The path we pass to rustc will be visible in panic messages and backtraces: they will be user visible! Avoid junk in these paths by passing relative paths to rustc. For most advanced users, `libcore` or `libstd` in the path will be a clue to the location -- inside our code, not theirs. Store both the relative path to the source as well as the absolute. Use the relative path where it matters, compiling the main crates, instead of changing all of the build process to cope with relative paths. Example output after this patch: ``` $ ./testunwrap thread '<main>' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', ../src/libcore/option.rs:362 $ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./testunwrap thread '<main>' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', ../src/libcore/option.rs:362 stack backtrace: 1: 0x7ff59c1e9956 - sys::backtrace::write::h67a542fd2b201576des at ../src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace.rs:158 2: 0x7ff59c1ed5b6 - panicking::on_panic::h3d21c41cdd5c12d41Xw at ../src/libstd/panicking.rs:58 3: 0x7ff59c1e7b6e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::h9f3a5440cebb8baeLDw at ../src/libstd/rt/unwind/mod.rs:273 4: 0x7ff59c1e7f84 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::h4fe8a903e0c296b0RCw at ../src/libstd/rt/unwind/mod.rs:212 5: 0x7ff59c1eced7 - rust_begin_unwind 6: 0x7ff59c22c11a - panicking::panic_fmt::h00b0cd49c98a9220i5B at ../src/libcore/panicking.rs:64 7: 0x7ff59c22b9e0 - panicking::panic::hf549420c0ee03339P3B at ../src/libcore/panicking.rs:45 8: 0x7ff59c1e621d - option::Option<T>::unwrap::h501963526474862829 9: 0x7ff59c1e61b1 - main::hb5c91ce92347d1e6eaa 10: 0x7ff59c1f1c18 - rust_try_inner 11: 0x7ff59c1f1c05 - rust_try 12: 0x7ff59c1ef374 - rt::lang_start::h7e51e19c6677cffe5Sw at ../src/libstd/rt/unwind/mod.rs:147 at ../src/libstd/rt/unwind/mod.rs:130 at ../src/libstd/rt/mod.rs:128 13: 0x7ff59c1e628e - main 14: 0x7ff59b3f6b44 - __libc_start_main 15: 0x7ff59c1e6078 - <unknown> 16: 0x0 - <unknown> ```
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# Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
# file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
# <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
# Rust's standard distribution of crates and tools
# The crates outlined below are the standard distribution of libraries provided
# in a rust installation. These rules are meant to abstract over the
# dependencies (both native and rust) of crates and basically generate all the
# necessary makefile rules necessary to build everything.
# Here's an explanation of the variables below
# This list of crates will be built for all targets, including
# cross-compiled targets
# This list of crates will be compiled for only host targets. Note that
# this set is explicitly *not* a subset of TARGET_CRATES, but rather it is
# a disjoint set. Nothing in the TARGET_CRATES set can depend on crates in
# the HOST_CRATES set, but the HOST_CRATES set can depend on target
# crates.
# A list of all tools which will be built as part of the compilation
# process. It is currently assumed that most tools are built through
# src/driver/driver.rs with a particular configuration (there's a
# corresponding library providing the implementation)
# DEPS_<crate>
# These lists are the dependencies of the <crate> that is to be built.
# Rust dependencies are listed bare (i.e. std) and native
# dependencies have a "native:" prefix (i.e. native:hoedown). All deps
# will be built before the crate itself is built.
# TOOL_DEPS_<tool>/TOOL_SOURCE_<tool>
# Similar to the DEPS variable, this is the library crate dependencies
# list for tool as well as the source file for the specified tool
# You shouldn't need to modify much other than these variables. Crates are
# automatically generated for all stage/host/target combinations.
TARGET_CRATES := libc std flate arena term \
serialize getopts collections test rand \
log graphviz core rbml alloc \
rustc_unicode rustc_bitflags
RUSTC_CRATES := rustc rustc_typeck rustc_borrowck rustc_resolve rustc_driver \
rustc_trans rustc_back rustc_llvm rustc_privacy rustc_lint \
HOST_CRATES := syntax $(RUSTC_CRATES) rustdoc fmt_macros
TOOLS := compiletest rustdoc rustc rustbook error-index-generator
DEPS_core :=
DEPS_libc := core
DEPS_rustc_unicode := core
DEPS_alloc := core libc native:jemalloc
DEPS_std := core libc rand alloc collections rustc_unicode \
native:rust_builtin native:backtrace native:rustrt_native \
DEPS_graphviz := std
DEPS_syntax := std term serialize log fmt_macros arena libc
DEPS_rustc_driver := arena flate getopts graphviz libc rustc rustc_back rustc_borrowck \
rustc_typeck rustc_resolve log syntax serialize rustc_llvm \
rustc_trans rustc_privacy rustc_lint
DEPS_rustc_trans := arena flate getopts graphviz libc rustc rustc_back \
log syntax serialize rustc_llvm
DEPS_rustc_typeck := rustc syntax
DEPS_rustc_borrowck := rustc log graphviz syntax
DEPS_rustc_resolve := rustc log syntax
DEPS_rustc_privacy := rustc log syntax
DEPS_rustc_lint := rustc log syntax
DEPS_rustc := syntax flate arena serialize getopts rbml \
log graphviz rustc_llvm rustc_back rustc_data_structures
DEPS_rustc_llvm := native:rustllvm libc std
DEPS_rustc_back := std syntax rustc_llvm flate log libc
DEPS_rustc_data_structures := std log serialize
DEPS_rustdoc := rustc rustc_driver native:hoedown serialize getopts \
test rustc_lint
DEPS_rustc_bitflags := core
DEPS_flate := std native:miniz
DEPS_arena := std
DEPS_graphviz := std
DEPS_glob := std
DEPS_serialize := std log
DEPS_rbml := std log serialize
DEPS_term := std log
DEPS_getopts := std
DEPS_collections := core alloc rustc_unicode
DEPS_num := std
DEPS_test := std getopts serialize rbml term native:rust_test_helpers
DEPS_rand := core
DEPS_log := std
DEPS_fmt_macros = std
TOOL_DEPS_compiletest := test getopts
TOOL_DEPS_rustdoc := rustdoc
TOOL_DEPS_rustc := rustc_driver
TOOL_DEPS_rustbook := std rustdoc
TOOL_DEPS_error-index-generator := rustdoc syntax serialize
TOOL_SOURCE_compiletest := $(S)src/compiletest/compiletest.rs
TOOL_SOURCE_rustdoc := $(S)src/driver/driver.rs
TOOL_SOURCE_rustc := $(S)src/driver/driver.rs
TOOL_SOURCE_rustbook := $(S)src/rustbook/main.rs
TOOL_SOURCE_error-index-generator := $(S)src/error-index-generator/main.rs
ONLY_RLIB_core := 1
ONLY_RLIB_libc := 1
ONLY_RLIB_alloc := 1
ONLY_RLIB_rand := 1
ONLY_RLIB_collections := 1
ONLY_RLIB_rustc_unicode := 1
ONLY_RLIB_rustc_bitflags := 1
# Documented-by-default crates
DOC_CRATES := std alloc collections core libc rustc_unicode
# You should not need to edit below this line
# This macro creates some simple definitions for each crate being built, just
# some munging of all of the parameters above.
# $(1) is the crate to generate variables for
CRATEFILE_$(1) := $$(SREL)src/lib$(1)/lib.rs
RSINPUTS_$(1) := $$(call rwildcard,$(S)src/lib$(1)/,*.rs)
RUST_DEPS_$(1) := $$(filter-out native:%,$$(DEPS_$(1)))
NATIVE_DEPS_$(1) := $$(patsubst native:%,%,$$(filter native:%,$$(DEPS_$(1))))
$(foreach crate,$(CRATES),$(eval $(call RUST_CRATE,$(crate))))
# Similar to the macro above for crates, this macro is for tools
# $(1) is the crate to generate variables for
define RUST_TOOL
TOOL_INPUTS_$(1) := $$(call rwildcard,$$(dir $$(TOOL_SOURCE_$(1))),*.rs)
$(foreach crate,$(TOOLS),$(eval $(call RUST_TOOL,$(crate))))
RUSTFLAGS_std := --cfg no_elf_tls