
302 lines
11 KiB

use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_sugg;
use clippy_utils::numeric_literal::NumericLiteral;
use clippy_utils::source::{snippet_opt, SpanRangeExt};
use clippy_utils::visitors::{for_each_expr_without_closures, Visitable};
use clippy_utils::{get_parent_expr, is_hir_ty_cfg_dependant, is_ty_alias, path_to_local};
use rustc_ast::{LitFloatType, LitIntType, LitKind};
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
use rustc_hir::def::{DefKind, Res};
use rustc_hir::{Expr, ExprKind, Lit, Node, Path, QPath, TyKind, UnOp};
use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LintContext};
use rustc_middle::lint::in_external_macro;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, FloatTy, InferTy, Ty};
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
pub(super) fn check<'tcx>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
expr: &Expr<'tcx>,
cast_expr: &Expr<'tcx>,
cast_from: Ty<'tcx>,
cast_to: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let cast_str = snippet_opt(cx, cast_expr.span).unwrap_or_default();
if let ty::RawPtr(..) = cast_from.kind()
// check both mutability and type are the same
&& cast_from.kind() == cast_to.kind()
&& let ExprKind::Cast(_, cast_to_hir) = expr.kind
// Ignore casts to e.g. type aliases and infer types
// - p as pointer_alias
// - p as _
&& let TyKind::Ptr(to_pointee) = cast_to_hir.kind
match to_pointee.ty.kind {
// Ignore casts to pointers that are aliases or cfg dependant, e.g.
// - p as *const std::ffi::c_char (alias)
// - p as *const std::os::raw::c_char (cfg dependant)
TyKind::Path(qpath) => {
if is_ty_alias(&qpath) || is_hir_ty_cfg_dependant(cx, to_pointee.ty) {
return false;
// Ignore `p as *const _`
TyKind::Infer => return false,
_ => {},
"casting raw pointers to the same type and constness is unnecessary (`{cast_from}` -> `{cast_to}`)"
// skip cast of local that is a type alias
if let ExprKind::Cast(inner, ..) = expr.kind
&& let ExprKind::Path(qpath) = inner.kind
&& let QPath::Resolved(None, Path { res, .. }) = qpath
&& let Res::Local(hir_id) = res
&& let parent = cx.tcx.parent_hir_node(*hir_id)
&& let Node::LetStmt(local) = parent
if let Some(ty) = local.ty
&& let TyKind::Path(qpath) = ty.kind
&& is_ty_alias(&qpath)
return false;
if let Some(expr) = local.init
&& let ExprKind::Cast(.., cast_to) = expr.kind
&& let TyKind::Path(qpath) = cast_to.kind
&& is_ty_alias(&qpath)
return false;
// skip cast to non-primitive type
if let ExprKind::Cast(_, cast_to) = expr.kind
&& let TyKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, path)) = &cast_to.kind
&& let Res::PrimTy(_) = path.res
} else {
return false;
// skip cast of fn call that returns type alias
if let ExprKind::Cast(inner, ..) = expr.kind
&& is_cast_from_ty_alias(cx, inner, cast_from)
return false;
if let Some(lit) = get_numeric_literal(cast_expr) {
let literal_str = &cast_str;
if let LitKind::Int(n, _) = lit.node
&& let Some(src) = cast_expr.span.get_source_text(cx)
&& cast_to.is_floating_point()
&& let Some(num_lit) = NumericLiteral::from_lit_kind(&src, &lit.node)
&& let from_nbits = 128 - n.get().leading_zeros()
&& let to_nbits = fp_ty_mantissa_nbits(cast_to)
&& from_nbits != 0
&& to_nbits != 0
&& from_nbits <= to_nbits
&& num_lit.is_decimal()
lint_unnecessary_cast(cx, expr, num_lit.integer, cast_from, cast_to);
return true;
match lit.node {
LitKind::Int(_, LitIntType::Unsuffixed) if cast_to.is_integral() => {
lint_unnecessary_cast(cx, expr, literal_str, cast_from, cast_to);
return false;
LitKind::Float(_, LitFloatType::Unsuffixed) if cast_to.is_floating_point() => {
lint_unnecessary_cast(cx, expr, literal_str, cast_from, cast_to);
return false;
LitKind::Int(_, LitIntType::Signed(_) | LitIntType::Unsigned(_))
| LitKind::Float(_, LitFloatType::Suffixed(_))
if cast_from.kind() == cast_to.kind() =>
if let Some(src) = cast_expr.span.get_source_text(cx) {
if let Some(num_lit) = NumericLiteral::from_lit_kind(&src, &lit.node) {
lint_unnecessary_cast(cx, expr, num_lit.integer, cast_from, cast_to);
return true;
_ => {},
if cast_from.kind() == cast_to.kind() && !in_external_macro(cx.sess(), expr.span) {
if let Some(id) = path_to_local(cast_expr)
&& !cx.tcx.hir().span(id).eq_ctxt(cast_expr.span)
// Binding context is different than the identifiers context.
// Weird macro wizardry could be involved here.
return false;
// If the whole cast expression is a unary expression (`(*x as T)`) or an addressof
// expression (`(&x as T)`), then not surrounding the suggestion into a block risks us
// changing the precedence of operators if the cast expression is followed by an operation
// with higher precedence than the unary operator (`(*x as T).foo()` would become
// `*`, which changes what the `*` applies on).
// The same is true if the expression encompassing the cast expression is a unary
// expression or an addressof expression.
let needs_block = matches!(cast_expr.kind, ExprKind::Unary(..) | ExprKind::AddrOf(..))
|| get_parent_expr(cx, expr)
.map_or(false, |e| matches!(e.kind, ExprKind::Unary(..) | ExprKind::AddrOf(..)));
format!("casting to the same type is unnecessary (`{cast_from}` -> `{cast_to}`)"),
if needs_block {
format!("{{ {cast_str} }}")
} else {
return true;
fn lint_unnecessary_cast(
cx: &LateContext<'_>,
expr: &Expr<'_>,
raw_literal_str: &str,
cast_from: Ty<'_>,
cast_to: Ty<'_>,
) {
let literal_kind_name = if cast_from.is_integral() { "integer" } else { "float" };
// first we remove all matches so `-(1)` become `-1`, and remove trailing dots, so `1.` become `1`
let literal_str = raw_literal_str
.replace(['(', ')'], "")
// we know need to check if the parent is a method call, to add parenthesis accordingly (eg:
// (-1).foo() instead of
let sugg = if let Some(parent_expr) = get_parent_expr(cx, expr)
&& let ExprKind::MethodCall(..) = parent_expr.kind
&& literal_str.starts_with('-')
} else {
format!("casting {literal_kind_name} literal to `{cast_to}` is unnecessary"),
fn get_numeric_literal<'e>(expr: &'e Expr<'e>) -> Option<&'e Lit> {
match expr.kind {
ExprKind::Lit(lit) => Some(lit),
ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Neg, e) => {
if let ExprKind::Lit(lit) = e.kind {
} else {
_ => None,
/// Returns the mantissa bits wide of a fp type.
/// Will return 0 if the type is not a fp
fn fp_ty_mantissa_nbits(typ: Ty<'_>) -> u32 {
match typ.kind() {
ty::Float(FloatTy::F32) => 23,
ty::Float(FloatTy::F64) | ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(_)) => 52,
_ => 0,
/// Finds whether an `Expr` returns a type alias.
/// TODO: Maybe we should move this to `clippy_utils` so others won't need to go down this dark,
/// dark path reimplementing this (or something similar).
fn is_cast_from_ty_alias<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: impl Visitable<'tcx>, cast_from: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
for_each_expr_without_closures(expr, |expr| {
// Calls are a `Path`, and usage of locals are a `Path`. So, this checks
// - call() as i32
// - local as i32
if let ExprKind::Path(qpath) = expr.kind {
let res = cx.qpath_res(&qpath, expr.hir_id);
// Function call
if let Res::Def(DefKind::Fn, def_id) = res {
let Some(snippet) = cx.tcx.def_span(def_id).get_source_text(cx) else {
return ControlFlow::Continue(());
// This is the worst part of this entire function. This is the only way I know of to
// check whether a function returns a type alias. Sure, you can get the return type
// from a function in the current crate as an hir ty, but how do you get it for
// external functions?? Simple: It's impossible. So, we check whether a part of the
// function's declaration snippet is exactly equal to the `Ty`. That way, we can
// see whether it's a type alias.
// FIXME: This won't work if the type is given an alias through `use`, should we
// consider this a type alias as well?
if !snippet
.map(|s| snippet_eq_ty(s, cast_from) || s.split("where").any(|ty| snippet_eq_ty(ty, cast_from)))
.any(|a| a)
return ControlFlow::Break(());
// Local usage
} else if let Res::Local(hir_id) = res
&& let Node::LetStmt(l) = cx.tcx.parent_hir_node(hir_id)
if let Some(e) = l.init
&& is_cast_from_ty_alias(cx, e, cast_from)
return ControlFlow::Break::<()>(());
if let Some(ty) = l.ty
&& let TyKind::Path(qpath) = ty.kind
&& is_ty_alias(&qpath)
return ControlFlow::Break::<()>(());
fn snippet_eq_ty(snippet: &str, ty: Ty<'_>) -> bool {
snippet.trim() == ty.to_string() || snippet.trim().contains(&format!("::{ty}"))