// run-pass
use std::mem;

struct Slice([u32]);

#[repr(packed(2), C)]
struct PackedSized {
    f: u8,
    d: [u32; 4],

#[repr(packed(2), C)]
struct PackedUnsized {
    f: u8,
    d: Slice,

impl PackedSized {
    fn unsize(&self) -> &PackedUnsized {
        // We can't unsize via a generic type since then we get the error
        // that packed structs with unsized tail don't work if the tail
        // might need dropping.
        let len = 4usize;
        unsafe { mem::transmute((self, len)) }

fn main() { unsafe {
    let p = PackedSized { f: 0, d: [1, 2, 3, 4] };
    let p = p.unsize() as *const PackedUnsized;
    // Make sure the size computation correctly adds exact 1 byte of padding
    // in front of the `d` field.
    assert_eq!(mem::size_of_val_raw(p), 1 + 1 + 4*4);
    // And likewise for the offset computation.
    let d = std::ptr::addr_of!((*p).d);
    assert_eq!(d.cast::<u32>().read_unaligned(), 1);
} }