save-analysis-json: introduce a lowering step which we make the spans nice.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 607 additions and 9 deletions
@ -18,7 +18,37 @@ use std::hash::Hasher;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::ty;
use syntax::ast::{CrateNum, NodeId};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, CodeMap};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct SpanData {
file_name: String,
byte_start: u32,
byte_end: u32,
/// 1-based.
line_start: usize,
line_end: usize,
/// 1-based, character offset.
column_start: usize,
column_end: usize,
impl SpanData {
pub fn from_span(span: Span, cm: &CodeMap) -> SpanData {
let start = cm.lookup_char_pos(span.lo);
let end = cm.lookup_char_pos(span.hi);
SpanData {
byte_start: span.lo.0,
byte_end: span.hi.0,
line_start: start.line,
line_end: end.line,
column_start: start.col.0 + 1,
column_end: end.col.0 + 1,
pub struct CrateData {
pub name: String,
@ -11,31 +11,37 @@
use std::io::Write;
use rustc_serialize::json::as_json;
use syntax::codemap::CodeMap;
use super::data::*;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use syntax::ast::{CrateNum, NodeId};
use super::data::{self, SpanData};
use super::dump::Dump;
pub struct JsonDumper<'b, W: 'b> {
pub struct JsonDumper<'a, 'b, W: 'b> {
output: &'b mut W,
codemap: &'a CodeMap,
impl<'b, W: Write> JsonDumper<'b, W> {
pub fn new(writer: &'b mut W) -> JsonDumper<'b, W> {
JsonDumper { output: writer }
impl<'a, 'b, W: Write> JsonDumper<'a, 'b, W> {
pub fn new(writer: &'b mut W, codemap: &'a CodeMap) -> JsonDumper<'a, 'b, W> {
JsonDumper { output: writer, codemap:codemap }
macro_rules! impl_fn {
($fn_name: ident, $data_type: ident) => {
fn $fn_name(&mut self, data: $data_type) {
fn $fn_name(&mut self, data: data::$data_type) {
let data = data.lower(self.codemap);
if let Err(_) = write!(self.output, "{}", as_json(&data)) {
error!("Error writing output '{}'", as_json(&data));
impl<'b, W: Write + 'b> Dump for JsonDumper<'b, W> {
impl<'a, 'b, W: Write + 'b> Dump for JsonDumper<'a, 'b, W> {
impl_fn!(crate_prelude, CratePreludeData);
impl_fn!(enum_data, EnumData);
impl_fn!(extern_crate, ExternCrateData);
@ -61,3 +67,565 @@ impl<'b, W: Write + 'b> Dump for JsonDumper<'b, W> {
impl_fn!(variable, VariableData);
impl_fn!(variable_ref, VariableRefData);
trait Lower {
type Target;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> Self::Target;
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct CratePreludeData {
pub crate_name: String,
pub crate_root: String,
pub external_crates: Vec<data::ExternalCrateData>,
pub span: SpanData,
impl Lower for data::CratePreludeData {
type Target = CratePreludeData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> CratePreludeData {
CratePreludeData {
crate_name: self.crate_name,
crate_root: self.crate_root,
external_crates: self.external_crates,
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
/// Data for enum declarations.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct EnumData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub value: String,
pub qualname: String,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
impl Lower for data::EnumData {
type Target = EnumData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> EnumData {
EnumData {
value: self.value,
qualname: self.qualname,
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
/// Data for extern crates.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct ExternCrateData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub name: String,
pub crate_num: CrateNum,
pub location: String,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
impl Lower for data::ExternCrateData {
type Target = ExternCrateData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> ExternCrateData {
ExternCrateData {
crate_num: self.crate_num,
location: self.location,
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
/// Data about a function call.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct FunctionCallData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub ref_id: DefId,
impl Lower for data::FunctionCallData {
type Target = FunctionCallData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> FunctionCallData {
FunctionCallData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
ref_id: self.ref_id,
/// Data for all kinds of functions and methods.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct FunctionData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub name: String,
pub qualname: String,
pub declaration: Option<DefId>,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
impl Lower for data::FunctionData {
type Target = FunctionData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> FunctionData {
FunctionData {
qualname: self.qualname,
declaration: self.declaration,
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
/// Data about a function call.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct FunctionRefData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub ref_id: DefId,
impl Lower for data::FunctionRefData {
type Target = FunctionRefData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> FunctionRefData {
FunctionRefData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
ref_id: self.ref_id,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct ImplData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub trait_ref: Option<DefId>,
pub self_ref: Option<DefId>,
impl Lower for data::ImplData {
type Target = ImplData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> ImplData {
ImplData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
trait_ref: self.trait_ref,
self_ref: self.self_ref,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct InheritanceData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub base_id: DefId,
pub deriv_id: NodeId
impl Lower for data::InheritanceData {
type Target = InheritanceData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> InheritanceData {
InheritanceData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
base_id: self.base_id,
deriv_id: self.deriv_id
/// Data about a macro declaration.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct MacroData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub name: String,
pub qualname: String,
impl Lower for data::MacroData {
type Target = MacroData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> MacroData {
MacroData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
qualname: self.qualname,
/// Data about a macro use.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct MacroUseData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub name: String,
pub qualname: String,
// Because macro expansion happens before ref-ids are determined,
// we use the callee span to reference the associated macro definition.
pub callee_span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub imported: bool,
impl Lower for data::MacroUseData {
type Target = MacroUseData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> MacroUseData {
MacroUseData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
qualname: self.qualname,
callee_span: SpanData::from_span(self.callee_span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
imported: self.imported,
/// Data about a method call.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct MethodCallData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub ref_id: Option<DefId>,
pub decl_id: Option<DefId>,
impl Lower for data::MethodCallData {
type Target = MethodCallData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> MethodCallData {
MethodCallData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
ref_id: self.ref_id,
decl_id: self.decl_id,
/// Data for method declarations (methods with a body are treated as functions).
#[derive(Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct MethodData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub qualname: String,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
impl Lower for data::MethodData {
type Target = MethodData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> MethodData {
MethodData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
qualname: self.qualname,
/// Data for modules.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct ModData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub name: String,
pub qualname: String,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub filename: String,
impl Lower for data::ModData {
type Target = ModData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> ModData {
ModData {
qualname: self.qualname,
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
filename: self.filename,
/// Data for a reference to a module.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct ModRefData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub ref_id: Option<DefId>,
pub qualname: String
impl Lower for data::ModRefData {
type Target = ModRefData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> ModRefData {
ModRefData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
ref_id: self.ref_id,
qualname: self.qualname,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct StructData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub id: NodeId,
pub ctor_id: NodeId,
pub qualname: String,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub value: String
impl Lower for data::StructData {
type Target = StructData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> StructData {
StructData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
ctor_id: self.ctor_id,
qualname: self.qualname,
scope: self.scope,
value: self.value
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct StructVariantData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub id: NodeId,
pub qualname: String,
pub type_value: String,
pub value: String,
pub scope: NodeId
impl Lower for data::StructVariantData {
type Target = StructVariantData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> StructVariantData {
StructVariantData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
qualname: self.qualname,
type_value: self.type_value,
value: self.value,
scope: self.scope,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct TraitData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub id: NodeId,
pub qualname: String,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub value: String
impl Lower for data::TraitData {
type Target = TraitData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> TraitData {
TraitData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
qualname: self.qualname,
scope: self.scope,
value: self.value,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct TupleVariantData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub id: NodeId,
pub name: String,
pub qualname: String,
pub type_value: String,
pub value: String,
pub scope: NodeId,
impl Lower for data::TupleVariantData {
type Target = TupleVariantData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> TupleVariantData {
TupleVariantData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
qualname: self.qualname,
type_value: self.type_value,
value: self.value,
scope: self.scope,
/// Data for a typedef.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct TypedefData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub span: SpanData,
pub qualname: String,
pub value: String,
impl Lower for data::TypedefData {
type Target = TypedefData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> TypedefData {
TypedefData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
qualname: self.qualname,
value: self.value,
/// Data for a reference to a type or trait.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct TypeRefData {
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub ref_id: Option<DefId>,
pub qualname: String,
impl Lower for data::TypeRefData {
type Target = TypeRefData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> TypeRefData {
TypeRefData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
ref_id: self.ref_id,
qualname: self.qualname,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct UseData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub span: SpanData,
pub name: String,
pub mod_id: Option<DefId>,
pub scope: NodeId
impl Lower for data::UseData {
type Target = UseData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> UseData {
UseData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
mod_id: self.mod_id,
scope: self.scope,
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct UseGlobData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub span: SpanData,
pub names: Vec<String>,
pub scope: NodeId
impl Lower for data::UseGlobData {
type Target = UseGlobData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> UseGlobData {
UseGlobData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
names: self.names,
scope: self.scope,
/// Data for local and global variables (consts and statics).
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct VariableData {
pub id: NodeId,
pub name: String,
pub qualname: String,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub value: String,
pub type_value: String,
impl Lower for data::VariableData {
type Target = VariableData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> VariableData {
VariableData {
qualname: self.qualname,
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
value: self.value,
type_value: self.type_value,
/// Data for the use of some item (e.g., the use of a local variable, which
/// will refer to that variables declaration (by ref_id)).
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct VariableRefData {
pub name: String,
pub span: SpanData,
pub scope: NodeId,
pub ref_id: DefId,
impl Lower for data::VariableRefData {
type Target = VariableRefData;
fn lower(self, cm: &CodeMap) -> VariableRefData {
VariableRefData {
span: SpanData::from_span(self.span, cm),
scope: self.scope,
ref_id: self.ref_id,
Add table
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