67: Salsa r=matklad a=matklad

The aim of this PR is to transition from rather ad-hock FileData and ModuleMap caching strategy to something resembling a general-purpose red-green engine. 

Ideally, we shouldn't recompute ModuleMap at all, unless the set of mod decls or files changes.

Co-authored-by: Aleksey Kladov <aleksey.kladov@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
bors[bot] 2018-09-15 21:11:25 +00:00
commit 3993bb4de9
18 changed files with 1305 additions and 473 deletions

View file

@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ parking_lot = "0.6.3"
once_cell = "0.1.5" once_cell = "0.1.5"
rayon = "1.0.2" rayon = "1.0.2"
fst = "0.3.1" fst = "0.3.1"
im = "12.0.0"
libsyntax2 = { path = "../libsyntax2" } libsyntax2 = { path = "../libsyntax2" }
libeditor = { path = "../libeditor" } libeditor = { path = "../libeditor" }
salsa = { path = "../salsa" }
[dev-dependencies] [dev-dependencies]
test_utils = { path = "../test_utils" } test_utils = { path = "../test_utils" }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
collections::hash_map::{DefaultHasher, HashMap},
use salsa;
use {FileId, imp::FileResolverImp};
use super::{State, Query, QueryCtx};
pub(super) type Data = Arc<Any + Send + Sync + 'static>;
pub(super) struct Db {
names: Arc<HashMap<salsa::QueryTypeId, &'static str>>,
pub(super) imp: salsa::Db<State, Data>,
impl Db {
pub(super) fn new(mut reg: QueryRegistry) -> Db {
let config = reg.config.take().unwrap();
Db {
names: Arc::new(reg.names),
imp: salsa::Db::new(config, State::default())
pub(crate) fn with_changes(&self, new_state: State, changed_files: &[FileId], resolver_changed: bool) -> Db {
let names = self.names.clone();
let mut invalidations = salsa::Invalidations::new();
invalidations.invalidate(FILE_TEXT, changed_files.iter().map(hash).map(salsa::InputFingerprint));
if resolver_changed {
invalidations.invalidate(FILE_SET, iter::once(salsa::InputFingerprint(hash(&()))));
} else {
invalidations.invalidate(FILE_SET, iter::empty());
let imp = self.imp.with_ground_data(
Db { names, imp }
pub(super) fn extract_trace(&self, ctx: &salsa::QueryCtx<State, Data>) -> Vec<&'static str> {
ctx.trace().into_iter().map(|it| self.names[&it]).collect()
pub(crate) trait EvalQuery {
type Params;
type Output;
fn query_type(&self) -> salsa::QueryTypeId;
fn f(&self) -> salsa::QueryFn<State, Data>;
fn get(&self, &QueryCtx, Self::Params) -> Arc<Self::Output>;
impl<T, R> EvalQuery for Query<T, R>
T: Hash + Send + Sync + 'static,
R: Hash + Send + Sync + 'static,
type Params = T;
type Output = R;
fn query_type(&self) -> salsa::QueryTypeId {
fn f(&self) -> salsa::QueryFn<State, Data> {
let f = self.1;
Box::new(move |ctx, data| {
let ctx = QueryCtx { imp: ctx };
let data: &T = data.downcast_ref().unwrap();
let res = f(ctx, data);
let h = hash(&res);
(Arc::new(res), salsa::OutputFingerprint(h))
fn get(&self, ctx: &QueryCtx, params: Self::Params) -> Arc<Self::Output> {
let query_id = salsa::QueryId(
let res = ctx.imp.get(query_id, Arc::new(params));
pub(super) struct QueryRegistry {
config: Option<salsa::QueryConfig<State, Data>>,
names: HashMap<salsa::QueryTypeId, &'static str>,
impl QueryRegistry {
pub(super) fn new() -> QueryRegistry {
let mut config = salsa::QueryConfig::<State, Data>::new();
config = config.with_ground_query(
FILE_TEXT, Box::new(|state, params| {
let file_id: &FileId = params.downcast_ref().unwrap();
let res = state.file_map[file_id].clone();
let fingerprint = salsa::OutputFingerprint(hash(&res));
(res, fingerprint)
config = config.with_ground_query(
FILE_SET, Box::new(|state, _params| {
let file_ids: Vec<FileId> = state.file_map.keys().cloned().collect();
let hash = hash(&file_ids);
let file_resolver = state.file_resolver.clone();
let res = (file_ids, file_resolver);
let fingerprint = salsa::OutputFingerprint(hash);
(Arc::new(res), fingerprint)
let mut names = HashMap::new();
names.insert(FILE_TEXT, "FILE_TEXT");
names.insert(FILE_SET, "FILE_SET");
QueryRegistry { config: Some(config), names }
pub(super) fn add<Q: EvalQuery>(&mut self, q: Q, name: &'static str) {
let id = q.query_type();
let prev = self.names.insert(id, name);
assert!(prev.is_none(), "duplicate query: {:?}", id);
let config = self.config.take().unwrap();
let config = config.with_query(id, q.f());
self.config= Some(config);
fn hash<T: Hash>(x: &T) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
x.hash(&mut hasher);
const FILE_TEXT: salsa::QueryTypeId = salsa::QueryTypeId(0);
pub(super) fn file_text(ctx: QueryCtx, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<String> {
let query_id = salsa::QueryId(
let res = ctx.imp.get(query_id, Arc::new(file_id));
const FILE_SET: salsa::QueryTypeId = salsa::QueryTypeId(1);
pub(super) fn file_set(ctx: QueryCtx) -> Arc<(Vec<FileId>, FileResolverImp)> {
let query_id = salsa::QueryId(
let res = ctx.imp.get(query_id, Arc::new(()));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
mod imp;
use std::{
use im;
use salsa;
use {FileId, imp::FileResolverImp};
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct State {
pub(crate) file_map: im::HashMap<FileId, Arc<String>>,
pub(crate) file_resolver: FileResolverImp
pub(crate) struct Db {
imp: imp::Db,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct QueryCtx<'a> {
imp: &'a salsa::QueryCtx<State, imp::Data>,
pub(crate) struct Query<T, R>(pub(crate) u16, pub(crate) fn(QueryCtx, &T) -> R);
pub(crate) struct QueryRegistry {
imp: imp::QueryRegistry,
impl Default for Db {
fn default() -> Db {
impl Db {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Db {
let reg = QueryRegistry::new();
Db { imp: imp::Db::new(reg.imp) }
pub(crate) fn state(&self) -> &State {
pub(crate) fn with_changes(&self, new_state: State, changed_files: &[FileId], resolver_changed: bool) -> Db {
Db { imp: self.imp.with_changes(new_state, changed_files, resolver_changed) }
pub(crate) fn make_query<F: FnOnce(QueryCtx) -> R, R>(&self, f: F) -> R {
let ctx = QueryCtx { imp: &self.imp.imp.query_ctx() };
pub(crate) fn trace_query<F: FnOnce(QueryCtx) -> R, R>(&self, f: F) -> (R, Vec<&'static str>) {
let ctx = QueryCtx { imp: &self.imp.imp.query_ctx() };
let res = f(ctx);
let trace = self.imp.extract_trace(ctx.imp);
(res, trace)
impl<'a> QueryCtx<'a> {
pub(crate) fn get<Q: imp::EvalQuery>(&self, q: Q, params: Q::Params) -> Arc<Q::Output> {
q.get(self, params)
pub(crate) fn file_text(ctx: QueryCtx, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<String> {
imp::file_text(ctx, file_id)
pub(crate) fn file_set(ctx: QueryCtx) -> Arc<(Vec<FileId>, FileResolverImp)> {
impl QueryRegistry {
fn new() -> QueryRegistry {
let mut reg = QueryRegistry { imp: imp::QueryRegistry::new() };
::queries::register_queries(&mut reg);
::module_map::register_queries(&mut reg);
pub(crate) fn add<Q: imp::EvalQuery>(&mut self, q: Q, name: &'static str) {
self.imp.add(q, name)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
use std::{
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
use libsyntax2::{
ast::{self, NameOwner},
use {
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ModuleDescriptor {
pub submodules: Vec<Submodule>
impl ModuleDescriptor {
pub fn new(root: ast::Root) -> ModuleDescriptor {
let submodules = modules(root)
.map(|(name, _)| Submodule { name })
ModuleDescriptor { submodules } }
fn modules<'a>(root: ast::Root<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item=(SmolStr, ast::Module<'a>)> {
.filter_map(|module| {
let name = module.name()?.text();
if !module.has_semi() {
return None;
Some((name, module))
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Submodule {
pub name: SmolStr,
#[derive(Hash, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct ModuleTreeDescriptor {
nodes: Vec<NodeData>,
links: Vec<LinkData>,
file_id2node: BTreeMap<FileId, Node>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
struct Node(usize);
#[derive(Hash, Debug)]
struct NodeData {
file_id: FileId,
links: Vec<Link>,
parents: Vec<Link>
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct Link(usize);
#[derive(Hash, Debug)]
struct LinkData {
owner: Node,
name: SmolStr,
points_to: Vec<Node>,
problem: Option<Problem>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum Problem {
UnresolvedModule {
candidate: RelativePathBuf,
NotDirOwner {
move_to: RelativePathBuf,
candidate: RelativePathBuf,
impl ModuleTreeDescriptor {
pub(crate) fn new<'a>(
files: impl Iterator<Item=(FileId, &'a ModuleDescriptor)> + Clone,
file_resolver: &FileResolverImp,
) -> ModuleTreeDescriptor {
let mut file_id2node = BTreeMap::new();
let mut nodes: Vec<NodeData> = files.clone().enumerate()
.map(|(idx, (file_id, _))| {
file_id2node.insert(file_id, Node(idx));
NodeData {
links: Vec::new(),
parents: Vec::new(),
let mut links = Vec::new();
for (idx, (file_id, descr)) in files.enumerate() {
let owner = Node(idx);
for sub in descr.submodules.iter() {
let link = Link(links.len());
let (points_to, problem) = resolve_submodule(file_id, &sub.name, file_resolver);
let points_to = points_to
.map(|file_id| {
let node = file_id2node[&file_id];
links.push(LinkData {
name: sub.name.clone(),
ModuleTreeDescriptor {
nodes, links, file_id2node
pub(crate) fn parent_modules(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Link> {
let node = self.file_id2node[&file_id];
pub(crate) fn child_module_by_name(&self, file_id: FileId, name: &str) -> Vec<FileId> {
let node = self.file_id2node[&file_id];
.filter(|it| it.name(self) == name)
.flat_map(|link| link.points_to(self).iter().map(|&node| self.node(node).file_id))
pub(crate) fn problems<'a, 'b>(&'b self, file_id: FileId, root: ast::Root<'a>) -> Vec<(ast::Name<'a>, &'b Problem)> {
let node = self.file_id2node[&file_id];
.filter_map(|&link| {
let problem = self.link(link).problem.as_ref()?;
let name = link.bind_source(self, root).name()?;
Some((name, problem))
fn node(&self, node: Node) -> &NodeData {
fn link(&self, link: Link) -> &LinkData {
impl Link {
pub(crate) fn name(self, tree: &ModuleTreeDescriptor) -> SmolStr {
pub(crate) fn owner(self, tree: &ModuleTreeDescriptor) -> FileId {
let owner = tree.link(self).owner;
fn points_to(self, tree: &ModuleTreeDescriptor) -> &[Node] {
pub(crate) fn bind_source<'a>(self, tree: &ModuleTreeDescriptor, root: ast::Root<'a>) -> ast::Module<'a> {
.filter(|(name, _)| name == &tree.link(self).name)
fn resolve_submodule(
file_id: FileId,
name: &SmolStr,
file_resolver: &FileResolverImp
) -> (Vec<FileId>, Option<Problem>) {
let mod_name = file_resolver.file_stem(file_id);
let is_dir_owner =
mod_name == "mod" || mod_name == "lib" || mod_name == "main";
let file_mod = RelativePathBuf::from(format!("../{}.rs", name));
let dir_mod = RelativePathBuf::from(format!("../{}/mod.rs", name));
let points_to: Vec<FileId>;
let problem: Option<Problem>;
if is_dir_owner {
points_to = [&file_mod, &dir_mod].iter()
.filter_map(|path| file_resolver.resolve(file_id, path))
problem = if points_to.is_empty() {
Some(Problem::UnresolvedModule {
candidate: file_mod,
} else {
} else {
points_to = Vec::new();
problem = Some(Problem::NotDirOwner {
move_to: RelativePathBuf::from(format!("../{}/mod.rs", mod_name)),
candidate: file_mod,
(points_to, problem)

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use std::{
}, },
fmt, fmt,
collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}, collections::{HashSet, VecDeque},
}; };
use relative_path::RelativePath; use relative_path::RelativePath;
@ -18,8 +19,8 @@ use libsyntax2::{
use { use {
FileId, FileResolver, Query, Diagnostic, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit, Position, FileSystemEdit, FileId, FileResolver, Query, Diagnostic, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit, Position, FileSystemEdit,
JobToken, CrateGraph, CrateId, JobToken, CrateGraph, CrateId,
module_map::{ModuleMap, Problem},
roots::{SourceRoot, ReadonlySourceRoot, WritableSourceRoot}, roots::{SourceRoot, ReadonlySourceRoot, WritableSourceRoot},
descriptors::{ModuleTreeDescriptor, Problem},
}; };
@ -75,14 +76,12 @@ impl AnalysisHostImpl {
} }
pub fn change_files(&mut self, changes: &mut dyn Iterator<Item=(FileId, Option<String>)>) { pub fn change_files(&mut self, changes: &mut dyn Iterator<Item=(FileId, Option<String>)>) {
let data = self.data_mut(); let data = self.data_mut();
for (file_id, text) in changes { data.root = Arc::new(data.root.apply_changes(changes, None));
data.root.update(file_id, text);
} }
pub fn set_file_resolver(&mut self, resolver: FileResolverImp) { pub fn set_file_resolver(&mut self, resolver: FileResolverImp) {
let data = self.data_mut(); let data = self.data_mut();
data.file_resolver = resolver.clone(); data.file_resolver = resolver.clone();
data.root.set_file_resolver(resolver); data.root = Arc::new(data.root.apply_changes(&mut iter::empty(), Some(resolver)));
} }
pub fn set_crate_graph(&mut self, graph: CrateGraph) { pub fn set_crate_graph(&mut self, graph: CrateGraph) {
let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let mut visited = HashSet::new();
@ -124,18 +123,17 @@ impl Clone for AnalysisImpl {
impl AnalysisImpl { impl AnalysisImpl {
fn root(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &SourceRoot { fn root(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &SourceRoot {
if self.data.root.contains(file_id) { if self.data.root.contains(file_id) {
return &self.data.root; return &*self.data.root;
} }
&**self.data.libs.iter().find(|it| it.contains(file_id)).unwrap() &**self.data.libs.iter().find(|it| it.contains(file_id)).unwrap()
} }
pub fn file_syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &File { pub fn file_syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File {
self.root(file_id).syntax(file_id) self.root(file_id).syntax(file_id)
} }
pub fn file_line_index(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &LineIndex { pub fn file_line_index(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex> {
self.root(file_id).lines(file_id) self.root(file_id).lines(file_id)
} }
pub fn world_symbols(&self, query: Query, token: &JobToken) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> { pub fn world_symbols(&self, query: Query, token: &JobToken) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> {
let mut buf = Vec::new(); let mut buf = Vec::new();
if query.libs { if query.libs {
self.data.libs.iter() self.data.libs.iter()
@ -148,25 +146,24 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
} }
pub fn parent_module(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> { pub fn parent_module(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> {
let root = self.root(file_id); let root = self.root(file_id);
let module_map = root.module_map(); let module_tree = root.module_tree();
let id = module_map.file2module(file_id); module_tree.parent_modules(file_id)
module_map .iter()
.parent_modules(id, &|file_id| root.syntax(file_id)) .map(|link| {
.into_iter() let file_id = link.owner(&module_tree);
.map(|(id, name, node)| { let syntax = root.syntax(file_id);
let id = module_map.module2file(id); let decl = link.bind_source(&module_tree, syntax.ast());
let sym = FileSymbol { let sym = FileSymbol {
name, name: link.name(&module_tree),
node_range: node.range(), node_range: decl.syntax().range(),
kind: MODULE, kind: MODULE,
}; };
(id, sym) (file_id, sym)
}) })
.collect() .collect()
} }
pub fn crate_for(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<CrateId> { pub fn crate_for(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<CrateId> {
let module_map = self.root(file_id).module_map(); let module_tree = self.root(file_id).module_tree();
let crate_graph = &self.data.crate_graph; let crate_graph = &self.data.crate_graph;
let mut res = Vec::new(); let mut res = Vec::new();
let mut work = VecDeque::new(); let mut work = VecDeque::new();
@ -177,11 +174,10 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
res.push(crate_id); res.push(crate_id);
continue; continue;
} }
let mid = module_map.file2module(id); let parents = module_tree
let parents = module_map .parent_modules(id)
.parent_module_ids(mid, &|file_id| self.file_syntax(file_id))
.into_iter() .into_iter()
.map(|id| module_map.module2file(id)) .map(|link| link.owner(&module_tree))
.filter(|&id| visited.insert(id)); .filter(|&id| visited.insert(id));
work.extend(parents); work.extend(parents);
} }
@ -197,7 +193,7 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
token: &JobToken, token: &JobToken,
) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> { ) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> {
let root = self.root(file_id); let root = self.root(file_id);
let module_map = root.module_map(); let module_tree = root.module_tree();
let file = root.syntax(file_id); let file = root.syntax(file_id);
let syntax = file.syntax(); let syntax = file.syntax();
if let Some(name_ref) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NameRef>(syntax, offset) { if let Some(name_ref) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NameRef>(syntax, offset) {
@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
if let Some(name) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::Name>(syntax, offset) { if let Some(name) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::Name>(syntax, offset) {
if let Some(module) = name.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::Module::cast) { if let Some(module) = name.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::Module::cast) {
if module.has_semi() { if module.has_semi() {
let file_ids = self.resolve_module(module_map, file_id, module); let file_ids = self.resolve_module(&*module_tree, file_id, module);
let res = file_ids.into_iter().map(|id| { let res = file_ids.into_iter().map(|id| {
let name = module.name() let name = module.name()
@ -229,7 +225,7 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
pub fn diagnostics(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Diagnostic> { pub fn diagnostics(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Diagnostic> {
let root = self.root(file_id); let root = self.root(file_id);
let module_map = root.module_map(); let module_tree = root.module_tree();
let syntax = root.syntax(file_id); let syntax = root.syntax(file_id);
let mut res = libeditor::diagnostics(&syntax) let mut res = libeditor::diagnostics(&syntax)
@ -237,47 +233,43 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
.map(|d| Diagnostic { range: d.range, message: d.msg, fix: None }) .map(|d| Diagnostic { range: d.range, message: d.msg, fix: None })
.collect::<Vec<_>>(); .collect::<Vec<_>>();
module_map.problems( for (name_node, problem) in module_tree.problems(file_id, syntax.ast()) {
file_id, let diag = match problem {
&|file_id| self.file_syntax(file_id), Problem::UnresolvedModule { candidate } => {
|name_node, problem| { let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile {
let diag = match problem { anchor: file_id,
Problem::UnresolvedModule { candidate } => { path: candidate.clone(),
let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { };
anchor: file_id, let fix = SourceChange {
path: candidate.clone(), label: "create module".to_string(),
}; source_file_edits: Vec::new(),
let fix = SourceChange { file_system_edits: vec![create_file],
label: "create module".to_string(), cursor_position: None,
source_file_edits: Vec::new(), };
file_system_edits: vec![create_file], Diagnostic {
cursor_position: None, range: name_node.syntax().range(),
}; message: "unresolved module".to_string(),
Diagnostic { fix: Some(fix),
range: name_node.syntax().range(),
message: "unresolved module".to_string(),
fix: Some(fix),
} }
Problem::NotDirOwner { move_to, candidate } => { }
let move_file = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { file: file_id, path: move_to.clone() }; Problem::NotDirOwner { move_to, candidate } => {
let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { anchor: file_id, path: move_to.join(candidate) }; let move_file = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { file: file_id, path: move_to.clone() };
let fix = SourceChange { let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { anchor: file_id, path: move_to.join(candidate) };
label: "move file and create module".to_string(), let fix = SourceChange {
source_file_edits: Vec::new(), label: "move file and create module".to_string(),
file_system_edits: vec![move_file, create_file], source_file_edits: Vec::new(),
cursor_position: None, file_system_edits: vec![move_file, create_file],
}; cursor_position: None,
Diagnostic { };
range: name_node.syntax().range(), Diagnostic {
message: "can't declare module at this location".to_string(), range: name_node.syntax().range(),
fix: Some(fix), message: "can't declare module at this location".to_string(),
} fix: Some(fix),
} }
}; }
res.push(diag) };
} res.push(diag)
); }
res res
} }
@ -307,26 +299,12 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
self.world_symbols(query, token) self.world_symbols(query, token)
} }
fn resolve_module(&self, module_map: &ModuleMap, file_id: FileId, module: ast::Module) -> Vec<FileId> { fn resolve_module(&self, module_tree: &ModuleTreeDescriptor, file_id: FileId, module: ast::Module) -> Vec<FileId> {
let name = match module.name() { let name = match module.name() {
Some(name) => name.text(), Some(name) => name.text(),
None => return Vec::new(), None => return Vec::new(),
}; };
let id = module_map.file2module(file_id); module_tree.child_module_by_name(file_id, name.as_str())
id, name.as_str(),
&|file_id| self.file_syntax(file_id),
.map(|id| module_map.module2file(id))
fn reindex(&self) {
if self.needs_reindex.compare_and_swap(true, false, SeqCst) {
} }
} }
@ -334,7 +312,7 @@ impl AnalysisImpl {
struct WorldData { struct WorldData {
file_resolver: FileResolverImp, file_resolver: FileResolverImp,
crate_graph: CrateGraph, crate_graph: CrateGraph,
root: WritableSourceRoot, root: Arc<WritableSourceRoot>,
libs: Vec<Arc<ReadonlySourceRoot>>, libs: Vec<Arc<ReadonlySourceRoot>>,
} }

View file

@ -9,12 +9,17 @@ extern crate rayon;
extern crate relative_path; extern crate relative_path;
#[macro_use] #[macro_use]
extern crate crossbeam_channel; extern crate crossbeam_channel;
extern crate im;
extern crate salsa;
mod symbol_index; mod symbol_index;
mod module_map; mod module_map;
mod imp; mod imp;
mod job; mod job;
mod roots; mod roots;
mod db;
mod queries;
mod descriptors;
use std::{ use std::{
sync::Arc, sync::Arc,
@ -161,8 +166,8 @@ impl Analysis {
pub fn file_syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File { pub fn file_syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File {
self.imp.file_syntax(file_id).clone() self.imp.file_syntax(file_id).clone()
} }
pub fn file_line_index(&self, file_id: FileId) -> LineIndex { pub fn file_line_index(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex> {
self.imp.file_line_index(file_id).clone() self.imp.file_line_index(file_id)
} }
pub fn extend_selection(&self, file: &File, range: TextRange) -> TextRange { pub fn extend_selection(&self, file: &File, range: TextRange) -> TextRange {
libeditor::extend_selection(file, range).unwrap_or(range) libeditor::extend_selection(file, range).unwrap_or(range)
@ -172,19 +177,19 @@ impl Analysis {
} }
pub fn syntax_tree(&self, file_id: FileId) -> String { pub fn syntax_tree(&self, file_id: FileId) -> String {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
libeditor::syntax_tree(file) libeditor::syntax_tree(&file)
} }
pub fn join_lines(&self, file_id: FileId, range: TextRange) -> SourceChange { pub fn join_lines(&self, file_id: FileId, range: TextRange) -> SourceChange {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
SourceChange::from_local_edit(file_id, "join lines", libeditor::join_lines(file, range)) SourceChange::from_local_edit(file_id, "join lines", libeditor::join_lines(&file, range))
} }
pub fn on_eq_typed(&self, file_id: FileId, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<SourceChange> { pub fn on_eq_typed(&self, file_id: FileId, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<SourceChange> {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
Some(SourceChange::from_local_edit(file_id, "add semicolon", libeditor::on_eq_typed(file, offset)?)) Some(SourceChange::from_local_edit(file_id, "add semicolon", libeditor::on_eq_typed(&file, offset)?))
} }
pub fn file_structure(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<StructureNode> { pub fn file_structure(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<StructureNode> {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
libeditor::file_structure(file) libeditor::file_structure(&file)
} }
pub fn symbol_search(&self, query: Query, token: &JobToken) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> { pub fn symbol_search(&self, query: Query, token: &JobToken) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> {
self.imp.world_symbols(query, token) self.imp.world_symbols(query, token)
@ -203,15 +208,15 @@ impl Analysis {
} }
pub fn runnables(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Runnable> { pub fn runnables(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Runnable> {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
libeditor::runnables(file) libeditor::runnables(&file)
} }
pub fn highlight(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> { pub fn highlight(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
libeditor::highlight(file) libeditor::highlight(&file)
} }
pub fn completions(&self, file_id: FileId, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<Vec<CompletionItem>> { pub fn completions(&self, file_id: FileId, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<Vec<CompletionItem>> {
let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id); let file = self.imp.file_syntax(file_id);
libeditor::scope_completion(file, offset) libeditor::scope_completion(&file, offset)
} }
pub fn assists(&self, file_id: FileId, range: TextRange) -> Vec<SourceChange> { pub fn assists(&self, file_id: FileId, range: TextRange) -> Vec<SourceChange> {
self.imp.assists(file_id, range) self.imp.assists(file_id, range)

View file

@ -1,274 +1,157 @@
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf; use std::sync::Arc;
use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard}; use {
use libsyntax2::{ FileId,
File, db::{
ast::{self, AstNode, NameOwner}, Query, QueryRegistry, QueryCtx,
SyntaxNode, SmolStr, file_set
use {FileId, imp::FileResolverImp};
type SyntaxProvider<'a> = dyn Fn(FileId) -> &'a File + 'a;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct ModuleId(FileId);
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ModuleMap {
state: RwLock<State>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ChangeKind {
Delete, Insert, Update
impl Clone for ModuleMap {
fn clone(&self) -> ModuleMap {
let state = self.state.read().clone();
ModuleMap { state: RwLock::new(state) }
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct State {
file_resolver: FileResolverImp,
changes: Vec<(FileId, ChangeKind)>,
links: Vec<Link>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Link {
owner: ModuleId,
syntax: SyntaxNode,
points_to: Vec<ModuleId>,
problem: Option<Problem>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Problem {
UnresolvedModule {
candidate: RelativePathBuf,
}, },
NotDirOwner { queries::file_syntax,
move_to: RelativePathBuf, descriptors::{ModuleDescriptor, ModuleTreeDescriptor},
candidate: RelativePathBuf, };
pub(crate) fn register_queries(reg: &mut QueryRegistry) {
} }
impl ModuleMap { pub(crate) fn module_tree(ctx: QueryCtx) -> Arc<ModuleTreeDescriptor> {
pub fn new() -> ModuleMap { ctx.get(MODULE_TREE, ())
pub fn update_file(&mut self, file_id: FileId, change_kind: ChangeKind) {
self.state.get_mut().changes.push((file_id, change_kind));
pub(crate) fn set_file_resolver(&mut self, file_resolver: FileResolverImp) {
self.state.get_mut().file_resolver = file_resolver;
pub fn module2file(&self, m: ModuleId) -> FileId {
pub fn file2module(&self, file_id: FileId) -> ModuleId {
pub fn child_module_by_name<'a>(
parent_mod: ModuleId,
child_mod: &str,
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider,
) -> Vec<ModuleId> {
.filter(|link| link.owner == parent_mod)
.filter(|link| link.name() == child_mod)
.filter_map(|it| it.points_to.first())
.map(|&it| it)
pub fn parent_modules(
m: ModuleId,
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider,
) -> Vec<(ModuleId, SmolStr, SyntaxNode)> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
self.for_each_parent_link(m, syntax_provider, |link| {
(link.owner, link.name().clone(), link.syntax.clone())
pub fn parent_module_ids(
m: ModuleId,
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider,
) -> Vec<ModuleId> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
self.for_each_parent_link(m, syntax_provider, |link| res.push(link.owner));
fn for_each_parent_link(
m: ModuleId,
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider,
f: impl FnMut(&Link)
) {
.filter(move |link| link.points_to.iter().any(|&it| it == m))
pub fn problems(
file: FileId,
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider,
mut cb: impl FnMut(ast::Name, &Problem),
) {
let module = self.file2module(file);
let links = self.links(syntax_provider);
.filter(|link| link.owner == module)
.filter_map(|link| {
let problem = link.problem.as_ref()?;
Some((link, problem))
.for_each(|(link, problem)| cb(link.name_node(), problem))
fn links(
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider,
) -> RwLockReadGuard<State> {
let guard = self.state.read();
if guard.changes.is_empty() {
return guard;
let mut guard = self.state.write();
if !guard.changes.is_empty() {
} }
impl State { const MODULE_DESCR: Query<FileId, ModuleDescriptor> = Query(30, |ctx, &file_id| {
pub fn apply_changes( let file = file_syntax(ctx, file_id);
&mut self, ModuleDescriptor::new(file.ast())
syntax_provider: &SyntaxProvider, });
) {
let mut reresolve = false; const MODULE_TREE: Query<(), ModuleTreeDescriptor> = Query(31, |ctx, _| {
for (file_id, kind) in self.changes.drain(..) { let file_set = file_set(ctx);
let mod_id = ModuleId(file_id); let mut files = Vec::new();
self.links.retain(|link| link.owner != mod_id); for &file_id in file_set.0.iter() {
match kind { let module_descr = ctx.get(MODULE_DESCR, file_id);
ChangeKind::Delete => { files.push((file_id, module_descr));
for link in self.links.iter_mut() { }
link.points_to.retain(|&x| x != mod_id); ModuleTreeDescriptor::new(files.iter().map(|(file_id, descr)| (*file_id, &**descr)), &file_set.1)
} });
ChangeKind::Insert => { #[cfg(test)]
let file = syntax_provider(file_id); mod tests {
self.links.extend( use std::collections::HashMap;
file use im;
.ast() use relative_path::{RelativePath, RelativePathBuf};
.modules() use {
.filter_map(|it| Link::new(mod_id, it)) db::{Db},
); imp::FileResolverImp,
reresolve = true; FileId, FileResolver,
} };
ChangeKind::Update => { use super::*;
let file = syntax_provider(file_id);
let resolver = &self.file_resolver; #[derive(Debug)]
self.links.extend( struct FileMap(im::HashMap<FileId, RelativePathBuf>);
.ast() impl FileResolver for FileMap {
.modules() fn file_stem(&self, file_id: FileId) -> String {
.filter_map(|it| Link::new(mod_id, it)) self.0[&file_id].file_stem().unwrap().to_string()
.map(|mut link| { }
link.resolve(resolver); fn resolve(&self, file_id: FileId, rel: &RelativePath) -> Option<FileId> {
link let path = self.0[&file_id].join(rel).normalize();
}) self.0.iter()
); .filter_map(|&(id, ref p)| Some(id).filter(|_| p == &path))
} .next()
struct Fixture {
next_file_id: u32,
fm: im::HashMap<FileId, RelativePathBuf>,
db: Db,
impl Fixture {
fn new() -> Fixture {
Fixture {
next_file_id: 1,
fm: im::HashMap::new(),
db: Db::new(),
} }
} }
if reresolve { fn add_file(&mut self, path: &str, text: &str) -> FileId {
for link in self.links.iter_mut() { assert!(path.starts_with("/"));
link.resolve(&self.file_resolver) let file_id = FileId(self.next_file_id);
} self.next_file_id += 1;
} self.fm.insert(file_id, RelativePathBuf::from(&path[1..]));
} let mut new_state = self.db.state().clone();
} new_state.file_map.insert(file_id, Arc::new(text.to_string()));
new_state.file_resolver = FileResolverImp::new(
impl Link { Arc::new(FileMap(self.fm.clone()))
fn new(owner: ModuleId, module: ast::Module) -> Option<Link> { );
if module.name().is_none() { self.db = self.db.with_changes(new_state, &[file_id], true);
return None; file_id
let link = Link {
syntax: module.syntax().owned(),
points_to: Vec::new(),
problem: None,
fn name(&self) -> SmolStr {
fn name_node(&self) -> ast::Name {
fn ast(&self) -> ast::Module {
fn resolve(&mut self, file_resolver: &FileResolverImp) {
if !self.ast().has_semi() {
self.problem = None;
self.points_to = Vec::new();
let mod_name = file_resolver.file_stem(self.owner.0);
let is_dir_owner =
mod_name == "mod" || mod_name == "lib" || mod_name == "main";
let file_mod = RelativePathBuf::from(format!("../{}.rs", self.name()));
let dir_mod = RelativePathBuf::from(format!("../{}/mod.rs", self.name()));
if is_dir_owner {
self.points_to = [&file_mod, &dir_mod].iter()
.filter_map(|path| file_resolver.resolve(self.owner.0, path))
self.problem = if self.points_to.is_empty() {
Some(Problem::UnresolvedModule {
candidate: file_mod,
} else {
} else {
self.points_to = Vec::new();
self.problem = Some(Problem::NotDirOwner {
move_to: RelativePathBuf::from(format!("../{}/mod.rs", mod_name)),
candidate: file_mod,
} }
fn remove_file(&mut self, file_id: FileId) {
let mut new_state = self.db.state().clone();
new_state.file_resolver = FileResolverImp::new(
self.db = self.db.with_changes(new_state, &[file_id], true);
fn change_file(&mut self, file_id: FileId, new_text: &str) {
let mut new_state = self.db.state().clone();
new_state.file_map.insert(file_id, Arc::new(new_text.to_string()));
self.db = self.db.with_changes(new_state, &[file_id], false);
fn check_parent_modules(
file_id: FileId,
expected: &[FileId],
queries: &[(&'static str, u64)]
) {
let (tree, events) = self.db.trace_query(|ctx| module_tree(ctx));
let actual = tree.parent_modules(file_id)
.map(|link| link.owner(&tree))
assert_eq!(actual.as_slice(), expected);
let mut counts = HashMap::new();
.for_each(|event| *counts.entry(event).or_insert(0) += 1);
for &(query_id, expected_count) in queries.iter() {
let actual_count = *counts.get(&query_id).unwrap_or(&0);
"counts for {} differ",
fn test_parent_module() {
let mut f = Fixture::new();
let foo = f.add_file("/foo.rs", "");
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 1)]);
let lib = f.add_file("/lib.rs", "mod foo;");
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[lib], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 1)]);
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[lib], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 0)]);
f.change_file(lib, "");
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 1)]);
f.change_file(lib, "mod foo;");
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[lib], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 1)]);
f.change_file(lib, "mod bar;");
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 1)]);
f.change_file(lib, "mod foo;");
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[lib], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 1)]);
f.check_parent_modules(foo, &[], &[("MODULE_DESCR", 0)]);
} }
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use libsyntax2::File;
use libeditor::LineIndex;
use {
db::{Query, QueryCtx, QueryRegistry},
pub(crate) use db::{file_text, file_set};
pub(crate) fn file_syntax(ctx: QueryCtx, file_id: FileId) -> File {
(&*ctx.get(FILE_SYNTAX, file_id)).clone()
pub(crate) fn file_lines(ctx: QueryCtx, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex> {
ctx.get(FILE_LINES, file_id)
pub(crate) fn file_symbols(ctx: QueryCtx, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<SymbolIndex> {
ctx.get(FILE_SYMBOLS, file_id)
const FILE_SYNTAX: Query<FileId, File> = Query(16, |ctx, file_id: &FileId| {
let text = file_text(ctx, *file_id);
const FILE_LINES: Query<FileId, LineIndex> = Query(17, |ctx, file_id: &FileId| {
let text = file_text(ctx, *file_id);
const FILE_SYMBOLS: Query<FileId, SymbolIndex> = Query(18, |ctx, file_id: &FileId| {
let syntax = file_syntax(ctx, *file_id);
SymbolIndex::for_file(*file_id, syntax)
pub(crate) fn register_queries(reg: &mut QueryRegistry) {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use std::{ use std::{
collections::HashMap, collections::HashMap,
sync::Arc, sync::Arc,
panic, panic,
}; };
@ -13,94 +12,82 @@ use libsyntax2::File;
use { use {
FileId, FileId,
imp::FileResolverImp, imp::FileResolverImp,
module_map::{ModuleMap, ChangeKind},
symbol_index::SymbolIndex, symbol_index::SymbolIndex,
descriptors::{ModuleDescriptor, ModuleTreeDescriptor},
}; };
pub(crate) trait SourceRoot { pub(crate) trait SourceRoot {
fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool; fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool;
fn module_map(&self) -> &ModuleMap; fn module_tree(&self) -> Arc<ModuleTreeDescriptor>;
fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &LineIndex; fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex>;
fn syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &File; fn syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File;
fn symbols<'a>(&'a self, acc: &mut Vec<&'a SymbolIndex>); fn symbols(&self, acc: &mut Vec<Arc<SymbolIndex>>);
} }
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] #[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct WritableSourceRoot { pub(crate) struct WritableSourceRoot {
file_map: HashMap<FileId, Arc<(FileData, OnceCell<SymbolIndex>)>>, db: Db,
module_map: ModuleMap,
} }
impl WritableSourceRoot { impl WritableSourceRoot {
pub fn update(&mut self, file_id: FileId, text: Option<String>) { pub fn apply_changes(
let change_kind = if self.file_map.remove(&file_id).is_some() { &self,
if text.is_some() { changes: &mut dyn Iterator<Item=(FileId, Option<String>)>,
ChangeKind::Update file_resolver: Option<FileResolverImp>,
} else { ) -> WritableSourceRoot {
ChangeKind::Delete let resolver_changed = file_resolver.is_some();
} let mut changed_files = Vec::new();
} else { let mut new_state = self.db.state().clone();
self.module_map.update_file(file_id, change_kind);
if let Some(text) = text {
let file_data = FileData::new(text);
self.file_map.insert(file_id, Arc::new((file_data, Default::default())));
pub fn set_file_resolver(&mut self, file_resolver: FileResolverImp) {
pub fn reindex(&self) {
let now = Instant::now();
.for_each(|(&file_id, data)| {
symbols(file_id, data);
info!("parallel indexing took {:?}", now.elapsed());
} for (file_id, text) in changes {
fn data(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &FileData { changed_files.push(file_id);
match self.file_map.get(&file_id) { match text {
Some(data) => &data.0, Some(text) => {
None => panic!("unknown file: {:?}", file_id), new_state.file_map.insert(file_id, Arc::new(text));
None => {
if let Some(file_resolver) = file_resolver {
new_state.file_resolver = file_resolver
WritableSourceRoot {
db: self.db.with_changes(new_state, &changed_files, resolver_changed)
} }
} }
} }
impl SourceRoot for WritableSourceRoot { impl SourceRoot for WritableSourceRoot {
fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool { fn module_tree(&self) -> Arc<ModuleTreeDescriptor> {
self.file_map.contains_key(&file_id) self.db.make_query(::module_map::module_tree)
} }
fn module_map(&self) -> &ModuleMap {
fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &LineIndex {
fn syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &File {
fn symbols<'a>(&'a self, acc: &mut Vec<&'a SymbolIndex>) {
.map(|(&file_id, data)| symbols(file_id, data))
fn symbols(file_id: FileId, (data, symbols): &(FileData, OnceCell<SymbolIndex>)) -> &SymbolIndex { fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool {
let syntax = data.syntax_transient(); self.db.state().file_map.contains_key(&file_id)
symbols.get_or_init(|| SymbolIndex::for_file(file_id, syntax)) }
fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex> {
self.db.make_query(|ctx| ::queries::file_lines(ctx, file_id))
fn syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File {
self.db.make_query(|ctx| ::queries::file_syntax(ctx, file_id))
fn symbols<'a>(&'a self, acc: &mut Vec<Arc<SymbolIndex>>) {
self.db.make_query(|ctx| {
let file_set = ::queries::file_set(ctx);
let syms = file_set.0.iter()
.map(|file_id| ::queries::file_symbols(ctx, *file_id));
} }
#[derive(Debug)] #[derive(Debug)]
struct FileData { struct FileData {
text: String, text: String,
lines: OnceCell<LineIndex>, lines: OnceCell<Arc<LineIndex>>,
syntax: OnceCell<File>, syntax: OnceCell<File>,
} }
@ -112,8 +99,8 @@ impl FileData {
lines: OnceCell::new(), lines: OnceCell::new(),
} }
} }
fn lines(&self) -> &LineIndex { fn lines(&self) -> &Arc<LineIndex> {
self.lines.get_or_init(|| LineIndex::new(&self.text)) self.lines.get_or_init(|| Arc::new(LineIndex::new(&self.text)))
} }
fn syntax(&self) -> &File { fn syntax(&self) -> &File {
let text = &self.text; let text = &self.text;
@ -126,40 +113,41 @@ impl FileData {
} }
} }
} }
fn syntax_transient(&self) -> File {
self.syntax.get().map(|s| s.clone())
.unwrap_or_else(|| File::parse(&self.text))
} }
#[derive(Debug)] #[derive(Debug)]
pub(crate) struct ReadonlySourceRoot { pub(crate) struct ReadonlySourceRoot {
symbol_index: SymbolIndex, symbol_index: Arc<SymbolIndex>,
file_map: HashMap<FileId, FileData>, file_map: HashMap<FileId, FileData>,
module_map: ModuleMap, module_tree: Arc<ModuleTreeDescriptor>,
} }
impl ReadonlySourceRoot { impl ReadonlySourceRoot {
pub(crate) fn new(files: Vec<(FileId, String)>, file_resolver: FileResolverImp) -> ReadonlySourceRoot { pub(crate) fn new(files: Vec<(FileId, String)>, file_resolver: FileResolverImp) -> ReadonlySourceRoot {
let mut module_map = ModuleMap::new(); let modules = files.par_iter()
module_map.set_file_resolver(file_resolver); .map(|(file_id, text)| {
let symbol_index = SymbolIndex::for_files( let syntax = File::parse(text);
files.par_iter().map(|(file_id, text)| { let mod_descr = ModuleDescriptor::new(syntax.ast());
(*file_id, File::parse(text)) (*file_id, syntax, mod_descr)
}) })
let module_tree = ModuleTreeDescriptor::new(
modules.iter().map(|it| (it.0, &it.2)),
let symbol_index = SymbolIndex::for_files(
modules.par_iter().map(|it| (it.0, it.1.clone()))
); );
let file_map: HashMap<FileId, FileData> = files let file_map: HashMap<FileId, FileData> = files
.into_iter() .into_iter()
.map(|(id, text)| { .map(|(id, text)| (id, FileData::new(text)))
module_map.update_file(id, ChangeKind::Insert);
(id, FileData::new(text))
.collect(); .collect();
ReadonlySourceRoot { ReadonlySourceRoot {
symbol_index, symbol_index: Arc::new(symbol_index),
file_map, file_map,
module_map, module_tree: Arc::new(module_tree),
} }
} }
@ -172,19 +160,19 @@ impl ReadonlySourceRoot {
} }
impl SourceRoot for ReadonlySourceRoot { impl SourceRoot for ReadonlySourceRoot {
fn module_tree(&self) -> Arc<ModuleTreeDescriptor> {
fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool { fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool {
self.file_map.contains_key(&file_id) self.file_map.contains_key(&file_id)
} }
fn module_map(&self) -> &ModuleMap { fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex> {
&self.module_map Arc::clone(self.data(file_id).lines())
} }
fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &LineIndex { fn syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File {
self.data(file_id).lines() self.data(file_id).syntax().clone()
} }
fn syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &File { fn symbols(&self, acc: &mut Vec<Arc<SymbolIndex>>) {
self.data(file_id).syntax() acc.push(Arc::clone(&self.symbol_index))
fn symbols<'a>(&'a self, acc: &mut Vec<&'a SymbolIndex>) {
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
use libeditor::{FileSymbol, file_symbols}; use libeditor::{FileSymbol, file_symbols};
use libsyntax2::{ use libsyntax2::{
File, File,
@ -13,6 +17,12 @@ pub(crate) struct SymbolIndex {
map: fst::Map, map: fst::Map,
} }
impl Hash for SymbolIndex {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
impl SymbolIndex { impl SymbolIndex {
pub(crate) fn for_files(files: impl ParallelIterator<Item=(FileId, File)>) -> SymbolIndex { pub(crate) fn for_files(files: impl ParallelIterator<Item=(FileId, File)>) -> SymbolIndex {
let mut symbols = files let mut symbols = files
@ -43,7 +53,7 @@ impl SymbolIndex {
impl Query { impl Query {
pub(crate) fn search( pub(crate) fn search(
self, self,
indices: &[&SymbolIndex], indices: &[Arc<SymbolIndex>],
token: &JobToken, token: &JobToken,
) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> { ) -> Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)> {

View file

@ -14,24 +14,6 @@ use test_utils::assert_eq_dbg;
#[derive(Debug)] #[derive(Debug)]
struct FileMap(Vec<(FileId, RelativePathBuf)>); struct FileMap(Vec<(FileId, RelativePathBuf)>);
fn analysis_host(files: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)]) -> AnalysisHost {
let mut host = AnalysisHost::new();
let mut file_map = Vec::new();
for (id, &(path, contents)) in files.iter().enumerate() {
let file_id = FileId((id + 1) as u32);
let path = RelativePathBuf::from_path(&path[1..]).unwrap();
host.change_file(file_id, Some(contents.to_string()));
file_map.push((file_id, path));
fn analysis(files: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)]) -> Analysis {
impl FileMap { impl FileMap {
fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(FileId, &'a RelativePath)> + 'a { fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(FileId, &'a RelativePath)> + 'a {
self.0.iter().map(|(id, path)| (*id, path.as_relative_path())) self.0.iter().map(|(id, path)| (*id, path.as_relative_path()))
@ -56,6 +38,23 @@ impl FileResolver for FileMap {
} }
} }
fn analysis_host(files: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)]) -> AnalysisHost {
let mut host = AnalysisHost::new();
let mut file_map = Vec::new();
for (id, &(path, contents)) in files.iter().enumerate() {
let file_id = FileId((id + 1) as u32);
let path = RelativePathBuf::from_path(&path[1..]).unwrap();
host.change_file(file_id, Some(contents.to_string()));
file_map.push((file_id, path));
fn analysis(files: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)]) -> Analysis {
#[test] #[test]
fn test_resolve_module() { fn test_resolve_module() {

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use superslice::Ext; use superslice::Ext;
use ::TextUnit; use ::TextUnit;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct LineIndex { pub struct LineIndex {
newlines: Vec<TextUnit>, newlines: Vec<TextUnit>,
} }

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub struct StructureNode {
pub kind: SyntaxKind, pub kind: SyntaxKind,
} }
#[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct FileSymbol { pub struct FileSymbol {
pub name: SmolStr, pub name: SmolStr,
pub node_range: TextRange, pub node_range: TextRange,

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ use {
yellow::{GreenNode, SyntaxRoot}, yellow::{GreenNode, SyntaxRoot},
}; };
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct File { pub struct File {
root: SyntaxNode root: SyntaxNode
} }

crates/salsa/Cargo.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name = "salsa"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Aleksey Kladov <aleksey.kladov@gmail.com>"]
parking_lot = "0.6.3"
im = "12.0.0"

crates/salsa/src/lib.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
extern crate im;
extern crate parking_lot;
use std::{
collections::{HashSet, HashMap},
use parking_lot::Mutex;
pub type GroundQueryFn<T, D> = Box<Fn(&T, &D) -> (D, OutputFingerprint) + Send + Sync + 'static>;
pub type QueryFn<T, D> = Box<Fn(&QueryCtx<T, D>, &D) -> (D, OutputFingerprint) + Send + Sync + 'static>;
pub struct Db<T, D> {
db: Arc<DbState<T, D>>,
query_config: Arc<QueryConfig<T, D>>,
pub struct QueryConfig<T, D> {
ground_fn: HashMap<QueryTypeId, GroundQueryFn<T, D>>,
query_fn: HashMap<QueryTypeId, QueryFn<T, D>>,
impl<T, D> ::std::fmt::Debug for QueryConfig<T, D> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
::std::fmt::Display::fmt("QueryConfig { ... }", f)
struct DbState<T, D> {
ground_data: T,
gen: Gen,
graph: Mutex<im::HashMap<QueryId, (Gen, Arc<QueryRecord<D>>)>>,
struct QueryRecord<D> {
params: D,
output: D,
output_fingerprint: OutputFingerprint,
deps: Vec<(QueryId, OutputFingerprint)>,
impl<T, D> DbState<T, D> {
fn record(
query_id: QueryId,
params: D,
output: D,
output_fingerprint: OutputFingerprint,
deps: Vec<(QueryId, OutputFingerprint)>,
) {
let gen = self.gen;
let record = QueryRecord {
self.graph.lock().insert(query_id, (gen, Arc::new(record)));
impl<T, D> QueryConfig<T, D> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
QueryConfig {
ground_fn: HashMap::new(),
query_fn: HashMap::new(),
pub fn with_ground_query(
mut self,
query_type: QueryTypeId,
query_fn: GroundQueryFn<T, D>
) -> Self {
let prev = self.ground_fn.insert(query_type, query_fn);
pub fn with_query(
mut self,
query_type: QueryTypeId,
query_fn: QueryFn<T, D>,
) -> Self {
let prev = self.query_fn.insert(query_type, query_fn);
pub struct QueryCtx<T, D> {
db: Arc<DbState<T, D>>,
query_config: Arc<QueryConfig<T, D>>,
stack: RefCell<Vec<Vec<(QueryId, OutputFingerprint)>>>,
executed: RefCell<Vec<QueryTypeId>>,
impl<T, D> QueryCtx<T, D>
D: Clone
fn new(db: &Db<T, D>) -> QueryCtx<T, D> {
QueryCtx {
db: Arc::clone(&db.db),
query_config: Arc::clone(&db.query_config),
stack: RefCell::new(vec![Vec::new()]),
executed: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
pub fn get(
query_id: QueryId,
params: D,
) -> D {
let (res, output_fingerprint) = self.get_inner(query_id, params);
self.record_dep(query_id, output_fingerprint);
pub fn trace(&self) -> Vec<QueryTypeId> {
::std::mem::replace(&mut *self.executed.borrow_mut(), Vec::new())
fn get_inner(
query_id: QueryId,
params: D,
) -> (D, OutputFingerprint) {
let (gen, record) = {
let guard = self.db.graph.lock();
match guard.get(&query_id).map(|it| it.clone()){
None => {
return self.force(query_id, params);
Some(it) => it,
if gen == self.db.gen {
return (record.output.clone(), record.output_fingerprint)
if self.query_config.ground_fn.contains_key(&query_id.0) {
let (invalidated, record) = {
let guard = self.db.graph.lock();
let (gen, ref record) = guard[&query_id];
(gen == INVALIDATED, record.clone())
if invalidated {
return self.force(query_id, params);
} else {
return (record.output.clone(), record.output_fingerprint);
for (dep_query_id, prev_fingerprint) in record.deps.iter().cloned() {
let dep_params: D = {
let guard = self.db.graph.lock();
if prev_fingerprint != self.get_inner(dep_query_id, dep_params).1 {
return self.force(query_id, params)
let gen = self.db.gen;
let mut guard = self.db.graph.lock();
guard[&query_id].0 = gen;
(record.output.clone(), record.output_fingerprint)
fn force(
query_id: QueryId,
params: D,
) -> (D, OutputFingerprint) {
let (res, output_fingerprint) = if let Some(f) = self.query_config.ground_fn.get(&query_id.0) {
f(&self.db.ground_data, &params)
} else if let Some(f) = self.query_config.query_fn.get(&query_id.0) {
f(self, &params)
} else {
panic!("unknown query type: {:?}", query_id.0);
let res: D = res.into();
let deps = self.stack.borrow_mut().pop().unwrap();
self.db.record(query_id, params, res.clone(), output_fingerprint, deps);
(res, output_fingerprint)
fn record_dep(
query_id: QueryId,
output_fingerprint: OutputFingerprint,
) -> () {
let mut stack = self.stack.borrow_mut();
let deps = stack.last_mut().unwrap();
deps.push((query_id, output_fingerprint))
pub struct Invalidations {
types: HashSet<QueryTypeId>,
ids: Vec<QueryId>,
impl Invalidations {
pub fn new() -> Invalidations {
Invalidations {
types: HashSet::new(),
ids: Vec::new(),
pub fn invalidate(
&mut self,
query_type: QueryTypeId,
params: impl Iterator<Item=InputFingerprint>,
) {
self.ids.extend(params.map(|it| QueryId(query_type, it)))
impl<T, D> Db<T, D>
D: Clone
pub fn new(query_config: QueryConfig<T, D>, ground_data: T) -> Db<T, D> {
Db {
db: Arc::new(DbState { ground_data, gen: Gen(0), graph: Default::default() }),
query_config: Arc::new(query_config),
pub fn ground_data(&self) -> &T {
pub fn with_ground_data(
ground_data: T,
invalidations: Invalidations,
) -> Db<T, D> {
for id in self.query_config.ground_fn.keys() {
"all ground queries must be invalidated"
let gen = Gen(self.db.gen.0 + 1);
let mut graph = self.db.graph.lock().clone();
for id in invalidations.ids {
if let Some((gen, _)) = graph.get_mut(&id) {
let graph = Mutex::new(graph);
Db {
db: Arc::new(DbState { ground_data, gen, graph }),
query_config: Arc::clone(&self.query_config)
pub fn query_ctx(&self) -> QueryCtx<T, D> {
pub fn get(
query_id: QueryId,
params: D,
) -> (D, Vec<QueryTypeId>) {
let ctx = self.query_ctx();
let res = ctx.get(query_id, params.into());
let executed = ::std::mem::replace(&mut *ctx.executed.borrow_mut(), Vec::new());
(res, executed)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Gen(u64);
const INVALIDATED: Gen = Gen(!0);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InputFingerprint(pub u64);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct OutputFingerprint(pub u64);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct QueryTypeId(pub u16);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct QueryId(pub QueryTypeId, pub InputFingerprint);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
extern crate salsa;
use std::{
collections::hash_map::{HashMap, DefaultHasher},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
type State = HashMap<u32, String>;
type Data = Arc<Any + Send + Sync + 'static>;
const GET_TEXT: salsa::QueryTypeId = salsa::QueryTypeId(1);
const GET_FILES: salsa::QueryTypeId = salsa::QueryTypeId(2);
const FILE_NEWLINES: salsa::QueryTypeId = salsa::QueryTypeId(3);
const TOTAL_NEWLINES: salsa::QueryTypeId = salsa::QueryTypeId(4);
fn mk_ground_query<T, R>(
state: &State,
params: &Data,
f: fn(&State, &T) -> R,
) -> (Data, salsa::OutputFingerprint)
T: 'static,
R: Hash + Send + Sync + 'static,
let params = params.downcast_ref().unwrap();
let result = f(state, params);
let fingerprint = o_print(&result);
(Arc::new(result), fingerprint)
fn get<T, R>(db: &salsa::Db<State, Data>, query_type: salsa::QueryTypeId, param: T) -> (Arc<R>, Vec<salsa::QueryTypeId>)
T: Hash + Send + Sync + 'static,
R: Send + Sync + 'static,
let i_print = i_print(&param);
let param = Arc::new(param);
let (res, trace) = db.get(salsa::QueryId(query_type, i_print), param);
(res.downcast().unwrap(), trace)
struct QueryCtx<'a>(&'a salsa::QueryCtx<State, Data>);
impl<'a> QueryCtx<'a> {
fn get_text(&self, id: u32) -> Arc<String> {
let i_print = i_print(&id);
let text = self.0.get(salsa::QueryId(GET_TEXT, i_print), Arc::new(id));
fn get_files(&self) -> Arc<Vec<u32>> {
let i_print = i_print(&());
let files = self.0.get(salsa::QueryId(GET_FILES, i_print), Arc::new(()));
let res = files.downcast().unwrap();
fn get_n_lines(&self, id: u32) -> usize {
let i_print = i_print(&id);
let n_lines = self.0.get(salsa::QueryId(FILE_NEWLINES, i_print), Arc::new(id));
fn mk_query<T, R>(
query_ctx: &salsa::QueryCtx<State, Data>,
params: &Data,
f: fn(QueryCtx, &T) -> R,
) -> (Data, salsa::OutputFingerprint)
T: 'static,
R: Hash + Send + Sync + 'static,
let params: &T = params.downcast_ref().unwrap();
let query_ctx = QueryCtx(query_ctx);
let result = f(query_ctx, params);
let fingerprint = o_print(&result);
(Arc::new(result), fingerprint)
fn mk_queries() -> salsa::QueryConfig<State, Data> {
salsa::QueryConfig::<State, Data>::new()
.with_ground_query(GET_TEXT, Box::new(|state, id| {
mk_ground_query::<u32, String>(state, id, |state, id| state[id].clone())
.with_ground_query(GET_FILES, Box::new(|state, id| {
mk_ground_query::<(), Vec<u32>>(state, id, |state, &()| state.keys().cloned().collect())
.with_query(FILE_NEWLINES, Box::new(|query_ctx, id| {
mk_query(query_ctx, id, |query_ctx, &id| {
let text = query_ctx.get_text(id);
.with_query(TOTAL_NEWLINES, Box::new(|query_ctx, id| {
mk_query(query_ctx, id, |query_ctx, &()| {
let mut total = 0;
for &id in query_ctx.get_files().iter() {
total += query_ctx.get_n_lines(id)
fn test_number_of_lines() {
let mut state = State::new();
let db = salsa::Db::new(mk_queries(), state.clone());
let (newlines, trace) = get::<(), usize>(&db, TOTAL_NEWLINES, ());
assert_eq!(*newlines, 0);
assert_eq!(trace.len(), 2);
let (newlines, trace) = get::<(), usize>(&db, TOTAL_NEWLINES, ());
assert_eq!(*newlines, 0);
assert_eq!(trace.len(), 0);
state.insert(1, "hello\nworld".to_string());
let mut inv = salsa::Invalidations::new();
inv.invalidate(GET_TEXT, once(i_print(&1u32)));
inv.invalidate(GET_FILES, once(i_print(&())));
let db = db.with_ground_data(state.clone(), inv);
let (newlines, trace) = get::<(), usize>(&db, TOTAL_NEWLINES, ());
assert_eq!(*newlines, 2);
assert_eq!(trace.len(), 4);
state.insert(2, "spam\neggs".to_string());
let mut inv = salsa::Invalidations::new();
inv.invalidate(GET_TEXT, once(i_print(&2u32)));
inv.invalidate(GET_FILES, once(i_print(&())));
let db = db.with_ground_data(state.clone(), inv);
let (newlines, trace) = get::<(), usize>(&db, TOTAL_NEWLINES, ());
assert_eq!(*newlines, 4);
assert_eq!(trace.len(), 4);
let mut invs = vec![];
for i in 0..10 {
let id = i + 10;
state.insert(id, "spam".to_string());
let mut inv = salsa::Invalidations::new();
inv.invalidate(GET_TEXT, invs.into_iter());
inv.invalidate(GET_FILES, once(i_print(&())));
let db = db.with_ground_data(state.clone(), inv);
let (newlines, trace) = get::<(), usize>(&db, TOTAL_NEWLINES, ());
assert_eq!(*newlines, 14);
assert_eq!(trace.len(), 22);
state.insert(15, String::new());
let mut inv = salsa::Invalidations::new();
inv.invalidate(GET_TEXT, once(i_print(&15u32)));
inv.invalidate(GET_FILES, once(i_print(&())));
let db = db.with_ground_data(state.clone(), inv);
let (newlines, trace) = get::<(), usize>(&db, TOTAL_NEWLINES, ());
assert_eq!(*newlines, 13);
assert_eq!(trace.len(), 4);
fn o_print<T: Hash>(x: &T) -> salsa::OutputFingerprint {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
x.hash(&mut hasher);
let hash = hasher.finish();
fn i_print<T: Hash>(x: &T) -> salsa::InputFingerprint {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
x.hash(&mut hasher);
let hash = hasher.finish();

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ log = "0.4.3"
url_serde = "0.2.0" url_serde = "0.2.0"
languageserver-types = "0.49.0" languageserver-types = "0.49.0"
walkdir = "2.2.0" walkdir = "2.2.0"
im = { version = "11.0.1", features = ["arc"] } im = "12.0.0"
cargo_metadata = "0.6.0" cargo_metadata = "0.6.0"
text_unit = { version = "0.1.2", features = ["serde"] } text_unit = { version = "0.1.2", features = ["serde"] }
smol_str = { version = "0.1.5", features = ["serde"] } smol_str = { version = "0.1.5", features = ["serde"] }