Some masks where defined as ```rust const NONASCII_MASK: usize = 0x80808080_80808080u64 as usize; ``` where it was assumed that `usize` is never wider than 64, which is currently true. To make those constants valid in a hypothetical 128-bit target, these constants have been redefined in an `usize`-width-agnostic way ```rust const NONASCII_MASK: usize = usize::from_ne_bytes([0x80; size_of::<usize>()]); ``` There are already some cases where Rust anticipates the possibility of supporting 128-bit targets, such as not implementing `From<usize>` for `u64`.
82 lines
2.9 KiB
82 lines
2.9 KiB
use super::{LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT};
use test::black_box;
use test::Bencher;
macro_rules! benches {
($( fn $name: ident($arg: ident: &[u8]) $body: block )+) => {
benches!(mod short SHORT[..] $($name $arg $body)+);
benches!(mod medium MEDIUM[..] $($name $arg $body)+);
benches!(mod long LONG[..] $($name $arg $body)+);
// Ensure we benchmark cases where the functions are called with strings
// that are not perfectly aligned or have a length which is not a
// multiple of size_of::<usize>() (or both)
benches!(mod unaligned_head MEDIUM[1..] $($name $arg $body)+);
benches!(mod unaligned_tail MEDIUM[..(MEDIUM.len() - 1)] $($name $arg $body)+);
benches!(mod unaligned_both MEDIUM[1..(MEDIUM.len() - 1)] $($name $arg $body)+);
(mod $mod_name: ident $input: ident [$range: expr] $($name: ident $arg: ident $body: block)+) => {
mod $mod_name {
use super::*;
fn $name(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
bencher.bytes = $input[$range].len() as u64;
let mut vec = $input.as_bytes().to_vec();
bencher.iter(|| {
let $arg: &[u8] = &black_box(&mut vec)[$range];
benches! {
fn case00_libcore(bytes: &[u8]) {
fn case01_iter_all(bytes: &[u8]) {
bytes.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii())
fn case02_align_to(bytes: &[u8]) {
fn case03_align_to_unrolled(bytes: &[u8]) {
// These are separate since it's easier to debug errors if they don't go through
// macro expansion first.
fn is_ascii_align_to(bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
if bytes.len() < core::mem::size_of::<usize>() {
return bytes.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii());
// SAFETY: transmuting a sequence of `u8` to `usize` is always fine
let (head, body, tail) = unsafe { bytes.align_to::<usize>() };
head.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii())
&& body.iter().all(|w| !contains_nonascii(*w))
&& tail.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii())
fn is_ascii_align_to_unrolled(bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
if bytes.len() < core::mem::size_of::<usize>() {
return bytes.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii());
// SAFETY: transmuting a sequence of `u8` to `[usize; 2]` is always fine
let (head, body, tail) = unsafe { bytes.align_to::<[usize; 2]>() };
head.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii())
&& body.iter().all(|w| !contains_nonascii(w[0] | w[1]))
&& tail.iter().all(|b| b.is_ascii())
fn contains_nonascii(v: usize) -> bool {
const NONASCII_MASK: usize = usize::from_ne_bytes([0x80; core::mem::size_of::<usize>()]);
(NONASCII_MASK & v) != 0