More stdlib hashmap bits (plus some drive-by extras).

This commit is contained in:
Roy Frostig 2010-08-03 17:52:35 -07:00
parent 7b91933eed
commit 085790a73a
3 changed files with 89 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ fn ne(int x, int y) -> bool { ret x != y; }
fn ge(int x, int y) -> bool { ret x >= y; }
fn gt(int x, int y) -> bool { ret x > y; }
fn positive(int x) -> bool { ret x > 0; }
fn negative(int x) -> bool { ret x < 0; }
fn nonpositive(int x) -> bool { ret x <= 0; }
fn nonnegative(int x) -> bool { ret x >= 0; }
iter range(mutable int lo, int hi) -> int {
while (lo < hi) {
put lo;

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@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ fn mk_hashmap[K, V](&hashfn[K] hasher, &eqfn[K] eqer) -> hashmap[K, V] {
let uint initial_capacity = 32u; // 2^5
let util.rational load_factor = rec(num=3, den=4);
type bucket[V] = tag(nil(), deleted(), some(V));
type bucket[K, V] = tag(nil(), deleted(), some(K, V));
fn make_buckets[K, V](uint nbkts) -> vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] {
ret _vec.init_elt[mutable bucket[K, V]](nil[K, V](), nbkts);
// Derive two hash functions from the one given by taking the upper
// half and lower half of the uint bits. Our bucket probing
@ -57,24 +61,51 @@ fn mk_hashmap[K, V](&hashfn[K] hasher, &eqfn[K] eqer) -> hashmap[K, V] {
ret hashl[K](hasher, nbkts, key) + i * hashr[K](hasher, nbkts, key);
* We attempt to never call this with a full table. If we do, it
* will fail.
fn insert_common[K, V](hashfn[K] hasher,
vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] bkts,
uint nbkts,
&K key,
&V val)
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < nbkts) {
// FIXME (issue #94): as in find_common()
let int j = (hash[K](hasher, nbkts, key, i)) as int;
alt (bkts.(j)) {
case (some[K, V](_, _)) {
i += 1u;
case (_) {
bkts.(j) = some[K, V](key, val);
fail; // full table
fn find_common[K, V](hashfn[K] hasher,
vec[mutable bucket[V]] bkts,
vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] bkts,
uint nbkts,
&K key)
-> util.option[V]
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < nbkts) {
// Pending fix to issue #94, remove uint coercion.
// FIXME (issue #94): Pending bugfix, remove uint coercion.
let int j = (hash[K](hasher, nbkts, key, i)) as int;
alt (bkts.(j)) {
case (some[V](val)) {
case (some[K, V](_, val)) {
ret util.some[V](val);
case (nil[V]()) {
case (nil[K, V]()) {
ret util.none[V]();
case (deleted[V]()) {
case (deleted[K, V]()) {
i += 1u;
@ -82,32 +113,41 @@ fn mk_hashmap[K, V](&hashfn[K] hasher, &eqfn[K] eqer) -> hashmap[K, V] {
ret util.none[V]();
fn rehash[K, V](hashfn[K] hasher,
vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] oldbkts, uint noldbkts,
vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] newbkts, uint nnewbkts)
for (bucket[K, V] b in oldbkts) {
alt (b) {
case (some[K, V](k, v)) {
insert_common[K, V](hasher, newbkts, nnewbkts, k, v);
case (_) { }
obj hashmap[K, V](hashfn[K] hasher,
eqfn[K] eqer,
mutable vec[mutable bucket[V]] bkts,
mutable vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] bkts,
mutable uint nbkts,
mutable uint nelts,
util.rational lf)
fn insert(&K key, &V val) {
// FIXME grow the table and rehash if we ought to.
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < nbkts) {
// Issue #94, as in find_common()
let int j = (hash[K](hasher, nbkts, key, i)) as int;
alt (bkts.(j)) {
case (some[V](_)) {
i += 1u;
case (_) {
bkts.(j) = some[V](val);
nelts += 1u;
let util.rational load = rec(num=(nelts + 1u) as int, den=nbkts as int);
if (!util.rational_leq(load, lf)) {
let uint nnewbkts = _int.next_power_of_two(nbkts + 1u);
// FIXME (issue #94): Enforce our workaround to issue #94.
check ((nnewbkts as int) > 0);
let vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] newbkts = make_buckets[K, V](nnewbkts);
rehash[K, V](hasher, bkts, nbkts, newbkts, nnewbkts);
// full table, impossible unless growth is broken. remove after testing.
insert_common[K, V](hasher, bkts, nbkts, key, val);
nelts += 1u;
fn contains_key(&K key) -> bool {
@ -131,17 +171,17 @@ fn mk_hashmap[K, V](&hashfn[K] hasher, &eqfn[K] eqer) -> hashmap[K, V] {
fn remove(&K key) -> util.option[V] {
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < nbkts) {
// Issue #94, as in find_common()
// FIXME (issue #94): as in find_common()
let int j = (hash[K](hasher, nbkts, key, i)) as int;
alt (bkts.(j)) {
case (some[V](val)) {
bkts.(j) = deleted[V]();
case (some[K, V](_, val)) {
bkts.(j) = deleted[K, V]();
ret util.some[V](val);
case (deleted[V]()) {
case (deleted[K, V]()) {
nelts += 1u;
case (nil[V]()) {
case (nil[K, V]()) {
ret util.none[V]();
@ -149,11 +189,14 @@ fn mk_hashmap[K, V](&hashfn[K] hasher, &eqfn[K] eqer) -> hashmap[K, V] {
ret util.none[V]();
fn rehash() {}
fn rehash() {
let vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] newbkts = make_buckets[K, V](nbkts);
rehash[K, V](hasher, bkts, nbkts, newbkts, nbkts);
bkts = newbkts;
let vec[mutable bucket[V]] bkts =
_vec.init_elt[mutable bucket[V]](nil[V](), initial_capacity);
let vec[mutable bucket[K, V]] bkts = make_buckets[K, V](initial_capacity);
ret hashmap[K, V](hasher, eqer, bkts, 0u, 0u, load_factor);
ret hashmap[K, V](hasher, eqer, bkts, initial_capacity, 0u, load_factor);

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@ -17,4 +17,11 @@ fn id[T](T x) -> T {
ret x;
type rational = rec(int num, int den);
/* FIXME (issue #141): See test/run-pass/ Uncomment
* the constraint once fixed. */
type rational = rec(int num, int den); // : _int.positive(*.den);
fn rational_leq(&rational x, &rational y) -> bool {
// NB: Uses the fact that rationals have positive denominators WLOG.
ret x.num * y.den <= y.num * x.den;