Merge #784
784: WIP: improve multi-crate fixtures r=matklad a=matklad Co-authored-by: Aleksey Kladov <>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 149 additions and 119 deletions
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_froms {
pub mod db;
pub mod mock;
mod query_definitions;
mod path;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use ra_db::{
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
use test_utils::{parse_fixture, CURSOR_MARKER, extract_offset};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use crate::{db, HirInterner};
@ -21,82 +22,125 @@ pub struct MockDatabase {
events: Mutex<Option<Vec<salsa::Event<MockDatabase>>>>,
runtime: salsa::Runtime<MockDatabase>,
interner: Arc<HirInterner>,
file_counter: u32,
files: FxHashMap<String, FileId>,
impl panic::RefUnwindSafe for MockDatabase {}
impl MockDatabase {
pub fn with_files(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, SourceRoot) {
let (db, source_root, position) = MockDatabase::from_fixture(fixture);
pub fn with_files(fixture: &str) -> MockDatabase {
let (db, position) = MockDatabase::from_fixture(fixture);
(db, source_root)
pub fn with_single_file(text: &str) -> (MockDatabase, SourceRoot, FileId) {
let mut db = MockDatabase::default();
let mut source_root = SourceRoot::default();
let file_id = db.add_file(WORKSPACE, &mut source_root, "/", text);
let file_id = db.add_file(WORKSPACE, "/", &mut source_root, "/", text);
db.set_source_root(WORKSPACE, Arc::new(source_root.clone()));
(db, source_root, file_id)
pub fn with_position(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, FilePosition) {
let (db, _, position) = MockDatabase::from_fixture(fixture);
let (db, position) = MockDatabase::from_fixture(fixture);
let position = position.expect("expected a marker ( <|> )");
(db, position)
fn from_fixture(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, SourceRoot, Option<FilePosition>) {
let mut db = MockDatabase::default();
let (source_root, pos) = db.add_fixture(WORKSPACE, fixture);
(db, source_root, pos)
pub fn file_id_of(&self, path: &str) -> FileId {
match self.files.get(path) {
Some(it) => *it,
None => panic!("unknown file: {:?}\nexisting files:\n{:#?}", path, self.files),
pub fn add_fixture(
&mut self,
source_root_id: SourceRootId,
fixture: &str,
) -> (SourceRoot, Option<FilePosition>) {
pub fn set_crate_graph_from_fixture(&mut self, graph: CrateGraphFixture) {
let mut ids = FxHashMap::default();
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
for (crate_name, (crate_root, _)) in graph.0.iter() {
let crate_root = self.file_id_of(&crate_root);
let crate_id = crate_graph.add_crate_root(crate_root);
ids.insert(crate_name, crate_id);
for (crate_name, (_, deps)) in graph.0.iter() {
let from = ids[crate_name];
for dep in deps {
let to = ids[dep];
crate_graph.add_dep(from, dep.as_str().into(), to).unwrap();
fn from_fixture(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, Option<FilePosition>) {
let mut db = MockDatabase::default();
let pos = db.add_fixture(fixture);
(db, pos)
fn add_fixture(&mut self, fixture: &str) -> Option<FilePosition> {
let mut position = None;
let mut source_root = SourceRoot::default();
let mut source_root_id = WORKSPACE;
let mut source_root_prefix = "/".to_string();
for entry in parse_fixture(fixture) {
if entry.meta.starts_with("root") {
self.set_source_root(source_root_id, Arc::new(source_root));
source_root = SourceRoot::default();
source_root_id = SourceRootId(source_root_id.0 + 1);
source_root_prefix = entry.meta["root".len()..].trim().to_string();
if entry.text.contains(CURSOR_MARKER) {
assert!(position.is_none(), "only one marker (<|>) per fixture is allowed");
position = Some(self.add_file_with_position(
&mut source_root,
} else {
self.add_file(source_root_id, &mut source_root, &entry.meta, &entry.text);
&mut source_root,
self.set_source_root(source_root_id, Arc::new(source_root.clone()));
(source_root, position)
self.set_source_root(source_root_id, Arc::new(source_root));
fn add_file(
&mut self,
source_root_id: SourceRootId,
source_root_prefix: &str,
source_root: &mut SourceRoot,
path: &str,
text: &str,
) -> FileId {
let is_crate_root = path == "/" || path == "/";
let rel_path = RelativePathBuf::from_path(&path[source_root_prefix.len()..]).unwrap();
let path = RelativePathBuf::from_path(&path[1..]).unwrap();
let file_id = FileId(self.file_counter);
self.file_counter += 1;
let is_crate_root = rel_path == "" || rel_path == "/";
let file_id = FileId(self.files.len() as u32);
let prev = self.files.insert(path.to_string(), file_id);
assert!(prev.is_none(), "duplicate files in the text fixture");
let text = Arc::new(text.to_string());
self.set_file_text(file_id, text);
self.set_file_relative_path(file_id, path.clone());
self.set_file_relative_path(file_id, rel_path.clone());
self.set_file_source_root(file_id, source_root_id);
source_root.files.insert(path, file_id);
source_root.files.insert(rel_path, file_id);
if is_crate_root {
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
@ -109,12 +153,13 @@ impl MockDatabase {
fn add_file_with_position(
&mut self,
source_root_id: SourceRootId,
source_root_prefix: &str,
source_root: &mut SourceRoot,
path: &str,
text: &str,
) -> FilePosition {
let (offset, text) = extract_offset(text);
let file_id = self.add_file(source_root_id, source_root, path, &text);
let file_id = self.add_file(source_root_id, source_root_prefix, source_root, path, &text);
FilePosition { file_id, offset }
@ -138,7 +183,7 @@ impl Default for MockDatabase {
events: Default::default(),
runtime: salsa::Runtime::default(),
interner: Default::default(),
file_counter: 0,
files: FxHashMap::default(),
@ -151,7 +196,8 @@ impl salsa::ParallelDatabase for MockDatabase {
events: Default::default(),
runtime: self.runtime.snapshot(self),
interner: Arc::clone(&self.interner),
file_counter: self.file_counter,
// only the root database can be used to get file_id by path.
files: FxHashMap::default(),
@ -184,3 +230,20 @@ impl MockDatabase {
pub struct CrateGraphFixture(pub FxHashMap<String, (String, Vec<String>)>);
macro_rules! crate_graph {
($($crate_name:literal: ($crate_path:literal, [$($dep:literal),*]),)*) => {{
let mut res = $crate::mock::CrateGraphFixture::default();
($crate_path.to_string(), vec![$($dep.to_string()),*])
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use ra_db::{CrateGraph, SourceRootId, SourceDatabase};
use relative_path::RelativePath;
use ra_db::SourceDatabase;
use test_utils::{assert_eq_text, covers};
use crate::{
@ -20,20 +19,6 @@ fn item_map(fixture: &str) -> (Arc<ItemMap>, ModuleId) {
(db.item_map(krate), module_id)
/// Sets the crate root to the file of the cursor marker
fn item_map_custom_crate_root(fixture: &str) -> (Arc<ItemMap>, ModuleId) {
let (mut db, pos) = MockDatabase::with_position(fixture);
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_position(&db, pos).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
let module_id = module.module_id;
(db.item_map(krate), module_id)
fn check_module_item_map(map: &ItemMap, module_id: ModuleId, expected: &str) {
let mut lines = map[module_id]
@ -252,7 +237,7 @@ fn glob_enum() {
fn glob_across_crates() {
let (mut db, sr) = MockDatabase::with_files(
let mut db = MockDatabase::with_files(
//- /
use test_crate::*;
@ -261,15 +246,11 @@ fn glob_across_crates() {
pub struct Baz;
let main_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let lib_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let main_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(main_id);
let lib_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(lib_id);
crate_graph.add_dep(main_crate, "test_crate".into(), lib_crate).unwrap();
db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! {
"main": ("/", ["test_crate"]),
"test_crate": ("/", []),
let main_id = db.file_id_of("/");
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_file_id(&db, main_id).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
@ -286,16 +267,25 @@ fn glob_across_crates() {
fn module_resolution_works_for_non_standard_filenames() {
let (item_map, module_id) = item_map_custom_crate_root(
let mut db = MockDatabase::with_files(
//- /
mod foo;
use self::foo::Bar;
//- /foo/
pub struct Bar;
db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! {
"my_library": ("/", []),
let file_id = db.file_id_of("/");
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_file_id(&db, file_id).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
let module_id = module.module_id;
let item_map = db.item_map(krate);
@ -411,7 +401,7 @@ fn item_map_enum_importing() {
fn item_map_across_crates() {
let (mut db, sr) = MockDatabase::with_files(
let mut db = MockDatabase::with_files(
//- /
use test_crate::Baz;
@ -420,15 +410,11 @@ fn item_map_across_crates() {
pub struct Baz;
let main_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let lib_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let main_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(main_id);
let lib_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(lib_id);
crate_graph.add_dep(main_crate, "test_crate".into(), lib_crate).unwrap();
db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! {
"main": ("/", ["test_crate"]),
"test_crate": ("/", []),
let main_id = db.file_id_of("/");
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_file_id(&db, main_id).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
@ -445,7 +431,7 @@ fn item_map_across_crates() {
fn extern_crate_rename() {
let (mut db, sr) = MockDatabase::with_files(
let mut db = MockDatabase::with_files(
//- /
extern crate alloc as alloc_crate;
@ -460,16 +446,11 @@ fn extern_crate_rename() {
struct Arc;
let main_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let sync_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let lib_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let main_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(main_id);
let lib_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(lib_id);
crate_graph.add_dep(main_crate, "alloc".into(), lib_crate).unwrap();
db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! {
"main": ("/", ["alloc"]),
"alloc": ("/", []),
let sync_id = db.file_id_of("/");
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_file_id(&db, sync_id).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
@ -486,7 +467,7 @@ fn extern_crate_rename() {
fn import_across_source_roots() {
let (mut db, sr) = MockDatabase::with_files(
let mut db = MockDatabase::with_files(
//- /
pub mod a {
@ -494,29 +475,18 @@ fn import_across_source_roots() {
pub struct C;
let lib_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let source_root = SourceRootId(1);
//- root /main/
let (sr2, pos) = db.add_fixture(
//- /
//- /main/
use test_crate::a::b::C;
let main_id = sr2.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let main_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(main_id);
let lib_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(lib_id);
crate_graph.add_dep(main_crate, "test_crate".into(), lib_crate).unwrap();
db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! {
"main": ("/main/", ["test_crate"]),
"test_crate": ("/", []),
let main_id = db.file_id_of("/main/");
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_file_id(&db, main_id).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
@ -533,7 +503,7 @@ fn import_across_source_roots() {
fn reexport_across_crates() {
let (mut db, sr) = MockDatabase::with_files(
let mut db = MockDatabase::with_files(
//- /
use test_crate::Baz;
@ -547,15 +517,11 @@ fn reexport_across_crates() {
pub struct Baz;
let main_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let lib_id = sr.files[RelativePath::new("/")];
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let main_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(main_id);
let lib_crate = crate_graph.add_crate_root(lib_id);
crate_graph.add_dep(main_crate, "test_crate".into(), lib_crate).unwrap();
db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! {
"main": ("/", ["test_crate"]),
"test_crate": ("/", []),
let main_id = db.file_id_of("/");
let module = crate::source_binder::module_from_file_id(&db, main_id).unwrap();
let krate = module.krate(&db).unwrap();
Add table
Reference in a new issue