
58 lines
2.5 KiB

// compile-flags: -Znormalize-docs
use std::ops::Index;
pub fn next<'a, T>(s: &'a mut dyn SVec<Item = T, Output = T>) {
//~^ expected 1 lifetime argument
//~| expected 1 generic argument
//~| the trait `SVec` cannot be made into an object
//~| `SVec` cannot be made into an object
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
let _ = s;
pub trait SVec: Index<
<Self as SVec>::Item,
//~^ expected 1 lifetime argument
//~| expected 1 generic argument
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
Output = <Index<<Self as SVec>::Item,
//~^ expected 1 lifetime argument
//~| expected 1 generic argument
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
Output = <Self as SVec>::Item> as SVec>::Item,
//~^ expected 1 lifetime argument
//~| expected 1 generic argument
//~| expected 1 lifetime argument
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| expected 1 generic argument
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
> {
type Item<'a, T>;
fn len(&self) -> <Self as SVec>::Item;
//~^ expected 1 lifetime argument
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`
//~| expected 1 generic argument
//~| missing generics for associated type `SVec::Item`