Merge pull request #772 from oli-obk/const_int
refactor clippy-consts to use ConstInt
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 71 additions and 233 deletions
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ use rustc::lint::LateContext;
use rustc::middle::const_eval::lookup_const_by_id;
use rustc::middle::def::{Def, PathResolution};
use rustc_front::hir::*;
use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Greater, Less, Equal};
use rustc_const_eval::{ConstInt, ConstUsize, ConstIsize};
use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Equal};
use std::cmp::PartialOrd;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::rc::Rc;
use syntax::ast::{FloatTy, LitIntType, LitKind, StrStyle, UintTy};
use syntax::ast::{FloatTy, LitIntType, LitKind, StrStyle, UintTy, IntTy};
use syntax::ptr::P;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
@ -29,12 +30,6 @@ impl From<FloatTy> for FloatWidth {
#[derive(Copy, Eq, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Sign {
/// a Lit_-like enum to fold constant `Expr`s into
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Constant {
@ -42,12 +37,10 @@ pub enum Constant {
Str(String, StrStyle),
/// a Binary String b"abc"
/// a single byte b'a'
/// a single char 'a'
/// an integer, third argument is whether the value is negated
Int(u64, LitIntType, Sign),
/// a float with given type
Float(String, FloatWidth),
/// true or false
@ -67,21 +60,20 @@ impl Constant {
/// if the constant could not be converted to u64 losslessly
fn as_u64(&self) -> u64 {
if let Constant::Int(val, _, _) = *self {
val // TODO we may want to check the sign if any
if let Constant::Int(val) = *self {
val.to_u64().expect("negative constant can't be casted to u64")
} else {
panic!("Could not convert a {:?} to u64", self);
/// convert this constant to a f64, if possible
#[allow(cast_precision_loss, cast_possible_wrap)]
pub fn as_float(&self) -> Option<f64> {
match *self {
Constant::Byte(b) => Some(b as f64),
Constant::Float(ref s, _) => s.parse().ok(),
Constant::Int(i, _, Sign::Minus) => Some(-(i as f64)),
Constant::Int(i, _, Sign::Plus) => Some(i as f64),
Constant::Int(i) if i.is_negative() => Some(i.to_u64_unchecked() as i64 as f64),
Constant::Int(i) => Some(i.to_u64_unchecked() as f64),
_ => None,
@ -92,10 +84,8 @@ impl PartialEq for Constant {
match (self, other) {
(&Constant::Str(ref ls, ref lsty), &Constant::Str(ref rs, ref rsty)) => ls == rs && lsty == rsty,
(&Constant::Binary(ref l), &Constant::Binary(ref r)) => l == r,
(&Constant::Byte(l), &Constant::Byte(r)) => l == r,
(&Constant::Char(l), &Constant::Char(r)) => l == r,
(&Constant::Int(0, _, _), &Constant::Int(0, _, _)) => true,
(&Constant::Int(lv, _, lneg), &Constant::Int(rv, _, rneg)) => lv == rv && lneg == rneg,
(&Constant::Int(l), &Constant::Int(r)) => l.is_negative() == r.is_negative() && l.to_u64_unchecked() == r.to_u64_unchecked(),
(&Constant::Float(ref ls, _), &Constant::Float(ref rs, _)) => {
// we want `Fw32 == FwAny` and `FwAny == Fw64`, by transitivity we must have
// `Fw32 == Fw64` so don’t compare them
@ -125,15 +115,12 @@ impl Hash for Constant {
Constant::Binary(ref b) => {
Constant::Byte(u) => {
Constant::Char(c) => {
Constant::Int(u, _, t) => {
Constant::Int(i) => {
Constant::Float(ref f, _) => {
// don’t use the width here because of PartialEq implementation
@ -165,13 +152,8 @@ impl PartialOrd for Constant {
(&Constant::Byte(ref l), &Constant::Byte(ref r)) => Some(l.cmp(r)),
(&Constant::Char(ref l), &Constant::Char(ref r)) => Some(l.cmp(r)),
(&Constant::Int(0, _, _), &Constant::Int(0, _, _)) => Some(Equal),
(&Constant::Int(ref lv, _, Sign::Plus), &Constant::Int(ref rv, _, Sign::Plus)) => Some(lv.cmp(rv)),
(&Constant::Int(ref lv, _, Sign::Minus), &Constant::Int(ref rv, _, Sign::Minus)) => Some(rv.cmp(lv)),
(&Constant::Int(_, _, Sign::Minus), &Constant::Int(_, _, Sign::Plus)) => Some(Less),
(&Constant::Int(_, _, Sign::Plus), &Constant::Int(_, _, Sign::Minus)) => Some(Greater),
(&Constant::Int(l), &Constant::Int(r)) => Some(l.cmp(&r)),
(&Constant::Float(ref ls, _), &Constant::Float(ref rs, _)) => {
match (ls.parse::<f64>(), rs.parse::<f64>()) {
(Ok(ref l), Ok(ref r)) => l.partial_cmp(r),
@ -192,13 +174,24 @@ impl PartialOrd for Constant {
fn lit_to_constant(lit: &LitKind) -> Constant {
match *lit {
LitKind::Str(ref is, style) => Constant::Str(is.to_string(), style),
LitKind::Byte(b) => Constant::Byte(b),
LitKind::Byte(b) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::U8(b)),
LitKind::ByteStr(ref s) => Constant::Binary(s.clone()),
LitKind::Char(c) => Constant::Char(c),
LitKind::Int(value, ty) => Constant::Int(value, ty, Sign::Plus),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Unsuffixed) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(value)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Unsigned(UintTy::U8)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::U8(value as u8)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Unsigned(UintTy::U16)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::U16(value as u16)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Unsigned(UintTy::U32)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::U32(value as u32)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Unsigned(UintTy::U64)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::U64(value as u64)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Unsigned(UintTy::Us)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::Usize(ConstUsize::Us32(value as u32))),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(IntTy::I8)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::I8(value as i8)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(IntTy::I16)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::I16(value as i16)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(IntTy::I32)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::I32(value as i32)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(IntTy::I64)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::I64(value as i64)),
LitKind::Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(IntTy::Is)) => Constant::Int(ConstInt::Isize(ConstIsize::Is32(value as i32))),
LitKind::Float(ref is, ty) => Constant::Float(is.to_string(), ty.into()),
LitKind::FloatUnsuffixed(ref is) => Constant::Float(is.to_string(), FloatWidth::Any),
LitKind::Bool(b) => Constant::Bool(b),
@ -209,23 +202,7 @@ fn constant_not(o: Constant) -> Option<Constant> {
use self::Constant::*;
match o {
Bool(b) => Some(Bool(!b)),
Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(ity), Sign::Plus) if value != ::std::u64::MAX => {
Some(Int(value + 1, LitIntType::Signed(ity), Sign::Minus))
Int(0, LitIntType::Signed(ity), Sign::Minus) => Some(Int(1, LitIntType::Signed(ity), Sign::Minus)),
Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(ity), Sign::Minus) => Some(Int(value - 1, LitIntType::Signed(ity), Sign::Plus)),
Int(value, LitIntType::Unsigned(ity), Sign::Plus) => {
let mask = match ity {
UintTy::U8 => ::std::u8::MAX as u64,
UintTy::U16 => ::std::u16::MAX as u64,
UintTy::U32 => ::std::u32::MAX as u64,
UintTy::U64 => ::std::u64::MAX,
UintTy::Us => {
return None;
} // refuse to guess
Some(Int(!value & mask, LitIntType::Unsigned(ity), Sign::Plus))
Int(value) => (!value).ok().map(Int),
_ => None,
@ -233,20 +210,12 @@ fn constant_not(o: Constant) -> Option<Constant> {
fn constant_negate(o: Constant) -> Option<Constant> {
use self::Constant::*;
match o {
Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(ity), sign) => Some(Int(value, LitIntType::Signed(ity), neg_sign(sign))),
Int(value, LitIntType::Unsuffixed, sign) => Some(Int(value, LitIntType::Unsuffixed, neg_sign(sign))),
Int(value) => (-value).ok().map(Int),
Float(is, ty) => Some(Float(neg_float_str(is), ty)),
_ => None,
fn neg_sign(s: Sign) -> Sign {
match s {
Sign::Plus => Sign::Minus,
Sign::Minus => Sign::Plus,
fn neg_float_str(s: String) -> String {
if s.starts_with('-') {
@ -255,32 +224,6 @@ fn neg_float_str(s: String) -> String {
fn unify_int_type(l: LitIntType, r: LitIntType) -> Option<LitIntType> {
use syntax::ast::LitIntType::*;
match (l, r) {
(Signed(lty), Signed(rty)) => {
if lty == rty {
} else {
(Unsigned(lty), Unsigned(rty)) => {
if lty == rty {
} else {
(Unsuffixed, Unsuffixed) => Some(Unsuffixed),
(Signed(lty), Unsuffixed) => Some(Signed(lty)),
(Unsigned(lty), Unsuffixed) => Some(Unsigned(lty)),
(Unsuffixed, Signed(rty)) => Some(Signed(rty)),
(Unsuffixed, Unsigned(rty)) => Some(Unsigned(rty)),
_ => None,
pub fn constant(lcx: &LateContext, e: &Expr) -> Option<(Constant, bool)> {
let mut cx = ConstEvalLateContext {
lcx: Some(lcx),
@ -381,101 +324,36 @@ impl<'c, 'cc> ConstEvalLateContext<'c, 'cc> {
fn binop(&mut self, op: BinOp, left: &Expr, right: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
match op.node {
BiAdd => {
self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| {
match (l, r) {
(Constant::Byte(l8), Constant::Byte(r8)) => l8.checked_add(r8).map(Constant::Byte),
(Constant::Int(l64, lty, lsign), Constant::Int(r64, rty, rsign)) => {
add_ints(l64, r64, lty, rty, lsign, rsign)
// TODO: float (would need bignum library?)
_ => None,
BiSub => {
self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| {
match (l, r) {
(Constant::Byte(l8), Constant::Byte(r8)) => {
if r8 > l8 {
} else {
Some(Constant::Byte(l8 - r8))
(Constant::Int(l64, lty, lsign), Constant::Int(r64, rty, rsign)) => {
add_ints(l64, r64, lty, rty, lsign, neg_sign(rsign))
_ => None,
BiMul => self.divmul(left, right, u64::checked_mul),
BiDiv => self.divmul(left, right, u64::checked_div),
// BiRem,
BiAnd => self.short_circuit(left, right, false),
BiOr => self.short_circuit(left, right, true),
BiBitXor => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x ^ y),
BiBitAnd => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x & y),
BiBitOr => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| (x | y)),
BiShl => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x << y),
BiShr => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x >> y),
BiEq => self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| Some(Constant::Bool(l == r))),
BiNe => self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| Some(Constant::Bool(l != r))),
BiLt => self.cmp(left, right, Less, true),
BiLe => self.cmp(left, right, Greater, false),
BiGe => self.cmp(left, right, Less, false),
BiGt => self.cmp(left, right, Greater, true),
let l = if let Some(l) = self.expr(left) { l } else { return None; };
let r = self.expr(right);
match (op.node, l, r) {
(BiAdd, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l + r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiSub, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l - r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiMul, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l * r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiDiv, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l / r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiRem, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l % r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiAnd, Constant::Bool(false), _) => Some(Constant::Bool(false)),
(BiAnd, Constant::Bool(true), Some(r)) => Some(r),
(BiOr, Constant::Bool(true), _) => Some(Constant::Bool(true)),
(BiOr, Constant::Bool(false), Some(r)) => Some(r),
(BiBitXor, Constant::Bool(l), Some(Constant::Bool(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l ^ r)),
(BiBitXor, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l ^ r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiBitAnd, Constant::Bool(l), Some(Constant::Bool(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l & r)),
(BiBitAnd, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l & r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiBitOr, Constant::Bool(l), Some(Constant::Bool(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l | r)),
(BiBitOr, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l | r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiShl, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l << r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiShr, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => (l >> r).ok().map(Constant::Int),
(BiEq, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l == r)),
(BiNe, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l != r)),
(BiLt, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l < r)),
(BiLe, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l <= r)),
(BiGe, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l >= r)),
(BiGt, Constant::Int(l), Some(Constant::Int(r))) => Some(Constant::Bool(l > r)),
_ => None,
fn divmul<F>(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, f: F) -> Option<Constant>
where F: Fn(u64, u64) -> Option<u64>
self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| {
match (l, r) {
(Constant::Int(l64, lty, lsign), Constant::Int(r64, rty, rsign)) => {
f(l64, r64).and_then(|value| {
let sign = if lsign == rsign {
} else {
unify_int_type(lty, rty).map(|ty| Constant::Int(value, ty, sign))
_ => None,
fn bitop<F>(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, f: F) -> Option<Constant>
where F: Fn(u64, u64) -> u64
self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| {
match (l, r) {
(Constant::Bool(l), Constant::Bool(r)) => Some(Constant::Bool(f(l as u64, r as u64) != 0)),
(Constant::Byte(l8), Constant::Byte(r8)) => Some(Constant::Byte(f(l8 as u64, r8 as u64) as u8)),
(Constant::Int(l, lty, lsign), Constant::Int(r, rty, rsign)) => {
if lsign == Sign::Plus && rsign == Sign::Plus {
unify_int_type(lty, rty).map(|ty| Constant::Int(f(l, r), ty, Sign::Plus))
} else {
_ => None,
fn cmp(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, ordering: Ordering, b: bool) -> Option<Constant> {
|l, r| l.partial_cmp(&r).map(|o| Constant::Bool(b == (o == ordering))))
fn binop_apply<F>(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, op: F) -> Option<Constant>
where F: Fn(Constant, Constant) -> Option<Constant>
@ -485,51 +363,4 @@ impl<'c, 'cc> ConstEvalLateContext<'c, 'cc> {
fn short_circuit(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, b: bool) -> Option<Constant> {
self.expr(left).and_then(|left| {
if let Constant::Bool(lbool) = left {
if lbool == b {
} else {
self.expr(right).and_then(|right| {
if let Constant::Bool(_) = right {
} else {
} else {
fn add_ints(l64: u64, r64: u64, lty: LitIntType, rty: LitIntType, lsign: Sign, rsign: Sign) -> Option<Constant> {
let ty = if let Some(ty) = unify_int_type(lty, rty) {
} else {
return None;
match (lsign, rsign) {
(Sign::Plus, Sign::Plus) => l64.checked_add(r64).map(|v| Constant::Int(v, ty, Sign::Plus)),
(Sign::Plus, Sign::Minus) => {
if r64 > l64 {
Some(Constant::Int(r64 - l64, ty, Sign::Minus))
} else {
Some(Constant::Int(l64 - r64, ty, Sign::Plus))
(Sign::Minus, Sign::Minus) => l64.checked_add(r64).map(|v| Constant::Int(v, ty, Sign::Minus)),
(Sign::Minus, Sign::Plus) => {
if l64 > r64 {
Some(Constant::Int(l64 - r64, ty, Sign::Minus))
} else {
Some(Constant::Int(r64 - l64, ty, Sign::Plus))
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
use consts::{constant_simple, Constant, Sign};
use consts::{constant_simple, Constant};
use rustc::lint::*;
use rustc_front::hir::*;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use utils::{span_lint, snippet, in_macro};
use rustc_const_eval::ConstInt;
/// **What it does:** This lint checks for identity operations, e.g. `x + 0`.
@ -54,11 +55,11 @@ impl LateLintPass for IdentityOp {
fn check(cx: &LateContext, e: &Expr, m: i8, span: Span, arg: Span) {
if let Some(Constant::Int(v, _, sign)) = constant_simple(e) {
if let Some(v @ Constant::Int(_)) = constant_simple(e) {
if match m {
0 => v == 0,
-1 => sign == Sign::Minus && v == 1,
1 => sign == Sign::Plus && v == 1,
0 => v == Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(0)),
-1 => v == Constant::Int(ConstInt::InferSigned(-1)),
1 => v == Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(1)),
_ => unreachable!(),
} {
@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ extern crate clippy;
extern crate syntax;
extern crate rustc;
extern crate rustc_front;
extern crate rustc_const_eval;
use rustc_front::hir::*;
use rustc_const_eval::ConstInt;
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::codemap::{Spanned, COMMAND_LINE_SP};
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ use syntax::ast::LitKind;
use syntax::ast::LitIntType;
use syntax::ast::StrStyle;
use clippy::consts::{constant_simple, Constant, FloatWidth, Sign};
use clippy::consts::{constant_simple, Constant, FloatWidth};
fn spanned<T>(t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned{ node: t, span: COMMAND_LINE_SP }
@ -44,9 +46,9 @@ fn check(expect: Constant, expr: &Expr) {
const TRUE : Constant = Constant::Bool(true);
const FALSE : Constant = Constant::Bool(false);
const ZERO : Constant = Constant::Int(0, LitIntType::Unsuffixed, Sign::Plus);
const ONE : Constant = Constant::Int(1, LitIntType::Unsuffixed, Sign::Plus);
const TWO : Constant = Constant::Int(2, LitIntType::Unsuffixed, Sign::Plus);
const ZERO : Constant = Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(0));
const ONE : Constant = Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(1));
const TWO : Constant = Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(2));
fn test_lit() {
@ -84,4 +86,8 @@ fn test_ops() {
assert_eq!(half_any, half32);
assert_eq!(half_any, half64);
assert_eq!(half32, half64); // for transitivity
assert_eq!(Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(0)), Constant::Int(ConstInt::U8(0)));
assert_eq!(Constant::Int(ConstInt::Infer(0)), Constant::Int(ConstInt::I8(0)));
assert_eq!(Constant::Int(ConstInt::InferSigned(-1)), Constant::Int(ConstInt::I8(-1)));
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