!Unpin retags must still be reads, to check dereferenceable

also fix ICE on deallocation error and avoid redundant find_granting on retag
This commit is contained in:
Ralf Jung 2022-11-26 13:22:19 +01:00
parent 7d0db1efdb
commit f479404b12
7 changed files with 151 additions and 57 deletions

View file

@ -353,10 +353,12 @@ impl<'history, 'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx> DiagnosticCx<'history, 'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx> {
/// Report a descriptive error when `new` could not be granted from `derived_from`.
#[inline(never)] // This is only called on fatal code paths
pub(super) fn grant_error(&self, perm: Permission, stack: &Stack) -> InterpError<'tcx> {
pub(super) fn grant_error(&self, stack: &Stack) -> InterpError<'tcx> {
let Operation::Retag(op) = &self.operation else {
unreachable!("grant_error should only be called during a retag")
let perm =
op.permission.expect("`start_grant` must be called before calling `grant_error`");
let action = format!(
"trying to retag from {:?} for {:?} permission at {:?}[{:#x}]",
@ -374,8 +376,11 @@ impl<'history, 'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx> DiagnosticCx<'history, 'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx> {
/// Report a descriptive error when `access` is not permitted based on `tag`.
#[inline(never)] // This is only called on fatal code paths
pub(super) fn access_error(&self, stack: &Stack) -> InterpError<'tcx> {
let Operation::Access(op) = &self.operation else {
unreachable!("access_error should only be called during an access")
// Deallocation and retagging also do an access as part of their thing, so handle that here, too.
let op = match &self.operation {
Operation::Access(op) => op,
Operation::Retag(_) => return self.grant_error(stack),
Operation::Dealloc(_) => return self.dealloc_error(stack),
let action = format!(
"attempting a {access} using {tag:?} at {alloc_id:?}[{offset:#x}]",
@ -428,14 +433,16 @@ impl<'history, 'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx> DiagnosticCx<'history, 'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx> {
#[inline(never)] // This is only called on fatal code paths
pub fn dealloc_error(&self) -> InterpError<'tcx> {
pub fn dealloc_error(&self, stack: &Stack) -> InterpError<'tcx> {
let Operation::Dealloc(op) = &self.operation else {
unreachable!("dealloc_error should only be called during a deallocation")
"no item granting write access for deallocation to tag {:?} at {:?} found in borrow stack",
op.tag, self.history.id,
"attempting deallocation using {tag:?} at {alloc_id:?}{cause}",
tag = op.tag,
alloc_id = self.history.id,
cause = error_cause(stack, op.tag),
op.tag.and_then(|tag| self.get_logs_relevant_to(tag, None)),

View file

@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ impl<'tcx> Stack {
// Step 1: Find granting item.
let granting_idx =
self.find_granting(access, tag, exposed_tags).map_err(|_| dcx.access_error(self))?;
self.find_granting(access, tag, exposed_tags).map_err(|()| dcx.access_error(self))?;
// Step 2: Remove incompatible items above them. Make sure we do not remove protected
// items. Behavior differs for reads and writes.
@ -476,8 +476,7 @@ impl<'tcx> Stack {
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
// Step 1: Make a write access.
// As part of this we do regular protector checking, i.e. even weakly protected items cause UB when popped.
self.access(AccessKind::Write, tag, global, dcx, exposed_tags)
.map_err(|_| dcx.dealloc_error())?;
self.access(AccessKind::Write, tag, global, dcx, exposed_tags)?;
// Step 2: Pretend we remove the remaining items, checking if any are strongly protected.
for idx in (0..self.len()).rev() {
@ -489,39 +488,42 @@ impl<'tcx> Stack {
/// Derive a new pointer from one with the given tag.
/// `weak` controls whether this operation is weak or strong: weak granting does not act as
/// an access, and they add the new item directly on top of the one it is derived
/// from instead of all the way at the top of the stack.
/// `range` refers the entire operation, and `offset` refers to the specific location in
/// `range` that we are currently checking.
/// `access` indicates which kind of memory access this retag itself should correspond to.
fn grant(
&mut self,
derived_from: ProvenanceExtra,
new: Item,
access: Option<AccessKind>,
global: &GlobalStateInner,
dcx: &mut DiagnosticCx<'_, '_, '_, 'tcx>,
exposed_tags: &FxHashSet<SbTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
// Figure out which access `perm` corresponds to.
let access =
if new.perm().grants(AccessKind::Write) { AccessKind::Write } else { AccessKind::Read };
// Now we figure out which item grants our parent (`derived_from`) this kind of access.
// We use that to determine where to put the new item.
let granting_idx = self
.find_granting(access, derived_from, exposed_tags)
.map_err(|_| dcx.grant_error(new.perm(), self))?;
// Compute where to put the new item.
// Either way, we ensure that we insert the new item in a way such that between
// `derived_from` and the new one, there are only items *compatible with* `derived_from`.
let new_idx = if new.perm() == Permission::SharedReadWrite {
access == AccessKind::Write,
"this case only makes sense for stack-like accesses"
let new_idx = if let Some(access) = access {
// Simple case: We are just a regular memory access, and then push our thing on top,
// like a regular stack.
// This ensures F2b for `Unique`, by removing offending `SharedReadOnly`.
self.access(access, derived_from, global, dcx, exposed_tags)?;
// We insert "as far up as possible": We know only compatible items are remaining
// on top of `derived_from`, and we want the new item at the top so that we
// get the strongest possible guarantees.
// This ensures U1 and F1.
} else {
// The tricky case: creating a new SRW permission without actually being an access.
assert!(new.perm() == Permission::SharedReadWrite);
// First we figure out which item grants our parent (`derived_from`) this kind of access.
// We use that to determine where to put the new item.
let granting_idx = self
.find_granting(AccessKind::Write, derived_from, exposed_tags)
.map_err(|()| dcx.grant_error(self))?;
let (Some(granting_idx), ProvenanceExtra::Concrete(_)) = (granting_idx, derived_from) else {
// The parent is a wildcard pointer or matched the unknown bottom.
@ -538,17 +540,6 @@ impl<'tcx> Stack {
// be popped to (i.e., we insert it above all the write-compatible items).
// This ensures F2b by adding the new item below any potentially existing `SharedReadOnly`.
} else {
// A "safe" reborrow for a pointer that actually expects some aliasing guarantees.
// Here, creating a reference actually counts as an access.
// This ensures F2b for `Unique`, by removing offending `SharedReadOnly`.
self.access(access, derived_from, global, dcx, exposed_tags)?;
// We insert "as far up as possible": We know only compatible items are remaining
// on top of `derived_from`, and we want the new item at the top so that we
// get the strongest possible guarantees.
// This ensures U1 and F1.
// Put the new item there.
@ -864,18 +855,22 @@ trait EvalContextPrivExt<'mir: 'ecx, 'tcx: 'mir, 'ecx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'
// Update the stacks.
// Make sure that raw pointers and mutable shared references are reborrowed "weak":
// There could be existing unique pointers reborrowed from them that should remain valid!
let perm = match kind {
RefKind::Unique { two_phase: false }
if place.layout.ty.is_unpin(*this.tcx, this.param_env()) =>
// Only if the type is unpin do we actually enforce uniqueness
let (perm, access) = match kind {
RefKind::Unique { two_phase } => {
// Permission is Unique only if the type is `Unpin` and this is not twophase
let perm = if !two_phase && place.layout.ty.is_unpin(*this.tcx, this.param_env()) {
} else {
// We do an access for all full borrows, even if `!Unpin`.
let access = if !two_phase { Some(AccessKind::Write) } else { None };
(perm, access)
RefKind::Unique { .. } => {
// Two-phase references and !Unpin references are treated as SharedReadWrite
RefKind::Raw { mutable: true } => {
// Creating a raw ptr does not count as an access
(Permission::SharedReadWrite, None)
RefKind::Raw { mutable: true } => Permission::SharedReadWrite,
RefKind::Shared | RefKind::Raw { mutable: false } => {
// Shared references and *const are a whole different kind of game, the
// permission is not uniform across the entire range!
@ -892,10 +887,13 @@ trait EvalContextPrivExt<'mir: 'ecx, 'tcx: 'mir, 'ecx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'
// Adjust range.
range.start += base_offset;
// We are only ever `SharedReadOnly` inside the frozen bits.
let perm = if frozen {
let (perm, access) = if frozen {
(Permission::SharedReadOnly, Some(AccessKind::Read))
} else {
// Inside UnsafeCell, this does *not* count as an access, as there
// might actually be mutable references further up the stack that
// we have to keep alive.
(Permission::SharedReadWrite, None)
let protected = if frozen {
@ -914,7 +912,7 @@ trait EvalContextPrivExt<'mir: 'ecx, 'tcx: 'mir, 'ecx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'
alloc_range(base_offset, size),
stacked_borrows.for_each(range, dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
stack.grant(orig_tag, item, &global, dcx, exposed_tags)
stack.grant(orig_tag, item, access, &global, dcx, exposed_tags)
return Ok(Some(alloc_id));
@ -941,7 +939,7 @@ trait EvalContextPrivExt<'mir: 'ecx, 'tcx: 'mir, 'ecx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'
alloc_range(base_offset, size),
stacked_borrows.for_each(range, dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
stack.grant(orig_tag, item, &global, dcx, exposed_tags)
stack.grant(orig_tag, item, access, &global, dcx, exposed_tags)

View file

@ -367,10 +367,10 @@ impl<'tcx> Stack {
/// Find all `Unique` elements in this borrow stack above `granting_idx`, pass a copy of them
/// to the `visitor`, then set their `Permission` to `Disabled`.
pub fn disable_uniques_starting_at<V: FnMut(Item) -> crate::InterpResult<'tcx>>(
pub fn disable_uniques_starting_at(
&mut self,
disable_start: usize,
mut visitor: V,
mut visitor: impl FnMut(Item) -> crate::InterpResult<'tcx>,
) -> crate::InterpResult<'tcx> {
#[cfg(feature = "stack-cache")]
let unique_range = self.unique_range.clone();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
//@error-pattern: /deallocation .* tag does not exist in the borrow stack/
use std::alloc::{alloc, dealloc, Layout};
fn main() {
unsafe {
let x = alloc(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(1, 1));
let ptr1 = (&mut *x) as *mut u8;
let ptr2 = (&mut *ptr1) as *mut u8;
// Invalidate ptr2 by writing to ptr1.
// Deallocate through ptr2.
dealloc(ptr2, Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(1, 1));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
error: Undefined Behavior: attempting deallocation using <TAG> at ALLOC, but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
--> RUSTLIB/alloc/src/alloc.rs:LL:CC
LL | unsafe { __rust_dealloc(ptr, layout.size(), layout.align()) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ attempting deallocation using <TAG> at ALLOC, but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Stacked Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: see https://github.com/rust-lang/unsafe-code-guidelines/blob/master/wip/stacked-borrows.md for further information
help: <TAG> was created by a SharedReadWrite retag at offsets [0x0..0x1]
--> $DIR/illegal_deALLOC.rs:LL:CC
LL | let ptr2 = (&mut *ptr1) as *mut u8;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: <TAG> was later invalidated at offsets [0x0..0x1] by a write access
--> $DIR/illegal_deALLOC.rs:LL:CC
LL | ptr1.write(0);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: BACKTRACE:
= note: inside `std::alloc::dealloc` at RUSTLIB/alloc/src/alloc.rs:LL:CC
note: inside `main` at $DIR/illegal_deALLOC.rs:LL:CC
--> $DIR/illegal_deALLOC.rs:LL:CC
LL | dealloc(ptr2, Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(1, 1));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: some details are omitted, run with `MIRIFLAGS=-Zmiri-backtrace=full` for a verbose backtrace
error: aborting due to previous error

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
//! Reborrowing a `&mut !Unpin` must still act like a (fake) read.
use std::marker::PhantomPinned;
struct NotUnpin(i32, PhantomPinned);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let mut x = NotUnpin(0, PhantomPinned);
// Mutable borrow of `Unpin` field (with lifetime laundering)
let fieldref = &mut *(&mut x.0 as *mut i32);
// Mutable reborrow of the entire `x`, which is `!Unpin` but should
// still count as a read since we would add `dereferenceable`.
let _xref = &mut x;
// That read should have invalidated `fieldref`.
*fieldref = 0; //~ ERROR: /write access .* tag does not exist in the borrow stack/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
error: Undefined Behavior: attempting a write access using <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
--> $DIR/notunpin_dereferenceable_fakeread.rs:LL:CC
LL | *fieldref = 0;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| attempting a write access using <TAG> at ALLOC[0x0], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
| this error occurs as part of an access at ALLOC[0x0..0x4]
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Stacked Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
= help: see https://github.com/rust-lang/unsafe-code-guidelines/blob/master/wip/stacked-borrows.md for further information
help: <TAG> was created by a Unique retag at offsets [0x0..0x4]
--> $DIR/notunpin_dereferenceable_fakeread.rs:LL:CC
LL | let fieldref = &mut *(&mut x.0 as *mut i32);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: <TAG> was later invalidated at offsets [0x0..0x4] by a SharedReadWrite retag
--> $DIR/notunpin_dereferenceable_fakeread.rs:LL:CC
LL | let _xref = &mut x;
| ^^^^^^
= note: BACKTRACE:
= note: inside `main` at $DIR/notunpin_dereferenceable_fakeread.rs:LL:CC
note: some details are omitted, run with `MIRIFLAGS=-Zmiri-backtrace=full` for a verbose backtrace
error: aborting due to previous error