71 lines
2.3 KiB
71 lines
2.3 KiB
// Test to ensure that the `--document-hidden-items` option is working as expected.
//@ compile-flags: -Z unstable-options --document-hidden-items
// ignore-tidy-linelength
#![crate_name = "foo"]
// @has 'foo/index.html'
// @has - '//*[@id="reexport.hidden_reexport"]/code' 'pub use hidden::inside_hidden as hidden_reexport;'
pub use hidden::inside_hidden as hidden_reexport;
// @has - '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="trait"]' 'TraitHidden'
// @has 'foo/trait.TraitHidden.html'
pub trait TraitHidden {}
// @has 'foo/index.html' '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="trait"]' 'Trait'
pub trait Trait {
// @has 'foo/trait.Trait.html'
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedconstant.BAR"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'const BAR: u32 = 0u32'
const BAR: u32 = 0;
// @has - '//*[@id="method.foo"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'fn foo()'
fn foo() {}
// @has 'foo/index.html' '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="struct"]' 'Struct'
// @has 'foo/struct.Struct.html'
pub struct Struct {
// @has - '//*[@id="structfield.a"]/code' 'a: u32'
pub a: u32,
impl Struct {
// @has - '//*[@id="method.new"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'pub fn new() -> Self'
pub fn new() -> Self { Self { a: 0 } }
impl Trait for Struct {
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedconstant.BAR"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'const BAR: u32 = 0u32'
// @has - '//*[@id="method.foo"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'fn foo()'
// @has - '//*[@id="impl-TraitHidden-for-Struct"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'impl TraitHidden for Struct'
impl TraitHidden for Struct {}
// @has 'foo/index.html' '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="enum"]' 'HiddenEnum'
// @has 'foo/enum.HiddenEnum.html'
pub enum HiddenEnum {
// @has 'foo/index.html' '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="enum"]' 'Enum'
pub enum Enum {
// @has 'foo/enum.Enum.html' '//*[@id="variant.A"]/*[@class="code-header"]' 'A'
// @has 'foo/index.html' '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="mod"]' 'hidden'
pub mod hidden {
// @has 'foo/hidden/index.html'
// @has - '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="fn"]' 'inside_hidden'
// @has 'foo/hidden/fn.inside_hidden.html'
pub fn inside_hidden() {}