235 lines
7.9 KiB
235 lines
7.9 KiB
//@ run-pass
//@ ignore-cross-compile
// This test covers the AST pretty-printer's automatic insertion of parentheses
// into unparenthesized syntax trees according to precedence and various grammar
// restrictions and edge cases.
// For example if the following syntax tree represents the expression a*(b+c),
// in which the parenthesis is necessary for precedence:
// Binary('*', Path("a"), Paren(Binary('+', Path("b"), Path("c"))))
// then the pretty-printer needs to be able to print the following
// unparenthesized syntax tree with an automatically inserted parenthesization.
// Binary('*', Path("a"), Binary('+', Path("b"), Path("c")))
// Handling this correctly is relevant in real-world code when pretty-printing
// macro-generated syntax trees, in which expressions can get interpolated into
// one another without any parenthesization being visible in the syntax tree.
// macro_rules! repro {
// ($rhs:expr) => {
// a * $rhs
// };
// }
// let _ = repro!(b + c);
extern crate rustc_ast;
extern crate rustc_ast_pretty;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_parse;
extern crate rustc_session;
extern crate rustc_span;
extern crate smallvec;
use std::mem;
use std::process::ExitCode;
use rustc_ast::ast::{DUMMY_NODE_ID, Expr, ExprKind, Stmt};
use rustc_ast::mut_visit::{self, DummyAstNode as _, MutVisitor};
use rustc_ast::node_id::NodeId;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_errors::Diag;
use rustc_parse::parser::Recovery;
use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, FileName, Span};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
// Every parenthesis in the following expressions is re-inserted by the
// pretty-printer.
// FIXME: Some of them shouldn't be.
static EXPRS: &[&str] = &[
// Straightforward binary operator precedence.
"2 * 2 + 2",
"2 + 2 * 2",
"(2 + 2) * 2",
"2 * (2 + 2)",
"2 + 2 + 2",
// Return has lower precedence than a binary operator.
"(return 2) + 2",
"2 + (return 2)", // FIXME: no parenthesis needed.
"(return) + 2", // FIXME: no parenthesis needed.
// These mean different things.
"return - 2",
"(return) - 2",
// These mean different things.
"if let _ = true && false {}",
"if let _ = (true && false) {}",
// Conditions end at the first curly brace, so struct expressions need to be
// parenthesized. Except in a match guard, where conditions end at arrow.
"if let _ = (Struct {}) {}",
"match 2 { _ if let _ = Struct {} => {} }",
// Match arms terminate eagerly, so parenthesization is needed around some
// expressions.
"match 2 { _ => 1 - 1 }",
"match 2 { _ => ({ 1 }) - 1 }",
// Grammar restriction: break value starting with a labeled loop is not
// allowed, except if the break is also labeled.
"break 'outer 'inner: loop {} + 2",
"break ('inner: loop {} + 2)",
// Grammar restriction: the value in let-else is not allowed to end in a
// curly brace.
"{ let _ = 1 + 1 else {}; }",
"{ let _ = (loop {}) else {}; }",
"{ let _ = mac!() else {}; }",
"{ let _ = (mac! {}) else {}; }",
// Parentheses are necessary to prevent an eager statement boundary.
"{ 2 - 1 }",
"{ (match 2 {}) - 1 }",
"{ (match 2 {})() - 1 }",
"{ (match 2 {})[0] - 1 }",
"{ (loop {}) - 1 }",
// Angle bracket is eagerly parsed as a path's generic argument list.
"(2 as T) < U",
"(2 as T<U>) < V", // FIXME: no parentheses needed.
// FIXME: pretty-printer produces invalid syntax. `2 + 2 as T < U`
"(2 + 2 as T) < U",
// FIXME: pretty-printer produces invalid syntax. `if (let _ = () && Struct {}.x) {}`
"if let _ = () && (Struct {}).x {}",
// FIXME: pretty-printer produces invalid syntax. `(1 < 2 == false) as usize`
"((1 < 2) == false) as usize",
// FIXME: pretty-printer produces invalid syntax. `for _ in 1..{ 2 } {}`
"for _ in (1..{ 2 }) {}",
// FIXME: pretty-printer loses the attribute. `{ let Struct { field } = s; }`
"{ let Struct { #[attr] field } = s; }",
// FIXME: pretty-printer turns this into a range. `0..to_string()`
"0. .. 1.",
// FIXME: pretty-printer loses the dyn*. `i as Trait`
"i as dyn* Trait",
// Flatten the content of parenthesis nodes into their parent node. For example
// this syntax tree representing the expression a*(b+c):
// Binary('*', Path("a"), Paren(Binary('+', Path("b"), Path("c"))))
// would unparenthesize to:
// Binary('*', Path("a"), Binary('+', Path("b"), Path("c")))
struct Unparenthesize;
impl MutVisitor for Unparenthesize {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &mut P<Expr>) {
while let ExprKind::Paren(paren) = &mut e.kind {
**e = mem::replace(&mut *paren, Expr::dummy());
mut_visit::walk_expr(self, e);
// Erase Span information that could distinguish between identical expressions
// parsed from different source strings.
struct Normalize;
impl MutVisitor for Normalize {
const VISIT_TOKENS: bool = true;
fn visit_id(&mut self, id: &mut NodeId) {
fn visit_span(&mut self, span: &mut Span) {
*span = DUMMY_SP;
fn flat_map_stmt(&mut self, mut stmt: Stmt) -> SmallVec<[Stmt; 1]> {
self.visit_span(&mut stmt.span);
mut_visit::walk_flat_map_stmt(self, stmt)
fn parse_expr(psess: &ParseSess, source_code: &str) -> Option<P<Expr>> {
let parser = rustc_parse::unwrap_or_emit_fatal(rustc_parse::new_parser_from_source_str(
let mut expr = parser.recovery(Recovery::Forbidden).parse_expr().map_err(Diag::cancel).ok()?;
Normalize.visit_expr(&mut expr);
fn main() -> ExitCode {
let mut status = ExitCode::SUCCESS;
let mut fail = |description: &str, before: &str, after: &str| {
status = ExitCode::FAILURE;
"{description}\n BEFORE: {before}\n AFTER: {after}\n\n",
before = before.replace('\n', "\n "),
after = after.replace('\n', "\n "),
rustc_span::create_default_session_globals_then(|| {
let psess = &ParseSess::new(vec![rustc_parse::DEFAULT_LOCALE_RESOURCE]);
for &source_code in EXPRS {
let expr = parse_expr(psess, source_code).unwrap();
// Check for FALSE POSITIVE: pretty-printer inserting parentheses where not needed.
// Pseudocode:
// assert(expr == parse(print(expr)))
let printed = &pprust::expr_to_string(&expr);
let Some(expr2) = parse_expr(psess, printed) else {
fail("Pretty-printer produced invalid syntax", source_code, printed);
if format!("{expr:#?}") != format!("{expr2:#?}") {
fail("Pretty-printer inserted unnecessary parenthesis", source_code, printed);
// Check for FALSE NEGATIVE: pretty-printer failing to place necessary parentheses.
// Pseudocode:
// assert(unparenthesize(expr) == unparenthesize(parse(print(unparenthesize(expr)))))
let mut expr = expr;
Unparenthesize.visit_expr(&mut expr);
let printed = &pprust::expr_to_string(&expr);
let Some(mut expr2) = parse_expr(psess, printed) else {
fail("Pretty-printer with no parens produced invalid syntax", source_code, printed);
Unparenthesize.visit_expr(&mut expr2);
if format!("{expr:#?}") != format!("{expr2:#?}") {
fail("Pretty-printer lost necessary parentheses", source_code, printed);