2024-04-04 18:10:52 +02:00

26 lines
820 B

//@ build-aux-docs
//@ ignore-cross-compile
extern crate rustdoc_hidden;
// @has inline_hidden/index.html
// Ensures this item is not inlined.
// @has - '//*[@id="reexport.Foo"]/code' 'pub use rustdoc_hidden::Foo;'
pub use rustdoc_hidden::Foo;
// Even if the foreign item has `doc(hidden)`, we should be able to inline it.
// @has - '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="struct"]' 'Inlined'
pub use rustdoc_hidden::Foo as Inlined;
// Even with this import, we should not see `Foo`.
// @count - '//*[@class="item-name"]' 4
// @has - '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="struct"]' 'Bar'
// @has - '//*[@class="item-name"]/a[@class="fn"]' 'foo'
pub use rustdoc_hidden::*;
// @has inline_hidden/
// @!has - '//a/@title' 'Foo'
pub fn foo(_: Foo) {}