Remove duplication.

This commit is contained in:
Camille GILLOT 2023-05-16 12:24:38 +00:00
parent 3483e77263
commit 051dd6714c
10 changed files with 541 additions and 1406 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
// MIR for `filter_mapped` after PreCodegen
fn filter_mapped(_1: impl Iterator<Item = T>, _2: impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>) -> () {
debug iter => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:32
debug f => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:60
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:87
let mut _3: std::iter::FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
let mut _4: std::iter::FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
let mut _5: std::iter::FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
let mut _6: &mut std::iter::FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
let mut _9: std::option::Option<U>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
let mut _10: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
let _12: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
scope 1 {
debug iter => _5; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:32
let _11: U; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 2 {
debug x => _11; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 4 (inlined <FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>> as Iterator>::next) { // at $DIR/ 19:32
debug self => _6; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
let mut _7: &mut impl Iterator<Item = T>; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
let mut _8: &mut impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
scope 3 (inlined <FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 19:32
debug self => _3; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_4); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
StorageLive(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
_3 = <impl Iterator<Item = T> as Iterator>::filter_map::<U, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>(move _1, move _2) -> bb1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 19:29
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>) -> FilterMap<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>> {<impl Iterator<Item = T> as Iterator>::filter_map::<U, impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb1: {
_4 = move _3; // scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
StorageDead(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
StorageLive(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
_5 = move _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:32
goto -> bb2; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb2: {
StorageLive(_9); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:32
_6 = &mut _5; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:32
StorageLive(_7); // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
_7 = &mut ((*_6).0: impl Iterator<Item = T>); // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
StorageLive(_8); // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
_8 = &mut ((*_6).1: impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>); // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
_9 = <impl Iterator<Item = T> as Iterator>::find_map::<U, &mut impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>(move _7, move _8) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]; // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
// mir::Constant
// + span: $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut impl Iterator<Item = T>, &mut impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>) -> Option<U> {<impl Iterator<Item = T> as Iterator>::find_map::<U, &mut impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb3: {
StorageDead(_8); // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
StorageDead(_7); // scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
_10 = discriminant(_9); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:32
switchInt(move _10) -> [0: bb4, 1: bb6, otherwise: bb8]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:32
bb4: {
StorageDead(_9); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
drop(_5) -> bb5; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb5: {
StorageDead(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageDead(_4); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2
bb6: {
_11 = move ((_9 as Some).0: U); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
_12 = opaque::<U>(move _11) -> [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:18
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 20:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(U) {opaque::<U>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb7: {
StorageDead(_9); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
goto -> bb2; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb8: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:32
bb9 (cleanup): {
drop(_5) -> [return: bb10, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb10 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// MIR for `mapped` after PreCodegen
fn mapped(_1: impl Iterator<Item = T>, _2: impl Fn(T) -> U) -> () {
debug iter => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:25
debug f => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:53
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:72
let mut _3: std::iter::Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
let mut _4: std::iter::Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
let mut _5: std::iter::Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
let mut _6: &mut std::iter::Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
let mut _7: std::option::Option<U>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
let mut _8: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
let _10: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
scope 1 {
debug iter => _5; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
let _9: U; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 2 {
debug x => _9; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 3 (inlined <Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 13:25
debug self => _3; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_4); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
StorageLive(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
_3 = <impl Iterator<Item = T> as Iterator>::map::<U, impl Fn(T) -> U>(move _1, move _2) -> bb1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 13:22
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U) -> Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U> {<impl Iterator<Item = T> as Iterator>::map::<U, impl Fn(T) -> U>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb1: {
_4 = move _3; // scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
StorageDead(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
StorageLive(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
_5 = move _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:25
goto -> bb2; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb2: {
StorageLive(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
_6 = &mut _5; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
_7 = <Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U> as Iterator>::next(_6) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 13:25
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U>) -> Option<<Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U> as Iterator>::Item> {<Map<impl Iterator<Item = T>, impl Fn(T) -> U> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb3: {
_8 = discriminant(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
switchInt(move _8) -> [0: bb4, 1: bb6, otherwise: bb8]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
bb4: {
StorageDead(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
drop(_5) -> bb5; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb5: {
StorageDead(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageDead(_4); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2
bb6: {
_9 = move ((_7 as Some).0: U); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
_10 = opaque::<U>(move _9) -> [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:18
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 14:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(U) {opaque::<U>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb7: {
StorageDead(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
goto -> bb2; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb8: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:25
bb9 (cleanup): {
drop(_5) -> [return: bb10, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb10 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2

View file

@ -9,32 +9,15 @@ pub fn int_range(start: usize, end: usize) {
pub fn vec_range(mut v: Vec<impl Sized>) {
for i in 0..v.len() {
let x = &mut v[i];
opaque((i, x))
for i in 0..v.len() {
let x = &v[i];
opaque((i, x))
pub fn vec_iter(mut v: Vec<impl Sized>) {
for x in v.iter_mut() {
for x in v.iter() {
pub fn mapped<T, U>(iter: impl Iterator<Item = T>, f: impl Fn(T) -> U) {
for x in {
pub fn vec_iter_enumerate(mut v: Vec<impl Sized>) {
for (i, x) in v.iter_mut().enumerate() {
opaque((i, x))
for (i, x) in v.iter().enumerate() {
opaque((i, x))
pub fn filter_mapped<T, U>(iter: impl Iterator<Item = T>, f: impl Fn(T) -> Option<U>) {
for x in iter.filter_map(f) {
@ -48,7 +31,6 @@ pub fn vec_move(mut v: Vec<impl Sized>) {
fn opaque(_: impl Sized) {}
// EMIT_MIR loops.int_range.PreCodegen.after.mir
// EMIT_MIR loops.vec_range.PreCodegen.after.mir
// EMIT_MIR loops.vec_iter.PreCodegen.after.mir
// EMIT_MIR loops.vec_iter_enumerate.PreCodegen.after.mir
// EMIT_MIR loops.mapped.PreCodegen.after.mir
// EMIT_MIR loops.filter_mapped.PreCodegen.after.mir
// EMIT_MIR loops.vec_move.PreCodegen.after.mir

View file

@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
// MIR for `vec_iter` after PreCodegen
fn vec_iter(_1: Vec<impl Sized>) -> () {
debug v => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:22
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:41
let mut _2: &mut std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
let mut _14: &mut [impl Sized]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
let mut _26: std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
let mut _27: std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
let mut _28: &mut std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
let mut _29: std::option::Option<&mut impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
let mut _30: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
let mut _31: &std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let _43: &[impl Sized]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let mut _54: std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let mut _55: std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let mut _56: &mut std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let mut _57: std::option::Option<&impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let mut _58: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +6:6
let _60: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
let _62: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
scope 1 {
debug iter => _27; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
let _61: &mut impl Sized; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 2 {
debug x => _61; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 3 {
debug iter => _55; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:22
let _59: &impl Sized; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:10
scope 4 {
debug x => _59; // in scope 4 at $DIR/ +4:10
scope 5 (inlined <Vec<impl Sized> as DerefMut>::deref_mut) { // at $DIR/ 24:26
debug self => _2; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _7: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _8: usize; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 6 {
scope 7 (inlined Vec::<impl Sized>::as_mut_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _2; // in scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _3: &alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>; // in scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 8 (inlined alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::<impl Sized>::ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _3; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
let mut _4: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
scope 9 (inlined Unique::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
debug self => _4; // in scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _5: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 10 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _5; // in scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _6: *const impl Sized; // in scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 11 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<'_, impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug data => _7; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _8; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _13: *mut [impl Sized]; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _63: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
let mut _64: usize; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 12 {
scope 13 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug data => _63; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug len => _64; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 14 (inlined intrinsics::is_valid_allocation_size::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _64; // in scope 14 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 15 {
debug max_len => const _; // in scope 15 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 16 (inlined slice_from_raw_parts_mut::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug data => _7; // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug len => _8; // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _9: *mut (); // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 17 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _7; // in scope 17 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 18 (inlined std::ptr::from_raw_parts_mut::<[impl Sized]>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug data_address => _9; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug metadata => _8; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _10: *const (); // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _11: std::ptr::metadata::PtrComponents<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _12: std::ptr::metadata::PtrRepr<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 19 {
scope 20 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::iter_mut) { // at $DIR/ 24:26
debug self => _14; // in scope 20 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 21 (inlined std::slice::IterMut::<'_, impl Sized>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug slice => _14; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _16: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _17: bool; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _18: &[impl Sized]; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _19: usize; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _21: &[impl Sized]; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _22: usize; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _24: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _25: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 22 {
debug ptr => _16; // in scope 22 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 23 {
let _20: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 24 {
debug end => _20; // in scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 30 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::new_unchecked) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug ptr => _16; // in scope 30 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _23: *const impl Sized; // in scope 30 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _65: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 30 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 31 {
scope 32 (inlined NonNull::<T>::new_unchecked::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug ptr => _65; // in scope 32 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 33 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::is_null) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _65; // in scope 33 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _66: *mut u8; // in scope 33 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 34 {
scope 35 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut T>::is_null::runtime_impl) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug ptr => _66; // in scope 35 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 36 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::addr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _66; // in scope 36 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 37 {
scope 38 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _66; // in scope 38 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 26 (inlined invalid_mut::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug addr => _22; // in scope 26 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 27 {
scope 28 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::add) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _16; // in scope 28 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug count => _19; // in scope 28 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 29 {
scope 25 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::as_mut_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _14; // in scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _15: *mut [impl Sized]; // in scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 39 (inlined <std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 24:26
debug self => _26; // in scope 39 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
scope 40 (inlined <Vec<impl Sized> as Deref>::deref) { // at $DIR/ 27:22
debug self => _31; // in scope 40 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _37: *const impl Sized; // in scope 40 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _38: usize; // in scope 40 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 41 {
scope 42 (inlined Vec::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _31; // in scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _32: &alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>; // in scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _36: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 43 (inlined alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::<impl Sized>::ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _32; // in scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
let mut _33: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>; // in scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
scope 44 (inlined Unique::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
debug self => _33; // in scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _34: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 45 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _34; // in scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _35: *const impl Sized; // in scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 46 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts::<'_, impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug data => _37; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _38; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _42: *const [impl Sized]; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _67: *const impl Sized; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
let mut _68: usize; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 47 {
scope 48 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug data => _67; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug len => _68; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 49 (inlined intrinsics::is_valid_allocation_size::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _68; // in scope 49 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 50 {
debug max_len => const _; // in scope 50 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 51 (inlined slice_from_raw_parts::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug data => _37; // in scope 51 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug len => _38; // in scope 51 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _39: *const (); // in scope 51 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 52 (inlined ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const impl Sized>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _37; // in scope 52 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 53 (inlined std::ptr::from_raw_parts::<[impl Sized]>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug data_address => _39; // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug metadata => _38; // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _40: std::ptr::metadata::PtrComponents<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _41: std::ptr::metadata::PtrRepr<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 54 {
scope 55 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::iter) { // at $DIR/ 27:22
debug self => _43; // in scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 56 (inlined std::slice::Iter::<'_, impl Sized>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug slice => _43; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _45: *const impl Sized; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _46: bool; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _47: usize; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _49: usize; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _50: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _52: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _53: *const impl Sized; // in scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 57 {
debug ptr => _45; // in scope 57 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 58 {
let _48: *const impl Sized; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 59 {
debug end => _48; // in scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 65 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::new_unchecked) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug ptr => _50; // in scope 65 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _51: *const impl Sized; // in scope 65 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _69: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 65 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 66 {
scope 67 (inlined NonNull::<T>::new_unchecked::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug ptr => _69; // in scope 67 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 68 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::is_null) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _69; // in scope 68 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _70: *mut u8; // in scope 68 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 69 {
scope 70 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut T>::is_null::runtime_impl) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug ptr => _70; // in scope 70 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 71 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::addr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _70; // in scope 71 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 72 {
scope 73 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _70; // in scope 73 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 61 (inlined invalid::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug addr => _49; // in scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 62 {
scope 63 (inlined ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const impl Sized>::add) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _45; // in scope 63 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug count => _47; // in scope 63 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 64 {
scope 60 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _43; // in scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _44: *const [impl Sized]; // in scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 74 (inlined <std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 27:22
debug self => _54; // in scope 74 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
_2 = &mut _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
StorageLive(_7); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_3); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_3 = &((*_2).0: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_4); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
_4 = ((*_3).0: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
StorageLive(_5); // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_5 = (_4.0: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>); // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_6); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_6 = (_5.0: *const impl Sized); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_7 = move _6 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_6); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_5); // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_4); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
StorageDead(_3); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_8); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_8 = ((*_2).1: usize); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_63); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_64); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_13); // scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_9); // scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_9 = _7 as *mut () (PtrToPtr); // scope 17 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_12); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_11); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_10); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_10 = _9 as *const () (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_11 = ptr::metadata::PtrComponents::<[impl Sized]> { data_address: move _10, metadata: _8 }; // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_10); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_12 = ptr::metadata::PtrRepr::<[impl Sized]> { const_ptr: move _11 }; // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_11); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_13 = (_12.1: *mut [impl Sized]); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_12); // scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_9); // scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_14 = &mut (*_13); // scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_13); // scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_64); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_63); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_8); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_7); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:15
StorageLive(_16); // scope 20 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_15); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_15 = &raw mut (*_14); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_16 = move _15 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_15); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_20); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_17); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_17 = const _; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
switchInt(move _17) -> [0: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb1: {
StorageLive(_19); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_18); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_18 = &(*_14); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_19 = Len((*_18)); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_18); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_20 = Offset(_16, _19); // scope 29 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_19); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb3; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb2: {
StorageLive(_22); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_21); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_21 = &(*_14); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_22 = Len((*_21)); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_21); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_20 = _22 as *mut impl Sized (Transmute); // scope 27 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_22); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb3; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb3: {
StorageDead(_17); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_24); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_23); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_65); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_66); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_23 = _16 as *const impl Sized (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 31 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_24 = NonNull::<impl Sized> { pointer: _23 }; // scope 31 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_66); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_65); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_23); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_25); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_25 = _20; // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_26 = std::slice::IterMut::<'_, impl Sized> { ptr: move _24, end: move _25, _marker: const ZeroSized: PhantomData<&mut impl Sized> }; // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
// mir::Constant
// + span: no-location
// + literal: Const { ty: PhantomData<&mut impl Sized>, val: Value(<ZST>) }
// adt
// + user_ty: UserType(1)
StorageDead(_25); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_24); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_20); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_16); // scope 20 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_27); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
_27 = move _26; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:26
goto -> bb4; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb4: {
StorageLive(_29); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
_28 = &mut _27; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
_29 = <std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::next(_28) -> [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 24:26
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>) -> Option<<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::Item> {<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb5: {
_30 = discriminant(_29); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
switchInt(move _30) -> [0: bb6, 1: bb16, otherwise: bb18]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
bb6: {
StorageDead(_29); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageDead(_27); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageLive(_31); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
_31 = &_1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
StorageLive(_37); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_36); // scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_32); // scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_32 = &((*_31).0: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>); // scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_33); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
_33 = ((*_32).0: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
StorageLive(_34); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_34 = (_33.0: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_35); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_35 = (_34.0: *const impl Sized); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_36 = move _35 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_35); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_34); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_33); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
_37 = move _36 as *const impl Sized (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_32); // scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_36); // scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_38); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_38 = ((*_31).1: usize); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_67); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_68); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_42); // scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_39); // scope 51 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_39 = _37 as *const () (PtrToPtr); // scope 52 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_41); // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_40); // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_40 = ptr::metadata::PtrComponents::<[impl Sized]> { data_address: _39, metadata: _38 }; // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_41 = ptr::metadata::PtrRepr::<[impl Sized]> { const_ptr: move _40 }; // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_40); // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_42 = (_41.0: *const [impl Sized]); // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_41); // scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_39); // scope 51 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_43 = &(*_42); // scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_42); // scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_68); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_67); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_38); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_37); // scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_31); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:15
StorageLive(_45); // scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_44); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_44 = &raw const (*_43); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_45 = move _44 as *const impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_44); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_48); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_46); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_46 = const _; // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
switchInt(move _46) -> [0: bb7, otherwise: bb8]; // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb7: {
StorageLive(_47); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_47 = Len((*_43)); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_48 = Offset(_45, _47); // scope 64 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_47); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb9; // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb8: {
StorageLive(_49); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_49 = Len((*_43)); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_48 = _49 as *const impl Sized (Transmute); // scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_49); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb9; // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb9: {
StorageDead(_46); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_52); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_50); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_50 = _45 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_51); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_69); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_70); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_51 = _50 as *const impl Sized (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 66 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_52 = NonNull::<impl Sized> { pointer: _51 }; // scope 66 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_70); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_69); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_51); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_50); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_53); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_53 = _48; // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_54 = std::slice::Iter::<'_, impl Sized> { ptr: move _52, end: move _53, _marker: const ZeroSized: PhantomData<&impl Sized> }; // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
// mir::Constant
// + span: no-location
// + literal: Const { ty: PhantomData<&impl Sized>, val: Value(<ZST>) }
// adt
// + user_ty: UserType(1)
StorageDead(_53); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_52); // scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_48); // scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_45); // scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_55); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
_55 = move _54; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:22
goto -> bb10; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
bb10: {
StorageLive(_57); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:22
_56 = &mut _55; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:22
_57 = <std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::next(_56) -> [return: bb11, unwind: bb19]; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:22
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 27:22
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>) -> Option<<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::Item> {<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb11: {
_58 = discriminant(_57); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:22
switchInt(move _58) -> [0: bb12, 1: bb14, otherwise: bb18]; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:22
bb12: {
StorageDead(_57); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
StorageDead(_55); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +6:6
drop(_1) -> bb13; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2
bb13: {
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2
bb14: {
_59 = ((_57 as Some).0: &impl Sized); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:10
_60 = opaque::<&impl Sized>(_59) -> [return: bb15, unwind: bb19]; // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:18
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 28:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(&impl Sized) {opaque::<&impl Sized>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb15: {
StorageDead(_57); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
goto -> bb10; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
bb16: {
_61 = move ((_29 as Some).0: &mut impl Sized); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
_62 = opaque::<&mut impl Sized>(move _61) -> [return: bb17, unwind: bb19]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:18
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 25:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(&mut impl Sized) {opaque::<&mut impl Sized>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb17: {
StorageDead(_29); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
goto -> bb4; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb18: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:26
bb19 (cleanup): {
drop(_1) -> [return: bb20, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2
bb20 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2

View file

@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
// MIR for `vec_iter_enumerate` after PreCodegen
fn vec_iter_enumerate(_1: Vec<impl Sized>) -> () {
debug v => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:32
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:51
let mut _2: &mut std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
let mut _14: &mut [impl Sized]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
let mut _26: std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
let mut _27: std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _28: std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _29: &mut std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _30: std::option::Option<(usize, &mut impl Sized)>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _31: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
let mut _32: &std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:27
let _44: &[impl Sized]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:27
let mut _55: std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:27
let mut _56: std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
let mut _57: std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
let mut _58: &mut std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
let mut _59: std::option::Option<(usize, &impl Sized)>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
let mut _60: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +6:6
let mut _63: (usize, &impl Sized); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:22
let _64: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
let mut _67: (usize, &mut impl Sized); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:22
let _68: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
scope 1 {
debug iter => _28; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
let _65: usize; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:11
let _66: &mut impl Sized; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:14
scope 2 {
debug i => _65; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:11
debug x => _66; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:14
scope 3 {
debug iter => _57; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:39
let _61: usize; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:11
let _62: &impl Sized; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:14
scope 4 {
debug i => _61; // in scope 4 at $DIR/ +4:11
debug x => _62; // in scope 4 at $DIR/ +4:14
scope 5 (inlined <Vec<impl Sized> as DerefMut>::deref_mut) { // at $DIR/ 33:31
debug self => _2; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _7: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _8: usize; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 6 {
scope 7 (inlined Vec::<impl Sized>::as_mut_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _2; // in scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _3: &alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>; // in scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 8 (inlined alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::<impl Sized>::ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _3; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
let mut _4: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
scope 9 (inlined Unique::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
debug self => _4; // in scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _5: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 10 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _5; // in scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _6: *const impl Sized; // in scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 11 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<'_, impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug data => _7; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _8; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _13: *mut [impl Sized]; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _69: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
let mut _70: usize; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 12 {
scope 13 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug data => _69; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug len => _70; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 14 (inlined intrinsics::is_valid_allocation_size::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _70; // in scope 14 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 15 {
debug max_len => const _; // in scope 15 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 16 (inlined slice_from_raw_parts_mut::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug data => _7; // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug len => _8; // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _9: *mut (); // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 17 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _7; // in scope 17 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 18 (inlined std::ptr::from_raw_parts_mut::<[impl Sized]>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug data_address => _9; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug metadata => _8; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _10: *const (); // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _11: std::ptr::metadata::PtrComponents<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _12: std::ptr::metadata::PtrRepr<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 19 {
scope 20 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::iter_mut) { // at $DIR/ 33:31
debug self => _14; // in scope 20 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 21 (inlined std::slice::IterMut::<'_, impl Sized>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug slice => _14; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _16: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _17: bool; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _18: &[impl Sized]; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _19: usize; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _21: &[impl Sized]; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _22: usize; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _24: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _25: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 22 {
debug ptr => _16; // in scope 22 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 23 {
let _20: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 24 {
debug end => _20; // in scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 30 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::new_unchecked) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug ptr => _16; // in scope 30 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _23: *const impl Sized; // in scope 30 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _71: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 30 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 31 {
scope 32 (inlined NonNull::<T>::new_unchecked::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug ptr => _71; // in scope 32 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 33 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::is_null) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _71; // in scope 33 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _72: *mut u8; // in scope 33 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 34 {
scope 35 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut T>::is_null::runtime_impl) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug ptr => _72; // in scope 35 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 36 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::addr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _72; // in scope 36 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 37 {
scope 38 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _72; // in scope 38 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 26 (inlined invalid_mut::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug addr => _22; // in scope 26 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 27 {
scope 28 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::add) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _16; // in scope 28 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug count => _19; // in scope 28 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 29 {
scope 25 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::as_mut_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _14; // in scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _15: *mut [impl Sized]; // in scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 39 (inlined <std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::enumerate) { // at $DIR/ 33:43
debug self => _26; // in scope 39 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
scope 40 (inlined Enumerate::<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
debug iter => _26; // in scope 40 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
scope 41 (inlined <Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 33:43
debug self => _27; // in scope 41 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
scope 42 (inlined <Vec<impl Sized> as Deref>::deref) { // at $DIR/ 36:27
debug self => _32; // in scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _38: *const impl Sized; // in scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _39: usize; // in scope 42 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 43 {
scope 44 (inlined Vec::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _32; // in scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _33: &alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>; // in scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
let mut _37: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 45 (inlined alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::<impl Sized>::ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug self => _33; // in scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
let mut _34: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>; // in scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
scope 46 (inlined Unique::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
debug self => _34; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _35: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 47 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _35; // in scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _36: *const impl Sized; // in scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 48 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts::<'_, impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
debug data => _38; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _39; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _43: *const [impl Sized]; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _73: *const impl Sized; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
let mut _74: usize; // in scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 49 {
scope 50 (inlined std::slice::from_raw_parts::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug data => _73; // in scope 50 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug len => _74; // in scope 50 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 51 (inlined intrinsics::is_valid_allocation_size::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug len => _74; // in scope 51 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 52 {
debug max_len => const _; // in scope 52 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 53 (inlined slice_from_raw_parts::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug data => _38; // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug len => _39; // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _40: *const (); // in scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 54 (inlined ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const impl Sized>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _38; // in scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 55 (inlined std::ptr::from_raw_parts::<[impl Sized]>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug data_address => _40; // in scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug metadata => _39; // in scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _41: std::ptr::metadata::PtrComponents<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _42: std::ptr::metadata::PtrRepr<[impl Sized]>; // in scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 56 {
scope 57 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::iter) { // at $DIR/ 36:27
debug self => _44; // in scope 57 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 58 (inlined std::slice::Iter::<'_, impl Sized>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug slice => _44; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _46: *const impl Sized; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _47: bool; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _48: usize; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _50: usize; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _51: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _53: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _54: *const impl Sized; // in scope 58 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 59 {
debug ptr => _46; // in scope 59 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 60 {
let _49: *const impl Sized; // in scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 61 {
debug end => _49; // in scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 67 (inlined NonNull::<impl Sized>::new_unchecked) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug ptr => _51; // in scope 67 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _52: *const impl Sized; // in scope 67 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _75: *mut impl Sized; // in scope 67 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 68 {
scope 69 (inlined NonNull::<T>::new_unchecked::runtime::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug ptr => _75; // in scope 69 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 70 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut impl Sized>::is_null) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _75; // in scope 70 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _76: *mut u8; // in scope 70 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 71 {
scope 72 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut T>::is_null::runtime_impl) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug ptr => _76; // in scope 72 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 73 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::addr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _76; // in scope 73 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 74 {
scope 75 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _76; // in scope 75 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 63 (inlined invalid::<impl Sized>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug addr => _50; // in scope 63 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 64 {
scope 65 (inlined ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const impl Sized>::add) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _46; // in scope 65 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug count => _48; // in scope 65 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 66 {
scope 62 (inlined core::slice::<impl [impl Sized]>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _44; // in scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _45: *const [impl Sized]; // in scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 76 (inlined <std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized> as Iterator>::enumerate) { // at $DIR/ 36:39
debug self => _55; // in scope 76 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
scope 77 (inlined Enumerate::<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
debug iter => _55; // in scope 77 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
scope 78 (inlined <Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 36:39
debug self => _56; // in scope 78 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_26); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
StorageLive(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
_2 = &mut _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
StorageLive(_7); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_3); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_3 = &((*_2).0: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_4); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
_4 = ((*_3).0: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
StorageLive(_5); // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_5 = (_4.0: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>); // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_6); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_6 = (_5.0: *const impl Sized); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_7 = move _6 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_6); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_5); // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_4); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
StorageDead(_3); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_8); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_8 = ((*_2).1: usize); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_69); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_70); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_13); // scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_9); // scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_9 = _7 as *mut () (PtrToPtr); // scope 17 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_12); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_11); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_10); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_10 = _9 as *const () (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_11 = ptr::metadata::PtrComponents::<[impl Sized]> { data_address: move _10, metadata: _8 }; // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_10); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_12 = ptr::metadata::PtrRepr::<[impl Sized]> { const_ptr: move _11 }; // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_11); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_13 = (_12.1: *mut [impl Sized]); // scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_12); // scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_9); // scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_14 = &mut (*_13); // scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_13); // scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_70); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_69); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_8); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_7); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:20
StorageLive(_16); // scope 20 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_15); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_15 = &raw mut (*_14); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_16 = move _15 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_15); // scope 25 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_20); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_17); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_17 = const _; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
switchInt(move _17) -> [0: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb1: {
StorageLive(_19); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_18); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_18 = &(*_14); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_19 = Len((*_18)); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_18); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_20 = Offset(_16, _19); // scope 29 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_19); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb3; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb2: {
StorageLive(_22); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_21); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_21 = &(*_14); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_22 = Len((*_21)); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_21); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_20 = _22 as *mut impl Sized (Transmute); // scope 27 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_22); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb3; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb3: {
StorageDead(_17); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_24); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_23); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_71); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_72); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_23 = _16 as *const impl Sized (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 31 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_24 = NonNull::<impl Sized> { pointer: _23 }; // scope 31 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_72); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_71); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_23); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_25); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_25 = _20; // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_26 = std::slice::IterMut::<'_, impl Sized> { ptr: move _24, end: move _25, _marker: const ZeroSized: PhantomData<&mut impl Sized> }; // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
// mir::Constant
// + span: no-location
// + literal: Const { ty: PhantomData<&mut impl Sized>, val: Value(<ZST>) }
// adt
// + user_ty: UserType(1)
StorageDead(_25); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_24); // scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_20); // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_16); // scope 20 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_27 = Enumerate::<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>> { iter: move _26, count: const 0_usize }; // scope 40 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
StorageDead(_26); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
StorageLive(_28); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
_28 = move _27; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
goto -> bb4; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb4: {
StorageLive(_30); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
_29 = &mut _28; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
_30 = <Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>> as Iterator>::next(_29) -> [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 33:43
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>>) -> Option<<Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>> as Iterator>::Item> {<Enumerate<std::slice::IterMut<'_, impl Sized>> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb5: {
_31 = discriminant(_30); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
switchInt(move _31) -> [0: bb6, 1: bb16, otherwise: bb18]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
bb6: {
StorageDead(_30); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageDead(_28); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageLive(_55); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:27
StorageLive(_32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:27
_32 = &_1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:27
StorageLive(_38); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_37); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_33); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_33 = &((*_32).0: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<impl Sized>); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_34); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
_34 = ((*_33).0: std::ptr::Unique<impl Sized>); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
StorageLive(_35); // scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_35 = (_34.0: std::ptr::NonNull<impl Sized>); // scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_36); // scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_36 = (_35.0: *const impl Sized); // scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_37 = move _36 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_36); // scope 47 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_35); // scope 46 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_34); // scope 45 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
_38 = move _37 as *const impl Sized (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_33); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_37); // scope 44 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_39); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
_39 = ((*_32).1: usize); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_73); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_74); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageLive(_43); // scope 49 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_40); // scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_40 = _38 as *const () (PtrToPtr); // scope 54 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_42); // scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageLive(_41); // scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_41 = ptr::metadata::PtrComponents::<[impl Sized]> { data_address: _40, metadata: _39 }; // scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_42 = ptr::metadata::PtrRepr::<[impl Sized]> { const_ptr: move _41 }; // scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_41); // scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_43 = (_42.0: *const [impl Sized]); // scope 56 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_42); // scope 55 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_40); // scope 53 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_44 = &(*_43); // scope 49 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_43); // scope 48 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_74); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_73); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_39); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_38); // scope 43 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:20
StorageLive(_46); // scope 57 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_45); // scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_45 = &raw const (*_44); // scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_46 = move _45 as *const impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_45); // scope 62 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_49); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_47); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_47 = const _; // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
switchInt(move _47) -> [0: bb7, otherwise: bb8]; // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb7: {
StorageLive(_48); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_48 = Len((*_44)); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_49 = Offset(_46, _48); // scope 66 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_48); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb9; // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb8: {
StorageLive(_50); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_50 = Len((*_44)); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_49 = _50 as *const impl Sized (Transmute); // scope 64 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_50); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb9; // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb9: {
StorageDead(_47); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_53); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_51); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_51 = _46 as *mut impl Sized (PtrToPtr); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_52); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_75); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_76); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_52 = _51 as *const impl Sized (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 68 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_53 = NonNull::<impl Sized> { pointer: _52 }; // scope 68 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_76); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_75); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_52); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_51); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_54); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_54 = _49; // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_55 = std::slice::Iter::<'_, impl Sized> { ptr: move _53, end: move _54, _marker: const ZeroSized: PhantomData<&impl Sized> }; // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
// mir::Constant
// + span: no-location
// + literal: Const { ty: PhantomData<&impl Sized>, val: Value(<ZST>) }
// adt
// + user_ty: UserType(1)
StorageDead(_54); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_53); // scope 61 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_49); // scope 60 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_46); // scope 57 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_56 = Enumerate::<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>> { iter: move _55, count: const 0_usize }; // scope 77 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
StorageDead(_55); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
StorageLive(_57); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
_57 = move _56; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:39
goto -> bb10; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
bb10: {
StorageLive(_59); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:39
_58 = &mut _57; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:39
_59 = <Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>> as Iterator>::next(_58) -> [return: bb11, unwind: bb19]; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:39
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 36:39
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>>) -> Option<<Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>> as Iterator>::Item> {<Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, impl Sized>> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb11: {
_60 = discriminant(_59); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:39
switchInt(move _60) -> [0: bb12, 1: bb14, otherwise: bb18]; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:39
bb12: {
StorageDead(_59); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
StorageDead(_57); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +6:6
drop(_1) -> bb13; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2
bb13: {
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2
bb14: {
_61 = (((_59 as Some).0: (usize, &impl Sized)).0: usize); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:11
_62 = (((_59 as Some).0: (usize, &impl Sized)).1: &impl Sized); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +4:14
StorageLive(_63); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:22
_63 = (_61, _62); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:22
_64 = opaque::<(usize, &impl Sized)>(move _63) -> [return: bb15, unwind: bb19]; // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:23
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 37:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn((usize, &impl Sized)) {opaque::<(usize, &impl Sized)>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb15: {
StorageDead(_63); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:23
StorageDead(_59); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
goto -> bb10; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +6:6
bb16: {
_65 = (((_30 as Some).0: (usize, &mut impl Sized)).0: usize); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:11
_66 = move (((_30 as Some).0: (usize, &mut impl Sized)).1: &mut impl Sized); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:14
StorageLive(_67); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:22
_67 = (_65, move _66); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:22
_68 = opaque::<(usize, &mut impl Sized)>(move _67) -> [return: bb17, unwind: bb19]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:23
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 34:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn((usize, &mut impl Sized)) {opaque::<(usize, &mut impl Sized)>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb17: {
StorageDead(_67); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:23
StorageDead(_30); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
goto -> bb4; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb18: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
bb19 (cleanup): {
drop(_1) -> [return: bb20, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2
bb20 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:2

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ fn vec_move(_1: Vec<impl Sized>) -> () {
StorageLive(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:15
_2 = <Vec<impl Sized> as IntoIterator>::into_iter(move _1) -> bb1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:15
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 42:15
// + span: $DIR/ 25:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(Vec<impl Sized>) -> <Vec<impl Sized> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter {<Vec<impl Sized> as IntoIterator>::into_iter}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ fn vec_move(_1: Vec<impl Sized>) -> () {
_4 = &mut _3; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:15
_5 = <std::vec::IntoIter<impl Sized> as Iterator>::next(_4) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:15
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 42:15
// + span: $DIR/ 25:15
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut std::vec::IntoIter<impl Sized>) -> Option<<std::vec::IntoIter<impl Sized> as Iterator>::Item> {<std::vec::IntoIter<impl Sized> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ fn vec_move(_1: Vec<impl Sized>) -> () {
_7 = move ((_5 as Some).0: impl Sized); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
_8 = opaque::<impl Sized>(move _7) -> [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:18
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 43:15
// + span: $DIR/ 26:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn(impl Sized) {opaque::<impl Sized>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }

View file

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
// MIR for `vec_range` after PreCodegen
fn vec_range(_1: Vec<impl Sized>) -> () {
debug v => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:23
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:42
let mut _2: &std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
let mut _3: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
let mut _4: std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
let mut _5: std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
let mut _6: &mut std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
let mut _7: std::option::Option<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
let mut _8: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
let mut _9: &std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _10: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _11: std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _12: std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _13: &mut std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _14: std::option::Option<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _15: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +8:6
let mut _17: &std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +6:19
let _18: &impl Sized; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +6:22
let mut _20: (usize, &impl Sized); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +7:22
let _21: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
let mut _23: &mut std::vec::Vec<impl Sized>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:23
let mut _24: &mut impl Sized; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:26
let mut _26: (usize, &mut impl Sized); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:22
let _27: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
scope 1 {
debug iter => _5; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:24
let _22: usize; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 2 {
debug i => _22; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:10
let _25: &mut impl Sized; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:14
scope 3 {
debug x => _25; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +2:14
scope 9 (inlined iter::range::<impl Iterator for std::ops::Range<usize>>::next) { // at $DIR/ 13:24
debug self => _6; // in scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
scope 4 {
debug iter => _12; // in scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:24
let _16: usize; // in scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:10
scope 5 {
debug i => _16; // in scope 5 at $DIR/ +5:10
let _19: &impl Sized; // in scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:14
scope 6 {
debug x => _19; // in scope 6 at $DIR/ +6:14
scope 12 (inlined iter::range::<impl Iterator for std::ops::Range<usize>>::next) { // at $DIR/ 17:24
debug self => _13; // in scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
scope 7 (inlined Vec::<impl Sized>::len) { // at $DIR/ 13:24
debug self => _2; // in scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 8 (inlined <std::ops::Range<usize> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 13:24
debug self => _4; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
scope 10 (inlined Vec::<impl Sized>::len) { // at $DIR/ 17:24
debug self => _9; // in scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
scope 11 (inlined <std::ops::Range<usize> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 17:24
debug self => _11; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
StorageLive(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
_2 = &_1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
_3 = ((*_2).1: usize); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_2); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
_4 = std::ops::Range::<usize> { start: const 0_usize, end: move _3 }; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
StorageDead(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
StorageLive(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
_5 = move _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:24
goto -> bb1; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
bb1: {
StorageLive(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:24
_6 = &mut _5; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:24
_7 = <std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::spec_next(_6) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb15]; // scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
// mir::Constant
// + span: $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut std::ops::Range<usize>) -> Option<<std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::Item> {<std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::spec_next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb2: {
_8 = discriminant(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:24
switchInt(move _8) -> [0: bb3, 1: bb11, otherwise: bb14]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:24
bb3: {
StorageDead(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageLive(_10); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
StorageLive(_9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
_9 = &_1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
_10 = ((*_9).1: usize); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/vec/
StorageDead(_9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
_11 = std::ops::Range::<usize> { start: const 0_usize, end: move _10 }; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
StorageDead(_10); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
StorageLive(_12); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
_12 = move _11; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:24
goto -> bb4; // scope 4 at $DIR/ +8:6
bb4: {
StorageLive(_14); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:24
_13 = &mut _12; // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:24
_14 = <std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::spec_next(_13) -> [return: bb5, unwind: bb15]; // scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
// mir::Constant
// + span: $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut std::ops::Range<usize>) -> Option<<std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::Item> {<std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::spec_next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb5: {
_15 = discriminant(_14); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:24
switchInt(move _15) -> [0: bb6, 1: bb8, otherwise: bb14]; // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:24
bb6: {
StorageDead(_14); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +8:6
StorageDead(_12); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +8:6
drop(_1) -> bb7; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +9:2
bb7: {
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +9:2
bb8: {
_16 = ((_14 as Some).0: usize); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +5:10
StorageLive(_18); // scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:22
StorageLive(_17); // scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:19
_17 = &_1; // scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:19
_18 = <Vec<impl Sized> as Index<usize>>::index(move _17, _16) -> [return: bb9, unwind: bb15]; // scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:22
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 18:22
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a Vec<impl Sized>, usize) -> &'a <Vec<impl Sized> as Index<usize>>::Output {<Vec<impl Sized> as Index<usize>>::index}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb9: {
StorageDead(_17); // scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:22
_19 = _18; // scope 5 at $DIR/ +6:22
StorageLive(_20); // scope 6 at $DIR/ +7:22
_20 = (_16, _19); // scope 6 at $DIR/ +7:22
_21 = opaque::<(usize, &impl Sized)>(move _20) -> [return: bb10, unwind: bb15]; // scope 6 at $DIR/ +7:23
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 19:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn((usize, &impl Sized)) {opaque::<(usize, &impl Sized)>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb10: {
StorageDead(_20); // scope 6 at $DIR/ +7:23
StorageDead(_18); // scope 5 at $DIR/ +8:6
StorageDead(_14); // scope 4 at $DIR/ +8:6
goto -> bb4; // scope 4 at $DIR/ +8:6
bb11: {
_22 = ((_7 as Some).0: usize); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
StorageLive(_24); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
StorageLive(_23); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:23
_23 = &mut _1; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:23
_24 = <Vec<impl Sized> as IndexMut<usize>>::index_mut(move _23, _22) -> [return: bb12, unwind: bb15]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 14:26
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut Vec<impl Sized>, usize) -> &'a mut <Vec<impl Sized> as Index<usize>>::Output {<Vec<impl Sized> as IndexMut<usize>>::index_mut}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb12: {
StorageDead(_23); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
_25 = _24; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
StorageLive(_26); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:22
_26 = (_22, move _25); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:22
_27 = opaque::<(usize, &mut impl Sized)>(move _26) -> [return: bb13, unwind: bb15]; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:23
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 15:15
// + literal: Const { ty: fn((usize, &mut impl Sized)) {opaque::<(usize, &mut impl Sized)>}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb13: {
StorageDead(_26); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:23
StorageDead(_24); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
goto -> bb1; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
bb14: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:24
bb15 (cleanup): {
drop(_1) -> [return: bb16, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +9:2
bb16 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +9:2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
// MIR for `enumerated_loop` after PreCodegen
fn enumerated_loop(_1: &[T], _2: impl Fn(usize, &T)) -> () {
debug slice => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:36
debug f => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:48
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:70
let mut _13: std::slice::Iter<'_, T>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
let mut _14: std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _15: std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _16: &mut std::iter::Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _17: std::option::Option<(usize, &T)>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
let mut _18: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
let mut _21: &impl Fn(usize, &T); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:10
let mut _22: (usize, &T); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:16
let _23: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
scope 1 {
debug iter => _15; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
let _19: usize; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:11
let _20: &T; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:14
scope 2 {
debug i => _19; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:11
debug x => _20; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:14
scope 3 (inlined core::slice::<impl [T]>::iter) { // at $DIR/ 42:31
debug self => _1; // in scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 4 (inlined std::slice::Iter::<'_, T>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug slice => _1; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let _4: *const T; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _5: bool; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _6: usize; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _8: usize; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _9: *mut T; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _11: std::ptr::NonNull<T>; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _12: *const T; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 5 {
debug ptr => _4; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 6 {
let _7: *const T; // in scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 7 {
debug end => _7; // in scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 13 (inlined NonNull::<T>::new_unchecked) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug ptr => _9; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _10: *const T; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _24: *mut T; // in scope 13 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 14 {
scope 15 (inlined NonNull::<T>::new_unchecked::runtime::<T>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
debug ptr => _24; // in scope 15 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/
scope 16 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut T>::is_null) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _24; // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
let mut _25: *mut u8; // in scope 16 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 17 {
scope 18 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut T>::is_null::runtime_impl) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug ptr => _25; // in scope 18 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 19 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::addr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _25; // in scope 19 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 20 {
scope 21 (inlined ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::cast::<()>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug self => _25; // in scope 21 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 9 (inlined invalid::<T>) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug addr => _8; // in scope 9 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 10 {
scope 11 (inlined ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const T>::add) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _4; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
debug count => _6; // in scope 11 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
scope 12 {
scope 8 (inlined core::slice::<impl [T]>::as_ptr) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
debug self => _1; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
let mut _3: *const [T]; // in scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
scope 22 (inlined <std::slice::Iter<'_, T> as Iterator>::enumerate) { // at $DIR/ 42:43
debug self => _13; // in scope 22 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
scope 23 (inlined Enumerate::<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>>::new) { // at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
debug iter => _13; // in scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
scope 24 (inlined <Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 42:43
debug self => _14; // in scope 24 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_13); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:31
StorageLive(_4); // scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_3); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_3 = &raw const (*_1); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_4 = move _3 as *const T (PtrToPtr); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_3); // scope 8 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_7); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_5); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_5 = const _; // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
switchInt(move _5) -> [0: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb1: {
StorageLive(_6); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_6 = Len((*_1)); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_7 = Offset(_4, _6); // scope 12 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_6); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb3; // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb2: {
StorageLive(_8); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_8 = Len((*_1)); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_7 = _8 as *const T (Transmute); // scope 10 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_8); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
goto -> bb3; // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
bb3: {
StorageDead(_5); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_11); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_9); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_9 = _4 as *mut T (PtrToPtr); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_10); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_24); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_25); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_10 = _9 as *const T (Pointer(MutToConstPointer)); // scope 14 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
_11 = NonNull::<T> { pointer: _10 }; // scope 14 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/ptr/
StorageDead(_25); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_24); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_10); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_9); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageLive(_12); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_12 = _7; // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_13 = std::slice::Iter::<'_, T> { ptr: move _11, end: move _12, _marker: const ZeroSized: PhantomData<&T> }; // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
// mir::Constant
// + span: no-location
// + literal: Const { ty: PhantomData<&T>, val: Value(<ZST>) }
// adt
// + user_ty: UserType(1)
StorageDead(_12); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_11); // scope 7 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_7); // scope 6 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
StorageDead(_4); // scope 3 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/slice/
_14 = Enumerate::<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>> { iter: move _13, count: const 0_usize }; // scope 23 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/adapters/
StorageDead(_13); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
StorageLive(_15); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
_15 = move _14; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:43
goto -> bb4; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb4: {
StorageLive(_17); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
_16 = &mut _15; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
_17 = <Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>> as Iterator>::next(_16) -> [return: bb5, unwind: bb11]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 42:43
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>>) -> Option<<Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>> as Iterator>::Item> {<Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, T>> as Iterator>::next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb5: {
_18 = discriminant(_17); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
switchInt(move _18) -> [0: bb6, 1: bb8, otherwise: bb10]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
bb6: {
StorageDead(_17); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
StorageDead(_15); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:6
drop(_2) -> bb7; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2
bb7: {
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2
bb8: {
_19 = (((_17 as Some).0: (usize, &T)).0: usize); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:11
_20 = (((_17 as Some).0: (usize, &T)).1: &T); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:14
StorageLive(_21); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:10
_21 = &_2; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:10
StorageLive(_22); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:16
_22 = (_19, _20); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:16
_23 = <impl Fn(usize, &T) as Fn<(usize, &T)>>::call(move _21, move _22) -> [return: bb9, unwind: bb11]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:16
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 43:10
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> extern "rust-call" fn(&'a impl Fn(usize, &T), (usize, &T)) -> <impl Fn(usize, &T) as FnOnce<(usize, &T)>>::Output {<impl Fn(usize, &T) as Fn<(usize, &T)>>::call}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb9: {
StorageDead(_22); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:16
StorageDead(_21); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:16
StorageDead(_17); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
goto -> bb4; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +3:6
bb10: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:43
bb11 (cleanup): {
drop(_2) -> [return: bb12, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2
bb12 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
// MIR for `range_loop` after PreCodegen
fn range_loop(_1: &[T], _2: impl Fn(usize, &T)) -> () {
debug slice => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:31
debug f => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:43
let mut _0: (); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:65
let mut _3: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
let mut _4: std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
let mut _5: std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
let mut _6: &mut std::ops::Range<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
let mut _7: std::option::Option<usize>; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
let mut _8: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
let mut _10: usize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:26
let mut _11: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:26
let mut _13: &impl Fn(usize, &T); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:10
let mut _14: (usize, &T); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:16
let _15: (); // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
scope 1 {
debug iter => _5; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:28
let _9: usize; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
scope 2 {
debug i => _9; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +1:10
let _12: &T; // in scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:14
scope 3 {
debug x => _12; // in scope 3 at $DIR/ +2:14
scope 5 (inlined iter::range::<impl Iterator for std::ops::Range<usize>>::next) { // at $DIR/ 49:28
debug self => _6; // in scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
scope 4 (inlined <std::ops::Range<usize> as IntoIterator>::into_iter) { // at $DIR/ 49:28
debug self => _4; // in scope 4 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/traits/
bb0: {
StorageLive(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
_3 = Len((*_1)); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
_4 = std::ops::Range::<usize> { start: const 0_usize, end: move _3 }; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
StorageDead(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
StorageLive(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
_5 = move _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +1:28
goto -> bb1; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
bb1: {
StorageLive(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:28
_6 = &mut _5; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:28
_7 = <std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::spec_next(_6) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]; // scope 5 at $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
// mir::Constant
// + span: $SRC_DIR/core/src/iter/
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut std::ops::Range<usize>) -> Option<<std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::Item> {<std::ops::Range<usize> as iter::range::RangeIteratorImpl>::spec_next}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb2: {
_8 = discriminant(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:28
switchInt(move _8) -> [0: bb3, 1: bb5, otherwise: bb8]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:28
bb3: {
StorageDead(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_5); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
drop(_2) -> bb4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
bb4: {
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
bb5: {
_9 = ((_7 as Some).0: usize); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:10
_10 = Len((*_1)); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
_11 = Lt(_9, _10); // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
assert(move _11, "index out of bounds: the length is {} but the index is {}", move _10, _9) -> [success: bb6, unwind: bb9]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
bb6: {
_12 = &(*_1)[_9]; // scope 2 at $DIR/ +2:26
StorageLive(_13); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:10
_13 = &_2; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:10
StorageLive(_14); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:16
_14 = (_9, _12); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:16
_15 = <impl Fn(usize, &T) as Fn<(usize, &T)>>::call(move _13, move _14) -> [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]; // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:16
// mir::Constant
// + span: $DIR/ 51:10
// + literal: Const { ty: for<'a> extern "rust-call" fn(&'a impl Fn(usize, &T), (usize, &T)) -> <impl Fn(usize, &T) as FnOnce<(usize, &T)>>::Output {<impl Fn(usize, &T) as Fn<(usize, &T)>>::call}, val: Value(<ZST>) }
bb7: {
StorageDead(_14); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:16
StorageDead(_13); // scope 3 at $DIR/ +3:16
StorageDead(_7); // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
goto -> bb1; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +4:6
bb8: {
unreachable; // scope 1 at $DIR/ +1:28
bb9 (cleanup): {
drop(_2) -> [return: bb10, unwind terminate]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
bb10 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2

View file

@ -36,3 +36,18 @@ pub fn reverse_loop<'a, T>(slice: &'a [T], f: impl Fn(&T)) {
// EMIT_MIR slice_iter.enumerated_loop.PreCodegen.after.mir
pub fn enumerated_loop<'a, T>(slice: &'a [T], f: impl Fn(usize, &T)) {
for (i, x) in slice.iter().enumerate() {
f(i, x)
// EMIT_MIR slice_iter.range_loop.PreCodegen.after.mir
pub fn range_loop<'a, T>(slice: &'a [T], f: impl Fn(usize, &T)) {
for i in 0..slice.len() {
let x = &slice[i];
f(i, x)