libstd: implement io::Reader for fileinput.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 280 additions and 135 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// except according to those terms.
A convience device for iterating through the lines in a series of
A library for iterating through the lines in a series of
files. Very similar to [the Python module of the same
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ or a program that numbers lines after concatenating two files
The 2 `_vec` functions take a vec of file names (and empty means
read from `stdin`), the other 2 use the command line arguments.
The two `input_vec*` functions take a vec of file names (where empty
means read from `stdin`), the other two functions use the command line
# Advanced
@ -56,22 +57,25 @@ For more complicated uses (e.g. if one needs to pause iteration and
resume it later), a `FileInput` instance can be constructed via the
`from_vec`, `from_vec_raw` and `from_args` functions.
Once created, the `lines_each` and `lines_each_state` methods
allow one to iterate on the lines (the latter provides more
information about the position within the iteration to the caller.
Once created, the `each_line` (from the `core::io::ReaderUtil` trait)
and `each_line_state` methods allow one to iterate on the lines; the
latter provides more information about the position within the
iteration to the caller.
It is possible (and safe) to skip lines and files using the
`read_line` and `next_file` methods.
`read_line` and `next_file` methods. Also, `FileInput` implements
`core::io::Reader`, and the state will be updated correctly while
using any of those methods.
E.g. the following (pointless) program reads until an empty line,
pauses for user input, skips the current file and then numbers the
remaining lines (where the numbers are from the start of the file,
rather than the total line count).
E.g. the following program reads until an empty line, pauses for user
input, skips the current file and then numbers the remaining lines
(where the numbers are from the start of each file, rather than the
total line count).
let mut in = FileInput::from_vec(pathify([~"a.txt", ~"b.txt", ~"c.txt"],
let in = FileInput::from_vec(pathify([~"a.txt", ~"b.txt", ~"c.txt"],
for in.lines_each |line| {
for in.each_line |line| {
if line.is_empty() {
@ -83,20 +87,23 @@ rather than the total line count).
if io::stdin().read_line() == ~"yes" {
in.next_file(); // skip!
for in.lines_each_state |line, state| {
for in.each_line_state |line, state| {
io::println(fmt!("%u: %s", state.line_num_file,
use core::prelude::*;
use core::io::ReaderUtil;
A summary of the internal state of a FileInput object. `line_num` and
`line_num_file` represent the number of lines read in total and in the
current file respectively.
A summary of the internal state of a `FileInput` object. `line_num`
and `line_num_file` represent the number of lines read in total and in
the current file respectively. `current_path` is `None` if the current
file is `stdin`.
pub struct FileInputState {
current_path: Option<Path>,
@ -114,18 +121,32 @@ impl FileInputState {
priv struct FileInput {
struct FileInput_ {
`Some(path)` is the file represented by `path`, `None` is
`stdin`. Consumed as the files are read.
files: ~[Option<Path>],
priv files: ~[Option<Path>],
The current file: `Some(r)` for an open file, `None` before
starting and after reading everything.
current_reader: Option<@io::Reader>,
state: FileInputState
priv current_reader: Option<@io::Reader>,
priv state: FileInputState,
Used to keep track of whether we need to insert the newline at the
end of a file that is missing it, which is needed to separate the
last and first lines.
priv previous_was_newline: bool
// XXX: remove this when Reader has &mut self. Should be removable via
// "" -> "self." and renaming FileInput_. Documentation above
// will likely have to be updated to use `let mut in = ...`.
pub struct FileInput {
priv mut fi: FileInput_
impl FileInput {
@ -134,7 +155,7 @@ impl FileInput {
vec means lines are read from `stdin` (use `from_vec_raw` to stop
this behaviour). Any occurence of `None` represents `stdin`.
static pure fn from_vec(files: ~[Option<Path>]) -> FileInput {
pub fn from_vec(files: ~[Option<Path>]) -> FileInput {
if files.is_empty() {
@ -147,31 +168,35 @@ impl FileInput {
Identical to `from_vec`, but an empty `files` vec stays
empty. (`None` is `stdin`.)
static pure fn from_vec_raw(files: ~[Option<Path>])
pub fn from_vec_raw(files: ~[Option<Path>])
-> FileInput {
FileInput {
files: files,
current_reader: None,
state: FileInputState {
current_path: None,
line_num: 0,
line_num_file: 0
fi: FileInput_ {
files: files,
current_reader: None,
state: FileInputState {
current_path: None,
line_num: 0,
line_num_file: 0
// there was no previous unended line
previous_was_newline: true
Create a `FileInput` object from the command line
arguments. `-` represents `stdin`.
arguments. `"-"` represents `stdin`.
static fn from_args() -> FileInput {
pub fn from_args() -> FileInput {
let args = os::args(),
pathed = pathify(args.tail(), true);
priv fn current_file_eof(&self) -> bool {
match self.current_reader {
match {
None => false,
Some(r) => r.eof()
@ -180,89 +205,48 @@ impl FileInput {
Skip to the next file in the queue. Can `fail` when opening
a file.
Returns `false` if there is no more files, and `true` when it
successfully opens the next file.
pub fn next_file(&mut self) {
pub fn next_file(&self) -> bool {
// No more files
if self.files.is_empty() {
self.current_reader = None;
// Compiler whines about "illegal borrow unless pure" for
// files.is_empty()
if unsafe { } {
|||| = None;
return false;
let path_option = self.files.shift(),
let path_option =,
file = match path_option {
None => io::stdin(),
Some(ref path) => io::file_reader(path).get()
self.current_reader = Some(file);
self.state.current_path = path_option;
self.state.line_num_file = 0;
|||| = Some(file);
|||| = path_option;
|||| = 0;
Attempt to open the next file if there is none currently open,
or if the current one is EOF'd.
Returns `true` if it had to move to the next file and did
so successfully.
priv fn next_file_if_eof(&mut self) {
match self.current_reader {
priv fn next_file_if_eof(&self) -> bool {
match {
None => self.next_file(),
Some(r) => {
if r.eof() {
Read a single line. Returns `None` if there are no remaining lines
in any remaining file. (Automatically opens files as required, see
`next_file` for details.)
(Name to avoid conflicting with `core::io::ReaderUtil::read_line`.)
pub fn next_line(&mut self) -> Option<~str> {
loop {
// iterate until there is a file that can be read from
match self.current_reader {
None => {
// no file has any content
return None;
Some(r) => {
let l = r.read_line();
// at the end of this file, and we read nothing, so
// go to the next file
if r.eof() && l.is_empty() {
self.state.line_num += 1;
self.state.line_num_file += 1;
return Some(l);
Call `f` on the lines in the files in succession, stopping if
it ever returns `false`.
State is preserved across calls.
(The name is to avoid conflict with
pub fn lines_each(&mut self, f: &fn(~str) -> bool) {
loop {
match self.next_line() {
None => break,
Some(line) => {
if !f(line) {
} else {
@ -273,25 +257,99 @@ impl FileInput {
(line numbers and file names, see documentation for
`FileInputState`). Otherwise identical to `lines_each`.
pub fn lines_each_state(&mut self,
f: &fn(~str, &FileInputState) -> bool) {
pub fn each_line_state(&self,
f: &fn(&str, FileInputState) -> bool) {
self.each_line(|line| f(line, copy;
Retrieve the current `FileInputState` information.
pub fn state(&self) -> FileInputState {
impl io::Reader for FileInput {
fn read_byte(&self) -> int {
loop {
match self.next_line() {
None => break,
Some(line) => {
if !f(line, &self.state) {
let stepped = self.next_file_if_eof();
// if we moved to the next file, and the previous
// character wasn't \n, then there is an unfinished line
// from the previous file. This library models
// line-by-line processing and the trailing line of the
// previous file and the leading of the current file
// should be considered different, so we need to insert a
// fake line separator
if stepped && ! {
|||| += 1;
|||| += 1;
|||| = true;
return '\n' as int;
match {
None => return -1,
Some(r) => {
let b = r.read_byte();
if b < 0 {
if b == '\n' as int {
|||| += 1;
|||| += 1;
|||| = true;
} else {
|||| = false;
return b;
fn read(&self, buf: &mut [u8], len: uint) -> uint {
let mut count = 0;
while count < len {
let b = self.read_byte();
if b < 0 { break }
buf[count] = b as u8;
count += 1;
fn eof(&self) -> bool {
// we've run out of files, and current_reader is either None or eof.
// compiler whines about illegal borrows for files.is_empty()
(unsafe { }) &&
match { None => true, Some(r) => r.eof() }
fn seek(&self, offset: int, whence: io::SeekStyle) {
match {
None => {},
Some(r) =>, whence)
fn tell(&self) -> uint {
match {
None => 0,
Some(r) => r.tell()
Convert a list of strings to an appropriate form for a `FileInput`
instance. `stdin_hyphen` controls whether `-` represents `stdin` or
a literal `-`.
// XXX: stupid, unclear name
pub fn pathify(vec: &[~str], stdin_hyphen : bool) -> ~[Option<Path>] {
@ -310,9 +368,9 @@ reading from `stdin`).
Fails when attempting to read from a file that can't be opened.
pub fn input(f: &fn(~str) -> bool) {
pub fn input(f: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
let mut i = FileInput::from_args();
@ -322,31 +380,31 @@ provided at each call.
Fails when attempting to read from a file that can't be opened.
pub fn input_state(f: &fn(~str, &FileInputState) -> bool) {
pub fn input_state(f: &fn(&str, FileInputState) -> bool) {
let mut i = FileInput::from_args();
Iterate over a vec of files (an empty vec implies just `stdin`).
Iterate over a vector of files (an empty vector implies just `stdin`).
Fails when attempting to read from a file that can't be opened.
pub fn input_vec(files: ~[Option<Path>], f: &fn(~str) -> bool) {
pub fn input_vec(files: ~[Option<Path>], f: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
let mut i = FileInput::from_vec(files);
Iterate over a vec of files (an empty vec implies just `stdin`) with
the current state of the iteration provided at each call.
Iterate over a vector of files (an empty vector implies just `stdin`)
with the current state of the iteration provided at each call.
Fails when attempting to read from a file that can't be opened.
pub fn input_vec_state(files: ~[Option<Path>],
f: &fn(~str, &FileInputState) -> bool) {
f: &fn(&str, FileInputState) -> bool) {
let mut i = FileInput::from_vec(files);
@ -371,11 +429,61 @@ mod test {
paths = ~[Some(Path("some/path")),
fail_unless!(pathify(strs, true) == paths);
fail_unless!(pathify(strs, false) == paths);
assert_eq!(pathify(strs, true), copy paths);
assert_eq!(pathify(strs, false), paths);
fail_unless!(pathify([~"-"], true) == ~[None]);
fail_unless!(pathify([~"-"], false) == ~[Some(Path("-"))]);
assert_eq!(pathify([~"-"], true), ~[None]);
assert_eq!(pathify([~"-"], false), ~[Some(Path("-"))]);
fn test_fileinput_read_byte() {
let filenames = pathify(vec::from_fn(
|i| fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-fileinput-read-byte-%u.tmp", i)), true);
// 3 files containing 0\n, 1\n, and 2\n respectively
for filenames.eachi |i, &filename| {
make_file(filename.get_ref(), ~[fmt!("%u", i)]);
let fi = FileInput::from_vec(copy filenames);
for "012".each_chari |line, c| {
assert_eq!(fi.read_byte(), c as int);
assert_eq!(fi.state().line_num, line);
assert_eq!(fi.state().line_num_file, 0);
assert_eq!(fi.read_byte(), '\n' as int);
assert_eq!(fi.state().line_num, line + 1);
assert_eq!(fi.state().line_num_file, 1);
assert_eq!(copy fi.state().current_path, copy filenames[line]);
assert_eq!(fi.read_byte(), -1);
assert_eq!(fi.state().line_num, 3)
fn test_fileinput_read() {
let filenames = pathify(vec::from_fn(
|i| fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-fileinput-read-%u.tmp", i)), true);
// 3 files containing 1\n, 2\n, and 3\n respectively
for filenames.eachi |i, &filename| {
make_file(filename.get_ref(), ~[fmt!("%u", i)]);
let fi = FileInput::from_vec(filenames);
let mut buf : ~[u8] = vec::from_elem(6, 0u8);
let count =, 10);
assert_eq!(count, 6);
assert_eq!(buf, "0\n1\n2\n".to_bytes());
assert_eq!(fi.state().line_num, 3);
@ -388,47 +496,84 @@ mod test {
for filenames.eachi |i, &filename| {
let contents =
vec::from_fn(3, |j| fmt!("%u %u", i, j));
make_file(&filename.get(), contents);
make_file(filename.get_ref(), contents);
let mut read_lines = ~[];
for input_vec(filenames) |line| {
fail_unless!(read_lines == all_lines);
assert_eq!(read_lines, all_lines);
fn test_input_vec_state() {
let filenames = pathify(vec::from_fn(
fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-input-vec-state-%u.tmp", i)),true);
|i| fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-input-vec-state-%u.tmp", i)),true);
for filenames.eachi |i, &filename| {
let contents =
vec::from_fn(3, |j| fmt!("%u %u", i, j + 1));
make_file(&filename.get(), contents);
make_file(filename.get_ref(), contents);
for input_vec_state(filenames) |line, state| {
let nums = str::split_char(line, ' ');
let file_num = uint::from_str(nums[0]).get();
let line_num = uint::from_str(nums[1]).get();
fail_unless!(line_num == state.line_num_file);
fail_unless!(file_num * 3 + line_num == state.line_num);
assert_eq!(line_num, state.line_num_file);
assert_eq!(file_num * 3 + line_num, state.line_num);
fn test_empty_files() {
let filenames = pathify(vec::from_fn(
|i| fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-next-file-%u.tmp", i)),true);
make_file(filenames[0].get_ref(), ~[~"1", ~"2"]);
make_file(filenames[1].get_ref(), ~[]);
make_file(filenames[2].get_ref(), ~[~"3", ~"4"]);
let mut count = 0;
for input_vec_state(copy filenames) |line, state| {
let expected_path = match line {
"1" | "2" => copy filenames[0],
"3" | "4" => copy filenames[2],
_ => fail!(~"unexpected line")
assert_eq!(copy state.current_path, expected_path);
count += 1;
assert_eq!(count, 4);
fn test_no_trailing_newline() {
let f1 = Some(Path("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-no-trailing-newline-1.tmp")),
f2 = Some(Path("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-no-trailing-newline-2.tmp"));
let wr = io::file_writer(f1.get_ref(), [io::Create, io::Truncate]).get();
let wr = io::file_writer(f2.get_ref(), [io::Create, io::Truncate]).get();
let mut lines = ~[];
for input_vec(~[f1, f2]) |line| {
assert_eq!(lines, ~[~"1", ~"2", ~"3", ~"4"]);
fn test_next_file() {
let filenames = pathify(vec::from_fn(
fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-next-file-%u.tmp", i)),true);
|i| fmt!("tmp/lib-fileinput-test-next-file-%u.tmp", i)),true);
for filenames.eachi |i, &filename| {
let contents =
@ -439,19 +584,19 @@ mod test {
let mut in = FileInput::from_vec(filenames);
// read once from 0
fail_unless!(in.next_line() == Some(~"0 1"));
assert_eq!(in.read_line(), ~"0 1");
in.next_file(); // skip the rest of 1
// read all lines from 1 (but don't read any from 2),
for uint::range(1, 4) |i| {
fail_unless!(in.next_line() == Some(fmt!("1 %u", i)));
assert_eq!(in.read_line(), fmt!("1 %u", i));
// 1 is finished, but 2 hasn't been started yet, so this will
// just "skip" to the beginning of 2 (Python's fileinput does
// the same)
fail_unless!(in.next_line() == Some(~"2 1"));
assert_eq!(in.read_line(), ~"2 1");
Add table
Reference in a new issue