Refactor and fix FIXME's in mtwt hygiene code

- Moves mtwt hygiene code into its own file
- Fixes FIXME's which leads to ~2x speed gain in expansion pass
- It is now @-free
This commit is contained in:
Edward Wang 2014-02-25 04:47:19 +08:00
parent ea71a08f6b
commit 2302ce903d
8 changed files with 558 additions and 562 deletions

View file

@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ use middle::pat_util::pat_bindings;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast_util::{def_id_of_def, local_def, mtwt_resolve};
use syntax::ast_util::{def_id_of_def, local_def};
use syntax::ast_util::{path_to_ident, walk_pat, trait_method_to_ty_method};
use syntax::ext::mtwt;
use syntax::parse::token::special_idents;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
@ -4176,7 +4177,7 @@ impl Resolver {
fn binding_mode_map(&mut self, pat: @Pat) -> BindingMap {
let mut result = HashMap::new();
pat_bindings(self.def_map, pat, |binding_mode, _id, sp, path| {
let name = mtwt_resolve(path_to_ident(path));
let name = mtwt::resolve(path_to_ident(path));
binding_info {span: sp,
binding_mode: binding_mode});
@ -4411,7 +4412,7 @@ impl Resolver {
// what you want).
let ident = path.segments.get(0).identifier;
let renamed = mtwt_resolve(ident);
let renamed = mtwt::resolve(ident);
match self.resolve_bare_identifier_pattern(ident) {
FoundStructOrEnumVariant(def, lp)
@ -4965,7 +4966,7 @@ impl Resolver {
let search_result;
match namespace {
ValueNS => {
let renamed = mtwt_resolve(ident);
let renamed = mtwt::resolve(ident);
let mut value_ribs = self.value_ribs.borrow_mut();
search_result = self.search_ribs(value_ribs.get(),
@ -5213,7 +5214,7 @@ impl Resolver {
let rib = label_ribs.get()[label_ribs.get().len() -
let mut bindings = rib.bindings.borrow_mut();
let renamed = mtwt_resolve(label);
let renamed = mtwt::resolve(label);
bindings.get().insert(renamed, def_like);
@ -5225,7 +5226,7 @@ impl Resolver {
ExprBreak(Some(label)) | ExprAgain(Some(label)) => {
let mut label_ribs = self.label_ribs.borrow_mut();
let renamed = mtwt_resolve(label);
let renamed = mtwt::resolve(label);
match self.search_ribs(label_ribs.get(), renamed, expr.span) {
None =>

View file

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ use parse::token;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Show;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use collections::HashMap;
use std::option::Option;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::vec_ng::Vec;
@ -42,7 +40,10 @@ pub fn P<T: 'static>(value: T) -> P<T> {
// macro expansion per Flatt et al., "Macros
// That Work Together"
#[deriving(Clone, Hash, TotalEq, TotalOrd, Show)]
pub struct Ident { name: Name, ctxt: SyntaxContext }
pub struct Ident {
name: Name,
ctxt: SyntaxContext
impl Ident {
/// Construct an identifier with the given name and an empty context:
@ -88,43 +89,9 @@ impl Eq for Ident {
// this uint is a reference to a table stored in thread-local
// storage.
pub type SyntaxContext = u32;
// the SCTable contains a table of SyntaxContext_'s. It
// represents a flattened tree structure, to avoid having
// managed pointers everywhere (that caused an ICE).
// the mark_memo and rename_memo fields are side-tables
// that ensure that adding the same mark to the same context
// gives you back the same context as before. This shouldn't
// change the semantics--everything here is immutable--but
// it should cut down on memory use *a lot*; applying a mark
// to a tree containing 50 identifiers would otherwise generate
pub struct SCTable {
table: RefCell<Vec<SyntaxContext_> >,
mark_memo: RefCell<HashMap<(SyntaxContext,Mrk),SyntaxContext>>,
rename_memo: RefCell<HashMap<(SyntaxContext,Ident,Name),SyntaxContext>>,
// NB: these must be placed in any SCTable...
pub static EMPTY_CTXT : SyntaxContext = 0;
pub static ILLEGAL_CTXT : SyntaxContext = 1;
#[deriving(Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Hash)]
pub enum SyntaxContext_ {
Mark (Mrk,SyntaxContext),
// flattening the name and syntaxcontext into the rename...
// 1) the first name in a Rename node
// can only be a programmer-supplied name.
// 2) Every Rename node with a given Name in the
// "to" slot must have the same name and context
// in the "from" slot. In essence, they're all
// pointers to a single "rename" event node.
Rename (Ident,Name,SyntaxContext),
// actually, IllegalCtxt may not be necessary.
/// A name is a part of an identifier, representing a string or gensym. It's
/// the result of interning.
pub type Name = u32;

View file

@ -18,11 +18,9 @@ use print::pprust;
use visit::Visitor;
use visit;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cmp;
use collections::HashMap;
use std::u32;
use std::local_data;
use std::vec_ng::Vec;
pub fn path_name_i(idents: &[Ident]) -> ~str {
@ -651,251 +649,6 @@ pub fn pat_is_ident(pat: @ast::Pat) -> bool {
/// Extend a syntax context with a given mark
pub fn new_mark(m:Mrk, tail:SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext {
// Extend a syntax context with a given mark and table
// FIXME #8215 : currently pub to allow testing
pub fn new_mark_internal(m: Mrk, tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
let key = (tail,m);
// FIXME #5074 : can't use more natural style because we're missing
// flow-sensitivity. Results in two lookups on a hash table hit.
// also applies to new_rename_internal, below.
// let try_lookup = table.mark_memo.find(&key);
let mut mark_memo = table.mark_memo.borrow_mut();
match mark_memo.get().contains_key(&key) {
false => {
let new_idx = {
let mut table = table.table.borrow_mut();
idx_push(table.get(), Mark(m,tail))
true => {
match mark_memo.get().find(&key) {
None => fail!("internal error: key disappeared 2013042901"),
Some(idxptr) => {*idxptr}
/// Extend a syntax context with a given rename
pub fn new_rename(id:Ident, to:Name, tail:SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext {
new_rename_internal(id, to, tail, get_sctable())
// Extend a syntax context with a given rename and sctable
// FIXME #8215 : currently pub to allow testing
pub fn new_rename_internal(id: Ident,
to: Name,
tail: SyntaxContext,
table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
let key = (tail,id,to);
// FIXME #5074
//let try_lookup = table.rename_memo.find(&key);
let mut rename_memo = table.rename_memo.borrow_mut();
match rename_memo.get().contains_key(&key) {
false => {
let new_idx = {
let mut table = table.table.borrow_mut();
idx_push(table.get(), Rename(id,to,tail))
true => {
match rename_memo.get().find(&key) {
None => fail!("internal error: key disappeared 2013042902"),
Some(idxptr) => {*idxptr}
/// Make a fresh syntax context table with EmptyCtxt in slot zero
/// and IllegalCtxt in slot one.
// FIXME #8215 : currently pub to allow testing
pub fn new_sctable_internal() -> SCTable {
SCTable {
table: RefCell::new(vec!(EmptyCtxt,IllegalCtxt)),
mark_memo: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
rename_memo: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
// fetch the SCTable from TLS, create one if it doesn't yet exist.
pub fn get_sctable() -> @SCTable {
local_data_key!(sctable_key: @@SCTable)
match local_data::get(sctable_key, |k||k| *k)) {
None => {
let new_table = @@new_sctable_internal();
Some(intr) => *intr
/// print out an SCTable for debugging
pub fn display_sctable(table : &SCTable) {
error!("SC table:");
let table = table.table.borrow();
for (idx,val) in table.get().iter().enumerate() {
error!("{:4u} : {:?}",idx,val);
/// Add a value to the end of a vec, return its index
fn idx_push<T>(vec: &mut Vec<T> , val: T) -> u32 {
(vec.len() - 1) as u32
/// Resolve a syntax object to a name, per MTWT.
pub fn mtwt_resolve(id : Ident) -> Name {
let resolve_table = get_resolve_table();
let mut resolve_table = resolve_table.borrow_mut();
resolve_internal(id, get_sctable(), resolve_table.get())
// FIXME #8215: must be pub for testing
pub type ResolveTable = HashMap<(Name,SyntaxContext),Name>;
// okay, I admit, putting this in TLS is not so nice:
// fetch the SCTable from TLS, create one if it doesn't yet exist.
pub fn get_resolve_table() -> @RefCell<ResolveTable> {
local_data_key!(resolve_table_key: @@RefCell<ResolveTable>)
match local_data::get(resolve_table_key, |k||k| *k)) {
None => {
let new_table = @@RefCell::new(HashMap::new());
local_data::set(resolve_table_key, new_table);
Some(intr) => *intr
// Resolve a syntax object to a name, per MTWT.
// adding memoization to possibly resolve 500+ seconds in resolve for librustc (!)
// FIXME #8215 : currently pub to allow testing
pub fn resolve_internal(id : Ident,
table : &SCTable,
resolve_table : &mut ResolveTable) -> Name {
let key = (,id.ctxt);
match resolve_table.contains_key(&key) {
false => {
let resolved = {
let result = {
let table = table.table.borrow();
*table.get().get(id.ctxt as uint)
match result {
EmptyCtxt =>,
// ignore marks here:
Mark(_,subctxt) =>
resolve_internal(Ident{, ctxt: subctxt},table,resolve_table),
// do the rename if necessary:
Rename(Ident{name,ctxt},toname,subctxt) => {
let resolvedfrom =
let resolvedthis =
if (resolvedthis == resolvedfrom)
&& (marksof(ctxt,resolvedthis,table)
== marksof(subctxt,resolvedthis,table)) {
} else {
IllegalCtxt() => fail!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
true => {
// it's guaranteed to be there, because we just checked that it was
// there and we never remove anything from the table:
/// Compute the marks associated with a syntax context.
pub fn mtwt_marksof(ctxt: SyntaxContext, stopname: Name) -> Vec<Mrk> {
marksof(ctxt, stopname, get_sctable())
// the internal function for computing marks
// it's not clear to me whether it's better to use a [] mutable
// vector or a cons-list for this.
pub fn marksof(ctxt: SyntaxContext, stopname: Name, table: &SCTable) -> Vec<Mrk> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut loopvar = ctxt;
loop {
let table_entry = {
let table = table.table.borrow();
*table.get().get(loopvar as uint)
match table_entry {
EmptyCtxt => {
return result;
Mark(mark, tl) => {
xorPush(&mut result, mark);
loopvar = tl;
Rename(_,name,tl) => {
// see MTWT for details on the purpose of the stopname.
// short version: it prevents duplication of effort.
if name == stopname {
return result;
} else {
loopvar = tl;
IllegalCtxt => fail!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
/// Return the outer mark for a context with a mark at the outside.
/// FAILS when outside is not a mark.
pub fn mtwt_outer_mark(ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> Mrk {
let sctable = get_sctable();
let table = sctable.table.borrow();
match *table.get().get(ctxt as uint) {
ast::Mark(mrk,_) => mrk,
_ => fail!("can't retrieve outer mark when outside is not a mark")
/// Push a name... unless it matches the one on top, in which
/// case pop and discard (so two of the same marks cancel)
pub fn xorPush(marks: &mut Vec<Mrk> , mark: Mrk) {
if (marks.len() > 0) && (getLast(marks) == mark) {
} else {
// get the last element of a mutable array.
// FIXME #4903: , must be a separate procedure for now.
pub fn getLast(arr: &Vec<Mrk> ) -> Mrk {
// are two paths equal when compared unhygienically?
// since I'm using this to replace ==, it seems appropriate
// to compare the span, global, etc. fields as well.
@ -937,9 +690,6 @@ mod test {
use ast::*;
use super::*;
use opt_vec;
use collections::HashMap;
use std::vec_ng::Vec;
fn ident_to_segment(id : &Ident) -> PathSegment {
PathSegment {identifier:id.clone(),
@ -957,210 +707,4 @@ mod test {
#[test] fn xorpush_test () {
let mut s = Vec::new();
xorPush(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14));
xorPush(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), Vec::new());
xorPush(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14));
xorPush(&mut s, 15);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14, 15));
xorPush(&mut s, 16);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14, 15, 16));
xorPush(&mut s, 16);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14, 15));
xorPush(&mut s, 15);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14));
fn id(n: Name, s: SyntaxContext) -> Ident {
Ident {name: n, ctxt: s}
// because of the SCTable, I now need a tidy way of
// creating syntax objects. Sigh.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, Show)]
enum TestSC {
// unfold a vector of TestSC values into a SCTable,
// returning the resulting index
fn unfold_test_sc(tscs : Vec<TestSC> , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
tscs.rev_iter().fold(tail, |tail : SyntaxContext, tsc : &TestSC|
{match *tsc {
M(mrk) => new_mark_internal(mrk,tail,table),
R(ident,name) => new_rename_internal(ident,name,tail,table)}})
// gather a SyntaxContext back into a vector of TestSCs
fn refold_test_sc(mut sc: SyntaxContext, table : &SCTable) -> Vec<TestSC> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
loop {
let table = table.table.borrow();
match *table.get().get(sc as uint) {
EmptyCtxt => {return result;},
Mark(mrk,tail) => {
sc = tail;
Rename(id,name,tail) => {
sc = tail;
IllegalCtxt => fail!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
#[test] fn test_unfold_refold(){
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let test_sc = vec!(M(3),R(id(101,0),14),M(9));
assert_eq!(unfold_test_sc(test_sc.clone(),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),4);
let table = t.table.borrow();
assert!(*table.get().get(2) == Mark(9,0));
assert!(*table.get().get(3) == Rename(id(101,0),14,2));
assert!(*table.get().get(4) == Mark(3,3));
// extend a syntax context with a sequence of marks given
// in a vector. v[0] will be the outermost mark.
fn unfold_marks(mrks: Vec<Mrk> , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
mrks.rev_iter().fold(tail, |tail:SyntaxContext, mrk:&Mrk|
#[test] fn unfold_marks_test() {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(unfold_marks(vec!(3,7),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),3);
let table = t.table.borrow();
assert!(*table.get().get(2) == Mark(7,0));
assert!(*table.get().get(3) == Mark(3,2));
#[test] fn test_marksof () {
let stopname = 242;
let name1 = 243;
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(marksof (EMPTY_CTXT,stopname,&t),Vec::new());
// FIXME #5074: ANF'd to dodge nested calls
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(4,98),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof (ans,stopname,&t),vec!(4,98));}
// does xoring work?
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof (ans,stopname,&t), vec!(16));}
// does nested xoring work?
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,10,10,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof (ans, stopname,&t), vec!(16));}
// rename where stop doesn't match:
{ let chain = vec!(M(9),
new_mark_internal (4, EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t)),
let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof (ans, stopname, &t), vec!(9,14));}
// rename where stop does match
{ let name1sc = new_mark_internal(4, EMPTY_CTXT, &mut t);
let chain = vec!(M(9),
R(id(name1, name1sc),
let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof (ans, stopname, &t), vec!(9)); }
#[test] fn resolve_tests () {
let a = 40;
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let mut rt = HashMap::new();
// - ctxt is MT
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt),a);
// - simple ignored marks
{ let sc = unfold_marks(vec!(1,2,3),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),a);}
// - orthogonal rename where names don't match
{ let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(50,EMPTY_CTXT),51),M(12)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),a);}
// - rename where names do match, but marks don't
{ let sc1 = new_mark_internal(1,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),50),
EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), a);}
// - rename where names and marks match
{ let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),50),M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), 50); }
// - rename where names and marks match by literal sharing
{ let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),50)),sc1,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), 50); }
// - two renames of the same var.. can only happen if you use
// local-expand to prevent the inner binding from being renamed
// during the rename-pass caused by the first:
println!("about to run bad test");
{ let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),50),
EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), 51); }
// the simplest double-rename:
{ let a_to_a50 = new_rename_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),50,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let a50_to_a51 = new_rename_internal(id(a,a_to_a50),51,a_to_a50,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51),&mut t, &mut rt),51);
// mark on the outside doesn't stop rename:
let sc = new_mark_internal(9,a50_to_a51,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),51);
// but mark on the inside does:
let a50_to_a51_b = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,a_to_a50),51),
&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51_b),&mut t, &mut rt),50);}
#[test] fn mtwt_resolve_test(){
let a = 40;
#[test] fn hashing_tests () {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(new_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),2);
assert_eq!(new_mark_internal(13,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),3);
// using the same one again should result in the same index:
assert_eq!(new_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),2);
// I'm assuming that the rename table will behave the same....
#[test] fn resolve_table_hashing_tests() {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let mut rt = HashMap::new();
resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
resolve_internal(id(39,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);

View file

@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ pub enum SyntaxExtension {
pub struct BlockInfo {
// should macros escape from this scope?
macros_escape : bool,
macros_escape: bool,
// what are the pending renames?
pending_renames : RenameList,
pending_renames: RenameList,
impl BlockInfo {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ impl BlockInfo {
// a list of ident->name renamings
pub type RenameList = Vec<(ast::Ident,Name)> ;
pub type RenameList = Vec<(ast::Ident, Name)>;
// The base map of methods for expanding syntax extension
// AST nodes into full ASTs

View file

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use ast::{P, Block, Crate, DeclLocal, ExprMac};
use ast::{Local, Ident, MacInvocTT};
use ast::{ItemMac, Mrk, Stmt, StmtDecl, StmtMac, StmtExpr, StmtSemi};
use ast::{TokenTree};
use ast::TokenTree;
use ast;
use ast_util::{new_rename, new_mark};
use ext::mtwt;
use ext::build::AstBuilder;
use attr;
use attr::AttrMetaMethods;
@ -140,9 +140,7 @@ pub fn expand_expr(e: @ast::Expr, fld: &mut MacroExpander) -> @ast::Expr {
// Expand any interior macros etc.
// NB: we don't fold pats yet. Curious.
let src_expr = fld.fold_expr(src_expr).clone();
// Rename label before expansion.
let (opt_ident, src_loop_block) = rename_loop_label(opt_ident, src_loop_block, fld);
let src_loop_block = fld.fold_block(src_loop_block);
let (src_loop_block, opt_ident) = expand_loop_block(src_loop_block, opt_ident, fld);
let span = e.span;
@ -205,9 +203,7 @@ pub fn expand_expr(e: @ast::Expr, fld: &mut MacroExpander) -> @ast::Expr {
ast::ExprLoop(loop_block, opt_ident) => {
let (opt_ident, loop_block) =
rename_loop_label(opt_ident, loop_block, fld);
let loop_block = fld.fold_block(loop_block);
let (loop_block, opt_ident) = expand_loop_block(loop_block, opt_ident, fld);, ast::ExprLoop(loop_block, opt_ident))
@ -215,22 +211,38 @@ pub fn expand_expr(e: @ast::Expr, fld: &mut MacroExpander) -> @ast::Expr {
// Rename loop label and its all occurrences inside the loop body
fn rename_loop_label(opt_ident: Option<Ident>,
loop_block: P<Block>,
fld: &mut MacroExpander) -> (Option<Ident>, P<Block>) {
// Rename loop label and expand its loop body
// The renaming procedure for loop is different in the sense that the loop
// body is in a block enclosed by loop head so the renaming of loop label
// must be propagated to the enclosed context.
fn expand_loop_block(loop_block: P<Block>,
opt_ident: Option<Ident>,
fld: &mut MacroExpander) -> (P<Block>, Option<Ident>) {
match opt_ident {
Some(label) => {
// Generate fresh label and add to the existing pending renames
let new_label = fresh_name(&label);
let rename = (label, new_label);
// The rename *must not* be added to the pending list of current
// syntax context otherwise an unrelated `break` or `continue` in
// the same context will pick that up in the deferred renaming pass
// and be renamed incorrectly.
let mut rename_list = vec!(rename);
let mut rename_fld = renames_to_fold(&mut rename_list);
let renamed_ident = rename_fld.fold_ident(label);
// The rename *must* be added to the enclosed syntax context for
// `break` or `continue` to pick up because by definition they are
// in a block enclosed by loop head.
let mut pending_renames = vec!(rename);
let mut rename_fld = renames_to_fold(&mut pending_renames);
let expanded_block = expand_block_elts(loop_block, fld);
(expanded_block, Some(renamed_ident))
None => (None, loop_block)
None => (fld.fold_block(loop_block), opt_ident)
@ -628,9 +640,7 @@ fn expand_non_macro_stmt(s: &Stmt, fld: &mut MacroExpander)
// add them to the existing pending renames:
for pr in new_pending_renames.iter() {*pr)
// also, don't forget to expand the init:
let new_init_opt =|e| fld.fold_expr(e));
let rewritten_local =
@ -754,11 +764,11 @@ pub struct IdentRenamer<'a> {
impl<'a> Folder for IdentRenamer<'a> {
fn fold_ident(&mut self, id: ast::Ident) -> ast::Ident {
fn fold_ident(&mut self, id: Ident) -> Ident {
let new_ctxt = self.renames.iter().fold(id.ctxt, |ctxt, &(from, to)| {
new_rename(from, to, ctxt)
mtwt::new_rename(from, to, ctxt)
ast::Ident {
Ident {
ctxt: new_ctxt,
@ -839,10 +849,10 @@ pub fn expand_crate(parse_sess: @parse::ParseSess,
struct Marker { mark: Mrk }
impl Folder for Marker {
fn fold_ident(&mut self, id: ast::Ident) -> ast::Ident {
fn fold_ident(&mut self, id: Ident) -> Ident {
ast::Ident {
ctxt: new_mark(self.mark, id.ctxt)
ctxt: mtwt::new_mark(self.mark, id.ctxt)
fn fold_mac(&mut self, m: &ast::Mac) -> ast::Mac {
@ -850,7 +860,7 @@ impl Folder for Marker {
MacInvocTT(ref path, ref tts, ctxt) => {
fold_tts(tts.as_slice(), self),
new_mark(self.mark, ctxt))
mtwt::new_mark(self.mark, ctxt))
Spanned {
@ -906,11 +916,10 @@ mod test {
use super::*;
use ast;
use ast::{Attribute_, AttrOuter, MetaWord};
use ast_util::{get_sctable, mtwt_marksof, mtwt_resolve};
use ast_util;
use codemap;
use codemap::Spanned;
use ext::base::{CrateLoader, MacroCrate};
use ext::mtwt;
use parse;
use parse::token;
use util::parser_testing::{string_to_crate_and_sess};
@ -1139,8 +1148,8 @@ mod test {
// must be one check clause for each binding:
for (binding_idx,shouldmatch) in bound_connections.iter().enumerate() {
let binding_name = mtwt_resolve(*bindings.get(binding_idx));
let binding_marks = mtwt_marksof(bindings.get(binding_idx).ctxt,invalid_name);
let binding_name = mtwt::resolve(*bindings.get(binding_idx));
let binding_marks = mtwt::marksof(bindings.get(binding_idx).ctxt, invalid_name);
// shouldmatch can't name varrefs that don't exist:
assert!((shouldmatch.len() == 0) ||
(varrefs.len() > *shouldmatch.iter().max().unwrap()));
@ -1149,19 +1158,19 @@ mod test {
// it should be a path of length 1, and it should
// be free-identifier=? or bound-identifier=? to the given binding
let varref_name = mtwt_resolve(varref.segments
let varref_marks = mtwt_marksof(varref.segments
let varref_name = mtwt::resolve(varref.segments
let varref_marks = mtwt::marksof(varref.segments
if !(varref_name==binding_name) {
println!("uh oh, should match but doesn't:");
println!("varref: {:?}",varref);
println!("binding: {:?}", *bindings.get(binding_idx));
mtwt::with_sctable(|x| mtwt::display_sctable(x));
if bound_ident_check {
@ -1171,8 +1180,8 @@ mod test {
} else {
let fail = (varref.segments.len() == 1)
&& (mtwt_resolve(varref.segments.get(0).identifier) ==
&& (mtwt::resolve(varref.segments.get(0).identifier)
== binding_name);
// temp debugging:
if fail {
println!("failure on test {}",test_idx);
@ -1188,7 +1197,7 @@ mod test {
println!("binding: {:?}", *bindings.get(binding_idx));
mtwt::with_sctable(|x| mtwt::display_sctable(x));
@ -1218,7 +1227,7 @@ foo_module!()
[b] => b,
_ => fail!("expected just one binding for ext_cx")
let resolved_binding = mtwt_resolve(*cxbind);
let resolved_binding = mtwt::resolve(*cxbind);
// find all the xx varrefs:
let mut path_finder = new_path_finder(Vec::new());
visit::walk_crate(&mut path_finder, &cr, ());
@ -1229,26 +1238,17 @@ foo_module!()
p.segments.len() == 1
&& "xx" == token::get_ident(p.segments.get(0).identifier).get()
}).enumerate() {
if mtwt_resolve(v.segments.get(0).identifier) !=
resolved_binding {
if mtwt::resolve(v.segments.get(0).identifier) != resolved_binding {
println!("uh oh, xx binding didn't match xx varref:");
println!("this is xx varref \\# {:?}",idx);
println!("binding: {:?}",cxbind);
println!("resolves to: {:?}",resolved_binding);
println!("varref: {:?}",v.segments.get(0).identifier);
println!("resolves to: {:?}",
let table = get_sctable();
println!("SC table:");
let table = table.table.borrow();
for (idx,val) in table.get().iter().enumerate() {
println!("{:4u}: {:?}",idx,val);
mtwt::with_sctable(|x| mtwt::display_sctable(x));

src/libsyntax/ext/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Machinery for hygienic macros, as described in the MTWT[1] paper.
//! [1] Matthew Flatt, Ryan Culpepper, David Darais, and Robert Bruce Findler.
//! 2012. *Macros that work together: Compile-time bindings, partial expansion,
//! and definition contexts*. J. Funct. Program. 22, 2 (March 2012), 181-216.
//! DOI=10.1017/S0956796812000093
use ast::{Ident, Mrk, Name, SyntaxContext};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::local_data;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::vec_ng::Vec;
use collections::HashMap;
// the SCTable contains a table of SyntaxContext_'s. It
// represents a flattened tree structure, to avoid having
// managed pointers everywhere (that caused an ICE).
// the mark_memo and rename_memo fields are side-tables
// that ensure that adding the same mark to the same context
// gives you back the same context as before. This shouldn't
// change the semantics--everything here is immutable--but
// it should cut down on memory use *a lot*; applying a mark
// to a tree containing 50 identifiers would otherwise generate
pub struct SCTable {
table: RefCell<Vec<SyntaxContext_>>,
mark_memo: RefCell<HashMap<(SyntaxContext,Mrk),SyntaxContext>>,
rename_memo: RefCell<HashMap<(SyntaxContext,Ident,Name),SyntaxContext>>,
#[deriving(Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Hash)]
pub enum SyntaxContext_ {
Mark (Mrk,SyntaxContext),
// flattening the name and syntaxcontext into the rename...
// 1) the first name in a Rename node
// can only be a programmer-supplied name.
// 2) Every Rename node with a given Name in the
// "to" slot must have the same name and context
// in the "from" slot. In essence, they're all
// pointers to a single "rename" event node.
Rename (Ident,Name,SyntaxContext),
// actually, IllegalCtxt may not be necessary.
/// Extend a syntax context with a given mark
pub fn new_mark(m: Mrk, tail: SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext {
with_sctable(|table| new_mark_internal(m, tail, table))
// Extend a syntax context with a given mark and table
fn new_mark_internal(m: Mrk, tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable) -> SyntaxContext {
let key = (tail, m);
let mut mark_memo = table.mark_memo.borrow_mut();
let new_ctxt = |_: &(SyntaxContext, Mrk)|
idx_push(table.table.borrow_mut().get(), Mark(m, tail));
*mark_memo.get().find_or_insert_with(key, new_ctxt)
/// Extend a syntax context with a given rename
pub fn new_rename(id: Ident, to:Name,
tail: SyntaxContext) -> SyntaxContext {
with_sctable(|table| new_rename_internal(id, to, tail, table))
// Extend a syntax context with a given rename and sctable
fn new_rename_internal(id: Ident,
to: Name,
tail: SyntaxContext,
table: &SCTable) -> SyntaxContext {
let key = (tail,id,to);
let mut rename_memo = table.rename_memo.borrow_mut();
let new_ctxt = |_: &(SyntaxContext, Ident, Mrk)|
idx_push(table.table.borrow_mut().get(), Rename(id, to, tail));
*rename_memo.get().find_or_insert_with(key, new_ctxt)
/// Fetch the SCTable from TLS, create one if it doesn't yet exist.
pub fn with_sctable<T>(op: |&SCTable| -> T) -> T {
local_data_key!(sctable_key: Rc<SCTable>)
local_data::get(sctable_key, |opt_ts| {
let table = match opt_ts {
None => {
let ts = Rc::new(new_sctable_internal());
local_data::set(sctable_key, ts.clone());
Some(ts) => ts.clone()
// Make a fresh syntax context table with EmptyCtxt in slot zero
// and IllegalCtxt in slot one.
fn new_sctable_internal() -> SCTable {
SCTable {
table: RefCell::new(vec!(EmptyCtxt, IllegalCtxt)),
mark_memo: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
rename_memo: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
/// Print out an SCTable for debugging
pub fn display_sctable(table: &SCTable) {
error!("SC table:");
let table = table.table.borrow();
for (idx,val) in table.get().iter().enumerate() {
error!("{:4u} : {:?}",idx,val);
// Add a value to the end of a vec, return its index
fn idx_push<T>(vec: &mut Vec<T> , val: T) -> u32 {
(vec.len() - 1) as u32
/// Resolve a syntax object to a name, per MTWT.
pub fn resolve(id: Ident) -> Name {
with_sctable(|sctable| {
with_resolve_table_mut(|resolve_table| {
resolve_internal(id, sctable, resolve_table)
type ResolveTable = HashMap<(Name,SyntaxContext),Name>;
// okay, I admit, putting this in TLS is not so nice:
// fetch the SCTable from TLS, create one if it doesn't yet exist.
fn with_resolve_table_mut<T>(op: |&mut ResolveTable| -> T) -> T {
local_data_key!(resolve_table_key: Rc<RefCell<ResolveTable>>)
local_data::get(resolve_table_key, |opt_ts| {
let table = match opt_ts {
None => {
let ts = Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::new()));
local_data::set(resolve_table_key, ts.clone());
Some(ts) => ts.clone()
// Resolve a syntax object to a name, per MTWT.
// adding memorization to possibly resolve 500+ seconds in resolve for librustc (!)
fn resolve_internal(id: Ident,
table: &SCTable,
resolve_table: &mut ResolveTable) -> Name {
let key = (, id.ctxt);
match resolve_table.find(&key) {
Some(&name) => return name,
None => {}
let resolved = {
let result = *table.table.borrow().get().get(id.ctxt as uint);
match result {
EmptyCtxt =>,
// ignore marks here:
Mark(_,subctxt) =>
resolve_internal(Ident{, ctxt: subctxt},
table, resolve_table),
// do the rename if necessary:
Rename(Ident{name, ctxt}, toname, subctxt) => {
let resolvedfrom =
resolve_internal(Ident{name:name, ctxt:ctxt},
table, resolve_table);
let resolvedthis =
resolve_internal(Ident{, ctxt:subctxt},
table, resolve_table);
if (resolvedthis == resolvedfrom)
&& (marksof_internal(ctxt, resolvedthis, table)
== marksof_internal(subctxt, resolvedthis, table)) {
} else {
IllegalCtxt() => fail!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
resolve_table.insert(key, resolved);
/// Compute the marks associated with a syntax context.
pub fn marksof(ctxt: SyntaxContext, stopname: Name) -> Vec<Mrk> {
with_sctable(|table| marksof_internal(ctxt, stopname, table))
// the internal function for computing marks
// it's not clear to me whether it's better to use a [] mutable
// vector or a cons-list for this.
fn marksof_internal(ctxt: SyntaxContext,
stopname: Name,
table: &SCTable) -> Vec<Mrk> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut loopvar = ctxt;
loop {
let table_entry = {
let table = table.table.borrow();
*table.get().get(loopvar as uint)
match table_entry {
EmptyCtxt => {
return result;
Mark(mark, tl) => {
xorPush(&mut result, mark);
loopvar = tl;
Rename(_,name,tl) => {
// see MTWT for details on the purpose of the stopname.
// short version: it prevents duplication of effort.
if name == stopname {
return result;
} else {
loopvar = tl;
IllegalCtxt => fail!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
/// Return the outer mark for a context with a mark at the outside.
/// FAILS when outside is not a mark.
pub fn outer_mark(ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> Mrk {
with_sctable(|sctable| {
match *sctable.table.borrow().get().get(ctxt as uint) {
Mark(mrk, _) => mrk,
_ => fail!("can't retrieve outer mark when outside is not a mark")
// Push a name... unless it matches the one on top, in which
// case pop and discard (so two of the same marks cancel)
fn xorPush(marks: &mut Vec<Mrk>, mark: Mrk) {
if (marks.len() > 0) && (*marks.last().unwrap() == mark) {
} else {
mod tests {
use ast::*;
use super::{resolve, xorPush, new_mark_internal, new_sctable_internal};
use super::{new_rename_internal, marksof_internal, resolve_internal};
use super::{SCTable, EmptyCtxt, Mark, Rename, IllegalCtxt};
use std::vec_ng::Vec;
use collections::HashMap;
#[test] fn xorpush_test () {
let mut s = Vec::new();
xorPush(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14));
xorPush(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), Vec::new());
xorPush(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14));
xorPush(&mut s, 15);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14, 15));
xorPush(&mut s, 16);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14, 15, 16));
xorPush(&mut s, 16);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14, 15));
xorPush(&mut s, 15);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), vec!(14));
fn id(n: Name, s: SyntaxContext) -> Ident {
Ident {name: n, ctxt: s}
// because of the SCTable, I now need a tidy way of
// creating syntax objects. Sigh.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, Show)]
enum TestSC {
// unfold a vector of TestSC values into a SCTable,
// returning the resulting index
fn unfold_test_sc(tscs : Vec<TestSC> , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
tscs.rev_iter().fold(tail, |tail : SyntaxContext, tsc : &TestSC|
{match *tsc {
M(mrk) => new_mark_internal(mrk,tail,table),
R(ident,name) => new_rename_internal(ident,name,tail,table)}})
// gather a SyntaxContext back into a vector of TestSCs
fn refold_test_sc(mut sc: SyntaxContext, table : &SCTable) -> Vec<TestSC> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
loop {
let table = table.table.borrow();
match *table.get().get(sc as uint) {
EmptyCtxt => {return result;},
Mark(mrk,tail) => {
sc = tail;
Rename(id,name,tail) => {
sc = tail;
IllegalCtxt => fail!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
#[test] fn test_unfold_refold(){
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let test_sc = vec!(M(3),R(id(101,0),14),M(9));
assert_eq!(unfold_test_sc(test_sc.clone(),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),4);
let table = t.table.borrow();
assert!(*table.get().get(2) == Mark(9,0));
assert!(*table.get().get(3) == Rename(id(101,0),14,2));
assert!(*table.get().get(4) == Mark(3,3));
// extend a syntax context with a sequence of marks given
// in a vector. v[0] will be the outermost mark.
fn unfold_marks(mrks: Vec<Mrk> , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
mrks.rev_iter().fold(tail, |tail:SyntaxContext, mrk:&Mrk|
#[test] fn unfold_marks_test() {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(unfold_marks(vec!(3,7),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),3);
let table = t.table.borrow();
assert!(*table.get().get(2) == Mark(7,0));
assert!(*table.get().get(3) == Mark(3,2));
#[test] fn test_marksof () {
let stopname = 242;
let name1 = 243;
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(marksof_internal (EMPTY_CTXT,stopname,&t),Vec::new());
// FIXME #5074: ANF'd to dodge nested calls
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(4,98),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans,stopname,&t),vec!(4,98));}
// does xoring work?
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans,stopname,&t), vec!(16));}
// does nested xoring work?
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,10,10,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname,&t), vec!(16));}
// rename where stop doesn't match:
{ let chain = vec!(M(9),
new_mark_internal (4, EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t)),
let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname, &t), vec!(9,14));}
// rename where stop does match
{ let name1sc = new_mark_internal(4, EMPTY_CTXT, &mut t);
let chain = vec!(M(9),
R(id(name1, name1sc),
let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname, &t), vec!(9)); }
#[test] fn resolve_tests () {
let a = 40;
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let mut rt = HashMap::new();
// - ctxt is MT
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt),a);
// - simple ignored marks
{ let sc = unfold_marks(vec!(1,2,3),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),a);}
// - orthogonal rename where names don't match
{ let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(50,EMPTY_CTXT),51),M(12)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),a);}
// - rename where names do match, but marks don't
{ let sc1 = new_mark_internal(1,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),50),
EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), a);}
// - rename where names and marks match
{ let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),50),M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), 50); }
// - rename where names and marks match by literal sharing
{ let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),50)),sc1,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), 50); }
// - two renames of the same var.. can only happen if you use
// local-expand to prevent the inner binding from being renamed
// during the rename-pass caused by the first:
println!("about to run bad test");
{ let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),50),
EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), 51); }
// the simplest double-rename:
{ let a_to_a50 = new_rename_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),50,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let a50_to_a51 = new_rename_internal(id(a,a_to_a50),51,a_to_a50,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51),&mut t, &mut rt),51);
// mark on the outside doesn't stop rename:
let sc = new_mark_internal(9,a50_to_a51,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),51);
// but mark on the inside does:
let a50_to_a51_b = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,a_to_a50),51),
&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51_b),&mut t, &mut rt),50);}
#[test] fn mtwt_resolve_test(){
let a = 40;
#[test] fn hashing_tests () {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(new_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),2);
assert_eq!(new_mark_internal(13,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),3);
// using the same one again should result in the same index:
assert_eq!(new_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),2);
// I'm assuming that the rename table will behave the same....
#[test] fn resolve_table_hashing_tests() {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let mut rt = HashMap::new();
resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
resolve_internal(id(39,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);

View file

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ pub mod ext {
pub mod macro_rules;
pub mod mtwt;
pub mod cfg;
pub mod fmt;

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
use ast;
use ast::{P, Ident, Name, Mrk};
use ast_util;
use ext::mtwt;
use parse::token;
use util::interner::{RcStr, StrInterner};
use util::interner;
@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ pub fn is_reserved_keyword(tok: &Token) -> bool {
pub fn mtwt_token_eq(t1 : &Token, t2 : &Token) -> bool {
match (t1,t2) {
(&IDENT(id1,_),&IDENT(id2,_)) | (&LIFETIME(id1),&LIFETIME(id2)) =>
ast_util::mtwt_resolve(id1) == ast_util::mtwt_resolve(id2),
mtwt::resolve(id1) == mtwt::resolve(id2),
_ => *t1 == *t2
@ -732,10 +733,10 @@ pub fn mtwt_token_eq(t1 : &Token, t2 : &Token) -> bool {
mod test {
use super::*;
use ast;
use ast_util;
use ext::mtwt;
fn mark_ident(id : ast::Ident, m : ast::Mrk) -> ast::Ident {
#[test] fn mtwt_token_eq_test() {