2024-02-16 20:02:50 +00:00

20 lines
724 B

//@ run-pass
//@ ignore-wasm32-bare no env vars
use std::env::*;
fn main() {
for (k, v) in vars_os() {
// On Windows, the environment variable NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS has special meaning.
// Unfortunately, you can get different answers, depending on whether you are
// enumerating all environment variables or querying a specific variable.
// This was causing this test to fail on machines with more than 64 processors.
if cfg!(target_os = "windows") && k == "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS" {
let v2 = var_os(&k);
assert!(v2.as_ref().map(|s| &**s) == Some(&*v),
"bad vars->var transition: {:?} {:?} {:?}", k, v, v2);