// This tests checks that the "scraped examples" toggle is working as expected.
include: "utils.goml"
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/scrape_examples/fn.test_many.html"

// Checking the color of the toggle line.
show-text: true
define-function: (
    [theme, toggle_line_color, toggle_line_hover_color],
    block {
        call-function: ("switch-theme", {"theme": |theme|})

        // Clicking "More examples..." will open additional examples
        assert-attribute-false: (".more-examples-toggle", {"open": ""})
        click: ".more-examples-toggle"
        assert-attribute: (".more-examples-toggle", {"open": ""})

        assert-css: (".toggle-line-inner", {"background-color": |toggle_line_color|}, ALL)
        move-cursor-to: ".toggle-line"
        assert-css: (
            ".toggle-line:hover .toggle-line-inner",
            {"background-color": |toggle_line_hover_color|},
        // We put the toggle in the original state.
        click: ".more-examples-toggle"
        // Moving cursor away from the toggle line to prevent disrupting next test.
        move-cursor-to: ".search-input"

call-function: ("check-color", {
    "theme": "ayu",
    "toggle_line_color": "#999",
    "toggle_line_hover_color": "#c5c5c5",
call-function: ("check-color", {
    "theme": "dark",
    "toggle_line_color": "#999",
    "toggle_line_hover_color": "#c5c5c5",
call-function: ("check-color", {
    "theme": "light",
    "toggle_line_color": "#ccc",
    "toggle_line_hover_color": "#999",

// Toggling all docs will close additional examples
click: "#toggle-all-docs"
assert-attribute-false: (".more-examples-toggle", {"open": ""})

// After re-opening the docs, the additional examples should stay closed
click: "#toggle-all-docs"
assert-attribute-false: (".more-examples-toggle", {"open": ""})