internal: Properly handle commands in the VSCode client when the server is stopped
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 136 additions and 103 deletions
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ export type Workspace =
files: vscode.TextDocument[];
export type CommandFactory = {
enabled: (ctx: Ctx) => Cmd;
disabled?: (ctx: Ctx) => Cmd;
export class Ctx {
readonly statusBar: vscode.StatusBarItem;
readonly config: Config;
@ -26,31 +31,40 @@ export class Ctx {
private _serverPath: string | undefined;
private traceOutputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel | undefined;
private outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel | undefined;
private clientSubscriptions: Disposable[];
private state: PersistentState;
private commandFactories: Record<string, CommandFactory>;
private commandDisposables: Disposable[];
workspace: Workspace;
constructor(readonly extCtx: vscode.ExtensionContext, workspace: Workspace) {
this.statusBar = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left);
dispose() {
readonly extCtx: vscode.ExtensionContext,
workspace: Workspace,
commandFactories: Record<string, CommandFactory>
) {
this.statusBar = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left);
this.statusBar.text = "rust-analyzer";
this.statusBar.tooltip = "ready";
this.statusBar.command = "rust-analyzer.analyzerStatus";
this.workspace = workspace;
this.clientSubscriptions = [];
this.commandDisposables = [];
this.commandFactories = commandFactories;
this.state = new PersistentState(extCtx.globalState);
this.config = new Config(extCtx);
dispose() {
void this.disposeClient();
this.commandDisposables.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose());
clientFetcher() {
@ -63,7 +77,6 @@ export class Ctx {
async getClient() {
// if server path changes -> dispose
if (!this.traceOutputChannel) {
this.traceOutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel(
"Rust Analyzer Language Server Trace"
@ -118,7 +131,11 @@ export class Ctx {
this.client.onNotification(ra.serverStatus, (params) => this.setServerStatus(params));
this.client.onNotification(ra.serverStatus, (params) =>
return this.client;
@ -127,16 +144,25 @@ export class Ctx {
|||"Activating language client");
const client = await this.getClient();
await client.start();
return client;
async deactivate() {
||||"Deactivating language client");
await this.client?.stop();
async disposeClient() {
||||"Deactivating language client");
async stop() {
||||"Stopping language client");
await this.disposeClient();
private async disposeClient() {
this.clientSubscriptions?.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose());
this.clientSubscriptions = [];
await this.client?.dispose();
this._serverPath = undefined;
this.client = undefined;
@ -159,6 +185,25 @@ export class Ctx {
return this._serverPath;
private updateCommands() {
this.commandDisposables.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose());
this.commandDisposables = [];
const fetchFactory = (factory: CommandFactory, fullName: string) => {
return this.client && this.client.isRunning()
? factory.enabled
: factory.disabled ||
((_) => () =>
`command ${fullName} failed: rust-analyzer server is not running`
for (const [name, factory] of Object.entries(this.commandFactories)) {
const fullName = `rust-analyzer.${name}`;
const callback = fetchFactory(factory, fullName)(this);
this.commandDisposables.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand(fullName, callback));
setServerStatus(status: ServerStatusParams) {
let icon = "";
const statusBar = this.statusBar;
@ -194,16 +239,13 @@ export class Ctx {
statusBar.text = `${icon}rust-analyzer`;
registerCommand(name: string, factory: (ctx: Ctx) => Cmd) {
const fullName = `rust-analyzer.${name}`;
const cmd = factory(this);
const d = vscode.commands.registerCommand(fullName, cmd);
pushExtCleanup(d: Disposable) {
private pushClientCleanup(d: Disposable) {
export interface Disposable {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as vscode from "vscode";
import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient/node";
import * as commands from "./commands";
import { Ctx, Workspace } from "./ctx";
import { CommandFactory, Ctx, Workspace } from "./ctx";
import { isRustDocument } from "./util";
import { activateTaskProvider } from "./tasks";
import { setContextValue } from "./util";
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export async function activate(
: { kind: "Workspace Folder" };
const ctx = new Ctx(context, workspace);
const ctx = new Ctx(context, workspace, createCommands());
// VS Code doesn't show a notification when an extension fails to activate
// so we do it ourselves.
const api = await activateServer(ctx).catch((err) => {
@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ async function activateServer(ctx: Ctx): Promise<RustAnalyzerExtensionApi> {
await initCommonContext(ctx);
async (_) => {
await ctx
@ -91,85 +89,78 @@ async function activateServer(ctx: Ctx): Promise<RustAnalyzerExtensionApi> {
return ctx.clientFetcher();
async function initCommonContext(ctx: Ctx) {
// Register a "dumb" onEnter command for the case where server fails to
// start.
// FIXME: refactor command registration code such that commands are
// **always** registered, even if the server does not start. Use API like
// this perhaps?
// ```TypeScript
// registerCommand(
// factory: (Ctx) => ((Ctx) => any),
// fallback: () => any = () => vscode.window.showErrorMessage(
// "rust-analyzer is not available"
// ),
// )
const defaultOnEnter = vscode.commands.registerCommand("rust-analyzer.onEnter", () =>
vscode.commands.executeCommand("default:type", { text: "\n" })
function createCommands(): Record<string, CommandFactory> {
return {
onEnter: {
enabled: commands.onEnter,
disabled: (_) => () => vscode.commands.executeCommand("default:type", { text: "\n" }),
reload: {
enabled: (ctx) => async () => {
void vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Reloading rust-analyzer...");
// FIXME: We should re-use the client, that is ctx.deactivate() if none of the configs have changed
await ctx.stop();
await ctx.activate();
disabled: (ctx) => async () => {
void vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Reloading rust-analyzer...");
await ctx.activate();
startServer: {
enabled: (ctx) => async () => {
await ctx.activate();
disabled: (ctx) => async () => {
await ctx.activate();
stopServer: {
enabled: (ctx) => async () => {
// FIXME: We should re-use the client, that is ctx.deactivate() if none of the configs have changed
await ctx.stop();
health: "ok",
quiescent: true,
message: "server is not running",
// Commands which invokes manually via command palette, shortcut, etc.
ctx.registerCommand("reload", (_) => async () => {
void vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Reloading rust-analyzer...");
// FIXME: We should re-use the client, that is ctx.deactivate() if none of the configs have changed
await ctx.disposeClient();
await ctx.activate();
ctx.registerCommand("startServer", (_) => async () => {
await ctx.activate();
ctx.registerCommand("stopServer", (_) => async () => {
// FIXME: We should re-use the client, that is ctx.deactivate() if none of the configs have changed
await ctx.disposeClient();
health: "ok",
quiescent: true,
message: "server is not running",
ctx.registerCommand("analyzerStatus", commands.analyzerStatus);
ctx.registerCommand("memoryUsage", commands.memoryUsage);
ctx.registerCommand("shuffleCrateGraph", commands.shuffleCrateGraph);
ctx.registerCommand("reloadWorkspace", commands.reloadWorkspace);
ctx.registerCommand("matchingBrace", commands.matchingBrace);
ctx.registerCommand("joinLines", commands.joinLines);
ctx.registerCommand("parentModule", commands.parentModule);
ctx.registerCommand("syntaxTree", commands.syntaxTree);
ctx.registerCommand("viewHir", commands.viewHir);
ctx.registerCommand("viewFileText", commands.viewFileText);
ctx.registerCommand("viewItemTree", commands.viewItemTree);
ctx.registerCommand("viewCrateGraph", commands.viewCrateGraph);
ctx.registerCommand("viewFullCrateGraph", commands.viewFullCrateGraph);
ctx.registerCommand("expandMacro", commands.expandMacro);
ctx.registerCommand("copyRunCommandLine", commands.copyRunCommandLine);
ctx.registerCommand("debug", commands.debug);
ctx.registerCommand("newDebugConfig", commands.newDebugConfig);
ctx.registerCommand("openDocs", commands.openDocs);
ctx.registerCommand("openCargoToml", commands.openCargoToml);
ctx.registerCommand("peekTests", commands.peekTests);
ctx.registerCommand("moveItemUp", commands.moveItemUp);
ctx.registerCommand("moveItemDown", commands.moveItemDown);
ctx.registerCommand("cancelFlycheck", commands.cancelFlycheck);
ctx.registerCommand("ssr", commands.ssr);
ctx.registerCommand("serverVersion", commands.serverVersion);
// Internal commands which are invoked by the server.
ctx.registerCommand("runSingle", commands.runSingle);
ctx.registerCommand("debugSingle", commands.debugSingle);
ctx.registerCommand("showReferences", commands.showReferences);
ctx.registerCommand("applySnippetWorkspaceEdit", commands.applySnippetWorkspaceEditCommand);
ctx.registerCommand("resolveCodeAction", commands.resolveCodeAction);
ctx.registerCommand("applyActionGroup", commands.applyActionGroup);
ctx.registerCommand("gotoLocation", commands.gotoLocation);
ctx.registerCommand("linkToCommand", commands.linkToCommand);
ctx.registerCommand("onEnter", commands.onEnter);
analyzerStatus: { enabled: commands.analyzerStatus },
memoryUsage: { enabled: commands.memoryUsage },
shuffleCrateGraph: { enabled: commands.shuffleCrateGraph },
reloadWorkspace: { enabled: commands.reloadWorkspace },
matchingBrace: { enabled: commands.matchingBrace },
joinLines: { enabled: commands.joinLines },
parentModule: { enabled: commands.parentModule },
syntaxTree: { enabled: commands.syntaxTree },
viewHir: { enabled: commands.viewHir },
viewFileText: { enabled: commands.viewFileText },
viewItemTree: { enabled: commands.viewItemTree },
viewCrateGraph: { enabled: commands.viewCrateGraph },
viewFullCrateGraph: { enabled: commands.viewFullCrateGraph },
expandMacro: { enabled: commands.expandMacro },
run: { enabled: },
copyRunCommandLine: { enabled: commands.copyRunCommandLine },
debug: { enabled: commands.debug },
newDebugConfig: { enabled: commands.newDebugConfig },
openDocs: { enabled: commands.openDocs },
openCargoToml: { enabled: commands.openCargoToml },
peekTests: { enabled: commands.peekTests },
moveItemUp: { enabled: commands.moveItemUp },
moveItemDown: { enabled: commands.moveItemDown },
cancelFlycheck: { enabled: commands.cancelFlycheck },
ssr: { enabled: commands.ssr },
serverVersion: { enabled: commands.serverVersion },
// Internal commands which are invoked by the server.
applyActionGroup: { enabled: commands.applyActionGroup },
applySnippetWorkspaceEdit: { enabled: commands.applySnippetWorkspaceEditCommand },
debugSingle: { enabled: commands.debugSingle },
gotoLocation: { enabled: commands.gotoLocation },
linkToCommand: { enabled: commands.linkToCommand },
resolveCodeAction: { enabled: commands.resolveCodeAction },
runSingle: { enabled: commands.runSingle },
showReferences: { enabled: commands.showReferences },
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