonnegative , false , f )}})* $(# [ stable ( feature = "integer_exp_format" , since = "1.42.0" )] impl fmt :: UpperExp for $t {# [ allow ( unused_comparisons )] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { let is_nonnegative = * self >= 0 ; let n = if is_nonnegative { self .$conv_fn ()} else {(! self .$conv_fn ()). wrapping_add ( 1 )}; $name ( n , is_nonnegative , true , f )}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture74 {($($tr : ident ),*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized + $tr > $tr for & T { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result {$tr :: fmt (&** self , f )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T : ? Sized + $tr > $tr for & mut T { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result {$tr :: fmt (&** self , f )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture75 {()=>(); ($($name : ident ,)+ )=>(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($name : Debug ),+> Debug for ($($name ,)+) where last_type ! ($($name ,)+): ? Sized {# [ allow ( non_snake_case , unused_assignments )] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> Result { let mut builder = f . debug_tuple ( "" ); let ($(ref $name ,)+)= * self ; $(builder . field (&$name ); )+ builder . finish ()}} peel ! {$($name ,)+ })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture76 {($(($ty : ident , $meth : ident ),)*)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Hash for $ty { fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , state : & mut H ){ state .$meth (* self )} fn hash_slice < H : Hasher > ( data : & [$ty ], state : & mut H ){ let newlen = data . len ()* mem :: size_of ::<$ty > (); let ptr = data . as_ptr () as * const u8 ; state . write ( unsafe { slice :: from_raw_parts ( ptr , newlen )})}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture77 {()=>(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Hash for (){ fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , _state : & mut H ){}}); ($($name : ident )+)=>(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($name : Hash ),+> Hash for ($($name ,)+) where last_type ! ($($name ,)+): ? Sized {# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] fn hash < S : Hasher > (& self , state : & mut S ){ let ($(ref $name ,)+)= * self ; $($name . hash ( state );)+ }}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture78 {($([$($p : tt )*]$t : ty ,)*)=>{$(impl <$($p )*> AlwaysApplicableOrd for $t {})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture79 {($traitname : ident , $($ty : ty )*)=>{$(impl $traitname <$ty > for $ty {})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture80 {( struct $name : ident -> $ptr : ty , $elem : ty , $raw_mut : tt , {$($mut_ : tt )?}, {$($extra : tt )*})=>{ macro_rules ! next_unchecked {($self : ident )=>{& $($mut_ )? *$self . post_inc_start ( 1 )}} macro_rules ! next_back_unchecked {($self : ident )=>{& $($mut_ )? *$self . pre_dec_end ( 1 )}} macro_rules ! zst_shrink {($self : ident , $n : ident )=>{$self . end = ($self . end as * $raw_mut u8 ). wrapping_offset (-$n ) as * $raw_mut T ; }} impl < 'a , T > $name < 'a , T > {# [ inline ( always )] fn make_slice (& self )-> & 'a [ T ]{ unsafe { from_raw_parts ( self . ptr . as_ptr (), len ! ( self ))}}# [ inline ( always )] unsafe fn post_inc_start (& mut self , offset : isize )-> * $raw_mut T { if mem :: size_of ::< T > ()== 0 { zst_shrink ! ( self , offset ); self . ptr . as_ptr ()} else { let old = self . ptr . as_ptr (); self . ptr = unsafe { NonNull :: new_unchecked ( self . ptr . as_ptr (). offset ( offset ))}; old }}# [ inline ( always )] unsafe fn pre_dec_end (& mut self , offset : isize )-> * $raw_mut T { if mem :: size_of ::< T > ()== 0 { zst_shrink ! ( self , offset ); self . ptr . as_ptr ()} else { self . end = unsafe { self . end . offset (- offset )}; self . end }}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < T > ExactSizeIterator for $name < '_ , T > {# [ inline ( always )] fn len (& self )-> usize { len ! ( self )}# [ inline ( always )] fn is_empty (& self )-> bool { is_empty ! ( self )}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < 'a , T > Iterator for $name < 'a , T > { type Item = $elem ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option <$elem > { unsafe { assume (! self . ptr . as_ptr (). is_null ()); if mem :: size_of ::< T > ()!= 0 { assume (! self . end . is_null ()); } if is_empty ! ( self ){ None } else { Some ( next_unchecked ! ( self ))}}}# [ inline ] fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ let exact = len ! ( self ); ( exact , Some ( exact ))}# [ inline ] fn count ( self )-> usize { len ! ( self )}# [ inline ] fn nth (& mut self , n : usize )-> Option <$elem > { if n >= len ! ( self ){ if mem :: size_of ::< T > ()== 0 { self . end = self . ptr . as_ptr (); } else { unsafe { self . ptr = NonNull :: new_unchecked ( self . end as * mut T ); }} return None ; } unsafe { self . post_inc_start ( n as isize ); Some ( next_unchecked ! ( self ))}}# [ inline ] fn last ( mut self )-> Option <$elem > { self . next_back ()}# [ inline ] fn for_each < F > ( mut self , mut f : F ) where Self : Sized , F : FnMut ( Self :: Item ), { while let Some ( x )= self . next (){ f ( x ); }}# [ inline ] fn all < F > (& mut self , mut f : F )-> bool where Self : Sized , F : FnMut ( Self :: Item )-> bool , { while let Some ( x )= self . next (){ if ! f ( x ){ return false ; }} true }# [ inline ] fn any < F > (& mut self , mut f : F )-> bool where Self : Sized , F : FnMut ( Self :: Item )-> bool , { while let Some ( x )= self . next (){ if f ( x ){ return true ; }} false }# [ inline ] fn find < P > (& mut self , mut predicate : P )-> Option < Self :: Item > where Self : Sized , P : FnMut (& Self :: Item )-> bool , { while let Some ( x )= self . next (){ if predicate (& x ){ return Some ( x ); }} None }# [ inline ] fn find_map < B , F > (& mut self , mut f : F )-> Option < B > where Self : Sized , F : FnMut ( Self :: Item )-> Option < B >, { while let Some ( x )= self . next (){ if let Some ( y )= f ( x ){ return Some ( y ); }} None }# [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn position < P > (& mut self , mut predicate : P )-> Option < usize > where Self : Sized , P : FnMut ( Self :: Item )-> bool , { let n = len ! ( self ); let mut i = 0 ; while let Some ( x )= self . next (){ if predicate ( x ){ unsafe { assume ( i < n )}; return Some ( i ); } i += 1 ; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture81 {($name : ident : $elem : ident , $iter_of : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl < 'a , $elem , P > Iterator for $name < 'a , $elem , P > where P : FnMut (& T )-> bool , { type Item = $iter_of ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option <$iter_of > { self . inner . next ()}# [ inline ] fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . inner . size_hint ()}}# [ stable ( feature = "fused" , since = "1.26.0" )] impl < 'a , $elem , P > FusedIterator for $name < 'a , $elem , P > where P : FnMut (& T )-> bool {}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture82 {( clone $t : ident with |$s : ident | $e : expr )=>{ impl < 'a , P > Clone for $t < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : Clone >, { fn clone (& self )-> Self { let $s = self ; $e }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture83 {{ forward : $(# [$forward_iterator_attribute : meta ])* struct $forward_iterator : ident ; reverse : $(# [$reverse_iterator_attribute : meta ])* struct $reverse_iterator : ident ; stability : $(# [$common_stability_attribute : meta ])* internal : $internal_iterator : ident yielding ($iterty : ty ); delegate $($t : tt )* }=>{$(# [$forward_iterator_attribute ])* $(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* pub struct $forward_iterator < 'a , P : Pattern < 'a >> ( pub ( super )$internal_iterator < 'a , P >); $(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > fmt :: Debug for $forward_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : fmt :: Debug >, { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { f . debug_tuple ( stringify ! ($forward_iterator )). field (& self . 0 ). finish ()}}$(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P : Pattern < 'a >> Iterator for $forward_iterator < 'a , P > { type Item = $iterty ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option <$iterty > { self . 0 . next ()}}$(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > Clone for $forward_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : Clone >, { fn clone (& self )-> Self {$forward_iterator ( self . 0 . clone ())}}$(# [$reverse_iterator_attribute ])* $(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* pub struct $reverse_iterator < 'a , P : Pattern < 'a >> ( pub ( super )$internal_iterator < 'a , P >); $(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > fmt :: Debug for $reverse_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : fmt :: Debug >, { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { f . debug_tuple ( stringify ! ($reverse_iterator )). field (& self . 0 ). finish ()}}$(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > Iterator for $reverse_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : ReverseSearcher < 'a >>, { type Item = $iterty ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option <$iterty > { self . 0 . next_back ()}}$(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > Clone for $reverse_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : Clone >, { fn clone (& self )-> Self {$reverse_iterator ( self . 0 . clone ())}}# [ stable ( feature = "fused" , since = "1.26.0" )] impl < 'a , P : Pattern < 'a >> FusedIterator for $forward_iterator < 'a , P > {}# [ stable ( feature = "fused" , since = "1.26.0" )] impl < 'a , P > FusedIterator for $reverse_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : ReverseSearcher < 'a >>, {} generate_pattern_iterators ! ($($t )* with $(# [$common_stability_attribute ])*, $forward_iterator , $reverse_iterator , $iterty ); }; { double ended ; with $(# [$common_stability_attribute : meta ])*, $forward_iterator : ident , $reverse_iterator : ident , $iterty : ty }=>{$(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > DoubleEndedIterator for $forward_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : DoubleEndedSearcher < 'a >>, {# [ inline ] fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option <$iterty > { self . 0 . next_back ()}}$(# [$common_stability_attribute ])* impl < 'a , P > DoubleEndedIterator for $reverse_iterator < 'a , P > where P : Pattern < 'a , Searcher : DoubleEndedSearcher < 'a >>, {# [ inline ] fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option <$iterty > { self . 0 . next ()}}}; { single ended ; with $(# [$common_stability_attribute : meta ])*, $forward_iterator : ident , $reverse_iterator : ident , $iterty : ty }=>{}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture84 {($($Name : ident ),+)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "str_escape" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl < 'a > fmt :: Display for $Name < 'a > { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { self . clone (). try_for_each (| c | f . write_char ( c ))}}# [ stable ( feature = "str_escape" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl < 'a > Iterator for $Name < 'a > { type Item = char ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option < char > { self . inner . next ()}# [ inline ] fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . inner . size_hint ()}# [ inline ] fn try_fold < Acc , Fold , R > (& mut self , init : Acc , fold : Fold )-> R where Self : Sized , Fold : FnMut ( Acc , Self :: Item )-> R , R : Try < Ok = Acc >{ self . inner . try_fold ( init , fold )}# [ inline ] fn fold < Acc , Fold > ( self , init : Acc , fold : Fold )-> Acc where Fold : FnMut ( Acc , Self :: Item )-> Acc , { self . inner . fold ( init , fold )}}# [ stable ( feature = "str_escape" , since = "1.34.0" )] impl < 'a > FusedIterator for $Name < 'a > {})+}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture85 {($($(# [$attr : meta ])* struct $Name : ident impl $(<$($lifetime : lifetime ),+> )? Fn = |$($arg : ident : $ArgTy : ty ),*| -> $ReturnTy : ty $body : block ; )+)=>{$($(# [$attr ])* struct $Name ; impl $(<$($lifetime ),+> )? Fn < ($($ArgTy , )*)> for $Name {# [ inline ] extern "rust-call" fn call (& self , ($($arg , )*): ($($ArgTy , )*))-> $ReturnTy {$body }} impl $(<$($lifetime ),+> )? FnMut < ($($ArgTy , )*)> for $Name {# [ inline ] extern "rust-call" fn call_mut (& mut self , ($($arg , )*): ($($ArgTy , )*))-> $ReturnTy { Fn :: call (&* self , ($($arg , )*))}} impl $(<$($lifetime ),+> )? FnOnce < ($($ArgTy , )*)> for $Name { type Output = $ReturnTy ; # [ inline ] extern "rust-call" fn call_once ( self , ($($arg , )*): ($($ArgTy , )*))-> $ReturnTy { Fn :: call (& self , ($($arg , )*))}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture86 {($($Tuple : ident {$(($idx : tt )-> $T : ident )+ })+)=>{$(# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($T : PartialEq ),+> PartialEq for ($($T ,)+) where last_type ! ($($T ,)+): ? Sized {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> bool {$(self .$idx == other .$idx )&&+ }# [ inline ] fn ne (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> bool {$(self .$idx != other .$idx )||+ }}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($T : Eq ),+> Eq for ($($T ,)+) where last_type ! ($($T ,)+): ? Sized {}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($T : PartialOrd + PartialEq ),+> PartialOrd for ($($T ,)+) where last_type ! ($($T ,)+): ? Sized {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> Option < Ordering > { lexical_partial_cmp ! ($(self .$idx , other .$idx ),+)}# [ inline ] fn lt (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> bool { lexical_ord ! ( lt , $(self .$idx , other .$idx ),+)}# [ inline ] fn le (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> bool { lexical_ord ! ( le , $(self .$idx , other .$idx ),+)}# [ inline ] fn ge (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> bool { lexical_ord ! ( ge , $(self .$idx , other .$idx ),+)}# [ inline ] fn gt (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> bool { lexical_ord ! ( gt , $(self .$idx , other .$idx ),+)}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($T : Ord ),+> Ord for ($($T ,)+) where last_type ! ($($T ,)+): ? Sized {# [ inline ] fn cmp (& self , other : & ($($T ,)+))-> Ordering { lexical_cmp ! ($(self .$idx , other .$idx ),+)}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl <$($T : Default ),+> Default for ($($T ,)+){# [ inline ] fn default ()-> ($($T ,)+){($({let x : $T = Default :: default (); x },)+)}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture87 {($x : expr , $($tt : tt )*)=>{# [ doc = $x ]$($tt )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture88 {($x : expr , $($tt : tt )*)=>{# [ doc = $x ]$($tt )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture89 {(# [$stability : meta ]($($Trait : ident ),+ ) for $Ty : ident )=>{$(# [$stability ] impl fmt ::$Trait for $Ty {# [ inline ] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { self . get (). fmt ( f )}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture90 {($t : ident , $f : ident )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Shl <$f > for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn shl ( self , other : $f )-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_shl (( other & self :: shift_max ::$t as $f ) as u32 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Shl , shl for Wrapping <$t >, $f , # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref_ops" , since = "1.39.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl ShlAssign <$f > for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn shl_assign (& mut self , other : $f ){* self = * self << other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl ShlAssign , shl_assign for Wrapping <$t >, $f }# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Shr <$f > for Wrapping <$t > { type Output = Wrapping <$t >; # [ inline ] fn shr ( self , other : $f )-> Wrapping <$t > { Wrapping ( self . 0 . wrapping_shr (( other & self :: shift_max ::$t as $f ) as u32 ))}} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Shr , shr for Wrapping <$t >, $f , # [ stable ( feature = "wrapping_ref_ops" , since = "1.39.0" )]}# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl ShrAssign <$f > for Wrapping <$t > {# [ inline ] fn shr_assign (& mut self , other : $f ){* self = * self >> other ; }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl ShrAssign , shr_assign for Wrapping <$t >, $f }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture91 {( impl $imp : ident , $method : ident for $t : ty , $u : ty )=>{ forward_ref_binop ! ( impl $imp , $method for $t , $u , # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]); }; ( impl $imp : ident , $method : ident for $t : ty , $u : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{# [$attr ] impl < 'a > $imp <$u > for & 'a $t { type Output = <$t as $imp <$u >>:: Output ; # [ inline ] fn $method ( self , other : $u )-> <$t as $imp <$u >>:: Output {$imp ::$method (* self , other )}}# [$attr ] impl $imp <&$u > for $t { type Output = <$t as $imp <$u >>:: Output ; # [ inline ] fn $method ( self , other : &$u )-> <$t as $imp <$u >>:: Output {$imp ::$method ( self , * other )}}# [$attr ] impl $imp <&$u > for &$t { type Output = <$t as $imp <$u >>:: Output ; # [ inline ] fn $method ( self , other : &$u )-> <$t as $imp <$u >>:: Output {$imp ::$method (* self , * other )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture92 {( impl $imp : ident , $method : ident for $t : ty , $u : ty )=>{ forward_ref_op_assign ! ( impl $imp , $method for $t , $u , # [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_builtins_by_ref" , since = "1.22.0" )]); }; ( impl $imp : ident , $method : ident for $t : ty , $u : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{# [$attr ] impl $imp <&$u > for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& mut self , other : &$u ){$imp ::$method ( self , * other ); }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture93 {( impl $imp : ident , $method : ident for $t : ty )=>{ forward_ref_unop ! ( impl $imp , $method for $t , # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]); }; ( impl $imp : ident , $method : ident for $t : ty , # [$attr : meta ])=>{# [$attr ] impl $imp for &$t { type Output = <$t as $imp >:: Output ; # [ inline ] fn $method ( self )-> <$t as $imp >:: Output {$imp ::$method (* self )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture94 {($FnTy : ty , $($Arg : ident ),*)=>{# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> PartialEq for $FnTy {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : & Self )-> bool {* self as usize == * other as usize }}# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> Eq for $FnTy {}# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> PartialOrd for $FnTy {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : & Self )-> Option < Ordering > {(* self as usize ). partial_cmp (& (* other as usize ))}}# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> Ord for $FnTy {# [ inline ] fn cmp (& self , other : & Self )-> Ordering {(* self as usize ). cmp (& (* other as usize ))}}# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> hash :: Hash for $FnTy { fn hash < HH : hash :: Hasher > (& self , state : & mut HH ){ state . write_usize (* self as usize )}}# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> fmt :: Pointer for $FnTy { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { fmt :: Pointer :: fmt (& (* self as usize as * const ()), f )}}# [ stable ( feature = "fnptr_impls" , since = "1.4.0" )] impl < Ret , $($Arg ),*> fmt :: Debug for $FnTy { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { fmt :: Pointer :: fmt (& (* self as usize as * const ()), f )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture95 {($t : ty , $f : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Shl <$f > for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn shl ( self , other : $f )-> $t { self << other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Shl , shl for $t , $f }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture96 {($t : ty , $f : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl Shr <$f > for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn shr ( self , other : $f )-> $t { self >> other }} forward_ref_binop ! { impl Shr , shr for $t , $f }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture97 {($t : ty , $f : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl ShlAssign <$f > for $t {# [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn shl_assign (& mut self , other : $f ){* self <<= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl ShlAssign , shl_assign for $t , $f }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture98 {($t : ty , $f : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "op_assign_traits" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl ShrAssign <$f > for $t {# [ inline ]# [ rustc_inherit_overflow_checks ] fn shr_assign (& mut self , other : $f ){* self >>= other }} forward_ref_op_assign ! { impl ShrAssign , shr_assign for $t , $f }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture99 {( fmt ::$Trait : ident for $T : ident as $U : ident -> $Radix : ident )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] impl fmt ::$Trait for $T { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result {$Radix . fmt_int (* self as $U , f )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture100 {($name : ident , $($other : ident ,)*)=>( tuple ! {$($other ,)* })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture101 {{ unsafe fn $name : ident : $adjacent_kv : ident }=>{# [ doc = " Given a leaf edge handle into an owned tree, returns a handle to the next KV," ]# [ doc = " while deallocating any node left behind yet leaving the corresponding edge" ]# [ doc = " in its parent node dangling." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Safety" ]# [ doc = " - The leaf edge must not be the last one in the direction travelled." ]# [ doc = " - The node carrying the next KV returned must not have been deallocated by a" ]# [ doc = " previous call on any handle obtained for this tree." ] unsafe fn $name < K , V > ( leaf_edge : Handle < NodeRef < marker :: Owned , K , V , marker :: Leaf >, marker :: Edge >, )-> Handle < NodeRef < marker :: Owned , K , V , marker :: LeafOrInternal >, marker :: KV > { let mut edge = leaf_edge . forget_node_type (); loop { edge = match edge .$adjacent_kv (){ Ok ( internal_kv )=> return internal_kv , Err ( last_edge )=>{ unsafe { let parent_edge = last_edge . into_node (). deallocate_and_ascend (); unwrap_unchecked ( parent_edge ). forget_node_type ()}}}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture102 {([$($vars : tt )*]$lhs : ty , $rhs : ty , $($constraints : tt )*)=>{# [ stable ( feature = "vec_deque_partial_eq_slice" , since = "1.17.0" )] impl < A , B , $($vars )*> PartialEq <$rhs > for $lhs where A : PartialEq < B >, $($constraints )* { fn eq (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool { if self . len ()!= other . len (){ return false ; } let ( sa , sb )= self . as_slices (); let ( oa , ob )= other [..]. split_at ( sa . len ()); sa == oa && sb == ob }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture103 {($lhs : ty , $rhs : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ allow ( unused_lifetimes )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool { PartialEq :: eq (& self [..], & other [..])}# [ inline ] fn ne (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool { PartialEq :: ne (& self [..], & other [..])}}# [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ allow ( unused_lifetimes )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$lhs )-> bool { PartialEq :: eq (& self [..], & other [..])}# [ inline ] fn ne (& self , other : &$lhs )-> bool { PartialEq :: ne (& self [..], & other [..])}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture104 {($t : ty , $is_zero : expr )=>{ unsafe impl IsZero for $t {# [ inline ] fn is_zero (& self )-> bool {$is_zero (* self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture105 {([$($vars : tt )*]$lhs : ty , $rhs : ty $(where $ty : ty : $bound : ident )?, # [$stability : meta ])=>{# [$stability ] impl < A , B , $($vars )*> PartialEq <$rhs > for $lhs where A : PartialEq < B >, $($ty : $bound )? {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool { self [..]== other [..]}# [ inline ] fn ne (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool { self [..]!= other [..]}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture106 {('owned : $($oty : ident ,)* 'interned : $($ity : ident ,)* )=>{# [ repr ( C )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub struct HandleCounters {$($oty : AtomicUsize ,)* $($ity : AtomicUsize ,)* } impl HandleCounters { extern "C" fn get ()-> & 'static Self { static COUNTERS : HandleCounters = HandleCounters {$($oty : AtomicUsize :: new ( 1 ),)* $($ity : AtomicUsize :: new ( 1 ),)* }; & COUNTERS }}# [ repr ( C )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub ( super ) struct HandleStore < S : server :: Types > {$($oty : handle :: OwnedStore < S ::$oty >,)* $($ity : handle :: InternedStore < S ::$ity >,)* } impl < S : server :: Types > HandleStore < S > { pub ( super ) fn new ( handle_counters : & 'static HandleCounters )-> Self { HandleStore {$($oty : handle :: OwnedStore :: new (& handle_counters .$oty ),)* $($ity : handle :: InternedStore :: new (& handle_counters .$ity ),)* }}}$(# [ repr ( C )] pub ( crate ) struct $oty ( handle :: Handle ); impl ! Send for $oty {} impl ! Sync for $oty {} impl Drop for $oty { fn drop (& mut self ){$oty ( self . 0 ). drop (); }} impl < S > Encode < S > for $oty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ let handle = self . 0 ; mem :: forget ( self ); handle . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S : server :: Types > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>)-> Self { s .$oty . take ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ()))}} impl < S > Encode < S > for &$oty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ self . 0 . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S : server :: Types > Decode < '_ , 's , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for & 's Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & 's HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>)-> Self {& s .$oty [ handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ())]}} impl < S > Encode < S > for & mut $oty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ self . 0 . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S : server :: Types > DecodeMut < '_ , 's , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for & 's mut Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & 's mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >> )-> Self {& mut s .$oty [ handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ())]}} impl < S : server :: Types > Encode < HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>){ s .$oty . alloc ( self ). encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $oty { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut S )-> Self {$oty ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , s ))}})* $(# [ repr ( C )]# [ derive ( Copy , Clone , PartialEq , Eq , Hash )] pub ( crate ) struct $ity ( handle :: Handle ); impl ! Send for $ity {} impl ! Sync for $ity {} impl < S > Encode < S > for $ity { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ self . 0 . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S : server :: Types > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$ity , $ity > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>)-> Self { s .$ity . copy ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ()))}} impl < S : server :: Types > Encode < HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$ity , $ity > { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>){ s .$ity . alloc ( self ). encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $ity { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut S )-> Self {$ity ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , s ))}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture107 {($S : ident , $self : ident , $m : ident )=>{$m ! { FreeFunctions { fn drop ($self : $S :: FreeFunctions ); fn track_env_var ( var : & str , value : Option <& str >); }, TokenStream { fn drop ($self : $S :: TokenStream ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: TokenStream )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn new ()-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn is_empty ($self : &$S :: TokenStream )-> bool ; fn from_str ( src : & str )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn to_string ($self : &$S :: TokenStream )-> String ; fn from_token_tree ( tree : TokenTree <$S :: Group , $S :: Punct , $S :: Ident , $S :: Literal >, )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn into_iter ($self : $S :: TokenStream )-> $S :: TokenStreamIter ; }, TokenStreamBuilder { fn drop ($self : $S :: TokenStreamBuilder ); fn new ()-> $S :: TokenStreamBuilder ; fn push ($self : & mut $S :: TokenStreamBuilder , stream : $S :: TokenStream ); fn build ($self : $S :: TokenStreamBuilder )-> $S :: TokenStream ; }, TokenStreamIter { fn drop ($self : $S :: TokenStreamIter ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: TokenStreamIter )-> $S :: TokenStreamIter ; fn next ($self : & mut $S :: TokenStreamIter , )-> Option < TokenTree <$S :: Group , $S :: Punct , $S :: Ident , $S :: Literal >>; }, Group { fn drop ($self : $S :: Group ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Group ; fn new ( delimiter : Delimiter , stream : $S :: TokenStream )-> $S :: Group ; fn delimiter ($self : &$S :: Group )-> Delimiter ; fn stream ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn span ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Span ; fn span_open ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Span ; fn span_close ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Span ; fn set_span ($self : & mut $S :: Group , span : $S :: Span ); }, Punct { fn new ( ch : char , spacing : Spacing )-> $S :: Punct ; fn as_char ($self : $S :: Punct )-> char ; fn spacing ($self : $S :: Punct )-> Spacing ; fn span ($self : $S :: Punct )-> $S :: Span ; fn with_span ($self : $S :: Punct , span : $S :: Span )-> $S :: Punct ; }, Ident { fn new ( string : & str , span : $S :: Span , is_raw : bool )-> $S :: Ident ; fn span ($self : $S :: Ident )-> $S :: Span ; fn with_span ($self : $S :: Ident , span : $S :: Span )-> $S :: Ident ; }, Literal { fn drop ($self : $S :: Literal ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> $S :: Literal ; fn debug_kind ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> String ; fn symbol ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> String ; fn suffix ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> Option < String >; fn integer ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn typed_integer ( n : & str , kind : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn float ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn f32 ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn f64 ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn string ( string : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn character ( ch : char )-> $S :: Literal ; fn byte_string ( bytes : & [ u8 ])-> $S :: Literal ; fn span ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> $S :: Span ; fn set_span ($self : & mut $S :: Literal , span : $S :: Span ); fn subspan ($self : &$S :: Literal , start : Bound < usize >, end : Bound < usize >, )-> Option <$S :: Span >; }, SourceFile { fn drop ($self : $S :: SourceFile ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: SourceFile )-> $S :: SourceFile ; fn eq ($self : &$S :: SourceFile , other : &$S :: SourceFile )-> bool ; fn path ($self : &$S :: SourceFile )-> String ; fn is_real ($self : &$S :: SourceFile )-> bool ; }, MultiSpan { fn drop ($self : $S :: MultiSpan ); fn new ()-> $S :: MultiSpan ; fn push ($self : & mut $S :: MultiSpan , span : $S :: Span ); }, Diagnostic { fn drop ($self : $S :: Diagnostic ); fn new ( level : Level , msg : & str , span : $S :: MultiSpan )-> $S :: Diagnostic ; fn sub ($self : & mut $S :: Diagnostic , level : Level , msg : & str , span : $S :: MultiSpan , ); fn emit ($self : $S :: Diagnostic ); }, Span { fn debug ($self : $S :: Span )-> String ; fn def_site
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture108 {( le $ty : ty )=>{ impl < S > Encode < S > for $ty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , _: & mut S ){ w . write_all (& self . to_le_bytes ()). unwrap (); }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $ty { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, _: & mut S )-> Self { const N : usize = :: std :: mem :: size_of ::<$ty > (); let mut bytes = [ 0 ; N ]; bytes . copy_from_slice (& r [.. N ]); * r = & r [ N ..]; Self :: from_le_bytes ( bytes )}}}; ( struct $name : ident {$($field : ident ),* $(,)? })=>{ impl < S > Encode < S > for $name { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){$(self .$field . encode ( w , s );)* }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $name { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut S )-> Self {$name {$($field : DecodeMut :: decode ( r , s )),* }}}}; ( enum $name : ident $(<$($T : ident ),+>)? {$($variant : ident $(($field : ident ))*),* $(,)? })=>{ impl < S , $($($T : Encode < S >),+)?> Encode < S > for $name $(<$($T ),+>)? { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){# [ allow ( non_upper_case_globals )] mod tag {# [ repr ( u8 )] enum Tag {$($variant ),* }$(pub const $variant : u8 = Tag ::$variant as u8 ;)* } match self {$($name ::$variant $(($field ))* =>{ tag ::$variant . encode ( w , s ); $($field . encode ( w , s );)* })* }}} impl < S , $($($T : for < 's > DecodeMut < 'a , 's , S >),+)?> DecodeMut < 'a , '_ , S > for $name $(<$($T ),+>)? { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < 'a >, s : & mut S )-> Self {# [ allow ( non_upper_case_globals )] mod tag {# [ repr ( u8 )] enum Tag {$($variant ),* }$(pub const $variant : u8 = Tag ::$variant as u8 ;)* } match u8 :: decode ( r , s ){$(tag ::$variant =>{$(let $field = DecodeMut :: decode ( r , s );)* $name ::$variant $(($field ))* })* _ => unreachable ! (), }}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture109 {($($ty : ty ),* $(,)?)=>{$(impl Mark for $ty { type Unmarked = Self ; fn mark ( unmarked : Self :: Unmarked )-> Self { unmarked }} impl Unmark for $ty { type Unmarked = Self ; fn unmark ( self )-> Self :: Unmarked { self }})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture110 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )*;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{$(impl $name {$(pub ( crate ) fn $method ($($arg : $arg_ty ),*)$(-> $ret_ty )* { Bridge :: with (| bridge | { let mut b = bridge . cached_buffer . take (); b . clear (); api_tags :: Method ::$name ( api_tags ::$name ::$method ). encode (& mut b , & mut ()); reverse_encode ! ( b ; $($arg ),*); b = bridge . dispatch . call ( b ); let r = Result ::<_, PanicMessage >:: decode (& mut & b [..], & mut ()); bridge . cached_buffer = b ; r . unwrap_or_else (| e | panic :: resume_unwind ( e . into ()))})})* })* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture111 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )?;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{ pub trait Types {$(associated_item ! ( type $name );)* }$(pub trait $name : Types {$(associated_item ! ( fn $method (& mut self , $($arg : $arg_ty ),*)$(-> $ret_ty )?);)* })* pub trait Server : Types $(+ $name )* {} impl < S : Types $(+ $name )*> Server for S {}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture112 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )?;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{ impl < S : Types > Types for MarkedTypes < S > {$(type $name = Marked < S ::$name , client ::$name >;)* }$(impl < S : $name > $name for MarkedTypes < S > {$(fn $method (& mut self , $($arg : $arg_ty ),*)$(-> $ret_ty )? {<_>:: mark ($name ::$method (& mut self . 0 , $($arg . unmark ()),*))})* })* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture113 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )?;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{ pub trait DispatcherTrait {$(type $name ;)* fn dispatch (& mut self , b : Buffer < u8 >)-> Buffer < u8 >; } impl < S : Server > DispatcherTrait for Dispatcher < MarkedTypes < S >> {$(type $name = < MarkedTypes < S > as Types >::$name ;)* fn dispatch (& mut self , mut b : Buffer < u8 >)-> Buffer < u8 > { let Dispatcher { handle_store , server }= self ; let mut reader = & b [..]; match api_tags :: Method :: decode (& mut reader , & mut ()){$(api_tags :: Method ::$name ( m )=> match m {$(api_tags ::$name ::$method =>{ let mut call_method = || { reverse_decode ! ( reader , handle_store ; $($arg : $arg_ty ),*); $name ::$method ( server , $($arg ),*)}; let r = if thread :: panicking (){ Ok ( call_method ())} else { panic :: catch_unwind ( panic :: AssertUnwindSafe ( call_method )). map_err ( PanicMessage :: from )}; b . clear (); r . encode (& mut b , handle_store ); })* }),* } b }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture114 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )*;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{$(pub ( super ) enum $name {$($method ),* } rpc_encode_decode ! ( enum $name {$($method ),* }); )* pub ( super ) enum Method {$($name ($name )),* } rpc_encode_decode ! ( enum Method {$($name ( m )),* }); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture115 {($(if # [ cfg ($meta : meta )]{$($tokens : tt )* }) else * else {$($tokens2 : tt )* })=>{$crate :: cfg_if ! {@ __items (); $((($meta )($($tokens )*)), )* (()($($tokens2 )*)), }}; ( if # [ cfg ($i_met : meta )]{$($i_tokens : tt )* }$(else if # [ cfg ($e_met : meta )]{$($e_tokens : tt )* })* )=>{$crate :: cfg_if ! {@ __items (); (($i_met )($($i_tokens )*)), $((($e_met )($($e_tokens )*)), )* (()()), }}; (@ __items ($($not : meta ,)*); )=>{}; (@ __items ($($not : meta ,)*); (($($m : meta ),*)($($tokens : tt )*)), $($rest : tt )*)=>{# [ cfg ( all ($($m ,)* not ( any ($($not ),*))))]$crate :: cfg_if ! {@ __identity $($tokens )* }$crate :: cfg_if ! {@ __items ($($not ,)* $($m ,)*); $($rest )* }}; (@ __identity $($tokens : tt )*)=>{$($tokens )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture116 {($lhs : ty , $rhs : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_os_str" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool {< OsStr as PartialEq >:: eq ( self , other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_os_str" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$lhs )-> bool {< OsStr as PartialEq >:: eq ( self , other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_os_str" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialOrd <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$rhs )-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > {< OsStr as PartialOrd >:: partial_cmp ( self , other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_os_str" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialOrd <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$lhs )-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > {< OsStr as PartialOrd >:: partial_cmp ( self , other )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture117 {()=>{}; ($(# [$attr : meta ])* $vis : vis static $name : ident : $t : ty = $init : expr ; $($rest : tt )*)=>($crate :: __thread_local_inner ! ($(# [$attr ])* $vis $name , $t , $init ); $crate :: thread_local ! ($($rest )*); ); ($(# [$attr : meta ])* $vis : vis static $name : ident : $t : ty = $init : expr )=>($crate :: __thread_local_inner ! ($(# [$attr ])* $vis $name , $t , $init ); ); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture118 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(impl ReadNumberHelper for $t { const ZERO : Self = 0 ; # [ inline ] fn checked_mul (& self , other : u32 )-> Option < Self > { Self :: checked_mul (* self , other . try_into (). ok ()?)}# [ inline ] fn checked_add (& self , other : u32 )-> Option < Self > { Self :: checked_add (* self , other . try_into (). ok ()?)}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture119 {($lhs : ty , $rhs : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "partialeq_path" , since = "1.6.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool {< Path as PartialEq >:: eq ( self , other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "partialeq_path" , since = "1.6.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$lhs )-> bool {< Path as PartialEq >:: eq ( self , other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_path" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialOrd <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$rhs )-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > {< Path as PartialOrd >:: partial_cmp ( self , other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_path" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialOrd <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$lhs )-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > {< Path as PartialOrd >:: partial_cmp ( self , other )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture120 {($lhs : ty , $rhs : ty )=>{# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_path" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$rhs )-> bool {< Path as PartialEq >:: eq ( self , other . as_ref ())}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_path" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialEq <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn eq (& self , other : &$lhs )-> bool {< Path as PartialEq >:: eq ( self . as_ref (), other )}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_path" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialOrd <$rhs > for $lhs {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$rhs )-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > {< Path as PartialOrd >:: partial_cmp ( self , other . as_ref ())}}# [ stable ( feature = "cmp_path" , since = "1.8.0" )] impl < 'a , 'b > PartialOrd <$lhs > for $rhs {# [ inline ] fn partial_cmp (& self , other : &$lhs )-> Option < cmp :: Ordering > {< Path as PartialOrd >:: partial_cmp ( self . as_ref (), other )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture121 {(@ key $t : ty , $init : expr )=>{{# [ inline ] fn __init ()-> $t {$init } unsafe fn __getit ()-> $crate :: option :: Option <& 'static $t > {# [ cfg ( all ( target_arch = "wasm32" , not ( target_feature = "atomics" )))] static __KEY : $crate :: thread :: __StaticLocalKeyInner <$t > = $crate :: thread :: __StaticLocalKeyInner :: new (); # [ thread_local ]# [ cfg ( all ( target_thread_local , not ( all ( target_arch = "wasm32" , not ( target_feature = "atomics" ))), ))] static __KEY : $crate :: thread :: __FastLocalKeyInner <$t > = $crate :: thread :: __FastLocalKeyInner :: new (); # [ cfg ( all ( not ( target_thread_local ), not ( all ( target_arch = "wasm32" , not ( target_feature = "atomics" ))), ))] static __KEY : $crate :: thread :: __OsLocalKeyInner <$t > = $crate :: thread :: __OsLocalKeyInner :: new (); # [ allow ( unused_unsafe )] unsafe { __KEY . get ( __init )}} unsafe {$crate :: thread :: LocalKey :: new ( __getit )}}}; ($(# [$attr : meta ])* $vis : vis $name : ident , $t : ty , $init : expr )=>{$(# [$attr ])* $vis const $name : $crate :: thread :: LocalKey <$t > = $crate :: __thread_local_inner ! (@ key $t , $init ); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture122 {({$($then_tt : tt )* } else {$($else_tt : tt )* })=>{ cfg_if :: cfg_if ! { if # [ cfg ( all ( target_os = "linux" , target_env = "gnu" ))]{$($then_tt )* } else {$($else_tt )* }}}; ($($block_inner : tt )*)=>{# [ cfg ( all ( target_os = "linux" , target_env = "gnu" ))]{$($block_inner )* }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture123 {($($t : ident )*)=>($(impl IsMinusOne for $t { fn is_minus_one (& self )-> bool {* self == - 1 }})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture124 {($(if # [ cfg ($($meta : meta ),*)]{$($it : item )* }) else * else {$($it2 : item )* })=>{ cfg_if ! {@ __items (); $((($($meta ),*)($($it )*)), )* (()($($it2 )*)), }}; ( if # [ cfg ($($i_met : meta ),*)]{$($i_it : item )* }$(else if # [ cfg ($($e_met : meta ),*)]{$($e_it : item )* })* )=>{ cfg_if ! {@ __items (); (($($i_met ),*)($($i_it )*)), $((($($e_met ),*)($($e_it )*)), )* (()()), }}; (@ __items ($($not : meta ,)*); )=>{}; (@ __items ($($not : meta ,)*); (($($m : meta ),*)($($it : item )*)), $($rest : tt )*)=>{ cfg_if ! {@ __apply cfg ( all ($($m ,)* not ( any ($($not ),*)))), $($it )* } cfg_if ! {@ __items ($($not ,)* $($m ,)*); $($rest )* }}; (@ __apply $m : meta , $($it : item )*)=>{$(# [$m ]$it )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture125 {($bench_macro : ident , $bench_ahash_serial : ident , $bench_std_serial : ident , $bench_ahash_highbits : ident , $bench_std_highbits : ident , $bench_ahash_random : ident , $bench_std_random : ident )=>{$bench_macro ! ($bench_ahash_serial , AHashMap , 0 ..); $bench_macro ! ($bench_std_serial , StdHashMap , 0 ..); $bench_macro ! ($bench_ahash_highbits , AHashMap , ( 0 ..). map ( usize :: swap_bytes )); $bench_macro ! ($bench_std_highbits , StdHashMap , ( 0 ..). map ( usize :: swap_bytes )); $bench_macro ! ($bench_ahash_random , AHashMap , RandomKeys :: new ()); $bench_macro ! ($bench_std_random , StdHashMap , RandomKeys :: new ()); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture126 {($name : ident , $maptype : ident , $keydist : expr )=>{# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut m = $maptype :: with_capacity_and_hasher ( SIZE , Default :: default ()); b . iter (|| { m . clear (); for i in ($keydist ). take ( SIZE ){ m . insert ( i , i ); } black_box (& mut m ); })}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture127 {($name : ident , $maptype : ident , $keydist : expr )=>{# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut base = $maptype :: default (); for i in ($keydist ). take ( SIZE ){ base . insert ( i , i ); } let skip = $keydist . skip ( SIZE ); b . iter (|| { let mut m = base . clone (); let mut add_iter = skip . clone (); let mut remove_iter = $keydist ; for ( add , remove ) in (& mut add_iter ). zip (& mut remove_iter ). take ( SIZE ){ m . insert ( add , add ); black_box ( m . remove (& remove )); } black_box ( m ); })}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture128 {($name : ident , $maptype : ident , $keydist : expr )=>{# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut m = $maptype :: default (); for i in $keydist . take ( SIZE ){ m . insert ( i , i ); } b . iter (|| { for i in $keydist . take ( SIZE ){ black_box ( m . get (& i )); }})}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture129 {($name : ident , $maptype : ident , $keydist : expr )=>{# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut m = $maptype :: default (); let mut iter = $keydist ; for i in (& mut iter ). take ( SIZE ){ m . insert ( i , i ); } b . iter (|| { for i in (& mut iter ). take ( SIZE ){ black_box ( m . get (& i )); }})}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture130 {($name : ident , $maptype : ident , $keydist : expr )=>{# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut m = $maptype :: default (); for i in ($keydist ). take ( SIZE ){ m . insert ( i , i ); } b . iter (|| { for i in & m { black_box ( i ); }})}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture131 {($(if # [ cfg ($($meta : meta ),*)]{$($it : item )* }) else * else {$($it2 : item )* })=>{ cfg_if ! {@ __items (); $((($($meta ),*)($($it )*)), )* (()($($it2 )*)), }}; ( if # [ cfg ($($i_met : meta ),*)]{$($i_it : item )* }$(else if # [ cfg ($($e_met : meta ),*)]{$($e_it : item )* })* )=>{ cfg_if ! {@ __items (); (($($i_met ),*)($($i_it )*)), $((($($e_met ),*)($($e_it )*)), )* (()()), }}; (@ __items ($($not : meta ,)*); )=>{}; (@ __items ($($not : meta ,)*); (($($m : meta ),*)($($it : item )*)), $($rest : tt )*)=>{ cfg_if ! {@ __apply cfg ( all ($($m ,)* not ( any ($($not ),*)))), $($it )* } cfg_if ! {@ __items ($($not ,)* $($m ,)*); $($rest )* }}; (@ __apply $m : meta , $($it : item )*)=>{$(# [$m ]$it )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture132 {($($(# [$attr : meta ])* pub $t : ident $i : ident {$($field : tt )* })*)=>($(s ! ( it : $(# [$attr ])* pub $t $i {$($field )* }); )*); ( it : $(# [$attr : meta ])* pub union $i : ident {$($field : tt )* })=>( compile_error ! ( "unions cannot derive extra traits, use s_no_extra_traits instead" ); ); ( it : $(# [$attr : meta ])* pub struct $i : ident {$($field : tt )* })=>( __item ! {# [ repr ( C )]# [ cfg_attr ( feature = "extra_traits" , derive ( Debug , Eq , Hash , PartialEq ))]# [ allow ( deprecated )]$(# [$attr ])* pub struct $i {$($field )* }}# [ allow ( deprecated )] impl :: Copy for $i {}# [ allow ( deprecated )] impl :: Clone for $i { fn clone (& self )-> $i {* self }}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture133 {($i : item )=>{$i }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture134 {($($(# [$attr : meta ])* pub $t : ident $i : ident {$($field : tt )* })*)=>($(s_no_extra_traits ! ( it : $(# [$attr ])* pub $t $i {$($field )* }); )*); ( it : $(# [$attr : meta ])* pub union $i : ident {$($field : tt )* })=>( cfg_if ! { if # [ cfg ( libc_union )]{ __item ! {# [ repr ( C )]$(# [$attr ])* pub union $i {$($field )* }} impl :: Copy for $i {} impl :: Clone for $i { fn clone (& self )-> $i {* self }}}}); ( it : $(# [$attr : meta ])* pub struct $i : ident {$($field : tt )* })=>( __item ! {# [ repr ( C )]$(# [$attr ])* pub struct $i {$($field )* }}# [ allow ( deprecated )] impl :: Copy for $i {}# [ allow ( deprecated )] impl :: Clone for $i { fn clone (& self )-> $i {* self }}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture135 {($($(# [$attr : meta ])* pub const $name : ident : $t1 : ty = $t2 : ident {$($field : tt )* };)*)=>($(# [ cfg ( libc_align )]$(# [$attr ])* pub const $name : $t1 = $t2 {$($field )* }; # [ cfg ( not ( libc_align ))]$(# [$attr ])* pub const $name : $t1 = $t2 {$($field )* __align : [], }; )*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture136 {($($args : tt )* )=>{$(define_ioctl ! ($args ); )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture137 {({$name : ident , $ioctl : ident , $arg_type : ty })=>{ pub unsafe fn $name ( fd : c_int , arg : $arg_type )-> c_int { untyped_ioctl ( fd , bindings ::$ioctl , arg )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture138 {($($T : ty ),*)=>{$(impl IdentFragment for $T { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { fmt :: Display :: fmt ( self , f )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture139 {($($t : ident =>$name : ident )*)=>($(impl ToTokens for $t { fn to_tokens (& self , tokens : & mut TokenStream ){ tokens . append ( Literal ::$name (* self )); }})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture140 {($($l : tt )*)=>{$(impl < 'q , T : 'q > RepAsIteratorExt < 'q > for [ T ; $l ]{ type Iter = slice :: Iter < 'q , T >; fn quote_into_iter (& 'q self )-> ( Self :: Iter , HasIter ){( self . iter (), HasIter )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture141 {($name : ident $spanned : ident $char1 : tt )=>{ pub fn $name ( tokens : & mut TokenStream ){ tokens . append ( Punct :: new ($char1 , Spacing :: Alone )); } pub fn $spanned ( tokens : & mut TokenStream , span : Span ){ let mut punct = Punct :: new ($char1 , Spacing :: Alone ); punct . set_span ( span ); tokens . append ( punct ); }}; ($name : ident $spanned : ident $char1 : tt $char2 : tt )=>{ pub fn $name ( tokens : & mut TokenStream ){ tokens . append ( Punct :: new ($char1 , Spacing :: Joint )); tokens . append ( Punct :: new ($char2 , Spacing :: Alone )); } pub fn $spanned ( tokens : & mut TokenStream , span : Span ){ let mut punct = Punct :: new ($char1 , Spacing :: Joint ); punct . set_span ( span ); tokens . append ( punct ); let mut punct = Punct :: new ($char2 , Spacing :: Alone ); punct . set_span ( span ); tokens . append ( punct ); }}; ($name : ident $spanned : ident $char1 : tt $char2 : tt $char3 : tt )=>{ pub fn $name ( tokens : & mut TokenStream ){ tokens . append ( Punct :: new ($char1 , Spacing :: Joint )); tokens . append ( Punct :: new ($char2 , Spacing :: Joint )); tokens . append ( Punct :: new ($char3 , Spacing :: Alone )); } pub fn $spanned ( tokens : & mut TokenStream , span : Span ){ let mut punct = Punct :: new ($char1 , Spacing :: Joint ); punct . set_span ( span ); tokens . append ( punct ); let mut punct = Punct :: new ($char2 , Spacing :: Joint ); punct . set_span ( span ); tokens . append ( punct ); let mut punct = Punct :: new ($char3 , Spacing :: Alone ); punct . set_span ( span ); tokens . append ( punct ); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture142 {($display : tt $name : ty )=>{# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl Token for $name { fn peek ( cursor : Cursor )-> bool { fn peek ( input : ParseStream )-> bool {<$name as Parse >:: parse ( input ). is_ok ()} peek_impl ( cursor , peek )} fn display ()-> & 'static str {$display }}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl private :: Sealed for $name {}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture143 {($display : tt $ty : ident $get : ident )=>{# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl Token for $ty { fn peek ( cursor : Cursor )-> bool { cursor .$get (). is_some ()} fn display ()-> & 'static str {$display }}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl private :: Sealed for $ty {}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture144 {($($token : tt pub struct $name : ident /$len : tt # [$doc : meta ])*)=>{$(# [ repr ( C )]# [$doc ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Don\\\'t try to remember the name of this type — use the" ]# [ doc = " [`Token!`] macro instead." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [`Token!`]: crate::token" ] pub struct $name { pub spans : [ Span ; $len ], }# [ doc ( hidden )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub fn $name < S : IntoSpans < [ Span ; $len ]>> ( spans : S )-> $name {$name { spans : spans . into_spans (), }} impl std :: default :: Default for $name { fn default ()-> Self {$name { spans : [ Span :: call_site (); $len ], }}}# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Copy for $name {}# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Clone for $name { fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Debug for $name { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { f . write_str ( stringify ! ($name ))}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl cmp :: Eq for $name {}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl PartialEq for $name { fn eq (& self , _other : &$name )-> bool { true }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Hash for $name { fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , _state : & mut H ){}} impl_deref_if_len_is_1 ! ($name /$len ); )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture145 {($($token : tt pub struct $name : ident # [$doc : meta ])*)=>{$(# [$doc ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Don\\\'t try to remember the name of this type — use the" ]# [ doc = " [`Token!`] macro instead." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [`Token!`]: crate::token" ] pub struct $name { pub span : Span , }# [ doc ( hidden )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub fn $name < S : IntoSpans < [ Span ; 1 ]>> ( span : S )-> $name {$name { span : span . into_spans ()[ 0 ], }} impl std :: default :: Default for $name { fn default ()-> Self {$name { span : Span :: call_site (), }}}# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Copy for $name {}# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Clone for $name { fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Debug for $name { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { f . write_str ( stringify ! ($name ))}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl cmp :: Eq for $name {}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl PartialEq for $name { fn eq (& self , _other : &$name )-> bool { true }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Hash for $name { fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , _state : & mut H ){}}# [ cfg ( feature = "printing" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "printing" )))] impl ToTokens for $name { fn to_tokens (& self , tokens : & mut TokenStream ){ printing :: keyword ($token , self . span , tokens ); }}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "parsing" )))] impl Parse for $name { fn parse ( input : ParseStream )-> Result < Self > { Ok ($name { span : parsing :: keyword ( input , $token )?, })}}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl Token for $name { fn peek ( cursor : Cursor )-> bool { parsing :: peek_keyword ( cursor , $token )} fn display ()-> & 'static str { concat ! ( "`" , $token , "`" )}}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl private :: Sealed for $name {})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture146 {($($token : tt pub struct $name : ident /$len : tt # [$doc : meta ])*)=>{$(define_punctuation_structs ! {$token pub struct $name /$len # [$doc ]}# [ cfg ( feature = "printing" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "printing" )))] impl ToTokens for $name { fn to_tokens (& self , tokens : & mut TokenStream ){ printing :: punct ($token , & self . spans , tokens ); }}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "parsing" )))] impl Parse for $name { fn parse ( input : ParseStream )-> Result < Self > { Ok ($name { spans : parsing :: punct ( input , $token )?, })}}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl Token for $name { fn peek ( cursor : Cursor )-> bool { parsing :: peek_punct ( cursor , $token )} fn display ()-> & 'static str { concat ! ( "`" , $token , "`" )}}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl private :: Sealed for $name {})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture147 {($($token : tt pub struct $name : ident # [$doc : meta ])*)=>{$(# [$doc ] pub struct $name { pub span : Span , }# [ doc ( hidden )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub fn $name < S : IntoSpans < [ Span ; 1 ]>> ( span : S )-> $name {$name { span : span . into_spans ()[ 0 ], }} impl std :: default :: Default for $name { fn default ()-> Self {$name { span : Span :: call_site (), }}}# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Copy for $name {}# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Clone for $name { fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Debug for $name { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { f . write_str ( stringify ! ($name ))}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl cmp :: Eq for $name {}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl PartialEq for $name { fn eq (& self , _other : &$name )-> bool { true }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Hash for $name { fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , _state : & mut H ){}} impl $name {# [ cfg ( feature = "printing" )] pub fn surround < F > (& self , tokens : & mut TokenStream , f : F ) where F : FnOnce (& mut TokenStream ), { printing :: delim ($token , self . span , tokens , f ); }}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )] impl private :: Sealed for $name {})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture148 {($token : ident )=>{ impl From < Token ! [$token ]> for Ident { fn from ( token : Token ! [$token ])-> Ident { Ident :: new ( stringify ! ($token ), token . span )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture149 {([$($attrs_pub : tt )*] struct $name : ident # full $($rest : tt )* )=>{# [ cfg ( feature = "full" )]$($attrs_pub )* struct $name $($rest )* # [ cfg ( not ( feature = "full" ))]$($attrs_pub )* struct $name { _noconstruct : :: std :: marker :: PhantomData <:: proc_macro2 :: Span >, }# [ cfg ( all ( not ( feature = "full" ), feature = "printing" ))] impl :: quote :: ToTokens for $name { fn to_tokens (& self , _: & mut :: proc_macro2 :: TokenStream ){ unreachable ! ()}}}; ([$($attrs_pub : tt )*] struct $name : ident $($rest : tt )* )=>{$($attrs_pub )* struct $name $($rest )* }; ($($t : tt )*)=>{ strip_attrs_pub ! ( ast_struct ! ($($t )*)); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture150 {([$($attrs_pub : tt )*] enum $name : ident # no_visit $($rest : tt )* )=>( ast_enum ! ([$($attrs_pub )*] enum $name $($rest )*); ); ([$($attrs_pub : tt )*] enum $name : ident $($rest : tt )* )=>($($attrs_pub )* enum $name $($rest )* ); ($($t : tt )*)=>{ strip_attrs_pub ! ( ast_enum ! ($($t )*)); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture151 {($(# [$enum_attr : meta ])* $pub : ident $enum : ident $name : ident #$tag : ident $body : tt $($remaining : tt )* )=>{ ast_enum ! ($(# [$enum_attr ])* $pub $enum $name #$tag $body ); ast_enum_of_structs_impl ! ($pub $enum $name $body $($remaining )*); }; ($(# [$enum_attr : meta ])* $pub : ident $enum : ident $name : ident $body : tt $($remaining : tt )* )=>{ ast_enum ! ($(# [$enum_attr ])* $pub $enum $name $body ); ast_enum_of_structs_impl ! ($pub $enum $name $body $($remaining )*); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture152 {($ident : ident )=>{# [ allow ( non_camel_case_types )] pub struct $ident { pub span : $crate :: __private :: Span , }# [ doc ( hidden )]# [ allow ( dead_code , non_snake_case )] pub fn $ident < __S : $crate :: __private :: IntoSpans < [$crate :: __private :: Span ; 1 ]>> ( span : __S , )-> $ident {$ident { span : $crate :: __private :: IntoSpans :: into_spans ( span )[ 0 ], }} impl $crate :: __private :: Default for $ident { fn default ()-> Self {$ident { span : $crate :: __private :: Span :: call_site (), }}}$crate :: impl_parse_for_custom_keyword ! ($ident ); $crate :: impl_to_tokens_for_custom_keyword ! ($ident ); $crate :: impl_clone_for_custom_keyword ! ($ident ); $crate :: impl_extra_traits_for_custom_keyword ! ($ident ); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture153 {($($expr_type : ty , $variant : ident , $msg : expr , )* )=>{$(# [ cfg ( all ( feature = "full" , feature = "printing" ))]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "parsing" )))] impl Parse for $expr_type { fn parse ( input : ParseStream )-> Result < Self > { let mut expr : Expr = input . parse ()?; loop { match expr { Expr ::$variant ( inner )=> return Ok ( inner ), Expr :: Group ( next )=> expr = * next . expr , _ => return Err ( Error :: new_spanned ( expr , $msg )), }}}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture154 {($ty : ident )=>{# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl < 'a > Clone for $ty < 'a > { fn clone (& self )-> Self {$ty ( self . 0 )}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl < 'a > Debug for $ty < 'a > { fn fmt (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . debug_tuple ( stringify ! ($ty )). field ( self . 0 ). finish ()}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl < 'a > Eq for $ty < 'a > {}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl < 'a > PartialEq for $ty < 'a > { fn eq (& self , other : & Self )-> bool { self . 0 == other . 0 }}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl < 'a > Hash for $ty < 'a > { fn hash < H : Hasher > (& self , state : & mut H ){ self . 0 . hash ( state ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture155 {($ty : ident )=>{# [ cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "clone-impls" )))] impl Clone for $ty { fn clone (& self )-> Self {$ty { repr : self . repr . clone (), }}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl PartialEq for $ty { fn eq (& self , other : & Self )-> bool { self . repr . token . to_string ()== other . repr . token . to_string ()}}# [ cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )]# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "extra-traits" )))] impl Hash for $ty { fn hash < H > (& self , state : & mut H ) where H : Hasher , { self . repr . token . to_string (). hash ( state ); }}# [ cfg ( feature = "parsing" )]# [ doc ( hidden )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub fn $ty ( marker : lookahead :: TokenMarker )-> $ty { match marker {}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture156 {($name : ident / 1 )=>{ impl Deref for $name { type Target = WithSpan ; fn deref (& self )-> & Self :: Target { unsafe {&* ( self as * const Self as * const WithSpan )}}} impl DerefMut for $name { fn deref_mut (& mut self )-> & mut Self :: Target { unsafe {& mut * ( self as * mut Self as * mut WithSpan )}}}}; ($name : ident /$len : tt )=>{}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture157 {($($await_rule : tt )*)=>{# [ doc = " A type-macro that expands to the name of the Rust type representation of a" ]# [ doc = " given token." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " See the [token module] documentation for details and examples." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [token module]: crate::token" ]# [ macro_export ] macro_rules ! Token {[ abstract ]=>{$crate :: token :: Abstract }; [ as ]=>{$crate :: token :: As }; [ async ]=>{$crate :: token :: Async }; [ auto ]=>{$crate :: token :: Auto }; $($await_rule =>{$crate :: token :: Await };)* [ become ]=>{$crate :: token :: Become }; [ box ]=>{$crate :: token :: Box }; [ break ]=>{$crate :: token :: Break }; [ const ]=>{$crate :: token :: Const }; [ continue ]=>{$crate :: token :: Continue }; [ crate ]=>{$crate :: token :: Crate }; [ default ]=>{$crate :: token :: Default }; [ do ]=>{$crate :: token :: Do }; [ dyn ]=>{$crate :: token :: Dyn }; [ else ]=>{$crate :: token :: Else }; [ enum ]=>{$crate :: token :: Enum }; [ extern ]=>{$crate :: token :: Extern }; [ final ]=>{$crate :: token :: Final }; [ fn ]=>{$crate :: token :: Fn }; [ for ]=>{$crate :: token :: For }; [ if ]=>{$crate :: token :: If }; [ impl ]=>{$crate :: token :: Impl }; [ in ]=>{$crate :: token :: In }; [ let ]=>{$crate :: token :: Let }; [ loop ]=>{$crate :: token :: Loop }; [ macro ]=>{$crate :: token :: Macro }; [ match ]=>{$crate :: token :: Match }; [ mod ]=>{$crate :: token :: Mod }; [ move ]=>{$crate :: token :: Move }; [ mut ]=>{$crate :: token :: Mut }; [ override ]=>{$crate :: token :: Override }; [ priv ]=>{$crate :: token :: Priv }; [ pub ]=>{$crate :: token :: Pub }; [ ref ]=>{$crate :: token :: Ref }; [ return ]=>{$crate :: token :: Return }; [ Self ]=>{$crate :: token :: SelfType }; [ self ]=>{$crate :: token :: SelfValue }; [ static ]=>{$crate :: token :: Static }; [ struct ]=>{$crate :: token :: Struct }; [ super ]=>{$crate :: token :: Super }; [ trait ]=>{$crate :: token :: Trait }; [ try ]=>{$crate :: token :: Try }; [ type ]=>{$crate :: token :: Type }; [ typeof ]=>{$crate :: token :: Typeof }; [ union ]=>{$crate :: token :: Union }; [ unsafe ]=>{$crate :: token :: Unsafe }; [ unsized ]=>{$crate :: token :: Unsized }; [ use ]=>{$crate :: token :: Use }; [ virtual ]=>{$crate :: token :: Virtual }; [ where ]=>{$crate :: token :: Where }; [ while ]=>{$crate :: token :: While }; [ yield ]=>{$crate :: token :: Yield }; [+]=>{$crate :: token :: Add }; [+=]=>{$crate :: token :: AddEq }; [&]=>{$crate :: token :: And }; [&&]=>{$crate :: token :: AndAnd }; [&=]=>{$crate :: token :: AndEq }; [@]=>{$crate :: token :: At }; [!]=>{$crate :: token :: Bang }; [^]=>{$crate :: token :: Caret }; [^=]=>{$crate :: token :: CaretEq }; [:]=>{$crate :: token :: Colon }; [::]=>{$crate :: token :: Colon2 }; [,]=>{$crate :: token :: Comma }; [/]=>{$crate :: token :: Div }; [/=]=>{$crate :: token :: DivEq }; [$]=>{$crate :: token :: Dollar }; [.]=>{$crate :: token :: Dot }; [..]=>{$crate :: token :: Dot2 }; [...]=>{$crate :: token :: Dot3 }; [..=]=>{$crate :: token :: DotDotEq }; [=]=>{$crate :: token :: Eq }; [==]=>{$crate :: token :: EqEq }; [>=]=>{$crate :: token :: Ge }; [>]=>{$crate :: token :: Gt }; [<=]=>{$crate :: token :: Le }; [<]=>{$crate :: token :: Lt }; [*=]=>{$crate :: token :: MulEq }; [!=]=>{$crate :: token :: Ne }; [|]=>{$crate :: token :: Or }; [|=]=>{$crate :: token :: OrEq }; [||]=>{$crate :: token :: OrOr }; [#]=>{$crate :: token :: Pound }; [?]=>{$crate :: token :: Question }; [->]=>{$crate :: token :: RArrow }; [<-]=>{$crate :: token :: LArrow }; [%]=>{$crate :: token :: Rem }; [%=]=>{$crate :: token :: RemEq }; [=>]=>{$crate :: token :: FatArrow }; [;]=>{$crate :: token :: Semi }; [<<]=>{$crate :: token :: Shl }; [<<=]=>{$crate :: token :: ShlEq }; [>>]=>{$crate :: token :: Shr }; [>>=]=>{$crate :: token :: ShrEq }; [*]=>{$crate :: token :: Star }; [-]=>{$crate :: toke
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture158 {($mac : ident ! ($(# [$m : meta ])* $pub : ident $($t : tt )*))=>{ check_keyword_matches ! ( pub $pub ); $mac ! ([$(# [$m ])* $pub ]$($t )*); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture159 {($pub : ident $enum : ident $name : ident {$($(# [$variant_attr : meta ])* $variant : ident $(($($member : ident )::+))*, )* }$($remaining : tt )* )=>{ check_keyword_matches ! ( pub $pub ); check_keyword_matches ! ( enum $enum ); $($(ast_enum_from_struct ! ($name ::$variant , $($member )::+); )*)* # [ cfg ( feature = "printing" )] generate_to_tokens ! {$($remaining )* () tokens $name {$($variant $($($member )::+)*,)* }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture160 {($ident : ident )=>{ impl $crate :: token :: CustomToken for $ident { fn peek ( cursor : $crate :: buffer :: Cursor )-> $crate :: __private :: bool { if let Some (( ident , _rest ))= cursor . ident (){ ident == stringify ! ($ident )} else { false }} fn display ()-> & 'static $crate :: __private :: str { concat ! ( "`" , stringify ! ($ident ), "`" )}} impl $crate :: parse :: Parse for $ident { fn parse ( input : $crate :: parse :: ParseStream )-> $crate :: parse :: Result <$ident > { input . step (| cursor | { if let $crate :: __private :: Some (( ident , rest ))= cursor . ident (){ if ident == stringify ! ($ident ){ return $crate :: __private :: Ok (($ident { span : ident . span ()}, rest )); }}$crate :: __private :: Err ( cursor . error ( concat ! ( "expected `" , stringify ! ($ident ), "`" )))})}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture161 {($ident : ident )=>{ impl $crate :: __private :: ToTokens for $ident { fn to_tokens (& self , tokens : & mut $crate :: __private :: TokenStream2 ){ let ident = $crate :: Ident :: new ( stringify ! ($ident ), self . span ); $crate :: __private :: TokenStreamExt :: append ( tokens , ident ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture162 {($ident : ident )=>{ impl $crate :: __private :: Copy for $ident {} impl $crate :: __private :: Clone for $ident { fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture163 {($ident : ident )=>{ impl $crate :: __private :: Debug for $ident { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut $crate :: __private :: Formatter )-> $crate :: __private :: fmt :: Result {$crate :: __private :: Formatter :: write_str ( f , concat ! ( "Keyword [" , stringify ! ($ident ), "]" ), )}} impl $crate :: __private :: Eq for $ident {} impl $crate :: __private :: PartialEq for $ident { fn eq (& self , _other : & Self )-> $crate :: __private :: bool { true }} impl $crate :: __private :: Hash for $ident { fn hash < __H : $crate :: __private :: Hasher > (& self , _state : & mut __H ){}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture164 {( struct struct )=>{}; ( enum enum )=>{}; ( pub pub )=>{}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture165 {($name : ident :: Verbatim , $member : ident )=>{}; ($name : ident ::$variant : ident , crate :: private )=>{}; ($name : ident ::$variant : ident , $member : ident )=>{ impl From <$member > for $name { fn from ( e : $member )-> $name {$name ::$variant ( e )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture166 {( do_not_generate_to_tokens $($foo : tt )*)=>(); (($($arms : tt )*)$tokens : ident $name : ident {$variant : ident , $($next : tt )*})=>{ generate_to_tokens ! (($($arms )* $name ::$variant =>{})$tokens $name {$($next )* }); }; (($($arms : tt )*)$tokens : ident $name : ident {$variant : ident $member : ident , $($next : tt )*})=>{ generate_to_tokens ! (($($arms )* $name ::$variant ( _e )=> _e . to_tokens ($tokens ),)$tokens $name {$($next )* }); }; (($($arms : tt )*)$tokens : ident $name : ident {$variant : ident crate :: private , $($next : tt )*})=>{ generate_to_tokens ! (($($arms )* $name ::$variant (_)=> unreachable ! (),)$tokens $name {$($next )* }); }; (($($arms : tt )*)$tokens : ident $name : ident {})=>{# [ cfg_attr ( doc_cfg , doc ( cfg ( feature = "printing" )))] impl :: quote :: ToTokens for $name { fn to_tokens (& self , $tokens : & mut :: proc_macro2 :: TokenStream ){ match self {$($arms )* }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture167 {($(# [$attr : meta ])* static ref $N : ident : $T : ty = $e : expr ; $($t : tt )*)=>{ __lazy_static_internal ! ($(# [$attr ])* () static ref $N : $T = $e ; $($t )*); }; ($(# [$attr : meta ])* pub static ref $N : ident : $T : ty = $e : expr ; $($t : tt )*)=>{ __lazy_static_internal ! ($(# [$attr ])* ( pub ) static ref $N : $T = $e ; $($t )*); }; ($(# [$attr : meta ])* pub ($($vis : tt )+) static ref $N : ident : $T : ty = $e : expr ; $($t : tt )*)=>{ __lazy_static_internal ! ($(# [$attr ])* ( pub ($($vis )+)) static ref $N : $T = $e ; $($t )*); }; ()=>()}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture168 {($($record : ident ($($whatever : tt )+ )),+ )=>{$(impl_value ! {$record ($($whatever )+ )})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture169 {($($len : tt ),+ )=>{$(impl < 'a > private :: ValidLen < 'a > for [(& 'a Field , Option <& 'a ( dyn Value + 'a )>); $len ]{})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture170 {($(# [$attr : meta ])* ($($vis : tt )*) static ref $N : ident : $T : ty = $e : expr ; $($t : tt )*)=>{ __lazy_static_internal ! (@ MAKE TY , $(# [$attr ])*, ($($vis )*), $N ); __lazy_static_internal ! (@ TAIL , $N : $T = $e ); lazy_static ! ($($t )*); }; (@ TAIL , $N : ident : $T : ty = $e : expr )=>{ impl $crate :: __Deref for $N { type Target = $T ; fn deref (& self )-> &$T {# [ inline ( always )] fn __static_ref_initialize ()-> $T {$e }# [ inline ( always )] fn __stability ()-> & 'static $T { __lazy_static_create ! ( LAZY , $T ); LAZY . get ( __static_ref_initialize )} __stability ()}} impl $crate :: LazyStatic for $N { fn initialize ( lazy : & Self ){ let _ = &** lazy ; }}}; (@ MAKE TY , $(# [$attr : meta ])*, ($($vis : tt )*), $N : ident )=>{# [ allow ( missing_copy_implementations )]# [ allow ( non_camel_case_types )]# [ allow ( dead_code )]$(# [$attr ])* $($vis )* struct $N { __private_field : ()}# [ doc ( hidden )]$($vis )* static $N : $N = $N { __private_field : ()}; }; ()=>()}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture171 {($record : ident ($($value_ty : tt ),+ ))=>{$(impl_one_value ! ($value_ty , | this : $value_ty | this , $record ); )+ }; ($record : ident ($($value_ty : tt ),+ as $as_ty : ty ))=>{$(impl_one_value ! ($value_ty , | this : $value_ty | this as $as_ty , $record ); )+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture172 {( bool , $op : expr , $record : ident )=>{ impl_one_value ! ( normal , bool , $op , $record ); }; ($value_ty : tt , $op : expr , $record : ident )=>{ impl_one_value ! ( normal , $value_ty , $op , $record ); impl_one_value ! ( nonzero , $value_ty , $op , $record ); }; ( normal , $value_ty : tt , $op : expr , $record : ident )=>{ impl $crate :: sealed :: Sealed for $value_ty {} impl $crate :: field :: Value for $value_ty { fn record (& self , key : &$crate :: field :: Field , visitor : & mut dyn $crate :: field :: Visit ){ visitor .$record ( key , $op (* self ))}}}; ( nonzero , $value_ty : tt , $op : expr , $record : ident )=>{# [ allow ( clippy :: useless_attribute , unused )] use num ::*; impl $crate :: sealed :: Sealed for ty_to_nonzero ! ($value_ty ){} impl $crate :: field :: Value for ty_to_nonzero ! ($value_ty ){ fn record (& self , key : &$crate :: field :: Field , visitor : & mut dyn $crate :: field :: Visit ){ visitor .$record ( key , $op ( self . get ()))}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture173 {($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project = $proj_mut_ident : ident ]# [ project_ref = $proj_ref_ident : ident ]# [ project_replace = $proj_replace_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[$proj_mut_ident ][$proj_ref_ident ][$proj_replace_ident ]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project = $proj_mut_ident : ident ]# [ project_ref = $proj_ref_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[$proj_mut_ident ][$proj_ref_ident ][]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project = $proj_mut_ident : ident ]# [ project_replace = $proj_replace_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[$proj_mut_ident ][][$proj_replace_ident ]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project_ref = $proj_ref_ident : ident ]# [ project_replace = $proj_replace_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[][$proj_ref_ident ][$proj_replace_ident ]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project = $proj_mut_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[$proj_mut_ident ][][]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project_ref = $proj_ref_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[][$proj_ref_ident ][]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($(# [ doc $($doc : tt )*])* # [ project_replace = $proj_replace_ident : ident ]$($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[][][$proj_replace_ident ]$(# [ doc $($doc )*])* $($tt )* }}; ($($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {[][][]$($tt )* }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture174 {(@ struct => internal ; [$($proj_mut_ident : ident )?][$($proj_ref_ident : ident )?][$($proj_replace_ident : ident )?][$proj_vis : vis ][$(# [$attrs : meta ])* $vis : vis struct $ident : ident ][$($def_generics : tt )*][$($impl_generics : tt )*][$($ty_generics : tt )*][$(where $($where_clause : tt )*)?]{$($(# [$pin : ident ])? $field_vis : vis $field : ident : $field_ty : ty ),+ })=>{$(# [$attrs ])* $vis struct $ident $($def_generics )* $(where $($where_clause )*)? {$($field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_ty => named ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_mut_ident )?][ make_proj_field_mut ][$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_ty => named ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_ref_ident )?][ make_proj_field_ref ][$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_replace_ty => named ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_replace_ident )?][ make_proj_field_replace ][$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }}# [ allow ( explicit_outlives_requirements )]# [ allow ( single_use_lifetimes )]# [ allow ( clippy :: unknown_clippy_lints )]# [ allow ( clippy :: redundant_pub_crate )]# [ allow ( clippy :: used_underscore_binding )] const _: ()= {$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_ty => unnamed ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_mut_ident )?][ Projection ][ make_proj_field_mut ][$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_ty => unnamed ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_ref_ident )?][ ProjectionRef ][ make_proj_field_ref ][$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_replace_ty => unnamed ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_replace_ident )?][ ProjectionReplace ][ make_proj_field_replace ][$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field : $field_ty ),+ }} impl <$($impl_generics )*> $ident <$($ty_generics )*> $(where $($where_clause )*)? {$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_method ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_mut_ident )?][ Projection ][ project get_unchecked_mut mut ][$($ty_generics )*]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field ),+ }}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_method ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_ref_ident )?][ ProjectionRef ][ project_ref get_ref ][$($ty_generics )*]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field ),+ }}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ struct => make_proj_replace_method ; [$proj_vis ][$($proj_replace_ident )?][ ProjectionReplace ][$($ty_generics )*]{$($(# [$pin ])? $field_vis $field ),+ }}}$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ make_unpin_impl ; [$vis $ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]$($field : $crate :: __pin_project_internal ! (@ make_unpin_bound ; $(# [$pin ])? $field_ty )),+ }$crate :: __pin_project_internal ! {@ make_drop_impl ; [$ident ][$($impl_generics )*][$($ty_generics )*][$(where $($where_clause )*)?]}# [ forbid ( safe_packed_borrows )] fn __assert_not_repr_packed <$($impl_generics )*> ( this : &$ident <$($ty_generics )*>)$(where $($where_clause )*)? {$(let _ = & this .$field ; )+ }}; }; (@ enum => internal ; [$($proj_mut_ident : ident )?][$($proj_ref_ident : ident )?][$($proj_replace_ident : ident )?][$proj_vis : vis ][$(# [$attrs : meta ])* $vis : vis enum $ident : ident ][$($def_generics : tt )*][$($impl_generics : tt )*][$($ty_generics : tt )*][$(where $($where_clause : tt )*)?]{$($(# [$variant_attrs : meta ])* $variant : i
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture175 {($t : ty , $example : tt )=>{ impl AtomicCell <$t > {# [ doc = " Increments the current value by `val` and returns the previous value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The addition wraps on overflow." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = $example ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.fetch_add(3), 7);" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.load(), 10);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ] pub fn fetch_add (& self , val : $t )-> $t { if can_transmute ::<$t , atomic :: AtomicUsize > (){ let a = unsafe {&* ( self . value . get () as * const atomic :: AtomicUsize )}; a . fetch_add ( val as usize , Ordering :: AcqRel ) as $t } else { let _guard = lock ( self . value . get () as usize ). write (); let value = unsafe {& mut * ( self . value . get ())}; let old = * value ; * value = value . wrapping_add ( val ); old }}# [ doc = " Decrements the current value by `val` and returns the previous value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The subtraction wraps on overflow." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = $example ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.fetch_sub(3), 7);" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.load(), 4);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ] pub fn fetch_sub (& self , val : $t )-> $t { if can_transmute ::<$t , atomic :: AtomicUsize > (){ let a = unsafe {&* ( self . value . get () as * const atomic :: AtomicUsize )}; a . fetch_sub ( val as usize , Ordering :: AcqRel ) as $t } else { let _guard = lock ( self . value . get () as usize ). write (); let value = unsafe {& mut * ( self . value . get ())}; let old = * value ; * value = value . wrapping_sub ( val ); old }}# [ doc = " Applies bitwise \\\"and\\\" to the current value and returns the previous value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = $example ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(3), 7);" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.load(), 3);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ] pub fn fetch_and (& self , val : $t )-> $t { if can_transmute ::<$t , atomic :: AtomicUsize > (){ let a = unsafe {&* ( self . value . get () as * const atomic :: AtomicUsize )}; a . fetch_and ( val as usize , Ordering :: AcqRel ) as $t } else { let _guard = lock ( self . value . get () as usize ). write (); let value = unsafe {& mut * ( self . value . get ())}; let old = * value ; * value &= val ; old }}# [ doc = " Applies bitwise \\\"or\\\" to the current value and returns the previous value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = $example ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(16), 7);" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.load(), 23);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ] pub fn fetch_or (& self , val : $t )-> $t { if can_transmute ::<$t , atomic :: AtomicUsize > (){ let a = unsafe {&* ( self . value . get () as * const atomic :: AtomicUsize )}; a . fetch_or ( val as usize , Ordering :: AcqRel ) as $t } else { let _guard = lock ( self . value . get () as usize ). write (); let value = unsafe {& mut * ( self . value . get ())}; let old = * value ; * value |= val ; old }}# [ doc = " Applies bitwise \\\"xor\\\" to the current value and returns the previous value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Examples" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = $example ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(2), 7);" ]# [ doc = " assert_eq!(a.load(), 5);" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ inline ] pub fn fetch_xor (& self , val : $t )-> $t { if can_transmute ::<$t , atomic :: AtomicUsi
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture176 {($atomic : ident , $val : ty )=>{ impl AtomicConsume for :: core :: sync :: atomic ::$atomic { type Val = $val ; impl_consume ! (); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture177 {($t : ty , $min : expr , $max : expr )=>{ impl Bounded for $t {# [ inline ] fn min_value ()-> $t {$min }# [ inline ] fn max_value ()-> $t {$max }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture178 {($m : ident )=>{ for_each_tuple_ ! {$m !! A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture179 {($T : ident )=>{ impl ToPrimitive for $T { impl_to_primitive_int_to_int ! {$T : fn to_isize -> isize ; fn to_i8 -> i8 ; fn to_i16 -> i16 ; fn to_i32 -> i32 ; fn to_i64 -> i64 ; # [ cfg ( has_i128 )] fn to_i128 -> i128 ; } impl_to_primitive_int_to_uint ! {$T : fn to_usize -> usize ; fn to_u8 -> u8 ; fn to_u16 -> u16 ; fn to_u32 -> u32 ; fn to_u64 -> u64 ; # [ cfg ( has_i128 )] fn to_u128 -> u128 ; }# [ inline ] fn to_f32 (& self )-> Option < f32 > { Some (* self as f32 )}# [ inline ] fn to_f64 (& self )-> Option < f64 > { Some (* self as f64 )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture180 {($T : ident )=>{ impl ToPrimitive for $T { impl_to_primitive_uint_to_int ! {$T : fn to_isize -> isize ; fn to_i8 -> i8 ; fn to_i16 -> i16 ; fn to_i32 -> i32 ; fn to_i64 -> i64 ; # [ cfg ( has_i128 )] fn to_i128 -> i128 ; } impl_to_primitive_uint_to_uint ! {$T : fn to_usize -> usize ; fn to_u8 -> u8 ; fn to_u16 -> u16 ; fn to_u32 -> u32 ; fn to_u64 -> u64 ; # [ cfg ( has_i128 )] fn to_u128 -> u128 ; }# [ inline ] fn to_f32 (& self )-> Option < f32 > { Some (* self as f32 )}# [ inline ] fn to_f64 (& self )-> Option < f64 > { Some (* self as f64 )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture181 {($T : ident )=>{ impl ToPrimitive for $T { impl_to_primitive_float_to_signed_int ! {$T : fn to_isize -> isize ; fn to_i8 -> i8 ; fn to_i16 -> i16 ; fn to_i32 -> i32 ; fn to_i64 -> i64 ; # [ cfg ( has_i128 )] fn to_i128 -> i128 ; } impl_to_primitive_float_to_unsigned_int ! {$T : fn to_usize -> usize ; fn to_u8 -> u8 ; fn to_u16 -> u16 ; fn to_u32 -> u32 ; fn to_u64 -> u64 ; # [ cfg ( has_i128 )] fn to_u128 -> u128 ; } impl_to_primitive_float_to_float ! {$T : fn to_f32 -> f32 ; fn to_f64 -> f64 ; }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture182 {($T : ty , $to_ty : ident )=>{# [ allow ( deprecated )] impl FromPrimitive for $T {# [ inline ] fn from_isize ( n : isize )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_i8 ( n : i8 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_i16 ( n : i16 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_i32 ( n : i32 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_i64 ( n : i64 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ cfg ( has_i128 )]# [ inline ] fn from_i128 ( n : i128 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_usize ( n : usize )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_u8 ( n : u8 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_u16 ( n : u16 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_u32 ( n : u32 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_u64 ( n : u64 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ cfg ( has_i128 )]# [ inline ] fn from_u128 ( n : u128 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_f32 ( n : f32 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}# [ inline ] fn from_f64 ( n : f64 )-> Option <$T > { n .$to_ty ()}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture183 {($T : ty , $conv : ident )=>{ impl NumCast for $T {# [ inline ]# [ allow ( deprecated )] fn from < N : ToPrimitive > ( n : N )-> Option <$T > { n .$conv ()}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture184 {(@ $T : ty =>$(# [$cfg : meta ])* impl $U : ty )=>{$(# [$cfg ])* impl AsPrimitive <$U > for $T {# [ inline ] fn as_ ( self )-> $U { self as $U }}}; (@ $T : ty =>{$($U : ty ),* })=>{$(impl_as_primitive ! (@ $T => impl $U ); )*}; ($T : ty =>{$($U : ty ),* })=>{ impl_as_primitive ! (@ $T =>{$($U ),* }); impl_as_primitive ! (@ $T =>{ u8 , u16 , u32 , u64 , usize }); impl_as_primitive ! (@ $T =># [ cfg ( has_i128 )] impl u128 ); impl_as_primitive ! (@ $T =>{ i8 , i16 , i32 , i64 , isize }); impl_as_primitive ! (@ $T =># [ cfg ( has_i128 )] impl i128 ); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture185 {($(# [$doc : meta ]$constant : ident ,)+)=>(# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub trait FloatConst {$(# [$doc ] fn $constant ()-> Self ;)+ # [ doc = "Return the full circle constant `τ`." ]# [ inline ] fn TAU ()-> Self where Self : Sized + Add < Self , Output = Self >{ Self :: PI ()+ Self :: PI ()}# [ doc = "Return `log10(2.0)`." ]# [ inline ] fn LOG10_2 ()-> Self where Self : Sized + Div < Self , Output = Self >{ Self :: LN_2 ()/ Self :: LN_10 ()}# [ doc = "Return `log2(10.0)`." ]# [ inline ] fn LOG2_10 ()-> Self where Self : Sized + Div < Self , Output = Self >{ Self :: LN_10 ()/ Self :: LN_2 ()}} float_const_impl ! {@ float f32 , $($constant ,)+ } float_const_impl ! {@ float f64 , $($constant ,)+ }); (@ float $T : ident , $($constant : ident ,)+)=>( impl FloatConst for $T { constant ! {$($constant ()-> $T :: consts ::$constant ; )+ TAU ()-> 6.28318530717958647692528676655900577 ; LOG10_2 ()-> 0.301029995663981195213738894724493027 ; LOG2_10 ()-> 3.32192809488736234787031942948939018 ; }}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture186 {($t : ty , $v : expr )=>{ impl Zero for $t {# [ inline ] fn zero ()-> $t {$v }# [ inline ] fn is_zero (& self )-> bool {* self == $v }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture187 {($t : ty , $v : expr )=>{ impl One for $t {# [ inline ] fn one ()-> $t {$v }# [ inline ] fn is_one (& self )-> bool {* self == $v }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture188 {($T : ty , $S : ty , $U : ty )=>{ impl PrimInt for $T {# [ inline ] fn count_ones ( self )-> u32 {<$T >:: count_ones ( self )}# [ inline ] fn count_zeros ( self )-> u32 {<$T >:: count_zeros ( self )}# [ inline ] fn leading_zeros ( self )-> u32 {<$T >:: leading_zeros ( self )}# [ inline ] fn trailing_zeros ( self )-> u32 {<$T >:: trailing_zeros ( self )}# [ inline ] fn rotate_left ( self , n : u32 )-> Self {<$T >:: rotate_left ( self , n )}# [ inline ] fn rotate_right ( self , n : u32 )-> Self {<$T >:: rotate_right ( self , n )}# [ inline ] fn signed_shl ( self , n : u32 )-> Self {(( self as $S )<< n ) as $T }# [ inline ] fn signed_shr ( self , n : u32 )-> Self {(( self as $S )>> n ) as $T }# [ inline ] fn unsigned_shl ( self , n : u32 )-> Self {(( self as $U )<< n ) as $T }# [ inline ] fn unsigned_shr ( self , n : u32 )-> Self {(( self as $U )>> n ) as $T }# [ inline ] fn swap_bytes ( self )-> Self {<$T >:: swap_bytes ( self )}# [ inline ] fn from_be ( x : Self )-> Self {<$T >:: from_be ( x )}# [ inline ] fn from_le ( x : Self )-> Self {<$T >:: from_le ( x )}# [ inline ] fn to_be ( self )-> Self {<$T >:: to_be ( self )}# [ inline ] fn to_le ( self )-> Self {<$T >:: to_le ( self )}# [ inline ] fn pow ( self , exp : u32 )-> Self {<$T >:: pow ( self , exp )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture189 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , v : &$t )-> Option <$t > {<$t >::$method (* self , * v )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture190 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self )-> Option <$t > {<$t >::$method (* self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture191 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , rhs : u32 )-> Option <$t > {<$t >::$method (* self , rhs )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture192 {($trait_name : ident for $($t : ty )*)=>{$(impl $trait_name for $t { type Output = Self ; # [ inline ] fn mul_add ( self , a : Self , b : Self )-> Self :: Output {( self * a )+ b }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture193 {($trait_name : ident for $($t : ty )*)=>{$(impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn mul_add_assign (& mut self , a : Self , b : Self ){* self = (* self * a )+ b }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture194 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , v : & Self )-> ( Self , bool ){<$t >::$method (* self , * v )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture195 {($trait_name : ident for $($t : ty )*)=>{$(impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn saturating_add ( self , v : Self )-> Self { Self :: saturating_add ( self , v )}# [ inline ] fn saturating_sub ( self , v : Self )-> Self { Self :: saturating_sub ( self , v )}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture196 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , v : & Self )-> Self {<$t >::$method (* self , * v )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture197 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , v : & Self )-> Self {<$t >::$method (* self , * v )}}}; ($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty , $rhs : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name <$rhs > for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , v : &$rhs )-> Self {<$t >::$method (* self , * v )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture198 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self )-> $t {<$t >::$method (* self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture199 {($trait_name : ident , $method : ident , $t : ty )=>{ impl $trait_name for $t {# [ inline ] fn $method (& self , rhs : u32 )-> $t {<$t >::$method (* self , rhs )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture200 {($t : ty )=>{ pow_impl ! ($t , u8 ); pow_impl ! ($t , usize ); }; ($t : ty , $rhs : ty )=>{ pow_impl ! ($t , $rhs , usize , pow ); }; ($t : ty , $rhs : ty , $desired_rhs : ty , $method : expr )=>{ impl Pow <$rhs > for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn pow ( self , rhs : $rhs )-> $t {($method )( self , <$desired_rhs >:: from ( rhs ))}} impl < 'a > Pow <& 'a $rhs > for $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn pow ( self , rhs : & 'a $rhs )-> $t {($method )( self , <$desired_rhs >:: from (* rhs ))}} impl < 'a > Pow <$rhs > for & 'a $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn pow ( self , rhs : $rhs )-> $t {($method )(* self , <$desired_rhs >:: from ( rhs ))}} impl < 'a , 'b > Pow <& 'a $rhs > for & 'b $t { type Output = $t ; # [ inline ] fn pow ( self , rhs : & 'a $rhs )-> $t {($method )(* self , <$desired_rhs >:: from (* rhs ))}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture201 {($($t : ty )*)=>($(impl Signed for $t {# [ inline ] fn abs (& self )-> $t { if self . is_negative (){-* self } else {* self }}# [ inline ] fn abs_sub (& self , other : &$t )-> $t { if * self <= * other { 0 } else {* self - * other }}# [ inline ] fn signum (& self )-> $t { match * self { n if n > 0 => 1 , 0 => 0 , _ =>- 1 , }}# [ inline ] fn is_positive (& self )-> bool {* self > 0 }# [ inline ] fn is_negative (& self )-> bool {* self < 0 }})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture202 {($t : ty )=>{ impl Signed for $t {# [ doc = " Computes the absolute value. Returns `NAN` if the number is `NAN`." ]# [ inline ] fn abs (& self )-> $t { FloatCore :: abs (* self )}# [ doc = " The positive difference of two numbers. Returns `0.0` if the number is" ]# [ doc = " less than or equal to `other`, otherwise the difference between`self`" ]# [ doc = " and `other` is returned." ]# [ inline ] fn abs_sub (& self , other : &$t )-> $t { if * self <= * other { 0. } else {* self - * other }}# [ doc = " # Returns" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " - `1.0` if the number is positive, `+0.0` or `INFINITY`" ]# [ doc = " - `-1.0` if the number is negative, `-0.0` or `NEG_INFINITY`" ]# [ doc = " - `NAN` if the number is NaN" ]# [ inline ] fn signum (& self )-> $t { FloatCore :: signum (* self )}# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is positive, including `+0.0` and `INFINITY`" ]# [ inline ] fn is_positive (& self )-> bool { FloatCore :: is_sign_positive (* self )}# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is negative, including `-0.0` and `NEG_INFINITY`" ]# [ inline ] fn is_negative (& self )-> bool { FloatCore :: is_sign_negative (* self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture203 {($name : ident for $($t : ty )*)=>($(impl $name for $t {})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture204 {($name : ident for $($t : ty )*)=>($(impl $name for $t { type FromStrRadixErr = :: core :: num :: ParseIntError ; # [ inline ] fn from_str_radix ( s : & str , radix : u32 )-> Result < Self , :: core :: num :: ParseIntError > {<$t >:: from_str_radix ( s , radix )}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture205 {($name : ident for $($t : ident )*)=>($(impl $name for $t { type FromStrRadixErr = ParseFloatError ; fn from_str_radix ( src : & str , radix : u32 )-> Result < Self , Self :: FromStrRadixErr > { use self :: FloatErrorKind ::*; use self :: ParseFloatError as PFE ; match src { "inf" => return Ok ( core ::$t :: INFINITY ), "-inf" => return Ok ( core ::$t :: NEG_INFINITY ), "NaN" => return Ok ( core ::$t :: NAN ), _ =>{}, } fn slice_shift_char ( src : & str )-> Option < ( char , & str )> { let mut chars = src . chars (); if let Some ( ch )= chars . next (){ Some (( ch , chars . as_str ()))} else { None }} let ( is_positive , src )= match slice_shift_char ( src ){ None => return Err ( PFE { kind : Empty }), Some (( '-' , "" ))=> return Err ( PFE { kind : Empty }), Some (( '-' , src ))=>( false , src ), Some ((_, _))=>( true , src ), }; let mut sig = if is_positive { 0.0 } else {- 0.0 }; let mut prev_sig = sig ; let mut cs = src . chars (). enumerate (); let mut exp_info = None ::< ( char , usize )>; for ( i , c ) in cs . by_ref (){ match c . to_digit ( radix ){ Some ( digit )=>{ sig = sig * ( radix as $t ); if is_positive { sig = sig + (( digit as isize ) as $t ); } else { sig = sig - (( digit as isize ) as $t ); } if prev_sig != 0.0 { if is_positive && sig <= prev_sig { return Ok ( core ::$t :: INFINITY ); } if ! is_positive && sig >= prev_sig { return Ok ( core ::$t :: NEG_INFINITY ); } if is_positive && ( prev_sig != ( sig - digit as $t )/ radix as $t ){ return Ok ( core ::$t :: INFINITY ); } if ! is_positive && ( prev_sig != ( sig + digit as $t )/ radix as $t ){ return Ok ( core ::$t :: NEG_INFINITY ); }} prev_sig = sig ; }, None => match c { 'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' =>{ exp_info = Some (( c , i + 1 )); break ; }, '.' =>{ break ; }, _ =>{ return Err ( PFE { kind : Invalid }); }, }, }} if exp_info . is_none (){ let mut power = 1.0 ; for ( i , c ) in cs . by_ref (){ match c . to_digit ( radix ){ Some ( digit )=>{ power = power / ( radix as $t ); sig = if is_positive { sig + ( digit as $t )* power } else { sig - ( digit as $t )* power }; if is_positive && sig < prev_sig { return Ok ( core ::$t :: INFINITY ); } if ! is_positive && sig > prev_sig { return Ok ( core ::$t :: NEG_INFINITY ); } prev_sig = sig ; }, None => match c { 'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' =>{ exp_info = Some (( c , i + 1 )); break ; }, _ =>{ return Err ( PFE { kind : Invalid }); }, }, }}} let exp = match exp_info { Some (( c , offset ))=>{ let base = match c { 'E' | 'e' if radix == 10 => 10.0 , 'P' | 'p' if radix == 16 => 2.0 , _ => return Err ( PFE { kind : Invalid }), }; let src = & src [ offset ..]; let ( is_positive , exp )= match slice_shift_char ( src ){ Some (( '-' , src ))=>( false , src . parse ::< usize > ()), Some (( '+' , src ))=>( true , src . parse ::< usize > ()), Some ((_, _))=>( true , src . parse ::< usize > ()), None => return Err ( PFE { kind : Invalid }), }; # [ cfg ( feature = "std" )] fn pow ( base : $t , exp : usize )-> $t { Float :: powi ( base , exp as i32 )} match ( is_positive , exp ){( true , Ok ( exp ))=> pow ( base , exp ), ( false , Ok ( exp ))=> 1.0 / pow ( base , exp ), (_, Err (_))=> return Err ( PFE { kind : Invalid }), }}, None => 1.0 , }; Ok ( sig * exp )}})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture206 {($m : ident !! )=>($m ! {}); ($m : ident !! $h : ident , $($t : ident ,)* )=>($m ! {$h $($t )* } for_each_tuple_ ! {$m !! $($t ,)* }); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture207 {($($name : ident )* )=>( impl <$($name : Bounded ,)*> Bounded for ($($name ,)*){# [ inline ] fn min_value ()-> Self {($($name :: min_value (),)*)}# [ inline ] fn max_value ()-> Self {($($name :: max_value (),)*)}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture208 {($T : ty , $U : ty )=>{ impl Roots for $T {# [ inline ] fn nth_root (& self , n : u32 )-> Self { if * self >= 0 {(* self as $U ). nth_root ( n ) as Self } else { assert ! ( n . is_odd (), "even roots of a negative are imaginary" ); - (( self . wrapping_neg () as $U ). nth_root ( n ) as Self )}}# [ inline ] fn sqrt (& self )-> Self { assert ! (* self >= 0 , "the square root of a negative is imaginary" ); (* self as $U ). sqrt () as Self }# [ inline ] fn cbrt (& self )-> Self { if * self >= 0 {(* self as $U ). cbrt () as Self } else {- (( self . wrapping_neg () as $U ). cbrt () as Self )}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture209 {($T : ident )=>{ impl Roots for $T {# [ inline ] fn nth_root (& self , n : u32 )-> Self { fn go ( a : $T , n : u32 )-> $T { match n { 0 => panic ! ( "can't find a root of degree 0!" ), 1 => return a , 2 => return a . sqrt (), 3 => return a . cbrt (), _ =>(), } if bits ::<$T > ()<= n || a < ( 1 << n ){ return ( a > 0 ) as $T ; } if bits ::<$T > ()> 64 { return if a <= core :: u64 :: MAX as $T {( a as u64 ). nth_root ( n ) as $T } else { let lo = ( a >> n ). nth_root ( n )<< 1 ; let hi = lo + 1 ; if hi . next_power_of_two (). trailing_zeros ()* n >= bits ::<$T > (){ match checked_pow ( hi , n as usize ){ Some ( x ) if x <= a => hi , _ => lo , }} else { if hi . pow ( n )<= a { hi } else { lo }}}; }# [ cfg ( feature = "std" )]# [ inline ] fn guess ( x : $T , n : u32 )-> $T { if bits ::<$T > ()<= 32 || x <= core :: u32 :: MAX as $T { 1 << (( log2 ( x )+ n - 1 )/ n )} else {(( x as f64 ). ln ()/ f64 :: from ( n )). exp () as $T }}# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "std" ))]# [ inline ] fn guess ( x : $T , n : u32 )-> $T { 1 << (( log2 ( x )+ n - 1 )/ n )} let n1 = n - 1 ; let next = | x : $T | { let y = match checked_pow ( x , n1 as usize ){ Some ( ax )=> a / ax , None => 0 , }; ( y + x * n1 as $T )/ n as $T }; fixpoint ( guess ( a , n ), next )} go (* self , n )}# [ inline ] fn sqrt (& self )-> Self { fn go ( a : $T )-> $T { if bits ::<$T > ()> 64 { return if a <= core :: u64 :: MAX as $T {( a as u64 ). sqrt () as $T } else { let lo = ( a >> 2u32 ). sqrt ()<< 1 ; let hi = lo + 1 ; if hi * hi <= a { hi } else { lo }}; } if a < 4 { return ( a > 0 ) as $T ; }# [ cfg ( feature = "std" )]# [ inline ] fn guess ( x : $T )-> $T {( x as f64 ). sqrt () as $T }# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "std" ))]# [ inline ] fn guess ( x : $T )-> $T { 1 << (( log2 ( x )+ 1 )/ 2 )} let next = | x : $T | ( a / x + x )>> 1 ; fixpoint ( guess ( a ), next )} go (* self )}# [ inline ] fn cbrt (& self )-> Self { fn go ( a : $T )-> $T { if bits ::<$T > ()> 64 { return if a <= core :: u64 :: MAX as $T {( a as u64 ). cbrt () as $T } else { let lo = ( a >> 3u32 ). cbrt ()<< 1 ; let hi = lo + 1 ; if hi * hi * hi <= a { hi } else { lo }}; } if bits ::<$T > ()<= 32 { let mut x = a ; let mut y2 = 0 ; let mut y = 0 ; let smax = bits ::<$T > ()/ 3 ; for s in ( 0 .. smax + 1 ). rev (){ let s = s * 3 ; y2 *= 4 ; y *= 2 ; let b = 3 * ( y2 + y )+ 1 ; if x >> s >= b { x -= b << s ; y2 += 2 * y + 1 ; y += 1 ; }} return y ; } if a < 8 { return ( a > 0 ) as $T ; } if a <= core :: u32 :: MAX as $T { return ( a as u32 ). cbrt () as $T ; }# [ cfg ( feature = "std" )]# [ inline ] fn guess ( x : $T )-> $T {( x as f64 ). cbrt () as $T }# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "std" ))]# [ inline ] fn guess ( x : $T )-> $T { 1 << (( log2 ( x )+ 2 )/ 3 )} let next = | x : $T | ( a / ( x * x )+ x * 2 )/ 3 ; fixpoint ( guess ( a ), next )} go (* self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture210 {($T : ty , $test_mod : ident )=>{ impl Integer for $T {# [ doc = " Floored integer division" ]# [ inline ] fn div_floor (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let ( d , r )= self . div_rem ( other ); if ( r > 0 && * other < 0 )|| ( r < 0 && * other > 0 ){ d - 1 } else { d }}# [ doc = " Floored integer modulo" ]# [ inline ] fn mod_floor (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let r = * self % * other ; if ( r > 0 && * other < 0 )|| ( r < 0 && * other > 0 ){ r + * other } else { r }}# [ doc = " Calculates `div_floor` and `mod_floor` simultaneously" ]# [ inline ] fn div_mod_floor (& self , other : & Self )-> ( Self , Self ){ let ( d , r )= self . div_rem ( other ); if ( r > 0 && * other < 0 )|| ( r < 0 && * other > 0 ){( d - 1 , r + * other )} else {( d , r )}}# [ inline ] fn div_ceil (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let ( d , r )= self . div_rem ( other ); if ( r > 0 && * other > 0 )|| ( r < 0 && * other < 0 ){ d + 1 } else { d }}# [ doc = " Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and" ]# [ doc = " `other`. The result is always positive." ]# [ inline ] fn gcd (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let mut m = * self ; let mut n = * other ; if m == 0 || n == 0 { return ( m | n ). abs (); } let shift = ( m | n ). trailing_zeros (); if m == Self :: min_value ()|| n == Self :: min_value (){ return ( 1 << shift ). abs (); } m = m . abs (); n = n . abs (); m >>= m . trailing_zeros (); n >>= n . trailing_zeros (); while m != n { if m > n { m -= n ; m >>= m . trailing_zeros (); } else { n -= m ; n >>= n . trailing_zeros (); }} m << shift }# [ inline ] fn extended_gcd_lcm (& self , other : & Self )-> ( ExtendedGcd < Self >, Self ){ let egcd = self . extended_gcd ( other ); let lcm = if egcd . gcd . is_zero (){ Self :: zero ()} else {(* self * (* other / egcd . gcd )). abs ()}; ( egcd , lcm )}# [ doc = " Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and" ]# [ doc = " `other`." ]# [ inline ] fn lcm (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { self . gcd_lcm ( other ). 1 }# [ doc = " Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and" ]# [ doc = " Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`." ]# [ inline ] fn gcd_lcm (& self , other : & Self )-> ( Self , Self ){ if self . is_zero ()&& other . is_zero (){ return ( Self :: zero (), Self :: zero ()); } let gcd = self . gcd ( other ); let lcm = (* self * (* other / gcd )). abs (); ( gcd , lcm )}# [ doc = " Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead." ]# [ inline ] fn divides (& self , other : & Self )-> bool { self . is_multiple_of ( other )}# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`." ]# [ inline ] fn is_multiple_of (& self , other : & Self )-> bool {* self % * other == 0 }# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`" ]# [ inline ] fn is_even (& self )-> bool {(* self )& 1 == 0 }# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`" ]# [ inline ] fn is_odd (& self )-> bool {! self . is_even ()}# [ doc = " Simultaneous truncated integer division and modulus." ]# [ inline ] fn div_rem (& self , other : & Self )-> ( Self , Self ){(* self / * other , * self % * other )}}# [ cfg ( test )] mod $test_mod { use core :: mem ; use Integer ; # [ doc = " Checks that the division rule holds for:" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " - `n`: numerator (dividend)" ]# [ doc = " - `d`: denominator (divisor)" ]# [ doc = " - `qr`: quotient and remainder" ]# [ cfg ( test )] fn test_division_rule (( n , d ): ($T , $T ), ( q , r ): ($T , $T )){ assert_eq ! ( d * q + r , n ); }# [ test ] fn test_div_rem (){ fn test_nd_dr ( nd : ($T , $T ), qr : ($T , $T )){ let ( n , d )= nd ; let separate_div_rem = ( n / d , n % d ); let combined_div_rem = n . div_rem (& d ); assert_eq ! ( separate_div_rem , qr ); assert_eq ! ( combined_div_rem , qr ); test_division_rule ( n
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture211 {($T : ty , $test_mod : ident )=>{ impl Integer for $T {# [ doc = " Unsigned integer division. Returns the same result as `div` (`/`)." ]# [ inline ] fn div_floor (& self , other : & Self )-> Self {* self / * other }# [ doc = " Unsigned integer modulo operation. Returns the same result as `rem` (`%`)." ]# [ inline ] fn mod_floor (& self , other : & Self )-> Self {* self % * other }# [ inline ] fn div_ceil (& self , other : & Self )-> Self {* self / * other + ( 0 != * self % * other ) as Self }# [ doc = " Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`" ]# [ inline ] fn gcd (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let mut m = * self ; let mut n = * other ; if m == 0 || n == 0 { return m | n ; } let shift = ( m | n ). trailing_zeros (); m >>= m . trailing_zeros (); n >>= n . trailing_zeros (); while m != n { if m > n { m -= n ; m >>= m . trailing_zeros (); } else { n -= m ; n >>= n . trailing_zeros (); }} m << shift }# [ inline ] fn extended_gcd_lcm (& self , other : & Self )-> ( ExtendedGcd < Self >, Self ){ let egcd = self . extended_gcd ( other ); let lcm = if egcd . gcd . is_zero (){ Self :: zero ()} else {* self * (* other / egcd . gcd )}; ( egcd , lcm )}# [ doc = " Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`." ]# [ inline ] fn lcm (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { self . gcd_lcm ( other ). 1 }# [ doc = " Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and" ]# [ doc = " Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`." ]# [ inline ] fn gcd_lcm (& self , other : & Self )-> ( Self , Self ){ if self . is_zero ()&& other . is_zero (){ return ( Self :: zero (), Self :: zero ()); } let gcd = self . gcd ( other ); let lcm = * self * (* other / gcd ); ( gcd , lcm )}# [ doc = " Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead." ]# [ inline ] fn divides (& self , other : & Self )-> bool { self . is_multiple_of ( other )}# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`." ]# [ inline ] fn is_multiple_of (& self , other : & Self )-> bool {* self % * other == 0 }# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`." ]# [ inline ] fn is_even (& self )-> bool {* self % 2 == 0 }# [ doc = " Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`." ]# [ inline ] fn is_odd (& self )-> bool {! self . is_even ()}# [ doc = " Simultaneous truncated integer division and modulus." ]# [ inline ] fn div_rem (& self , other : & Self )-> ( Self , Self ){(* self / * other , * self % * other )}}# [ cfg ( test )] mod $test_mod { use core :: mem ; use Integer ; # [ test ] fn test_div_mod_floor (){ assert_eq ! (( 10 as $T ). div_floor (& ( 3 as $T )), 3 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 10 as $T ). mod_floor (& ( 3 as $T )), 1 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 10 as $T ). div_mod_floor (& ( 3 as $T )), ( 3 as $T , 1 as $T )); assert_eq ! (( 5 as $T ). div_floor (& ( 5 as $T )), 1 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 5 as $T ). mod_floor (& ( 5 as $T )), 0 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 5 as $T ). div_mod_floor (& ( 5 as $T )), ( 1 as $T , 0 as $T )); assert_eq ! (( 3 as $T ). div_floor (& ( 7 as $T )), 0 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 3 as $T ). mod_floor (& ( 7 as $T )), 3 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 3 as $T ). div_mod_floor (& ( 7 as $T )), ( 0 as $T , 3 as $T )); }# [ test ] fn test_gcd (){ assert_eq ! (( 10 as $T ). gcd (& 2 ), 2 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 10 as $T ). gcd (& 3 ), 1 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 0 as $T ). gcd (& 3 ), 3 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 3 as $T ). gcd (& 3 ), 3 as $T ); assert_eq ! (( 56 as $T ). gcd (& 42 ), 14 as $T ); }# [ test ] fn test_gcd_cmp_with_euclidean (){ fn euclidean_gcd ( mut m : $T , mut n : $T )-> $T { while m != 0 { mem :: swap (& mut m , & mut n ); m %= n ; } n } for i in 0 .. 255 { for j in 0 .. 255 { assert_eq ! ( euclidean_gcd ( i , j ), i . gcd (& j )); }} let i = 255 ; for j in 0 ..
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture212 {($I : ident , $U : ident )=>{ mod $I { use check ; use neg ; use num_integer :: Roots ; use pos ; use std :: mem ; # [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn zeroth_root (){( 123 as $I ). nth_root ( 0 ); }# [ test ] fn sqrt (){ check (& pos ::<$I > (), 2 ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn sqrt_neg (){(- 123 as $I ). sqrt (); }# [ test ] fn cbrt (){ check (& pos ::<$I > (), 3 ); }# [ test ] fn cbrt_neg (){ check (& neg ::<$I > (), 3 ); }# [ test ] fn nth_root (){ let bits = 8 * mem :: size_of ::<$I > () as u32 - 1 ; let pos = pos ::<$I > (); for n in 4 .. bits { check (& pos , n ); }}# [ test ] fn nth_root_neg (){ let bits = 8 * mem :: size_of ::<$I > () as u32 - 1 ; let neg = neg ::<$I > (); for n in 2 .. bits / 2 { check (& neg , 2 * n + 1 ); }}# [ test ] fn bit_size (){ let bits = 8 * mem :: size_of ::<$I > () as u32 - 1 ; assert_eq ! ($I :: max_value (). nth_root ( bits - 1 ), 2 ); assert_eq ! ($I :: max_value (). nth_root ( bits ), 1 ); assert_eq ! ($I :: min_value (). nth_root ( bits ), - 2 ); assert_eq ! (($I :: min_value ()+ 1 ). nth_root ( bits ), - 1 ); }} mod $U { use check ; use num_integer :: Roots ; use pos ; use std :: mem ; # [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn zeroth_root (){( 123 as $U ). nth_root ( 0 ); }# [ test ] fn sqrt (){ check (& pos ::<$U > (), 2 ); }# [ test ] fn cbrt (){ check (& pos ::<$U > (), 3 ); }# [ test ] fn nth_root (){ let bits = 8 * mem :: size_of ::<$I > () as u32 - 1 ; let pos = pos ::<$I > (); for n in 4 .. bits { check (& pos , n ); }}# [ test ] fn bit_size (){ let bits = 8 * mem :: size_of ::<$U > () as u32 ; assert_eq ! ($U :: max_value (). nth_root ( bits - 1 ), 2 ); assert_eq ! ($U :: max_value (). nth_root ( bits ), 1 ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture213 {($name : ident , $ranges : ident )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let set = ranges_to_set ( general_category ::$ranges ); let hashset : HashSet < u32 > = set . iter (). cloned (). collect (); let trie = TrieSetOwned :: from_codepoints (& set ). unwrap (); for cp in 0 .. 0x110000 { assert ! ( trie . contains_u32 ( cp )== hashset . contains (& cp )); } assert ! (! trie . contains_u32 ( 0x110000 )); assert ! (! hashset . contains (& 0x110000 )); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture214 {{$(mod $module : ident ; [$($prop : ident , )*]; )*}=>{$(# [ allow ( unused )] mod $module ; $(pub fn $prop ( c : char )-> bool { self ::$module ::$prop . contains_char ( c )})* )*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture215 {($name : ident : $input : expr , $($x : tt )* )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let expected_sets = vec ! [$($x )*]; let range_set : RangeSet = $input . parse (). expect ( "parse failed" ); assert_eq ! ( range_set . ranges . len (), expected_sets . len ()); for it in range_set . ranges . iter (). zip ( expected_sets . iter ()){ let ( ai , bi )= it ; assert_eq ! ( ai . comparator_set . len (), * bi ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture216 {($name : ident : $input : expr , $($x : tt )* )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let expected_sets = vec ! [$($x )*]; let range_set = RangeSet :: parse ($input , Compat :: Npm ). expect ( "parse failed" ); assert_eq ! ( range_set . ranges . len (), expected_sets . len ()); for it in range_set . ranges . iter (). zip ( expected_sets . iter ()){ let ( ai , bi )= it ; assert_eq ! ( ai . comparator_set . len (), * bi ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture217 {($($name : ident : $value : expr , )* )=>{$(# [ test ] fn $name (){ assert ! ($value . parse ::< RangeSet > (). is_err ()); })* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture218 {($($name : ident : $value : expr , )* )=>{$(# [ test ] fn $name (){ let ( input , expected_range )= $value ; let parsed_range = parse_range ( input ); let range = from_pair_iterator ( parsed_range , range_set :: Compat :: Cargo ). expect ( "parsing failed" ); let num_comparators = range . comparator_set . len (); let expected_comparators = expected_range . comparator_set . len (); assert_eq ! ( expected_comparators , num_comparators , "expected number of comparators: {}, got: {}" , expected_comparators , num_comparators ); assert_eq ! ( range , expected_range ); })* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture219 {($($name : ident : $value : expr , )* )=>{$(# [ test ] fn $name (){ let ( input , expected_range )= $value ; let parsed_range = parse_range ( input ); let range = from_pair_iterator ( parsed_range , range_set :: Compat :: Npm ). expect ( "parsing failed" ); let num_comparators = range . comparator_set . len (); let expected_comparators = expected_range . comparator_set . len (); assert_eq ! ( expected_comparators , num_comparators , "expected number of comparators: {}, got: {}" , expected_comparators , num_comparators ); assert_eq ! ( range , expected_range ); })* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture220 {($ty : ident $(<$lifetime : tt >)*)=>{ impl <$($lifetime ,)* E > Copy for $ty <$($lifetime ,)* E > {} impl <$($lifetime ,)* E > Clone for $ty <$($lifetime ,)* E > { fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture221 {($ty : ty , $doc : tt , $name : ident , $method : ident $($cast : tt )*)=>{# [ doc = "A deserializer holding" ]# [ doc = $doc ] pub struct $name < E > { value : $ty , marker : PhantomData < E > } impl_copy_clone ! ($name ); impl < 'de , E > IntoDeserializer < 'de , E > for $ty where E : de :: Error , { type Deserializer = $name < E >; fn into_deserializer ( self )-> $name < E > {$name { value : self , marker : PhantomData , }}} impl < 'de , E > de :: Deserializer < 'de > for $name < E > where E : de :: Error , { type Error = E ; forward_to_deserialize_any ! { bool i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 f32 f64 char str string bytes byte_buf option unit unit_struct newtype_struct seq tuple tuple_struct map struct enum identifier ignored_any } fn deserialize_any < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Self :: Error > where V : de :: Visitor < 'de >, { visitor .$method ( self . value $($cast )*)}} impl < E > Debug for $name < E > { fn fmt (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . debug_struct ( stringify ! ($name )). field ( "value" , & self . value ). finish ()}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture222 {($($tt : tt )*)=>{}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture223 {($ty : ident , $deserialize : ident $($methods : tt )*)=>{ impl < 'de > Deserialize < 'de > for $ty {# [ inline ] fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct PrimitiveVisitor ; impl < 'de > Visitor < 'de > for PrimitiveVisitor { type Value = $ty ; fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( stringify ! ($ty ))}$($methods )* } deserializer .$deserialize ( PrimitiveVisitor )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture224 {($ty : ident < T $(: $tbound1 : ident $(+ $tbound2 : ident )*)* $(, $typaram : ident : $bound1 : ident $(+ $bound2 : ident )*)* >, $access : ident , $clear : expr , $with_capacity : expr , $reserve : expr , $insert : expr )=>{ impl < 'de , T $(, $typaram )*> Deserialize < 'de > for $ty < T $(, $typaram )*> where T : Deserialize < 'de > $(+ $tbound1 $(+ $tbound2 )*)*, $($typaram : $bound1 $(+ $bound2 )*,)* { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct SeqVisitor < T $(, $typaram )*> { marker : PhantomData <$ty < T $(, $typaram )*>>, } impl < 'de , T $(, $typaram )*> Visitor < 'de > for SeqVisitor < T $(, $typaram )*> where T : Deserialize < 'de > $(+ $tbound1 $(+ $tbound2 )*)*, $($typaram : $bound1 $(+ $bound2 )*,)* { type Value = $ty < T $(, $typaram )*>; fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( "a sequence" )}# [ inline ] fn visit_seq < A > ( self , mut $access : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : SeqAccess < 'de >, { let mut values = $with_capacity ; while let Some ( value )= try ! ($access . next_element ()){$insert (& mut values , value ); } Ok ( values )}} let visitor = SeqVisitor { marker : PhantomData }; deserializer . deserialize_seq ( visitor )} fn deserialize_in_place < D > ( deserializer : D , place : & mut Self )-> Result < (), D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct SeqInPlaceVisitor < 'a , T : 'a $(, $typaram : 'a )*> (& 'a mut $ty < T $(, $typaram )*>); impl < 'a , 'de , T $(, $typaram )*> Visitor < 'de > for SeqInPlaceVisitor < 'a , T $(, $typaram )*> where T : Deserialize < 'de > $(+ $tbound1 $(+ $tbound2 )*)*, $($typaram : $bound1 $(+ $bound2 )*,)* { type Value = (); fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( "a sequence" )}# [ inline ] fn visit_seq < A > ( mut self , mut $access : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : SeqAccess < 'de >, {$clear (& mut self . 0 ); $reserve (& mut self . 0 , size_hint :: cautious ($access . size_hint ())); while let Some ( value )= try ! ($access . next_element ()){$insert (& mut self . 0 , value ); } Ok (())}} deserializer . deserialize_seq ( SeqInPlaceVisitor ( place ))}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture225 {($($len : expr =>($($n : tt )+))+)=>{$(impl < 'de , T > Visitor < 'de > for ArrayVisitor < [ T ; $len ]> where T : Deserialize < 'de >, { type Value = [ T ; $len ]; fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( concat ! ( "an array of length " , $len ))}# [ inline ] fn visit_seq < A > ( self , mut seq : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : SeqAccess < 'de >, { Ok ([$(match try ! ( seq . next_element ()){ Some ( val )=> val , None => return Err ( Error :: invalid_length ($n , & self )), }),+])}} impl < 'a , 'de , T > Visitor < 'de > for ArrayInPlaceVisitor < 'a , [ T ; $len ]> where T : Deserialize < 'de >, { type Value = (); fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( concat ! ( "an array of length " , $len ))}# [ inline ] fn visit_seq < A > ( self , mut seq : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : SeqAccess < 'de >, { let mut fail_idx = None ; for ( idx , dest ) in self . 0 [..]. iter_mut (). enumerate (){ if try ! ( seq . next_element_seed ( InPlaceSeed ( dest ))). is_none (){ fail_idx = Some ( idx ); break ; }} if let Some ( idx )= fail_idx { return Err ( Error :: invalid_length ( idx , & self )); } Ok (())}} impl < 'de , T > Deserialize < 'de > for [ T ; $len ] where T : Deserialize < 'de >, { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { deserializer . deserialize_tuple ($len , ArrayVisitor ::< [ T ; $len ]>:: new ())} fn deserialize_in_place < D > ( deserializer : D , place : & mut Self )-> Result < (), D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { deserializer . deserialize_tuple ($len , ArrayInPlaceVisitor ( place ))}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture226 {($($len : tt =>($($n : tt $name : ident )+))+)=>{$(impl < 'de , $($name : Deserialize < 'de >),+> Deserialize < 'de > for ($($name ,)+){# [ inline ] fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct TupleVisitor <$($name ,)+> { marker : PhantomData < ($($name ,)+)>, } impl < 'de , $($name : Deserialize < 'de >),+> Visitor < 'de > for TupleVisitor <$($name ,)+> { type Value = ($($name ,)+); fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( concat ! ( "a tuple of size " , $len ))}# [ inline ]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] fn visit_seq < A > ( self , mut seq : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : SeqAccess < 'de >, {$(let $name = match try ! ( seq . next_element ()){ Some ( value )=> value , None => return Err ( Error :: invalid_length ($n , & self )), }; )+ Ok (($($name ,)+))}} deserializer . deserialize_tuple ($len , TupleVisitor { marker : PhantomData })}# [ inline ] fn deserialize_in_place < D > ( deserializer : D , place : & mut Self )-> Result < (), D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct TupleInPlaceVisitor < 'a , $($name : 'a ,)+> (& 'a mut ($($name ,)+)); impl < 'a , 'de , $($name : Deserialize < 'de >),+> Visitor < 'de > for TupleInPlaceVisitor < 'a , $($name ,)+> { type Value = (); fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( concat ! ( "a tuple of size " , $len ))}# [ inline ]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] fn visit_seq < A > ( self , mut seq : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : SeqAccess < 'de >, {$(if try ! ( seq . next_element_seed ( InPlaceSeed (& mut ( self . 0 ).$n ))). is_none (){ return Err ( Error :: invalid_length ($n , & self )); })+ Ok (())}} deserializer . deserialize_tuple ($len , TupleInPlaceVisitor ( place ))}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture227 {($ty : ident < K $(: $kbound1 : ident $(+ $kbound2 : ident )*)*, V $(, $typaram : ident : $bound1 : ident $(+ $bound2 : ident )*)* >, $access : ident , $with_capacity : expr )=>{ impl < 'de , K , V $(, $typaram )*> Deserialize < 'de > for $ty < K , V $(, $typaram )*> where K : Deserialize < 'de > $(+ $kbound1 $(+ $kbound2 )*)*, V : Deserialize < 'de >, $($typaram : $bound1 $(+ $bound2 )*),* { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct MapVisitor < K , V $(, $typaram )*> { marker : PhantomData <$ty < K , V $(, $typaram )*>>, } impl < 'de , K , V $(, $typaram )*> Visitor < 'de > for MapVisitor < K , V $(, $typaram )*> where K : Deserialize < 'de > $(+ $kbound1 $(+ $kbound2 )*)*, V : Deserialize < 'de >, $($typaram : $bound1 $(+ $bound2 )*),* { type Value = $ty < K , V $(, $typaram )*>; fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ( "a map" )}# [ inline ] fn visit_map < A > ( self , mut $access : A )-> Result < Self :: Value , A :: Error > where A : MapAccess < 'de >, { let mut values = $with_capacity ; while let Some (( key , value ))= try ! ($access . next_entry ()){ values . insert ( key , value ); } Ok ( values )}} let visitor = MapVisitor { marker : PhantomData }; deserializer . deserialize_map ( visitor )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture228 {($expecting : tt $ty : ty ; $size : tt )=>{ impl < 'de > Deserialize < 'de > for $ty { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { if deserializer . is_human_readable (){ deserializer . deserialize_str ( FromStrVisitor :: new ($expecting ))} else {< [ u8 ; $size ]>:: deserialize ( deserializer ). map (<$ty >:: from )}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture229 {($expecting : tt $ty : ty , $new : expr )=>{ impl < 'de > Deserialize < 'de > for $ty { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { if deserializer . is_human_readable (){ deserializer . deserialize_str ( FromStrVisitor :: new ($expecting ))} else {< (_, u16 )>:: deserialize ( deserializer ). map (| ( ip , port )| $new ( ip , port ))}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture230 {($name_kind : ident ($($variant : ident ; $bytes : expr ; $index : expr ),* )$expecting_message : expr , $variants_name : ident )=>{ enum $name_kind {$($variant ),* } static $variants_name : & 'static [& 'static str ]= & [$(stringify ! ($variant )),*]; impl < 'de > Deserialize < 'de > for $name_kind { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { struct KindVisitor ; impl < 'de > Visitor < 'de > for KindVisitor { type Value = $name_kind ; fn expecting (& self , formatter : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { formatter . write_str ($expecting_message )} fn visit_u64 < E > ( self , value : u64 )-> Result < Self :: Value , E > where E : Error , { match value {$($index => Ok ($name_kind :: $variant ), )* _ => Err ( Error :: invalid_value ( Unexpected :: Unsigned ( value ), & self ),), }} fn visit_str < E > ( self , value : & str )-> Result < Self :: Value , E > where E : Error , { match value {$(stringify ! ($variant )=> Ok ($name_kind :: $variant ), )* _ => Err ( Error :: unknown_variant ( value , $variants_name )), }} fn visit_bytes < E > ( self , value : & [ u8 ])-> Result < Self :: Value , E > where E : Error , { match value {$($bytes => Ok ($name_kind :: $variant ), )* _ =>{ match str :: from_utf8 ( value ){ Ok ( value )=> Err ( Error :: unknown_variant ( value , $variants_name )), Err (_)=> Err ( Error :: invalid_value ( Unexpected :: Bytes ( value ), & self )), }}}}} deserializer . deserialize_identifier ( KindVisitor )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture231 {($(# [ doc = $doc : tt ])* ($($id : ident ),* ), $ty : ty , $func : expr )=>{$(# [ doc = $doc ])* impl < 'de $(, $id : Deserialize < 'de >,)*> Deserialize < 'de > for $ty { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { Deserialize :: deserialize ( deserializer ). map ($func )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture232 {($($T : ident , )+ )=>{$(# [ cfg ( num_nonzero )] impl < 'de > Deserialize < 'de > for num ::$T { fn deserialize < D > ( deserializer : D )-> Result < Self , D :: Error > where D : Deserializer < 'de >, { let value = try ! ( Deserialize :: deserialize ( deserializer )); match < num ::$T >:: new ( value ){ Some ( nonzero )=> Ok ( nonzero ), None => Err ( Error :: custom ( "expected a non-zero value" )), }}})+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture233 {( Error : Sized $(+ $($supertrait : ident )::+)*)=>{# [ doc = " The `Error` trait allows `Deserialize` implementations to create descriptive" ]# [ doc = " error messages belonging to the `Deserializer` against which they are" ]# [ doc = " currently running." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Every `Deserializer` declares an `Error` type that encompasses both" ]# [ doc = " general-purpose deserialization errors as well as errors specific to the" ]# [ doc = " particular deserialization format. For example the `Error` type of" ]# [ doc = " `serde_json` can represent errors like an invalid JSON escape sequence or an" ]# [ doc = " unterminated string literal, in addition to the error cases that are part of" ]# [ doc = " this trait." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Most deserializers should only need to provide the `Error::custom` method" ]# [ doc = " and inherit the default behavior for the other methods." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Example implementation" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The [example data format] presented on the website shows an error" ]# [ doc = " type appropriate for a basic JSON data format." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [example data format]: https://serde.rs/data-format.html" ] pub trait Error : Sized $(+ $($supertrait )::+)* {# [ doc = " Raised when there is general error when deserializing a type." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The message should not be capitalized and should not end with a period." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```edition2018" ]# [ doc = " # use std::str::FromStr;" ]# [ doc = " #" ]# [ doc = " # struct IpAddr;" ]# [ doc = " #" ]# [ doc = " # impl FromStr for IpAddr {" ]# [ doc = " # type Err = String;" ]# [ doc = " #" ]# [ doc = " # fn from_str(_: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {" ]# [ doc = " # unimplemented!()" ]# [ doc = " # }" ]# [ doc = " # }" ]# [ doc = " #" ]# [ doc = " use serde::de::{self, Deserialize, Deserializer};" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " impl<\\\'de> Deserialize<\\\'de> for IpAddr {" ]# [ doc = " fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>" ]# [ doc = " where" ]# [ doc = " D: Deserializer<\\\'de>," ]# [ doc = " {" ]# [ doc = " let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;" ]# [ doc = " s.parse().map_err(de::Error::custom)" ]# [ doc = " }" ]# [ doc = " }" ]# [ doc = " ```" ] fn custom < T > ( msg : T )-> Self where T : Display ; # [ doc = " Raised when a `Deserialize` receives a type different from what it was" ]# [ doc = " expecting." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The `unexp` argument provides information about what type was received." ]# [ doc = " This is the type that was present in the input file or other source data" ]# [ doc = " of the Deserializer." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The `exp` argument provides information about what type was being" ]# [ doc = " expected. This is the type that is written in the program." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " For example if we try to deserialize a String out of a JSON file" ]# [ doc = " containing an integer, the unexpected type is the integer and the" ]# [ doc = " expected type is the string." ]# [ cold ] fn invalid_type ( unexp : Unexpected , exp : & Expected )-> Self { Error :: custom ( format_args ! ( "invalid type: {}, expected {}" , unexp , exp ))}# [ doc = " Raised when a `Deserialize` receives a value of the right type but that" ]# [ doc = " is wrong for some other reason." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The `unexp` argument provides information about what value was received." ]# [ doc = " This is the value that was present in the input file or other source" ]# [ doc = " data of the Deserializer." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The `exp` argument provides information about what value was being" ]# [ doc = " expected. This is the type that is written in the program." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " For example if we try to deserialize a String out of some binary data" ]# [ doc = " that is not valid UTF-8, the unexpected value is the bytes and the" ]# [ doc = "
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture234 {($ty : ident , $method : ident $($cast : tt )*)=>{ impl Serialize for $ty {# [ inline ] fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , { serializer .$method (* self $($cast )*)}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture235 {($($len : tt )+)=>{$(impl < T > Serialize for [ T ; $len ] where T : Serialize , {# [ inline ] fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , { let mut seq = try ! ( serializer . serialize_tuple ($len )); for e in self { try ! ( seq . serialize_element ( e )); } seq . end ()}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture236 {($ty : ident < T $(: $tbound1 : ident $(+ $tbound2 : ident )*)* $(, $typaram : ident : $bound : ident )* >)=>{ impl < T $(, $typaram )*> Serialize for $ty < T $(, $typaram )*> where T : Serialize $(+ $tbound1 $(+ $tbound2 )*)*, $($typaram : $bound ,)* {# [ inline ] fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , { serializer . collect_seq ( self )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture237 {($($len : expr =>($($n : tt $name : ident )+))+)=>{$(impl <$($name ),+> Serialize for ($($name ,)+) where $($name : Serialize ,)+ {# [ inline ] fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , { let mut tuple = try ! ( serializer . serialize_tuple ($len )); $(try ! ( tuple . serialize_element (& self .$n )); )+ tuple . end ()}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture238 {($ty : ident < K $(: $kbound1 : ident $(+ $kbound2 : ident )*)*, V $(, $typaram : ident : $bound : ident )* >)=>{ impl < K , V $(, $typaram )*> Serialize for $ty < K , V $(, $typaram )*> where K : Serialize $(+ $kbound1 $(+ $kbound2 )*)*, V : Serialize , $($typaram : $bound ,)* {# [ inline ] fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , { serializer . collect_map ( self )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture239 {($(# [ doc = $doc : tt ])* <$($desc : tt )+ )=>{$(# [ doc = $doc ])* impl <$($desc )+ {# [ inline ] fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , {(** self ). serialize ( serializer )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture240 {($($T : ident , )+ )=>{$(# [ cfg ( num_nonzero )] impl Serialize for num ::$T { fn serialize < S > (& self , serializer : S )-> Result < S :: Ok , S :: Error > where S : Serializer , { self . get (). serialize ( serializer )}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture241 {( Error : Sized $(+ $($supertrait : ident )::+)*)=>{# [ doc = " Trait used by `Serialize` implementations to generically construct" ]# [ doc = " errors belonging to the `Serializer` against which they are" ]# [ doc = " currently running." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Example implementation" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The [example data format] presented on the website shows an error" ]# [ doc = " type appropriate for a basic JSON data format." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [example data format]: https://serde.rs/data-format.html" ] pub trait Error : Sized $(+ $($supertrait )::+)* {# [ doc = " Used when a [`Serialize`] implementation encounters any error" ]# [ doc = " while serializing a type." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " The message should not be capitalized and should not end with a" ]# [ doc = " period." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " For example, a filesystem [`Path`] may refuse to serialize" ]# [ doc = " itself if it contains invalid UTF-8 data." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```edition2018" ]# [ doc = " # struct Path;" ]# [ doc = " #" ]# [ doc = " # impl Path {" ]# [ doc = " # fn to_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {" ]# [ doc = " # unimplemented!()" ]# [ doc = " # }" ]# [ doc = " # }" ]# [ doc = " #" ]# [ doc = " use serde::ser::{self, Serialize, Serializer};" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " impl Serialize for Path {" ]# [ doc = " fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>" ]# [ doc = " where" ]# [ doc = " S: Serializer," ]# [ doc = " {" ]# [ doc = " match self.to_str() {" ]# [ doc = " Some(s) => serializer.serialize_str(s)," ]# [ doc = " None => Err(ser::Error::custom(\\\"path contains invalid UTF-8 characters\\\"))," ]# [ doc = " }" ]# [ doc = " }" ]# [ doc = " }" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " [`Path`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html" ]# [ doc = " [`Serialize`]: ../trait.Serialize.html" ] fn custom < T > ( msg : T )-> Self where T : Display ; }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture242 {($t : ty , $($attr : meta ),* )=>{$(# [$attr ])* impl < L , R > AsRef <$t > for Either < L , R > where L : AsRef <$t >, R : AsRef <$t > { fn as_ref (& self )-> &$t { either ! (* self , ref inner => inner . as_ref ())}}$(# [$attr ])* impl < L , R > AsMut <$t > for Either < L , R > where L : AsMut <$t >, R : AsMut <$t > { fn as_mut (& mut self )-> & mut $t { either ! (* self , ref mut inner => inner . as_mut ())}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture243 {($C : ident $P : ident ; $A : ident , $($I : ident ),* ; $($X : ident )*)=>(# [ derive ( Clone , Debug )] pub struct $C < I : Iterator > { item : Option < I :: Item >, iter : I , c : $P < I >, } impl < I : Iterator + Clone > From < I > for $C < I > { fn from ( mut iter : I )-> Self {$C { item : iter . next (), iter : iter . clone (), c : $P :: from ( iter ), }}} impl < I : Iterator + Clone > From < I > for $C < Fuse < I >> { fn from ( iter : I )-> Self { let mut iter = iter . fuse (); $C { item : iter . next (), iter : iter . clone (), c : $P :: from ( iter ), }}} impl < I , $A > Iterator for $C < I > where I : Iterator < Item = $A > + Clone , I :: Item : Clone { type Item = ($($I ),*); fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { if let Some (($($X ),*,))= self . c . next (){ let z = self . item . clone (). unwrap (); Some (( z , $($X ),*))} else { self . item = self . iter . next (); self . item . clone (). and_then (| z | { self . c = $P :: from ( self . iter . clone ()); self . c . next (). map (| ($($X ),*,)| ( z , $($X ),*))})}}} impl < I , $A > HasCombination < I > for ($($I ),*) where I : Iterator < Item = $A > + Clone , I :: Item : Clone { type Combination = $C < Fuse < I >>; })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture244 (($_A : ident , $_B : ident , )=>(); ($A : ident , $($B : ident ,)*)=>( impl_cons_iter ! ($($B ,)*); # [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl < X , Iter , $($B ),*> Iterator for ConsTuples < Iter , (($($B ,)*), X )> where Iter : Iterator < Item = (($($B ,)*), X )>, { type Item = ($($B ,)* X , ); fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next (). map (| (($($B ,)*), x )| ($($B ,)* x , ))} fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . iter . size_hint ()} fn fold < Acc , Fold > ( self , accum : Acc , mut f : Fold )-> Acc where Fold : FnMut ( Acc , Self :: Item )-> Acc , { self . iter . fold ( accum , move | acc , (($($B ,)*), x )| f ( acc , ($($B ,)* x , )))}}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl < X , Iter , $($B ),*> DoubleEndedIterator for ConsTuples < Iter , (($($B ,)*), X )> where Iter : DoubleEndedIterator < Item = (($($B ,)*), X )>, { fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next (). map (| (($($B ,)*), x )| ($($B ,)* x , ))}}); );
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture245 {($($fmt_trait : ident )*)=>{$(impl < 'a , I > fmt ::$fmt_trait for Format < 'a , I > where I : Iterator , I :: Item : fmt ::$fmt_trait , { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { self . format ( f , fmt ::$fmt_trait :: fmt )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture246 {([$($typarm : tt )*]$type_ : ty )=>{ impl <$($typarm )*> PeekingNext for $type_ { fn peeking_next < F > (& mut self , accept : F )-> Option < Self :: Item > where F : FnOnce (& Self :: Item )-> bool { let saved_state = self . clone (); if let Some ( r )= self . next (){ if ! accept (& r ){* self = saved_state ; } else { return Some ( r )}} None }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture247 {($dummy : ident ,)=>{}; ($dummy : ident , $($Y : ident ,)*)=>( impl_tuple_collect ! ($($Y ,)*); impl < A > TupleCollect for ($(ignore_ident ! ($Y , A ),)*){ type Item = A ; type Buffer = [ Option < A >; count_ident ! ($($Y ,)*)- 1 ]; # [ allow ( unused_assignments , unused_mut )] fn collect_from_iter < I > ( iter : I , buf : & mut Self :: Buffer )-> Option < Self > where I : IntoIterator < Item = A >{ let mut iter = iter . into_iter (); $(let mut $Y = None ; )* loop {$($Y = iter . next (); if $Y . is_none (){ break })* return Some (($($Y . unwrap ()),*,))} let mut i = 0 ; let mut s = buf . as_mut (); $(if i < s . len (){ s [ i ]= $Y ; i += 1 ; })* return None ; } fn collect_from_iter_no_buf < I > ( iter : I )-> Option < Self > where I : IntoIterator < Item = A >{ let mut iter = iter . into_iter (); Some (($({let $Y = iter . next ()?; $Y }, )*))} fn num_items ()-> usize { count_ident ! ($($Y ,)*)} fn left_shift_push (& mut self , mut item : A ){ use std :: mem :: replace ; let & mut ($(ref mut $Y ),*,)= self ; macro_rules ! replace_item {($i : ident )=>{ item = replace ($i , item ); }}; rev_for_each_ident ! ( replace_item , $($Y ,)*); drop ( item ); }})}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture248 {($($B : ident ),*)=>(# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl <$($B : IntoIterator ),*> From < ($($B ,)*)> for Zip < ($($B :: IntoIter ,)*)> { fn from ( t : ($($B ,)*))-> Self { let ($($B ,)*)= t ; Zip { t : ($($B . into_iter (),)*)}}}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )]# [ allow ( unused_assignments )] impl <$($B ),*> Iterator for Zip < ($($B ,)*)> where $($B : Iterator , )* { type Item = ($($B :: Item ,)*); fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { let ($(ref mut $B ,)*)= self . t ; $(let $B = match $B . next (){ None => return None , Some ( elt )=> elt }; )* Some (($($B ,)*))} fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ let sh = (:: std :: usize :: MAX , None ); let ($(ref $B ,)*)= self . t ; $(let sh = size_hint :: min ($B . size_hint (), sh ); )* sh }}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl <$($B ),*> ExactSizeIterator for Zip < ($($B ,)*)> where $($B : ExactSizeIterator , )* {}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl <$($B ),*> DoubleEndedIterator for Zip < ($($B ,)*)> where $($B : DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator , )* {# [ inline ] fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { let ($(ref mut $B ,)*)= self . t ; let size = * [$($B . len (), )*]. iter (). min (). unwrap (); $(if $B . len ()!= size { for _ in 0 ..$B . len ()- size {$B . next_back (); }})* match ($($B . next_back (),)*){($(Some ($B ),)*)=> Some (($($B ,)*)), _ => None , }}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture249 {($iter : ty =>$item : ty , impl $($args : tt )* )=>{ delegate_iterator ! {$iter =>$item , impl $($args )* } impl $($args )* IndexedParallelIterator for $iter { fn drive < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : Consumer < Self :: Item > { self . inner . drive ( consumer )} fn len (& self )-> usize { self . inner . len ()} fn with_producer < CB > ( self , callback : CB )-> CB :: Output where CB : ProducerCallback < Self :: Item > { self . inner . with_producer ( callback )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture250 {($t : ty =>$iter : ident <$($i : tt ),*>, impl $($args : tt )*)=>{ impl $($args )* IntoParallelIterator for $t { type Item = <$t as IntoIterator >:: Item ; type Iter = $iter <$($i ),*>; fn into_par_iter ( self )-> Self :: Iter { use std :: iter :: FromIterator ; $iter { inner : Vec :: from_iter ( self ). into_par_iter ()}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture251 {($iter : ty =>$item : ty , impl $($args : tt )* )=>{ impl $($args )* ParallelIterator for $iter { type Item = $item ; fn drive_unindexed < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : UnindexedConsumer < Self :: Item > { self . inner . drive_unindexed ( consumer )} fn opt_len (& self )-> Option < usize > { self . inner . opt_len ()}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture252 {($($Tuple : ident {$(($idx : tt )-> $T : ident )+ })+)=>{$(impl <$($T , )+> IntoParallelIterator for ($($T , )+) where $($T : IntoParallelIterator , $T :: Iter : IndexedParallelIterator , )+ { type Item = ($($T :: Item , )+); type Iter = MultiZip < ($($T :: Iter , )+)>; fn into_par_iter ( self )-> Self :: Iter { MultiZip { tuple : ($(self .$idx . into_par_iter (), )+ ), }}} impl < 'a , $($T , )+> IntoParallelIterator for & 'a ($($T , )+) where $($T : IntoParallelRefIterator < 'a >, $T :: Iter : IndexedParallelIterator , )+ { type Item = ($($T :: Item , )+); type Iter = MultiZip < ($($T :: Iter , )+)>; fn into_par_iter ( self )-> Self :: Iter { MultiZip { tuple : ($(self .$idx . par_iter (), )+ ), }}} impl < 'a , $($T , )+> IntoParallelIterator for & 'a mut ($($T , )+) where $($T : IntoParallelRefMutIterator < 'a >, $T :: Iter : IndexedParallelIterator , )+ { type Item = ($($T :: Item , )+); type Iter = MultiZip < ($($T :: Iter , )+)>; fn into_par_iter ( self )-> Self :: Iter { MultiZip { tuple : ($(self .$idx . par_iter_mut (), )+ ), }}} impl <$($T , )+> ParallelIterator for MultiZip < ($($T , )+)> where $($T : IndexedParallelIterator , )+ { type Item = ($($T :: Item , )+); fn drive_unindexed < CONSUMER > ( self , consumer : CONSUMER )-> CONSUMER :: Result where CONSUMER : UnindexedConsumer < Self :: Item >, { self . drive ( consumer )} fn opt_len (& self )-> Option < usize > { Some ( self . len ())}} impl <$($T , )+> IndexedParallelIterator for MultiZip < ($($T , )+)> where $($T : IndexedParallelIterator , )+ { fn drive < CONSUMER > ( self , consumer : CONSUMER )-> CONSUMER :: Result where CONSUMER : Consumer < Self :: Item >, { reduce ! ($(self . tuple .$idx ),+ => IndexedParallelIterator :: zip ). map ( flatten ! ($($T ),+)). drive ( consumer )} fn len (& self )-> usize { reduce ! ($(self . tuple .$idx . len ()),+ => Ord :: min )} fn with_producer < CB > ( self , callback : CB )-> CB :: Output where CB : ProducerCallback < Self :: Item >, { reduce ! ($(self . tuple .$idx ),+ => IndexedParallelIterator :: zip ). map ( flatten ! ($($T ),+)). with_producer ( callback )}})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture253 {($t : ty )=>{ impl ParallelIterator for Iter <$t > { type Item = $t ; fn drive_unindexed < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : UnindexedConsumer < Self :: Item >, { bridge ( self , consumer )} fn opt_len (& self )-> Option < usize > { Some ( self . len ())}} impl IndexedParallelIterator for Iter <$t > { fn drive < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : Consumer < Self :: Item >, { bridge ( self , consumer )} fn len (& self )-> usize { self . range . len ()} fn with_producer < CB > ( self , callback : CB )-> CB :: Output where CB : ProducerCallback < Self :: Item >, { callback . callback ( IterProducer { range : self . range })}} impl Producer for IterProducer <$t > { type Item = < Range <$t > as Iterator >:: Item ; type IntoIter = Range <$t >; fn into_iter ( self )-> Self :: IntoIter { self . range } fn split_at ( self , index : usize )-> ( Self , Self ){ assert ! ( index <= self . range . len ()); let mid = self . range . start . wrapping_add ( index as $t ); let left = self . range . start .. mid ; let right = mid .. self . range . end ; ( IterProducer { range : left }, IterProducer { range : right })}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture254 {($t : ty , $len_t : ty )=>{ impl UnindexedRangeLen <$len_t > for Range <$t > { fn len (& self )-> $len_t { let & Range { start , end }= self ; if end > start { end . wrapping_sub ( start ) as $len_t } else { 0 }}} impl ParallelIterator for Iter <$t > { type Item = $t ; fn drive_unindexed < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : UnindexedConsumer < Self :: Item >, {# [ inline ] fn offset ( start : $t )-> impl Fn ( usize )-> $t { move | i | start . wrapping_add ( i as $t )} if let Some ( len )= self . opt_len (){( 0 .. len ). into_par_iter (). map ( offset ( self . range . start )). drive ( consumer )} else { bridge_unindexed ( IterProducer { range : self . range }, consumer )}} fn opt_len (& self )-> Option < usize > { let len = self . range . len (); if len <= usize :: MAX as $len_t { Some ( len as usize )} else { None }}} impl UnindexedProducer for IterProducer <$t > { type Item = $t ; fn split ( mut self )-> ( Self , Option < Self >){ let index = self . range . len ()/ 2 ; if index > 0 { let mid = self . range . start . wrapping_add ( index as $t ); let right = mid .. self . range . end ; self . range . end = mid ; ( self , Some ( IterProducer { range : right }))} else {( self , None )}} fn fold_with < F > ( self , folder : F )-> F where F : Folder < Self :: Item >, { folder . consume_iter ( self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture255 {($t : ty )=>{ parallel_range_impl ! {$t } impl IndexedParallelIterator for Iter <$t > { fn drive < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : Consumer < Self :: Item >, { convert ! ( self . drive ( consumer ))} fn len (& self )-> usize { self . range . len ()} fn with_producer < CB > ( self , callback : CB )-> CB :: Output where CB : ProducerCallback < Self :: Item >, { convert ! ( self . with_producer ( callback ))}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture256 {($t : ty )=>{ impl ParallelIterator for Iter <$t > { type Item = $t ; fn drive_unindexed < C > ( self , consumer : C )-> C :: Result where C : UnindexedConsumer < Self :: Item >, { convert ! ( self . drive_unindexed ( consumer ))} fn opt_len (& self )-> Option < usize > { convert ! ( self . opt_len ())}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture257 {($f : ident , $name : ident )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let mut rng = thread_rng (); for len in ( 0 .. 25 ). chain ( 500 .. 501 ){ for & modulus in & [ 5 , 10 , 100 ]{ let dist = Uniform :: new ( 0 , modulus ); for _ in 0 .. 100 { let v : Vec < i32 > = rng . sample_iter (& dist ). take ( len ). collect (); let mut tmp = v . clone (); tmp .$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); assert ! ( tmp . windows ( 2 ). all (| w | w [ 0 ]<= w [ 1 ])); let mut tmp = v . clone (); tmp .$f (| a , b | b . cmp ( a )); assert ! ( tmp . windows ( 2 ). all (| w | w [ 0 ]>= w [ 1 ])); }}} for & len in & [ 1_000 , 10_000 , 100_000 ]{ for & modulus in & [ 5 , 10 , 100 , 10_000 ]{ let dist = Uniform :: new ( 0 , modulus ); let mut v : Vec < i32 > = rng . sample_iter (& dist ). take ( len ). collect (); v .$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); assert ! ( v . windows ( 2 ). all (| w | w [ 0 ]<= w [ 1 ])); }} for & len in & [ 1_000 , 10_000 , 100_000 ]{ let len_dist = Uniform :: new ( 0 , len ); for & modulus in & [ 5 , 10 , 1000 , 50_000 ]{ let dist = Uniform :: new ( 0 , modulus ); let mut v : Vec < i32 > = rng . sample_iter (& dist ). take ( len ). collect (); v . sort (); v . reverse (); for _ in 0 .. 5 { let a = rng . sample (& len_dist ); let b = rng . sample (& len_dist ); if a < b { v [ a .. b ]. reverse (); } else { v . swap ( a , b ); }} v .$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); assert ! ( v . windows ( 2 ). all (| w | w [ 0 ]<= w [ 1 ])); }} let mut v : Vec <_> = ( 0 .. 100 ). collect (); v .$f (|_, _| * [ Less , Equal , Greater ]. choose (& mut thread_rng ()). unwrap ()); v .$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); for i in 0 .. v . len (){ assert_eq ! ( v [ i ], i ); }[ 0i32 ; 0 ].$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); [(); 10 ].$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); [(); 100 ].$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); let mut v = [ 0xDEAD_BEEFu64 ]; v .$f (| a , b | a . cmp ( b )); assert ! ( v == [ 0xDEAD_BEEF ]); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture258 {($($name : ident # [$expr : meta ])*)=>{$(# [ doc = " First sanity check that the expression is OK." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = " #![deny(unused_must_use)]" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " use rayon::prelude::*;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " let v: Vec<_> = (0..100).map(Some).collect();" ]# [ doc = " let _ =" ]# [$expr ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Now trigger the `must_use`." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```compile_fail" ]# [ doc = " #![deny(unused_must_use)]" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " use rayon::prelude::*;" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " let v: Vec<_> = (0..100).map(Some).collect();" ]# [$expr ]# [ doc = " ```" ] mod $name {})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture259 {($name : ident : $style : expr ; $input : expr =>$result : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ assert_eq ! ($style . paint ($input ). to_string (), $result . to_string ()); let mut v = Vec :: new (); $style . paint ($input . as_bytes ()). write_to (& mut v ). unwrap (); assert_eq ! ( v . as_slice (), $result . as_bytes ()); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture260 {($name : ident : $first : expr ; $next : expr =>$result : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ assert_eq ! ($result , Difference :: between (&$first , &$next )); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture261 {($name : ident : $obj : expr =>$result : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ assert_eq ! ($result , format ! ( "{:?}" , $obj )); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture262 {($name : ident , $ty_int : ty , $max : expr , $bytes : expr , $read : ident , $write : ident )=>{ mod $name {# [ allow ( unused_imports )] use super :: { qc_sized , Wi128 }; use crate :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; # [ test ] fn big_endian (){ fn prop ( n : $ty_int )-> bool { let mut buf = [ 0 ; 16 ]; BigEndian ::$write (& mut buf , n . clone (), $bytes ); n == BigEndian ::$read (& buf [..$bytes ], $bytes )} qc_sized ( prop as fn ($ty_int )-> bool , $max ); }# [ test ] fn little_endian (){ fn prop ( n : $ty_int )-> bool { let mut buf = [ 0 ; 16 ]; LittleEndian ::$write (& mut buf , n . clone (), $bytes ); n == LittleEndian ::$read (& buf [..$bytes ], $bytes )} qc_sized ( prop as fn ($ty_int )-> bool , $max ); }# [ test ] fn native_endian (){ fn prop ( n : $ty_int )-> bool { let mut buf = [ 0 ; 16 ]; NativeEndian ::$write (& mut buf , n . clone (), $bytes ); n == NativeEndian ::$read (& buf [..$bytes ], $bytes )} qc_sized ( prop as fn ($ty_int )-> bool , $max ); }}}; ($name : ident , $ty_int : ty , $max : expr , $read : ident , $write : ident )=>{ mod $name {# [ allow ( unused_imports )] use super :: { qc_sized , Wi128 }; use crate :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; use core :: mem :: size_of ; # [ test ] fn big_endian (){ fn prop ( n : $ty_int )-> bool { let bytes = size_of ::<$ty_int > (); let mut buf = [ 0 ; 16 ]; BigEndian ::$write (& mut buf [ 16 - bytes ..], n . clone ()); n == BigEndian ::$read (& buf [ 16 - bytes ..])} qc_sized ( prop as fn ($ty_int )-> bool , $max - 1 ); }# [ test ] fn little_endian (){ fn prop ( n : $ty_int )-> bool { let bytes = size_of ::<$ty_int > (); let mut buf = [ 0 ; 16 ]; LittleEndian ::$write (& mut buf [.. bytes ], n . clone ()); n == LittleEndian ::$read (& buf [.. bytes ])} qc_sized ( prop as fn ($ty_int )-> bool , $max - 1 ); }# [ test ] fn native_endian (){ fn prop ( n : $ty_int )-> bool { let bytes = size_of ::<$ty_int > (); let mut buf = [ 0 ; 16 ]; NativeEndian ::$write (& mut buf [.. bytes ], n . clone ()); n == NativeEndian ::$read (& buf [.. bytes ])} qc_sized ( prop as fn ($ty_int )-> bool , $max - 1 ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture263 {($name : ident , $maximally_small : expr , $zero : expr , $read : ident , $write : ident )=>{ mod $name { use crate :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; # [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_big_endian (){ let buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; BigEndian ::$read (& buf ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_little_endian (){ let buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; LittleEndian ::$read (& buf ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_native_endian (){ let buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; NativeEndian ::$read (& buf ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn write_big_endian (){ let mut buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; BigEndian ::$write (& mut buf , $zero ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn write_little_endian (){ let mut buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; LittleEndian ::$write (& mut buf , $zero ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn write_native_endian (){ let mut buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; NativeEndian ::$write (& mut buf , $zero ); }}}; ($name : ident , $maximally_small : expr , $read : ident )=>{ mod $name { use crate :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; # [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_big_endian (){ let buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; BigEndian ::$read (& buf , $maximally_small + 1 ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_little_endian (){ let buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; LittleEndian ::$read (& buf , $maximally_small + 1 ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_native_endian (){ let buf = [ 0 ; $maximally_small ]; NativeEndian ::$read (& buf , $maximally_small + 1 ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture264 {($name : ident , $read : ident , $write : ident , $num_bytes : expr , $numbers : expr )=>{ mod $name { use crate :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; # [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_big_endian (){ let bytes = [ 0 ; $num_bytes ]; let mut numbers = $numbers ; BigEndian ::$read (& bytes , & mut numbers ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_little_endian (){ let bytes = [ 0 ; $num_bytes ]; let mut numbers = $numbers ; LittleEndian ::$read (& bytes , & mut numbers ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn read_native_endian (){ let bytes = [ 0 ; $num_bytes ]; let mut numbers = $numbers ; NativeEndian ::$read (& bytes , & mut numbers ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn write_big_endian (){ let mut bytes = [ 0 ; $num_bytes ]; let numbers = $numbers ; BigEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn write_little_endian (){ let mut bytes = [ 0 ; $num_bytes ]; let numbers = $numbers ; LittleEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); }# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn write_native_endian (){ let mut bytes = [ 0 ; $num_bytes ]; let numbers = $numbers ; NativeEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture265 {($name : ident , $which : ident , $re : expr )=>{ test_lit ! ($name , $which , $re ,); }; ($name : ident , $which : ident , $re : expr , $($lit : expr ),*)=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let expr = ParserBuilder :: new (). build (). parse ($re ). unwrap (); let lits = Literals ::$which (& expr ); assert_lit_eq ! ( Unicode , lits , $($lit ),*); let expr = ParserBuilder :: new (). allow_invalid_utf8 ( true ). unicode ( false ). build (). parse ($re ). unwrap (); let lits = Literals ::$which (& expr ); assert_lit_eq ! ( Bytes , lits , $($lit ),*); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture266 {($name : ident , $which : ident , $re : expr )=>{ test_exhausted ! ($name , $which , $re ,); }; ($name : ident , $which : ident , $re : expr , $($lit : expr ),*)=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let expr = ParserBuilder :: new (). build (). parse ($re ). unwrap (); let mut lits = Literals :: empty (); lits . set_limit_size ( 20 ). set_limit_class ( 10 ); $which (& mut lits , & expr ); assert_lit_eq ! ( Unicode , lits , $($lit ),*); let expr = ParserBuilder :: new (). allow_invalid_utf8 ( true ). unicode ( false ). build (). parse ($re ). unwrap (); let mut lits = Literals :: empty (); lits . set_limit_size ( 20 ). set_limit_class ( 10 ); $which (& mut lits , & expr ); assert_lit_eq ! ( Bytes , lits , $($lit ),*); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture267 {($name : ident , $given : expr , $expected : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let given : Vec < Literal > = $given . into_iter (). map (| ul | { let cut = ul . is_cut (); Literal { v : ul . v . into_bytes (), cut : cut }}). collect (); let lits = create_lits ( given ); let got = lits . unambiguous_prefixes (); assert_eq ! ($expected , escape_lits ( got . literals ())); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture268 {($name : ident , $trim : expr , $given : expr , $expected : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let given : Vec < Literal > = $given . into_iter (). map (| ul | { let cut = ul . is_cut (); Literal { v : ul . v . into_bytes (), cut : cut }}). collect (); let lits = create_lits ( given ); let got = lits . trim_suffix ($trim ). unwrap (); assert_eq ! ($expected , escape_lits ( got . literals ())); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture269 {($name : ident , $given : expr , $expected : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let given : Vec < Literal > = $given . into_iter (). map (| s : & str | Literal { v : s . to_owned (). into_bytes (), cut : false , }). collect (); let lits = create_lits ( given ); let got = lits . longest_common_prefix (); assert_eq ! ($expected , escape_bytes ( got )); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture270 {($name : ident , $given : expr , $expected : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let given : Vec < Literal > = $given . into_iter (). map (| s : & str | Literal { v : s . to_owned (). into_bytes (), cut : false , }). collect (); let lits = create_lits ( given ); let got = lits . longest_common_suffix (); assert_eq ! ($expected , escape_bytes ( got )); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture271 {($name : ident , $text : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ assert_eq ! ( None , find_cap_ref ($text . as_bytes ())); }}; ($name : ident , $text : expr , $capref : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ assert_eq ! ( Some ($capref ), find_cap_ref ($text . as_bytes ())); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture272 {($name : ident , $regex_mod : ident , $only_utf8 : expr )=>{ pub mod $name { use super :: RegexOptions ; use error :: Error ; use exec :: ExecBuilder ; use $regex_mod :: Regex ; # [ doc = " A configurable builder for a regular expression." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " A builder can be used to configure how the regex is built, for example, by" ]# [ doc = " setting the default flags (which can be overridden in the expression" ]# [ doc = " itself) or setting various limits." ]# [ derive ( Debug )] pub struct RegexBuilder ( RegexOptions ); impl RegexBuilder {# [ doc = " Create a new regular expression builder with the given pattern." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " If the pattern is invalid, then an error will be returned when" ]# [ doc = " `build` is called." ] pub fn new ( pattern : & str )-> RegexBuilder { let mut builder = RegexBuilder ( RegexOptions :: default ()); builder . 0 . pats . push ( pattern . to_owned ()); builder }# [ doc = " Consume the builder and compile the regular expression." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Note that calling `as_str` on the resulting `Regex` will produce the" ]# [ doc = " pattern given to `new` verbatim. Notably, it will not incorporate any" ]# [ doc = " of the flags set on this builder." ] pub fn build (& self )-> Result < Regex , Error > { ExecBuilder :: new_options ( self . 0 . clone ()). only_utf8 ($only_utf8 ). build (). map ( Regex :: from )}# [ doc = " Set the value for the case insensitive (`i`) flag." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " When enabled, letters in the pattern will match both upper case and" ]# [ doc = " lower case variants." ] pub fn case_insensitive (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexBuilder { self . 0 . case_insensitive = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the multi-line matching (`m`) flag." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " When enabled, `^` matches the beginning of lines and `$` matches the" ]# [ doc = " end of lines." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " By default, they match beginning/end of the input." ] pub fn multi_line (& mut self , yes : bool )-> & mut RegexBuilder { self . 0 . multi_line = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the any character (`s`) flag, where in `.` matches" ]# [ doc = " anything when `s` is set and matches anything except for new line when" ]# [ doc = " it is not set (the default)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " N.B. \\\"matches anything\\\" means \\\"any byte\\\" when Unicode is disabled and" ]# [ doc = " means \\\"any valid UTF-8 encoding of any Unicode scalar value\\\" when" ]# [ doc = " Unicode is enabled." ] pub fn dot_matches_new_line (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexBuilder { self . 0 . dot_matches_new_line = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the greedy swap (`U`) flag." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " When enabled, a pattern like `a*` is lazy (tries to find shortest" ]# [ doc = " match) and `a*?` is greedy (tries to find longest match)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " By default, `a*` is greedy and `a*?` is lazy." ] pub fn swap_greed (& mut self , yes : bool )-> & mut RegexBuilder { self . 0 . swap_greed = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the ignore whitespace (`x`) flag." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " When enabled, whitespace such as new lines and spaces will be ignored" ]# [ doc = " between expressions of the pattern, and `#` can be used to start a" ]# [ doc = " comment until the next new line." ] pub fn ignore_whitespace (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexBuilder { self . 0 . ignore_whitespace = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the Unicode (`u`) flag." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Enabled by default. When disabled, character classes such as `\\\\w` only" ]# [ doc = " match ASCII word characters instead of all Unicode word characters." ] pub fn unicode (& mut self , yes : bool )-> & mut RegexBuilder { self . 0 . unicode = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Whether to support octal syntax or not." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Oct
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture273 {($name : ident , $regex_mod : ident , $only_utf8 : expr )=>{ pub mod $name { use super :: RegexOptions ; use error :: Error ; use exec :: ExecBuilder ; use re_set ::$regex_mod :: RegexSet ; # [ doc = " A configurable builder for a set of regular expressions." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " A builder can be used to configure how the regexes are built, for example," ]# [ doc = " by setting the default flags (which can be overridden in the expression" ]# [ doc = " itself) or setting various limits." ]# [ derive ( Debug )] pub struct RegexSetBuilder ( RegexOptions ); impl RegexSetBuilder {# [ doc = " Create a new regular expression builder with the given pattern." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " If the pattern is invalid, then an error will be returned when" ]# [ doc = " `build` is called." ] pub fn new < I , S > ( patterns : I )-> RegexSetBuilder where S : AsRef < str >, I : IntoIterator < Item = S >, { let mut builder = RegexSetBuilder ( RegexOptions :: default ()); for pat in patterns { builder . 0 . pats . push ( pat . as_ref (). to_owned ()); } builder }# [ doc = " Consume the builder and compile the regular expressions into a set." ] pub fn build (& self )-> Result < RegexSet , Error > { ExecBuilder :: new_options ( self . 0 . clone ()). only_utf8 ($only_utf8 ). build (). map ( RegexSet :: from )}# [ doc = " Set the value for the case insensitive (`i`) flag." ] pub fn case_insensitive (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . case_insensitive = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the multi-line matching (`m`) flag." ] pub fn multi_line (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . multi_line = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the any character (`s`) flag, where in `.` matches" ]# [ doc = " anything when `s` is set and matches anything except for new line when" ]# [ doc = " it is not set (the default)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " N.B. \\\"matches anything\\\" means \\\"any byte\\\" for `regex::bytes::RegexSet`" ]# [ doc = " expressions and means \\\"any Unicode scalar value\\\" for `regex::RegexSet`" ]# [ doc = " expressions." ] pub fn dot_matches_new_line (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . dot_matches_new_line = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the greedy swap (`U`) flag." ] pub fn swap_greed (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . swap_greed = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the ignore whitespace (`x`) flag." ] pub fn ignore_whitespace (& mut self , yes : bool , )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . ignore_whitespace = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the value for the Unicode (`u`) flag." ] pub fn unicode (& mut self , yes : bool )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . unicode = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Whether to support octal syntax or not." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Octal syntax is a little-known way of uttering Unicode codepoints in" ]# [ doc = " a regular expression. For example, `a`, `\\\\x61`, `\\\\u0061` and" ]# [ doc = " `\\\\141` are all equivalent regular expressions, where the last example" ]# [ doc = " shows octal syntax." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " While supporting octal syntax isn\\\'t in and of itself a problem, it does" ]# [ doc = " make good error messages harder. That is, in PCRE based regex engines," ]# [ doc = " syntax like `\\\\0` invokes a backreference, which is explicitly" ]# [ doc = " unsupported in Rust\\\'s regex engine. However, many users expect it to" ]# [ doc = " be supported. Therefore, when octal support is disabled, the error" ]# [ doc = " message will explicitly mention that backreferences aren\\\'t supported." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Octal syntax is disabled by default." ] pub fn octal (& mut self , yes : bool )-> & mut RegexSetBuilder { self . 0 . octal = yes ; self }# [ doc = " Set the approximate size limit of the compiled regular expression.
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture274 {($name : ident , $builder_mod : ident , $text_ty : ty , $as_bytes : expr , $(# [$doc_regexset_example : meta ])* )=>{ pub mod $name { use std :: fmt ; use std :: iter ; use std :: slice ; use std :: vec ; use error :: Error ; use exec :: Exec ; use re_builder ::$builder_mod :: RegexSetBuilder ; use re_trait :: RegularExpression ; # [ doc = " Match multiple (possibly overlapping) regular expressions in a single scan." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " A regex set corresponds to the union of two or more regular expressions." ]# [ doc = " That is, a regex set will match text where at least one of its" ]# [ doc = " constituent regular expressions matches. A regex set as its formulated here" ]# [ doc = " provides a touch more power: it will also report *which* regular" ]# [ doc = " expressions in the set match. Indeed, this is the key difference between" ]# [ doc = " regex sets and a single `Regex` with many alternates, since only one" ]# [ doc = " alternate can match at a time." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " For example, consider regular expressions to match email addresses and" ]# [ doc = " domains: `[a-z]+@[a-z]+\\\\.(com|org|net)` and `[a-z]+\\\\.(com|org|net)`. If a" ]# [ doc = " regex set is constructed from those regexes, then searching the text" ]# [ doc = " `foo@example.com` will report both regexes as matching. Of course, one" ]# [ doc = " could accomplish this by compiling each regex on its own and doing two" ]# [ doc = " searches over the text. The key advantage of using a regex set is that it" ]# [ doc = " will report the matching regexes using a *single pass through the text*." ]# [ doc = " If one has hundreds or thousands of regexes to match repeatedly (like a URL" ]# [ doc = " router for a complex web application or a user agent matcher), then a regex" ]# [ doc = " set can realize huge performance gains." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Example" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This shows how the above two regexes (for matching email addresses and" ]# [ doc = " domains) might work:" ]# [ doc = "" ]$(# [$doc_regexset_example ])* # [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Note that it would be possible to adapt the above example to using `Regex`" ]# [ doc = " with an expression like:" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " ```ignore" ]# [ doc = " (?P<email>[a-z]+@(?P<email_domain>[a-z]+[.](com|org|net)))|(?P<domain>[a-z]+[.](com|org|net))" ]# [ doc = " ```" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " After a match, one could then inspect the capture groups to figure out" ]# [ doc = " which alternates matched. The problem is that it is hard to make this" ]# [ doc = " approach scale when there are many regexes since the overlap between each" ]# [ doc = " alternate isn\\\'t always obvious to reason about." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Limitations" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Regex sets are limited to answering the following two questions:" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " 1. Does any regex in the set match?" ]# [ doc = " 2. If so, which regexes in the set match?" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " As with the main `Regex` type, it is cheaper to ask (1) instead of (2)" ]# [ doc = " since the matching engines can stop after the first match is found." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Other features like finding the location of successive matches or their" ]# [ doc = " sub-captures aren\\\'t supported. If you need this functionality, the" ]# [ doc = " recommended approach is to compile each regex in the set independently and" ]# [ doc = " selectively match them based on which regexes in the set matched." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Performance" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " A `RegexSet` has the same performance characteristics as `Regex`. Namely," ]# [ doc = " search takes `O(mn)` time, where `m` is proportional to the size of the" ]# [ doc = " regex set and `n` is proportional to the length of the search text." ]# [ derive ( Clone )] pub struct RegexSet ( Exec ); impl RegexSet {# [ doc = " Create a new regex set with the given regular expressions." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = "
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture275 {($($max_len : expr =>$t : ident ),* as $conv_fn : ident )=>{$(impl_IntegerCommon ! ($max_len , $t ); impl IntegerPrivate < [ u8 ; $max_len ]> for $t {# [ allow ( unused_comparisons )]# [ inline ] fn write_to ( self , buf : & mut [ u8 ; $max_len ])-> & [ u8 ]{ let is_nonnegative = self >= 0 ; let mut n = if is_nonnegative { self as $conv_fn } else {(! ( self as $conv_fn )). wrapping_add ( 1 )}; let mut curr = buf . len () as isize ; let buf_ptr = buf . as_mut_ptr (); let lut_ptr = DEC_DIGITS_LUT . as_ptr (); unsafe { if mem :: size_of ::<$t > ()>= 2 { while n >= 10000 { let rem = ( n % 10000 ) as isize ; n /= 10000 ; let d1 = ( rem / 100 )<< 1 ; let d2 = ( rem % 100 )<< 1 ; curr -= 4 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d2 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr + 2 ), 2 ); }} let mut n = n as isize ; if n >= 100 { let d1 = ( n % 100 )<< 1 ; n /= 100 ; curr -= 2 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); } if n < 10 { curr -= 1 ; * buf_ptr . offset ( curr )= ( n as u8 )+ b'0' ; } else { let d1 = n << 1 ; curr -= 2 ; ptr :: copy_nonoverlapping ( lut_ptr . offset ( d1 ), buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), 2 ); } if ! is_nonnegative { curr -= 1 ; * buf_ptr . offset ( curr )= b'-' ; }} let len = buf . len ()- curr as usize ; unsafe { slice :: from_raw_parts ( buf_ptr . offset ( curr ), len )}}})*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture276 {($max_len : expr , $t : ident )=>{ impl Integer for $t {# [ inline ] fn write ( self , buf : & mut Buffer )-> & str { unsafe { debug_assert ! ($max_len <= I128_MAX_LEN ); let buf = mem :: transmute ::<& mut [ u8 ; I128_MAX_LEN ], & mut [ u8 ; $max_len ]> (& mut buf . bytes , ); let bytes = self . write_to ( buf ); str :: from_utf8_unchecked ( bytes )}}} impl private :: Sealed for $t {}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture277 {(($name : ident $($generics : tt )*)=>$item : ty )=>{ impl $($generics )* Iterator for $name $($generics )* { type Item = $item ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next ()}# [ inline ] fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . iter . size_hint ()}} impl $($generics )* DoubleEndedIterator for $name $($generics )* {# [ inline ] fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next_back ()}} impl $($generics )* ExactSizeIterator for $name $($generics )* {# [ inline ] fn len (& self )-> usize { self . iter . len ()}} impl $($generics )* FusedIterator for $name $($generics )* {}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture278 {($($ty : ident )*)=>{$(impl From <$ty > for Value { fn from ( n : $ty )-> Self { Value :: Number ( n . into ())}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture279 {($($eq : ident [$($ty : ty )*])*)=>{$($(impl PartialEq <$ty > for Value { fn eq (& self , other : &$ty )-> bool {$eq ( self , * other as _)}} impl PartialEq < Value > for $ty { fn eq (& self , other : & Value )-> bool {$eq ( other , * self as _)}} impl < 'a > PartialEq <$ty > for & 'a Value { fn eq (& self , other : &$ty )-> bool {$eq (* self , * other as _)}} impl < 'a > PartialEq <$ty > for & 'a mut Value { fn eq (& self , other : &$ty )-> bool {$eq (* self , * other as _)}})*)* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture280 {($($ty : ty ),* )=>{$(impl From <$ty > for Number {# [ inline ] fn from ( u : $ty )-> Self { let n = {# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" ))]{ N :: PosInt ( u as u64 )}# [ cfg ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" )]{ itoa :: Buffer :: new (). format ( u ). to_owned ()}}; Number { n }}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture281 {($($ty : ty ),* )=>{$(impl From <$ty > for Number {# [ inline ] fn from ( i : $ty )-> Self { let n = {# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" ))]{ if i < 0 { N :: NegInt ( i as i64 )} else { N :: PosInt ( i as u64 )}}# [ cfg ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" )]{ itoa :: Buffer :: new (). format ( i ). to_owned ()}}; Number { n }}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture282 (($($size : expr ),+)=>{$(unsafe impl < T > Array for [ T ; $size ]{ type Item = T ; fn size ()-> usize {$size }})+ });
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture283 {($($name : ident ( repeats : $repeats : expr , latches : $latches : expr , delay : $delay : expr , threads : $threads : expr , single_unparks : $single_unparks : expr ); )* )=>{$(# [ test ] fn $name (){ let delay = Duration :: from_micros ($delay ); for _ in 0 ..$repeats { run_parking_test ($latches , delay , $threads , $single_unparks ); }})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture284 {($C : ident $P : ident ; $A : ident , $($I : ident ),* ; $($X : ident )*)=>(# [ derive ( Clone , Debug )] pub struct $C < I : Iterator > { item : Option < I :: Item >, iter : I , c : $P < I >, } impl < I : Iterator + Clone > From < I > for $C < I > { fn from ( mut iter : I )-> Self {$C { item : iter . next (), iter : iter . clone (), c : $P :: from ( iter ), }}} impl < I : Iterator + Clone > From < I > for $C < Fuse < I >> { fn from ( iter : I )-> Self { let mut iter = iter . fuse (); $C { item : iter . next (), iter : iter . clone (), c : $P :: from ( iter ), }}} impl < I , $A > Iterator for $C < I > where I : Iterator < Item = $A > + Clone , I :: Item : Clone { type Item = ($($I ),*); fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { if let Some (($($X ),*,))= self . c . next (){ let z = self . item . clone (). unwrap (); Some (( z , $($X ),*))} else { self . item = self . iter . next (); self . item . clone (). and_then (| z | { self . c = $P :: from ( self . iter . clone ()); self . c . next (). map (| ($($X ),*,)| ( z , $($X ),*))})}}} impl < I , $A > HasCombination < I > for ($($I ),*) where I : Iterator < Item = $A > + Clone , I :: Item : Clone { type Combination = $C < Fuse < I >>; })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture285 (($_A : ident , $_B : ident , )=>(); ($A : ident , $($B : ident ,)*)=>( impl_cons_iter ! ($($B ,)*); # [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl < X , Iter , $($B ),*> Iterator for ConsTuples < Iter , (($($B ,)*), X )> where Iter : Iterator < Item = (($($B ,)*), X )>, { type Item = ($($B ,)* X , ); fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next (). map (| (($($B ,)*), x )| ($($B ,)* x , ))} fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . iter . size_hint ()} fn fold < Acc , Fold > ( self , accum : Acc , mut f : Fold )-> Acc where Fold : FnMut ( Acc , Self :: Item )-> Acc , { self . iter . fold ( accum , move | acc , (($($B ,)*), x )| f ( acc , ($($B ,)* x , )))}}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl < X , Iter , $($B ),*> DoubleEndedIterator for ConsTuples < Iter , (($($B ,)*), X )> where Iter : DoubleEndedIterator < Item = (($($B ,)*), X )>, { fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next (). map (| (($($B ,)*), x )| ($($B ,)* x , ))}}); );
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture286 {($($fmt_trait : ident )*)=>{$(impl < 'a , I > fmt ::$fmt_trait for Format < 'a , I > where I : Iterator , I :: Item : fmt ::$fmt_trait , { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { self . format ( f , fmt ::$fmt_trait :: fmt )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture287 {([$($typarm : tt )*]$type_ : ty )=>{ impl <$($typarm )*> PeekingNext for $type_ { fn peeking_next < F > (& mut self , accept : F )-> Option < Self :: Item > where F : FnOnce (& Self :: Item )-> bool { let saved_state = self . clone (); if let Some ( r )= self . next (){ if ! accept (& r ){* self = saved_state ; } else { return Some ( r )}} None }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture288 {()=>(); ($N : expr ; $A : ident ; $($X : ident ),* ; $($Y : ident ),* ; $($Y_rev : ident ),*)=>( impl <$A > TupleCollect for ($($X ),*,){ type Item = $A ; type Buffer = [ Option <$A >; $N - 1 ]; # [ allow ( unused_assignments , unused_mut )] fn collect_from_iter < I > ( iter : I , buf : & mut Self :: Buffer )-> Option < Self > where I : IntoIterator < Item = $A > { let mut iter = iter . into_iter (); $(let mut $Y = None ; )* loop {$($Y = iter . next (); if $Y . is_none (){ break })* return Some (($($Y . unwrap ()),*,))} let mut i = 0 ; let mut s = buf . as_mut (); $(if i < s . len (){ s [ i ]= $Y ; i += 1 ; })* return None ; }# [ allow ( unused_assignments )] fn collect_from_iter_no_buf < I > ( iter : I )-> Option < Self > where I : IntoIterator < Item = $A > { let mut iter = iter . into_iter (); loop {$(let $Y = if let Some ($Y )= iter . next (){$Y } else { break ; }; )* return Some (($($Y ),*,))} return None ; } fn num_items ()-> usize {$N } fn left_shift_push (& mut self , item : $A ){ use std :: mem :: replace ; let & mut ($(ref mut $Y ),*,)= self ; let tmp = item ; $(let tmp = replace ($Y_rev , tmp ); )* drop ( tmp ); }})}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture289 {($($B : ident ),*)=>(# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl <$($B : IntoIterator ),*> From < ($($B ,)*)> for Zip < ($($B :: IntoIter ,)*)> { fn from ( t : ($($B ,)*))-> Self { let ($($B ,)*)= t ; Zip { t : ($($B . into_iter (),)*)}}}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )]# [ allow ( unused_assignments )] impl <$($B ),*> Iterator for Zip < ($($B ,)*)> where $($B : Iterator , )* { type Item = ($($B :: Item ,)*); fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { let ($(ref mut $B ,)*)= self . t ; $(let $B = match $B . next (){ None => return None , Some ( elt )=> elt }; )* Some (($($B ,)*))} fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ let sh = (:: std :: usize :: MAX , None ); let ($(ref $B ,)*)= self . t ; $(let sh = size_hint :: min ($B . size_hint (), sh ); )* sh }}# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] impl <$($B ),*> ExactSizeIterator for Zip < ($($B ,)*)> where $($B : ExactSizeIterator , )* {}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture290 {( impl $Op : ident for TextRange by fn $f : ident = $op : tt )=>{ impl $Op <& TextSize > for TextRange { type Output = TextRange ; # [ inline ] fn $f ( self , other : & TextSize )-> TextRange { self $op * other }} impl < T > $Op < T > for & TextRange where TextRange : $Op < T , Output = TextRange >, { type Output = TextRange ; # [ inline ] fn $f ( self , other : T )-> TextRange {* self $op other }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture291 {( impl $Op : ident for TextSize by fn $f : ident = $op : tt )=>{ impl $Op < TextSize > for TextSize { type Output = TextSize ; # [ inline ] fn $f ( self , other : TextSize )-> TextSize { TextSize { raw : self . raw $op other . raw }}} impl $Op <& TextSize > for TextSize { type Output = TextSize ; # [ inline ] fn $f ( self , other : & TextSize )-> TextSize { self $op * other }} impl < T > $Op < T > for & TextSize where TextSize : $Op < T , Output = TextSize >, { type Output = TextSize ; # [ inline ] fn $f ( self , other : T )-> TextSize {* self $op other }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture292 {($expr : expr )=>{ const _: i32 = 0 / $expr as i32 ; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture293 {($index_type : ty , )=>(); ($index_type : ty , $($len : expr ,)*)=>($(fix_array_impl ! ($index_type , $len );)* ); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture294 {($index_type : ty , $len : expr )=>( unsafe impl < T > Array for [ T ; $len ]{ type Item = T ; type Index = $index_type ; const CAPACITY : usize = $len ; # [ doc ( hidden )] fn as_slice (& self )-> & [ Self :: Item ]{ self }# [ doc ( hidden )] fn as_mut_slice (& mut self )-> & mut [ Self :: Item ]{ self }})}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture295 {($($variant : ident $(($($sub_variant : ident ),*))?),* for $enum : ident )=>{$(impl From <$variant > for $enum { fn from ( it : $variant )-> $enum {$enum ::$variant ( it )}}$($(impl From <$sub_variant > for $enum { fn from ( it : $sub_variant )-> $enum {$enum ::$variant ($variant ::$sub_variant ( it ))}})*)? )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture296 {($name : ident )=>{ impl $name { pub ( crate ) fn expand_tt (& self , invocation : & str )-> tt :: Subtree { self . try_expand_tt ( invocation ). unwrap ()} fn try_expand_tt (& self , invocation : & str )-> Result < tt :: Subtree , ExpandError > { let source_file = ast :: SourceFile :: parse ( invocation ). tree (); let macro_invocation = source_file . syntax (). descendants (). find_map ( ast :: MacroCall :: cast ). unwrap (); let ( invocation_tt , _)= ast_to_token_tree (& macro_invocation . token_tree (). unwrap ()). ok_or_else (|| ExpandError :: ConversionError )?; self . rules . expand (& invocation_tt ). result ()}# [ allow ( unused )] fn assert_expand_err (& self , invocation : & str , err : & ExpandError ){ assert_eq ! ( self . try_expand_tt ( invocation ). as_ref (), Err ( err )); }# [ allow ( unused )] fn expand_items (& self , invocation : & str )-> SyntaxNode { let expanded = self . expand_tt ( invocation ); token_tree_to_syntax_node (& expanded , FragmentKind :: Items ). unwrap (). 0 . syntax_node ()}# [ allow ( unused )] fn expand_statements (& self , invocation : & str )-> SyntaxNode { let expanded = self . expand_tt ( invocation ); token_tree_to_syntax_node (& expanded , FragmentKind :: Statements ). unwrap (). 0 . syntax_node ()}# [ allow ( unused )] fn expand_expr (& self , invocation : & str )-> SyntaxNode { let expanded = self . expand_tt ( invocation ); token_tree_to_syntax_node (& expanded , FragmentKind :: Expr ). unwrap (). 0 . syntax_node ()}# [ allow ( unused )] fn assert_expand_tt (& self , invocation : & str , expected : & str ){ let expansion = self . expand_tt ( invocation ); assert_eq ! ( expansion . to_string (), expected ); }# [ allow ( unused )] fn assert_expand (& self , invocation : & str , expected : & str ){ let expansion = self . expand_tt ( invocation ); let actual = format ! ( "{:?}" , expansion ); test_utils :: assert_eq_text ! (& expected . trim (), & actual . trim ()); } fn assert_expand_items (& self , invocation : & str , expected : & str )-> &$name { self . assert_expansion ( FragmentKind :: Items , invocation , expected ); self }# [ allow ( unused )] fn assert_expand_statements (& self , invocation : & str , expected : & str )-> &$name { self . assert_expansion ( FragmentKind :: Statements , invocation , expected ); self } fn assert_expansion (& self , kind : FragmentKind , invocation : & str , expected : & str ){ let expanded = self . expand_tt ( invocation ); assert_eq ! ( expanded . to_string (), expected ); let expected = expected . replace ( "$crate" , "C_C__C" ); let expected = { let wrapped = format ! ( "wrap_macro!( {} )" , expected ); let wrapped = ast :: SourceFile :: parse (& wrapped ); let wrapped = wrapped . tree (). syntax (). descendants (). find_map ( ast :: TokenTree :: cast ). unwrap (); let mut wrapped = ast_to_token_tree (& wrapped ). unwrap (). 0 ; wrapped . delimiter = None ; wrapped }; let expanded_tree = token_tree_to_syntax_node (& expanded , kind ). unwrap (). 0 . syntax_node (); let expanded_tree = debug_dump_ignore_spaces (& expanded_tree ). trim (). to_string (); let expected_tree = token_tree_to_syntax_node (& expected , kind ). unwrap (). 0 . syntax_node (); let expected_tree = debug_dump_ignore_spaces (& expected_tree ). trim (). to_string (); let expected_tree = expected_tree . replace ( "C_C__C" , "$crate" ); assert_eq ! ( expanded_tree , expected_tree , "\nleft:\n{}\nright:\n{}" , expanded_tree , expected_tree , ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture297 {($($name : ident ( num_producers : $num_producers : expr , num_consumers : $num_consumers : expr , max_queue_size : $max_queue_size : expr , messages_per_producer : $messages_per_producer : expr , notification_style : $notification_style : expr , timeout : $timeout : expr , delay_seconds : $delay_seconds : expr ); )* )=>{$(# [ test ] fn $name (){ let delay = Duration :: from_secs ($delay_seconds ); run_queue_test ($num_producers , $num_consumers , $max_queue_size , $messages_per_producer , $notification_style , $timeout , delay , ); })* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture298 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_camel_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture299 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_kebab_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture300 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_mixed_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture301 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_shouty_kebab_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture302 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_shouty_snake_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture303 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_snake_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture304 {($t : ident : $s1 : expr =>$s2 : expr )=>{# [ test ] fn $t (){ assert_eq ! ($s1 . to_title_case (), $s2 )}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture305 {($($struct_name : ident ),+ $(,)?)=>{$(unsafe impl < E : Endian > Pod for $struct_name < E > {})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture306 {($($struct_name : ident ),+ $(,)?)=>{$(unsafe impl Pod for $struct_name {})+ }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture307 {($name : ident , {$($in : tt )* })=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ syn :: parse_file ( stringify ! ($($in )*)). unwrap (); }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture308 {($name : ident , $op : ident )=>{ fn $name ( sets : Vec < Vec <& str >>)-> Vec < String > { let fsts : Vec < Fst <_>> = sets . into_iter (). map ( fst_set ). collect (); let op : OpBuilder = fsts . iter (). collect (); let mut stream = op .$op (). into_stream (); let mut keys = vec ! []; while let Some (( key , _))= stream . next (){ keys . push ( String :: from_utf8 ( key . to_vec ()). unwrap ()); } keys }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture309 {($name : ident , $op : ident )=>{ fn $name ( sets : Vec < Vec < (& str , u64 )>>)-> Vec < ( String , u64 )> { let fsts : Vec < Fst <_>> = sets . into_iter (). map ( fst_map ). collect (); let op : OpBuilder = fsts . iter (). collect (); let mut stream = op .$op (). into_stream (); let mut keys = vec ! []; while let Some (( key , outs ))= stream . next (){ let merged = outs . iter (). fold ( 0 , | a , b | a + b . value ); let s = String :: from_utf8 ( key . to_vec ()). unwrap (); keys . push (( s , merged )); } keys }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture310 {($name : ident , $($s : expr ),+)=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let mut items = vec ! [$($s ),*]; let fst = fst_set (& items ); let mut rdr = fst . stream (); items . sort (); items . dedup (); for item in & items { assert_eq ! ( rdr . next (). unwrap (). 0 , item . as_bytes ()); } assert_eq ! ( rdr . next (), None ); for item in & items { assert ! ( fst . get ( item ). is_some ()); }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture311 {($name : ident , $($s : expr ),+)=>{# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn $name (){ let mut bfst = Builder :: memory (); $(bfst . add ($s ). unwrap ();)* }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture312 {($name : ident , $($s : expr , $o : expr ),+)=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let fst = fst_map ( vec ! [$(($s , $o )),*]); let mut rdr = fst . stream (); $({let ( s , o )= rdr . next (). unwrap (); assert_eq ! (( s , o . value ()), ($s . as_bytes (), $o )); })* assert_eq ! ( rdr . next (), None ); $({assert_eq ! ( fst . get ($s . as_bytes ()), Some ( Output :: new ($o ))); })* }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture313 {($name : ident , $($s : expr , $o : expr ),+)=>{# [ test ]# [ should_panic ] fn $name (){ let mut bfst = Builder :: memory (); $(bfst . insert ($s , $o ). unwrap ();)* }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture314 {($name : ident , min : $min : expr , max : $max : expr , imin : $imin : expr , imax : $imax : expr , $($s : expr ),* )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let items : Vec <& 'static str > = vec ! [$($s ),*]; let items : Vec <_> = items . into_iter (). enumerate (). map (| ( i , k )| ( k , i as u64 )). collect (); let fst = fst_map ( items . clone ()); let mut rdr = Stream :: new ( fst . as_ref (), AlwaysMatch , $min , $max ); for i in $imin ..$imax { assert_eq ! ( rdr . next (). unwrap (), ( items [ i ]. 0 . as_bytes (), Output :: new ( items [ i ]. 1 )), ); } assert_eq ! ( rdr . next (), None ); }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture315 {($ty : ty , $tag : ident )=>{ impl TryFrom < Response > for $ty { type Error = & 'static str ; fn try_from ( value : Response )-> Result < Self , Self :: Error > { match value { Response ::$tag ( res )=> Ok ( res ), _ => Err ( concat ! ( "Failed to convert response to " , stringify ! ($tag ))), }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture316 {( CloneAny )=>{# [ doc = " A type to emulate dynamic typing." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Every type with no non-`\\\'static` references implements `Any`." ] define ! ( CloneAny remainder ); }; ( Any )=>{# [ doc = " A type to emulate dynamic typing with cloning." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Every type with no non-`\\\'static` references that implements `Clone` implements `Any`." ] define ! ( Any remainder ); }; ($t : ident remainder )=>{# [ doc = " See the [`std::any` documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/any/index.html) for" ]# [ doc = " more details on `Any` in general." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This trait is not `std::any::Any` but rather a type extending that for this library\\u{2019}s" ]# [ doc = " purposes so that it can be combined with marker traits like " ]# [ doc = " <code><a class=trait title=core::marker::Send" ]# [ doc = " href=http://doc.rust-lang.org/std/marker/trait.Send.html>Send</a></code> and" ]# [ doc = " <code><a class=trait title=core::marker::Sync" ]# [ doc = " href=http://doc.rust-lang.org/std/marker/trait.Sync.html>Sync</a></code>." ]# [ doc = "" ] define ! ($t trait ); }; ( CloneAny trait )=>{# [ doc = " See also [`Any`](trait.Any.html) for a version without the `Clone` requirement." ] pub trait CloneAny : Any + CloneToAny {} impl < T : StdAny + Clone > CloneAny for T {}}; ( Any trait )=>{# [ doc = " See also [`CloneAny`](trait.CloneAny.html) for a cloneable version of this trait." ] pub trait Any : StdAny {} impl < T : StdAny > Any for T {}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture317 {($base : ident , $(+ $bounds : ident )*)=>{ impl fmt :: Debug for $base $(+ $bounds )* {# [ inline ] fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { f . pad ( stringify ! ($base $(+ $bounds )*))}} impl UncheckedAnyExt for $base $(+ $bounds )* {# [ inline ] unsafe fn downcast_ref_unchecked < T : 'static > (& self )-> & T {&* ( self as * const Self as * const T )}# [ inline ] unsafe fn downcast_mut_unchecked < T : 'static > (& mut self )-> & mut T {& mut * ( self as * mut Self as * mut T )}# [ inline ] unsafe fn downcast_unchecked < T : 'static > ( self : Box < Self >)-> Box < T > { Box :: from_raw ( Box :: into_raw ( self ) as * mut T )}} impl < T : $base $(+ $bounds )*> IntoBox <$base $(+ $bounds )*> for T {# [ inline ] fn into_box ( self )-> Box <$base $(+ $bounds )*> { Box :: new ( self )}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture318 {($t : ty , $method : ident )=>{ impl Clone for Box <$t > {# [ inline ] fn clone (& self )-> Box <$t > {(** self ).$method ()}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture319 {( field : $t : ident .$field : ident ; new ()=>$new : expr ; with_capacity ($with_capacity_arg : ident )=>$with_capacity : expr ; )=>{ impl < A : ? Sized + UncheckedAnyExt > $t < A > {# [ doc = " Create an empty collection." ]# [ inline ] pub fn new ()-> $t < A > {$t {$field : $new , }}# [ doc = " Creates an empty collection with the given initial capacity." ]# [ inline ] pub fn with_capacity ($with_capacity_arg : usize )-> $t < A > {$t {$field : $with_capacity , }}# [ doc = " Returns the number of elements the collection can hold without reallocating." ]# [ inline ] pub fn capacity (& self )-> usize { self .$field . capacity ()}# [ doc = " Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted" ]# [ doc = " in the collection. The collection may reserve more space to avoid" ]# [ doc = " frequent reallocations." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " # Panics" ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Panics if the new allocation size overflows `usize`." ]# [ inline ] pub fn reserve (& mut self , additional : usize ){ self .$field . reserve ( additional )}# [ doc = " Shrinks the capacity of the collection as much as possible. It will drop" ]# [ doc = " down as much as possible while maintaining the internal rules" ]# [ doc = " and possibly leaving some space in accordance with the resize policy." ]# [ inline ] pub fn shrink_to_fit (& mut self ){ self .$field . shrink_to_fit ()}# [ doc = " Returns the number of items in the collection." ]# [ inline ] pub fn len (& self )-> usize { self .$field . len ()}# [ doc = " Returns true if there are no items in the collection." ]# [ inline ] pub fn is_empty (& self )-> bool { self .$field . is_empty ()}# [ doc = " Removes all items from the collection. Keeps the allocated memory for reuse." ]# [ inline ] pub fn clear (& mut self ){ self .$field . clear ()}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture320 {($name : ident , $init : ty )=>{# [ test ] fn $name (){ let mut map = <$init >:: new (); assert_eq ! ( map . insert ( A ( 10 )), None ); assert_eq ! ( map . insert ( B ( 20 )), None ); assert_eq ! ( map . insert ( C ( 30 )), None ); assert_eq ! ( map . insert ( D ( 40 )), None ); assert_eq ! ( map . insert ( E ( 50 )), None ); assert_eq ! ( map . insert ( F ( 60 )), None ); match map . entry ::< A > (){ Entry :: Vacant (_)=> unreachable ! (), Entry :: Occupied ( mut view )=>{ assert_eq ! ( view . get (), & A ( 10 )); assert_eq ! ( view . insert ( A ( 100 )), A ( 10 )); }} assert_eq ! ( map . get ::< A > (). unwrap (), & A ( 100 )); assert_eq ! ( map . len (), 6 ); match map . entry ::< B > (){ Entry :: Vacant (_)=> unreachable ! (), Entry :: Occupied ( mut view )=>{ let v = view . get_mut (); let new_v = B ( v . 0 * 10 ); * v = new_v ; }} assert_eq ! ( map . get ::< B > (). unwrap (), & B ( 200 )); assert_eq ! ( map . len (), 6 ); match map . entry ::< C > (){ Entry :: Vacant (_)=> unreachable ! (), Entry :: Occupied ( view )=>{ assert_eq ! ( view . remove (), C ( 30 )); }} assert_eq ! ( map . get ::< C > (), None ); assert_eq ! ( map . len (), 5 ); match map . entry ::< J > (){ Entry :: Occupied (_)=> unreachable ! (), Entry :: Vacant ( view )=>{ assert_eq ! (* view . insert ( J ( 1000 )), J ( 1000 )); }} assert_eq ! ( map . get ::< J > (). unwrap (), & J ( 1000 )); assert_eq ! ( map . len (), 6 ); map . entry ::< B > (). or_insert ( B ( 71 )). 0 += 1 ; assert_eq ! ( map . get ::< B > (). unwrap (), & B ( 201 )); assert_eq ! ( map . len (), 6 ); map . entry ::< C > (). or_insert ( C ( 300 )). 0 += 1 ; assert_eq ! ( map . get ::< C > (). unwrap (), & C ( 301 )); assert_eq ! ( map . len (), 7 ); }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture321 {($(# [$outer : meta ])* pub struct $BitFlags : ident : $T : ty {$($(# [$inner : ident $($args : tt )*])* const $Flag : ident = $value : expr ; )+ })=>{ __bitflags ! {$(# [$outer ])* ( pub )$BitFlags : $T {$($(# [$inner $($args )*])* $Flag = $value ; )+ }}}; ($(# [$outer : meta ])* struct $BitFlags : ident : $T : ty {$($(# [$inner : ident $($args : tt )*])* const $Flag : ident = $value : expr ; )+ })=>{ __bitflags ! {$(# [$outer ])* ()$BitFlags : $T {$($(# [$inner $($args )*])* $Flag = $value ; )+ }}}; ($(# [$outer : meta ])* pub ($($vis : tt )+) struct $BitFlags : ident : $T : ty {$($(# [$inner : ident $($args : tt )*])* const $Flag : ident = $value : expr ; )+ })=>{ __bitflags ! {$(# [$outer ])* ( pub ($($vis )+))$BitFlags : $T {$($(# [$inner $($args )*])* $Flag = $value ; )+ }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture322 {($(# [$outer : meta ])* ($($vis : tt )*)$BitFlags : ident : $T : ty {$($(# [$inner : ident $($args : tt )*])* $Flag : ident = $value : expr ; )+ })=>{$(# [$outer ])* # [ derive ( Copy , PartialEq , Eq , Clone , PartialOrd , Ord , Hash )]$($vis )* struct $BitFlags { bits : $T , } __impl_bitflags ! {$BitFlags : $T {$($(# [$inner $($args )*])* $Flag = $value ; )+ }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture323 {($BitFlags : ident : $T : ty {$($(# [$attr : ident $($args : tt )*])* $Flag : ident = $value : expr ; )+ })=>{ impl $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Debug for $BitFlags { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Formatter )-> $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Result {# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] trait __BitFlags {$(# [ inline ] fn $Flag (& self )-> bool { false })+ } impl __BitFlags for $BitFlags {$(__impl_bitflags ! {# [ allow ( deprecated )]# [ inline ]$(? # [$attr $($args )*])* fn $Flag (& self )-> bool { if Self ::$Flag . bits == 0 && self . bits != 0 { false } else { self . bits & Self ::$Flag . bits == Self ::$Flag . bits }}})+ } let mut first = true ; $(if <$BitFlags as __BitFlags >::$Flag ( self ){ if ! first { f . write_str ( " | " )?; } first = false ; f . write_str ( __bitflags_stringify ! ($Flag ))?; })+ let extra_bits = self . bits & !$BitFlags :: all (). bits (); if extra_bits != 0 { if ! first { f . write_str ( " | " )?; } first = false ; f . write_str ( "0x" )?; $crate :: _core :: fmt :: LowerHex :: fmt (& extra_bits , f )?; } if first { f . write_str ( "(empty)" )?; } Ok (())}} impl $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Binary for $BitFlags { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Formatter )-> $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Result {$crate :: _core :: fmt :: Binary :: fmt (& self . bits , f )}} impl $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Octal for $BitFlags { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Formatter )-> $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Result {$crate :: _core :: fmt :: Octal :: fmt (& self . bits , f )}} impl $crate :: _core :: fmt :: LowerHex for $BitFlags { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Formatter )-> $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Result {$crate :: _core :: fmt :: LowerHex :: fmt (& self . bits , f )}} impl $crate :: _core :: fmt :: UpperHex for $BitFlags { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Formatter )-> $crate :: _core :: fmt :: Result {$crate :: _core :: fmt :: UpperHex :: fmt (& self . bits , f )}}# [ allow ( dead_code )] impl $BitFlags {$($(# [$attr $($args )*])* pub const $Flag : $BitFlags = $BitFlags { bits : $value }; )+ __fn_bitflags ! {# [ doc = " Returns an empty set of flags" ]# [ inline ] pub const fn empty ()-> $BitFlags {$BitFlags { bits : 0 }}} __fn_bitflags ! {# [ doc = " Returns the set containing all flags." ]# [ inline ] pub const fn all ()-> $BitFlags {# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] trait __BitFlags {$(const $Flag : $T = 0 ; )+ } impl __BitFlags for $BitFlags {$(__impl_bitflags ! {# [ allow ( deprecated )]$(? # [$attr $($args )*])* const $Flag : $T = Self ::$Flag . bits ; })+ }$BitFlags { bits : $(<$BitFlags as __BitFlags >::$Flag )|+ }}} __fn_bitflags ! {# [ doc = " Returns the raw value of the flags currently stored." ]# [ inline ] pub const fn bits (& self )-> $T { self . bits }}# [ doc = " Convert from underlying bit representation, unless that" ]# [ doc = " representation contains bits that do not correspond to a flag." ]# [ inline ] pub fn from_bits ( bits : $T )-> $crate :: _core :: option :: Option <$BitFlags > { if ( bits & !$BitFlags :: all (). bits ())== 0 {$crate :: _core :: option :: Option :: Some ($BitFlags { bits })} else {$crate :: _core :: option :: Option :: None }} __fn_bitflags ! {# [ doc = " Convert from underlying bit representation, dropping any bits" ]# [ doc = " that do not correspond to flags." ]# [ inline ] pub const fn from_bits_truncate ( bits : $T )-> $BitFlags {$BitFlags { bits : bits & $BitFlags :: all (). bits }}} __fn_bitflags ! {# [ doc = " Convert from underlying bit representation, preserving all" ]# [ doc = " bits (even those not corresponding to a defined flag)." ]# [ inline ] pub const unsafe fn from_bits_unchecked ( bits : $T )-> $BitFlags {$BitFlags { bits }}} __fn_bitflags ! {# [ doc = " Returns `true` if no flags are currently stored." ]# [ inline ] pub cons
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture324 {($($item : item )*)=>{$(# [ cfg ( feature = "os-poll" )]# [ cfg_attr ( docsrs , doc ( cfg ( feature = "os-poll" )))]$item )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture325 {($($item : item )*)=>{$(# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "os-poll" ))]$item )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture326 {($($item : item )*)=>{$(# [ cfg ( any ( feature = "net" , all ( unix , feature = "os-ext" )))]# [ cfg_attr ( docsrs , doc ( any ( feature = "net" , all ( unix , feature = "os-ext" ))))]$item )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture327 {($($item : item )*)=>{$(# [ cfg ( feature = "net" )]# [ cfg_attr ( docsrs , doc ( cfg ( feature = "net" )))]$item )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture328 {($($item : item )*)=>{$(# [ cfg ( feature = "os-ext" )]# [ cfg_attr ( docsrs , doc ( cfg ( feature = "os-ext" )))]$item )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture329 {($name : ident , $read : ident , $bytes : expr , $data : expr )=>{ mod $name { use byteorder :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; use test :: black_box as bb ; use test :: Bencher ; const NITER : usize = 100_000 ; # [ bench ] fn read_big_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let buf = $data ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( BigEndian ::$read (& buf , $bytes )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn read_little_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let buf = $data ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( LittleEndian ::$read (& buf , $bytes )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn read_native_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let buf = $data ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( NativeEndian ::$read (& buf , $bytes )); }}); }}}; ($ty : ident , $max : ident , $read : ident , $write : ident , $size : expr , $data : expr )=>{ mod $ty { use byteorder :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian , NativeEndian , }; use std ::$ty ; use test :: black_box as bb ; use test :: Bencher ; const NITER : usize = 100_000 ; # [ bench ] fn read_big_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let buf = $data ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( BigEndian ::$read (& buf )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn read_little_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let buf = $data ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( LittleEndian ::$read (& buf )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn read_native_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let buf = $data ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( NativeEndian ::$read (& buf )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn write_big_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut buf = $data ; let n = $ty ::$max ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( BigEndian ::$write (& mut buf , n )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn write_little_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut buf = $data ; let n = $ty ::$max ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( LittleEndian ::$write (& mut buf , n )); }}); }# [ bench ] fn write_native_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut buf = $data ; let n = $ty ::$max ; b . iter (|| { for _ in 0 .. NITER { bb ( NativeEndian ::$write (& mut buf , n )); }}); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture330 {($name : ident , $numty : ty , $read : ident , $write : ident )=>{ mod $name { use std :: mem :: size_of ; use byteorder :: { BigEndian , ByteOrder , LittleEndian }; use rand :: distributions ; use rand :: { self , Rng }; use test :: Bencher ; # [ bench ] fn read_big_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut numbers : Vec <$numty > = rand :: thread_rng (). sample_iter (& distributions :: Standard ). take ( 100000 ). collect (); let mut bytes = vec ! [ 0 ; numbers . len ()* size_of ::<$numty > ()]; BigEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); b . bytes = bytes . len () as u64 ; b . iter (|| { BigEndian ::$read (& bytes , & mut numbers ); }); }# [ bench ] fn read_little_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut numbers : Vec <$numty > = rand :: thread_rng (). sample_iter (& distributions :: Standard ). take ( 100000 ). collect (); let mut bytes = vec ! [ 0 ; numbers . len ()* size_of ::<$numty > ()]; LittleEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); b . bytes = bytes . len () as u64 ; b . iter (|| { LittleEndian ::$read (& bytes , & mut numbers ); }); }# [ bench ] fn write_big_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let numbers : Vec <$numty > = rand :: thread_rng (). sample_iter (& distributions :: Standard ). take ( 100000 ). collect (); let mut bytes = vec ! [ 0 ; numbers . len ()* size_of ::<$numty > ()]; b . bytes = bytes . len () as u64 ; b . iter (|| { BigEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); }); }# [ bench ] fn write_little_endian ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let numbers : Vec <$numty > = rand :: thread_rng (). sample_iter (& distributions :: Standard ). take ( 100000 ). collect (); let mut bytes = vec ! [ 0 ; numbers . len ()* size_of ::<$numty > ()]; b . bytes = bytes . len () as u64 ; b . iter (|| { LittleEndian ::$write (& numbers , & mut bytes ); }); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture331 {{$($(#$attr : tt )* fn $fn_name : ident ($($arg : tt )*)-> $ret : ty {$($code : tt )* })*}=>($(# [ test ]$(#$attr )* fn $fn_name (){ fn prop ($($arg )*)-> $ret {$($code )* }:: quickcheck :: quickcheck ( quickcheck ! (@ fn prop []$($arg )*)); })* ); (@ fn $f : ident [$($t : tt )*])=>{$f as fn ($($t ),*)-> _ }; (@ fn $f : ident [$($p : tt )*]: $($tail : tt )*)=>{ quickcheck ! (@ fn $f [$($p )* _]$($tail )*)}; (@ fn $f : ident [$($p : tt )*]$t : tt $($tail : tt )*)=>{ quickcheck ! (@ fn $f [$($p )*]$($tail )*)}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture332 {($from : ty =>$to : ty ; $by : ident )=>( impl < 'a > From <$from > for UniCase <$to > { fn from ( s : $from )-> Self { UniCase :: unicode ( s .$by ())}}); ($from : ty =>$to : ty )=>( from_impl ! ($from =>$to ; into ); )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture333 {($to : ty )=>( impl < 'a > Into <$to > for UniCase <$to > { fn into ( self )-> $to { self . into_inner ()}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture334 {($name : ident , $ty : ident )=>{ fn $name ()-> usize { let mut rng = rand_xorshift :: XorShiftRng :: from_seed ([ 123u8 ; 16 ]); let mut mv = MeanAndVariance :: new (); let mut throwaway = 0 ; for _ in 0 .. SAMPLES { let f = loop { let f = $ty :: from_bits ( rng . gen ()); if f . is_finite (){ break f ; }}; let t1 = std :: time :: SystemTime :: now (); for _ in 0 .. ITERATIONS { throwaway += ryu :: Buffer :: new (). format_finite ( f ). len (); } let duration = t1 . elapsed (). unwrap (); let nanos = duration . as_secs ()* 1_000_000_000 + duration . subsec_nanos () as u64 ; mv . update ( nanos as f64 / ITERATIONS as f64 ); } println ! ( "{:12} {:8.3} {:8.3}" , concat ! ( stringify ! ($name ), ":" ), mv . mean , mv . stddev (), ); throwaway }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture335 {($(# [$doc : meta ])* pub trait $name : ident $($methods : tt )*)=>{ macro_rules ! $name {($m : ident $extra : tt )=>{$m ! {$extra pub trait $name $($methods )* }}} remove_sections ! {[]$(# [$doc ])* pub trait $name $($methods )* }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture336 {($name : ident <$($typarm : tt ),*> where {$($bounds : tt )* } item : $item : ty , iter : $iter : ty , )=>( pub struct $name <$($typarm ),*> where $($bounds )* { iter : $iter , } impl <$($typarm ),*> Iterator for $name <$($typarm ),*> where $($bounds )* { type Item = $item ; # [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next ()}# [ inline ] fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . iter . size_hint ()}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture337 {($($fmt_trait : ident )*)=>{$(impl < 'a , I > fmt ::$fmt_trait for Format < 'a , I > where I : Iterator , I :: Item : fmt ::$fmt_trait , { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { self . format ( f , fmt ::$fmt_trait :: fmt )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture338 {($($t : ty ),*)=>{$(not_zero_impl ! ($t , 0 ); )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture339 {($name : ident )=>{ impl Clone for $name {# [ inline ] fn clone (& self )-> Self {* self }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture340 {([$($stack : tt )*])=>{$($stack )* }; ([$($stack : tt )*]{$($tail : tt )* })=>{$($stack )* { remove_sections_inner ! ([]$($tail )*); }}; ([$($stack : tt )*]$t : tt $($tail : tt )*)=>{ remove_sections ! ([$($stack )* $t ]$($tail )*); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture341 {($t : ty ,$z : expr )=>{ impl Zero for $t { fn zero ()-> Self {$z as $t } fn is_zero (& self )-> bool { self == & Self :: zero ()}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture342 {($($ident : ident ),* $(,)?)=>{$(# [ allow ( bad_style )] pub const $ident : super :: Name = super :: Name :: new_inline ( stringify ! ($ident )); )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture343 {($($trait : ident =>$expand : ident ),* )=>{# [ derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , PartialEq , Eq , Hash )] pub enum BuiltinDeriveExpander {$($trait ),* } impl BuiltinDeriveExpander { pub fn expand (& self , db : & dyn AstDatabase , id : LazyMacroId , tt : & tt :: Subtree , )-> Result < tt :: Subtree , mbe :: ExpandError > { let expander = match * self {$(BuiltinDeriveExpander ::$trait =>$expand , )* }; expander ( db , id , tt )} fn find_by_name ( name : & name :: Name )-> Option < Self > { match name {$(id if id == & name :: name ! [$trait ]=> Some ( BuiltinDeriveExpander ::$trait ), )* _ => None , }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture344 {( LAZY : $(($name : ident , $kind : ident )=>$expand : ident ),* , EAGER : $(($e_name : ident , $e_kind : ident )=>$e_expand : ident ),* )=>{# [ derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , PartialEq , Eq , Hash )] pub enum BuiltinFnLikeExpander {$($kind ),* }# [ derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , PartialEq , Eq , Hash )] pub enum EagerExpander {$($e_kind ),* } impl BuiltinFnLikeExpander { pub fn expand (& self , db : & dyn AstDatabase , id : LazyMacroId , tt : & tt :: Subtree , )-> ExpandResult < tt :: Subtree > { let expander = match * self {$(BuiltinFnLikeExpander ::$kind =>$expand , )* }; expander ( db , id , tt )}} impl EagerExpander { pub fn expand (& self , db : & dyn AstDatabase , arg_id : EagerMacroId , tt : & tt :: Subtree , )-> ExpandResult < Option < ( tt :: Subtree , FragmentKind )>> { let expander = match * self {$(EagerExpander ::$e_kind =>$e_expand , )* }; expander ( db , arg_id , tt )}} fn find_by_name ( ident : & name :: Name )-> Option < Either < BuiltinFnLikeExpander , EagerExpander >> { match ident {$(id if id == & name :: name ! [$name ]=> Some ( Either :: Left ( BuiltinFnLikeExpander ::$kind )), )* $(id if id == & name :: name ! [$e_name ]=> Some ( Either :: Right ( EagerExpander ::$e_kind )), )* _ => return None , }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture345 {($($ty : ty =>$this : ident $im : block );*)=>{$(impl ToTokenTree for $ty { fn to_token ($this )-> tt :: TokenTree { let leaf : tt :: Leaf = $im . into (); leaf . into ()}} impl ToTokenTree for &$ty { fn to_token ($this )-> tt :: TokenTree { let leaf : tt :: Leaf = $im . clone (). into (); leaf . into ()}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture346 {($name : ident )=>{ impl $crate :: salsa :: InternKey for $name { fn from_intern_id ( v : $crate :: salsa :: InternId )-> Self {$name ( v )} fn as_intern_id (& self )-> $crate :: salsa :: InternId { self . 0 }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture347 {($($var : ident ($t : ty )),+ )=>{$(impl From <$t > for AttrOwner { fn from ( t : $t )-> AttrOwner { AttrOwner ::$var ( t )}})+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture348 {($($typ : ident in $fld : ident -> $ast : ty ),+ $(,)? )=>{# [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone , Eq , PartialEq , Hash )] pub enum ModItem {$($typ ( FileItemTreeId <$typ >), )+ }$(impl From < FileItemTreeId <$typ >> for ModItem { fn from ( id : FileItemTreeId <$typ >)-> ModItem { ModItem ::$typ ( id )}})+ $(impl ItemTreeNode for $typ { type Source = $ast ; fn ast_id (& self )-> FileAstId < Self :: Source > { self . ast_id } fn lookup ( tree : & ItemTree , index : Idx < Self >)-> & Self {& tree . data ().$fld [ index ]} fn id_from_mod_item ( mod_item : ModItem )-> Option < FileItemTreeId < Self >> { if let ModItem ::$typ ( id )= mod_item { Some ( id )} else { None }} fn id_to_mod_item ( id : FileItemTreeId < Self >)-> ModItem { ModItem ::$typ ( id )}} impl Index < Idx <$typ >> for ItemTree { type Output = $typ ; fn index (& self , index : Idx <$typ >)-> & Self :: Output {& self . data ().$fld [ index ]}})+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture349 {($($fld : ident : $t : ty ),+ $(,)? )=>{$(impl Index < Idx <$t >> for ItemTree { type Output = $t ; fn index (& self , index : Idx <$t >)-> & Self :: Output {& self . data ().$fld [ index ]}})+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture350 {($e : ident {$($v : ident ($t : ty )),* $(,)? })=>{$(impl From <$t > for $e { fn from ( it : $t )-> $e {$e ::$v ( it )}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture351 {($id : ident , $loc : ident , $intern : ident , $lookup : ident )=>{ impl_intern_key ! ($id ); impl Intern for $loc { type ID = $id ; fn intern ( self , db : & dyn db :: DefDatabase )-> $id { db .$intern ( self )}} impl Lookup for $id { type Data = $loc ; fn lookup (& self , db : & dyn db :: DefDatabase )-> $loc { db .$lookup (* self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture352 {([$derives : ident $($derive_t : tt )*]=>$(# [$($attrs : tt )*])* $inner : path )=>{# [ proc_macro_derive ($derives $($derive_t )*)]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )]$(# [$($attrs )*])* pub fn $derives ( i : $crate :: macros :: TokenStream )-> $crate :: macros :: TokenStream { match $crate :: macros :: parse ::<$crate :: macros :: DeriveInput > ( i ){ Ok ( p )=>{ match $crate :: Structure :: try_new (& p ){ Ok ( s )=>$crate :: MacroResult :: into_stream ($inner ( s )), Err ( e )=> e . to_compile_error (). into (), }} Err ( e )=> e . to_compile_error (). into (), }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture353 {($I : ident =>$t : ty )=>{ impl <$I : Interner > Zip <$I > for $t { fn zip_with < 'i , Z : Zipper < 'i , $I >> ( _zipper : & mut Z , _variance : Variance , a : & Self , b : & Self , )-> Fallible < ()> where I : 'i , { if a != b { return Err ( NoSolution ); } Ok (())}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture354 {($($n : ident ),*)=>{ impl <$($n : Fold < I >,)* I : Interner > Fold < I > for ($($n ,)*){ type Result = ($($n :: Result ,)*); fn fold_with < 'i > ( self , folder : & mut dyn Folder < 'i , I >, outer_binder : DebruijnIndex )-> Fallible < Self :: Result > where I : 'i , {# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] let ($($n ),*)= self ; Ok (($($n . fold_with ( folder , outer_binder )?,)*))}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture355 {($t : ty )=>{ impl < I : Interner > $crate :: fold :: Fold < I > for $t { type Result = Self ; fn fold_with < 'i > ( self , _folder : & mut dyn ($crate :: fold :: Folder < 'i , I >), _outer_binder : DebruijnIndex , )-> :: chalk_ir :: Fallible < Self :: Result > where I : 'i , { Ok ( self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture356 {($t : ident )=>{ impl < I : Interner > $crate :: fold :: Fold < I > for $t < I > { type Result = $t < I >; fn fold_with < 'i > ( self , _folder : & mut dyn ($crate :: fold :: Folder < 'i , I >), _outer_binder : DebruijnIndex , )-> :: chalk_ir :: Fallible < Self :: Result > where I : 'i , { Ok ( self )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture357 {($($n : ident ),*)=>{ impl <$($n : Visit < I >,)* I : Interner > Visit < I > for ($($n ,)*){ fn visit_with < 'i , BT > (& self , visitor : & mut dyn Visitor < 'i , I , BreakTy = BT >, outer_binder : DebruijnIndex )-> ControlFlow < BT > where I : 'i {# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] let & ($(ref $n ),*)= self ; $(try_break ! ($n . visit_with ( visitor , outer_binder )); )* ControlFlow :: CONTINUE }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture358 {($t : ty )=>{ impl < I : Interner > $crate :: visit :: Visit < I > for $t { fn visit_with < 'i , B > (& self , _visitor : & mut dyn ($crate :: visit :: Visitor < 'i , I , BreakTy = B >), _outer_binder : DebruijnIndex , )-> ControlFlow < B > where I : 'i , { ControlFlow :: CONTINUE }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture359 {($t : ident )=>{ impl < I : Interner > $crate :: visit :: Visit < I > for $t < I > { fn visit_with < 'i , B > (& self , _visitor : & mut dyn ($crate :: visit :: Visitor < 'i , I , BreakTy = B >), _outer_binder : DebruijnIndex , )-> ControlFlow < B > where I : 'i , { ControlFlow :: CONTINUE }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture360 {( for ($($t : tt )*)$u : ty )=>{ impl <$($t )*> CastTo <$u > for $u { fn cast_to ( self , _interner : &<$u as HasInterner >:: Interner )-> $u { self }}}; ($u : ty )=>{ impl CastTo <$u > for $u { fn cast_to ( self , interner : &<$u as HasInterner >:: Interner )-> $u { self }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture361 {($($id : ident ), *)=>{$(impl < I : Interner > std :: fmt :: Debug for $id < I > { fn fmt (& self , fmt : & mut std :: fmt :: Formatter < '_ >)-> Result < (), std :: fmt :: Error > { write ! ( fmt , "{}({:?})" , stringify ! ($id ), self . 0 )}})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture362 {($seq : ident , $data : ident =>$elem : ty , $intern : ident =>$interned : ident )=>{ interned_slice_common ! ($seq , $data =>$elem , $intern =>$interned ); impl < I : Interner > $seq < I > {# [ doc = " Tries to create a sequence using an iterator of element-like things." ] pub fn from_fallible < E > ( interner : & I , elements : impl IntoIterator < Item = Result < impl CastTo <$elem >, E >>, )-> Result < Self , E > { Ok ( Self { interned : I ::$intern ( interner , elements . into_iter (). casted ( interner ))?, })}# [ doc = " Create a sequence from elements" ] pub fn from_iter ( interner : & I , elements : impl IntoIterator < Item = impl CastTo <$elem >>, )-> Self { Self :: from_fallible ( interner , elements . into_iter (). map (| el | -> Result <$elem , ()> { Ok ( el . cast ( interner ))}), ). unwrap ()}# [ doc = " Create a sequence from a single element." ] pub fn from1 ( interner : & I , element : impl CastTo <$elem >)-> Self { Self :: from_iter ( interner , Some ( element ))}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture363 {($seq : ident , $data : ident =>$elem : ty , $intern : ident =>$interned : ident )=>{# [ doc = " List of interned elements." ]# [ derive ( Copy , Clone , PartialEq , Eq , Hash , PartialOrd , Ord , HasInterner )] pub struct $seq < I : Interner > { interned : I ::$interned , } impl < I : Interner > $seq < I > {# [ doc = " Get the interned elements." ] pub fn interned (& self )-> & I ::$interned {& self . interned }# [ doc = " Returns a slice containing the elements." ] pub fn as_slice (& self , interner : & I )-> & [$elem ]{ Interner ::$data ( interner , & self . interned )}# [ doc = " Index into the sequence." ] pub fn at (& self , interner : & I , index : usize )-> &$elem {& self . as_slice ( interner )[ index ]}# [ doc = " Create an empty sequence." ] pub fn empty ( interner : & I )-> Self { Self :: from_iter ( interner , None ::<$elem >)}# [ doc = " Check whether this is an empty sequence." ] pub fn is_empty (& self , interner : & I )-> bool { self . as_slice ( interner ). is_empty ()}# [ doc = " Get an iterator over the elements of the sequence." ] pub fn iter (& self , interner : & I )-> std :: slice :: Iter < '_ , $elem > { self . as_slice ( interner ). iter ()}# [ doc = " Get the length of the sequence." ] pub fn len (& self , interner : & I )-> usize { self . as_slice ( interner ). len ()}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture364 {($(# [$attrs : meta ])* $vis : vis static $name : ident : $ty : ty )=>($(# [$attrs ])* $vis static $name : $crate :: ScopedKey <$ty > = $crate :: ScopedKey { inner : { thread_local ! ( static FOO : :: std :: cell :: Cell < usize > = {:: std :: cell :: Cell :: new ( 0 )}); & FOO }, _marker : :: std :: marker :: PhantomData , }; )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture365 {($(($def : path , $ast : path , $meth : ident )),* ,)=>{$(impl ToDef for $ast { type Def = $def ; fn to_def ( sema : & SemanticsImpl , src : InFile < Self >)-> Option < Self :: Def > { sema . with_ctx (| ctx | ctx .$meth ( src )). map (<$def >:: from )}})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture366 {($(($id : path , $ty : path )),*)=>{$(impl From <$id > for $ty { fn from ( id : $id )-> $ty {$ty { id }}} impl From <$ty > for $id { fn from ( ty : $ty )-> $id { ty . id }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture367 {($(($def : ident , $def_id : ident ),)*)=>{$(impl HasAttrs for $def { fn attrs ( self , db : & dyn HirDatabase )-> Attrs { let def = AttrDefId ::$def_id ( self . into ()); db . attrs ( def )} fn docs ( self , db : & dyn HirDatabase )-> Option < Documentation > { let def = AttrDefId ::$def_id ( self . into ()); db . attrs ( def ). docs ()} fn resolve_doc_path ( self , db : & dyn HirDatabase , link : & str , ns : Option < Namespace >)-> Option < ModuleDef > { let def = AttrDefId ::$def_id ( self . into ()); resolve_doc_path ( db , def , link , ns ). map ( ModuleDef :: from )}})*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture368 {($($variant : ident ),* for $enum : ident )=>{$(impl HasAttrs for $variant { fn attrs ( self , db : & dyn HirDatabase )-> Attrs {$enum ::$variant ( self ). attrs ( db )} fn docs ( self , db : & dyn HirDatabase )-> Option < Documentation > {$enum ::$variant ( self ). docs ( db )} fn resolve_doc_path ( self , db : & dyn HirDatabase , link : & str , ns : Option < Namespace >)-> Option < ModuleDef > {$enum ::$variant ( self ). resolve_doc_path ( db , link , ns )}})*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture369 {{$($(#$attr : tt )* fn $fn_name : ident ($($arg : tt )*)-> $ret : ty {$($code : tt )* })*}=>($(# [ test ]$(#$attr )* fn $fn_name (){ fn prop ($($arg )*)-> $ret {$($code )* }:: quickcheck :: quickcheck ( quickcheck ! (@ fn prop []$($arg )*)); })* ); (@ fn $f : ident [$($t : tt )*])=>{$f as fn ($($t ),*)-> _ }; (@ fn $f : ident [$($p : tt )*]: $($tail : tt )*)=>{ quickcheck ! (@ fn $f [$($p )* _]$($tail )*)}; (@ fn $f : ident [$($p : tt )*]$t : tt $($tail : tt )*)=>{ quickcheck ! (@ fn $f [$($p )*]$($tail )*)}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture370 {($($bool : expr , )+)=>{ fn _static_assert (){$(let _ = std :: mem :: transmute ::< [ u8 ; $bool as usize ], u8 >; )+ }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture371 {($ty : ident is $($marker : ident ) and +)=>{# [ test ]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] fn $ty (){ fn assert_implemented < T : $($marker +)+> (){} assert_implemented ::<$ty > (); }}; ($ty : ident is not $($marker : ident ) or +)=>{# [ test ]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] fn $ty (){$({trait IsNotImplemented { fn assert_not_implemented (){}} impl < T : $marker > IsNotImplemented for T {} trait IsImplemented { fn assert_not_implemented (){}} impl IsImplemented for $ty {}<$ty >:: assert_not_implemented (); })+ }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture372 {($($types : ident )*)=>{$(assert_impl ! ($types is UnwindSafe and RefUnwindSafe ); )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture373 {($($(# [$attr : meta ])* $name : ident ($value : expr , $expected : expr )),* )=>{$($(# [$attr ])* # [ test ] fn $name (){# [ cfg ( feature = "std" )]{ let mut buf = [ b'\0' ; 40 ]; let len = itoa :: write (& mut buf [..], $value ). unwrap (); assert_eq ! (& buf [ 0 .. len ], $expected . as_bytes ()); } let mut s = String :: new (); itoa :: fmt (& mut s , $value ). unwrap (); assert_eq ! ( s , $expected ); })* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture374 {($($name : ident =>$description : expr ,)+)=>{# [ doc = " Errors that can occur during parsing." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This may be extended in the future so exhaustive matching is" ]# [ doc = " discouraged with an unused variant." ]# [ allow ( clippy :: manual_non_exhaustive )]# [ derive ( PartialEq , Eq , Clone , Copy , Debug )] pub enum ParseError {$($name , )+ # [ doc = " Unused variant enable non-exhaustive matching" ]# [ doc ( hidden )] __FutureProof , } impl fmt :: Display for ParseError { fn fmt (& self , fmt : & mut Formatter < '_ >)-> fmt :: Result { match * self {$(ParseError ::$name => fmt . write_str ($description ), )+ ParseError :: __FutureProof =>{ unreachable ! ( "Don't abuse the FutureProof!" ); }}}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture375 {($($name : ident =>$description : expr ,)+)=>{# [ doc = " Non-fatal syntax violations that can occur during parsing." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This may be extended in the future so exhaustive matching is" ]# [ doc = " discouraged with an unused variant." ]# [ allow ( clippy :: manual_non_exhaustive )]# [ derive ( PartialEq , Eq , Clone , Copy , Debug )] pub enum SyntaxViolation {$($name , )+ # [ doc = " Unused variant enable non-exhaustive matching" ]# [ doc ( hidden )] __FutureProof , } impl SyntaxViolation { pub fn description (& self )-> & 'static str { match * self {$(SyntaxViolation ::$name =>$description , )+ SyntaxViolation :: __FutureProof =>{ unreachable ! ( "Don't abuse the FutureProof!" ); }}}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture376 {('owned : $($oty : ident ,)* 'interned : $($ity : ident ,)* )=>{# [ repr ( C )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub struct HandleCounters {$($oty : AtomicUsize ,)* $($ity : AtomicUsize ,)* } impl HandleCounters { extern "C" fn get ()-> & 'static Self { static COUNTERS : HandleCounters = HandleCounters {$($oty : AtomicUsize :: new ( 1 ),)* $($ity : AtomicUsize :: new ( 1 ),)* }; & COUNTERS }}# [ repr ( C )]# [ allow ( non_snake_case )] pub ( super ) struct HandleStore < S : server :: Types > {$($oty : handle :: OwnedStore < S ::$oty >,)* $($ity : handle :: InternedStore < S ::$ity >,)* } impl < S : server :: Types > HandleStore < S > { pub ( super ) fn new ( handle_counters : & 'static HandleCounters )-> Self { HandleStore {$($oty : handle :: OwnedStore :: new (& handle_counters .$oty ),)* $($ity : handle :: InternedStore :: new (& handle_counters .$ity ),)* }}}$(# [ repr ( C )] pub struct $oty ( pub ( crate ) handle :: Handle ); impl Drop for $oty { fn drop (& mut self ){$oty ( self . 0 ). drop (); }} impl < S > Encode < S > for $oty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ let handle = self . 0 ; mem :: forget ( self ); handle . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S : server :: Types > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>)-> Self { s .$oty . take ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ()))}} impl < S > Encode < S > for &$oty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ self . 0 . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < 's , S : server :: Types ,> Decode < '_ , 's , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for & 's Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & 's HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>)-> Self {& s .$oty [ handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ())]}} impl < S > Encode < S > for & mut $oty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ self . 0 . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < 's , S : server :: Types > DecodeMut < '_ , 's , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for & 's mut Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & 's mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >> )-> Self {& mut s .$oty [ handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ())]}} impl < S : server :: Types > Encode < HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$oty , $oty > { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>){ s .$oty . alloc ( self ). encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $oty { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut S )-> Self {$oty ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , s ))}})* $(# [ repr ( C )]# [ derive ( Copy , Clone , PartialEq , Eq , Hash )] pub ( crate ) struct $ity ( handle :: Handle ); impl < S > Encode < S > for $ity { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){ self . 0 . encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S : server :: Types > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$ity , $ity > { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>)-> Self { s .$ity . copy ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , & mut ()))}} impl < S : server :: Types > Encode < HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>> for Marked < S ::$ity , $ity > { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut HandleStore < server :: MarkedTypes < S >>){ s .$ity . alloc ( self ). encode ( w , s ); }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $ity { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut S )-> Self {$ity ( handle :: Handle :: decode ( r , s ))}})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture377 {($S : ident , $self : ident , $m : ident )=>{$m ! { FreeFunctions { fn drop ($self : $S :: FreeFunctions ); fn track_env_var ( var : & str , value : Option <& str >); }, TokenStream { fn drop ($self : $S :: TokenStream ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: TokenStream )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn new ()-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn is_empty ($self : &$S :: TokenStream )-> bool ; fn from_str ( src : & str )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn to_string ($self : &$S :: TokenStream )-> String ; fn from_token_tree ( tree : TokenTree <$S :: Group , $S :: Punct , $S :: Ident , $S :: Literal >, )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn into_iter ($self : $S :: TokenStream )-> $S :: TokenStreamIter ; }, TokenStreamBuilder { fn drop ($self : $S :: TokenStreamBuilder ); fn new ()-> $S :: TokenStreamBuilder ; fn push ($self : & mut $S :: TokenStreamBuilder , stream : $S :: TokenStream ); fn build ($self : $S :: TokenStreamBuilder )-> $S :: TokenStream ; }, TokenStreamIter { fn drop ($self : $S :: TokenStreamIter ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: TokenStreamIter )-> $S :: TokenStreamIter ; fn next ($self : & mut $S :: TokenStreamIter , )-> Option < TokenTree <$S :: Group , $S :: Punct , $S :: Ident , $S :: Literal >>; }, Group { fn drop ($self : $S :: Group ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Group ; fn new ( delimiter : Delimiter , stream : $S :: TokenStream )-> $S :: Group ; fn delimiter ($self : &$S :: Group )-> Delimiter ; fn stream ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: TokenStream ; fn span ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Span ; fn span_open ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Span ; fn span_close ($self : &$S :: Group )-> $S :: Span ; fn set_span ($self : & mut $S :: Group , span : $S :: Span ); }, Punct { fn new ( ch : char , spacing : Spacing )-> $S :: Punct ; fn as_char ($self : $S :: Punct )-> char ; fn spacing ($self : $S :: Punct )-> Spacing ; fn span ($self : $S :: Punct )-> $S :: Span ; fn with_span ($self : $S :: Punct , span : $S :: Span )-> $S :: Punct ; }, Ident { fn new ( string : & str , span : $S :: Span , is_raw : bool )-> $S :: Ident ; fn span ($self : $S :: Ident )-> $S :: Span ; fn with_span ($self : $S :: Ident , span : $S :: Span )-> $S :: Ident ; }, Literal { fn drop ($self : $S :: Literal ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> $S :: Literal ; fn debug_kind ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> String ; fn symbol ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> String ; fn suffix ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> Option < String >; fn integer ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn typed_integer ( n : & str , kind : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn float ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn f32 ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn f64 ( n : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn string ( string : & str )-> $S :: Literal ; fn character ( ch : char )-> $S :: Literal ; fn byte_string ( bytes : & [ u8 ])-> $S :: Literal ; fn span ($self : &$S :: Literal )-> $S :: Span ; fn set_span ($self : & mut $S :: Literal , span : $S :: Span ); fn subspan ($self : &$S :: Literal , start : Bound < usize >, end : Bound < usize >, )-> Option <$S :: Span >; }, SourceFile { fn drop ($self : $S :: SourceFile ); fn clone ($self : &$S :: SourceFile )-> $S :: SourceFile ; fn eq ($self : &$S :: SourceFile , other : &$S :: SourceFile )-> bool ; fn path ($self : &$S :: SourceFile )-> String ; fn is_real ($self : &$S :: SourceFile )-> bool ; }, MultiSpan { fn drop ($self : $S :: MultiSpan ); fn new ()-> $S :: MultiSpan ; fn push ($self : & mut $S :: MultiSpan , span : $S :: Span ); }, Diagnostic { fn drop ($self : $S :: Diagnostic ); fn new ( level : Level , msg : & str , span : $S :: MultiSpan )-> $S :: Diagnostic ; fn sub ($self : & mut $S :: Diagnostic , level : Level , msg : & str , span : $S :: MultiSpan , ); fn emit ($self : $S :: Diagnostic ); }, Span { fn debug ($self : $S :: Span )-> String ; fn def_site
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture378 {( le $ty : ty )=>{ impl < S > Encode < S > for $ty { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , _: & mut S ){ w . write_all (& self . to_le_bytes ()). unwrap (); }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $ty { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, _: & mut S )-> Self { const N : usize = :: std :: mem :: size_of ::<$ty > (); let mut bytes = [ 0 ; N ]; bytes . copy_from_slice (& r [.. N ]); * r = & r [ N ..]; Self :: from_le_bytes ( bytes )}}}; ( struct $name : ident {$($field : ident ),* $(,)? })=>{ impl < S > Encode < S > for $name { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){$(self .$field . encode ( w , s );)* }} impl < S > DecodeMut < '_ , '_ , S > for $name { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < '_ >, s : & mut S )-> Self {$name {$($field : DecodeMut :: decode ( r , s )),* }}}}; ( enum $name : ident $(<$($T : ident ),+>)? {$($variant : ident $(($field : ident ))*),* $(,)? })=>{ impl < S , $($($T : Encode < S >),+)?> Encode < S > for $name $(<$($T ),+>)? { fn encode ( self , w : & mut Writer , s : & mut S ){# [ allow ( non_upper_case_globals )] mod tag {# [ repr ( u8 )] enum Tag {$($variant ),* }$(pub const $variant : u8 = Tag ::$variant as u8 ;)* } match self {$($name ::$variant $(($field ))* =>{ tag ::$variant . encode ( w , s ); $($field . encode ( w , s );)* })* }}} impl < 'a , S , $($($T : for < 's > DecodeMut < 'a , 's , S >),+)?> DecodeMut < 'a , '_ , S > for $name $(<$($T ),+>)? { fn decode ( r : & mut Reader < 'a >, s : & mut S )-> Self {# [ allow ( non_upper_case_globals )] mod tag {# [ repr ( u8 )] enum Tag {$($variant ),* }$(pub const $variant : u8 = Tag ::$variant as u8 ;)* } match u8 :: decode ( r , s ){$(tag ::$variant =>{$(let $field = DecodeMut :: decode ( r , s );)* $name ::$variant $(($field ))* })* _ => unreachable ! (), }}}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture379 {($($ty : ty ),* $(,)?)=>{$(impl Mark for $ty { type Unmarked = Self ; fn mark ( unmarked : Self :: Unmarked )-> Self { unmarked }} impl Unmark for $ty { type Unmarked = Self ; fn unmark ( self )-> Self :: Unmarked { self }})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture380 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )*;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{$(impl $name {# [ allow ( unused )]$(pub ( crate ) fn $method ($($arg : $arg_ty ),*)$(-> $ret_ty )* { panic ! ( "hello" ); })* })* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture381 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )?;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{ pub trait Types {$(associated_item ! ( type $name );)* }$(pub trait $name : Types {$(associated_item ! ( fn $method (& mut self , $($arg : $arg_ty ),*)$(-> $ret_ty )?);)* })* pub trait Server : Types $(+ $name )* {} impl < S : Types $(+ $name )*> Server for S {}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture382 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )?;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{ impl < S : Types > Types for MarkedTypes < S > {$(type $name = Marked < S ::$name , client ::$name >;)* }$(impl < S : $name > $name for MarkedTypes < S > {$(fn $method (& mut self , $($arg : $arg_ty ),*)$(-> $ret_ty )? {<_>:: mark ($name ::$method (& mut self . 0 , $($arg . unmark ()),*))})* })* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture383 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )?;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{ pub trait DispatcherTrait {$(type $name ;)* fn dispatch (& mut self , b : Buffer < u8 >)-> Buffer < u8 >; } impl < S : Server > DispatcherTrait for Dispatcher < MarkedTypes < S >> {$(type $name = < MarkedTypes < S > as Types >::$name ;)* fn dispatch (& mut self , mut b : Buffer < u8 >)-> Buffer < u8 > { let Dispatcher { handle_store , server }= self ; let mut reader = & b [..]; match api_tags :: Method :: decode (& mut reader , & mut ()){$(api_tags :: Method ::$name ( m )=> match m {$(api_tags ::$name ::$method =>{ let mut call_method = || { reverse_decode ! ( reader , handle_store ; $($arg : $arg_ty ),*); $name ::$method ( server , $($arg ),*)}; let r = if thread :: panicking (){ Ok ( call_method ())} else { panic :: catch_unwind ( panic :: AssertUnwindSafe ( call_method )). map_err ( PanicMessage :: from )}; b . clear (); r . encode (& mut b , handle_store ); })* }),* } b }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture384 {($($name : ident {$(fn $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ),* $(,)?)$(-> $ret_ty : ty )*;)* }),* $(,)?)=>{$(pub ( super ) enum $name {$($method ),* } rpc_encode_decode ! ( enum $name {$($method ),* }); )* pub ( super ) enum Method {$($name ($name )),* } rpc_encode_decode ! ( enum Method {$($name ( m )),* }); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture385 {($(($ident : ident , $string : literal )),*$(,)?)=>{$(pub ( crate ) const $ident : SemanticTokenType = SemanticTokenType :: new ($string );)* pub ( crate ) const SUPPORTED_TYPES : & [ SemanticTokenType ]= & [ SemanticTokenType :: COMMENT , SemanticTokenType :: KEYWORD , SemanticTokenType :: STRING , SemanticTokenType :: NUMBER , SemanticTokenType :: REGEXP , SemanticTokenType :: OPERATOR , SemanticTokenType :: NAMESPACE , SemanticTokenType :: TYPE , SemanticTokenType :: STRUCT , SemanticTokenType :: CLASS , SemanticTokenType :: INTERFACE , SemanticTokenType :: ENUM , SemanticTokenType :: ENUM_MEMBER , SemanticTokenType :: TYPE_PARAMETER , SemanticTokenType :: FUNCTION , SemanticTokenType :: METHOD , SemanticTokenType :: PROPERTY , SemanticTokenType :: MACRO , SemanticTokenType :: VARIABLE , SemanticTokenType :: PARAMETER , $($ident ),* ]; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture386 {($(($ident : ident , $string : literal )),*$(,)?)=>{$(pub ( crate ) const $ident : SemanticTokenModifier = SemanticTokenModifier :: new ($string );)* pub ( crate ) const SUPPORTED_MODIFIERS : & [ SemanticTokenModifier ]= & [ SemanticTokenModifier :: DOCUMENTATION , SemanticTokenModifier :: DECLARATION , SemanticTokenModifier :: DEFINITION , SemanticTokenModifier :: STATIC , SemanticTokenModifier :: ABSTRACT , SemanticTokenModifier :: DEPRECATED , SemanticTokenModifier :: READONLY , $($ident ),* ]; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture387 {( struct $name : ident {$($(# [ doc =$doc : literal ])* $field : ident $(| $alias : ident )?: $ty : ty = $default : expr , )* })=>{# [ allow ( non_snake_case )]# [ derive ( Debug , Clone )] struct $name {$($field : $ty ,)* } impl $name { fn from_json ( mut json : serde_json :: Value )-> $name {$name {$($field : get_field (& mut json , stringify ! ($field ), None $(. or ( Some ( stringify ! ($alias ))))?, $default , ), )*}} fn json_schema ()-> serde_json :: Value { schema (& [$({let field = stringify ! ($field ); let ty = stringify ! ($ty ); ( field , ty , & [$($doc ),*], $default )},)* ])}# [ cfg ( test )] fn manual ()-> String { manual (& [$({let field = stringify ! ($field ); let ty = stringify ! ($ty ); ( field , ty , & [$($doc ),*], $default )},)* ])}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture388 {($($name : ident ($value : expr ),)*)=>{ mod bench_ryu { use super ::*; $(# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut buf = ryu :: Buffer :: new (); b . iter ( move || { let value = black_box ($value ); let formatted = buf . format_finite ( value ); black_box ( formatted ); }); })* } mod bench_std_fmt { use super ::*; $(# [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let mut buf = Vec :: with_capacity ( 20 ); b . iter (|| { buf . clear (); let value = black_box ($value ); write ! (& mut buf , "{}" , value ). unwrap (); black_box ( buf . as_slice ()); }); })* }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture389 {($($T : ident ),*)=>{$(mod $T { use test :: Bencher ; use num_integer :: { Average , Integer }; use super :: { UncheckedAverage , NaiveAverage , ModuloAverage }; use super :: { bench_ceil , bench_floor , bench_unchecked }; naive_average ! ($T ); unchecked_average ! ($T ); modulo_average ! ($T ); const SIZE : $T = 30 ; fn overflowing ()-> Vec < ($T , $T )> {(($T :: max_value ()- SIZE )..$T :: max_value ()). flat_map (| x | -> Vec <_> {(($T :: max_value ()- 100 ).. ($T :: max_value ()- 100 + SIZE )). map (| y | ( x , y )). collect ()}). collect ()} fn small ()-> Vec < ($T , $T )> {( 0 .. SIZE ). flat_map (| x | -> Vec <_> {( 0 .. SIZE ). map (| y | ( x , y )). collect ()}). collect ()} fn rand ()-> Vec < ($T , $T )> { small (). into_iter (). map (| ( x , y )| ( super :: lcg ( x ), super :: lcg ( y ))). collect ()} mod ceil { use super ::*; mod small { use super ::*; # [ bench ] fn optimized ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn naive ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . naive_average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn unchecked ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_unchecked ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . unchecked_average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn modulo ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . modulo_average_ceil ( y )); }} mod overflowing { use super ::*; # [ bench ] fn optimized ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn naive ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . naive_average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn unchecked ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_unchecked ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . unchecked_average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn modulo ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . modulo_average_ceil ( y )); }} mod rand { use super ::*; # [ bench ] fn optimized ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = rand (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn naive ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = rand (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . naive_average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn unchecked ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = rand (); bench_unchecked ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . unchecked_average_ceil ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn modulo ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = rand (); bench_ceil ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . modulo_average_ceil ( y )); }}} mod floor { use super ::*; mod small { use super ::*; # [ bench ] fn optimized ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_floor ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . average_floor ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn naive ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_floor ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . naive_average_floor ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn unchecked ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_unchecked ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . unchecked_average_floor ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn modulo ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = small (); bench_floor ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . modulo_average_floor ( y )); }} mod overflowing { use super ::*; # [ bench ] fn optimized ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_floor ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . average_floor ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn naive ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_floor ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . naive_average_floor ( y )); }# [ bench ] fn unchecked ( b : & mut Bencher ){ let v = overflowing (); bench_unchecked ( b , & v , | x : &$T , y : &$T | x . unchecked_average_flo
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture390 {($T : ident )=>{ impl super :: NaiveAverage for $T { fn naive_average_floor (& self , other : &$T )-> $T { match self . checked_add (* other ){ Some ( z )=> z . div_floor (& 2 ), None =>{ if self > other { let diff = self - other ; other + diff . div_floor (& 2 )} else { let diff = other - self ; self + diff . div_floor (& 2 )}}}} fn naive_average_ceil (& self , other : &$T )-> $T { match self . checked_add (* other ){ Some ( z )=> z . div_ceil (& 2 ), None =>{ if self > other { let diff = self - other ; self - diff . div_floor (& 2 )} else { let diff = other - self ; other - diff . div_floor (& 2 )}}}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture391 {($T : ident )=>{ impl super :: UncheckedAverage for $T { fn unchecked_average_floor (& self , other : &$T )-> $T { self . wrapping_add (* other )/ 2 } fn unchecked_average_ceil (& self , other : &$T )-> $T {( self . wrapping_add (* other )/ 2 ). wrapping_add ( 1 )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture392 {($T : ident )=>{ impl super :: ModuloAverage for $T { fn modulo_average_ceil (& self , other : &$T )-> $T { let ( q1 , r1 )= self . div_mod_floor (& 2 ); let ( q2 , r2 )= other . div_mod_floor (& 2 ); q1 + q2 + ( r1 | r2 )} fn modulo_average_floor (& self , other : &$T )-> $T { let ( q1 , r1 )= self . div_mod_floor (& 2 ); let ( q2 , r2 )= other . div_mod_floor (& 2 ); q1 + q2 + ( r1 * r2 )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture393 {($N : expr , $FUN : ident , $BENCH_NAME : ident , )=>( mod $BENCH_NAME { use super ::*; pub fn sum ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N ). collect (); c . bench_function (& ( stringify ! ($BENCH_NAME ). replace ( '_' , " " )+ " sum" ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { cloned (& v ).$FUN (| x , y | x + y )})}); } pub fn complex_iter ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let u = ( 3 ..). take ($N / 2 ); let v = ( 5 ..). take ($N / 2 ); let it = u . chain ( v ); c . bench_function (& ( stringify ! ($BENCH_NAME ). replace ( '_' , " " )+ " complex iter" ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { it . clone (). map (| x | x as f32 ).$FUN ( f32 :: atan2 )})}); } pub fn string_format ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. ($N / 4 )). collect (); c . bench_function (& ( stringify ! ($BENCH_NAME ). replace ( '_' , " " )+ " string format" ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { cloned (& v ). map (| x | x . to_string ()).$FUN (| x , y | format ! ( "{} + {}" , x , y ))})}); }} criterion_group ! ($BENCH_NAME , $BENCH_NAME :: sum , $BENCH_NAME :: complex_iter , $BENCH_NAME :: string_format , ); )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture394 {($ast : ident , $kind : ident )=>{# [ derive ( PartialEq , Eq , Hash )]# [ repr ( transparent )] struct $ast ( SyntaxNode ); impl $ast {# [ allow ( unused )] fn cast ( node : SyntaxNode )-> Option < Self > { if node . kind ()== $kind { Some ( Self ( node ))} else { None }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture395 {($I : ident , $U : ident )=>{ mod $I { mod ceil { use num_integer :: Average ; # [ test ] fn same_sign (){ assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_ceil (& 16 ), 15 as $I ); assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_ceil (& 17 ), 16 as $I ); let max = $crate :: std ::$I :: MAX ; assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_ceil (& ( max - 1 )), max - 2 ); assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_ceil (& ( max - 2 )), max - 2 ); }# [ test ] fn different_sign (){ assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_ceil (&- 4 ), 5 as $I ); assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_ceil (&- 5 ), 5 as $I ); let min = $crate :: std ::$I :: MIN ; let max = $crate :: std ::$I :: MAX ; assert_eq ! ( min . average_ceil (& max ), 0 as $I ); }} mod floor { use num_integer :: Average ; # [ test ] fn same_sign (){ assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_floor (& 16 ), 15 as $I ); assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_floor (& 17 ), 15 as $I ); let max = $crate :: std ::$I :: MAX ; assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_floor (& ( max - 1 )), max - 2 ); assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_floor (& ( max - 2 )), max - 3 ); }# [ test ] fn different_sign (){ assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_floor (&- 4 ), 5 as $I ); assert_eq ! (( 14 as $I ). average_floor (&- 5 ), 4 as $I ); let min = $crate :: std ::$I :: MIN ; let max = $crate :: std ::$I :: MAX ; assert_eq ! ( min . average_floor (& max ), - 1 as $I ); }}} mod $U { mod ceil { use num_integer :: Average ; # [ test ] fn bounded (){ assert_eq ! (( 14 as $U ). average_ceil (& 16 ), 15 as $U ); assert_eq ! (( 14 as $U ). average_ceil (& 17 ), 16 as $U ); }# [ test ] fn overflow (){ let max = $crate :: std ::$U :: MAX ; assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_ceil (& ( max - 1 )), max - 2 ); assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_ceil (& ( max - 2 )), max - 2 ); }} mod floor { use num_integer :: Average ; # [ test ] fn bounded (){ assert_eq ! (( 14 as $U ). average_floor (& 16 ), 15 as $U ); assert_eq ! (( 14 as $U ). average_floor (& 17 ), 15 as $U ); }# [ test ] fn overflow (){ let max = $crate :: std ::$U :: MAX ; assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_floor (& ( max - 1 )), max - 2 ); assert_eq ! (( max - 3 ). average_floor (& ( max - 2 )), max - 3 ); }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture396 {($N : expr ; $BENCH_GROUP : ident , $TUPLE_FUN : ident , $TUPLES : ident , $TUPLE_WINDOWS : ident ; $SLICE_FUN : ident , $CHUNKS : ident , $WINDOWS : ident ; $FOR_CHUNKS : ident , $FOR_WINDOWS : ident )=>( fn $FOR_CHUNKS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N * 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($FOR_CHUNKS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { let mut j = 0 ; for _ in 0 .. 1_000 { s += $SLICE_FUN (& v [ j .. ( j + $N )]); j += $N ; } s })}); } fn $FOR_WINDOWS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($FOR_WINDOWS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for i in 0 .. ( 1_000 - $N ){ s += $SLICE_FUN (& v [ i .. ( i + $N )]); } s })}); } fn $TUPLES ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N * 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($TUPLES ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . iter (). tuples (){ s += $TUPLE_FUN (& x ); } s })}); } fn $CHUNKS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N * 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($CHUNKS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . chunks ($N ){ s += $SLICE_FUN ( x ); } s })}); } fn $TUPLE_WINDOWS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($TUPLE_WINDOWS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . iter (). tuple_windows (){ s += $TUPLE_FUN (& x ); } s })}); } fn $WINDOWS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($WINDOWS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . windows ($N ){ s += $SLICE_FUN ( x ); } s })}); } criterion_group ! ($BENCH_GROUP , $FOR_CHUNKS , $FOR_WINDOWS , $TUPLES , $CHUNKS , $TUPLE_WINDOWS , $WINDOWS , ); )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture397 {($N : expr , $FUN : ident , $BENCH_NAME : ident , )=>( mod $BENCH_NAME { use super ::*; pub fn sum ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N ). collect (); c . bench_function (& ( stringify ! ($BENCH_NAME ). replace ( '_' , " " )+ " sum" ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { cloned (& v ).$FUN (| x , y | x + y )})}); } pub fn complex_iter ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let u = ( 3 ..). take ($N / 2 ); let v = ( 5 ..). take ($N / 2 ); let it = u . chain ( v ); c . bench_function (& ( stringify ! ($BENCH_NAME ). replace ( '_' , " " )+ " complex iter" ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { it . clone (). map (| x | x as f32 ).$FUN ( f32 :: atan2 )})}); } pub fn string_format ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. ($N / 4 )). collect (); c . bench_function (& ( stringify ! ($BENCH_NAME ). replace ( '_' , " " )+ " string format" ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { cloned (& v ). map (| x | x . to_string ()).$FUN (| x , y | format ! ( "{} + {}" , x , y ))})}); }} criterion_group ! ($BENCH_NAME , $BENCH_NAME :: sum , $BENCH_NAME :: complex_iter , $BENCH_NAME :: string_format , ); )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture398 {($N : expr ; $BENCH_GROUP : ident , $TUPLE_FUN : ident , $TUPLES : ident , $TUPLE_WINDOWS : ident ; $SLICE_FUN : ident , $CHUNKS : ident , $WINDOWS : ident ; $FOR_CHUNKS : ident , $FOR_WINDOWS : ident )=>( fn $FOR_CHUNKS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N * 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($FOR_CHUNKS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { let mut j = 0 ; for _ in 0 .. 1_000 { s += $SLICE_FUN (& v [ j .. ( j + $N )]); j += $N ; } s })}); } fn $FOR_WINDOWS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($FOR_WINDOWS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for i in 0 .. ( 1_000 - $N ){ s += $SLICE_FUN (& v [ i .. ( i + $N )]); } s })}); } fn $TUPLES ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N * 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($TUPLES ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . iter (). tuples (){ s += $TUPLE_FUN (& x ); } s })}); } fn $CHUNKS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. $N * 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($CHUNKS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . chunks ($N ){ s += $SLICE_FUN ( x ); } s })}); } fn $TUPLE_WINDOWS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($TUPLE_WINDOWS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . iter (). tuple_windows (){ s += $TUPLE_FUN (& x ); } s })}); } fn $WINDOWS ( c : & mut Criterion ){ let v : Vec < u32 > = ( 0 .. 1_000 ). collect (); let mut s = 0 ; c . bench_function (& stringify ! ($WINDOWS ). replace ( '_' , " " ), move | b | { b . iter (|| { for x in v . windows ($N ){ s += $SLICE_FUN ( x ); } s })}); } criterion_group ! ($BENCH_GROUP , $FOR_CHUNKS , $FOR_WINDOWS , $TUPLES , $CHUNKS , $TUPLE_WINDOWS , $WINDOWS , ); )}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture399 {($name : ident : $e : expr )=>{# [ cfg_attr ( target_arch = "wasm32" , wasm_bindgen_test :: wasm_bindgen_test )]# [ test ] fn $name (){ let ( subscriber , handle )= subscriber :: mock (). event ( event :: mock (). with_fields ( field :: mock ( "answer" ). with_value (& 42 ). and ( field :: mock ( "to_question" ). with_value (& "life, the universe, and everything" ), ). only (), ), ). done (). run_with_handle (); with_default ( subscriber , || { info ! ( answer = $e , to_question = "life, the universe, and everything" ); }); handle . assert_finished (); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture400 {($T : ty )=>{ impl GcdOld for $T {# [ doc = " Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and" ]# [ doc = " `other`. The result is always positive." ]# [ inline ] fn gcd_old (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let mut m = * self ; let mut n = * other ; if m == 0 || n == 0 { return ( m | n ). abs (); } let shift = ( m | n ). trailing_zeros (); if m == Self :: min_value ()|| n == Self :: min_value (){ return ( 1 << shift ). abs (); } m = m . abs (); n = n . abs (); n >>= n . trailing_zeros (); while m != 0 { m >>= m . trailing_zeros (); if n > m { std :: mem :: swap (& mut n , & mut m )} m -= n ; } n << shift }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture401 {($T : ty )=>{ impl GcdOld for $T {# [ doc = " Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and" ]# [ doc = " `other`. The result is always positive." ]# [ inline ] fn gcd_old (& self , other : & Self )-> Self { let mut m = * self ; let mut n = * other ; if m == 0 || n == 0 { return m | n ; } let shift = ( m | n ). trailing_zeros (); n >>= n . trailing_zeros (); while m != 0 { m >>= m . trailing_zeros (); if n > m { std :: mem :: swap (& mut n , & mut m )} m -= n ; } n << shift }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture402 {($T : ident )=>{ mod $T { use crate :: { run_bench , GcdOld }; use num_integer :: Integer ; use test :: Bencher ; # [ bench ] fn bench_gcd ( b : & mut Bencher ){ run_bench ( b , $T :: gcd ); }# [ bench ] fn bench_gcd_old ( b : & mut Bencher ){ run_bench ( b , $T :: gcd_old ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture403 {($f : ident , $($t : ty ),+)=>{$(paste :: item ! { qc :: quickcheck ! { fn [< $f _ $t >]( i : RandIter <$t >, k : u16 )-> (){$f ( i , k )}}})+ }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture404 {($name : ident )=>{# [ derive ( Debug )] struct $name { message : & 'static str , drop : DetectDrop , } impl Display for $name { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter )-> fmt :: Result { f . write_str ( self . message )}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture405 {($($(# [$attr : meta ])* $name : ident ($value : expr )),* )=>{ mod bench_itoa_write { use test :: { Bencher , black_box }; $($(# [$attr ])* # [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ use itoa ; let mut buf = Vec :: with_capacity ( 40 ); b . iter (|| { buf . clear (); itoa :: write (& mut buf , black_box ($value )). unwrap ()}); })* } mod bench_itoa_fmt { use test :: { Bencher , black_box }; $($(# [$attr ])* # [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ use itoa ; let mut buf = String :: with_capacity ( 40 ); b . iter (|| { buf . clear (); itoa :: fmt (& mut buf , black_box ($value )). unwrap ()}); })* } mod bench_std_fmt { use test :: { Bencher , black_box }; $($(# [$attr ])* # [ bench ] fn $name ( b : & mut Bencher ){ use std :: io :: Write ; let mut buf = Vec :: with_capacity ( 40 ); b . iter (|| { buf . clear (); write ! (& mut buf , "{}" , black_box ($value )). unwrap ()}); })* }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture406 {($typ : ty {$($b_name : ident =>$g_name : ident ($($args : expr ),*),)* })=>{$(# [ bench ] fn $b_name ( b : & mut Bencher ){$g_name ::<$typ > ($($args ,)* b )})* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture407 {($($T : ident ),*)=>{$(mod $T { use test :: Bencher ; use num_integer :: Roots ; # [ bench ] fn sqrt_rand ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_rand_pos ( b , $T :: sqrt , 2 ); }# [ bench ] fn sqrt_small ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_small_pos ( b , $T :: sqrt , 2 ); }# [ bench ] fn cbrt_rand ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_rand ( b , $T :: cbrt , 3 ); }# [ bench ] fn cbrt_small ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_small ( b , $T :: cbrt , 3 ); }# [ bench ] fn fourth_root_rand ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_rand_pos ( b , | x : &$T | x . nth_root ( 4 ), 4 ); }# [ bench ] fn fourth_root_small ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_small_pos ( b , | x : &$T | x . nth_root ( 4 ), 4 ); }# [ bench ] fn fifth_root_rand ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_rand ( b , | x : &$T | x . nth_root ( 5 ), 5 ); }# [ bench ] fn fifth_root_small ( b : & mut Bencher ){:: bench_small ( b , | x : &$T | x . nth_root ( 5 ), 5 ); }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture408 {($name : ident , $level : expr )=>{# [ doc = " Creates a new `Diagnostic` with the given `message` at the span" ]# [ doc = " `self`." ] pub fn $name < T : Into < String >> ( self , message : T )-> Diagnostic { Diagnostic :: spanned ( self , $level , message )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture409 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(# [ doc = " Creates a new suffixed integer literal with the specified value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function will create an integer like `1u32` where the integer" ]# [ doc = " value specified is the first part of the token and the integral is" ]# [ doc = " also suffixed at the end." ]# [ doc = " Literals created from negative numbers may not survive round-trips through" ]# [ doc = " `TokenStream` or strings and may be broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`" ]# [ doc = " span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` method" ]# [ doc = " below." ] pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal ( bridge :: client :: Literal :: typed_integer (& n . to_string (), stringify ! ($kind )))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture410 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(# [ doc = " Creates a new unsuffixed integer literal with the specified value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function will create an integer like `1` where the integer" ]# [ doc = " value specified is the first part of the token. No suffix is" ]# [ doc = " specified on this token, meaning that invocations like" ]# [ doc = " `Literal::i8_unsuffixed(1)` are equivalent to" ]# [ doc = " `Literal::u32_unsuffixed(1)`." ]# [ doc = " Literals created from negative numbers may not survive rountrips through" ]# [ doc = " `TokenStream` or strings and may be broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`" ]# [ doc = " span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` method" ]# [ doc = " below." ] pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal ( bridge :: client :: Literal :: integer (& n . to_string ()))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture411 {($spanned : ident , $regular : ident , $level : expr )=>{# [ doc = " Adds a new child diagnostic message to `self` with the level" ]# [ doc = " identified by this method\\\'s name with the given `spans` and" ]# [ doc = " `message`." ] pub fn $spanned < S , T > ( mut self , spans : S , message : T )-> Diagnostic where S : MultiSpan , T : Into < String >, { self . children . push ( Diagnostic :: spanned ( spans , $level , message )); self }# [ doc = " Adds a new child diagnostic message to `self` with the level" ]# [ doc = " identified by this method\\\'s name with the given `message`." ] pub fn $regular < T : Into < String >> ( mut self , message : T )-> Diagnostic { self . children . push ( Diagnostic :: new ($level , message )); self }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture412 {($($arg : tt )*)=>{{ let res = $crate :: fmt :: format ($crate :: __export :: format_args ! ($($arg )*)); res }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture413 {($dst : expr , $($arg : tt )*)=>($dst . write_fmt ($crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )*)))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture414 {($dst : expr $(,)?)=>($crate :: write ! ($dst , "\n" )); ($dst : expr , $($arg : tt )*)=>($dst . write_fmt ($crate :: format_args_nl ! ($($arg )*))); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture415 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(# [ doc = " Creates a new suffixed integer literal with the specified value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function will create an integer like `1u32` where the integer" ]# [ doc = " value specified is the first part of the token and the integral is" ]# [ doc = " also suffixed at the end. Literals created from negative numbers may" ]# [ doc = " not survive rountrips through `TokenStream` or strings and may be" ]# [ doc = " broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`" ]# [ doc = " span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` method" ]# [ doc = " below." ] pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal :: _new ( imp :: Literal ::$name ( n ))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture416 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(# [ doc = " Creates a new unsuffixed integer literal with the specified value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function will create an integer like `1` where the integer" ]# [ doc = " value specified is the first part of the token. No suffix is" ]# [ doc = " specified on this token, meaning that invocations like" ]# [ doc = " `Literal::i8_unsuffixed(1)` are equivalent to" ]# [ doc = " `Literal::u32_unsuffixed(1)`. Literals created from negative numbers" ]# [ doc = " may not survive rountrips through `TokenStream` or strings and may" ]# [ doc = " be broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`" ]# [ doc = " span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` method" ]# [ doc = " below." ] pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal :: _new ( imp :: Literal ::$name ( n ))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture417 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal :: _new ( format ! ( concat ! ( "{}" , stringify ! ($kind )), n ))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture418 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal :: _new ( n . to_string ())})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture419 {(<$visitor : ident : Visitor <$lifetime : tt >> $($func : ident )*)=>{$(forward_to_deserialize_any_helper ! {$func <$lifetime , $visitor >})* }; ($($func : ident )*)=>{$(forward_to_deserialize_any_helper ! {$func < 'de , V >})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture420 {( bool <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_bool <$l , $v > ()}}; ( i8 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_i8 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( i16 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_i16 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( i32 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_i32 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( i64 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_i64 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( i128 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ serde_if_integer128 ! { forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_i128 <$l , $v > ()}}}; ( u8 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_u8 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( u16 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_u16 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( u32 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_u32 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( u64 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_u64 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( u128 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ serde_if_integer128 ! { forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_u128 <$l , $v > ()}}}; ( f32 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_f32 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( f64 <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_f64 <$l , $v > ()}}; ( char <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_char <$l , $v > ()}}; ( str <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_str <$l , $v > ()}}; ( string <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_string <$l , $v > ()}}; ( bytes <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_bytes <$l , $v > ()}}; ( byte_buf <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_byte_buf <$l , $v > ()}}; ( option <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_option <$l , $v > ()}}; ( unit <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_unit <$l , $v > ()}}; ( unit_struct <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_unit_struct <$l , $v > ( name : & 'static str )}}; ( newtype_struct <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_newtype_struct <$l , $v > ( name : & 'static str )}}; ( seq <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_seq <$l , $v > ()}}; ( tuple <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_tuple <$l , $v > ( len : usize )}}; ( tuple_struct <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_tuple_struct <$l , $v > ( name : & 'static str , len : usize )}}; ( map <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_map <$l , $v > ()}}; ( struct <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_struct <$l , $v > ( name : & 'static str , fields : & 'static [& 'static str ])}}; ( enum <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_enum <$l , $v > ( name : & 'static str , variants : & 'static [& 'static str ])}}; ( identifier <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_identifier <$l , $v > ()}}; ( ignored_any <$l : tt , $v : ident >)=>{ forward_to_deserialize_any_method ! { deserialize_ignored_any <$l , $v > ()}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture421 {($func : ident <$l : tt , $v : ident > ($($arg : ident : $ty : ty ),*))=>{# [ inline ] fn $func <$v > ( self , $($arg : $ty ,)* visitor : $v )-> $crate :: __private :: Result <$v :: Value , Self :: Error > where $v : $crate :: de :: Visitor <$l >, {$(let _ = $arg ; )* self . deserialize_any ( visitor )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture422 {($($f : ident : $t : ty ,)*)=>{$(fn $f ( self , v : $t )-> fmt :: Result { Display :: fmt (& v , self )})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture423 {($name : ident , $level : expr )=>{# [ doc = " Creates a new `Diagnostic` with the given `message` at the span" ]# [ doc = " `self`." ]# [ unstable ( feature = "proc_macro_diagnostic" , issue = "54140" )] pub fn $name < T : Into < String >> ( self , message : T )-> Diagnostic { Diagnostic :: spanned ( self , $level , message )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture424 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(# [ doc = " Creates a new suffixed integer literal with the specified value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function will create an integer like `1u32` where the integer" ]# [ doc = " value specified is the first part of the token and the integral is" ]# [ doc = " also suffixed at the end." ]# [ doc = " Literals created from negative numbers may not survive round-trips through" ]# [ doc = " `TokenStream` or strings and may be broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`" ]# [ doc = " span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` method" ]# [ doc = " below." ]# [ stable ( feature = "proc_macro_lib2" , since = "1.29.0" )] pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal ( bridge :: client :: Literal :: typed_integer (& n . to_string (), stringify ! ($kind )))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture425 {($($name : ident =>$kind : ident ,)*)=>($(# [ doc = " Creates a new unsuffixed integer literal with the specified value." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " This function will create an integer like `1` where the integer" ]# [ doc = " value specified is the first part of the token. No suffix is" ]# [ doc = " specified on this token, meaning that invocations like" ]# [ doc = " `Literal::i8_unsuffixed(1)` are equivalent to" ]# [ doc = " `Literal::u32_unsuffixed(1)`." ]# [ doc = " Literals created from negative numbers may not survive rountrips through" ]# [ doc = " `TokenStream` or strings and may be broken into two tokens (`-` and positive literal)." ]# [ doc = "" ]# [ doc = " Literals created through this method have the `Span::call_site()`" ]# [ doc = " span by default, which can be configured with the `set_span` method" ]# [ doc = " below." ]# [ stable ( feature = "proc_macro_lib2" , since = "1.29.0" )] pub fn $name ( n : $kind )-> Literal { Literal ( bridge :: client :: Literal :: integer (& n . to_string ()))})*)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture426 {( type FreeFunctions )=>( type FreeFunctions : 'static ;); ( type TokenStream )=>( type TokenStream : 'static + Clone ;); ( type TokenStreamBuilder )=>( type TokenStreamBuilder : 'static ;); ( type TokenStreamIter )=>( type TokenStreamIter : 'static + Clone ;); ( type Group )=>( type Group : 'static + Clone ;); ( type Punct )=>( type Punct : 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash ;); ( type Ident )=>( type Ident : 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash ;); ( type Literal )=>( type Literal : 'static + Clone ;); ( type SourceFile )=>( type SourceFile : 'static + Clone ;); ( type MultiSpan )=>( type MultiSpan : 'static ;); ( type Diagnostic )=>( type Diagnostic : 'static ;); ( type Span )=>( type Span : 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash ;); ( fn drop (& mut self , $arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ))=>( fn drop (& mut self , $arg : $arg_ty ){ mem :: drop ($arg )}); ( fn clone (& mut self , $arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty )-> $ret_ty : ty )=>( fn clone (& mut self , $arg : $arg_ty )-> $ret_ty {$arg . clone ()}); ($($item : tt )*)=>($($item )*;)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture427 {($spanned : ident , $regular : ident , $level : expr )=>{# [ doc = " Adds a new child diagnostic message to `self` with the level" ]# [ doc = " identified by this method\\\'s name with the given `spans` and" ]# [ doc = " `message`." ]# [ unstable ( feature = "proc_macro_diagnostic" , issue = "54140" )] pub fn $spanned < S , T > ( mut self , spans : S , message : T )-> Diagnostic where S : MultiSpan , T : Into < String >, { self . children . push ( Diagnostic :: spanned ( spans , $level , message )); self }# [ doc = " Adds a new child diagnostic message to `self` with the level" ]# [ doc = " identified by this method\\\'s name with the given `message`." ]# [ unstable ( feature = "proc_macro_diagnostic" , issue = "54140" )] pub fn $regular < T : Into < String >> ( mut self , message : T )-> Diagnostic { self . children . push ( Diagnostic :: new ($level , message )); self }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture428 {($SelfT : ty , $ActualT : ident , $UnsignedT : ty , $BITS : expr , $Min : expr , $Max : expr , $Feature : expr , $EndFeature : expr , $rot : expr , $rot_op : expr , $rot_result : expr , $swap_op : expr , $swapped : expr , $reversed : expr , $le_bytes : expr , $be_bytes : expr , $to_xe_bytes_doc : expr , $from_xe_bytes_doc : expr )=>{ doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The smallest value that can be represented by this integer type.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MIN, " , stringify ! ($Min ), ");" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "assoc_int_consts" , since = "1.43.0" )] pub const MIN : Self = ! 0 ^ ((! 0 as $UnsignedT )>> 1 ) as Self ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The largest value that can be represented by this integer type.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MAX, " , stringify ! ($Max ), ");" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "assoc_int_consts" , since = "1.43.0" )] pub const MAX : Self = ! Self :: MIN ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The size of this integer type in bits.\n\n# Examples\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "#![feature(int_bits_const)]\nassert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::BITS, " , stringify ! ($BITS ), ");" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ unstable ( feature = "int_bits_const" , issue = "76904" )] pub const BITS : u32 = $BITS ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Converts a string slice in a given base to an integer.\n\nThe string is expected to be an optional `+` or `-` sign followed by digits.\nLeading and trailing whitespace represent an error. Digits are a subset of these characters,\ndepending on `radix`:\n\n * `0-9`\n * `a-z`\n * `A-Z`\n\n# Panics\n\nThis function panics if `radix` is not in the range from 2 to 36.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::from_str_radix(\"A\", 16), Ok(10));" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] pub fn from_str_radix ( src : & str , radix : u32 )-> Result < Self , ParseIntError > { from_str_radix ( src , radix )}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "let n = 0b100_0000" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), ";\n\nassert_eq!(n.count_ones(), 1);" , $EndFeature , "\n```\n" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_int_methods" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn count_ones ( self )-> u32 {( self as $UnsignedT ). count_ones ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MAX.count_zeros(), 1);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_int_methods" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn count_zeros ( self )-> u32 {(! self ). count_ones ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "let n = -1" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), ";\n\nassert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 0);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_int_methods" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn leading_zeros ( self )-> u32 {( self as $UnsignedT ). leading_zeros ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "let n = -4" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), ";\n\nassert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 2);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_int_methods" ,
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture429 {($x : expr , $($tt : tt )*)=>{# [ doc = $x ]$($tt )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture430 {()=>{ "\n\n**Note**: This function returns an array of length 2, 4 or 8 bytes\ndepending on the target pointer size.\n\n" }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture431 {()=>{ "\n\n**Note**: This function takes an array of length 2, 4 or 8 bytes\ndepending on the target pointer size.\n\n" }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture432 {($SelfT : ty , $ActualT : ty , $BITS : expr , $MaxV : expr , $Feature : expr , $EndFeature : expr , $rot : expr , $rot_op : expr , $rot_result : expr , $swap_op : expr , $swapped : expr , $reversed : expr , $le_bytes : expr , $be_bytes : expr , $to_xe_bytes_doc : expr , $from_xe_bytes_doc : expr )=>{ doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The smallest value that can be represented by this integer type.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MIN, 0);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "assoc_int_consts" , since = "1.43.0" )] pub const MIN : Self = 0 ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The largest value that can be represented by this integer type.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MAX, " , stringify ! ($MaxV ), ");" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "assoc_int_consts" , since = "1.43.0" )] pub const MAX : Self = ! 0 ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "The size of this integer type in bits.\n\n# Examples\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "#![feature(int_bits_const)]\nassert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::BITS, " , stringify ! ($BITS ), ");" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ unstable ( feature = "int_bits_const" , issue = "76904" )] pub const BITS : u32 = $BITS ; } doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Converts a string slice in a given base to an integer.\n\nThe string is expected to be an optional `+` sign\nfollowed by digits.\nLeading and trailing whitespace represent an error.\nDigits are a subset of these characters, depending on `radix`:\n\n* `0-9`\n* `a-z`\n* `A-Z`\n\n# Panics\n\nThis function panics if `radix` is not in the range from 2 to 36.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::from_str_radix(\"A\", 16), Ok(10));" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )] pub fn from_str_radix ( src : & str , radix : u32 )-> Result < Self , ParseIntError > { from_str_radix ( src , radix )}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "let n = 0b01001100" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), ";\n\nassert_eq!(n.count_ones(), 3);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_math" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn count_ones ( self )-> u32 { intrinsics :: ctpop ( self as $ActualT ) as u32 }} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "assert_eq!(" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MAX.count_zeros(), 0);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_math" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn count_zeros ( self )-> u32 {(! self ). count_ones ()}} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "let n = " , stringify ! ($SelfT ), "::MAX >> 2;\n\nassert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 2);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_math" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn leading_zeros ( self )-> u32 { intrinsics :: ctlz ( self as $ActualT ) as u32 }} doc_comment ! { concat ! ( "Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation\nof `self`.\n\n# Examples\n\nBasic usage:\n\n```\n" , $Feature , "let n = 0b0101000" , stringify ! ($SelfT ), ";\n\nassert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);" , $EndFeature , "\n```" ), # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" )]# [ rustc_const_stable ( feature = "const_math" , since = "1.32.0" )]# [ inline ] pub const fn trailing_zeros ( self )-> u32 { intrinsics :: cttz ( self ) as u3
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture433 {($type : ident )=>{ const EXPLICIT_SIG_BITS : u8 = Self :: SIG_BITS - 1 ; const MAX_EXP : i16 = ( 1 << ( Self :: EXP_BITS - 1 ))- 1 ; const MIN_EXP : i16 = -< Self as RawFloat >:: MAX_EXP + 1 ; const MAX_EXP_INT : i16 = < Self as RawFloat >:: MAX_EXP - ( Self :: SIG_BITS as i16 - 1 ); const MAX_ENCODED_EXP : i16 = ( 1 << Self :: EXP_BITS )- 1 ; const MIN_EXP_INT : i16 = < Self as RawFloat >:: MIN_EXP - ( Self :: SIG_BITS as i16 - 1 ); const MAX_SIG : u64 = ( 1 << Self :: SIG_BITS )- 1 ; const MIN_SIG : u64 = 1 << ( Self :: SIG_BITS - 1 ); const INFINITY : Self = $type :: INFINITY ; const NAN : Self = $type :: NAN ; const ZERO : Self = 0.0 ; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture434 {()=>{# [ inline ] unsafe fn forward_unchecked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Self { unsafe { start . unchecked_add ( n as Self )}}# [ inline ] unsafe fn backward_unchecked ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Self { unsafe { start . unchecked_sub ( n as Self )}}# [ inline ] fn forward ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Self { if Self :: forward_checked ( start , n ). is_none (){ let _ = Add :: add ( Self :: MAX , 1 ); } start . wrapping_add ( n as Self )}# [ inline ] fn backward ( start : Self , n : usize )-> Self { if Self :: backward_checked ( start , n ). is_none (){ let _ = Sub :: sub ( Self :: MIN , 1 ); } start . wrapping_sub ( n as Self )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture435 {( u8 , $($tt : tt )*)=>{ "" }; ( i8 , $($tt : tt )*)=>{ "" }; ($_: ident , $($tt : tt )*)=>{$($tt )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture436 {( forward )=>{# [ inline ] fn haystack (& self )-> & 'a str { self . 0 . haystack ()}# [ inline ] fn next (& mut self )-> SearchStep { self . 0 . next ()}# [ inline ] fn next_match (& mut self )-> Option < ( usize , usize )> { self . 0 . next_match ()}# [ inline ] fn next_reject (& mut self )-> Option < ( usize , usize )> { self . 0 . next_reject ()}}; ( reverse )=>{# [ inline ] fn next_back (& mut self )-> SearchStep { self . 0 . next_back ()}# [ inline ] fn next_match_back (& mut self )-> Option < ( usize , usize )> { self . 0 . next_match_back ()}# [ inline ] fn next_reject_back (& mut self )-> Option < ( usize , usize )> { self . 0 . next_reject_back ()}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture437 {($t : ty , $pmap : expr , $smap : expr )=>{ type Searcher = $t ; # [ inline ] fn into_searcher ( self , haystack : & 'a str )-> $t {($smap )(($pmap )( self ). into_searcher ( haystack ))}# [ inline ] fn is_contained_in ( self , haystack : & 'a str )-> bool {($pmap )( self ). is_contained_in ( haystack )}# [ inline ] fn is_prefix_of ( self , haystack : & 'a str )-> bool {($pmap )( self ). is_prefix_of ( haystack )}# [ inline ] fn strip_prefix_of ( self , haystack : & 'a str )-> Option <& 'a str > {($pmap )( self ). strip_prefix_of ( haystack )}# [ inline ] fn is_suffix_of ( self , haystack : & 'a str )-> bool where $t : ReverseSearcher < 'a >, {($pmap )( self ). is_suffix_of ( haystack )}# [ inline ] fn strip_suffix_of ( self , haystack : & 'a str )-> Option <& 'a str > where $t : ReverseSearcher < 'a >, {($pmap )( self ). strip_suffix_of ( haystack )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture438 {()=>{# [ inline ] fn is_ascii (& self )-> bool { self . is_ascii ()}# [ inline ] fn to_ascii_uppercase (& self )-> Self :: Owned { self . to_ascii_uppercase ()}# [ inline ] fn to_ascii_lowercase (& self )-> Self :: Owned { self . to_ascii_lowercase ()}# [ inline ] fn eq_ignore_ascii_case (& self , o : & Self )-> bool { self . eq_ignore_ascii_case ( o )}# [ inline ] fn make_ascii_uppercase (& mut self ){ self . make_ascii_uppercase (); }# [ inline ] fn make_ascii_lowercase (& mut self ){ self . make_ascii_lowercase (); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture439 {()=>($crate :: vec :: Vec :: new ()); ($elem : expr ; $n : expr )=>($crate :: vec :: from_elem ($elem , $n )); ($($x : expr ),+ $(,)?)=>(< [_]>:: into_vec ( box [$($x ),+])); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture440 {($left : expr , $right : expr $(,)?)=>({ match (&$left , &$right ){( left_val , right_val )=>{ if ! (* left_val == * right_val ){ panic ! ( r#"assertion failed: `(left == right)`\n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`"# , &* left_val , &* right_val )}}}}); ($left : expr , $right : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>({ match (& ($left ), & ($right )){( left_val , right_val )=>{ if ! (* left_val == * right_val ){ panic ! ( r#"assertion failed: `(left == right)`\n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`: {}"# , &* left_val , &* right_val , $crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )+))}}}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture441 {()=>({$crate :: panic ! ( "explicit panic" )}); ($msg : expr $(,)?)=>({$crate :: rt :: begin_panic ($msg )}); ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>({$crate :: rt :: begin_panic_fmt (&$crate :: format_args ! ($fmt , $($arg )+))}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture442 {($expression : expr , $($pattern : pat )|+ $(if $guard : expr )? $(,)?)=>{ match $expression {$($pattern )|+ $(if $guard )? => true , _ => false }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture443 {()=>{# [ inline ] fn load_consume (& self )-> Self :: Val { self . load ( Ordering :: Acquire )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture444 {($($tt : tt )*)=>{$($tt )* }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture445 {($tyname : ident , $($($field : ident ).+),*)=>{ fn fmt (& self , f : & mut :: std :: fmt :: Formatter )-> :: std :: fmt :: Result { f . debug_struct ( stringify ! ($tyname ))$(. field ( stringify ! ($($field ).+), & self .$($field ).+))* . finish ()}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture446 {($($field : ident ),*)=>{ fn clone (& self )-> Self { Self {$($field : self .$field . clone (),)* }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture447 {($method : ident )=>{ fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value > where V : de :: Visitor < 'de >, { self . deserialize_number ( visitor )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture448 {($method : ident =>$visit : ident )=>{ fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value > where V : de :: Visitor < 'de >, { self . de . eat_char (); self . de . scratch . clear (); let string = tri ! ( self . de . read . parse_str (& mut self . de . scratch )); match ( string . parse (), string ){( Ok ( integer ), _)=> visitor .$visit ( integer ), ( Err (_), Reference :: Borrowed ( s ))=> visitor . visit_borrowed_str ( s ), ( Err (_), Reference :: Copied ( s ))=> visitor . visit_str ( s ), }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture449 {($method : ident )=>{# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" ))] fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { match self { Value :: Number ( n )=> n . deserialize_any ( visitor ), _ => Err ( self . invalid_type (& visitor )), }}# [ cfg ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" )] fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { match self { Value :: Number ( n )=> n .$method ( visitor ), _ => self . deserialize_any ( visitor ), }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture450 {($method : ident )=>{# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" ))] fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { match * self { Value :: Number ( ref n )=> n . deserialize_any ( visitor ), _ => Err ( self . invalid_type (& visitor )), }}# [ cfg ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" )] fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { match * self { Value :: Number ( ref n )=> n .$method ( visitor ), _ => self . deserialize_any ( visitor ), }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture451 {($method : ident =>$visit : ident )=>{ fn $method < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { match ( self . key . parse (), self . key ){( Ok ( integer ), _)=> visitor .$visit ( integer ), ( Err (_), Cow :: Borrowed ( s ))=> visitor . visit_borrowed_str ( s ), # [ cfg ( any ( feature = "std" , feature = "alloc" ))]( Err (_), Cow :: Owned ( s ))=> visitor . visit_string ( s ), }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture452 {(@ expand [$($num_string : tt )*])=>{# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" ))]# [ inline ] fn deserialize_any < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { match self . n { N :: PosInt ( u )=> visitor . visit_u64 ( u ), N :: NegInt ( i )=> visitor . visit_i64 ( i ), N :: Float ( f )=> visitor . visit_f64 ( f ), }}# [ cfg ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" )]# [ inline ] fn deserialize_any < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de > { if let Some ( u )= self . as_u64 (){ return visitor . visit_u64 ( u ); } else if let Some ( i )= self . as_i64 (){ return visitor . visit_i64 ( i ); } else if let Some ( f )= self . as_f64 (){ if ryu :: Buffer :: new (). format_finite ( f )== self . n || f . to_string ()== self . n { return visitor . visit_f64 ( f ); }} visitor . visit_map ( NumberDeserializer { number : Some ( self .$($num_string )*), })}}; ( owned )=>{ deserialize_any ! (@ expand [ n ]); }; ( ref )=>{ deserialize_any ! (@ expand [ n . clone ()]); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture453 {($deserialize : ident =>$visit : ident )=>{# [ cfg ( not ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" ))] fn $deserialize < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : Visitor < 'de >, { self . deserialize_any ( visitor )}# [ cfg ( feature = "arbitrary_precision" )] fn $deserialize < V > ( self , visitor : V )-> Result < V :: Value , Error > where V : de :: Visitor < 'de >, { visitor .$visit ( self . n . parse (). map_err (|_| invalid_number ())?)}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture454 {()=>{ fn __rayon_private__ (& self )-> crate :: private :: PrivateMarker { crate :: private :: PrivateMarker }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture455 {()=>{ fn __rayon_private__ (& self )-> crate :: private :: PrivateMarker { crate :: private :: PrivateMarker }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture456 {($map_elt : expr )=>{ fn next (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next (). map ($map_elt )} fn size_hint (& self )-> ( usize , Option < usize >){ self . iter . size_hint ()} fn count ( self )-> usize { self . iter . len ()} fn nth (& mut self , n : usize )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . nth ( n ). map ($map_elt )} fn last ( mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . next_back ()} fn collect < C > ( self )-> C where C : FromIterator < Self :: Item >, { self . iter . map ($map_elt ). collect ()}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture457 {($map_elt : expr )=>{ fn next_back (& mut self )-> Option < Self :: Item > { self . iter . next_back (). map ($map_elt )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture458 {()=>{# [ doc = " This trait is private; this method exists to make it" ]# [ doc = " impossible to implement outside the crate." ]# [ doc ( hidden )] fn __rayon_private__ (& self )-> crate :: private :: PrivateMarker ; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture459 {($ident : ident )=>{{# [ cfg ( test )]{ extern "C" {# [ no_mangle ] static $ident : std :: sync :: atomic :: AtomicUsize ; } unsafe {$ident . fetch_add ( 1 , std :: sync :: atomic :: Ordering :: SeqCst ); }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture460 {($ident : ident )=>{# [ no_mangle ] static $ident : std :: sync :: atomic :: AtomicUsize = std :: sync :: atomic :: AtomicUsize :: new ( 0 ); let _checker = $crate :: mark :: MarkChecker :: new (&$ident ); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture461 {( target : $target : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ( target : $target , $crate :: Level :: Debug , $($arg )+)); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ($crate :: Level :: Debug , $($arg )+))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture462 {()=>($crate :: eprint ! ( "\n" )); ($($arg : tt )*)=>({$crate :: io :: _eprint ($crate :: format_args_nl ! ($($arg )*)); })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture463 {( target : $target : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ( target : $target , $crate :: Level :: Warn , $($arg )+)); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ($crate :: Level :: Warn , $($arg )+))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture464 {( target : $target : expr , $lvl : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>({ let lvl = $lvl ; if lvl <= $crate :: STATIC_MAX_LEVEL && lvl <= $crate :: max_level (){$crate :: __private_api_log ( __log_format_args ! ($($arg )+), lvl , & ($target , __log_module_path ! (), __log_file ! (), __log_line ! ()), ); }}); ($lvl : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ( target : __log_module_path ! (), $lvl , $($arg )+))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture465 {($($args : tt )*)=>{ format_args ! ($($args )*)}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture466 {()=>{ module_path ! ()}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture467 {()=>{ file ! ()}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture468 {()=>{ line ! ()}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture469 {($left : expr , $right : expr )=>{ assert_eq_text ! ($left , $right ,)}; ($left : expr , $right : expr , $($tt : tt )*)=>{{ let left = $left ; let right = $right ; if left != right { if left . trim ()== right . trim (){ std :: eprintln ! ( "Left:\n{:?}\n\nRight:\n{:?}\n\nWhitespace difference\n" , left , right ); } else { let diff = $crate :: __diff ( left , right ); std :: eprintln ! ( "Left:\n{}\n\nRight:\n{}\n\nDiff:\n{}\n" , left , right , $crate :: format_diff ( diff )); } std :: eprintln ! ($($tt )*); panic ! ( "text differs" ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture470 {($($arg : tt )*)=>($crate :: io :: _eprint ($crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )*))); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture471 {($left : expr , $right : expr $(,)?)=>({ match (&$left , &$right ){( left_val , right_val )=>{ if * left_val == * right_val { panic ! ( r#"assertion failed: `(left != right)`\n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`"# , &* left_val , &* right_val )}}}}); ($left : expr , $right : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>({ match (& ($left ), & ($right )){( left_val , right_val )=>{ if * left_val == * right_val { panic ! ( r#"assertion failed: `(left != right)`\n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`: {}"# , &* left_val , &* right_val , $crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )+))}}}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture472 {[[$data : literal ]]=>{$crate :: Expect { position : $crate :: Position { file : file ! (), line : line ! (), column : column ! (), }, data : $data , }}; [[]]=>{$crate :: expect ! [[ "" ]]}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture473 {( self )=>{$crate :: name :: known :: SELF_PARAM }; ( Self )=>{$crate :: name :: known :: SELF_TYPE }; ('static )=>{$crate :: name :: known :: STATIC_LIFETIME }; ($ident : ident )=>{$crate :: name :: known ::$ident }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture474 {()=>({ panic ! ( "internal error: entered unreachable code" )}); ($msg : expr $(,)?)=>({$crate :: unreachable ! ( "{}" , $msg )}); ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )*)=>({ panic ! ($crate :: concat ! ( "internal error: entered unreachable code: " , $fmt ), $($arg )*)}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture475 {( target : $target : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ( target : $target , $crate :: Level :: Error , $($arg )+)); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ($crate :: Level :: Error , $($arg )+))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture476 {( target : $target : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ( target : $target , $crate :: Level :: Trace , $($arg )+)); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ($crate :: Level :: Trace , $($arg )+))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture477 {($buf : expr )=>(); ($buf : expr , $lit : literal $($arg : tt )*)=>{{ use :: std :: fmt :: Write as _; let _ = :: std :: write ! ($buf , $lit $($arg )*); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture478 {( match $node : ident {$($tt : tt )* })=>{ match_ast ! ( match ($node ){$($tt )* })}; ( match ($node : expr ){$(ast ::$ast : ident ($it : ident )=>$res : expr , )* _ =>$catch_all : expr $(,)? })=>{{$(if let Some ($it )= ast ::$ast :: cast ($node . clone ()){$res } else )* {$catch_all }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture479 {($start : ident $(:: $seg : ident )*)=>({$crate :: __known_path ! ($start $(:: $seg )*); $crate :: path :: ModPath :: from_segments ($crate :: path :: PathKind :: Abs , vec ! [$crate :: path :: __name ! [$start ], $($crate :: path :: __name ! [$seg ],)* ])}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture480 {( core :: iter :: IntoIterator )=>{}; ( core :: iter :: Iterator )=>{}; ( core :: result :: Result )=>{}; ( core :: option :: Option )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: Range )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: RangeFrom )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: RangeFull )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: RangeTo )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: RangeToInclusive )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: RangeInclusive )=>{}; ( core :: future :: Future )=>{}; ( core :: ops :: Try )=>{}; ($path : path )=>{ compile_error ! ( "Please register your known path in the path module" )}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture481 {($changed : ident , ($this : ident / $def : ident ). $field : ident , $glob_imports : ident [$lookup : ident ], $def_import_type : ident )=>{{ let existing = $this .$field . entry ($lookup . 1 . clone ()); match ( existing , $def .$field ){( Entry :: Vacant ( entry ), Some (_))=>{ match $def_import_type { ImportType :: Glob =>{$glob_imports .$field . insert ($lookup . clone ()); } ImportType :: Named =>{$glob_imports .$field . remove (&$lookup ); }} if let Some ( fld )= $def .$field { entry . insert ( fld ); }$changed = true ; }( Entry :: Occupied ( mut entry ), Some (_)) if $glob_imports .$field . contains (&$lookup )&& matches ! ($def_import_type , ImportType :: Named )=>{ mark :: hit ! ( import_shadowed ); $glob_imports .$field . remove (&$lookup ); if let Some ( fld )= $def .$field { entry . insert ( fld ); }$changed = true ; }_ =>{}}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture482 {($(# $attr_args : tt )* const fn $($item : tt )* )=>{$(# $attr_args )* fn $($item )* }; ($(# $attr_args : tt )* pub const fn $($item : tt )* )=>{$(# $attr_args )* pub fn $($item )* }; ($(# $attr_args : tt )* pub const unsafe fn $($item : tt )* )=>{$(# $attr_args )* pub unsafe fn $($item )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture483 {{ type Mirror = $tinyname : ident ; $($(# [$attr : meta ])* $v : vis fn $fname : ident ($seif : ident : $seifty : ty $(,$argname : ident : $argtype : ty )*)$(-> $ret : ty )? ; )* }=>{$($(# [$attr ])* # [ inline ( always )]$v fn $fname ($seif : $seifty , $($argname : $argtype ),*)$(-> $ret )? { match $seif {$tinyname :: Inline ( i )=> i .$fname ($($argname ),*), $tinyname :: Heap ( h )=> h .$fname ($($argname ),*), }})* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture484 {([$($stack : tt )*])=>{$($stack )* }; ([$($stack : tt )*]@ escape $_x : tt $($t : tt )*)=>{ remove_sections_inner ! ([$($stack )*]$($t )*); }; ([$($stack : tt )*]@ section $x : ident $($t : tt )*)=>{ remove_sections_inner ! ([$($stack )*]$($t )*); }; ([$($stack : tt )*]$t : tt $($tail : tt )*)=>{ remove_sections_inner ! ([$($stack )* $t ]$($tail )*); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture485 {($name : ident , $($field : ident ),+ $(,)*)=>( fn clone (& self )-> Self {$name {$($field : self . $field . clone ()),* }}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture486 {( type FreeFunctions )=>( type FreeFunctions : 'static ;); ( type TokenStream )=>( type TokenStream : 'static + Clone ;); ( type TokenStreamBuilder )=>( type TokenStreamBuilder : 'static ;); ( type TokenStreamIter )=>( type TokenStreamIter : 'static + Clone ;); ( type Group )=>( type Group : 'static + Clone ;); ( type Punct )=>( type Punct : 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash ;); ( type Ident )=>( type Ident : 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash ;); ( type Literal )=>( type Literal : 'static + Clone ;); ( type SourceFile )=>( type SourceFile : 'static + Clone ;); ( type MultiSpan )=>( type MultiSpan : 'static ;); ( type Diagnostic )=>( type Diagnostic : 'static ;); ( type Span )=>( type Span : 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash ;); ( fn drop (& mut self , $arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty ))=>( fn drop (& mut self , $arg : $arg_ty ){ mem :: drop ($arg )}); ( fn clone (& mut self , $arg : ident : $arg_ty : ty )-> $ret_ty : ty )=>( fn clone (& mut self , $arg : $arg_ty )-> $ret_ty {$arg . clone ()}); ($($item : tt )*)=>($($item )*;)}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture487 {($bit : expr , $is_fn_name : ident , $set_fn_name : ident )=>{ fn $is_fn_name (& self )-> bool { self . bools & ( 0b1 << $bit )> 0 } fn $set_fn_name (& mut self , yes : bool ){ if yes { self . bools |= 1 << $bit ; } else { self . bools &= ! ( 1 << $bit ); }}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture488 {($($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $i : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$i > {( self . 0 ).$method ()})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture489 {($($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident ($i : ident ); )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method ( n : $i )-> Option < Self > { T ::$method ( n ). map ( Wrapping )})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture490 {($SrcT : ident : $($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $DstT : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$DstT > { let min = $DstT :: MIN as $SrcT ; let max = $DstT :: MAX as $SrcT ; if size_of ::<$SrcT > ()<= size_of ::<$DstT > ()|| ( min <= * self && * self <= max ){ Some (* self as $DstT )} else { None }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture491 {($SrcT : ident : $($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $DstT : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$DstT > { let max = $DstT :: MAX as $SrcT ; if 0 <= * self && ( size_of ::<$SrcT > ()<= size_of ::<$DstT > ()|| * self <= max ){ Some (* self as $DstT )} else { None }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture492 {($SrcT : ident : $($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $DstT : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$DstT > { let max = $DstT :: MAX as $SrcT ; if size_of ::<$SrcT > ()< size_of ::<$DstT > ()|| * self <= max { Some (* self as $DstT )} else { None }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture493 {($SrcT : ident : $($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $DstT : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$DstT > { let max = $DstT :: MAX as $SrcT ; if size_of ::<$SrcT > ()<= size_of ::<$DstT > ()|| * self <= max { Some (* self as $DstT )} else { None }})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture494 {($f : ident : $($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $i : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$i > { if size_of ::<$f > ()> size_of ::<$i > (){ const MIN_M1 : $f = $i :: MIN as $f - 1.0 ; const MAX_P1 : $f = $i :: MAX as $f + 1.0 ; if * self > MIN_M1 && * self < MAX_P1 { return Some ( float_to_int_unchecked ! (* self =>$i )); }} else { const MIN : $f = $i :: MIN as $f ; const MAX_P1 : $f = $i :: MAX as $f ; if * self >= MIN && * self < MAX_P1 { return Some ( float_to_int_unchecked ! (* self =>$i )); }} None })*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture495 {($f : ident : $($(# [$cfg : meta ])* fn $method : ident -> $u : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ]$(# [$cfg ])* fn $method (& self )-> Option <$u > { if size_of ::<$f > ()> size_of ::<$u > (){ const MAX_P1 : $f = $u :: MAX as $f + 1.0 ; if * self > - 1.0 && * self < MAX_P1 { return Some ( float_to_int_unchecked ! (* self =>$u )); }} else { const MAX_P1 : $f = $u :: MAX as $f ; if * self > - 1.0 && * self < MAX_P1 { return Some ( float_to_int_unchecked ! (* self =>$u )); }} None })*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture496 {($SrcT : ident : $(fn $method : ident -> $DstT : ident ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ] fn $method (& self )-> Option <$DstT > { Some (* self as $DstT )})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture497 {($($method : ident ()-> $ret : expr ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ] fn $method ()-> Self {$ret })*}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture498 {($(Self :: $method : ident ( self $(, $arg : ident : $ty : ty )* )-> $ret : ty ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ] fn $method ( self $(, $arg : $ty )* )-> $ret { Self ::$method ( self $(, $arg )* )})*}; ($($base : ident :: $method : ident ( self $(, $arg : ident : $ty : ty )* )-> $ret : ty ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ] fn $method ( self $(, $arg : $ty )* )-> $ret {< Self as $base >::$method ( self $(, $arg )* )})*}; ($($base : ident :: $method : ident ($($arg : ident : $ty : ty ),* )-> $ret : ty ; )*)=>{$(# [ inline ] fn $method ($($arg : $ty ),* )-> $ret {< Self as $base >::$method ($($arg ),* )})*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture499 {($tyname : ident , $($($field : ident ).+),*)=>{ fn fmt (& self , f : & mut :: std :: fmt :: Formatter )-> :: std :: fmt :: Result { f . debug_struct ( stringify ! ($tyname ))$(. field ( stringify ! ($($field ).+), & self .$($field ).+))* . finish ()}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture500 {($($field : ident ),*)=>{ fn clone (& self )-> Self { Self {$($field : self .$field . clone (),)* }}}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture501 {($($json : tt )+)=>{ json_internal ! ($($json )+)}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture502 {(@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*])=>{ json_internal_vec ! [$($elems ,)*]}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ),*])=>{ json_internal_vec ! [$($elems ),*]}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*] null $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ( null )]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*] true $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ( true )]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*] false $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ( false )]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*][$($array : tt )*]$($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ([$($array )*])]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*]{$($map : tt )*}$($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ({$($map )*})]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*]$next : expr , $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ($next ),]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ,)*]$last : expr )=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)* json_internal ! ($last )])}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ),*], $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_internal ! (@ array [$($elems ,)*]$($rest )*)}; (@ array [$($elems : expr ),*]$unexpected : tt $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_unexpected ! ($unexpected )}; (@ object $object : ident ()()())=>{}; (@ object $object : ident [$($key : tt )+]($value : expr ), $($rest : tt )*)=>{ let _ = $object . insert (($($key )+). into (), $value ); json_internal ! (@ object $object ()($($rest )*)($($rest )*)); }; (@ object $object : ident [$($key : tt )+]($value : expr )$unexpected : tt $($rest : tt )*)=>{ json_unexpected ! ($unexpected ); }; (@ object $object : ident [$($key : tt )+]($value : expr ))=>{ let _ = $object . insert (($($key )+). into (), $value ); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: null $($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ( null ))$($rest )*); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: true $($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ( true ))$($rest )*); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: false $($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ( false ))$($rest )*); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: [$($array : tt )*]$($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ([$($array )*]))$($rest )*); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: {$($map : tt )*}$($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ({$($map )*}))$($rest )*); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: $value : expr , $($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ($value )), $($rest )*); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(: $value : expr )$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object [$($key )+]( json_internal ! ($value ))); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)(:)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )+)()$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (); }; (@ object $object : ident ()(: $($rest : tt )*)($colon : tt $($copy : tt )*))=>{ json_unexpected ! ($colon ); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )*)(, $($rest : tt )*)($comma : tt $($copy : tt )*))=>{ json_unexpected ! ($comma ); }; (@ object $object : ident ()(($key : expr ): $($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object ($key )(: $($rest )*)(: $($rest )*)); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )*)(: $($unexpected : tt )+)$copy : tt )=>{ json_expect_expr_comma ! ($($unexpected )+); }; (@ object $object : ident ($($key : tt )*)($tt : tt $($rest : tt )*)$copy : tt )=>{ json_internal ! (@ object $object ($($key )* $tt )($($rest )*)($($rest )*)); }; ( nu
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture503 {($($content : tt )*)=>{ vec ! [$($content )*]}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture504 {($($cfg : tt )*)=>{}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture505 {($($tokens : tt )*)=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! ($($tokens )* )}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture506 {(@ list ()($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ case ($($head )*)()())}; (@ list ( default =>$($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list ( default ()=>$($tail )*)($($head )*))}; (@ list ( default -> $($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected `=>` after `default` case, found `->`" )}; (@ list ( default $args : tt -> $($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected `=>` after `default` case, found `->`" )}; (@ list ( recv ($($args : tt )*)=>$($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected `->` after `recv` case, found `=>`" )}; (@ list ( send ($($args : tt )*)=>$($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected `->` after `send` operation, found `=>`" )}; (@ list ($case : ident $args : tt -> $res : tt -> $($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected `=>`, found `->`" )}; (@ list ($case : ident $args : tt $(-> $res : pat )* =>$body : block ; $($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{ compile_error ! ( "did you mean to put a comma instead of the semicolon after `}`?" )}; (@ list ($case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $res : pat )* =>$body : expr , $($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list ($($tail )*)($($head )* $case ($($args )*)$(-> $res )* =>{$body },))}; (@ list ($case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $res : pat )* =>$body : block $($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list ($($tail )*)($($head )* $case ($($args )*)$(-> $res )* =>{$body },))}; (@ list ($case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $res : pat )* =>$body : expr )($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list ()($($head )* $case ($($args )*)$(-> $res )* =>{$body },))}; (@ list ($case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $res : pat )* =>$body : expr ,)($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list ()($($head )* $case ($($args )*)$(-> $res )* =>{$body },))}; (@ list ($($tail : tt )*)($($head : tt )*))=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list_error1 $($tail )*)}; (@ list_error1 recv $($tail : tt )*)=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list_error2 recv $($tail )*)}; (@ list_error1 send $($tail : tt )*)=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list_error2 send $($tail )*)}; (@ list_error1 default $($tail : tt )*)=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list_error2 default $($tail )*)}; (@ list_error1 $t : tt $($tail : tt )*)=>{ compile_error ! ( concat ! ( "expected one of `recv`, `send`, or `default`, found `" , stringify ! ($t ), "`" , ))}; (@ list_error1 $($tail : tt )*)=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list_error2 $($tail )*); }; (@ list_error2 $case : ident )=>{ compile_error ! ( concat ! ( "missing argument list after `" , stringify ! ($case ), "`" , ))}; (@ list_error2 $case : ident =>$($tail : tt )*)=>{ compile_error ! ( concat ! ( "missing argument list after `" , stringify ! ($case ), "`" , ))}; (@ list_error2 $($tail : tt )*)=>{$crate :: crossbeam_channel_internal ! (@ list_error3 $($tail )*)}; (@ list_error3 $case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $r : pat )*)=>{ compile_error ! ( concat ! ( "missing `=>` after `" , stringify ! ($case ), "` case" , ))}; (@ list_error3 $case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $r : pat )* =>)=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected expression after `=>`" )}; (@ list_error3 $case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $r : pat )* =>$body : expr ; $($tail : tt )*)=>{ compile_error ! ( concat ! ( "did you mean to put a comma instead of the semicolon after `" , stringify ! ($body ), "`?" , ))}; (@ list_error3 $case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $r : pat )* => recv ($($a : tt )*)$($tail : tt )*)=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected an expression after `=>`" )}; (@ list_error3 $case : ident ($($args : tt )*)$(-> $r : pat )* => send ($($a : tt )*)$($tail : tt )*)=>{ compile_error ! ( "expected an
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture507 {($($tokens : tt )*)=>{ return Err ( crate :: errors :: error ! ($($tokens )*))}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture508 {($fmt : expr )=>{$crate :: SsrError :: new ( format ! ($fmt ))}; ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>{$crate :: SsrError :: new ( format ! ($fmt , $($arg )+))}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture509 {[;]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SEMICOLON }; [,]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: COMMA }; [ '(' ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: L_PAREN }; [ ')' ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: R_PAREN }; [ '{' ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: L_CURLY }; [ '}' ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: R_CURLY }; [ '[' ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: L_BRACK }; [ ']' ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: R_BRACK }; [<]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: L_ANGLE }; [>]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: R_ANGLE }; [@]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: AT }; [#]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: POUND }; [~]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: TILDE }; [?]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: QUESTION }; [$]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: DOLLAR }; [&]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: AMP }; [|]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PIPE }; [+]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PLUS }; [*]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: STAR }; [/]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SLASH }; [^]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: CARET }; [%]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PERCENT }; [_]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: UNDERSCORE }; [.]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: DOT }; [..]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: DOT2 }; [...]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: DOT3 }; [..=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: DOT2EQ }; [:]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: COLON }; [::]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: COLON2 }; [=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: EQ }; [==]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: EQ2 }; [=>]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: FAT_ARROW }; [!]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: BANG }; [!=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: NEQ }; [-]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MINUS }; [->]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: THIN_ARROW }; [<=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: LTEQ }; [>=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: GTEQ }; [+=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PLUSEQ }; [-=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MINUSEQ }; [|=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PIPEEQ }; [&=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: AMPEQ }; [^=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: CARETEQ }; [/=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SLASHEQ }; [*=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: STAREQ }; [%=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PERCENTEQ }; [&&]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: AMP2 }; [||]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PIPE2 }; [<<]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SHL }; [>>]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SHR }; [<<=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SHLEQ }; [>>=]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SHREQ }; [ as ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: AS_KW }; [ async ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: ASYNC_KW }; [ await ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: AWAIT_KW }; [ box ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: BOX_KW }; [ break ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: BREAK_KW }; [ const ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: CONST_KW }; [ continue ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: CONTINUE_KW }; [ crate ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: CRATE_KW }; [ dyn ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: DYN_KW }; [ else ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: ELSE_KW }; [ enum ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: ENUM_KW }; [ extern ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: EXTERN_KW }; [ false ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: FALSE_KW }; [ fn ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: FN_KW }; [ for ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: FOR_KW }; [ if ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: IF_KW }; [ impl ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: IMPL_KW }; [ in ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: IN_KW }; [ let ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: LET_KW }; [ loop ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: LOOP_KW }; [ macro ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MACRO_KW }; [ match ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MATCH_KW }; [ mod ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MOD_KW }; [ move ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MOVE_KW }; [ mut ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: MUT_KW }; [ pub ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: PUB_KW }; [ ref ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: REF_KW }; [ return ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: RETURN_KW }; [ self ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SELF_KW }; [ static ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: STATIC_KW }; [ struct ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: STRUCT_KW }; [ super ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: SUPER_KW }; [ trait ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: TRAIT_KW }; [ true ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: TRUE_KW }; [ try ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: TRY_KW }; [ type ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: TYPE_KW }; [ unsafe ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: UNSAFE_KW }; [ use ]=>{$crate :: SyntaxKind :: USE_KW }; [ where ]=>
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture510 {($($args : tt )*)=>{ return Err ( match_error ! ($($args )*))}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture511 {($e : expr )=>{{ MatchFailed { reason : if recording_match_fail_reasons (){ Some ( format ! ( "{}" , $e ))} else { None }}}}; ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>{{ MatchFailed { reason : if recording_match_fail_reasons (){ Some ( format ! ($fmt , $($arg )+))} else { None }}}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture512 {()=>($crate :: print ! ( "\n" )); ($($arg : tt )*)=>({$crate :: io :: _print ($crate :: format_args_nl ! ($($arg )*)); })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture513 {($cmd : tt )=>{{# [ cfg ( trick_rust_analyzer_into_highlighting_interpolated_bits )] format_args ! ($cmd ); use $crate :: Cmd as __CMD ; let cmd : $crate :: Cmd = $crate :: __cmd ! ( __CMD $cmd ); cmd }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture514 {($reader : ident , $s : ident ;)=>{}; ($reader : ident , $s : ident ; $first : ident : $first_ty : ty $(, $rest : ident : $rest_ty : ty )*)=>{ reverse_decode ! ($reader , $s ; $($rest : $rest_ty ),*); let $first = <$first_ty >:: decode (& mut $reader , $s ); }}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture515 {($kind : ident , $($ty : ty ),*)=>{ match $kind {$(stringify ! ($ty )=>{ let n : $ty = n . parse (). unwrap (); format ! ( concat ! ( "{}" , stringify ! ($ty )), n )})* _ => unimplemented ! ( "unknown args for typed_integer: n {}, kind {}" , n , $kind ), }}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture516 {()=>( panic ! ( "not implemented" )); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( panic ! ( "not implemented: {}" , $crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )+))); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture517 {($cond : expr )=>{{ let cond = !$crate :: always ! (!$cond ); cond }}; ($cond : expr , $fmt : literal $($arg : tt )*)=>{{ let cond = !$crate :: always ! (!$cond , $fmt $($arg )*); cond }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture518 {($cond : expr )=>{$crate :: always ! ($cond , "assertion failed: {}" , stringify ! ($cond ))}; ($cond : expr , $fmt : literal $($arg : tt )*)=>{{ let cond = $cond ; if cfg ! ( debug_assertions )|| $crate :: __FORCE { assert ! ( cond , $fmt $($arg )*); } if ! cond {$crate :: __log_error ! ($fmt $($arg )*); } cond }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture519 {($msg : literal $(,)?)=>{ return $crate :: private :: Err ($crate :: anyhow ! ($msg ))}; ($err : expr $(,)?)=>{ return $crate :: private :: Err ($crate :: anyhow ! ($err ))}; ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )*)=>{ return $crate :: private :: Err ($crate :: anyhow ! ($fmt , $($arg )*))}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture520 {($msg : literal $(,)?)=>{$crate :: private :: new_adhoc ($msg )}; ($err : expr $(,)?)=>({ use $crate :: private :: kind ::*; match $err { error =>(& error ). anyhow_kind (). new ( error ), }}); ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )*)=>{$crate :: private :: new_adhoc ( format ! ($fmt , $($arg )*))}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture521 {( target : $target : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ( target : $target , $crate :: Level :: Info , $($arg )+)); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( log ! ($crate :: Level :: Info , $($arg )+))}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture522 {[$($sl : expr , $sc : expr ; $el : expr , $ec : expr =>$text : expr ),+]=>{ vec ! [$(TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { range : Some ( Range { start : Position { line : $sl , character : $sc }, end : Position { line : $el , character : $ec }, }), range_length : None , text : String :: from ($text ), }),+]}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture523 {[$path : expr ]=>{$crate :: ExpectFile { path : std :: path :: PathBuf :: from ($path ), position : file ! (), }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture524 {($($key : literal : $value : tt ),*$(,)?)=>{{$(map . insert ($key . into (), serde_json :: json ! ($value )); )*}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture525 {($expr : expr , $or : expr )=>{ try_ ! ($expr ). unwrap_or ($or )}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture526 {($expr : expr )=>{|| -> _ { Some ($expr )}()}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture527 {($($arg : tt )*)=>($crate :: io :: _print ($crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )*))); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture528 {($fmt : literal , $($tt : tt ),*)=>{ mbe :: ExpandError :: ProcMacroError ( tt :: ExpansionError :: Unknown ( format ! ($fmt , $($tt ),*)))}; ($fmt : literal )=>{ mbe :: ExpandError :: ProcMacroError ( tt :: ExpansionError :: Unknown ($fmt . to_string ()))}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture529 {($($tt : tt )* )=>{$crate :: quote :: IntoTt :: to_subtree ($crate :: __quote ! ($($tt )*))}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture530 {()=>{ Vec ::< tt :: TokenTree >:: new ()}; (@ SUBTREE $delim : ident $($tt : tt )* )=>{{ let children = $crate :: __quote ! ($($tt )*); tt :: Subtree { delimiter : Some ( tt :: Delimiter { kind : tt :: DelimiterKind ::$delim , id : tt :: TokenId :: unspecified (), }), token_trees : $crate :: quote :: IntoTt :: to_tokens ( children ), }}}; (@ PUNCT $first : literal )=>{{ vec ! [ tt :: Leaf :: Punct ( tt :: Punct { char : $first , spacing : tt :: Spacing :: Alone , id : tt :: TokenId :: unspecified (), }). into ()]}}; (@ PUNCT $first : literal , $sec : literal )=>{{ vec ! [ tt :: Leaf :: Punct ( tt :: Punct { char : $first , spacing : tt :: Spacing :: Joint , id : tt :: TokenId :: unspecified (), }). into (), tt :: Leaf :: Punct ( tt :: Punct { char : $sec , spacing : tt :: Spacing :: Alone , id : tt :: TokenId :: unspecified (), }). into ()]}}; (# $first : ident $($tail : tt )* )=>{{ let token = $crate :: quote :: ToTokenTree :: to_token ($first ); let mut tokens = vec ! [ token . into ()]; let mut tail_tokens = $crate :: quote :: IntoTt :: to_tokens ($crate :: __quote ! ($($tail )*)); tokens . append (& mut tail_tokens ); tokens }}; (## $first : ident $($tail : tt )* )=>{{ let mut tokens = $first . into_iter (). map ($crate :: quote :: ToTokenTree :: to_token ). collect ::< Vec < tt :: TokenTree >> (); let mut tail_tokens = $crate :: quote :: IntoTt :: to_tokens ($crate :: __quote ! ($($tail )*)); tokens . append (& mut tail_tokens ); tokens }}; ({$($tt : tt )* })=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ SUBTREE Brace $($tt )*)}; ([$($tt : tt )* ])=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ SUBTREE Bracket $($tt )*)}; (($($tt : tt )* ))=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ SUBTREE Parenthesis $($tt )*)}; ($tt : literal )=>{ vec ! [$crate :: quote :: ToTokenTree :: to_token ($tt ). into ()]}; ($tt : ident )=>{ vec ! [{ tt :: Leaf :: Ident ( tt :: Ident { text : stringify ! ($tt ). into (), id : tt :: TokenId :: unspecified (), }). into ()}]}; (-> )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT '-' , '>' )}; (& )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT '&' )}; (, )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT ',' )}; (: )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT ':' )}; (; )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT ';' )}; (:: )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT ':' , ':' )}; (. )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT '.' )}; (< )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT '<' )}; (> )=>{$crate :: __quote ! (@ PUNCT '>' )}; ($first : tt $($tail : tt )+ )=>{{ let mut tokens = $crate :: quote :: IntoTt :: to_tokens ($crate :: __quote ! ($first )); let mut tail_tokens = $crate :: quote :: IntoTt :: to_tokens ($crate :: __quote ! ($($tail )*)); tokens . append (& mut tail_tokens ); tokens }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture531 {($($name : ident )*)=>{$(if let Some ( it )= & self .$name { f . field ( stringify ! ($name ), it ); })*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture532 {($fmt : expr )=>{ RenameError ( format ! ($fmt ))}; ($fmt : expr , $($arg : tt )+)=>{ RenameError ( format ! ($fmt , $($arg )+))}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture533 {($($tokens : tt )*)=>{ return Err ( format_err ! ($($tokens )*))}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture534 {()=>{$crate :: __private :: TokenStream :: new ()}; ($($tt : tt )*)=>{{ let mut _s = $crate :: __private :: TokenStream :: new (); $crate :: quote_each_token ! ( _s $($tt )*); _s }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture535 {($tokens : ident $($tts : tt )*)=>{$crate :: quote_tokens_with_context ! ($tokens (@ @ @ @ @ @ $($tts )*)(@ @ @ @ @ $($tts )* @)(@ @ @ @ $($tts )* @ @)(@ @ @ $(($tts ))* @ @ @)(@ @ $($tts )* @ @ @ @)(@ $($tts )* @ @ @ @ @)($($tts )* @ @ @ @ @ @)); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture536 {($tokens : ident ($($b3 : tt )*)($($b2 : tt )*)($($b1 : tt )*)($($curr : tt )*)($($a1 : tt )*)($($a2 : tt )*)($($a3 : tt )*))=>{$($crate :: quote_token_with_context ! ($tokens $b3 $b2 $b1 $curr $a1 $a2 $a3 ); )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture537 {($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt $b1 : tt @ $a1 : tt $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt $b1 : tt (#)($($inner : tt )* )* $a3 : tt )=>{{ use $crate :: __private :: ext ::*; let has_iter = $crate :: __private :: ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition ; $crate :: pounded_var_names ! ( quote_bind_into_iter ! ( has_iter )()$($inner )*); let _: $crate :: __private :: HasIterator = has_iter ; while true {$crate :: pounded_var_names ! ( quote_bind_next_or_break ! ()()$($inner )*); $crate :: quote_each_token ! ($tokens $($inner )*); }}}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt # (($($inner : tt )* ))* $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt # ($($inner : tt )* )(*)$a1 : tt $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt $b1 : tt (#)($($inner : tt )* )$sep : tt *)=>{{ use $crate :: __private :: ext ::*; let mut _i = 0usize ; let has_iter = $crate :: __private :: ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition ; $crate :: pounded_var_names ! ( quote_bind_into_iter ! ( has_iter )()$($inner )*); let _: $crate :: __private :: HasIterator = has_iter ; while true {$crate :: pounded_var_names ! ( quote_bind_next_or_break ! ()()$($inner )*); if _i > 0 {$crate :: quote_token ! ($tokens $sep ); } _i += 1 ; $crate :: quote_each_token ! ($tokens $($inner )*); }}}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt # (($($inner : tt )* ))$sep : tt * $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt # ($($inner : tt )* )($sep : tt )* $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident # ($($inner : tt )* )* (*)$a1 : tt $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{$crate :: quote_token ! ($tokens *); }; ($tokens : ident # ($($inner : tt )* )$sep : tt (*)$a1 : tt $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt $b1 : tt (#)$var : ident $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{$crate :: ToTokens :: to_tokens (&$var , & mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt # ($var : ident )$a1 : tt $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{}; ($tokens : ident $b3 : tt $b2 : tt $b1 : tt ($curr : tt )$a1 : tt $a2 : tt $a3 : tt )=>{$crate :: quote_token ! ($tokens $curr ); }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture538 {($tokens : ident ($($inner : tt )* ))=>{$crate :: __private :: push_group (& mut $tokens , $crate :: __private :: Delimiter :: Parenthesis , $crate :: quote ! ($($inner )*), ); }; ($tokens : ident [$($inner : tt )* ])=>{$crate :: __private :: push_group (& mut $tokens , $crate :: __private :: Delimiter :: Bracket , $crate :: quote ! ($($inner )*), ); }; ($tokens : ident {$($inner : tt )* })=>{$crate :: __private :: push_group (& mut $tokens , $crate :: __private :: Delimiter :: Brace , $crate :: quote ! ($($inner )*), ); }; ($tokens : ident +)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_add (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident +=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_add_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident &)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_and (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident &&)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_and_and (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident &=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_and_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident @)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_at (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident !)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_bang (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ^)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_caret (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ^=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_caret_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident :)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_colon (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ::)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_colon2 (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ,)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_comma (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident /)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_div (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident /=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_div_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident .)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_dot (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ..)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_dot2 (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ...)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_dot3 (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ..=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_dot_dot_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident =)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ==)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_eq_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident >=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_ge (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident >)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_gt (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident <=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_le (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident <)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_lt (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident *=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_mul_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident !=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_ne (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident |)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_or (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident |=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_or_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ||)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_or_or (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident #)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_pound (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ?)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_question (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ->)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_rarrow (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident <-)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_larrow (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident %)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_rem (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident %=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_rem_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident =>)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_fat_arrow (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident ;)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_semi (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident <<)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_shl (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident <<=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_shl_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident >>)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_shr (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident >>=)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_shr_eq (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident *)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_star (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens : ident -)=>{$crate :: __private :: push_sub (& mut $tokens ); }; ($tokens
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture539 {($call : ident ! $extra : tt $($tts : tt )*)=>{$crate :: pounded_var_names_with_context ! ($call ! $extra (@ $($tts )*)($($tts )* @))}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture540 {($call : ident ! $extra : tt ($($b1 : tt )*)($($curr : tt )*))=>{$($crate :: pounded_var_with_context ! ($call ! $extra $b1 $curr ); )* }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture541 {($call : ident ! $extra : tt $b1 : tt ($($inner : tt )* ))=>{$crate :: pounded_var_names ! ($call ! $extra $($inner )*); }; ($call : ident ! $extra : tt $b1 : tt [$($inner : tt )* ])=>{$crate :: pounded_var_names ! ($call ! $extra $($inner )*); }; ($call : ident ! $extra : tt $b1 : tt {$($inner : tt )* })=>{$crate :: pounded_var_names ! ($call ! $extra $($inner )*); }; ($call : ident ! ($($extra : tt )*)# $var : ident )=>{$crate ::$call ! ($($extra )* $var ); }; ($call : ident ! $extra : tt $b1 : tt $curr : tt )=>{}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture542 {($has_iter : ident $var : ident )=>{# [ allow ( unused_mut )] let ( mut $var , i )= $var . quote_into_iter (); let $has_iter = $has_iter | i ; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture543 {($var : ident )=>{ let $var = match $var . next (){ Some ( _x )=>$crate :: __private :: RepInterp ( _x ), None => break , }; }; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture544 {($fmt : expr )=>{$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([:: std :: option :: Option :: None , $fmt ])}; ($fmt : expr , $($rest : tt )*)=>{$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([:: std :: option :: Option :: None , $fmt ]$($rest )*)}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture545 {([$span : expr , $($fmt : tt )*])=>{$crate :: __private :: mk_ident (& format ! ($($fmt )*), $span )}; ([$old : expr , $($fmt : tt )*] span = $span : expr )=>{$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([$old , $($fmt )*] span = $span ,)}; ([$old : expr , $($fmt : tt )*] span = $span : expr , $($rest : tt )*)=>{$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([:: std :: option :: Option :: Some ::<$crate :: __private :: Span > ($span ), $($fmt )* ]$($rest )*)}; ([$span : expr , $($fmt : tt )*]$name : ident = $arg : expr )=>{$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([$span , $($fmt )*]$name = $arg ,)}; ([$span : expr , $($fmt : tt )*]$name : ident = $arg : expr , $($rest : tt )*)=>{ match $crate :: __private :: IdentFragmentAdapter (&$arg ){ arg =>$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([$span . or ( arg . span ()), $($fmt )*, $name = arg ]$($rest )*), }}; ([$span : expr , $($fmt : tt )*]$arg : expr )=>{$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([$span , $($fmt )*]$arg ,)}; ([$span : expr , $($fmt : tt )*]$arg : expr , $($rest : tt )*)=>{ match $crate :: __private :: IdentFragmentAdapter (&$arg ){ arg =>$crate :: format_ident_impl ! ([$span . or ( arg . span ()), $($fmt )*, arg ]$($rest )*), }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture546 {()=>( panic ! ( "not yet implemented" )); ($($arg : tt )+)=>( panic ! ( "not yet implemented: {}" , $crate :: format_args ! ($($arg )+))); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture547 {($($name : expr ),+ $(,)?)=>{{ let mut v = ArrayVec ::< [ LangItemTarget ; 2 ]>:: new (); $(v . extend ( db . lang_item ( cur_crate , $name . into ())); )+ v }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture548 {($ctor : pat , $param : pat )=>{ crate :: Ty :: Apply ( crate :: ApplicationTy { ctor : $ctor , parameters : $param })}; ($ctor : pat )=>{ ty_app ! ($ctor , _)}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture549 {(@ one $x : expr )=>( 1usize ); ($elem : expr ; $n : expr )=>({$crate :: SmallVec :: from_elem ($elem , $n )}); ($($x : expr ),*$(,)*)=>({ let count = 0usize $(+ $crate :: smallvec ! (@ one $x ))*; # [ allow ( unused_mut )] let mut vec = $crate :: SmallVec :: new (); if count <= vec . inline_size (){$(vec . push ($x );)* vec } else {$crate :: SmallVec :: from_vec ($crate :: alloc :: vec ! [$($x ,)*])}}); }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture550 {($($q : path )*)=>{$(let before = memory_usage (). allocated ; $q . in_db ( self ). sweep ( sweep ); let after = memory_usage (). allocated ; let q : $q = Default :: default (); let name = format ! ( "{:?}" , q ); acc . push (( name , before - after )); let before = memory_usage (). allocated ; $q . in_db ( self ). sweep ( sweep . discard_everything ()); let after = memory_usage (). allocated ; let q : $q = Default :: default (); let name = format ! ( "{:?} (deps)" , q ); acc . push (( name , before - after )); let before = memory_usage (). allocated ; $q . in_db ( self ). purge (); let after = memory_usage (). allocated ; let q : $q = Default :: default (); let name = format ! ( "{:?} (purge)" , q ); acc . push (( name , before - after )); )*}}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture551 {($($arg : tt )*)=>( if $crate :: cfg ! ( debug_assertions ){$crate :: assert ! ($($arg )*); })}
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture552 {()=>{{ let anchor = match self . l_curly_token (){ Some ( it )=> it . into (), None => return self . clone (), }; InsertPosition :: After ( anchor )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture553 {($anchor : expr )=>{ if let Some ( comma )= $anchor . syntax (). siblings_with_tokens ( Direction :: Next ). find (| it | it . kind ()== T ! [,]){ InsertPosition :: After ( comma )} else { to_insert . insert ( 0 , make :: token ( T ! [,]). into ()); InsertPosition :: After ($anchor . syntax (). clone (). into ())}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture554 {($anchor : expr )=>{ if let Some ( comma )= $anchor . syntax (). siblings_with_tokens ( Direction :: Next ). find (| it | it . kind ()== T ! [,]){ InsertPosition :: After ( comma )} else { to_insert . insert ( 0 , make :: token ( T ! [,]). into ()); InsertPosition :: After ($anchor . syntax (). clone (). into ())}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture555 {()=>{{ let anchor = match self . l_angle_token (){ Some ( it )=> it . into (), None => return self . clone (), }; InsertPosition :: After ( anchor )}}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture556 {()=>{ for _ in 0 .. level { buf . push_str ( " " ); }}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture557 {()=>{ ExpandError :: BindingError ( format ! ( "" ))}; ($($tt : tt )*)=>{ ExpandError :: BindingError ( format ! ($($tt )*))}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture558 {($($tt : tt )*)=>{ return Err ( err ! ($($tt )*))}; }
macro_rules! __ra_macro_fixture559 {($($tt : tt )*)=>{ ParseError :: UnexpectedToken (($($tt )*). to_string ())}; }