Throw core::panic!("message") as &str instead of String.
This makes `core::panic!("message")` consistent with `std::panic!("message")`, which throws a `&str` and not a `String`.
This also makes any other panics from `core::panicking::panic` result in a `&str` rather than a `String`, which includes compiler-generated panics such as the panics generated for `mem::zeroed()`.
use std::panic;
use std::any::Any;
fn main() {
panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| check(panic_info.payload())));
check(&*panic::catch_unwind(|| core::panic!("core")).unwrap_err());
check(&*panic::catch_unwind(|| std::panic!("std")).unwrap_err());
fn check(msg: &(dyn Any + Send)) {
if let Some(s) = msg.downcast_ref::<String>() {
println!("Got a String: {:?}", s);
} else if let Some(s) = msg.downcast_ref::<&str>() {
println!("Got a &str: {:?}", s);
Got a String: "core"
Got a String: "core"
Got a &str: "std"
Got a &str: "std"
Got a &str: "core"
Got a &str: "core"
Got a &str: "std"
Got a &str: "std"