# Run rustfmt with this config (it should be picked up automatically).
style_edition = "2024"
use_small_heuristics = "Max"
merge_derives = false
group_imports = "StdExternalCrate"
imports_granularity = "Module"

# Files to ignore. Each entry uses gitignore syntax, but `!` prefixes aren't allowed.
ignore = [

    # Some tests are not formatted, for various reasons.
    "/tests/codegen/simd-intrinsic/", # Many types like `u8x64` are better hand-formatted.
    "/tests/crashes/",                # Many of these tests contain syntax errors.
    "/tests/debuginfo/",              # These tests are somewhat sensitive to source code layout.
    "/tests/incremental/",            # These tests are somewhat sensitive to source code layout.
    "/tests/pretty/",                 # These tests are very sensitive to source code layout.
    "/tests/run-make/translation/test.rs", # This test contains syntax errors.
    "/tests/rustdoc/",                # Some have syntax errors, some are whitespace-sensitive.
    "/tests/rustdoc-gui/",            # Some tests are sensitive to source code layout.
    "/tests/rustdoc-ui/",             # Some have syntax errors, some are whitespace-sensitive.
    "/tests/ui/",                     # Some have syntax errors, some are whitespace-sensitive.
    "/tests/ui-fulldeps/",            # Some are whitespace-sensitive (e.g. `// ~ERROR` comments).

    # Do not format submodules.
    # FIXME: sync submodule list with tidy/bootstrap/etc
    # tidy/src/walk.rs:filter_dirs

    # These are ignored by a standard cargo fmt run.
    "compiler/rustc_codegen_cranelift/example/gen_block_iterate.rs", # uses edition 2024
    # Code automatically generated and included.