From 7312b41239c83112f57cd495a0d516d2f3547fa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: est31 <>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 22:55:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Unify disallowed-positions test files into one file

Also make the file have a third mode for where everything is cfg'd out to make sure it's an early error.
--- |  340 -----
 ...rr => disallowed-positions.feature.stderr} |  302 ++---
 .../disallowed-positions.no_feature.stderr    | 1111 +++++++++++++++++
 ... => disallowed-positions.nofeature.stderr} |  462 ++++---
 .../disallowed-positions.nothing.stderr       |  862 +++++++++++++
 .../                   |   58 +-
 6 files changed, 2444 insertions(+), 691 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/
 rename tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/{disallowed-positions.stderr => disallowed-positions.feature.stderr} (84%)
 create mode 100644 tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.no_feature.stderr
 rename tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/{disallowed-positions-without-feature-gate.stderr => disallowed-positions.nofeature.stderr} (70%)
 create mode 100644 tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nothing.stderr

diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/
deleted file mode 100644
index 096036bb133..00000000000
--- a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-// Check that we don't suggest enabling a feature for code that's
-// not accepted even with that feature.
-use std::ops::Range;
-fn main() {}
-fn _if() {
-    if (let 0 = 1) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-fn _while() {
-    while (let 0 = 1) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-fn _macros() {
-    macro_rules! use_expr {
-        ($e:expr) => {
-            if $e {}
-            while $e {}
-        }
-    }
-    use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    use_expr!((let 0 = 1));
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-fn nested_within_if_expr() {
-    if &let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if !let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if *let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if -let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    fn _check_try_binds_tighter() -> Result<(), ()> {
-        if let 0 = 0? {}
-        //~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    if (let 0 = 0)? {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if true || let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    let mut x = true;
-    if x = let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    if (let 0 = 0).. {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    // Binds as `(let ... = true)..true &&/|| false`.
-    if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    // Binds as `(let Range { start: F, end } = F)..(|| true)`.
-    const F: fn() -> bool = || true;
-    if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    // Binds as `(let Range { start: true, end } = t)..(&&false)`.
-    let t = &&true;
-    if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    if let true = let true = true {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-fn nested_within_while_expr() {
-    while &let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while !let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while *let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while -let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    fn _check_try_binds_tighter() -> Result<(), ()> {
-        while let 0 = 0? {}
-        //~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    while (let 0 = 0)? {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while true || let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    let mut x = true;
-    while x = let 0 = 0 {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    while (let 0 = 0).. {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    // Binds as `(let ... = true)..true &&/|| false`.
-    while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    // Binds as `(let Range { start: F, end } = F)..(|| true)`.
-    const F: fn() -> bool = || true;
-    while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    // Binds as `(let Range { start: true, end } = t)..(&&false)`.
-    let t = &&true;
-    while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
-    while let true = let true = true {}
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-fn not_error_because_clarified_intent() {
-    if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = (true..true || false) { }
-    if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = (true..true && false) { }
-    while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = (true..true || false) { }
-    while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = (true..true && false) { }
-fn outside_if_and_while_expr() {
-    &let 0 = 0;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    !let 0 = 0;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    *let 0 = 0;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    -let 0 = 0;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    let _ = let _ = 3;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    fn _check_try_binds_tighter() -> Result<(), ()> {
-        let 0 = 0?;
-        //~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    (let 0 = 0)?;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    true || let 0 = 0;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    (true || let 0 = 0);
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    true && (true || let 0 = 0);
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    let mut x = true;
-    x = let 0 = 0;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    true..(let 0 = 0);
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    ..(let 0 = 0);
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    (let 0 = 0)..;
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
-    //~^ ERROR mismatched types
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    (let true = let true = true);
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    {
-        #[cfg(FALSE)]
-        let x = true && let y = 1;
-        //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    #[cfg(FALSE)]
-    {
-        [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
-        //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    // Check function tail position.
-    &let 0 = 0
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-// Let's make sure that `let` inside const generic arguments are considered.
-fn inside_const_generic_arguments() {
-    struct A<const B: bool>;
-    impl<const B: bool> A<{B}> { const O: u32 = 5; }
-    if let A::<{
-        true && let 1 = 1
-        //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }>::O = 5 {}
-    while let A::<{
-        true && let 1 = 1
-        //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }>::O = 5 {}
-    if A::<{
-        true && let 1 = 1
-        //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }>::O == 5 {}
-    // In the cases above we have `ExprKind::Block` to help us out.
-    // Below however, we would not have a block and so an implementation might go
-    // from visiting expressions to types without banning `let` expressions down the tree.
-    // This tests ensures that we are not caught by surprise should the parser
-    // admit non-IDENT expressions in const generic arguments.
-    if A::<
-        true && let 1 = 1
-        //~^ ERROR expressions must be enclosed in braces
-        //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    >::O == 5 {}
-fn with_parenthesis() {
-    let opt = Some(Some(1i32));
-    if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
-    #[cfg(FALSE)]
-    let x = (true && let y = 1);
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    #[cfg(FALSE)]
-    {
-        ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
-        //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    }
diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.stderr b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.feature.stderr
similarity index 84%
rename from tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.stderr
rename to tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.feature.stderr
index ab58abf4d46..ae3856b7e75 100644
--- a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.stderr
+++ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.feature.stderr
@@ -1,239 +1,239 @@
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                                ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                                             ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                           ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                           ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                                                ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if &let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ LL |     if &let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if !let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ LL |     if !let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if *let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ LL |     if *let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if -let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ LL |     if -let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -273,20 +273,20 @@ LL |     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |                ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |             ^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ LL |     if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ LL |     if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ LL |     if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if x = let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ LL |     if x = let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ LL |     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ LL |     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let true = let true = true {}
    |                   ^^^
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ LL |     if let true = let true = true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while &let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ LL |     while &let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while !let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ LL |     while !let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while *let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ LL |     while *let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while -let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ LL |     while -let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -422,20 +422,20 @@ LL |     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |                ^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ LL |     while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ LL |     while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ LL |     while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while x = let 0 = 0 {}
    |               ^^^
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ LL |     while x = let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ LL |     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ LL |     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let true = let true = true {}
    |                      ^^^
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ LL |     while let true = let true = true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     &let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ LL |     &let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     !let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ LL |     !let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     *let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ LL |     *let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     -let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -563,7 +563,15 @@ LL |     -let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     let _ = let _ = 3;
+   |             ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let 0 = 0)?;
    |      ^^^
@@ -571,7 +579,7 @@ LL |     (let 0 = 0)?;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     true || let 0 = 0;
    |             ^^^
@@ -579,7 +587,7 @@ LL |     true || let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (true || let 0 = 0);
    |              ^^^
@@ -587,7 +595,7 @@ LL |     (true || let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     true && (true || let 0 = 0);
    |                      ^^^
@@ -595,7 +603,7 @@ LL |     true && (true || let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     x = let 0 = 0;
    |         ^^^
@@ -603,7 +611,7 @@ LL |     x = let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     true..(let 0 = 0);
    |            ^^^
@@ -611,7 +619,7 @@ LL |     true..(let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ..(let 0 = 0);
    |        ^^^
@@ -619,7 +627,7 @@ LL |     ..(let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let 0 = 0)..;
    |      ^^^
@@ -627,7 +635,7 @@ LL |     (let 0 = 0)..;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
    |      ^^^
@@ -635,7 +643,7 @@ LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    |      ^^^
@@ -643,7 +651,7 @@ LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    |                 ^^^
@@ -651,7 +659,7 @@ LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         let x = true && let y = 1;
    |                         ^^^
@@ -659,7 +667,7 @@ LL |         let x = true && let y = 1;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
    |                   ^^^
@@ -667,7 +675,7 @@ LL |         [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     &let 0 = 0
    |      ^^^
@@ -675,23 +683,7 @@ LL |     &let 0 = 0
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         true && let 1 = 1
-   |                 ^^^
-   |
-   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
-error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         true && let 1 = 1
-   |                 ^^^
-   |
-   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
-error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |                 ^^^
@@ -706,8 +698,24 @@ LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expressions must be enclosed in braces to be used as const generic arguments
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -718,124 +726,124 @@ LL |         { true && let 1 = 1 }
    |         +                   +
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let x = (true && let y = 1);
    |                      ^^^
@@ -843,7 +851,7 @@ LL |     let x = (true && let y = 1);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
    |                    ^^^
@@ -851,7 +859,7 @@ LL |         ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
    |                ^^^
@@ -859,7 +867,7 @@ LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1));
    |                ^^^
@@ -867,7 +875,7 @@ LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1));
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found `Range<bool>`
@@ -876,7 +884,7 @@ LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<bool>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -887,7 +895,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -898,7 +906,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `fn() -> bool`
@@ -909,7 +917,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
                   found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `&&bool`
@@ -920,7 +928,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         if let 0 = 0? {}
    |                    ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
@@ -928,7 +936,7 @@ LL |         if let 0 = 0? {}
    = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found `Range<bool>`
@@ -937,7 +945,7 @@ LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<bool>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -948,7 +956,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -959,7 +967,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `fn() -> bool`
@@ -970,7 +978,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
                   found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `&&bool`
@@ -981,7 +989,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         while let 0 = 0? {}
    |                       ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
@@ -989,7 +997,7 @@ LL |         while let 0 = 0? {}
    = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
    |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -1000,14 +1008,14 @@ LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         let 0 = 0?;
    |                 ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
    = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
-error: aborting due to 104 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 105 previous errors
 Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308.
 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.no_feature.stderr b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.no_feature.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd418f4ed7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.no_feature.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                        ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                        ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                             ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                    ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                    ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                           ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if &let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if !let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if *let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if -let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |             ^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if x = let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |               ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let true = let true = true {}
+   |                   ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while &let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while !let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while *let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while -let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |                ^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                    ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while x = let 0 = 0 {}
+   |               ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                  ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let true = let true = true {}
+   |                      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     &let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     !let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     *let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     -let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     let _ = let _ = 3;
+   |             ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let 0 = 0)?;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     true || let 0 = 0;
+   |             ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (true || let 0 = 0);
+   |              ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     true && (true || let 0 = 0);
+   |                      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     x = let 0 = 0;
+   |         ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     true..(let 0 = 0);
+   |            ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ..(let 0 = 0);
+   |        ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let 0 = 0)..;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let true = let true = true);
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let true = let true = true);
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         let x = true && let y = 1;
+   |                         ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
+   |                   ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     &let 0 = 0
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expressions must be enclosed in braces to be used as const generic arguments
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+help: enclose the `const` expression in braces
+   |
+LL |         { true && let 1 = 1 }
+   |         +                   +
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     let x = (true && let y = 1);
+   |                      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
+   |                    ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
+   |                ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1));
+   |                ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                     ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                        ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Some(a) = opt && (true && true) {
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (true && (true)) && let Some(a) = opt {
+   |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (true) && let Some(a) = opt {
+   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && let Some(a) = opt {
+   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let true = (true && fun()) && (true) {
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found `Range<bool>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<bool>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
+   |            |
+   |            expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
+   |            |
+   |            expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `fn() -> bool`
+   |            |
+   |            expected fn pointer, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected fn pointer `fn() -> bool`
+                  found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `&&bool`
+   |            |
+   |            expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         if let 0 = 0? {}
+   |                    ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
+   |
+   = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found `Range<bool>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<bool>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
+   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
+   |               |
+   |               expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
+   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
+   |               |
+   |               expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
+   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `fn() -> bool`
+   |               |
+   |               expected fn pointer, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected fn pointer `fn() -> bool`
+                  found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
+   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `&&bool`
+   |               |
+   |               expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         while let 0 = 0? {}
+   |                       ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
+   |
+   = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
+   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
+   |          |
+   |          expected `bool`, found `Range<_>`
+   |
+   = note: expected type `bool`
+            found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
+error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         let 0 = 0?;
+   |                 ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
+   |
+   = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
+error: aborting due to 114 previous errors
+Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308, E0658.
+For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions-without-feature-gate.stderr b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nofeature.stderr
similarity index 70%
rename from tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions-without-feature-gate.stderr
rename to tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nofeature.stderr
index 31f389512ed..f556ecf7f91 100644
--- a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions-without-feature-gate.stderr
+++ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nofeature.stderr
@@ -1,239 +1,239 @@
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
-note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |                      ^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
-note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     if (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                             ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                           ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
    |                           ^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |            ^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
-note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |                         ^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
-note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     while (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
-   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if &let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ LL |     if &let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if !let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ LL |     if !let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if *let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ LL |     if *let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if -let 0 = 0 {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ LL |     if -let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -273,20 +273,20 @@ LL |     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |                ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |             ^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ LL |     if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ LL |     if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ LL |     if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if x = let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ LL |     if x = let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ LL |     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ LL |     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let true = let true = true {}
    |                   ^^^
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ LL |     if let true = let true = true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while &let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ LL |     while &let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while !let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ LL |     while !let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while *let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ LL |     while *let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while -let 0 = 0 {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ LL |     while -let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -422,20 +422,20 @@ LL |     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
    |                ^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ LL |     while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ LL |     while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ LL |     while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while x = let 0 = 0 {}
    |               ^^^
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ LL |     while x = let 0 = 0 {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ LL |     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ LL |     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let true = let true = true {}
    |                      ^^^
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ LL |     while let true = let true = true {}
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     &let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ LL |     &let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     !let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ LL |     !let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     *let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ LL |     *let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     -let 0 = 0;
    |      ^^^
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ LL |     -let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let _ = let _ = 3;
    |             ^^^
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ LL |     let _ = let _ = 3;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let 0 = 0)?;
    |      ^^^
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ LL |     (let 0 = 0)?;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     true || let 0 = 0;
    |             ^^^
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ LL |     true || let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (true || let 0 = 0);
    |              ^^^
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ LL |     (true || let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     true && (true || let 0 = 0);
    |                      ^^^
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ LL |     true && (true || let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     x = let 0 = 0;
    |         ^^^
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ LL |     x = let 0 = 0;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     true..(let 0 = 0);
    |            ^^^
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ LL |     true..(let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ..(let 0 = 0);
    |        ^^^
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ LL |     ..(let 0 = 0);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let 0 = 0)..;
    |      ^^^
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ LL |     (let 0 = 0)..;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
    |      ^^^
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    |      ^^^
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    |                 ^^^
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ LL |     (let true = let true = true);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         let x = true && let y = 1;
    |                         ^^^
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ LL |         let x = true && let y = 1;
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
    |                   ^^^
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ LL |         [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     &let 0 = 0
    |      ^^^
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ LL |     &let 0 = 0
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |                 ^^^
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |                 ^^^
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |                 ^^^
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |                 ^^^
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expressions must be enclosed in braces to be used as const generic arguments
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         true && let 1 = 1
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -726,124 +726,124 @@ LL |         { true && let 1 = 1 }
    |         +                   +
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let x = (true && let y = 1);
    |                      ^^^
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ LL |     let x = (true && let y = 1);
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
    |                    ^^^
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ LL |         ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
    |                ^^^
@@ -867,15 +867,105 @@ LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
 error: expected expression, found `let` statement
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     use_expr!((let 0 = 1));
    |                ^^^
    = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                     ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                        ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Some(a) = opt && (true && true) {
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (true && (true)) && let Some(a) = opt {
+   |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (true) && let Some(a) = opt {
+   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && let Some(a) = opt {
+   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
+error[E0658]: `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let true = (true && fun()) && (true) {
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: see issue #53667 <> for more information
+   = help: add `#![feature(let_chains)]` to the crate attributes to enable
+   = note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found `Range<bool>`
@@ -884,7 +974,7 @@ LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<bool>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -895,7 +985,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -906,7 +996,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `fn() -> bool`
@@ -917,7 +1007,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
                   found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `&&bool`
@@ -928,7 +1018,7 @@ LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         if let 0 = 0? {}
    |                    ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
@@ -936,7 +1026,7 @@ LL |         if let 0 = 0? {}
    = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
    |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `bool`, found `Range<bool>`
@@ -945,7 +1035,7 @@ LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<bool>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -956,7 +1046,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -967,7 +1057,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `fn() -> bool`
@@ -978,7 +1068,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
                   found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   - this expression has type `&&bool`
@@ -989,7 +1079,7 @@ LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         while let 0 = 0? {}
    |                       ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
@@ -997,7 +1087,7 @@ LL |         while let 0 = 0? {}
    = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
 error[E0308]: mismatched types
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
    |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ---- this expression has type `bool`
@@ -1008,14 +1098,14 @@ LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
             found struct `std::ops::Range<_>`
 error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         let 0 = 0?;
    |                 ^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `{integer}`
    = help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `{integer}`
-error: aborting due to 105 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 114 previous errors
-Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308.
+Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308, E0658.
 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nothing.stderr b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nothing.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dbe694b6e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/disallowed-positions.nothing.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                        ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                        ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                             ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (((let 0 = 1))) {}
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && true {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                    ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                    ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 1) && (let 0 = 1) {}
+   |                           ^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                                                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let 0 = 1 && let 1 = 2 && (let 2 = 3 && let 3 = 4 && let 4 = 5) {}
+   |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if &let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if !let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if *let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if -let 0 = 0 {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |                ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |             ^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if x = let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |               ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if let true = let true = true {}
+   |                   ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while &let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while !let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while *let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while -let 0 = 0 {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |                   ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `||` operators are not supported in let chain expressions
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true || let 0 = 0 {}
+   |                ^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                    ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true && (true || let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true || (true && let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while x = let 0 = 0 {}
+   |               ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |                  ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
+   |            ^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
+   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     while let true = let true = true {}
+   |                      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     &let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     !let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     *let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     -let 0 = 0;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     let _ = let _ = 3;
+   |             ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let 0 = 0)?;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     true || let 0 = 0;
+   |             ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (true || let 0 = 0);
+   |              ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     true && (true || let 0 = 0);
+   |                      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     x = let 0 = 0;
+   |         ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     true..(let 0 = 0);
+   |            ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ..(let 0 = 0);
+   |        ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let 0 = 0)..;
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let true = let true = true);
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     (let true = let true = true);
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         let x = true && let y = 1;
+   |                         ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         [1, 2, 3][let _ = ()]
+   |                   ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     &let 0 = 0
+   |      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |                 ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expressions must be enclosed in braces to be used as const generic arguments
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         true && let 1 = 1
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+help: enclose the `const` expression in braces
+   |
+LL |         { true && let 1 = 1 }
+   |         +                   +
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && true) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt) && (let Some(b) = a) {
+   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && true {
+   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+note: `let`s wrapped in parentheses are not supported in a context with let chains
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     if (let Some(a) = opt && (true)) && true {
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     let x = (true && let y = 1);
+   |                      ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: expected expression, found `let` statement
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |         ([1, 2, 3][let _ = ()])
+   |                    ^^^
+   |
+   = note: only supported directly in conditions of `if` and `while` expressions
+error: aborting due to 89 previous errors
diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/
index 4ac3ea53a08..c0f7b03a6e3 100644
--- a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/
+++ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-2497-if-let-chains/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+//@ revisions: no_feature feature nothing
 // Here we test that `lowering` behaves correctly wrt. `let $pats = $expr` expressions.
 // We want to make sure that `let` is banned in situations other than:
@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@
 // To that end, we check some positions which is not part of the language above.
-#![feature(let_chains)] // Avoid inflating `.stderr` with overzealous gates in this test.
+// Avoid inflating `.stderr` with overzealous gates (or test what happens if you disable the gate)
+#![cfg_attr(not(no_feature), feature(let_chains))]
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ use std::ops::Range;
 fn main() {}
 fn _if() {
     if (let 0 = 1) {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
@@ -46,8 +49,11 @@ fn _if() {
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    //[no_feature]~| ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+    //[no_feature]~| ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
 fn _while() {
     while (let 0 = 1) {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
@@ -69,8 +75,11 @@ fn _while() {
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    //[no_feature]~| ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
+    //[no_feature]~| ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
 fn _macros() {
     macro_rules! use_expr {
         ($e:expr) => {
@@ -79,11 +88,12 @@ fn _macros() {
     use_expr!((let 0 = 1 && 0 == 0));
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    //[feature,no_feature]~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     use_expr!((let 0 = 1));
-    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    //[feature,no_feature]~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
 fn nested_within_if_expr() {
     if &let 0 = 0 {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
@@ -97,7 +107,7 @@ fn nested_within_if_expr() {
     fn _check_try_binds_tighter() -> Result<(), ()> {
         if let 0 = 0? {}
-        //~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
+        //[feature,no_feature]~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
     if (let 0 = 0)? {}
@@ -118,7 +128,7 @@ fn nested_within_if_expr() {
     if true..(let 0 = 0) {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     if ..(let 0 = 0) {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     if (let 0 = 0).. {}
@@ -127,27 +137,28 @@ fn nested_within_if_expr() {
     // Binds as `(let ... = true)..true &&/|| false`.
     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     // Binds as `(let Range { start: F, end } = F)..(|| true)`.
     const F: fn() -> bool = || true;
     if let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     // Binds as `(let Range { start: true, end } = t)..(&&false)`.
     let t = &&true;
     if let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     if let true = let true = true {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
 fn nested_within_while_expr() {
     while &let 0 = 0 {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
@@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ fn nested_within_while_expr() {
     fn _check_try_binds_tighter() -> Result<(), ()> {
         while let 0 = 0? {}
-        //~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
+        //[feature,no_feature]~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
     while (let 0 = 0)? {}
@@ -182,7 +193,7 @@ fn nested_within_while_expr() {
     while true..(let 0 = 0) {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     while ..(let 0 = 0) {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     while (let 0 = 0).. {}
@@ -191,27 +202,28 @@ fn nested_within_while_expr() {
     // Binds as `(let ... = true)..true &&/|| false`.
     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true && false {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     // Binds as `(let Range { start: F, end } = F)..(|| true)`.
     const F: fn() -> bool = || true;
     while let Range { start: F, end } = F..|| true {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     // Binds as `(let Range { start: true, end } = t)..(&&false)`.
     let t = &&true;
     while let Range { start: true, end } = t..&&false {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
-    //~| ERROR mismatched types
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     while let true = let true = true {}
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
 fn not_error_because_clarified_intent() {
     if let Range { start: _, end: _ } = (true..true || false) { }
@@ -222,6 +234,7 @@ fn not_error_because_clarified_intent() {
     while let Range { start: _, end: _ } = (true..true && false) { }
 fn outside_if_and_while_expr() {
     &let 0 = 0;
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
@@ -232,10 +245,12 @@ fn outside_if_and_while_expr() {
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     -let 0 = 0;
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    let _ = let _ = 3;
+    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     fn _check_try_binds_tighter() -> Result<(), ()> {
         let 0 = 0?;
-        //~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
+        //[feature,no_feature]~^ ERROR the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
     (let 0 = 0)?;
@@ -260,8 +275,8 @@ fn outside_if_and_while_expr() {
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     (let Range { start: _, end: _ } = true..true || false);
-    //~^ ERROR mismatched types
-    //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
+    //[feature,no_feature]~| ERROR mismatched types
     (let true = let true = true);
     //~^ ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
@@ -285,6 +300,7 @@ fn outside_if_and_while_expr() {
 // Let's make sure that `let` inside const generic arguments are considered.
 fn inside_const_generic_arguments() {
     struct A<const B: bool>;
     impl<const B: bool> A<{B}> { const O: u32 = 5; }
@@ -317,6 +333,7 @@ fn inside_const_generic_arguments() {
     >::O == 5 {}
 fn with_parenthesis() {
     let opt = Some(Some(1i32));
@@ -332,6 +349,7 @@ fn with_parenthesis() {
     //~| ERROR expected expression, found `let` statement
     if let Some(a) = opt && (true && true) {
+    //[no_feature]~^ ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
     if (let Some(a) = opt && (let Some(b) = a)) && b == 1 {
@@ -347,14 +365,18 @@ fn with_parenthesis() {
     if (true && (true)) && let Some(a) = opt {
+    //[no_feature]~^ ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
     if (true) && let Some(a) = opt {
+    //[no_feature]~^ ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
     if true && let Some(a) = opt {
+    //[no_feature]~^ ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable
     let fun = || true;
     if let true = (true && fun()) && (true) {
+    //[no_feature]~^ ERROR `let` expressions in this position are unstable