librustc: Remove record patterns from the compiler
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 31 additions and 74 deletions
@ -319,8 +319,7 @@ pub fn pat_ctor_id(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt, p: @pat) -> Option<ctor> {
_ => Some(single)
pat_box(_) | pat_uniq(_) | pat_rec(_, _) | pat_tup(_) |
pat_region(*) => {
pat_box(_) | pat_uniq(_) | pat_tup(_) | pat_region(*) => {
pat_vec(elems, tail) => {
@ -547,7 +546,6 @@ pub fn specialize(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt,
_ => None
pat_rec(ref flds, _) => fail!(),
pat_struct(_, ref flds, _) => {
// Is this a struct or an enum variant?
match cx.tcx.def_map.get(&pat_id) {
@ -709,9 +707,6 @@ pub fn is_refutable(cx: @MatchCheckCtxt, pat: &pat) -> bool {
pat_lit(_) | pat_range(_, _) => { true }
pat_rec(fields, _) => {
fields.any(|f| is_refutable(cx, f.pat))
pat_struct(_, fields, _) => {
fields.any(|f| is_refutable(cx, f.pat))
@ -942,7 +942,6 @@ pub impl mem_categorization_ctxt {
// nullary variant or identifier: ignore
ast::pat_rec(ref field_pats, _) |
ast::pat_struct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
// {f1: p1, ..., fN: pN}
for field_pats.each |fp| {
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use syntax::ast::{item_const, item_enum, item_fn, item_foreign_mod};
use syntax::ast::{item_impl, item_mac, item_mod, item_trait, item_ty, le};
use syntax::ast::{local, local_crate, lt, method, mode, module_ns, mul};
use syntax::ast::{named_field, ne, neg, node_id, pat, pat_enum, pat_ident};
use syntax::ast::{path, pat_box, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec, pat_struct};
use syntax::ast::{path, pat_box, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_struct};
use syntax::ast::{pat_tup, pat_uniq, pat_wild, prim_ty, private, provided};
use syntax::ast::{public, required, rem, self_ty_, shl, shr, stmt_decl};
use syntax::ast::{struct_dtor, struct_field, struct_variant_kind, sty_by_ref};
@ -459,8 +459,7 @@ pub fn enter_default(bcx: block, dm: DefMap, m: &[@Match/&r],
do enter_match(bcx, dm, m, col, val) |p| {
match p.node {
ast::pat_wild | ast::pat_rec(_, _) | ast::pat_tup(_) |
ast::pat_struct(*) => Some(~[]),
ast::pat_wild | ast::pat_tup(_) | ast::pat_struct(*) => Some(~[]),
ast::pat_ident(_, _, None) if pat_is_binding(dm, p) => Some(~[]),
_ => None
@ -611,7 +610,7 @@ pub fn enter_rec_or_struct(bcx: block,
let dummy = @ast::pat {id: 0, node: ast::pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
do enter_match(bcx, dm, m, col, val) |p| {
match /*bad*/copy p.node {
ast::pat_rec(fpats, _) | ast::pat_struct(_, fpats, _) => {
ast::pat_struct(_, fpats, _) => {
let mut pats = ~[];
for vec::each(fields) |fname| {
match fpats.find(|p| p.ident == *fname) {
@ -887,7 +886,6 @@ pub fn collect_record_or_struct_fields(bcx: block,
let mut fields: ~[ast::ident] = ~[];
for vec::each(m) |br| {
match /*bad*/copy br.pats[col].node {
ast::pat_rec(fs, _) => extend(&mut fields, fs),
ast::pat_struct(_, fs, _) => {
match ty::get(node_id_type(bcx, br.pats[col].id)).sty {
ty::ty_struct(*) => extend(&mut fields, fs),
@ -1766,7 +1764,7 @@ pub fn bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx: block,
ast::pat_rec(fields, _) | ast::pat_struct(_, fields, _) => {
ast::pat_struct(_, fields, _) => {
let tcx = bcx.tcx();
let pat_ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let pat_repr = adt::represent_type(bcx.ccx(), pat_ty);
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ pub fn represent_type(cx: @CrateContext, t: ty::t) -> @Repr {
} else if cases.len() == 1 {
// Equivalent to a struct/tuple/newtype.
assert cases[0].discr == 0;
fail_unless!(cases[0].discr == 0);
Univariant(mk_struct(cx, cases[0].tys), NonStruct)
} else if cases.all(|c| c.tys.len() == 0) {
// All bodies empty -> intlike
@ -302,18 +302,18 @@ pub fn trans_case(bcx: block, r: &Repr, discr: int) -> _match::opt_result {
pub fn trans_start_init(bcx: block, r: &Repr, val: ValueRef, discr: int) {
match *r {
Unit(the_discr) => {
assert discr == the_discr;
fail_unless!(discr == the_discr);
CEnum(min, max) => {
assert min <= discr && discr <= max;
fail_unless!(min <= discr && discr <= max);
Store(bcx, C_int(bcx.ccx(), discr), GEPi(bcx, val, [0, 0]))
Univariant(_, StructWithDtor) => {
assert discr == 0;
fail_unless!(discr == 0);
Store(bcx, C_u8(1), GEPi(bcx, val, [0, 1]))
Univariant(*) => {
assert discr == 0;
fail_unless!(discr == 0);
General(*) => {
Store(bcx, C_int(bcx.ccx(), discr), GEPi(bcx, val, [0, 0]))
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ pub fn trans_start_init(bcx: block, r: &Repr, val: ValueRef, discr: int) {
pub fn num_args(r: &Repr, discr: int) -> uint {
match *r {
Unit(*) | CEnum(*) => 0,
Univariant(ref st, _dt) => { assert discr == 0; st.fields.len() }
Univariant(ref st, _) => { fail_unless!(discr == 0); st.fields.len() }
General(ref cases) => cases[discr as uint].fields.len()
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ pub fn trans_field_ptr(bcx: block, r: &Repr, val: ValueRef, discr: int,
bcx.ccx().sess.bug(~"element access in C-like enum")
Univariant(ref st, dt) => {
assert discr == 0;
fail_unless!(discr == 0);
let val = match dt {
NonStruct => val,
StructWithDtor | StructWithoutDtor => GEPi(bcx, val, [0, 0])
@ -411,12 +411,12 @@ pub fn trans_const(ccx: @CrateContext, r: &Repr, discr: int,
CEnum(min, max) => {
assert vals.len() == 0;
assert min <= discr && discr <= max;
fail_unless!(vals.len() == 0);
fail_unless!(min <= discr && discr <= max);
C_int(ccx, discr)
Univariant(ref st, dt) => {
assert discr == 0;
fail_unless!(discr == 0);
let s = C_struct(build_const_struct(ccx, st, vals));
match dt {
NonStruct => s,
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ pub fn trans_const(ccx: @CrateContext, r: &Repr, discr: int,
fn build_const_struct(ccx: @CrateContext, st: &Struct, vals: &[ValueRef])
-> ~[ValueRef] {
assert vals.len() == st.fields.len();
fail_unless!(vals.len() == st.fields.len());
let mut offset = 0;
let mut cfields = ~[];
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ fn build_const_struct(ccx: @CrateContext, st: &Struct, vals: &[ValueRef])
cfields.push(padding(target_offset - offset));
offset = target_offset;
assert !is_undef(vals[i]);
// If that assert fails, could change it to wrap in a struct?
// (See `const_struct_field` for why real fields must not be undef.)
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ pub impl Datum {
let repr = adt::represent_type(ccx, self.ty);
assert adt::is_newtypeish(repr);
let ty = ty::subst(ccx.tcx, substs, variants[0].args[0]);
return match self.mode {
ByRef => {
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ pub impl Datum {
let repr = adt::represent_type(ccx, self.ty);
assert adt::is_newtypeish(repr);
let ty = fields[0].mt.ty;
return match self.mode {
ByRef => {
@ -414,12 +414,6 @@ pub fn check_pat(pcx: pat_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, expected: ty::t) {
ast::pat_enum(path, subpats) => {
check_pat_variant(pcx, pat, path, subpats, expected);
ast::pat_rec(fields, etc) => {
fmt!("mismatched types: expected `%s` but found record",
ast::pat_struct(path, fields, etc) => {
// Grab the class data that we care about.
let structure = structure_of(fcx, pat.span, expected);
@ -874,7 +874,6 @@ pub mod guarantor {
ast::pat_enum(*) => {}
ast::pat_rec(ref fpats, _) |
ast::pat_struct(_, ref fpats, _) => {
for fpats.each |fpat| {
link_ref_bindings_in_pat(rcx, fpat.pat, guarantor);
@ -302,7 +302,6 @@ pub enum pat_ {
pat_ident(binding_mode, @path, Option<@pat>),
pat_enum(@path, Option<~[@pat]>), /* "none" means a * pattern where
* we don't bind the fields to names */
pat_rec(~[field_pat], bool),
pat_struct(@path, ~[field_pat], bool),
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ pub fn walk_pat(pat: @pat, it: fn(@pat)) {
match pat.node {
pat_ident(_, _, Some(p)) => walk_pat(p, it),
pat_rec(ref fields, _) | pat_struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
pat_struct(_, ref fields, _) => {
for fields.each |f| {
walk_pat(f.pat, it)
@ -399,15 +399,6 @@ pub fn noop_fold_pat(p: &pat_, fld: @ast_fold) -> pat_ {
||||pats||x| fld.fold_pat(*x)))
pat_rec(ref fields, etc) => {
let fs = do |f| {
ast::field_pat {
ident: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy f.ident,
pat: fld.fold_pat(f.pat),
pat_rec(fs, etc)
pat_struct(pth, ref fields, etc) => {
let pth_ = fld.fold_path(pth);
let fs = do |f| {
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ pub enum ObsoleteSyntax {
impl to_bytes::IterBytes for ObsoleteSyntax {
@ -150,6 +151,10 @@ pub impl Parser {
"structural record type",
"use a structure instead"
ObsoleteRecordPattern => (
"structural record pattern",
"use a structure instead"
||||, kind, kind_str, desc);
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ use ast::{lit_int_unsuffixed, lit_nil, lit_str, lit_uint, local, m_const};
use ast::{m_imm, m_mutbl, mac_, mac_invoc_tt, matcher, match_nonterminal};
use ast::{match_seq, match_tok, method, mode, module_ns, mt, mul, mutability};
use ast::{named_field, neg, node_id, noreturn, not, pat, pat_box, pat_enum};
use ast::{pat_ident, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec, pat_region, pat_struct};
use ast::{pat_tup, pat_uniq, pat_wild, path, private};
use ast::{pat_ident, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_region, pat_struct, pat_tup};
use ast::{pat_uniq, pat_wild, path, private};
use ast::{re_self, re_anon, re_named, region, rem, required};
use ast::{ret_style, return_val, self_ty, shl, shr, stmt, stmt_decl};
use ast::{stmt_expr, stmt_semi, stmt_mac, struct_def, struct_field};
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteSyntax, ObsoleteLowerCaseKindBounds};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteUnsafeBlock, ObsoleteImplSyntax};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteTraitBoundSeparator, ObsoleteMutOwnedPointer};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteMutVector, ObsoleteTraitImplVisibility};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteRecordType};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteRecordType, ObsoleteRecordPattern};
use parse::prec::{as_prec, token_to_binop};
use parse::token::{can_begin_expr, is_ident, is_ident_or_path};
use parse::token::{is_plain_ident, INTERPOLATED, special_idents};
@ -2192,10 +2192,11 @@ pub impl Parser {
token::LBRACE => {
let (fields, etc) = self.parse_pat_fields(refutable);
let (_, _) = self.parse_pat_fields(refutable);
hi = self.span.hi;
pat = pat_rec(fields, etc);
self.obsolete(*self.span, ObsoleteRecordPattern);
pat = pat_wild;
token::LPAREN => {
@ -1574,25 +1574,6 @@ pub fn print_pat(s: @ps, &&pat: @ast::pat, refutable: bool) {
ast::pat_rec(fields, etc) => {
word(s.s, ~"{");
fn print_field(s: @ps, f: ast::field_pat, refutable: bool) {
cbox(s, indent_unit);
print_ident(s, f.ident);
word_space(s, ~":");
print_pat(s, f.pat, refutable);
fn get_span(f: ast::field_pat) -> codemap::span { return f.pat.span; }
commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, fields,
|s, f| print_field(s, f, refutable),
if etc {
if vec::len(fields) != 0u { word_space(s, ~","); }
word(s.s, ~"_");
word(s.s, ~"}");
ast::pat_struct(path, fields, etc) => {
print_path(s, path, true);
word(s.s, ~"{");
@ -263,11 +263,6 @@ pub fn visit_pat<E>(p: @pat, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
for children.each |child| { (v.visit_pat)(*child, e, v); }
pat_rec(ref fields, _) => {
for fields.each |f| {
(v.visit_pat)(f.pat, e, v)
pat_struct(path, ref fields, _) => {
visit_path(path, e, v);
for fields.each |f| {
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