2024-02-16 20:02:50 +00:00

39 lines
1.4 KiB

//@ edition:2018
fn _f<F: fn(), G>(_: impl fn(), _: &dyn fn())
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `fn`
//~| ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `fn`
//~| ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `fn`
//~| HELP use `Fn` to refer to the trait
//~| HELP use `Fn` to refer to the trait
//~| HELP use `Fn` to refer to the trait
G: fn(),
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `fn`
//~| HELP use `Fn` to refer to the trait
fn _g<A: struct, B>(_: impl struct, _: &dyn struct)
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `struct`
//~| ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `struct`
//~| ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `struct`
//~| ERROR cannot find trait `r#struct` in this scope
//~| ERROR cannot find trait `r#struct` in this scope
//~| ERROR cannot find trait `r#struct` in this scope
//~| HELP a trait with a similar name exists
//~| HELP a trait with a similar name exists
//~| HELP a trait with a similar name exists
//~| HELP escape `struct` to use it as an identifier
//~| HELP escape `struct` to use it as an identifier
//~| HELP escape `struct` to use it as an identifier
B: struct,
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `struct`
//~| ERROR cannot find trait `r#struct` in this scope
//~| HELP a trait with a similar name exists
//~| HELP escape `struct` to use it as an identifier
trait Struct {}
fn main() {}