parse_invalid_literal_suffix_on_tuple_index = suffixes on a tuple index are invalid
.label = invalid suffix `{$suffix}`
.tuple_exception_line_1 = `{$suffix}` is *temporarily* accepted on tuple index fields as it was incorrectly accepted on stable for a few releases
.tuple_exception_line_2 = on proc macros, you'll want to use `syn::Index::from` or `proc_macro::Literal::*_unsuffixed` for code that will desugar to tuple field access
.tuple_exception_line_3 = see issue #60210 <> for more information
parse_non_string_abi_literal = non-string ABI literal
.suggestion = specify the ABI with a string literal
parse_inner_attr_explanation = inner attributes, like `#![no_std]`, annotate the item enclosing them, and are usually found at the beginning of source files
parse_outer_attr_explanation = outer attributes, like `#[test]`, annotate the item following them
parse_async_fn_in_2015 = `async fn` is not permitted in Rust 2015
.label = to use `async fn`, switch to Rust 2018 or later
parse_async_block_in_2015 = `async` blocks are only allowed in Rust 2018 or later
parse_self_argument_pointer = cannot pass `self` by raw pointer
.label = cannot pass `self` by raw pointer
parse_visibility_not_followed_by_item = visibility `{$vis}` is not followed by an item
.label = the visibility
.help = you likely meant to define an item, e.g., `{$vis} fn foo() {"{}"}`
parse_default_not_followed_by_item = `default` is not followed by an item
.label = the `default` qualifier
.note = only `fn`, `const`, `type`, or `impl` items may be prefixed by `default`
parse_missing_struct_for_struct_definition = missing `struct` for struct definition
.suggestion = add `struct` here to parse `{$ident}` as a public struct
parse_missing_fn_for_function_definition = missing `fn` for function definition
.suggestion = add `fn` here to parse `{$ident}` as a public function
parse_missing_fn_for_method_definition = missing `fn` for method definition
.suggestion = add `fn` here to parse `{$ident}` as a public method
parse_ambiguous_missing_keyword_for_item_definition = missing `fn` or `struct` for function or struct definition
.suggestion = if you meant to call a macro, try
.help = if you meant to call a macro, remove the `pub` and add a trailing `!` after the identifier
parse_missing_trait_in_trait_impl = missing trait in a trait impl
.suggestion_add_trait = add a trait here
.suggestion_remove_for = for an inherent impl, drop this `for`
parse_missing_for_in_trait_impl = missing `for` in a trait impl
.suggestion = add `for` here
parse_expected_trait_in_trait_impl_found_type = expected a trait, found type
parse_non_item_in_item_list = non-item in item list
.suggestion_use_const_not_let = consider using `const` instead of `let` for associated const
.label_list_start = item list starts here
.label_non_item = non-item starts here
.label_list_end = item list ends here
.suggestion_remove_semicolon = consider removing this semicolon
parse_bounds_not_allowed_on_trait_aliases = bounds are not allowed on trait aliases
parse_trait_alias_cannot_be_auto = trait aliases cannot be `auto`
parse_trait_alias_cannot_be_unsafe = trait aliases cannot be `unsafe`
parse_associated_static_item_not_allowed = associated `static` items are not allowed
parse_extern_crate_name_with_dashes = crate name using dashes are not valid in `extern crate` statements
.label = dash-separated idents are not valid
.suggestion = if the original crate name uses dashes you need to use underscores in the code
parse_extern_item_cannot_be_const = extern items cannot be `const`
.suggestion = try using a static value
.note = for more information, visit
parse_const_global_cannot_be_mutable = const globals cannot be mutable
.label = cannot be mutable
.suggestion = you might want to declare a static instead
parse_missing_const_type = missing type for `{$kind}` item
.suggestion = provide a type for the item
parse_enum_struct_mutually_exclusive = `enum` and `struct` are mutually exclusive
.suggestion = replace `enum struct` with
parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name
parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_reserved_identifier = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found reserved identifier `{$token}`
parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_keyword = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found keyword `{$token}`
parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_reserved_keyword = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found reserved keyword `{$token}`
parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_doc_comment = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found doc comment `{$token}`
parse_unexpected_token_after_struct_name_found_other = expected `where`, `{"{"}`, `(`, or `;` after struct name, found `{$token}`
parse_unexpected_self_in_generic_parameters = unexpected keyword `Self` in generic parameters
.note = you cannot use `Self` as a generic parameter because it is reserved for associated items
parse_multiple_where_clauses = cannot define duplicate `where` clauses on an item
.label = previous `where` clause starts here
.suggestion = consider joining the two `where` clauses into one
parse_nonterminal_expected_item_keyword = expected an item keyword
parse_nonterminal_expected_statement = expected a statement
parse_nonterminal_expected_ident = expected ident, found `{$token}`
parse_nonterminal_expected_lifetime = expected a lifetime, found `{$token}`
parse_or_pattern_not_allowed_in_let_binding = top-level or-patterns are not allowed in `let` bindings
parse_or_pattern_not_allowed_in_fn_parameters = top-level or-patterns are not allowed in function parameters
parse_sugg_remove_leading_vert_in_pattern = remove the `|`
parse_sugg_wrap_pattern_in_parens = wrap the pattern in parentheses
parse_note_pattern_alternatives_use_single_vert = alternatives in or-patterns are separated with `|`, not `||`
parse_unexpected_vert_vert_before_function_parameter = unexpected `||` before function parameter
.suggestion = remove the `||`
parse_label_while_parsing_or_pattern_here = while parsing this or-pattern starting here
parse_unexpected_vert_vert_in_pattern = unexpected token `||` in pattern
.suggestion = use a single `|` to separate multiple alternative patterns
parse_trailing_vert_not_allowed = a trailing `|` is not allowed in an or-pattern
.suggestion = remove the `{$token}`
parse_dotdotdot_rest_pattern = unexpected `...`
.label = not a valid pattern
.suggestion = for a rest pattern, use `..` instead of `...`
parse_pattern_on_wrong_side_of_at = pattern on wrong side of `@`
.label_pattern = pattern on the left, should be on the right
.label_binding = binding on the right, should be on the left
.suggestion = switch the order
parse_expected_binding_left_of_at = left-hand side of `@` must be a binding
.label_lhs = interpreted as a pattern, not a binding
.label_rhs = also a pattern
.note = bindings are `x`, `mut x`, `ref x`, and `ref mut x`
parse_ambiguous_range_pattern = the range pattern here has ambiguous interpretation
.suggestion = add parentheses to clarify the precedence
parse_unexpected_lifetime_in_pattern = unexpected lifetime `{$symbol}` in pattern
.suggestion = remove the lifetime
parse_ref_mut_order_incorrect = the order of `mut` and `ref` is incorrect
.suggestion = try switching the order
parse_mut_on_nested_ident_pattern = `mut` must be attached to each individual binding
.suggestion = add `mut` to each binding
parse_mut_on_non_ident_pattern = `mut` must be followed by a named binding
.suggestion = remove the `mut` prefix
parse_note_mut_pattern_usage = `mut` may be followed by `variable` and `variable @ pattern`
parse_repeated_mut_in_pattern = `mut` on a binding may not be repeated
.suggestion = remove the additional `mut`s
parse_dot_dot_dot_range_to_pattern_not_allowed = range-to patterns with `...` are not allowed
.suggestion = use `..=` instead
parse_enum_pattern_instead_of_identifier = expected identifier, found enum pattern
parse_dot_dot_dot_for_remaining_fields = expected field pattern, found `...`
.suggestion = to omit remaining fields, use one fewer `.`