Auto merge of #23930 - petrochenkov:issue23656, r=nrc

Fixes #22757
Fixes #22972
Fixes #23044
Fixes #23151
Fixes #23597
Fixes #23656
Fixes #23929
It also fixes some other corner cases in range patterns, like incorrect spans or not accepting global paths after `...`.

It passes `make check` but needs some additional tests (then it will fix #22546 as well), I'll write them today or tomorrow.
This commit is contained in:
bors 2015-04-03 15:44:24 +00:00
commit 80def6c244
10 changed files with 138 additions and 234 deletions

View file

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ use ast::{MacStmtWithBraces, MacStmtWithSemicolon, MacStmtWithoutBraces};
use ast::{MutImmutable, MutMutable, Mac_, MacInvocTT, MatchSource};
use ast::{MutTy, BiMul, Mutability};
use ast::{MethodImplItem, NamedField, UnNeg, NoReturn, UnNot};
use ast::{Pat, PatEnum, PatIdent, PatLit, PatRange, PatRegion, PatStruct};
use ast::{PatTup, PatBox, PatWild, PatWildMulti, PatWildSingle};
use ast::{Pat, PatBox, PatEnum, PatIdent, PatLit, PatMac, PatRange, PatRegion};
use ast::{PatStruct, PatTup, PatVec, PatWild, PatWildMulti, PatWildSingle};
use ast::{PolyTraitRef, QSelf};
use ast::{Return, BiShl, BiShr, Stmt, StmtDecl};
use ast::{StmtExpr, StmtSemi, StmtMac, StructDef, StructField};
@ -86,12 +86,10 @@ bitflags! {
flags Restrictions: u8 {
const UNRESTRICTED = 0b0000,
const RESTRICTION_NO_BAR_OP = 0b0010,
type ItemInfo = (Ident, Item_, Option<Vec<Attribute> >);
/// How to parse a path. There are four different kinds of paths, all of which
@ -2603,13 +2601,6 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn parse_more_binops(&mut self, lhs: P<Expr>, min_prec: usize) -> P<Expr> {
if self.expr_is_complete(&*lhs) { return lhs; }
// Prevent dynamic borrow errors later on by limiting the
// scope of the borrows.
if self.token == token::BinOp(token::Or) &&
self.restrictions.contains(RESTRICTION_NO_BAR_OP) {
return lhs;
let cur_op_span = self.span;
@ -2956,6 +2947,22 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
fn parse_pat_tuple_elements(&mut self) -> Vec<P<Pat>> {
let mut fields = vec![];
if !self.check(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
if self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t != token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
while && !self.check(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
if fields.len() == 1 {
fn parse_pat_vec_elements(
&mut self,
) -> (Vec<P<Pat>>, Option<P<Pat>>, Vec<P<Pat>>) {
@ -3087,250 +3094,147 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
return (fields, etc);
fn parse_pat_range_end(&mut self) -> P<Expr> {
if self.is_path_start() {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let path = self.parse_path(LifetimeAndTypesWithColons);
let hi = self.last_span.hi;
self.mk_expr(lo, hi, ExprPath(None, path))
} else {
fn is_path_start(&self) -> bool {
(self.token == token::ModSep || self.token.is_ident() || self.token.is_path())
&& !self.token.is_keyword(keywords::True) && !self.token.is_keyword(keywords::False)
/// Parse a pattern.
pub fn parse_pat(&mut self) -> P<Pat> {
maybe_whole!(self, NtPat);
let lo = self.span.lo;
let mut hi;
let pat;
match self.token {
// parse _
token::Underscore => {
// Parse _
pat = PatWild(PatWildSingle);
hi = self.last_span.hi;
return P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: pat,
span: mk_sp(lo, hi)
token::BinOp(token::And) | token::AndAnd => {
// parse &pat and &mut pat
let lo = self.span.lo;
// Parse &pat / &mut pat
let mutability = if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Mut) {
} else {
let sub = self.parse_pat();
pat = PatRegion(sub, mutability);
hi = self.last_span.hi;
return P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: pat,
span: mk_sp(lo, hi)
let mutbl = self.parse_mutability();
let subpat = self.parse_pat();
pat = PatRegion(subpat, mutbl);
token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) => {
// parse (pat,pat,pat,...) as tuple
// Parse (pat,pat,pat,...) as tuple pattern
if self.check(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
pat = PatTup(vec![]);
} else {
let mut fields = vec!(self.parse_pat());
if self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t != token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
while self.check(&token::Comma) {
if self.check(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) { break; }
if fields.len() == 1 { self.expect(&token::Comma); }
pat = PatTup(fields);
hi = self.last_span.hi;
return P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: pat,
span: mk_sp(lo, hi)
let fields = self.parse_pat_tuple_elements();
pat = PatTup(fields);
token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket) => {
// parse [pat,pat,...] as vector pattern
// Parse [pat,pat,...] as vector pattern
let (before, slice, after) =
let (before, slice, after) = self.parse_pat_vec_elements();
pat = ast::PatVec(before, slice, after);
hi = self.last_span.hi;
return P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: pat,
span: mk_sp(lo, hi)
pat = PatVec(before, slice, after);
_ => {}
// at this point, token != _, ~, &, &&, (, [
if (!(self.token.is_ident() || self.token.is_path())
&& self.token != token::ModSep)
|| self.token.is_keyword(keywords::True)
|| self.token.is_keyword(keywords::False) {
// Parse an expression pattern or exp ... exp.
// These expressions are limited to literals (possibly
// preceded by unary-minus) or identifiers.
let val = self.parse_literal_maybe_minus();
if (self.check(&token::DotDotDot)) &&
self.look_ahead(1, |t| {
*t != token::Comma && *t != token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket)
}) {
let end = if self.token.is_ident() || self.token.is_path() {
let path = self.parse_path(LifetimeAndTypesWithColons);
let hi = self.span.hi;
self.mk_expr(lo, hi, ExprPath(None, path))
} else {
pat = PatRange(val, end);
} else {
pat = PatLit(val);
} else if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Mut) {
pat = self.parse_pat_ident(BindByValue(MutMutable));
} else if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Ref) {
// parse ref pat
let mutbl = self.parse_mutability();
pat = self.parse_pat_ident(BindByRef(mutbl));
} else if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Box) {
// `box PAT`
// FIXME(#13910): Rename to `PatBox` and extend to full DST
// support.
let sub = self.parse_pat();
pat = PatBox(sub);
hi = self.last_span.hi;
return P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: pat,
span: mk_sp(lo, hi)
} else {
let can_be_enum_or_struct = self.look_ahead(1, |t| {
match *t {
token::OpenDelim(_) | token::Lt | token::ModSep => true,
_ => false,
if self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::DotDotDot) &&
self.look_ahead(2, |t| {
*t != token::Comma && *t != token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket)
}) {
let start = self.parse_expr_res(RESTRICTION_NO_BAR_OP);;
let end = self.parse_expr_res(RESTRICTION_NO_BAR_OP);
pat = PatRange(start, end);
} else if self.token.is_plain_ident() && !can_be_enum_or_struct {
let id = self.parse_ident();
let id_span = self.last_span;
let pth1 = codemap::Spanned{span:id_span, node: id};
if {
// macro invocation
let delim = self.expect_open_delim();
let tts = self.parse_seq_to_end(&token::CloseDelim(delim),
|p| p.parse_token_tree());
let mac = MacInvocTT(ident_to_path(id_span,id), tts, EMPTY_CTXT);
pat = ast::PatMac(codemap::Spanned {node: mac, span: self.span});
} else {
let sub = if {
// parse foo @ pat
_ => {
// At this point, token != _, &, &&, (, [
if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Mut) {
// Parse mut ident @ pat
pat = self.parse_pat_ident(BindByValue(MutMutable));
} else if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Ref) {
// Parse ref ident @ pat / ref mut ident @ pat
let mutbl = self.parse_mutability();
pat = self.parse_pat_ident(BindByRef(mutbl));
} else if self.eat_keyword(keywords::Box) {
// Parse box pat
let subpat = self.parse_pat();
pat = PatBox(subpat);
} else if self.is_path_start() {
// Parse pattern starting with a path
if self.token.is_plain_ident() && self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t != token::DotDotDot &&
*t != token::OpenDelim(token::Brace) &&
*t != token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) &&
// Contrary to its definition, a plain ident can be followed by :: in macros
*t != token::ModSep) {
// Plain idents have some extra abilities here compared to general paths
if self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::Not) {
// Parse macro invocation
let ident = self.parse_ident();
let ident_span = self.last_span;
let path = ident_to_path(ident_span, ident);
let delim = self.expect_open_delim();
let tts = self.parse_seq_to_end(&token::CloseDelim(delim),
seq_sep_none(), |p| p.parse_token_tree());
let mac = MacInvocTT(path, tts, EMPTY_CTXT);
pat = PatMac(codemap::Spanned {node: mac, span: self.span});
} else {
// or just foo
pat = PatIdent(BindByValue(MutImmutable), pth1, sub);
} else if self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::Lt) {
} else {
// parse an enum pat
let enum_path = self.parse_path(LifetimeAndTypesWithColons);
match self.token {
token::OpenDelim(token::Brace) => {
let (fields, etc) =
pat = PatStruct(enum_path, fields, etc);
// Parse ident @ pat
// This can give false positives and parse nullary enums,
// they are dealt with later in resolve
pat = self.parse_pat_ident(BindByValue(MutImmutable));
token::DotDotDot => {
} else {
// Parse as a general path
let path = self.parse_path(LifetimeAndTypesWithColons);
match self.token {
token::DotDotDot => {
// Parse range
let hi = self.last_span.hi;
let start = self.mk_expr(lo, hi, ExprPath(None, enum_path));;
let end = if self.token.is_ident() || self.token.is_path() {
let path = self.parse_path(LifetimeAndTypesWithColons);
let hi = self.span.hi;
self.mk_expr(lo, hi, ExprPath(None, path))
let begin = self.mk_expr(lo, hi, ExprPath(None, path));
let end = self.parse_pat_range_end();
pat = PatRange(begin, end);
token::OpenDelim(token::Brace) => {
// Parse struct pattern
let (fields, etc) = self.parse_pat_fields();
pat = PatStruct(path, fields, etc);
token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) => {
// Parse tuple struct or enum pattern
if self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::DotDot) {
// This is a "top constructor only" pat
pat = PatEnum(path, None);
} else {
pat = PatRange(start, end);
_ => {
let mut args: Vec<P<Pat>> = Vec::new();
match self.token {
token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) => {
let is_dotdot = self.look_ahead(1, |t| {
match *t {
token::DotDot => true,
_ => false,
if is_dotdot {
// This is a "top constructor only" pat
pat = PatEnum(enum_path, None);
} else {
args = self.parse_enum_variant_seq(
let args = self.parse_enum_variant_seq(&token::OpenDelim(token::Paren),
|p| p.parse_pat()
pat = PatEnum(enum_path, Some(args));
_ => {
if ! &&
enum_path.segments.len() == 1 &&
// NB: If enum_path is a single identifier,
// this should not be reachable due to special
// handling further above.
// However, previously a PatIdent got emitted
// here, so we preserve the branch just in case.
// A rewrite of the logic in this function
// would probably make this obvious.
"ident only path should have been covered already");
} else {
pat = PatEnum(enum_path, Some(args));
seq_sep_trailing_allowed(token::Comma), |p| p.parse_pat());
pat = PatEnum(path, Some(args));
_ => {
// Parse nullary enum
pat = PatEnum(path, Some(vec![]));
} else {
// Try to parse everything else as literal with optional minus
let begin = self.parse_literal_maybe_minus();
if {
let end = self.parse_pat_range_end();
pat = PatRange(begin, end);
} else {
pat = PatLit(begin);
hi = self.last_span.hi;
let hi = self.last_span.hi;
P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: pat,

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
fn main() {
match 42 {
x < 7 => (),
//~^ error: unexpected token: `<`
//~^ error: expected one of `=>`, `@`, `if`, or `|`, found `<`
_ => ()

View file

@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
// except according to those terms.
fn a(B<) {}
//~^ error: unexpected token: `<`
//~^ error: expected one of `:` or `@`, found `<`

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn foo(&self) {
match *self {
Foo<T>(x, y) => {
//~^ error: unexpected token: `<`
//~^ error: expected one of `=>`, `@`, `if`, or `|`, found `<`
println!("Goodbye, World!")

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// except according to those terms.
fn main() {
let caller<F> = |f: F| //~ ERROR unexpected token: `<`
let caller<F> = |f: F| //~ ERROR expected one of `:`, `;`, `=`, or `@`, found `<`
where F: Fn() -> i32
let x = f();

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct Foo<B> {
fn bar() {
let Foo<Vec<u8>> //~ ERROR unexpected token: `<`
let Foo<Vec<u8>> //~ ERROR expected one of `:`, `;`, `=`, or `@`, found `<`
fn main() {}

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
fn main() {
let a = Vec::new();
match a {
[1, tail.., tail..] => {}, //~ ERROR: expected one of `!`, `,`, or `@`, found `..`
[1, tail.., tail..] => {}, //~ ERROR: expected one of `,` or `@`, found `..`
_ => ()

View file

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
fn foo(x) { //~ ERROR expected one of `!`, `:`, or `@`, found `)`
fn foo(x) { //~ ERROR expected one of `:` or `@`, found `)`

View file

@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
fn removed_moves() {
let mut x = 0;
let y <- x;
//~^ ERROR expected one of `!`, `:`, `;`, `=`, or `@`, found `<-`
//~^ ERROR expected one of `:`, `;`, `=`, or `@`, found `<-`

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ struct Foo {
fn main() {
match Foo {
x: 3 //~ ERROR expected one of `!`, `=>`, `@`, `if`, or `|`, found `:`
x: 3 //~ ERROR expected one of `=>`, `@`, `if`, or `|`, found `:`
} {
Foo {
x: x