The majority of the code is only used by either rustbuild or rustc_llvm's build script. Rust_build is compiled once for rustbuild and once for every stage. This means that the majority of the code in this crate is needlessly compiled multiple times. By moving only the code actually used by the respective crates to rustbuild and rustc_llvm's build script, this needless duplicate compilation is avoided.
371 lines
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371 lines
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use std::env;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
fn detect_llvm_link() -> (&'static str, &'static str) {
// Force the link mode we want, preferring static by default, but
// possibly overridden by `configure --enable-llvm-link-shared`.
if tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_LINK_SHARED").is_some() {
("dylib", "--link-shared")
} else {
("static", "--link-static")
// Because Cargo adds the compiler's dylib path to our library search path, llvm-config may
// break: the dylib path for the compiler, as of this writing, contains a copy of the LLVM
// shared library, which means that when our freshly built llvm-config goes to load it's
// associated LLVM, it actually loads the compiler's LLVM. In particular when building the first
// compiler (i.e., in stage 0) that's a problem, as the compiler's LLVM is likely different from
// the one we want to use. As such, we restore the environment to what bootstrap saw. This isn't
// perfect -- we might actually want to see something from Cargo's added library paths -- but
// for now it works.
fn restore_library_path() {
let key = tracked_env_var_os("REAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR").expect("REAL_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR");
if let Some(env) = tracked_env_var_os("REAL_LIBRARY_PATH") {
env::set_var(&key, &env);
} else {
/// Reads an environment variable and adds it to dependencies.
/// Supposed to be used for all variables except those set for build scripts by cargo
/// <https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/environment-variables.html#environment-variables-cargo-sets-for-build-scripts>
fn tracked_env_var_os<K: AsRef<OsStr> + Display>(key: K) -> Option<OsString> {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", key);
fn rerun_if_changed_anything_in_dir(dir: &Path) {
let mut stack = dir
.map(|e| e.unwrap())
.filter(|e| &*e.file_name() != ".git")
while let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
let path = entry.path();
if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() {
stack.extend(path.read_dir().unwrap().map(|e| e.unwrap()));
} else {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.display());
fn output(cmd: &mut Command) -> String {
let output = match cmd.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output() {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(e) => {
println!("\n\nfailed to execute command: {:?}\nerror: {}\n\n", cmd, e);
if !output.status.success() {
"command did not execute successfully: {:?}\n\
expected success, got: {}",
cmd, output.status
fn main() {
if tracked_env_var_os("RUST_CHECK").is_some() {
// If we're just running `check`, there's no need for LLVM to be built.
let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set");
let llvm_config =
tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_CONFIG").map(|x| Some(PathBuf::from(x))).unwrap_or_else(|| {
if let Some(dir) = tracked_env_var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").map(PathBuf::from) {
let to_test = dir
if Command::new(&to_test).output().is_ok() {
return Some(to_test);
if let Some(llvm_config) = &llvm_config {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", llvm_config.display());
let llvm_config = llvm_config.unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from("llvm-config"));
// Test whether we're cross-compiling LLVM. This is a pretty rare case
// currently where we're producing an LLVM for a different platform than
// what this build script is currently running on.
// In that case, there's no guarantee that we can actually run the target,
// so the build system works around this by giving us the LLVM_CONFIG for
// the host platform. This only really works if the host LLVM and target
// LLVM are compiled the same way, but for us that's typically the case.
// We *want* detect this cross compiling situation by asking llvm-config
// what its host-target is. If that's not the TARGET, then we're cross
// compiling. Unfortunately `llvm-config` seems either be buggy, or we're
// misconfiguring it, because the `i686-pc-windows-gnu` build of LLVM will
// report itself with a `--host-target` of `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`. This
// tricks us into thinking we're doing a cross build when we aren't, so
// havoc ensues.
// In any case, if we're cross compiling, this generally just means that we
// can't trust all the output of llvm-config because it might be targeted
// for the host rather than the target. As a result a bunch of blocks below
// are gated on `if !is_crossed`
let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set");
let host = env::var("HOST").expect("HOST was not set");
let is_crossed = target != host;
let optional_components = &[
let required_components = &[
let components = output(Command::new(&llvm_config).arg("--components"));
let mut components = components.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<_>>();
components.retain(|c| optional_components.contains(c) || required_components.contains(c));
for component in required_components {
if !components.contains(component) {
panic!("require llvm component {} but wasn't found", component);
for component in components.iter() {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=llvm_component=\"{}\"", component);
// Link in our own LLVM shims, compiled with the same flags as LLVM
let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
let cxxflags = output(&mut cmd);
let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
for flag in cxxflags.split_whitespace() {
// Ignore flags like `-m64` when we're doing a cross build
if is_crossed && flag.starts_with("-m") {
if flag.starts_with("-flto") {
// -Wdate-time is not supported by the netbsd cross compiler
if is_crossed && target.contains("netbsd") && flag.contains("date-time") {
// Include path contains host directory, replace it with target
if is_crossed && flag.starts_with("-I") {
cfg.flag(&flag.replace(&host, &target));
for component in &components {
let mut flag = String::from("LLVM_COMPONENT_");
cfg.define(&flag, None);
if tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_RUSTLLVM").is_some() {
cfg.define("LLVM_RUSTLLVM", None);
if tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_NDEBUG").is_some() {
cfg.define("NDEBUG", None);
.cpp_link_stdlib(None) // we handle this below
let (llvm_kind, llvm_link_arg) = detect_llvm_link();
// Link in all LLVM libraries, if we're using the "wrong" llvm-config then
// we don't pick up system libs because unfortunately they're for the host
// of llvm-config, not the target that we're attempting to link.
let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
if !is_crossed {
} else if target.contains("windows-gnu") {
} else if target.contains("netbsd") || target.contains("haiku") || target.contains("darwin") {
for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() {
let name = if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") {
} else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix('-') {
} else if Path::new(lib).exists() {
// On MSVC llvm-config will print the full name to libraries, but
// we're only interested in the name part
let name = Path::new(lib).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
} else if lib.ends_with(".lib") {
// Some MSVC libraries just come up with `.lib` tacked on, so chop
// that off
} else {
// Don't need or want this library, but LLVM's CMake build system
// doesn't provide a way to disable it, so filter it here even though we
// may or may not have built it. We don't reference anything from this
// library and it otherwise may just pull in extra dependencies on
// libedit which we don't want
if name == "LLVMLineEditor" {
let kind = if name.starts_with("LLVM") { llvm_kind } else { "dylib" };
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", kind, name);
// LLVM ldflags
// If we're a cross-compile of LLVM then unfortunately we can't trust these
// ldflags (largely where all the LLVM libs are located). Currently just
// hack around this by replacing the host triple with the target and pray
// that those -L directories are the same!
let mut cmd = Command::new(&llvm_config);
for lib in output(&mut cmd).split_whitespace() {
if is_crossed {
if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-LIBPATH:") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped.replace(&host, &target));
} else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-L") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped.replace(&host, &target));
} else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-LIBPATH:") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped);
} else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stripped);
} else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-L") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped);
// Some LLVM linker flags (-L and -l) may be needed even when linking
// rustc_llvm, for example when using static libc++, we may need to
// manually specify the library search path and -ldl -lpthread as link
// dependencies.
let llvm_linker_flags = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_LINKER_FLAGS");
if let Some(s) = llvm_linker_flags {
for lib in s.into_string().unwrap().split_whitespace() {
if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-l") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stripped);
} else if let Some(stripped) = lib.strip_prefix("-L") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", stripped);
let llvm_static_stdcpp = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_STATIC_STDCPP");
let llvm_use_libcxx = tracked_env_var_os("LLVM_USE_LIBCXX");
let stdcppname = if target.contains("openbsd") {
if target.contains("sparc64") { "estdc++" } else { "c++" }
} else if target.contains("freebsd") {
} else if target.contains("darwin") {
} else if target.contains("netbsd") && llvm_static_stdcpp.is_some() {
// NetBSD uses a separate library when relocation is required
} else if llvm_use_libcxx.is_some() {
} else {
// RISC-V GCC erroneously requires libatomic for sub-word
// atomic operations. FreeBSD uses Clang as its system
// compiler and provides no libatomic in its base system so
// does not want this.
if !target.contains("freebsd") && target.starts_with("riscv") {
// C++ runtime library
if !target.contains("msvc") {
if let Some(s) = llvm_static_stdcpp {
let path = PathBuf::from(s);
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", path.parent().unwrap().display());
if target.contains("windows") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static:-bundle={}", stdcppname);
} else {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", stdcppname);
} else if cxxflags.contains("stdlib=libc++") {
} else {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stdcppname);
// Libstdc++ depends on pthread which Rust doesn't link on MinGW
// since nothing else requires it.
if target.contains("windows-gnu") {