Add documentation for custom mir
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1 changed files with 224 additions and 36 deletions
@ -21,11 +21,10 @@
//! #[custom_mir(dialect = "built")]
//! pub fn simple(x: i32) -> i32 {
//! mir!(
//! let temp1: i32;
//! let temp2: _;
//! let temp2: i32;
//! {
//! temp1 = x;
//! let temp1 = x;
//! Goto(exit)
//! }
@ -38,22 +37,166 @@
//! }
//! ```
//! Hopefully most of this is fairly self-explanatory. Expanding on some notable details:
//! Hopefully the syntax is fairly self-explanatory to anyone familiar with MIR. The `custom_mir`
//! attribute tells the compiler to treat the function as being custom MIR. This attribute only
//! works on functions - there is no way to insert custom MIR into the middle of another function.
//! The `dialect` and `phase` parameters indicate which version of MIR you are inserting here. This
//! will normally be the phase that corresponds to the thing you are trying to test. The phase can
//! be omitted for dialects that have just one.
//! - The `custom_mir` attribute tells the compiler to treat the function as being custom MIR. This
//! attribute only works on functions - there is no way to insert custom MIR into the middle of
//! another function.
//! - The `dialect` and `phase` parameters indicate which version of MIR you are inserting here.
//! This will normally be the phase that corresponds to the thing you are trying to test. The
//! phase can be omitted for dialects that have just one.
//! - You should define your function signature like you normally would. Externally, this function
//! can be called like any other function.
//! - Type inference works - you don't have to spell out the type of all of your locals.
//! The input to the [`mir!`] macro is:
//! For now, all statements and terminators are parsed from nested invocations of the special
//! functions provided in this module. We additionally want to (but do not yet) support more
//! "normal" Rust syntax in places where it makes sense. Also, most kinds of instructions are not
//! supported yet.
//! - A possibly empty list of local declarations. Locals can also be declared inline on
//! assignments via `let`. Type inference generally works. Shadowing does not.
//! - A list of basic blocks. The first of these is the start block and is where execution begins.
//! All blocks other than the start block need to be given a name, so that they can be referred
//! to later.
//! - Each block is a list of semicolon terminated statements, followed by a terminator. The
//! syntax for the various statements and terminators is designed to be as similar as possible
//! to the syntax for analogous concepts in native Rust. See below for a list.
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! #![feature(core_intrinsics, custom_mir)]
//! extern crate core;
//! use core::intrinsics::mir::*;
//! #[custom_mir(dialect = "built")]
//! pub fn choose_load(a: &i32, b: &i32, c: bool) -> i32 {
//! mir!(
//! {
//! match c {
//! true => t,
//! _ => f,
//! }
//! }
//! t = {
//! let temp = a;
//! Goto(load_and_exit)
//! }
//! f = {
//! temp = b;
//! Goto(load_and_exit)
//! }
//! load_and_exit = {
//! RET = *temp;
//! Return()
//! }
//! )
//! }
//! #[custom_mir(dialect = "built")]
//! fn unwrap_unchecked<T>(opt: Option<T>) -> T {
//! mir!({
//! RET = Move(Field(Variant(opt, 1), 0));
//! Return()
//! })
//! }
//! ```
//! We can also set off compilation failures that happen in sufficiently late stages of the
//! compiler:
//! ```rust,compile_fail
//! #![feature(core_intrinsics, custom_mir)]
//! extern crate core;
//! use core::intrinsics::mir::*;
//! #[custom_mir(dialect = "built")]
//! fn borrow_error(should_init: bool) -> i32 {
//! mir!(
//! let temp: i32;
//! {
//! match should_init {
//! true => init,
//! _ => use_temp,
//! }
//! }
//! init = {
//! temp = 0;
//! Goto(use_temp)
//! }
//! use_temp = {
//! RET = temp;
//! Return()
//! }
//! )
//! }
//! ```
//! ```text
//! error[E0381]: used binding is possibly-uninitialized
//! -->
//! |
//! 8 | / mir!(
//! 9 | | let temp: i32;
//! 10 | |
//! 11 | | {
//! ... |
//! 19 | | temp = 0;
//! | | -------- binding initialized here in some conditions
//! ... |
//! 24 | | RET = temp;
//! | | ^^^^^^^^^^ value used here but it is possibly-uninitialized
//! 25 | | Return()
//! 26 | | }
//! 27 | | )
//! | |_____- binding declared here but left uninitialized
//! error: aborting due to previous error
//! For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0381`.
//! ```
//! # Syntax
//! The lists below are an exahustive description of how various MIR constructs can be created.
//! Anything missing from the list should be assumed to not be supported, PRs welcome.
//! #### Locals
//! - The `_0` return local can always be accessed via `RET`.
//! - Arguments can be accessed via their regular name.
//! - All other locals need to be declared with `let` somewhere and then can be accessed by name.
//! #### Places
//! - Locals implicit convert to places.
//! - Field accesses, derefs, and indexing work normally.
//! - Fields in variants can be accessed via the [`Variant`] and [`Field`] methods, see their
//! documentation for details.
//! #### Operands
//! - Places implicitly convert to `Copy` operands.
//! - `Move` operands can be created via [`Move`].
//! - Const blocks, literals, named constants, and const params all just work.
//! - [`Static`] and [`StaticMut`] can be used to create `&T` and `*mut T`s to statics. These are
//! constants in MIR and the only way to access statics.
//! #### Statements
//! - Assign statements work via normal Rust assignment.
//! - [`Retag`] statements have an associated function.
//! #### Rvalues
//! - Operands implicitly convert to `Use` rvalues.
//! - `&`, `&mut`, `addr_of!`, and `addr_of_mut!` all work to create their associated rvalue.
//! - [`Discriminant`] has an associated function.
//! #### Terminators
//! - [`Goto`] and [`Return`] have associated functions.
//! - `match some_int_operand` becomes a `SwitchInt`. Each arm should be `literal => basic_block`
//! - The exception is the last arm, which must be `_ => basic_block` and corresponds to the
//! otherwise branch.
@ -69,9 +212,10 @@
pub struct BasicBlock;
macro_rules! define {
($name:literal, $($sig:tt)*) => {
($name:literal, $( #[ $meta:meta ] )* fn $($sig:tt)*) => {
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = $name]
pub $($sig)* { panic!() }
$( #[ $meta ] )*
pub fn $($sig)* { panic!() }
@ -88,11 +232,67 @@ define!(
fn Discriminant<T>(place: T) -> <T as ::core::marker::DiscriminantKind>::Discriminant
define!("mir_set_discriminant", fn SetDiscriminant<T>(place: T, index: u32));
define!("mir_field", fn Field<F>(place: (), field: u32) -> F);
define!("mir_variant", fn Variant<T>(place: T, index: u32) -> ());
define!("mir_make_place", fn __internal_make_place<T>(place: T) -> *mut T);
/// Access the field with the given index of some place.
/// This only makes sense to use in conjunction with [`Variant`]. If the type you are looking to
/// access the field of does not have variants, you can use normal field projection syntax.
/// There is no proper way to do a place projection to a variant in Rust, and so these two
/// functions are a workaround. You can access a field of a variant via `Field(Variant(place,
/// var_idx), field_idx)`, where `var_idx` and `field_idx` are appropriate literals. Some
/// caveats:
/// - The return type of `Variant` is always `()`. Don't worry about that, the correct MIR will
/// still be generated.
/// - In some situations, the return type of `Field` cannot be inferred. You may need to
/// annotate it on the function in these cases.
/// - Since `Field` is a function call which is not a place expression, using this on the left
/// hand side of an expression is rejected by the compiler. [`place!`] is a macro provided to
/// work around that issue. Wrap the left hand side of an assignment in the macro to convince
/// the compiler that it's ok.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// #![feature(custom_mir, core_intrinsics)]
/// extern crate core;
/// use core::intrinsics::mir::*;
/// #[custom_mir(dialect = "built")]
/// fn unwrap_deref(opt: Option<&i32>) -> i32 {
/// mir!({
/// RET = *Field::<&i32>(Variant(opt, 1), 0);
/// Return()
/// })
/// }
/// #[custom_mir(dialect = "built")]
/// fn set(opt: &mut Option<i32>) {
/// mir!({
/// place!(Field(Variant(*opt, 1), 0)) = 5;
/// Return()
/// })
/// }
/// ```
fn Field<F>(place: (), field: u32) -> F
/// Adds a variant projection with the given index to the place.
/// See [`Field`] for documentation.
fn Variant<T>(place: T, index: u32) -> ()
fn __internal_make_place<T>(place: T) -> *mut T
/// Convenience macro for generating custom MIR.
/// Macro for generating custom MIR.
/// See the module documentation for syntax details. This macro is not magic - it only transforms
/// your MIR into something that is easier to parse in the compiler.
@ -150,19 +350,7 @@ pub macro mir {
/// Helper macro that allows you to treat a value expression like a place expression.
/// This is necessary in combination with the [`Field`] and [`Variant`] methods. Specifically,
/// something like this won't compile on its own, reporting an error about not being able to assign
/// to such an expression:
/// ```rust,ignore(syntax-highlighting-only)
/// Field(something, 0) = 5;
/// ```
/// Instead, you'll need to write
/// ```rust,ignore(syntax-highlighting-only)
/// place!(Field(something, 0)) = 5;
/// ```
/// See the documentation on [`Variant`] for why this is necessary and how to use it.
pub macro place($e:expr) {
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