Don't allocate common visibilities
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 142 additions and 75 deletions
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ impl FunctionData {
attrs: item_tree.attrs(,
has_self_param: func.has_self_param,
is_unsafe: func.is_unsafe,
visibility: func.visibility.clone(),
visibility: item_tree[func.visibility].clone(),
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ impl TypeAliasData {
Arc::new(TypeAliasData {
type_ref: typ.type_ref.clone(),
visibility: typ.visibility.clone(),
visibility: item_tree[typ.visibility].clone(),
bounds: typ.bounds.clone(),
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ impl ConstData {
Arc::new(ConstData {
type_ref: konst.type_ref.clone(),
visibility: konst.visibility.clone(),
visibility: item_tree[konst.visibility].clone(),
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ impl StaticData {
Arc::new(StaticData {
name: Some(,
type_ref: statik.type_ref.clone(),
visibility: statik.visibility.clone(),
visibility: item_tree[statik.visibility].clone(),
mutable: statik.mutable,
@ -29,12 +29,59 @@ use crate::{
path::{path, AssociatedTypeBinding, GenericArgs, ImportAlias, ModPath, Path},
path::{path, AssociatedTypeBinding, GenericArgs, ImportAlias, ModPath, Path, PathKind},
type_ref::{Mutability, TypeBound, TypeRef},
use smallvec::SmallVec;
#[derive(Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct ItemVisibilities {
arena: Arena<RawVisibility>,
impl ItemVisibilities {
fn alloc(&mut self, vis: RawVisibility) -> RawVisibilityId {
match &vis {
RawVisibility::Public => RawVisibilityId::PUB,
RawVisibility::Module(path) if path.segments.is_empty() => match &path.kind {
PathKind::Super(0) => RawVisibilityId::PRIV,
PathKind::Crate => RawVisibilityId::PUB_CRATE,
_ => RawVisibilityId(self.arena.alloc(vis).into_raw().into()),
_ => RawVisibilityId(self.arena.alloc(vis).into_raw().into()),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct RawVisibilityId(u32);
impl RawVisibilityId {
pub const PUB: Self = RawVisibilityId(u32::max_value());
pub const PRIV: Self = RawVisibilityId(u32::max_value() - 1);
pub const PUB_CRATE: Self = RawVisibilityId(u32::max_value() - 2);
impl fmt::Debug for RawVisibilityId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut f = f.debug_tuple("RawVisibilityId");
match *self {
Self::PUB => f.field(&"pub"),
Self::PRIV => f.field(&"pub(self)"),
Self::PUB_CRATE => f.field(&"pub(crate)"),
_ => f.field(&self.0),
static VIS_PUB: RawVisibility = RawVisibility::Public;
static VIS_PRIV: RawVisibility =
RawVisibility::Module(ModPath { kind: PathKind::Super(0), segments: Vec::new() });
static VIS_PUB_CRATE: RawVisibility =
RawVisibility::Module(ModPath { kind: PathKind::Crate, segments: Vec::new() });
#[derive(Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct ItemTreeData {
imports: Arena<Import>,
@ -53,6 +100,8 @@ struct ItemTreeData {
mods: Arena<Mod>,
macro_calls: Arena<MacroCall>,
exprs: Arena<Expr>,
vis: ItemVisibilities,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
@ -303,6 +352,18 @@ macro_rules! impl_index {
impl_index!(fields: Field, variants: Variant, exprs: Expr);
impl Index<RawVisibilityId> for ItemTree {
type Output = RawVisibility;
fn index(&self, index: RawVisibilityId) -> &Self::Output {
match index {
RawVisibilityId::PRIV => &VIS_PRIV,
RawVisibilityId::PUB => &VIS_PUB,
RawVisibilityId::PUB_CRATE => &VIS_PUB_CRATE,
_ => &[Idx::from_raw(index.0.into())],
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Index<FileItemTreeId<N>> for ItemTree {
type Output = N;
fn index(&self, id: FileItemTreeId<N>) -> &N {
@ -315,7 +376,7 @@ impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Index<FileItemTreeId<N>> for ItemTree {
pub struct Import {
pub path: ModPath,
pub alias: Option<ImportAlias>,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub is_glob: bool,
pub is_prelude: bool,
/// AST ID of the `use` or `extern crate` item this import was derived from. Note that many
@ -327,7 +388,7 @@ pub struct Import {
pub struct ExternCrate {
pub path: ModPath,
pub alias: Option<ImportAlias>,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
/// Whether this is a `#[macro_use] extern crate ...`.
pub is_macro_use: bool,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::ExternCrateItem>,
@ -336,7 +397,7 @@ pub struct ExternCrate {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Function {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub has_self_param: bool,
pub is_unsafe: bool,
@ -348,7 +409,7 @@ pub struct Function {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Struct {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub fields: Fields,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::StructDef>,
@ -368,7 +429,7 @@ pub enum StructDefKind {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Union {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub fields: Fields,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::UnionDef>,
@ -377,7 +438,7 @@ pub struct Union {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Enum {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub variants: Range<Idx<Variant>>,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::EnumDef>,
@ -387,7 +448,7 @@ pub struct Enum {
pub struct Const {
/// const _: () = ();
pub name: Option<Name>,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub type_ref: TypeRef,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::ConstDef>,
@ -395,7 +456,7 @@ pub struct Const {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Static {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub mutable: bool,
pub type_ref: TypeRef,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::StaticDef>,
@ -404,7 +465,7 @@ pub struct Static {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Trait {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub auto: bool,
pub items: Vec<AssocItem>,
@ -424,7 +485,7 @@ pub struct Impl {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TypeAlias {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
/// Bounds on the type alias itself. Only valid in trait declarations, eg. `type Assoc: Copy;`.
pub bounds: Vec<TypeBound>,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
@ -435,7 +496,7 @@ pub struct TypeAlias {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Mod {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
pub kind: ModKind,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::Module>,
@ -549,5 +610,5 @@ pub enum Fields {
pub struct Field {
pub name: Name,
pub type_ref: TypeRef,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pub(super) struct Ctx {
source_ast_id_map: Arc<AstIdMap>,
body_ctx: crate::body::LowerCtx,
inner_items: Vec<ModItem>,
forced_visibility: Option<RawVisibility>,
forced_visibility: Option<RawVisibilityId>,
impl Ctx {
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ impl Ctx {
fn lower_record_field(&self, field: &ast::RecordFieldDef) -> Option<Field> {
fn lower_record_field(&mut self, field: &ast::RecordFieldDef) -> Option<Field> {
let name =;
let visibility = self.lower_visibility(field);
let type_ref = self.lower_type_ref(&field.ascribed_type()?);
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ impl Ctx {
fn lower_tuple_field(&self, idx: usize, field: &ast::TupleFieldDef) -> Option<Field> {
fn lower_tuple_field(&mut self, idx: usize, field: &ast::TupleFieldDef) -> Option<Field> {
let name = Name::new_tuple_field(idx);
let visibility = self.lower_visibility(field);
let type_ref = self.lower_type_ref(&field.type_ref()?);
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ impl Ctx {
let generic_params = self.lower_generic_params(GenericsOwner::Trait(trait_def), trait_def);
let auto = trait_def.auto_token().is_some();
let items = trait_def.item_list().map(|list| {
self.with_inherited_visibility(visibility.clone(), |this| {
self.with_inherited_visibility(visibility, |this| {
.filter_map(|item| {
let attrs = Attrs::new(&item, &this.hygiene);
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ impl Ctx {
imports.push(id(tree.imports.alloc(Import {
visibility: visibility.clone(),
@ -596,11 +596,13 @@ impl Ctx {
fn lower_visibility(&self, item: &impl ast::VisibilityOwner) -> RawVisibility {
match &self.forced_visibility {
Some(vis) => vis.clone(),
fn lower_visibility(&mut self, item: &impl ast::VisibilityOwner) -> RawVisibilityId {
let vis = match self.forced_visibility {
Some(vis) => return vis,
None => RawVisibility::from_ast_with_hygiene(item.visibility(), &self.hygiene),
fn lower_type_ref(&self, type_ref: &ast::TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
@ -613,7 +615,7 @@ impl Ctx {
/// Forces the visibility `vis` to be used for all items lowered during execution of `f`.
fn with_inherited_visibility<R>(
&mut self,
vis: RawVisibility,
vis: RawVisibilityId,
f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
) -> R {
let old = mem::replace(&mut self.forced_visibility, Some(vis));
@ -219,31 +219,31 @@ inner attrs: Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments
top-level items:
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_on_use"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Import { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("a"))] }, alias: None, visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), is_glob: false, is_prelude: false, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::UseItem>(0) }
Import { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("a"))] }, alias: None, visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), is_glob: false, is_prelude: false, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::UseItem>(0) }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_on_use"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Import { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("b"))] }, alias: None, visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), is_glob: true, is_prelude: false, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::UseItem>(0) }
Import { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("b"))] }, alias: None, visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), is_glob: true, is_prelude: false, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::UseItem>(0) }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("ext_crate"))] }, input: None }]) }]
ExternCrate { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("krate"))] }, alias: None, visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), is_macro_use: false, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ExternCrateItem>(1) }
ExternCrate { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("krate"))] }, alias: None, visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), is_macro_use: false, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ExternCrateItem>(1) }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("on_trait"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Trait { name: Name(Text("Tr")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 2, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("Self"))), default: None, provenance: TraitSelf }, TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("U"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, auto: false, items: [TypeAlias(Idx::<TypeAlias>(0)), Const(Idx::<Const>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(1))], ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::TraitDef>(2) }
Trait { name: Name(Text("Tr")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 2, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("Self"))), default: None, provenance: TraitSelf }, TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("U"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, auto: false, items: [TypeAlias(Idx::<TypeAlias>(0)), Const(Idx::<Const>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(1))], ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::TraitDef>(2) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("assoc_ty"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> TypeAlias { name: Name(Text("AssocTy")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), bounds: [Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Tr"))] }, generic_args: [Some(GenericArgs { args: [Type(Tuple([]))], has_self_type: false, bindings: [] })] })], generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, type_ref: None, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::TypeAliasDef>(8) }
> TypeAlias { name: Name(Text("AssocTy")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), bounds: [Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Tr"))] }, generic_args: [Some(GenericArgs { args: [Type(Tuple([]))], has_self_type: false, bindings: [] })] })], generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, type_ref: None, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::TypeAliasDef>(8) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("assoc_const"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Const { name: Some(Name(Text("CONST"))), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), type_ref: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("u8"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ConstDef>(9) }
> Const { name: Some(Name(Text("CONST"))), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), type_ref: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("u8"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ConstDef>(9) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("assoc_method"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Function { name: Name(Text("method")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: true, is_unsafe: false, params: [Reference(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Self"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), Shared)], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(10) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("method")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: true, is_unsafe: false, params: [Reference(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Self"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), Shared)], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(10) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("assoc_dfl_method"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Function { name: Name(Text("dfl_method")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: true, is_unsafe: false, params: [Reference(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Self"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), Mut)], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(11) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("dfl_method")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: true, is_unsafe: false, params: [Reference(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Self"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), Mut)], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(11) }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("struct0"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Struct { name: Name(Text("Struct0")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: Some(Tuple([])), provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Unit, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::StructDef>(3), kind: Unit }
Struct { name: Name(Text("Struct0")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: Some(Tuple([])), provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Unit, ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::StructDef>(3), kind: Unit }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("struct1"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Struct { name: Name(Text("Struct1")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Tuple(Idx::<Field>(0)..Idx::<Field>(1)), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::StructDef>(4), kind: Tuple }
Struct { name: Name(Text("Struct1")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Tuple(Idx::<Field>(0)..Idx::<Field>(1)), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::StructDef>(4), kind: Tuple }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("struct2"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Struct { name: Name(Text("Struct2")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Record(Idx::<Field>(1)..Idx::<Field>(2)), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::StructDef>(5), kind: Record }
Struct { name: Name(Text("Struct2")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Record(Idx::<Field>(1)..Idx::<Field>(2)), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::StructDef>(5), kind: Record }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("en"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Enum { name: Name(Text("En")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, variants: Idx::<Variant>(0)..Idx::<Variant>(1), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::EnumDef>(6) }
Enum { name: Name(Text("En")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, variants: Idx::<Variant>(0)..Idx::<Variant>(1), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::EnumDef>(6) }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("un"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Union { name: Name(Text("Un")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Record(Idx::<Field>(3)..Idx::<Field>(4)), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::UnionDef>(7) }
Union { name: Name(Text("Un")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, fields: Record(Idx::<Field>(3)..Idx::<Field>(4)), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::UnionDef>(7) }
@ -267,12 +267,12 @@ inner attrs: Attrs { entries: None }
top-level items:
Impl { generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("T"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [WherePredicate { target: TypeRef(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("T"))] }, generic_args: [None] })), bound: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("A"))] }, generic_args: [None] }) }] }, target_trait: Some(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("D"))] }, generic_args: [None] })), target_type: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Response"))] }, generic_args: [Some(GenericArgs { args: [Type(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("T"))] }, generic_args: [None] }))], has_self_type: false, bindings: [] })] }), is_negative: false, items: [Function(Idx::<Function>(1))], ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ImplDef>(0) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("foo")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("foo")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
inner items:
for AST FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ModuleItem>(2):
Function { name: Name(Text("end")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("W"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [WherePredicate { target: TypeRef(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("W"))] }, generic_args: [None] })), bound: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Write"))] }, generic_args: [None] }) }] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
Function { name: Name(Text("end")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("W"))), default: None, provenance: TypeParamList }] }, where_predicates: [WherePredicate { target: TypeRef(Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("W"))] }, generic_args: [None] })), bound: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Write"))] }, generic_args: [None] }) }] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ inner attrs: Attrs { entries: None }
top-level items:
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_a"))] }, input: None }, Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("block_attr"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Function { name: Name(Text("a")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
Function { name: Name(Text("a")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_b"))] }, input: None }, Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("block_attr"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Function { name: Name(Text("b")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
Function { name: Name(Text("b")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
@ -321,11 +321,11 @@ inner attrs: Attrs { entries: None }
top-level items:
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("trait_attr"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Trait { name: Name(Text("Tr")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("Self"))), default: None, provenance: TraitSelf }] }, where_predicates: [] }, auto: false, items: [Function(Idx::<Function>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(1))], ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::TraitDef>(0) }
Trait { name: Name(Text("Tr")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 1, data: [TypeParamData { name: Some(Name(Text("Self"))), default: None, provenance: TraitSelf }] }, where_predicates: [] }, auto: false, items: [Function(Idx::<Function>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(1))], ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::TraitDef>(0) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_a"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Function { name: Name(Text("a")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("a")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_b"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Function { name: Name(Text("b")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("b")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ top-level items:
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("impl_attr"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Impl { generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, target_trait: None, target_type: Path(Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("Ty"))] }, generic_args: [None] }), is_negative: false, items: [Function(Idx::<Function>(0)), Function(Idx::<Function>(1))], ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ImplDef>(0) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_a"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Function { name: Name(Text("a")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("a")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
> #[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("attr_b"))] }, input: None }]) }]
> Function { name: Name(Text("b")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
> Function { name: Name(Text("b")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(2) }
@ -398,13 +398,13 @@ fn inner_item_attrs() {
inner attrs: Attrs { entries: None }
top-level items:
Function { name: Name(Text("foo")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(0) }
Function { name: Name(Text("foo")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(0) }
inner items:
for AST FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::ModuleItem>(1):
#[Attrs { entries: Some([Attr { path: ModPath { kind: Plain, segments: [Name(Text("on_inner"))] }, input: None }]) }]
Function { name: Name(Text("inner")), visibility: Module(ModPath { kind: Super(0), segments: [] }), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
Function { name: Name(Text("inner")), visibility: RawVisibilityId("pub(self)"), generic_params: GenericParams { types: Arena { len: 0, data: [] }, where_predicates: [] }, has_self_param: false, is_unsafe: false, params: [], ret_type: Tuple([]), ast_id: FileAstId::<ra_syntax::ast::generated::nodes::FnDef>(1) }
@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ use test_utils::mark;
use crate::{
item_tree::{self, ItemTree, ItemTreeId, MacroCall, Mod, ModItem, ModKind, StructDefKind},
self, FileItemTreeId, ItemTree, ItemTreeId, MacroCall, Mod, ModItem, ModKind, StructDefKind,
diagnostics::DefDiagnostic, mod_resolution::ModDir, path_resolution::ReachedFixedPoint,
BuiltinShadowMode, CrateDefMap, ModuleData, ModuleOrigin, ResolveMode,
@ -114,26 +116,28 @@ struct Import {
pub is_macro_use: bool,
impl From<item_tree::Import> for Import {
fn from(it: item_tree::Import) -> Self {
impl Import {
fn from_use(tree: &ItemTree, id: FileItemTreeId<item_tree::Import>) -> Self {
let it = &tree[id];
let visibility = &tree[it.visibility];
Self {
path: it.path,
alias: it.alias,
visibility: it.visibility,
path: it.path.clone(),
alias: it.alias.clone(),
visibility: visibility.clone(),
is_glob: it.is_glob,
is_prelude: it.is_prelude,
is_extern_crate: false,
is_macro_use: false,
impl From<item_tree::ExternCrate> for Import {
fn from(it: item_tree::ExternCrate) -> Self {
fn from_extern_crate(tree: &ItemTree, id: FileItemTreeId<item_tree::ExternCrate>) -> Self {
let it = &tree[id];
let visibility = &tree[it.visibility];
Self {
path: it.path,
alias: it.alias,
visibility: it.visibility,
path: it.path.clone(),
alias: it.alias.clone(),
visibility: visibility.clone(),
is_glob: false,
is_prelude: false,
is_extern_crate: true,
@ -761,14 +765,14 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
ModItem::Import(import_id) => {
self.def_collector.unresolved_imports.push(ImportDirective {
module_id: self.module_id,
import: self.item_tree[import_id].clone().into(),
import: Import::from_use(&self.item_tree, import_id),
status: PartialResolvedImport::Unresolved,
ModItem::ExternCrate(import_id) => {
self.def_collector.unresolved_imports.push(ImportDirective {
module_id: self.module_id,
import: self.item_tree[import_id].clone().into(),
import: Import::from_extern_crate(&self.item_tree, import_id),
status: PartialResolvedImport::Unresolved,
@ -795,7 +799,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &func.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[func.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -812,7 +816,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: it.kind != StructDefKind::Record,
@ -829,7 +833,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -846,7 +850,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -862,7 +866,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -875,7 +879,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -887,7 +891,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -902,7 +906,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
name: &,
visibility: &it.visibility,
visibility: &self.item_tree[it.visibility],
has_constructor: false,
@ -935,7 +939,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
AstId::new(self.file_id, module.ast_id),
ModCollector {
@ -965,7 +969,7 @@ impl ModCollector<'_, '_> {
Some((file_id, is_mod_rs)),
let item_tree = self.def_collector.db.item_tree(file_id.into());
ModCollector {
Add table
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