2024-07-23 01:48:03 +02:00

253 lines
7.9 KiB

// Private types and traits are not allowed in public interfaces.
// This test also ensures that the checks are performed even inside private modules.
#![deny(private_interfaces, private_bounds)]
mod types {
struct Priv;
pub struct Pub;
pub trait PubTr {
type Alias;
pub type Alias = Priv; //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `types::Alias`
pub enum E {
V1(Priv), //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `E::V1::0`
V2 { field: Priv }, //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `E::V2::field`
pub trait Tr {
const C: Priv = Priv; //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `Tr::C`
type Alias = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `types::Priv` in public interface
fn f1(arg: Priv) {} //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `Tr::f1`
fn f2() -> Priv { panic!() } //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `Tr::f2`
extern "C" {
pub static ES: Priv; //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `types::ES`
pub fn ef1(arg: Priv); //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `types::ef1`
pub fn ef2() -> Priv; //~ ERROR type `types::Priv` is more private than the item `types::ef2`
impl PubTr for Pub {
type Alias = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `types::Priv` in public interface
mod traits {
trait PrivTr {}
pub struct Pub<T>(T);
pub trait PubTr {}
pub type Alias<T: PrivTr> = T; //~ ERROR trait `traits::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits::Alias`
//~^ WARNING bounds on generic parameters in type aliases are not enforced
pub trait Tr1: PrivTr {} //~ ERROR trait `traits::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits::Tr1`
pub trait Tr2<T: PrivTr> {} //~ ERROR trait `traits::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits::Tr2`
pub trait Tr3 {
type Alias: PrivTr;
//~^ ERROR trait `traits::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits::Tr3::Alias`
fn f<T: PrivTr>(arg: T) {} //~ ERROR trait `traits::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits::Tr3::f`
impl<T: PrivTr> Pub<T> {} //~ ERROR trait `traits::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits::Pub<T>`
impl<T: PrivTr> PubTr for Pub<T> {} // OK, trait impl predicates
mod traits_where {
trait PrivTr {}
pub struct Pub<T>(T);
pub trait PubTr {}
pub type Alias<T> where T: PrivTr = T;
//~^ ERROR trait `traits_where::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits_where::Alias`
//~| WARNING where clauses on type aliases are not enforced
pub trait Tr2<T> where T: PrivTr {}
//~^ ERROR trait `traits_where::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits_where::Tr2`
pub trait Tr3 {
fn f<T>(arg: T) where T: PrivTr {}
//~^ ERROR trait `traits_where::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits_where::Tr3::f`
impl<T> Pub<T> where T: PrivTr {}
//~^ ERROR trait `traits_where::PrivTr` is more private than the item `traits_where::Pub<T>`
impl<T> PubTr for Pub<T> where T: PrivTr {} // OK, trait impl predicates
mod generics {
struct Priv<T = u8>(T);
pub struct Pub<T = u8>(T);
trait PrivTr<T> {}
pub trait PubTr<T> {}
pub trait Tr1: PrivTr<Pub> {}
//~^ ERROR trait `generics::PrivTr<generics::Pub>` is more private than the item `generics::Tr1`
pub trait Tr2: PubTr<Priv> {} //~ ERROR type `generics::Priv` is more private than the item `generics::Tr2`
pub trait Tr3: PubTr<[Priv; 1]> {} //~ ERROR type `generics::Priv` is more private than the item `generics::Tr3`
pub trait Tr4: PubTr<Pub<Priv>> {} //~ ERROR type `generics::Priv` is more private than the item `Tr4`
mod impls {
struct Priv;
pub struct Pub;
trait PrivTr {
type Alias;
pub trait PubTr {
type Alias;
impl Priv {
pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
impl PrivTr for Priv {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr for Priv {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PrivTr for Pub {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr for Pub {
type Alias = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `impls::Priv` in public interface
mod impls_generics {
struct Priv<T = u8>(T);
pub struct Pub<T = u8>(T);
trait PrivTr<T = u8> {
type Alias;
pub trait PubTr<T = u8> {
type Alias;
impl Priv<Pub> {
pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
impl Pub<Priv> {
pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
impl PrivTr<Pub> for Priv {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr<Priv> for Priv {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr for Priv<Pub> {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr for [Priv; 1] {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr for Pub<Priv> {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PrivTr<Pub> for Pub {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
impl PubTr<Priv> for Pub {
type Alias = Priv; // OK
mod aliases_pub {
struct Priv;
mod m {
pub struct Pub1;
pub struct Pub2;
pub struct Pub3;
pub trait PubTr<T = u8> {
type Check = u8;
use self::m::Pub1 as PrivUseAlias;
use self::m::PubTr as PrivUseAliasTr;
type PrivAlias = m::Pub2;
trait PrivTr {
type AssocAlias;
impl PrivTr for Priv {
type AssocAlias = m::Pub3;
pub fn f1(arg: PrivUseAlias) {} // OK
pub fn f2(arg: PrivAlias) {} // OK
pub trait Tr1: PrivUseAliasTr {} // OK
pub trait Tr2: PrivUseAliasTr<PrivAlias> {} // OK
impl PrivAlias {
pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} //~ ERROR type `aliases_pub::Priv` is more private than the item `aliases_pub::<impl Pub2>::f`
impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivUseAlias {
type Check = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `aliases_pub::Priv` in public interface
impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivAlias {
type Check = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `aliases_pub::Priv` in public interface
impl PrivUseAliasTr for <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias {
type Check = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `aliases_pub::Priv` in public interface
impl PrivUseAliasTr for Option<<Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias> {
type Check = Priv; //~ ERROR private type `aliases_pub::Priv` in public interface
impl PrivUseAliasTr for (<Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias, Priv) {
type Check = Priv; // OK
impl PrivUseAliasTr for Option<(<Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias, Priv)> {
type Check = Priv; // OK
mod aliases_priv {
struct Priv;
struct Priv1;
struct Priv2;
struct Priv3;
trait PrivTr1<T = u8> {
type Check = u8;
use self::Priv1 as PrivUseAlias;
use self::PrivTr1 as PrivUseAliasTr;
type PrivAlias = Priv2;
trait PrivTr {
type AssocAlias;
impl PrivTr for Priv {
type AssocAlias = Priv3;
pub trait Tr1: PrivUseAliasTr {}
//~^ ERROR trait `PrivTr1` is more private than the item `aliases_priv::Tr1`
pub trait Tr2: PrivUseAliasTr<PrivAlias> {}
//~^ ERROR trait `PrivTr1<Priv2>` is more private than the item `aliases_priv::Tr2`
//~| ERROR type `Priv2` is more private than the item `aliases_priv::Tr2`
impl PrivUseAlias {
pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
impl PrivAlias {
pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivUseAlias {
type Check = Priv; // OK
impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivAlias {
type Check = Priv; // OK
impl PrivUseAliasTr for <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias {
type Check = Priv; // OK
mod aliases_params {
struct Priv;
type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Priv> = T;
type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Priv>;
pub fn f1(arg: PrivAliasGeneric<u8>) {} // OK, not an error
fn main() {}