doc: clearer and more correct Iterator::scan
The `Iterator::scan` documentation seemed a little misleading to my newcomer
eyes, and this tries to address that.
* I found “similar to `fold`” unhelpful because (a) the similarity is only that
they maintain state between iterations, and (b) the _dissimilarity_ is no less
important: one returns a final value and the other an iterator. So this
replaces that with “which, like `fold`, holds internal state, but unlike
`fold`, produces a new iterator.
* I found “the return value from the closure, an `Option`, is yielded by the
iterator” to be downright incorrect, because “yielded by the iterator” means
“returned by the `next` method wrapped in `Some`”, so this implied that `scan`
would convert an input iterator of `T` to an output iterator of `Option<T>`.
So this replaces “yielded by the iterator” with “returned by the `next`
method” and elaborates: “Thus the closure can return `Some(value)` to yield
`value`, or `None` to end the iteration.”
* This also changes the example to illustrate the latter point by returning
`None` to terminate the iteration early based on `state`.