rustdoc: re-sugar more cross-crate trait bounds
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 107 additions and 23 deletions
@ -1176,6 +1176,15 @@ pub(crate) fn clean_middle_assoc_item<'tcx>(
if let ty::TraitContainer = assoc_item.container {
// FIXME(fmease): `tcx.explicit_item_bounds` does not contain the bounds of GATs,
// e.g. the bounds `Copy`, `Display` & (implicitly) `Sized` in
// `type Assoc<T: Copy> where T: Display`. This also means that we
// later incorrectly render `where T: ?Sized`.
// The result of `tcx.explicit_predicates_of` *does* contain them but
// it does not contain the other bounds / predicates we need.
// Either merge those two interned lists somehow or refactor
// `clean_ty_generics` to call `explicit_item_bounds` by itself.
let bounds = tcx.explicit_item_bounds(assoc_item.def_id);
let predicates = ty::GenericPredicates { parent: None, predicates: bounds };
let mut generics =
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_middle::ty;
use rustc_span::Symbol;
use crate::clean;
use crate::clean::GenericArgs as PP;
@ -26,21 +25,17 @@ pub(crate) fn where_clauses(cx: &DocContext<'_>, clauses: Vec<WP>) -> Vec<WP> {
// We use `FxIndexMap` so that the insertion order is preserved to prevent messing up to
// the order of the generated bounds.
let mut params: FxIndexMap<Symbol, (Vec<_>, Vec<_>)> = FxIndexMap::default();
let mut tybounds = FxIndexMap::default();
let mut lifetimes = Vec::new();
let mut equalities = Vec::new();
let mut tybounds = Vec::new();
for clause in clauses {
match clause {
WP::BoundPredicate { ty, bounds, bound_params } => match ty {
clean::Generic(s) => {
let (b, p) = params.entry(s).or_default();
t => tybounds.push((t, (bounds, bound_params))),
WP::BoundPredicate { ty, bounds, bound_params } => {
let (b, p): &mut (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tybounds.entry(ty).or_default();
WP::RegionPredicate { lifetime, bounds } => {
lifetimes.push((lifetime, bounds));
@ -49,14 +44,17 @@ pub(crate) fn where_clauses(cx: &DocContext<'_>, clauses: Vec<WP>) -> Vec<WP> {
// Look for equality predicates on associated types that can be merged into
// general bound predicates
// general bound predicates.
equalities.retain(|&(ref lhs, ref rhs)| {
let Some((self_, trait_did, name)) = lhs.projection() else {
return true;
let clean::Generic(generic) = self_ else { return true };
let Some((bounds, _)) = params.get_mut(generic) else { return true };
let Some((ty, trait_did, name)) = lhs.projection() else { return true; };
// FIXME(fmease): We don't handle HRTBs correctly here.
// Pass `_bound_params` (higher-rank lifetimes) to a modified version of
// `merge_bounds`. That vector is currently always empty though since we
// don't keep track of late-bound lifetimes when cleaning projection
// predicates to cleaned equality predicates while we should first query
// them with `collect_referenced_late_bound_regions` and then store them
// (or something similar). For prior art, see `clean::auto_trait`.
let Some((bounds, _bound_params)) = tybounds.get_mut(ty) else { return true };
merge_bounds(cx, bounds, trait_did, name, rhs)
@ -65,11 +63,6 @@ pub(crate) fn where_clauses(cx: &DocContext<'_>, clauses: Vec<WP>) -> Vec<WP> {
lifetimes.into_iter().map(|(lt, bounds)| WP::RegionPredicate { lifetime: lt, bounds }),
clauses.extend(params.into_iter().map(|(k, (bounds, params))| WP::BoundPredicate {
ty: clean::Generic(k),
bound_params: params,
clauses.extend(tybounds.into_iter().map(|(ty, (bounds, bound_params))| WP::BoundPredicate {
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.Out0" class="associatedtype">Out0</a>: <a class="trait" href="../assoc_item_trait_bounds_with_bindings/trait.Support.html" title="trait assoc_item_trait_bounds_with_bindings::Support">Support</a><Item = <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.unit.html">()</a>></h4>
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.Out9" class="associatedtype">Out9</a>: <a class="trait" href="{{channel}}/core/ops/function/trait.FnMut.html" title="trait core::ops::function::FnMut">FnMut</a>(<a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.i32.html">i32</a>) -> <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.bool.html">bool</a> + <a class="trait" href="{{channel}}/core/clone/trait.Clone.html" title="trait core::clone::Clone">Clone</a></h4>
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Regression test for issues #77763, #84579 and #102142.
#![crate_name = "main"]
// build-aux-docs
// ignore-cross-compile
extern crate assoc_item_trait_bounds_with_bindings as aux;
// FIXME(fmease): Don't render an incorrect `T: ?Sized` where-clause for parameters
// of GATs like `Main::Out{2,4}`. Add a snapshot test once it's fixed.
// FIXME(fmease): Print the `for<>` parameter list in the bounds of
// `Main::Out{6,11,12}`.
// @has main/trait.Main.html
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out0"]' 'type Out0: Support<Item = ()>'
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out1"]' 'type Out1: Support<Item = Self::Item>'
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out2"]' 'type Out2<T>: Support<Item = T>'
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out3"]' 'type Out3: Support<Produce<()> = bool>'
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out4"]' 'type Out4<T>: Support<Produce<T> = T>'
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out5"]' "type Out5: Support<Output<'static> = &'static ()>"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out6"]' "type Out6: Support<Output<'a> = &'a ()>"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out7"]' "type Out7: Support<Item = String, Produce<i32> = u32> + Unrelated"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out8"]' "type Out8: Unrelated + Protocol<i16, Q1 = u128, Q0 = ()>"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out9"]' "type Out9: FnMut(i32) -> bool + Clone"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out10"]' "type Out10<'q>: Support<Output<'q> = ()>"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out11"]' "type Out11: Helper<A<'s> = &'s (), B<'r> = ()>"
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out12"]' "type Out12: Helper<B<'w> = Cow<'w, str>, A<'w> = bool>"
// Snapshots: Check that we do not render any where-clauses for those associated types since all of
// the trait bounds contained within were moved to the bounds of the respective item.
// @snapshot out0 - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out0"]/*[@class="code-header"]'
// @snapshot out9 - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out9"]/*[@class="code-header"]'
// @has - '//*[@id="tymethod.make"]' \
// "fn make<F>(F, impl FnMut(&str) -> bool)\
// where \
// F: FnOnce(u32) -> String, \
// Self::Out2<()>: Protocol<u8, Q0 = Self::Item, Q1 = ()>"
pub use aux::Main;
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
pub trait Main {
type Item;
type Out0: Support<Item = ()>;
type Out1: Support<Item = Self::Item>;
type Out2<T>: Support<Item = T>;
type Out3: Support<Produce<()> = bool>;
type Out4<T>: Support<Produce<T> = T>;
type Out5: Support<Output<'static> = &'static ()>;
type Out6: for<'a> Support<Output<'a> = &'a ()>;
type Out7: Support<Item = String, Produce<i32> = u32> + Unrelated;
type Out8: Unrelated + Protocol<i16, Q1 = u128, Q0 = ()>;
type Out9: FnMut(i32) -> bool + Clone;
type Out10<'q>: Support<Output<'q> = ()>;
type Out11: for<'r, 's> Helper<A<'s> = &'s (), B<'r> = ()>;
type Out12: for<'w> Helper<B<'w> = std::borrow::Cow<'w, str>, A<'w> = bool>;
fn make<F>(_: F, _: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool)
F: FnOnce(u32) -> String,
Self::Out2<()>: Protocol<u8, Q0 = Self::Item, Q1 = ()>;
pub trait Support {
type Item;
type Output<'a>;
type Produce<T>;
pub trait Protocol<K> {
type Q0;
type Q1;
pub trait Unrelated {}
pub trait Helper {
type A<'q>;
type B<'q>;
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