Merge #2413
2413: Remove another helper r=matklad a=matklad Co-authored-by: Aleksey Kladov <>
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 156 additions and 124 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use hir_def::{
resolver::{HasResolver, TypeNs},
type_ref::{Mutability, TypeRef},
AdtId, AstItemDef, ConstId, ContainerId, DefWithBodyId, EnumId, FunctionId, GenericDefId,
HasModule, ImplId, LocalEnumVariantId, LocalImportId, LocalModuleId, LocalStructFieldId,
@ -737,64 +737,7 @@ impl Trait {
pub fn items(self, db: &impl DefDatabase) -> Vec<AssocItem> {
db.trait_data(|it| (*it).into()).collect()
fn direct_super_traits(self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Vec<Trait> {
let resolver =;
// returning the iterator directly doesn't easily work because of
// lifetime problems, but since there usually shouldn't be more than a
// few direct traits this should be fine (we could even use some kind of
// SmallVec if performance is a concern)
.filter_map(|pred| match &pred.type_ref {
TypeRef::Path(p) if p.as_ident() == Some(&name::SELF_TYPE) => pred.bound.as_path(),
_ => None,
.filter_map(|path| match resolver.resolve_path_in_type_ns_fully(db, path) {
Some(TypeNs::TraitId(t)) => Some(t),
_ => None,
/// Returns an iterator over the whole super trait hierarchy (including the
/// trait itself).
pub fn all_super_traits(self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Vec<Trait> {
// we need to take care a bit here to avoid infinite loops in case of cycles
// (i.e. if we have `trait A: B; trait B: A;`)
let mut result = vec![self];
let mut i = 0;
while i < result.len() {
let t = result[i];
// yeah this is quadratic, but trait hierarchies should be flat
// enough that this doesn't matter
for tt in t.direct_super_traits(db) {
if !result.contains(&tt) {
i += 1;
pub fn associated_type_by_name(self, db: &impl DefDatabase, name: &Name) -> Option<TypeAlias> {
let trait_data = db.trait_data(;
let res =
trait_data.associated_types().map(TypeAlias::from).find(|t| & == name)?;
pub fn associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits(
db: &impl HirDatabase,
name: &Name,
) -> Option<TypeAlias> {
self.all_super_traits(db).into_iter().find_map(|t| t.associated_type_by_name(db, name))
db.trait_data(|(_name, it)| (*it).into()).collect()
pub fn trait_ref(self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> TraitRef {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ mod op;
mod lower;
mod infer;
pub(crate) mod display;
pub(crate) mod utils;
mod tests;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use hir_expand::name;
use log::{info, warn};
use ra_db::CrateId;
use crate::{db::HirDatabase, Trait};
use crate::db::HirDatabase;
use super::{
traits::{InEnvironment, Solution},
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ fn deref_by_trait(
ty: InEnvironment<&Canonical<Ty>>,
) -> Option<Canonical<Ty>> {
let deref_trait = match db.lang_item(krate.into(), "deref".into())? {
LangItemTarget::TraitId(t) => Trait::from(t),
LangItemTarget::TraitId(it) => it,
_ => return None,
let target = deref_trait.associated_type_by_name(db, &name::TARGET_TYPE)?;
let target = db.trait_data(deref_trait).associated_type_by_name(&name::TARGET_TYPE)?;
let generic_params = db.generic_params(;
let generic_params = db.generic_params(target.into());
if generic_params.count_params_including_parent() != 1 {
// the Target type + Deref trait should only have one generic parameter,
// namely Deref's Self type
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ fn deref_by_trait(
let projection = super::traits::ProjectionPredicate {
ty: Ty::Bound(0),
projection_ty: super::ProjectionTy { associated_ty:, parameters },
projection_ty: super::ProjectionTy { associated_ty: target, parameters },
let obligation = super::Obligation::Projection(projection);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ use crate::{
expr::{BindingAnnotation, Body, ExprId, PatId},
Adt, AssocItem, DefWithBody, FloatTy, Function, IntTy, Path, StructField, Trait, VariantDef,
Adt, AssocItem, DefWithBody, FloatTy, Function, IntTy, Path, StructField, VariantDef,
macro_rules! ty_app {
@ -582,20 +582,20 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
fn resolve_into_iter_item(&self) -> Option<TypeAlias> {
let path = known::std_iter_into_iterator();
let trait_: Trait = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db, &path)?.into();
trait_.associated_type_by_name(self.db, &name::ITEM_TYPE)
let trait_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db, &path)?;
fn resolve_ops_try_ok(&self) -> Option<TypeAlias> {
let path = known::std_ops_try();
let trait_: Trait = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db, &path)?.into();
trait_.associated_type_by_name(self.db, &name::OK_TYPE)
let trait_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db, &path)?;
fn resolve_future_future_output(&self) -> Option<TypeAlias> {
let path = known::std_future_future();
let trait_: Trait = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db, &path)?.into();
trait_.associated_type_by_name(self.db, &name::OUTPUT_TYPE)
let trait_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db, &path)?;
fn resolve_boxed_box(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use crate::{
primitive::{FloatTy, IntTy},
utils::{all_super_traits, associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits},
@ -169,14 +170,16 @@ impl Ty {
return if remaining_segments.len() == 1 {
let segment = &remaining_segments[0];
match trait_ref
.associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits(db, &
let associated_ty = associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits(
match associated_ty {
Some(associated_ty) => {
// FIXME handle type parameters on the segment
Ty::Projection(ProjectionTy {
parameters: trait_ref.substs,
@ -260,18 +263,16 @@ impl Ty {
GenericPredicate::Implemented(tr) if tr.self_ty() == &self_ty => Some(tr.trait_),
_ => None,
let traits = traits_from_env.flat_map(|t| t.all_super_traits(db));
let traits = traits_from_env.flat_map(|t| all_super_traits(db,;
for t in traits {
if let Some(associated_ty) = t.associated_type_by_name(db, & {
if let Some(associated_ty) = db.trait_data(
let substs = Substs::build_for_def(db,
// FIXME handle type parameters on the segment
return Ty::Projection(ProjectionTy {
parameters: substs,
return Ty::Projection(ProjectionTy { associated_ty, parameters: substs });
@ -509,10 +510,11 @@ fn assoc_type_bindings_from_type_bound<'a>(
.flat_map(|args_and_bindings| args_and_bindings.bindings.iter())
.map(move |(name, type_ref)| {
let associated_ty =
match trait_ref.trait_.associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits(db, &name) {
None => return GenericPredicate::Error,
Some(t) =>,
associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits(db,, &name);
let associated_ty = match associated_ty {
None => return GenericPredicate::Error,
Some(t) => t,
let projection_ty =
ProjectionTy { associated_ty, parameters: trait_ref.substs.clone() };
let ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, type_ref);
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use crate::{
ty::primitive::{FloatBitness, Uncertain},
ty::{Ty, TypeCtor},
ty::{utils::all_super_traits, Ty, TypeCtor},
AssocItem, Crate, Function, Mutability, Name, Trait,
@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ fn iterate_trait_method_candidates<T>(
let traits_from_env = env
.map(|tr| tr.trait_)
.flat_map(|t| t.all_super_traits(db));
.flat_map(|t| all_super_traits(db,
let traits = inherent_trait
@ -260,8 +261,8 @@ fn iterate_trait_method_candidates<T>(
// trait, but if we find out it doesn't, we'll skip the rest of the
// iteration
let mut known_implemented = false;
for &item in data.items.iter() {
if !is_valid_candidate(db, name, mode, item.into()) {
for (_name, item) in data.items.iter() {
if !is_valid_candidate(db, name, mode, (*item).into()) {
if !known_implemented {
@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ fn iterate_trait_method_candidates<T>(
known_implemented = true;
if let Some(result) = callback(&ty.value, item.into()) {
if let Some(result) = callback(&ty.value, (*item).into()) {
return Some(result);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use chalk_ir::{
use chalk_rust_ir::{AssociatedTyDatum, AssociatedTyValue, ImplDatum, StructDatum, TraitDatum};
use hir_def::{lang_item::LangItemTarget, ContainerId, GenericDefId, Lookup, TypeAliasId};
use hir_def::{lang_item::LangItemTarget, ContainerId, GenericDefId, Lookup, TraitId, TypeAliasId};
use hir_expand::name;
use ra_db::salsa::{InternId, InternKey};
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ where
[super::FnTrait::FnOnce, super::FnTrait::FnMut, super::FnTrait::Fn].iter()
if let Some(actual_trait) = get_fn_trait(self.db, self.krate, fn_trait) {
if trait_ == actual_trait {
if == actual_trait {
let impl_ = super::ClosureFnTraitImplData { def, expr, fn_trait };
@ -661,6 +661,7 @@ fn impl_block_datum(
let impl_datum_bound = chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatumBound { trait_ref, where_clauses };
let trait_data = db.trait_data(;
let associated_ty_value_ids = impl_block
@ -670,7 +671,7 @@ fn impl_block_datum(
.filter(|type_alias| {
// don't include associated types that don't exist in the trait
trait_.associated_type_by_name(db, &
.map(|type_alias| AssocTyValue::TypeAlias(type_alias).to_chalk(db))
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ fn closure_fn_trait_impl_datum(
// and don't want to return a valid value only to find out later that FnOnce
// is broken
let fn_once_trait = get_fn_trait(db, krate, super::FnTrait::FnOnce)?;
fn_once_trait.associated_type_by_name(db, &name::OUTPUT_TYPE)?;
let _output = db.trait_data(fn_once_trait).associated_type_by_name(&name::OUTPUT_TYPE)?;
let num_args: u16 = match &db.body(data.def.into())[data.expr] {
crate::expr::Expr::Lambda { args, .. } => args.len() as u16,
@ -735,8 +736,8 @@ fn closure_fn_trait_impl_datum(
let self_ty = Ty::apply_one(TypeCtor::Closure { def: data.def, expr: data.expr }, sig_ty);
let trait_ref = TraitRef {
substs: Substs::build_for_def(db,,
trait_: trait_.into(),
substs: Substs::build_for_def(db, trait_).push(self_ty).push(arg_ty).build(),
let output_ty_id = AssocTyValue::ClosureFnTraitImplOutput(data.clone()).to_chalk(db);
@ -783,10 +784,10 @@ fn type_alias_associated_ty_value(
.expect("assoc ty value should not exist") // we don't return any assoc ty values if the impl'd trait can't be resolved
let assoc_ty = trait_
.associated_type_by_name(db, &
.expect("assoc ty value should not exist") // validated when building the impl data as well
let assoc_ty = db
.expect("assoc ty value should not exist"); // validated when building the impl data as well
let generic_params = db.generic_params(;
let bound_vars = Substs::bound_vars(&generic_params);
let ty = db.type_for_def(type_alias.into(), crate::ty::Namespace::Types).subst(&bound_vars);
@ -819,10 +820,10 @@ fn closure_fn_trait_output_assoc_ty_value(
let fn_once_trait =
get_fn_trait(db, krate, super::FnTrait::FnOnce).expect("assoc ty value should not exist");
let output_ty_id = fn_once_trait
.associated_type_by_name(db, &name::OUTPUT_TYPE)
.expect("assoc ty value should not exist")
let output_ty_id = db
.expect("assoc ty value should not exist");
let value_bound = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValueBound { ty: output_ty.to_chalk(db) };
@ -834,10 +835,10 @@ fn closure_fn_trait_output_assoc_ty_value(
fn get_fn_trait(db: &impl HirDatabase, krate: Crate, fn_trait: super::FnTrait) -> Option<Trait> {
fn get_fn_trait(db: &impl HirDatabase, krate: Crate, fn_trait: super::FnTrait) -> Option<TraitId> {
let target = db.lang_item(krate.crate_id, fn_trait.lang_item_name().into())?;
match target {
LangItemTarget::TraitId(t) => Some(t.into()),
LangItemTarget::TraitId(t) => Some(t),
_ => None,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
//! Helper functions for working with def, which don't need to be a separate
//! query, but can't be computed directly from `*Data` (ie, which need a `db`).
use hir_def::{
resolver::{HasResolver, TypeNs},
TraitId, TypeAliasId,
use hir_expand::name::{self, Name};
// FIXME: this is wrong, b/c it can't express `trait T: PartialEq<()>`.
// We should return a `TraitREf` here.
fn direct_super_traits(db: &impl DefDatabase, trait_: TraitId) -> Vec<TraitId> {
let resolver = trait_.resolver(db);
// returning the iterator directly doesn't easily work because of
// lifetime problems, but since there usually shouldn't be more than a
// few direct traits this should be fine (we could even use some kind of
// SmallVec if performance is a concern)
.filter_map(|pred| match &pred.type_ref {
TypeRef::Path(p) if p.as_ident() == Some(&name::SELF_TYPE) => pred.bound.as_path(),
_ => None,
.filter_map(|path| match resolver.resolve_path_in_type_ns_fully(db, path) {
Some(TypeNs::TraitId(t)) => Some(t),
_ => None,
/// Returns an iterator over the whole super trait hierarchy (including the
/// trait itself).
pub(crate) fn all_super_traits(db: &impl DefDatabase, trait_: TraitId) -> Vec<TraitId> {
// we need to take care a bit here to avoid infinite loops in case of cycles
// (i.e. if we have `trait A: B; trait B: A;`)
let mut result = vec![trait_];
let mut i = 0;
while i < result.len() {
let t = result[i];
// yeah this is quadratic, but trait hierarchies should be flat
// enough that this doesn't matter
for tt in direct_super_traits(db, t) {
if !result.contains(&tt) {
i += 1;
pub(crate) fn associated_type_by_name_including_super_traits(
db: &impl DefDatabase,
trait_: TraitId,
name: &Name,
) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
all_super_traits(db, trait_)
.find_map(|t| db.trait_data(t).associated_type_by_name(name))
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ impl TypeAliasData {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TraitData {
pub name: Option<Name>,
pub items: Vec<AssocItemId>,
pub items: Vec<(Name, AssocItemId)>,
pub auto: bool,
@ -97,28 +97,42 @@ impl TraitData {
let name =|n| n.as_name());
let auto = src.value.is_auto();
let ast_id_map = db.ast_id_map(src.file_id);
let container = ContainerId::TraitId(tr);
let items = if let Some(item_list) = src.value.item_list() {
.map(|item_node| match item_node {
ast::ImplItem::FnDef(it) => FunctionLoc {
container: ContainerId::TraitId(tr),
ast_id: AstId::new(src.file_id, ast_id_map.ast_id(&it)),
ast::ImplItem::FnDef(it) => {
let name =|it| it.as_name()).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing);
let def = FunctionLoc {
ast_id: AstId::new(src.file_id, ast_id_map.ast_id(&it)),
(name, def)
ast::ImplItem::ConstDef(it) => ConstLoc {
container: ContainerId::TraitId(tr),
ast_id: AstId::new(src.file_id, ast_id_map.ast_id(&it)),
ast::ImplItem::ConstDef(it) => {
let name =|it| it.as_name()).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing);
let def = ConstLoc {
ast_id: AstId::new(src.file_id, ast_id_map.ast_id(&it)),
(name, def)
ast::ImplItem::TypeAliasDef(it) => TypeAliasLoc {
container: ContainerId::TraitId(tr),
ast_id: AstId::new(src.file_id, ast_id_map.ast_id(&it)),
ast::ImplItem::TypeAliasDef(it) => {
let name =|it| it.as_name()).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing);
let def = TypeAliasLoc {
ast_id: AstId::new(src.file_id, ast_id_map.ast_id(&it)),
(name, def)
} else {
@ -128,11 +142,18 @@ impl TraitData {
pub fn associated_types(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeAliasId> + '_ {
self.items.iter().filter_map(|item| match item {
self.items.iter().filter_map(|(_name, item)| match item {
AssocItemId::TypeAliasId(t) => Some(*t),
_ => None,
pub fn associated_type_by_name(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
self.items.iter().find_map(|(item_name, item)| match item {
AssocItemId::TypeAliasId(t) if item_name == name => Some(*t),
_ => None,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
Add table
Reference in a new issue