libsyntax: Remove fn() unsafe { ... }
. r=graydon
This commit is contained in:
59 changed files with 2807 additions and 2425 deletions
@ -33,34 +33,36 @@ fn load_errors(testfile: &Path) -> ~[expected_error] {
return error_patterns;
fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: ~str) -> ~[expected_error] unsafe {
let error_tag = ~"//~";
let mut idx;
match str::find_str(line, error_tag) {
None => return ~[],
Some(nn) => { idx = (nn as uint) + str::len(error_tag); }
fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: ~str) -> ~[expected_error] {
unsafe {
let error_tag = ~"//~";
let mut idx;
match str::find_str(line, error_tag) {
None => return ~[],
Some(nn) => { idx = (nn as uint) + str::len(error_tag); }
// "//~^^^ kind msg" denotes a message expected
// three lines above current line:
let mut adjust_line = 0u;
let len = str::len(line);
while idx < len && line[idx] == ('^' as u8) {
adjust_line += 1u;
idx += 1u;
// Extract kind:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let start_kind = idx;
while idx < len && line[idx] != (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let kind = str::to_lower(str::slice(line, start_kind, idx));
// Extract msg:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let msg = str::slice(line, idx, len);
debug!("line=%u kind=%s msg=%s", line_num - adjust_line, kind, msg);
return ~[{line: line_num - adjust_line, kind: kind, msg: msg}];
// "//~^^^ kind msg" denotes a message expected
// three lines above current line:
let mut adjust_line = 0u;
let len = str::len(line);
while idx < len && line[idx] == ('^' as u8) {
adjust_line += 1u;
idx += 1u;
// Extract kind:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let start_kind = idx;
while idx < len && line[idx] != (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let kind = str::to_lower(str::slice(line, start_kind, idx));
// Extract msg:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let msg = str::slice(line, idx, len);
debug!("line=%u kind=%s msg=%s", line_num - adjust_line, kind, msg);
return ~[{line: line_num - adjust_line, kind: kind, msg: msg}];
@ -146,15 +146,17 @@ fn parse_name_directive(line: ~str, directive: ~str) -> bool {
fn parse_name_value_directive(line: ~str,
directive: ~str) -> Option<~str> unsafe {
let keycolon = directive + ~":";
match str::find_str(line, keycolon) {
Some(colon) => {
let value = str::slice(line, colon + str::len(keycolon),
debug!("%s: %s", directive, value);
directive: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
unsafe {
let keycolon = directive + ~":";
match str::find_str(line, keycolon) {
Some(colon) => {
let value = str::slice(line, colon + str::len(keycolon),
debug!("%s: %s", directive, value);
None => None
None => None
@ -1135,28 +1135,30 @@ fn get_temp_workdir(c: &Cargo) -> Path {
fn cmd_install(c: &Cargo) unsafe {
let wd = get_temp_workdir(c);
fn cmd_install(c: &Cargo) {
unsafe {
let wd = get_temp_workdir(c);
if vec::len( == 2u {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
let status = run::run_program(~"cp", ~[~"-R", cwd.to_str(),
if vec::len( == 2u {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
let status = run::run_program(~"cp", ~[~"-R", cwd.to_str(),
if status != 0 {
fail fmt!("could not copy directory: %s", cwd.to_str());
if status != 0 {
fail fmt!("could not copy directory: %s", cwd.to_str());
install_source(c, &wd);
install_source(c, &wd);
let query =[2];
c.current_install = query.to_str();
install_query(c, &wd, query);
let query =[2];
c.current_install = query.to_str();
install_query(c, &wd, query);
fn sync(c: &Cargo) {
@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ pub fn listen<T: Owned, U>(f: fn(Chan<T>) -> U) -> U {
struct PortPtr<T:Owned> {
po: *rust_port,
drop unsafe {
po: *rust_port,
drop {
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
// Once the port is detached it's guaranteed not to receive further
// messages
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ struct PortPtr<T:Owned> {
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ pub fn send<T: Owned>(ch: Chan<T>, data: T) {
let Chan_(p) = ch;
let data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&data) as *();
let res = rustrt::rust_port_id_send(p, data_ptr);
if res != 0 unsafe {
if res != 0 {
// Data sent successfully
cast::forget(move data);
@ -86,8 +86,10 @@ pub fn fill_charp_buf(f: fn(*mut c_char, size_t) -> bool)
-> Option<~str> {
let buf = vec::cast_to_mut(vec::from_elem(tmpbuf_sz, 0u8 as c_char));
do vec::as_mut_buf(buf) |b, sz| {
if f(b, sz as size_t) unsafe {
Some(str::raw::from_buf(b as *u8))
if f(b, sz as size_t) {
unsafe {
Some(str::raw::from_buf(b as *u8))
} else {
@ -193,8 +193,10 @@ impl PacketHeader {
fn set_buffer<T: Owned>(b: ~Buffer<T>) unsafe {
self.buffer = reinterpret_cast(&b);
fn set_buffer<T: Owned>(b: ~Buffer<T>) {
unsafe {
self.buffer = reinterpret_cast(&b);
@ -356,19 +358,21 @@ pub unsafe fn get_buffer<T: Owned>(p: *PacketHeader) -> ~Buffer<T> {
struct BufferResource<T: Owned> {
buffer: ~Buffer<T>,
drop unsafe {
let b = move_it!(self.buffer);
//let p = ptr::addr_of(*b);
//error!("drop %?", p);
let old_count = atomic_sub_rel(&mut b.header.ref_count, 1);
//let old_count = atomic_xchng_rel(b.header.ref_count, 0);
if old_count == 1 {
// The new count is 0.
drop {
unsafe {
let b = move_it!(self.buffer);
//let p = ptr::addr_of(*b);
//error!("drop %?", p);
let old_count = atomic_sub_rel(&mut b.header.ref_count, 1);
//let old_count = atomic_xchng_rel(b.header.ref_count, 0);
if old_count == 1 {
// The new count is 0.
// go go gadget drop glue
else {
forget(move b)
// go go gadget drop glue
else {
forget(move b)
@ -641,18 +645,20 @@ fn wait_many<T: Selectable>(pkts: &[T]) -> uint {
let mut data_avail = false;
let mut ready_packet = pkts.len();
for pkts.eachi |i, p| unsafe {
let p = unsafe { &*p.header() };
let old = p.mark_blocked(this);
match old {
Full | Terminated => {
data_avail = true;
ready_packet = i;
(*p).state = old;
Blocked => fail ~"blocking on blocked packet",
Empty => ()
for pkts.eachi |i, p| {
unsafe {
let p = &*p.header();
let old = p.mark_blocked(this);
match old {
Full | Terminated => {
data_avail = true;
ready_packet = i;
(*p).state = old;
Blocked => fail ~"blocking on blocked packet",
Empty => ()
@ -1072,23 +1078,27 @@ impl<T: Owned> Port<T>: GenericPort<T> {
impl<T: Owned> Port<T>: Peekable<T> {
pure fn peek() -> bool unsafe {
let mut endp = None;
endp <-> self.endp;
let peek = match &endp {
&Some(ref endp) => pipes::peek(endp),
&None => fail ~"peeking empty stream"
self.endp <-> endp;
pure fn peek() -> bool {
unsafe {
let mut endp = None;
endp <-> self.endp;
let peek = match &endp {
&Some(ref endp) => pipes::peek(endp),
&None => fail ~"peeking empty stream"
self.endp <-> endp;
impl<T: Owned> Port<T>: Selectable {
pure fn header() -> *PacketHeader unsafe {
match self.endp {
Some(ref endp) => endp.header(),
None => fail ~"peeking empty stream"
pure fn header() -> *PacketHeader {
unsafe {
match self.endp {
Some(ref endp) => endp.header(),
None => fail ~"peeking empty stream"
@ -64,22 +64,26 @@ pub unsafe fn run_in_bare_thread(f: ~fn()) {
let (port, chan) = pipes::stream();
// FIXME #4525: Unfortunate that this creates an extra scheduler but it's
// necessary since rust_raw_thread_join_delete is blocking
do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) unsafe {
let closure: &fn() = || {
let thread = rustrt::rust_raw_thread_start(closure);
do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) {
unsafe {
let closure: &fn() = || {
let thread = rustrt::rust_raw_thread_start(closure);
fn test_run_in_bare_thread() unsafe {
let i = 100;
do run_in_bare_thread {
assert i == 100;
fn test_run_in_bare_thread() {
unsafe {
let i = 100;
do run_in_bare_thread {
assert i == 100;
@ -273,8 +277,10 @@ pub unsafe fn weaken_task(f: fn(oldcomm::Port<()>)) {
struct Unweaken {
ch: oldcomm::Chan<()>,
drop unsafe {
drop {
unsafe {
@ -359,37 +365,40 @@ struct ArcData<T> {
struct ArcDestruct<T> {
mut data: *libc::c_void,
drop unsafe {
if {
return; // Happens when destructing an unwrapper's handle.
do task::unkillable {
let data: ~ArcData<T> = cast::reinterpret_cast(&;
let new_count = rusti::atomic_xsub(&mut data.count, 1) - 1;
assert new_count >= 0;
if new_count == 0 {
// Were we really last, or should we hand off to an unwrapper?
// It's safe to not xchg because the unwrapper will set the
// unwrap lock *before* dropping his/her reference. In effect,
// being here means we're the only *awake* task with the data.
if data.unwrapper != 0 {
let p: UnwrapProto =
let (message, response) = option::swap_unwrap(p);
// Send 'ready' and wait for a response.
pipes::send_one(move message, ());
// Unkillable wait. Message guaranteed to come.
if pipes::recv_one(move response) {
// Other task got the data.
cast::forget(move data);
drop {
unsafe {
if {
return; // Happens when destructing an unwrapper's handle.
do task::unkillable {
let data: ~ArcData<T> = cast::reinterpret_cast(&;
let new_count = rusti::atomic_xsub(&mut data.count, 1) - 1;
assert new_count >= 0;
if new_count == 0 {
// Were we really last, or should we hand off to an
// unwrapper? It's safe to not xchg because the unwrapper
// will set the unwrap lock *before* dropping his/her
// reference. In effect, being here means we're the only
// *awake* task with the data.
if data.unwrapper != 0 {
let p: UnwrapProto =
let (message, response) = option::swap_unwrap(p);
// Send 'ready' and wait for a response.
pipes::send_one(move message, ());
// Unkillable wait. Message guaranteed to come.
if pipes::recv_one(move response) {
// Other task got the data.
cast::forget(move data);
} else {
// Other task was killed. drop glue takes over.
} else {
// Other task was killed. drop glue takes over.
// drop glue takes over.
} else {
// drop glue takes over.
cast::forget(move data);
} else {
cast::forget(move data);
@ -406,18 +415,21 @@ pub unsafe fn unwrap_shared_mutable_state<T: Owned>(rc: SharedMutableState<T>)
struct DeathThroes<T> {
mut ptr: Option<~ArcData<T>>,
mut response: Option<pipes::ChanOne<bool>>,
drop unsafe {
let response = option::swap_unwrap(&mut self.response);
// In case we get killed early, we need to tell the person who
// tried to wake us whether they should hand-off the data to us.
if task::failing() {
pipes::send_one(move response, false);
// Either this swap_unwrap or the one below (at "Got here")
// ought to run.
cast::forget(option::swap_unwrap(&mut self.ptr));
} else {
assert self.ptr.is_none();
pipes::send_one(move response, true);
drop {
unsafe {
let response = option::swap_unwrap(&mut self.response);
// In case we get killed early, we need to tell the person who
// tried to wake us whether they should hand-off the data to
// us.
if task::failing() {
pipes::send_one(move response, false);
// Either this swap_unwrap or the one below (at "Got
// here") ought to run.
cast::forget(option::swap_unwrap(&mut self.ptr));
} else {
assert self.ptr.is_none();
pipes::send_one(move response, true);
@ -165,8 +165,10 @@ pub pure fn to_mut_unsafe_ptr<T>(thing: &mut T) -> *mut T {
(I couldn't think of a cutesy name for this one.)
pub pure fn to_uint<T>(thing: &T) -> uint unsafe {
pub pure fn to_uint<T>(thing: &T) -> uint {
unsafe {
/// Determine if two borrowed pointers point to the same thing.
@ -215,10 +217,12 @@ impl<T> *mut T: Ptr<T> {
impl<T> *const T : Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a == b;
pure fn eq(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool {
unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a == b;
pure fn ne(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
@ -228,28 +232,36 @@ impl<T> *const T : Eq {
impl<T> *const T : Ord {
pure fn lt(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a < b;
pure fn lt(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool {
unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a < b;
pure fn le(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a <= b;
pure fn le(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool {
unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a <= b;
pure fn ge(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a >= b;
pure fn ge(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool {
unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a >= b;
pure fn gt(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a > b;
pure fn gt(&self, other: &*const T) -> bool {
unsafe {
let a: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let b: uint = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*other));
return a > b;
@ -366,10 +366,12 @@ Section: Transforming strings
* The result vector is not null-terminated.
pub pure fn to_bytes(s: &str) -> ~[u8] unsafe {
let mut v: ~[u8] = ::cast::transmute(from_slice(s));
vec::raw::set_len(&mut v, len(s));
pub pure fn to_bytes(s: &str) -> ~[u8] {
unsafe {
let mut v: ~[u8] = ::cast::transmute(from_slice(s));
vec::raw::set_len(&mut v, len(s));
/// Work with the string as a byte slice, not including trailing null.
@ -454,8 +456,10 @@ pure fn split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool)
let mut i = 0u, start = 0u;
while i < l && done < count {
if s[i] == b {
if allow_empty || start < i unsafe {
result.push(unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i) });
if allow_empty || start < i {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i));
start = i + 1u;
done += 1u;
@ -497,16 +501,20 @@ pure fn split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
while i < l && done < count {
let CharRange {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
if sepfn(ch) {
if allow_empty || start < i unsafe {
result.push(unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i)});
if allow_empty || start < i {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i));
start = next;
done += 1u;
i = next;
if allow_empty || start < l unsafe {
result.push(unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l) });
if allow_empty || start < l {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l));
@ -1490,17 +1498,20 @@ pub pure fn to_utf16(s: &str) -> ~[u16] {
// Arithmetic with u32 literals is easier on the eyes than chars.
let mut ch = cch as u32;
if (ch & 0xFFFF_u32) == ch unsafe {
// The BMP falls through (assuming non-surrogate, as it should)
assert ch <= 0xD7FF_u32 || ch >= 0xE000_u32;
u.push(ch as u16)
} else unsafe {
// Supplementary planes break into surrogates.
assert ch >= 0x1_0000_u32 && ch <= 0x10_FFFF_u32;
ch -= 0x1_0000_u32;
let w1 = 0xD800_u16 | ((ch >> 10) as u16);
let w2 = 0xDC00_u16 | ((ch as u16) & 0x3FF_u16);
u.push_all(~[w1, w2])
unsafe {
if (ch & 0xFFFF_u32) == ch {
// The BMP falls through (assuming non-surrogate, as it
// should)
assert ch <= 0xD7FF_u32 || ch >= 0xE000_u32;
u.push(ch as u16)
} else {
// Supplementary planes break into surrogates.
assert ch >= 0x1_0000_u32 && ch <= 0x10_FFFF_u32;
ch -= 0x1_0000_u32;
let w1 = 0xD800_u16 | ((ch >> 10) as u16);
let w2 = 0xDC00_u16 | ((ch as u16) & 0x3FF_u16);
u.push_all(~[w1, w2])
@ -213,24 +213,26 @@ pub mod tests {
pub fn synthesize_closure() unsafe {
let x = 10;
let f: fn(int) -> int = |y| x + y;
pub fn synthesize_closure() {
unsafe {
let x = 10;
let f: fn(int) -> int = |y| x + y;
assert f(20) == 30;
assert f(20) == 30;
let original_closure: Closure = cast::transmute(move f);
let original_closure: Closure = cast::transmute(move f);
let actual_function_pointer = original_closure.code;
let environment = original_closure.env;
let actual_function_pointer = original_closure.code;
let environment = original_closure.env;
let new_closure = Closure {
code: actual_function_pointer,
env: environment
let new_closure = Closure {
code: actual_function_pointer,
env: environment
let new_f: fn(int) -> int = cast::transmute(move new_closure);
assert new_f(20) == 30;
let new_f: fn(int) -> int = cast::transmute(move new_closure);
assert new_f(20) == 30;
@ -86,79 +86,97 @@ pub unsafe fn local_data_modify<T: Durable>(
fn test_tls_multitask() unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @~"parent data");
do task::spawn unsafe {
assert local_data_get(my_key).is_none(); // TLS shouldn't carry over.
local_data_set(my_key, @~"child data");
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"child data";
// should be cleaned up for us
// Must work multiple times
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"parent data";
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"parent data";
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"parent data";
fn test_tls_overwrite() unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @~"first data");
local_data_set(my_key, @~"next data"); // Shouldn't leak.
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"next data";
fn test_tls_pop() unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @~"weasel");
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == ~"weasel";
// Pop must remove the data from the map.
assert local_data_pop(my_key).is_none();
fn test_tls_modify() unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_modify(my_key, |data| {
match data {
Some(@ref val) => fail ~"unwelcome value: " + *val,
None => Some(@~"first data")
fn test_tls_multitask() {
unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @~"parent data");
do task::spawn {
unsafe {
// TLS shouldn't carry over.
assert local_data_get(my_key).is_none();
local_data_set(my_key, @~"child data");
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"child data";
// should be cleaned up for us
local_data_modify(my_key, |data| {
match data {
Some(@~"first data") => Some(@~"next data"),
Some(@ref val) => fail ~"wrong value: " + *val,
None => fail ~"missing value"
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == ~"next data";
fn test_tls_crust_automorestack_memorial_bug() unsafe {
// This might result in a stack-canary clobber if the runtime fails to set
// sp_limit to 0 when calling the cleanup extern - it might automatically
// jump over to the rust stack, which causes next_c_sp to get recorded as
// Something within a rust stack segment. Then a subsequent upcall (esp.
// for logging, think vsnprintf) would run on a stack smaller than 1 MB.
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
do task::spawn {
unsafe { local_data_set(my_key, @~"hax"); }
// Must work multiple times
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"parent data";
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"parent data";
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"parent data";
fn test_tls_multiple_types() unsafe {
fn str_key(_x: @~str) { }
fn box_key(_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(_x: @int) { }
do task::spawn unsafe {
local_data_set(str_key, @~"string data");
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
fn test_tls_overwrite() {
unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @~"first data");
local_data_set(my_key, @~"next data"); // Shouldn't leak.
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == ~"next data";
fn test_tls_pop() {
unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @~"weasel");
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == ~"weasel";
// Pop must remove the data from the map.
assert local_data_pop(my_key).is_none();
fn test_tls_modify() {
unsafe {
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
local_data_modify(my_key, |data| {
match data {
Some(@ref val) => fail ~"unwelcome value: " + *val,
None => Some(@~"first data")
local_data_modify(my_key, |data| {
match data {
Some(@~"first data") => Some(@~"next data"),
Some(@ref val) => fail ~"wrong value: " + *val,
None => fail ~"missing value"
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == ~"next data";
fn test_tls_crust_automorestack_memorial_bug() {
unsafe {
// This might result in a stack-canary clobber if the runtime fails to
// set sp_limit to 0 when calling the cleanup extern - it might
// automatically jump over to the rust stack, which causes next_c_sp
// to get recorded as something within a rust stack segment. Then a
// subsequent upcall (esp. for logging, think vsnprintf) would run on
// a stack smaller than 1 MB.
fn my_key(_x: @~str) { }
do task::spawn {
unsafe { local_data_set(my_key, @~"hax"); }
fn test_tls_multiple_types() {
unsafe {
fn str_key(_x: @~str) { }
fn box_key(_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(_x: @int) { }
do task::spawn {
unsafe {
local_data_set(str_key, @~"string data");
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
@ -167,31 +185,38 @@ fn test_tls_overwrite_multiple_types() {
fn str_key(_x: @~str) { }
fn box_key(_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(_x: @int) { }
do task::spawn unsafe {
local_data_set(str_key, @~"string data");
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
// This could cause a segfault if overwriting-destruction is done with
// the crazy polymorphic transmute rather than the provided finaliser.
local_data_set(int_key, @31337);
do task::spawn {
unsafe {
local_data_set(str_key, @~"string data");
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
// This could cause a segfault if overwriting-destruction is done
// with the crazy polymorphic transmute rather than the provided
// finaliser.
local_data_set(int_key, @31337);
fn test_tls_cleanup_on_failure() unsafe {
fn str_key(_x: @~str) { }
fn box_key(_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(_x: @int) { }
local_data_set(str_key, @~"parent data");
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
do task::spawn unsafe { // spawn_linked
local_data_set(str_key, @~"string data");
fn test_tls_cleanup_on_failure() {
unsafe {
fn str_key(_x: @~str) { }
fn box_key(_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(_x: @int) { }
local_data_set(str_key, @~"parent data");
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
do task::spawn {
unsafe { // spawn_linked
local_data_set(str_key, @~"string data");
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
// Not quite nondeterministic.
local_data_set(int_key, @31337);
// Not quite nondeterministic.
local_data_set(int_key, @31337);
@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ pub trait LocalData { }
impl<T: Durable> @T: LocalData { }
impl LocalData: Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &@LocalData) -> bool unsafe {
let ptr_a: (uint, uint) = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let ptr_b: (uint, uint) = cast::reinterpret_cast(other);
return ptr_a == ptr_b;
pure fn eq(&self, other: &@LocalData) -> bool {
unsafe {
let ptr_a: (uint, uint) = cast::reinterpret_cast(&(*self));
let ptr_b: (uint, uint) = cast::reinterpret_cast(other);
return ptr_a == ptr_b;
pure fn ne(&self, other: &@LocalData) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
@ -43,11 +45,14 @@ type TaskLocalElement = (*libc::c_void, *libc::c_void, LocalData);
// Has to be a pointer at outermost layer; the foreign call returns void *.
type TaskLocalMap = @dvec::DVec<Option<TaskLocalElement>>;
extern fn cleanup_task_local_map(map_ptr: *libc::c_void) unsafe {
assert !map_ptr.is_null();
// Get and keep the single reference that was created at the beginning.
let _map: TaskLocalMap = cast::reinterpret_cast(&map_ptr);
// All local_data will be destroyed along with the map.
extern fn cleanup_task_local_map(map_ptr: *libc::c_void) {
unsafe {
assert !map_ptr.is_null();
// Get and keep the single reference that was created at the
// beginning.
let _map: TaskLocalMap = cast::reinterpret_cast(&map_ptr);
// All local_data will be destroyed along with the map.
// Gets the map from the runtime. Lazily initialises if not done so already.
@ -114,17 +114,21 @@ impl<A: ToStr Copy, B: ToStr Copy, C: ToStr Copy> (A, B, C): ToStr {
impl<A: ToStr> ~[A]: ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str unsafe {
// Bleh -- not really unsafe
// push_str and push_char
let mut acc = ~"[", first = true;
for vec::each(self) |elt| unsafe {
if first { first = false; }
else { str::push_str(&mut acc, ~", "); }
str::push_str(&mut acc, elt.to_str());
pure fn to_str() -> ~str {
unsafe {
// Bleh -- not really unsafe
// push_str and push_char
let mut acc = ~"[", first = true;
for vec::each(self) |elt| {
unsafe {
if first { first = false; }
else { str::push_str(&mut acc, ~", "); }
str::push_str(&mut acc, elt.to_str());
str::push_char(&mut acc, ']');
move acc
str::push_char(&mut acc, ']');
move acc
@ -450,51 +450,52 @@ pub pure fn partitioned<T: Copy>(v: &[T], f: fn(&T) -> bool) -> (~[T], ~[T]) {
// Mutators
/// Removes the first element from a vector and return it
pub fn shift<T>(v: &mut ~[T]) -> T unsafe {
pub fn shift<T>(v: &mut ~[T]) -> T {
unsafe {
assert v.is_not_empty();
assert v.is_not_empty();
if v.len() == 1 { return v.pop() }
if v.len() == 1 { return v.pop() }
if v.len() == 2 {
let last = v.pop();
let first = v.pop();
return first;
if v.len() == 2 {
let last = v.pop();
let first = v.pop();
return first;
let ln = v.len();
let next_ln = v.len() - 1;
// Save the last element. We're going to overwrite its position
let mut work_elt = v.pop();
// We still should have room to work where what last element was
assert capacity(v) >= ln;
// Pretend like we have the original length so we can use
// the vector copy_memory to overwrite the hole we just made
raw::set_len(&mut *v, ln);
// Memcopy the head element (the one we want) to the location we just
// popped. For the moment it unsafely exists at both the head and last
// positions
let first_slice = view(*v, 0, 1);
let last_slice = mut_view(*v, next_ln, ln);
raw::copy_memory(last_slice, first_slice, 1);
// Memcopy everything to the left one element
let init_slice = mut_view(*v, 0, next_ln);
let tail_slice = view(*v, 1, ln);
raw::copy_memory(init_slice, tail_slice, next_ln);
// Set the new length. Now the vector is back to normal
raw::set_len(&mut *v, next_ln);
// Swap out the element we want from the end
let vp = raw::to_mut_ptr(*v);
let vp = ptr::mut_offset(vp, next_ln - 1);
*vp <-> work_elt;
return work_elt;
let ln = v.len();
let next_ln = v.len() - 1;
// Save the last element. We're going to overwrite its position
let mut work_elt = v.pop();
// We still should have room to work where what last element was
assert capacity(v) >= ln;
// Pretend like we have the original length so we can use
// the vector copy_memory to overwrite the hole we just made
raw::set_len(&mut *v, ln);
// Memcopy the head element (the one we want) to the location we just
// popped. For the moment it unsafely exists at both the head and last
// positions
let first_slice = view(*v, 0, 1);
let last_slice = mut_view(*v, next_ln, ln);
raw::copy_memory(last_slice, first_slice, 1);
// Memcopy everything to the left one element
let init_slice = mut_view(*v, 0, next_ln);
let tail_slice = view(*v, 1, ln);
raw::copy_memory(init_slice, tail_slice, next_ln);
// Set the new length. Now the vector is back to normal
raw::set_len(&mut *v, next_ln);
// Swap out the element we want from the end
let vp = raw::to_mut_ptr(*v);
let vp = ptr::mut_offset(vp, next_ln - 1);
*vp <-> work_elt;
return work_elt;
/// Prepend an element to the vector
@ -532,23 +533,25 @@ pub fn remove<T>(v: &mut ~[T], i: uint) -> T {
pub fn consume<T>(v: ~[T], f: fn(uint, v: T)) unsafe {
let mut v = v; // FIXME(#3488)
pub fn consume<T>(v: ~[T], f: fn(uint, v: T)) {
unsafe {
let mut v = v; // FIXME(#3488)
do as_mut_buf(v) |p, ln| {
for uint::range(0, ln) |i| {
// NB: This unsafe operation counts on init writing 0s to the
// holes we create in the vector. That ensures that, if the
// iterator fails then we won't try to clean up the consumed
// elements during unwinding
let mut x = rusti::init();
let p = ptr::mut_offset(p, i);
x <-> *p;
f(i, x);
do as_mut_buf(v) |p, ln| {
for uint::range(0, ln) |i| {
// NB: This unsafe operation counts on init writing 0s to the
// holes we create in the vector. That ensures that, if the
// iterator fails then we won't try to clean up the consumed
// elements during unwinding
let mut x = rusti::init();
let p = ptr::mut_offset(p, i);
x <-> *p;
f(i, x);
raw::set_len(&mut v, 0);
raw::set_len(&mut v, 0);
pub fn consume_mut<T>(v: ~[mut T], f: fn(uint, v: T)) {
@ -666,36 +669,39 @@ pub fn truncate<T>(v: &mut ~[T], newlen: uint) {
* Remove consecutive repeated elements from a vector; if the vector is
* sorted, this removes all duplicates.
pub fn dedup<T: Eq>(v: &mut ~[T]) unsafe {
if v.len() < 1 { return; }
let mut last_written = 0, next_to_read = 1;
do as_const_buf(*v) |p, ln| {
// We have a mutable reference to v, so we can make arbitrary changes.
// (cf. push and pop)
let p = p as *mut T;
// last_written < next_to_read <= ln
while next_to_read < ln {
// last_written < next_to_read < ln
if *ptr::mut_offset(p, next_to_read) ==
*ptr::mut_offset(p, last_written) {
// FIXME #4204 Should be rusti::uninit() - don't need to zero
let mut dropped = rusti::init();
dropped <-> *ptr::mut_offset(p, next_to_read);
} else {
last_written += 1;
// last_written <= next_to_read < ln
if next_to_read != last_written {
*ptr::mut_offset(p, last_written) <->
*ptr::mut_offset(p, next_to_read);
// last_written <= next_to_read < ln
next_to_read += 1;
pub fn dedup<T: Eq>(v: &mut ~[T]) {
unsafe {
if v.len() < 1 { return; }
let mut last_written = 0, next_to_read = 1;
do as_const_buf(*v) |p, ln| {
// We have a mutable reference to v, so we can make arbitrary
// changes. (cf. push and pop)
let p = p as *mut T;
// last_written < next_to_read <= ln
while next_to_read < ln {
// last_written < next_to_read < ln
if *ptr::mut_offset(p, next_to_read) ==
*ptr::mut_offset(p, last_written) {
// FIXME #4204 Should be rusti::uninit() - don't need to
// zero
let mut dropped = rusti::init();
dropped <-> *ptr::mut_offset(p, next_to_read);
} else {
last_written += 1;
// last_written <= next_to_read < ln
if next_to_read != last_written {
*ptr::mut_offset(p, last_written) <->
*ptr::mut_offset(p, next_to_read);
// last_written <= next_to_read < ln
next_to_read += 1;
// last_written < next_to_read <= ln
// last_written < next_to_read == ln
raw::set_len(v, last_written + 1);
// last_written < next_to_read == ln
raw::set_len(v, last_written + 1);
@ -1215,7 +1221,9 @@ pub pure fn zip_slice<T: Copy, U: Copy>(v: &[const T], u: &[const U])
let sz = len(v);
let mut i = 0u;
assert sz == len(u);
while i < sz unsafe { zipped.push((v[i], u[i])); i += 1u; }
while i < sz {
unsafe { zipped.push((v[i], u[i])); i += 1u; }
@ -1454,8 +1462,10 @@ pub pure fn windowed<TT: Copy>(nn: uint, xx: &[TT]) -> ~[~[TT]] {
assert 1u <= nn;
for vec::eachi (xx) |ii, _x| {
let len = vec::len(xx);
if ii+nn <= len unsafe {
ww.push(vec::slice(xx, ii, ii+nn));
if ii+nn <= len {
unsafe {
ww.push(vec::slice(xx, ii, ii+nn));
@ -3909,10 +3919,12 @@ mod tests {
fn test_copy_memory_oob() unsafe {
let a = [mut 1, 2, 3, 4];
let b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
raw::copy_memory(a, b, 5);
fn test_copy_memory_oob() {
unsafe {
let a = [mut 1, 2, 3, 4];
let b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
raw::copy_memory(a, b, 5);
@ -59,12 +59,14 @@ impl output_type : cmp::Eq {
pure fn ne(&self, other: &output_type) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
pub fn llvm_err(sess: Session, +msg: ~str) -> ! unsafe {
let cstr = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if cstr == ptr::null() {
} else {
sess.fatal(msg + ~": " + str::raw::from_c_str(cstr));
pub fn llvm_err(sess: Session, +msg: ~str) -> ! {
unsafe {
let cstr = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if cstr == ptr::null() {
} else {
sess.fatal(msg + ~": " + str::raw::from_c_str(cstr));
@ -121,50 +123,52 @@ pub mod jit {
pm: PassManagerRef,
m: ModuleRef,
opt: c_int,
stacks: bool) unsafe {
let manager = llvm::LLVMRustPrepareJIT(rusti::morestack_addr());
stacks: bool) {
unsafe {
let manager = llvm::LLVMRustPrepareJIT(rusti::morestack_addr());
// We need to tell JIT where to resolve all linked
// symbols from. The equivalent of -lstd, -lcore, etc.
// By default the JIT will resolve symbols from the std and
// core linked into rustc. We don't want that,
// incase the user wants to use an older std library.
// We need to tell JIT where to resolve all linked
// symbols from. The equivalent of -lstd, -lcore, etc.
// By default the JIT will resolve symbols from the std and
// core linked into rustc. We don't want that,
// incase the user wants to use an older std library.
let cstore = sess.cstore;
for cstore::get_used_crate_files(cstore).each |cratepath| {
let path = cratepath.to_str();
let cstore = sess.cstore;
for cstore::get_used_crate_files(cstore).each |cratepath| {
let path = cratepath.to_str();
debug!("linking: %s", path);
debug!("linking: %s", path);
let _: () = str::as_c_str(
|buf_t| {
if !llvm::LLVMRustLoadCrate(manager, buf_t) {
llvm_err(sess, ~"Could not link");
debug!("linked: %s", path);
let _: () = str::as_c_str(
|buf_t| {
if !llvm::LLVMRustLoadCrate(manager, buf_t) {
llvm_err(sess, ~"Could not link");
debug!("linked: %s", path);
// The execute function will return a void pointer
// to the _rust_main function. We can do closure
// magic here to turn it straight into a callable rust
// closure. It will also cleanup the memory manager
// for us.
// The execute function will return a void pointer
// to the _rust_main function. We can do closure
// magic here to turn it straight into a callable rust
// closure. It will also cleanup the memory manager
// for us.
let entry = llvm::LLVMRustExecuteJIT(manager,
pm, m, opt, stacks);
let entry = llvm::LLVMRustExecuteJIT(manager,
pm, m, opt, stacks);
if ptr::is_null(entry) {
llvm_err(sess, ~"Could not JIT");
} else {
let closure = Closure {
code: entry,
env: ptr::null()
let func: fn(++argv: ~[~str]) = cast::transmute(move closure);
if ptr::is_null(entry) {
llvm_err(sess, ~"Could not JIT");
} else {
let closure = Closure {
code: entry,
env: ptr::null()
let func: fn(++argv: ~[~str]) = cast::transmute(move closure);
func(~[/*bad*/copy sess.opts.binary]);
func(~[/*bad*/copy sess.opts.binary]);
@ -576,8 +580,10 @@ fn build_link_meta(sess: Session, c: &ast::crate, output: &Path,
return {name: name, vers: vers, extras_hash: extras_hash};
fn truncated_hash_result(symbol_hasher: &hash::State) -> ~str unsafe {
fn truncated_hash_result(symbol_hasher: &hash::State) -> ~str {
unsafe {
@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ fn float_width(llt: TypeRef) -> uint {
fn fn_ty_param_tys(fn_ty: TypeRef) -> ~[TypeRef] unsafe {
fn fn_ty_param_tys(fn_ty: TypeRef) -> ~[TypeRef] {
unsafe {
let args = vec::from_elem(llvm::LLVMCountParamTypes(fn_ty) as uint,
0 as TypeRef);
@ -201,51 +201,53 @@ fn metadata_matches(extern_metas: ~[@ast::meta_item],
fn get_metadata_section(os: os,
filename: &Path) -> Option<@~[u8]> unsafe {
let mb = str::as_c_str(filename.to_str(), |buf| {
if mb as int == 0 { return option::None::<@~[u8]>; }
let of = match mk_object_file(mb) {
option::Some(of) => of,
_ => return option::None::<@~[u8]>
let si = mk_section_iter(of.llof);
while llvm::LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd(of.llof, si.llsi) == False {
let name_buf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionName(si.llsi);
let name = unsafe { str::raw::from_c_str(name_buf) };
if name == meta_section_name(os) {
let cbuf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionContents(si.llsi);
let csz = llvm::LLVMGetSectionSize(si.llsi) as uint;
let mut found = None;
unsafe {
let cvbuf: *u8 = cast::reinterpret_cast(&cbuf);
let vlen = vec::len(encoder::metadata_encoding_version);
debug!("checking %u bytes of metadata-version stamp",
let minsz = uint::min(vlen, csz);
let mut version_ok = false;
do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(cvbuf, minsz) |buf0| {
version_ok = (buf0 ==
if !version_ok { return None; }
filename: &Path) -> Option<@~[u8]> {
unsafe {
let mb = str::as_c_str(filename.to_str(), |buf| {
if mb as int == 0 { return option::None::<@~[u8]>; }
let of = match mk_object_file(mb) {
option::Some(of) => of,
_ => return option::None::<@~[u8]>
let si = mk_section_iter(of.llof);
while llvm::LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd(of.llof, si.llsi) == False {
let name_buf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionName(si.llsi);
let name = unsafe { str::raw::from_c_str(name_buf) };
if name == meta_section_name(os) {
let cbuf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionContents(si.llsi);
let csz = llvm::LLVMGetSectionSize(si.llsi) as uint;
let mut found = None;
unsafe {
let cvbuf: *u8 = cast::reinterpret_cast(&cbuf);
let vlen = vec::len(encoder::metadata_encoding_version);
debug!("checking %u bytes of metadata-version stamp",
let minsz = uint::min(vlen, csz);
let mut version_ok = false;
do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(cvbuf, minsz) |buf0| {
version_ok = (buf0 ==
if !version_ok { return None; }
let cvbuf1 = ptr::offset(cvbuf, vlen);
debug!("inflating %u bytes of compressed metadata",
csz - vlen);
do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(cvbuf1, csz-vlen) |bytes| {
let inflated = flate::inflate_bytes(bytes);
found = move Some(@(move inflated));
if found != None {
return found;
let cvbuf1 = ptr::offset(cvbuf, vlen);
debug!("inflating %u bytes of compressed metadata",
csz - vlen);
do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(cvbuf1, csz-vlen) |bytes| {
let inflated = flate::inflate_bytes(bytes);
found = move Some(@(move inflated));
if found != None {
return found;
return option::None::<@~[u8]>;
return option::None::<@~[u8]>;
fn meta_section_name(os: os) -> ~str {
@ -2255,14 +2255,16 @@ fn create_main_wrapper(ccx: @crate_ctxt, sp: span, main_llfn: ValueRef) {
val_ty(crate_map)], ccx.int_type);
let start = decl_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, ~"rust_start", start_ty);
let args = if ccx.sess.building_library unsafe {
llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_i32(), 0u as c_ulonglong, False),
llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_i32(), 0u as c_ulonglong, False),
} else unsafe {
~[rust_main, llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, 0 as c_uint),
llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, 1 as c_uint), crate_map]
let args = unsafe {
if ccx.sess.building_library {
llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_i32(), 0u as c_ulonglong, False),
llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_i32(), 0u as c_ulonglong, False),
} else {
~[rust_main, llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, 0 as c_uint),
llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, 1 as c_uint), crate_map]
let result = unsafe {
@ -176,9 +176,11 @@ fn IndirectBr(cx: block, Addr: ValueRef, NumDests: uint) {
// This is a really awful way to get a zero-length c-string, but better (and a
// lot more efficient) than doing str::as_c_str("", ...) every time.
fn noname() -> *libc::c_char unsafe {
const cnull: uint = 0u;
return cast::reinterpret_cast(&ptr::addr_of(&cnull));
fn noname() -> *libc::c_char {
unsafe {
const cnull: uint = 0u;
return cast::reinterpret_cast(&ptr::addr_of(&cnull));
fn Invoke(cx: block, Fn: ValueRef, Args: ~[ValueRef],
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ fn val_str(tn: type_names, v: ValueRef) -> @str {
// Returns the nth element of the given LLVM structure type.
fn struct_elt(llstructty: TypeRef, n: uint) -> TypeRef unsafe {
fn struct_elt(llstructty: TypeRef, n: uint) -> TypeRef {
unsafe {
let elt_count = llvm::LLVMCountStructElementTypes(llstructty) as uint;
assert (n < elt_count);
@ -832,10 +832,12 @@ fn T_size_t(targ_cfg: @session::config) -> TypeRef {
return T_int(targ_cfg);
fn T_fn(inputs: ~[TypeRef], output: TypeRef) -> TypeRef unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMFunctionType(output, to_ptr(inputs),
inputs.len() as c_uint,
fn T_fn(inputs: ~[TypeRef], output: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMFunctionType(output, to_ptr(inputs),
inputs.len() as c_uint,
fn T_fn_pair(cx: @crate_ctxt, tfn: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
@ -854,7 +856,7 @@ fn T_root(t: TypeRef, addrspace: addrspace) -> TypeRef {
fn T_struct(elts: ~[TypeRef]) -> TypeRef unsafe {
fn T_struct(elts: ~[TypeRef]) -> TypeRef {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMStructType(to_ptr(elts),
elts.len() as c_uint,
@ -869,7 +871,7 @@ fn T_named_struct(name: ~str) -> TypeRef {
fn set_struct_body(t: TypeRef, elts: ~[TypeRef]) unsafe {
fn set_struct_body(t: TypeRef, elts: ~[TypeRef]) {
unsafe {
@ -908,7 +910,7 @@ fn T_task(targ_cfg: @session::config) -> TypeRef {
return t;
fn T_tydesc_field(cx: @crate_ctxt, field: uint) -> TypeRef unsafe {
fn T_tydesc_field(cx: @crate_ctxt, field: uint) -> TypeRef {
// Bit of a kludge: pick the fn typeref out of the tydesc..
unsafe {
@ -1188,7 +1190,7 @@ fn C_postr(s: ~str) -> ValueRef {
fn C_zero_byte_arr(size: uint) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn C_zero_byte_arr(size: uint) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
let mut i = 0u;
let mut elts: ~[ValueRef] = ~[];
@ -1215,14 +1217,14 @@ fn C_named_struct(T: TypeRef, elts: &[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
fn C_array(ty: TypeRef, elts: ~[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn C_array(ty: TypeRef, elts: ~[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMConstArray(ty, vec::raw::to_ptr(elts),
elts.len() as c_uint);
fn C_bytes(bytes: ~[u8]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn C_bytes(bytes: ~[u8]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMConstString(
@ -1230,7 +1232,7 @@ fn C_bytes(bytes: ~[u8]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn C_bytes_plus_null(bytes: ~[u8]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn C_bytes_plus_null(bytes: ~[u8]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMConstString(
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fn lli64(val: int) -> ValueRef {
fn lli1(bval: bool) -> ValueRef {
fn llmdnode(elems: ~[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn llmdnode(elems: ~[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
vec::len(elems) as libc::c_uint)
@ -95,8 +95,10 @@ fn llmdnode(elems: ~[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn llunused() -> ValueRef {
fn llnull() -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn llnull() -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
fn add_named_metadata(cx: @crate_ctxt, name: ~str, val: ValueRef) {
@ -154,68 +156,75 @@ enum debug_metadata {
fn cast_safely<T: Copy, U>(val: T) -> U unsafe {
let val2 = val;
return cast::transmute(move val2);
fn cast_safely<T: Copy, U>(val: T) -> U {
unsafe {
let val2 = val;
return cast::transmute(move val2);
fn md_from_metadata<T>(val: debug_metadata) -> T unsafe {
match val {
file_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
compile_unit_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
subprogram_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
local_var_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
tydesc_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
block_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
argument_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
retval_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md)
fn md_from_metadata<T>(val: debug_metadata) -> T {
unsafe {
match val {
file_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
compile_unit_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
subprogram_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
local_var_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
tydesc_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
block_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
argument_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
retval_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md)
fn cached_metadata<T: Copy>(cache: metadata_cache, mdtag: int,
eq: fn(md: T) -> bool) -> Option<T> unsafe {
if cache.contains_key(mdtag) {
let items = cache.get(mdtag);
for items.each |item| {
let md: T = md_from_metadata::<T>(*item);
if eq(md) {
return option::Some(md);
eq: fn(md: T) -> bool) -> Option<T> {
unsafe {
if cache.contains_key(mdtag) {
let items = cache.get(mdtag);
for items.each |item| {
let md: T = md_from_metadata::<T>(*item);
if eq(md) {
return option::Some(md);
return option::None;
return option::None;
fn create_compile_unit(cx: @crate_ctxt)
-> @metadata<compile_unit_md> unsafe {
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let crate_name = /*bad*/copy (/*bad*/copy cx.dbg_cx).get().crate_file;
let tg = CompileUnitTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<compile_unit_md>>(cache, tg,
|md| == crate_name) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
fn create_compile_unit(cx: @crate_ctxt) -> @metadata<compile_unit_md> {
unsafe {
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let crate_name = /*bad*/copy (/*bad*/copy cx.dbg_cx).get().crate_file;
let tg = CompileUnitTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<compile_unit_md>>(cache, tg,
|md| == crate_name) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let (_, work_dir) = get_file_path_and_dir(
cx.sess.working_dir.to_str(), crate_name);
let unit_metadata = ~[lltag(tg),
llstr(copy crate_name),
lli1(true), // deprecated: main compile unit
lli1(cx.sess.opts.optimize != session::No),
llstr(~""), // flags (???)
lli32(0) // runtime version (???)
let unit_node = llmdnode(unit_metadata);
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"", unit_node);
let mdval = @{node: unit_node, data: {name: crate_name}};
update_cache(cache, tg, compile_unit_metadata(mdval));
return mdval;
let (_, work_dir) = get_file_path_and_dir(cx.sess.working_dir.to_str(),
let unit_metadata = ~[lltag(tg),
llstr(copy crate_name),
lli1(true), // deprecated: main compile unit
lli1(cx.sess.opts.optimize != session::No),
llstr(~""), // flags (???)
lli32(0) // runtime version (???)
let unit_node = llmdnode(unit_metadata);
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"", unit_node);
let mdval = @{node: unit_node, data: {name: crate_name}};
update_cache(cache, tg, compile_unit_metadata(mdval));
return mdval;
fn get_cache(cx: @crate_ctxt) -> metadata_cache {
@ -646,94 +655,99 @@ fn create_var(type_tag: int, context: ValueRef, +name: ~str, file: ValueRef,
fn create_local_var(bcx: block, local: @ast::local)
-> @metadata<local_var_md> unsafe {
let cx = bcx.ccx();
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = AutoVariableTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<local_var_md>>(
cache, tg, |md| == {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let name = match local.node.pat.node {
ast::pat_ident(_, pth, _) => ast_util::path_to_ident(pth),
// FIXME this should be handled (#2533)
_ => fail ~"no single variable name for local"
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(local.span.lo);
let ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, local.node.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx, /*bad*/copy;
let context = match bcx.parent {
None => create_function(bcx.fcx).node,
Some(_) => create_block(bcx).node
let mdnode = create_var(tg, context, cx.sess.str_of(name), filemd.node,
loc.line as int, tymd.node);
let mdval = @{node: mdnode, data: {id:}};
update_cache(cache, AutoVariableTag, local_var_metadata(mdval));
let llptr = match bcx.fcx.lllocals.find( {
option::Some(local_mem(v)) => v,
option::Some(_) => {
bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span, ~"local is bound to \
something weird");
option::None => {
match bcx.fcx.lllocals.get( {
local_imm(v) => v,
_ => bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span, ~"local is bound to \
something weird")
-> @metadata<local_var_md> {
unsafe {
let cx = bcx.ccx();
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = AutoVariableTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<local_var_md>>(
cache, tg, |md| == {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let declargs = ~[llmdnode(~[llptr]), mdnode];
trans::build::Call(bcx, cx.intrinsics.get(~"llvm.dbg.declare"),
return mdval;
let name = match local.node.pat.node {
ast::pat_ident(_, pth, _) => ast_util::path_to_ident(pth),
// FIXME this should be handled (#2533)
_ => fail ~"no single variable name for local"
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(local.span.lo);
let ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, local.node.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx, /*bad*/copy;
let context = match bcx.parent {
None => create_function(bcx.fcx).node,
Some(_) => create_block(bcx).node
let mdnode = create_var(tg, context, cx.sess.str_of(name),
filemd.node, loc.line as int, tymd.node);
let mdval = @{node: mdnode, data: {id:}};
update_cache(cache, AutoVariableTag, local_var_metadata(mdval));
let llptr = match bcx.fcx.lllocals.find( {
option::Some(local_mem(v)) => v,
option::Some(_) => {
bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span, ~"local is bound to \
something weird");
option::None => {
match bcx.fcx.lllocals.get( {
local_imm(v) => v,
_ => bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span, ~"local is bound to \
something weird")
let declargs = ~[llmdnode(~[llptr]), mdnode];
trans::build::Call(bcx, cx.intrinsics.get(~"llvm.dbg.declare"),
return mdval;
fn create_arg(bcx: block, arg: ast::arg, sp: span)
-> Option<@metadata<argument_md>> unsafe {
let fcx = bcx.fcx, cx = fcx.ccx;
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = ArgVariableTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<argument_md>>(
cache, ArgVariableTag, |md| == {
option::Some(md) => return Some(md),
option::None => ()
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, arg.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx, /*bad*/copy;
let context = create_function(bcx.fcx);
match arg.pat.node {
ast::pat_ident(_, path, _) => {
// XXX: This is wrong; it should work for multiple bindings.
let mdnode = create_var(tg,
loc.line as int,
let mdval = @{node: mdnode, data: {id:}};
update_cache(cache, tg, argument_metadata(mdval));
let llptr = match fcx.llargs.get( {
local_mem(v) | local_imm(v) => v,
let declargs = ~[llmdnode(~[llptr]), mdnode];
trans::build::Call(bcx, cx.intrinsics.get(~"llvm.dbg.declare"),
return Some(mdval);
-> Option<@metadata<argument_md>> {
unsafe {
let fcx = bcx.fcx, cx = fcx.ccx;
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = ArgVariableTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<argument_md>>(
cache, ArgVariableTag, |md| == {
option::Some(md) => return Some(md),
option::None => ()
_ => {
return None;
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, arg.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx, /*bad*/copy;
let context = create_function(bcx.fcx);
match arg.pat.node {
ast::pat_ident(_, path, _) => {
// XXX: This is wrong; it should work for multiple bindings.
let mdnode = create_var(tg,
loc.line as int,
let mdval = @{node: mdnode, data: {id:}};
update_cache(cache, tg, argument_metadata(mdval));
let llptr = match fcx.llargs.get( {
local_mem(v) | local_imm(v) => v,
let declargs = ~[llmdnode(~[llptr]), mdnode];
return Some(mdval);
_ => {
return None;
@ -498,11 +498,13 @@ type t_box = @{sty: sty,
enum t_opaque {}
type t = *t_opaque;
pure fn get(t: t) -> t_box unsafe {
let t2 = cast::reinterpret_cast::<t, t_box>(&t);
let t3 = t2;
cast::forget(move t2);
pure fn get(t: t) -> t_box {
unsafe {
let t2 = cast::reinterpret_cast::<t, t_box>(&t);
let t3 = t2;
cast::forget(move t2);
pure fn tbox_has_flag(tb: t_box, flag: tbox_flag) -> bool {
@ -141,9 +141,11 @@ impl BigBitv {
let w0 =[i] & mask;
let w1 =[i] & mask;
let w = op(w0, w1) & mask;
if w0 != w unsafe {
changed = true;
||||[i] = w;
if w0 != w {
unsafe {
changed = true;
||||[i] = w;
@ -219,126 +219,128 @@ pub type Result = result::Result<Matches, Fail_>;
* `opt_str`, etc. to interrogate results. Returns `err(Fail_)` on failure.
* Use <fail_str> to get an error message.
pub fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[Opt]) -> Result unsafe {
let n_opts = opts.len();
fn f(_x: uint) -> ~[Optval] { return ~[]; }
let vals = vec::cast_to_mut(vec::from_fn(n_opts, f));
let mut free: ~[~str] = ~[];
let l = args.len();
let mut i = 0;
while i < l {
let cur = args[i];
let curlen = cur.len();
if !is_arg(cur) {
} else if cur == ~"--" {
let mut j = i + 1;
while j < l { free.push(args[j]); j += 1; }
} else {
let mut names;
let mut i_arg = None;
if cur[1] == '-' as u8 {
let tail = str::slice(cur, 2, curlen);
let tail_eq = str::splitn_char(tail, '=', 1);
if tail_eq.len() <= 1 {
names = ~[Long(tail)];
} else {
names =
i_arg = Some(tail_eq[1]);
pub fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[Opt]) -> Result {
unsafe {
let n_opts = opts.len();
fn f(_x: uint) -> ~[Optval] { return ~[]; }
let vals = vec::cast_to_mut(vec::from_fn(n_opts, f));
let mut free: ~[~str] = ~[];
let l = args.len();
let mut i = 0;
while i < l {
let cur = args[i];
let curlen = cur.len();
if !is_arg(cur) {
} else if cur == ~"--" {
let mut j = i + 1;
while j < l { free.push(args[j]); j += 1; }
} else {
let mut j = 1;
let mut last_valid_opt_id = None;
names = ~[];
while j < curlen {
let range = str::char_range_at(cur, j);
let opt = Short(;
let mut names;
let mut i_arg = None;
if cur[1] == '-' as u8 {
let tail = str::slice(cur, 2, curlen);
let tail_eq = str::splitn_char(tail, '=', 1);
if tail_eq.len() <= 1 {
names = ~[Long(tail)];
} else {
names =
i_arg = Some(tail_eq[1]);
} else {
let mut j = 1;
let mut last_valid_opt_id = None;
names = ~[];
while j < curlen {
let range = str::char_range_at(cur, j);
let opt = Short(;
/* In a series of potential options (eg. -aheJ), if we see
one which takes an argument, we assume all subsequent
characters make up the argument. This allows options
such as -L/usr/local/lib/foo to be interpreted
/* In a series of potential options (eg. -aheJ), if we
see one which takes an argument, we assume all
subsequent characters make up the argument. This
allows options such as -L/usr/local/lib/foo to be
interpreted correctly
match find_opt(opts, opt) {
Some(id) => last_valid_opt_id = Some(id),
None => {
let arg_follows =
last_valid_opt_id.is_some() &&
match opts[last_valid_opt_id.get()]
.hasarg {
match find_opt(opts, opt) {
Some(id) => last_valid_opt_id = Some(id),
None => {
let arg_follows =
last_valid_opt_id.is_some() &&
match opts[last_valid_opt_id.get()]
.hasarg {
Yes | Maybe => true,
No => false
if arg_follows && j < curlen {
i_arg = Some(cur.slice(j, curlen));
} else {
last_valid_opt_id = None;
Yes | Maybe => true,
No => false
if arg_follows && j < curlen {
i_arg = Some(cur.slice(j, curlen));
} else {
last_valid_opt_id = None;
j =;
let mut name_pos = 0;
for names.each() |nm| {
name_pos += 1;
let optid = match find_opt(opts, *nm) {
Some(id) => id,
None => return Err(UnrecognizedOption(name_str(nm)))
match opts[optid].hasarg {
No => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
return Err(UnexpectedArgument(name_str(nm)));
Maybe => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
} else if name_pos < names.len() ||
i + 1 == l || is_arg(args[i + 1]) {
} else { i += 1; vals[optid].push(Val(args[i])); }
Yes => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
} else if i + 1 == l {
return Err(ArgumentMissing(name_str(nm)));
} else { i += 1; vals[optid].push(Val(args[i])); }
j =;
let mut name_pos = 0;
for names.each() |nm| {
name_pos += 1;
let optid = match find_opt(opts, *nm) {
Some(id) => id,
None => return Err(UnrecognizedOption(name_str(nm)))
match opts[optid].hasarg {
No => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
return Err(UnexpectedArgument(name_str(nm)));
Maybe => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
} else if name_pos < names.len() ||
i + 1 == l || is_arg(args[i + 1]) {
} else { i += 1; vals[optid].push(Val(args[i])); }
Yes => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
} else if i + 1 == l {
return Err(ArgumentMissing(name_str(nm)));
} else { i += 1; vals[optid].push(Val(args[i])); }
i += 1;
i = 0u;
while i < n_opts {
let n = vals[i].len();
let occ = opts[i].occur;
if occ == Req {
if n == 0 {
return Err(OptionMissing(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
i += 1;
i = 0u;
while i < n_opts {
let n = vals[i].len();
let occ = opts[i].occur;
if occ == Req {
if n == 0 {
return Err(OptionMissing(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
if occ != Multi {
if n > 1 {
return Err(OptionDuplicated(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
i += 1;
if occ != Multi {
if n > 1 {
return Err(OptionDuplicated(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
i += 1;
return Ok(Matches {opts: vec::from_slice(opts),
vals: vec::cast_from_mut(move vals),
free: free});
return Ok(Matches {opts: vec::from_slice(opts),
vals: vec::cast_from_mut(move vals),
free: free});
fn opt_vals(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> ~[Optval] {
@ -337,9 +337,11 @@ pub fn to_writer(wr: io::Writer, json: &Json) {
/// Encodes a json value into a string
pub pure fn to_str(json: &Json) -> ~str unsafe {
// ugh, should be safe
io::with_str_writer(|wr| to_writer(wr, json))
pub pure fn to_str(json: &Json) -> ~str {
unsafe {
// ugh, should be safe
io::with_str_writer(|wr| to_writer(wr, json))
/// Encodes a json value into a io::writer
@ -435,9 +435,11 @@ pub mod chained {
impl<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy ToStr, V: ToStr Copy> T<K, V>: ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str unsafe {
// Meh -- this should be safe
do io::with_str_writer |wr| { self.to_writer(wr) }
pure fn to_str() -> ~str {
unsafe {
// Meh -- this should be safe
do io::with_str_writer |wr| { self.to_writer(wr) }
@ -117,32 +117,36 @@ enum IpGetAddrErr {
pub fn get_addr(node: &str, iotask: iotask)
-> result::Result<~[IpAddr], IpGetAddrErr> {
do oldcomm::listen |output_ch| {
do str::as_buf(node) |node_ptr, len| unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("slice len %?", len));
let handle = create_uv_getaddrinfo_t();
let handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&handle);
let handle_data: GetAddrData = {
output_ch: output_ch
let handle_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&handle_data);
do interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| unsafe {
let result = uv_getaddrinfo(
match result {
0i32 => {
set_data_for_req(handle_ptr, handle_data_ptr);
_ => {
do str::as_buf(node) |node_ptr, len| {
unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("slice len %?", len));
let handle = create_uv_getaddrinfo_t();
let handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&handle);
let handle_data: GetAddrData = {
output_ch: output_ch
let handle_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&handle_data);
do interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| {
unsafe {
let result = uv_getaddrinfo(
match result {
0i32 => {
set_data_for_req(handle_ptr, handle_data_ptr);
_ => {
@ -300,62 +304,64 @@ type GetAddrData = {
extern fn get_addr_cb(handle: *uv_getaddrinfo_t, status: libc::c_int,
res: *addrinfo) unsafe {
log(debug, ~"in get_addr_cb");
let handle_data = get_data_for_req(handle) as
if status == 0i32 {
if res != (ptr::null::<addrinfo>()) {
let mut out_vec = ~[];
log(debug, fmt!("initial addrinfo: %?", res));
let mut curr_addr = res;
loop {
let new_ip_addr = if ll::is_ipv4_addrinfo(curr_addr) {
else if ll::is_ipv6_addrinfo(curr_addr) {
else {
log(debug, ~"curr_addr is not of family AF_INET or "+
~"AF_INET6. Error.");
out_vec.push(move new_ip_addr);
res: *addrinfo) {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"in get_addr_cb");
let handle_data = get_data_for_req(handle) as
if status == 0i32 {
if res != (ptr::null::<addrinfo>()) {
let mut out_vec = ~[];
log(debug, fmt!("initial addrinfo: %?", res));
let mut curr_addr = res;
loop {
let new_ip_addr = if ll::is_ipv4_addrinfo(curr_addr) {
else if ll::is_ipv6_addrinfo(curr_addr) {
else {
log(debug, ~"curr_addr is not of family AF_INET or "+
~"AF_INET6. Error.");
out_vec.push(move new_ip_addr);
let next_addr = ll::get_next_addrinfo(curr_addr);
if next_addr == ptr::null::<addrinfo>() as *addrinfo {
log(debug, ~"null next_addr encountered. no mas");
else {
curr_addr = next_addr;
log(debug, fmt!("next_addr addrinfo: %?", curr_addr));
let next_addr = ll::get_next_addrinfo(curr_addr);
if next_addr == ptr::null::<addrinfo>() as *addrinfo {
log(debug, ~"null next_addr encountered. no mas");
else {
curr_addr = next_addr;
log(debug, fmt!("next_addr addrinfo: %?", curr_addr));
log(debug, fmt!("successful process addrinfo result, len: %?",
(*handle_data).output_ch.send(result::Ok(move out_vec));
else {
log(debug, ~"addrinfo pointer is NULL");
log(debug, fmt!("successful process addrinfo result, len: %?",
(*handle_data).output_ch.send(result::Ok(move out_vec));
else {
log(debug, ~"addrinfo pointer is NULL");
log(debug, ~"status != 0 error in get_addr_cb");
if res != (ptr::null::<addrinfo>()) {
log(debug, ~"leaving get_addr_cb");
else {
log(debug, ~"status != 0 error in get_addr_cb");
if res != (ptr::null::<addrinfo>()) {
log(debug, ~"leaving get_addr_cb");
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -361,20 +361,22 @@ pure fn query_from_str(rawquery: &str) -> Query {
return query;
pub pure fn query_to_str(query: &Query) -> ~str unsafe {
// FIXME(#3722): unsafe only because decode_inner does (string) IO
let mut strvec = ~[];
for query.each |kv| {
match kv {
&(ref k, ref v) => {
pub pure fn query_to_str(query: &Query) -> ~str {
unsafe {
// FIXME(#3722): unsafe only because decode_inner does (string) IO
let mut strvec = ~[];
for query.each |kv| {
match kv {
&(ref k, ref v) => {
return str::connect(strvec, ~"&");
return str::connect(strvec, ~"&");
// returns the scheme and the rest of the url, or a parsing error
@ -131,41 +131,46 @@ impl <T: Ord> PriorityQueue<T> {
// vector over the junk element. This reduces the constant factor
// compared to using swaps, which involves twice as many moves.
priv fn siftup(&mut self, start: uint, pos: uint) unsafe {
let mut pos = pos;
let new = move *addr_of(&[pos]);
priv fn siftup(&mut self, start: uint, pos: uint) {
unsafe {
let mut pos = pos;
let new = move *addr_of(&[pos]);
while pos > start {
let parent = (pos - 1) >> 1;
if new >[parent] {
move *addr_of(&[parent]));
pos = parent;
while pos > start {
let parent = (pos - 1) >> 1;
if new >[parent] {
move *addr_of(&[parent]));
pos = parent;
rusti::move_val_init(&mut[pos], move new);
rusti::move_val_init(&mut[pos], move new);
priv fn siftdown_range(&mut self, pos: uint, end: uint) unsafe {
let mut pos = pos;
let start = pos;
let new = move *addr_of(&[pos]);
priv fn siftdown_range(&mut self, pos: uint, end: uint) {
unsafe {
let mut pos = pos;
let start = pos;
let new = move *addr_of(&[pos]);
let mut child = 2 * pos + 1;
while child < end {
let right = child + 1;
if right < end && !([child] >[right]) {
child = right;
let mut child = 2 * pos + 1;
while child < end {
let right = child + 1;
if right < end && !([child] >[right]) {
child = right;
move *addr_of(&[child]));
pos = child;
child = 2 * pos + 1;
move *addr_of(&[child]));
pos = child;
child = 2 * pos + 1;
rusti::move_val_init(&mut[pos], move new);
self.siftup(start, pos);
rusti::move_val_init(&mut[pos], move new);
self.siftup(start, pos);
priv fn siftdown(&mut self, pos: uint) {
@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ pub unsafe fn load_history(file: ~str) -> bool {
/// Print out a prompt and then wait for input and return it
pub unsafe fn read(prompt: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
do str::as_c_str(prompt) |buf| unsafe {
let line = rustrt::linenoise(buf);
do str::as_c_str(prompt) |buf| {
unsafe {
let line = rustrt::linenoise(buf);
if line.is_null() { None }
else { Some(str::raw::from_c_str(line)) }
if line.is_null() { None }
else { Some(str::raw::from_c_str(line)) }
@ -68,18 +70,23 @@ pub type CompletionCb = fn~(~str, fn(~str));
fn complete_key(_v: @CompletionCb) {}
/// Bind to the main completion callback
pub unsafe fn complete(cb: CompletionCb) unsafe {
task::local_data::local_data_set(complete_key, @(move cb));
pub unsafe fn complete(cb: CompletionCb) {
unsafe {
task::local_data::local_data_set(complete_key, @(move cb));
extern fn callback(line: *c_char, completions: *()) unsafe {
let cb = copy *task::local_data::local_data_get(complete_key).get();
extern fn callback(line: *c_char, completions: *()) {
unsafe {
let cb = copy *task::local_data::local_data_get(complete_key)
do cb(str::raw::from_c_str(line)) |suggestion| {
do str::as_c_str(suggestion) |buf| {
rustrt::linenoiseAddCompletion(completions, buf);
do cb(str::raw::from_c_str(line)) |suggestion| {
do str::as_c_str(suggestion) |buf| {
rustrt::linenoiseAddCompletion(completions, buf);
@ -831,28 +831,30 @@ pub mod node {
return forest[0];
pub fn serialize_node(node: @Node) -> ~str unsafe {
let mut buf = vec::cast_to_mut(vec::from_elem(byte_len(node), 0u8));
let mut offset = 0u;//Current position in the buffer
let it = leaf_iterator::start(node);
loop {
match (leaf_iterator::next(&it)) {
option::None => break,
option::Some(x) => {
//FIXME (#2744): Replace with memcpy or something similar
let mut local_buf: ~[u8] =
let mut i = x.byte_offset;
while i < x.byte_len {
buf[offset] = local_buf[i];
offset += 1u;
i += 1u;
pub fn serialize_node(node: @Node) -> ~str {
unsafe {
let mut buf = vec::cast_to_mut(vec::from_elem(byte_len(node), 0));
let mut offset = 0u;//Current position in the buffer
let it = leaf_iterator::start(node);
loop {
match (leaf_iterator::next(&it)) {
option::None => break,
option::Some(x) => {
//FIXME (#2744): Replace with memcpy or something similar
let mut local_buf: ~[u8] =
let mut i = x.byte_offset;
while i < x.byte_len {
buf[offset] = local_buf[i];
offset += 1u;
i += 1u;
cast::forget(move local_buf);
cast::forget(move local_buf);
return cast::transmute(move buf);
return cast::transmute(move buf);
@ -862,17 +864,19 @@ pub mod node {
* This function executes in linear time.
pub fn flatten(node: @Node) -> @Node unsafe {
match (*node) {
Leaf(_) => return node,
Concat(ref x) => {
return @Leaf({
byte_offset: 0u,
byte_len: x.byte_len,
char_len: x.char_len,
content: @serialize_node(node)
pub fn flatten(node: @Node) -> @Node {
unsafe {
match (*node) {
Leaf(_) => return node,
Concat(ref x) => {
return @Leaf({
byte_offset: 0u,
byte_len: x.byte_len,
char_len: x.char_len,
content: @serialize_node(node)
@ -1284,17 +1288,19 @@ mod tests {
node::Empty => return ~"",
node::Content(x) => {
let str = @mut ~"";
fn aux(str: @mut ~str, node: @node::Node) unsafe {
match (*node) {
node::Leaf(x) => {
*str += str::slice(
*x.content, x.byte_offset,
x.byte_offset + x.byte_len);
node::Concat(ref x) => {
aux(str, x.left);
aux(str, x.right);
fn aux(str: @mut ~str, node: @node::Node) {
unsafe {
match (*node) {
node::Leaf(x) => {
*str += str::slice(
*x.content, x.byte_offset,
x.byte_offset + x.byte_len);
node::Concat(ref x) => {
aux(str, x.left);
aux(str, x.right);
aux(str, x);
@ -282,97 +282,99 @@ mod tests {
use core::vec;
fn test() unsafe {
type Test = {input: ~str, output: ~[u8]};
fn test() {
unsafe {
type Test = {input: ~str, output: ~[u8]};
fn a_million_letter_a() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
while i < 100000 {
str::push_str(&mut rs, ~"aaaaaaaaaa");
i += 1;
fn a_million_letter_a() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
while i < 100000 {
str::push_str(&mut rs, ~"aaaaaaaaaa");
i += 1;
return rs;
return rs;
// Test messages from FIPS 180-1
// Test messages from FIPS 180-1
let fips_180_1_tests: ~[Test] =
~[{input: ~"abc",
~[0xA9u8, 0x99u8, 0x3Eu8, 0x36u8,
0x47u8, 0x06u8, 0x81u8, 0x6Au8,
0xBAu8, 0x3Eu8, 0x25u8, 0x71u8,
0x78u8, 0x50u8, 0xC2u8, 0x6Cu8,
0x9Cu8, 0xD0u8, 0xD8u8, 0x9Du8]},
~"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighij" +
~[0x84u8, 0x98u8, 0x3Eu8, 0x44u8,
0x1Cu8, 0x3Bu8, 0xD2u8, 0x6Eu8,
0xBAu8, 0xAEu8, 0x4Au8, 0xA1u8,
0xF9u8, 0x51u8, 0x29u8, 0xE5u8,
0xE5u8, 0x46u8, 0x70u8, 0xF1u8]},
{input: a_million_letter_a(),
~[0x34u8, 0xAAu8, 0x97u8, 0x3Cu8,
0xD4u8, 0xC4u8, 0xDAu8, 0xA4u8,
0xF6u8, 0x1Eu8, 0xEBu8, 0x2Bu8,
0xDBu8, 0xADu8, 0x27u8, 0x31u8,
0x65u8, 0x34u8, 0x01u8, 0x6Fu8]}];
// Examples from wikipedia
let fips_180_1_tests: ~[Test] =
~[{input: ~"abc",
~[0xA9u8, 0x99u8, 0x3Eu8, 0x36u8,
0x47u8, 0x06u8, 0x81u8, 0x6Au8,
0xBAu8, 0x3Eu8, 0x25u8, 0x71u8,
0x78u8, 0x50u8, 0xC2u8, 0x6Cu8,
0x9Cu8, 0xD0u8, 0xD8u8, 0x9Du8]},
~"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighij" +
~[0x84u8, 0x98u8, 0x3Eu8, 0x44u8,
0x1Cu8, 0x3Bu8, 0xD2u8, 0x6Eu8,
0xBAu8, 0xAEu8, 0x4Au8, 0xA1u8,
0xF9u8, 0x51u8, 0x29u8, 0xE5u8,
0xE5u8, 0x46u8, 0x70u8, 0xF1u8]},
{input: a_million_letter_a(),
~[0x34u8, 0xAAu8, 0x97u8, 0x3Cu8,
0xD4u8, 0xC4u8, 0xDAu8, 0xA4u8,
0xF6u8, 0x1Eu8, 0xEBu8, 0x2Bu8,
0xDBu8, 0xADu8, 0x27u8, 0x31u8,
0x65u8, 0x34u8, 0x01u8, 0x6Fu8]}];
// Examples from wikipedia
let wikipedia_tests: ~[Test] =
~[{input: ~"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
~[0x2fu8, 0xd4u8, 0xe1u8, 0xc6u8,
0x7au8, 0x2du8, 0x28u8, 0xfcu8,
0xedu8, 0x84u8, 0x9eu8, 0xe1u8,
0xbbu8, 0x76u8, 0xe7u8, 0x39u8,
0x1bu8, 0x93u8, 0xebu8, 0x12u8]},
{input: ~"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog",
~[0xdeu8, 0x9fu8, 0x2cu8, 0x7fu8,
0xd2u8, 0x5eu8, 0x1bu8, 0x3au8,
0xfau8, 0xd3u8, 0xe8u8, 0x5au8,
0x0bu8, 0xd1u8, 0x7du8, 0x9bu8,
0x10u8, 0x0du8, 0xb4u8, 0xb3u8]}];
let tests = fips_180_1_tests + wikipedia_tests;
fn check_vec_eq(v0: ~[u8], v1: ~[u8]) {
assert (vec::len::<u8>(v0) == vec::len::<u8>(v1));
let len = vec::len::<u8>(v0);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len {
let a = v0[i];
let b = v1[i];
assert (a == b);
i += 1u;
let wikipedia_tests: ~[Test] =
~[{input: ~"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
~[0x2fu8, 0xd4u8, 0xe1u8, 0xc6u8,
0x7au8, 0x2du8, 0x28u8, 0xfcu8,
0xedu8, 0x84u8, 0x9eu8, 0xe1u8,
0xbbu8, 0x76u8, 0xe7u8, 0x39u8,
0x1bu8, 0x93u8, 0xebu8, 0x12u8]},
{input: ~"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog",
~[0xdeu8, 0x9fu8, 0x2cu8, 0x7fu8,
0xd2u8, 0x5eu8, 0x1bu8, 0x3au8,
0xfau8, 0xd3u8, 0xe8u8, 0x5au8,
0x0bu8, 0xd1u8, 0x7du8, 0x9bu8,
0x10u8, 0x0du8, 0xb4u8, 0xb3u8]}];
let tests = fips_180_1_tests + wikipedia_tests;
fn check_vec_eq(v0: ~[u8], v1: ~[u8]) {
assert (vec::len::<u8>(v0) == vec::len::<u8>(v1));
let len = vec::len::<u8>(v0);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len {
let a = v0[i];
let b = v1[i];
assert (a == b);
i += 1u;
// Test that it works when accepting the message all at once
// Test that it works when accepting the message all at once
let sh = sha1::sha1();
for vec::each(tests) |t| {
let out = sh.result();
check_vec_eq(t.output, out);
// Test that it works when accepting the message in pieces
for vec::each(tests) |t| {
let len = str::len(t.input);
let mut left = len;
while left > 0u {
let take = (left + 1u) / 2u;
sh.input_str(str::slice(t.input, len - left,
take + len - left));
left = left - take;
let sh = sha1::sha1();
for vec::each(tests) |t| {
let out = sh.result();
check_vec_eq(t.output, out);
// Test that it works when accepting the message in pieces
for vec::each(tests) |t| {
let len = str::len(t.input);
let mut left = len;
while left > 0u {
let take = (left + 1u) / 2u;
sh.input_str(str::slice(t.input, len - left,
take + len - left));
left = left - take;
let out = sh.result();
check_vec_eq(t.output, out);
let out = sh.result();
check_vec_eq(t.output, out);
@ -49,26 +49,28 @@ pub fn delayed_send<T: Owned>(iotask: IoTask,
let timer_done_ch_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&timer_done_ch);
let timer = uv::ll::timer_t();
let timer_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&timer);
do iotask::interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| unsafe {
let init_result = uv::ll::timer_init(loop_ptr, timer_ptr);
if (init_result == 0i32) {
let start_result = uv::ll::timer_start(
timer_ptr, delayed_send_cb, msecs, 0u);
if (start_result == 0i32) {
timer_done_ch_ptr as *libc::c_void);
else {
do iotask::interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| {
unsafe {
let init_result = uv::ll::timer_init(loop_ptr, timer_ptr);
if (init_result == 0i32) {
let start_result = uv::ll::timer_start(
timer_ptr, delayed_send_cb, msecs, 0u);
if (start_result == 0i32) {
timer_done_ch_ptr as *libc::c_void);
} else {
let error_msg = uv::ll::get_last_err_info(
fail ~"timer::delayed_send() start failed: " +
} else {
let error_msg = uv::ll::get_last_err_info(loop_ptr);
fail ~"timer::delayed_send() start failed: " +
fail ~"timer::delayed_send() init failed: " +
else {
let error_msg = uv::ll::get_last_err_info(loop_ptr);
fail ~"timer::delayed_send() init failed: "+error_msg;
// delayed_send_cb has been processed by libuv
@ -138,27 +140,31 @@ pub fn recv_timeout<T: Copy Owned>(iotask: IoTask,
extern fn delayed_send_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_timer_t,
status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("delayed_send_cb handle %? status %?", handle, status));
let timer_done_ch =
*(uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *oldcomm::Chan<()>);
let stop_result = uv::ll::timer_stop(handle);
if (stop_result == 0i32) {
oldcomm::send(timer_done_ch, ());
uv::ll::close(handle, delayed_send_close_cb);
else {
let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle);
let error_msg = uv::ll::get_last_err_info(loop_ptr);
fail ~"timer::sleep() init failed: "+error_msg;
status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
fmt!("delayed_send_cb handle %? status %?", handle, status));
let timer_done_ch =
*(uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *oldcomm::Chan<()>);
let stop_result = uv::ll::timer_stop(handle);
if (stop_result == 0i32) {
oldcomm::send(timer_done_ch, ());
uv::ll::close(handle, delayed_send_close_cb);
} else {
let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle);
let error_msg = uv::ll::get_last_err_info(loop_ptr);
fail ~"timer::sleep() init failed: "+error_msg;
extern fn delayed_send_close_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_timer_t) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("delayed_send_close_cb handle %?", handle));
let timer_done_ch =
*(uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *oldcomm::Chan<()>);
oldcomm::send(timer_done_ch, ());
extern fn delayed_send_close_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_timer_t) {
unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("delayed_send_close_cb handle %?", handle));
let timer_done_ch =
*(uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *oldcomm::Chan<()>);
oldcomm::send(timer_done_ch, ());
@ -51,14 +51,16 @@ impl <K: Eq Ord, V: Eq> TreeMap<K, V>: Eq {
} else {
let mut x = self.iter();
let mut y = other.iter();
for self.len().times unsafe { // unsafe as a purity workaround
// ICE: !=
for self.len().times {
unsafe { // unsafe as a purity workaround
// ICE: !=
let (x1, x2) =;
let (y1, y2) =;
let (x1, x2) =;
let (y1, y2) =;
if x1 != y1 || x2 != y2 {
return false
if x1 != y1 || x2 != y2 {
return false
@ -47,55 +47,59 @@ pub fn get() -> IoTask {
fn get_monitor_task_gl() -> IoTask unsafe {
fn get_monitor_task_gl() -> IoTask {
unsafe {
let monitor_loop_chan_ptr =
let monitor_loop_chan_ptr = rustrt::rust_uv_get_kernel_global_chan_ptr();
debug!("ENTERING global_loop::get() loop chan: %?",
debug!("ENTERING global_loop::get() loop chan: %?",
debug!("before priv::chan_from_global_ptr");
type MonChan = Chan<IoTask>;
debug!("before priv::chan_from_global_ptr");
type MonChan = Chan<IoTask>;
let monitor_ch =
do chan_from_global_ptr::<MonChan>(monitor_loop_chan_ptr,
|| {
}) |msg_po| {
unsafe {
debug!("global monitor task starting");
let monitor_ch =
do chan_from_global_ptr::<MonChan>(monitor_loop_chan_ptr,
|| {
}) |msg_po| unsafe {
debug!("global monitor task starting");
// As a weak task the runtime will notify us when to exit
do weaken_task() |weak_exit_po| {
debug!("global monitor task is now weak");
let hl_loop = spawn_loop();
loop {
debug!("in outer_loop...");
match select2(weak_exit_po, msg_po) {
Left(weak_exit) => {
// all normal tasks have ended, tell the
// libuv loop to tear_down, then exit
debug!("weak_exit_po recv'd msg: %?", weak_exit);
Right(fetch_ch) => {
debug!("hl_loop req recv'd: %?", fetch_ch);
// As a weak task the runtime will notify us when to exit
do weaken_task() |weak_exit_po| {
debug!("global monitor task is now weak");
let hl_loop = spawn_loop();
loop {
debug!("in outer_loop...");
match select2(weak_exit_po, msg_po) {
Left(weak_exit) => {
// all normal tasks have ended, tell the
// libuv loop to tear_down, then exit
debug!("weak_exit_po recv'd msg: %?", weak_exit);
Right(fetch_ch) => {
debug!("hl_loop req recv'd: %?", fetch_ch);
debug!("global monitor task is leaving weakend state");
debug!("global monitor task exiting");
debug!("global monitor task is leaving weakend state");
debug!("global monitor task exiting");
// once we have a chan to the monitor loop, we ask it for
// the libuv loop's async handle
do listen |fetch_ch| {
// once we have a chan to the monitor loop, we ask it for
// the libuv loop's async handle
do listen |fetch_ch| {
@ -135,91 +139,107 @@ mod test {
use core::ptr;
use core::task;
extern fn simple_timer_close_cb(timer_ptr: *ll::uv_timer_t) unsafe {
let exit_ch_ptr = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *oldcomm::Chan<bool>;
let exit_ch = *exit_ch_ptr;
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, true);
log(debug, fmt!("EXIT_CH_PTR simple_timer_close_cb exit_ch_ptr: %?",
extern fn simple_timer_close_cb(timer_ptr: *ll::uv_timer_t) {
unsafe {
let exit_ch_ptr = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *oldcomm::Chan<bool>;
let exit_ch = *exit_ch_ptr;
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, true);
fmt!("EXIT_CH_PTR simple_timer_close_cb exit_ch_ptr: %?",
extern fn simple_timer_cb(timer_ptr: *ll::uv_timer_t,
_status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
log(debug, ~"in simple timer cb");
let hl_loop = get_gl();
do iotask::interact(hl_loop) |_loop_ptr| unsafe {
log(debug, ~"closing timer");
ll::close(timer_ptr, simple_timer_close_cb);
log(debug, ~"about to deref exit_ch_ptr");
log(debug, ~"after msg sent on deref'd exit_ch");
log(debug, ~"exiting simple timer cb");
_status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"in simple timer cb");
let hl_loop = get_gl();
do iotask::interact(hl_loop) |_loop_ptr| {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"closing timer");
ll::close(timer_ptr, simple_timer_close_cb);
log(debug, ~"about to deref exit_ch_ptr");
log(debug, ~"after msg sent on deref'd exit_ch");
log(debug, ~"exiting simple timer cb");
fn impl_uv_hl_simple_timer(iotask: IoTask) unsafe {
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<bool>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let exit_ch_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&exit_ch);
log(debug, fmt!("EXIT_CH_PTR newly created exit_ch_ptr: %?",
let timer_handle = ll::timer_t();
let timer_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&timer_handle);
do iotask::interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| unsafe {
log(debug, ~"user code inside interact loop!!!");
let init_status = ll::timer_init(loop_ptr, timer_ptr);
if(init_status == 0i32) {
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void,
exit_ch_ptr as *libc::c_void);
let start_status = ll::timer_start(timer_ptr, simple_timer_cb,
1u, 0u);
if(start_status == 0i32) {
fn impl_uv_hl_simple_timer(iotask: IoTask) {
unsafe {
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<bool>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let exit_ch_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&exit_ch);
log(debug, fmt!("EXIT_CH_PTR newly created exit_ch_ptr: %?",
let timer_handle = ll::timer_t();
let timer_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&timer_handle);
do iotask::interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"user code inside interact loop!!!");
let init_status = ll::timer_init(loop_ptr, timer_ptr);
if(init_status == 0i32) {
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void,
exit_ch_ptr as *libc::c_void);
let start_status = ll::timer_start(timer_ptr,
if start_status != 0 {
fail ~"failure on ll::timer_start()";
} else {
fail ~"failure on ll::timer_init()";
else {
fail ~"failure on ll::timer_start()";
else {
fail ~"failure on ll::timer_init()";
log(debug, ~"global_loop timer test: msg recv on exit_po, done..");
~"global_loop timer test: msg recv on exit_po, done..");
fn test_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer() unsafe {
let hl_loop = get_gl();
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u), || {
fn test_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer() {
unsafe {
let hl_loop = get_gl();
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u), || {
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, ());
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, ());
// keeping this test ignored until some kind of stress-test-harness
// is set up for the build bots
fn test_stress_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer() unsafe {
let hl_loop = get_gl();
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let cycles = 5000u;
for iter::repeat(cycles) {
task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u), || {
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, ());
for iter::repeat(cycles) {
log(debug, ~"test_stress_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer"+
~" exiting sucessfully!");
fn test_stress_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer() {
unsafe {
let hl_loop = get_gl();
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let cycles = 5000u;
for iter::repeat(cycles) {
task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u), || {
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, ());
for iter::repeat(cycles) {
~" exiting sucessfully!");
@ -83,8 +83,10 @@ pub unsafe fn interact(iotask: IoTask,
* async handle and do a sanity check to make sure that all other handles are
* closed, causing a failure otherwise.
pub fn exit(iotask: IoTask) unsafe {
send_msg(iotask, TeardownLoop);
pub fn exit(iotask: IoTask) {
unsafe {
send_msg(iotask, TeardownLoop);
@ -96,38 +98,39 @@ enum IoTaskMsg {
/// Run the loop and begin handling messages
fn run_loop(iotask_ch: Chan<IoTask>) unsafe {
fn run_loop(iotask_ch: Chan<IoTask>) {
unsafe {
let loop_ptr = ll::loop_new();
let loop_ptr = ll::loop_new();
// set up the special async handle we'll use to allow multi-task
// communication with this loop
let async = ll::async_t();
let async_handle = addr_of(&async);
// set up the special async handle we'll use to allow multi-task
// communication with this loop
let async = ll::async_t();
let async_handle = addr_of(&async);
// associate the async handle with the loop
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, async_handle, wake_up_cb);
// associate the async handle with the loop
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, async_handle, wake_up_cb);
// initialize our loop data and store it in the loop
let data: IoTaskLoopData = {
async_handle: async_handle,
msg_po: Port()
ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(async_handle, addr_of(&data));
// initialize our loop data and store it in the loop
let data: IoTaskLoopData = {
async_handle: async_handle,
msg_po: Port()
ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(async_handle, addr_of(&data));
// Send out a handle through which folks can talk to us
// while we dwell in the I/O loop
let iotask = IoTask_({
async_handle: async_handle,
op_chan: data.msg_po.chan()
// Send out a handle through which folks can talk to us
// while we dwell in the I/O loop
let iotask = IoTask_({
async_handle: async_handle,
op_chan: data.msg_po.chan()
log(debug, ~"about to run uv loop");
// enter the loop... this blocks until the loop is done..
log(debug, ~"uv loop ended");
log(debug, ~"about to run uv loop");
// enter the loop... this blocks until the loop is done..
log(debug, ~"uv loop ended");
// data that lives for the lifetime of the high-evel oo
@ -136,43 +139,51 @@ type IoTaskLoopData = {
msg_po: Port<IoTaskMsg>
fn send_msg(iotask: IoTask,
msg: IoTaskMsg) unsafe {
iotask.op_chan.send(move msg);
fn send_msg(iotask: IoTask, msg: IoTaskMsg) {
unsafe {
iotask.op_chan.send(move msg);
/// Dispatch all pending messages
extern fn wake_up_cb(async_handle: *ll::uv_async_t,
status: int) unsafe {
status: int) {
unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("wake_up_cb extern.. handle: %? status: %?",
async_handle, status));
log(debug, fmt!("wake_up_cb extern.. handle: %? status: %?",
async_handle, status));
let loop_ptr = ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(async_handle);
let data = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(async_handle)
as *IoTaskLoopData;
let msg_po = (*data).msg_po;
let loop_ptr = ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(async_handle);
let data = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(async_handle) as *IoTaskLoopData;
let msg_po = (*data).msg_po;
while msg_po.peek() {
match msg_po.recv() {
Interaction(ref cb) => (*cb)(loop_ptr),
TeardownLoop => begin_teardown(data)
while msg_po.peek() {
match msg_po.recv() {
Interaction(ref cb) => (*cb)(loop_ptr),
TeardownLoop => begin_teardown(data)
fn begin_teardown(data: *IoTaskLoopData) unsafe {
log(debug, ~"iotask begin_teardown() called, close async_handle");
let async_handle = (*data).async_handle;
ll::close(async_handle as *c_void, tear_down_close_cb);
fn begin_teardown(data: *IoTaskLoopData) {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"iotask begin_teardown() called, close async_handle");
let async_handle = (*data).async_handle;
ll::close(async_handle as *c_void, tear_down_close_cb);
extern fn tear_down_close_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t) unsafe {
let loop_ptr = ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle);
let loop_refs = ll::loop_refcount(loop_ptr);
log(debug, fmt!("tear_down_close_cb called, closing handle at %? refs %?",
handle, loop_refs));
assert loop_refs == 1i32;
extern fn tear_down_close_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t) {
unsafe {
let loop_ptr = ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle);
let loop_refs = ll::loop_refcount(loop_ptr);
fmt!("tear_down_close_cb called, closing handle at %? refs %?",
handle, loop_refs));
assert loop_refs == 1i32;
@ -188,37 +199,46 @@ mod test {
use core::ptr;
use core::task;
extern fn async_close_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("async_close_cb handle %?", handle));
let exit_ch = (*(ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle)
as *AhData)).exit_ch;
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, ());
extern fn async_handle_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t, status: libc::c_int)
extern fn async_close_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t) {
unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("async_handle_cb handle %? status %?",handle,status));
ll::close(handle, async_close_cb);
log(debug, fmt!("async_close_cb handle %?", handle));
let exit_ch = (*(ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle)
as *AhData)).exit_ch;
oldcomm::send(exit_ch, ());
extern fn async_handle_cb(handle: *ll::uv_async_t, status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
fmt!("async_handle_cb handle %? status %?",handle,status));
ll::close(handle, async_close_cb);
type AhData = {
iotask: IoTask,
exit_ch: oldcomm::Chan<()>
fn impl_uv_iotask_async(iotask: IoTask) unsafe {
let async_handle = ll::async_t();
let ah_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&async_handle);
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let ah_data = {
iotask: iotask,
exit_ch: exit_ch
let ah_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&ah_data);
do interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| unsafe {
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, ah_ptr, async_handle_cb);
ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(ah_ptr, ah_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
fn impl_uv_iotask_async(iotask: IoTask) {
unsafe {
let async_handle = ll::async_t();
let ah_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&async_handle);
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let ah_data = {
iotask: iotask,
exit_ch: exit_ch
let ah_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&ah_data);
do interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| {
unsafe {
ll::async_init(loop_ptr, ah_ptr, async_handle_cb);
ah_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
// this fn documents the bear minimum neccesary to roll your own
@ -233,8 +253,10 @@ mod test {
return oldcomm::recv(iotask_port);
extern fn lifetime_handle_close(handle: *libc::c_void) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("lifetime_handle_close ptr %?", handle));
extern fn lifetime_handle_close(handle: *libc::c_void) {
unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("lifetime_handle_close ptr %?", handle));
extern fn lifetime_async_callback(handle: *libc::c_void,
@ -244,31 +266,33 @@ mod test {
fn test_uv_iotask_async() unsafe {
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let iotask = spawn_test_loop(exit_ch);
fn test_uv_iotask_async() {
unsafe {
let exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&exit_po);
let iotask = spawn_test_loop(exit_ch);
// using this handle to manage the lifetime of the high_level_loop,
// as it will exit the first time one of the impl_uv_hl_async() is
// cleaned up with no one ref'd handles on the loop (Which can happen
// under race-condition type situations.. this ensures that the loop
// lives until, at least, all of the impl_uv_hl_async() runs have been
// called, at least.
let work_exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let work_exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&work_exit_po);
for iter::repeat(7u) {
do task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u)) {
oldcomm::send(work_exit_ch, ());
// using this handle to manage the lifetime of the
// high_level_loop, as it will exit the first time one of the
// impl_uv_hl_async() is cleaned up with no one ref'd handles on
// the loop (Which can happen under race-condition type
// situations.. this ensures that the loop lives until, at least,
// all of the impl_uv_hl_async() runs have been called, at least.
let work_exit_po = oldcomm::Port::<()>();
let work_exit_ch = oldcomm::Chan(&work_exit_po);
for iter::repeat(7u) {
do task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u)) {
oldcomm::send(work_exit_ch, ());
for iter::repeat(7u) {
log(debug, ~"sending teardown_loop msg..");
log(debug, ~"after recv on exit_po.. exiting..");
for iter::repeat(7u) {
log(debug, ~"sending teardown_loop msg..");
log(debug, ~"after recv on exit_po.. exiting..");
@ -1103,304 +1103,325 @@ pub mod test {
extern fn on_alloc_cb(handle: *libc::c_void,
suggested_size: libc::size_t)
-> uv_buf_t unsafe {
log(debug, ~"on_alloc_cb!");
let char_ptr = malloc_buf_base_of(suggested_size);
log(debug, fmt!("on_alloc_cb h: %? char_ptr: %u sugsize: %u",
char_ptr as uint,
suggested_size as uint));
return buf_init(char_ptr, suggested_size as uint);
-> uv_buf_t {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"on_alloc_cb!");
let char_ptr = malloc_buf_base_of(suggested_size);
log(debug, fmt!("on_alloc_cb h: %? char_ptr: %u sugsize: %u",
char_ptr as uint,
suggested_size as uint));
return buf_init(char_ptr, suggested_size as uint);
extern fn on_read_cb(stream: *uv_stream_t,
nread: libc::ssize_t,
++buf: uv_buf_t) unsafe {
let nread = nread as int;
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT entering on_read_cb nred: %d",
if (nread > 0) {
// we have data
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT read: data! nread: %d", nread));
let client_data =
get_data_for_uv_handle(stream as *libc::c_void)
as *request_wrapper;
let buf_base = get_base_from_buf(buf);
let buf_len = get_len_from_buf(buf);
let bytes = vec::from_buf(buf_base, buf_len as uint);
let read_chan = *((*client_data).read_chan);
let msg_from_server = str::from_bytes(bytes);
oldcomm::send(read_chan, msg_from_server);
close(stream as *libc::c_void, after_close_cb)
++buf: uv_buf_t) {
unsafe {
let nread = nread as int;
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT entering on_read_cb nred: %d",
if (nread > 0) {
// we have data
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT read: data! nread: %d", nread));
let client_data =
get_data_for_uv_handle(stream as *libc::c_void)
as *request_wrapper;
let buf_base = get_base_from_buf(buf);
let buf_len = get_len_from_buf(buf);
let bytes = vec::from_buf(buf_base, buf_len as uint);
let read_chan = *((*client_data).read_chan);
let msg_from_server = str::from_bytes(bytes);
oldcomm::send(read_chan, msg_from_server);
close(stream as *libc::c_void, after_close_cb)
else if (nread == -1) {
// err .. possibly EOF
log(debug, ~"read: eof!");
else {
// nread == 0 .. do nothing, just free buf as below
log(debug, ~"read: do nothing!");
// when we're done
log(debug, ~"CLIENT exiting on_read_cb");
else if (nread == -1) {
// err .. possibly EOF
log(debug, ~"read: eof!");
else {
// nread == 0 .. do nothing, just free buf as below
log(debug, ~"read: do nothing!");
// when we're done
log(debug, ~"CLIENT exiting on_read_cb");
extern fn on_write_complete_cb(write_req: *uv_write_t,
status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT beginning on_write_complete_cb status: %d",
status as int));
let stream = get_stream_handle_from_write_req(write_req);
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT on_write_complete_cb: tcp:%d write_handle:%d",
stream as int, write_req as int));
let result = read_start(stream, on_alloc_cb, on_read_cb);
log(debug, fmt!("CLIENT ending on_write_complete_cb .. status: %d",
result as int));
status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
fmt!("CLIENT beginning on_write_complete_cb status: %d",
status as int));
let stream = get_stream_handle_from_write_req(write_req);
fmt!("CLIENT on_write_complete_cb: tcp:%d write_handle:%d",
stream as int, write_req as int));
let result = read_start(stream, on_alloc_cb, on_read_cb);
fmt!("CLIENT ending on_write_complete_cb .. status: %d",
result as int));
extern fn on_connect_cb(connect_req_ptr: *uv_connect_t,
status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("beginning on_connect_cb .. status: %d",
status as int));
let stream =
if (status == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"on_connect_cb: in status=0 if..");
let client_data = get_data_for_req(
connect_req_ptr as *libc::c_void)
as *request_wrapper;
let write_handle = (*client_data).write_req;
log(debug, fmt!("on_connect_cb: tcp: %d write_hdl: %d",
stream as int, write_handle as int));
let write_result = write(write_handle,
stream as *libc::c_void,
log(debug, fmt!("on_connect_cb: write() status: %d",
write_result as int));
status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("beginning on_connect_cb .. status: %d",
status as int));
let stream =
if (status == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"on_connect_cb: in status=0 if..");
let client_data = get_data_for_req(
connect_req_ptr as *libc::c_void)
as *request_wrapper;
let write_handle = (*client_data).write_req;
log(debug, fmt!("on_connect_cb: tcp: %d write_hdl: %d",
stream as int, write_handle as int));
let write_result = write(write_handle,
stream as *libc::c_void,
log(debug, fmt!("on_connect_cb: write() status: %d",
write_result as int));
else {
let test_loop = get_loop_for_uv_handle(
stream as *libc::c_void);
let err_msg = get_last_err_info(test_loop);
log(debug, err_msg);
assert false;
log(debug, ~"finishing on_connect_cb");
else {
let test_loop = get_loop_for_uv_handle(
stream as *libc::c_void);
let err_msg = get_last_err_info(test_loop);
log(debug, err_msg);
assert false;
log(debug, ~"finishing on_connect_cb");
fn impl_uv_tcp_request(ip: &str, port: int, req_str: &str,
client_chan: *oldcomm::Chan<~str>) unsafe {
let test_loop = loop_new();
let tcp_handle = tcp_t();
let tcp_handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&tcp_handle);
let connect_handle = connect_t();
let connect_req_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&connect_handle);
client_chan: *oldcomm::Chan<~str>) {
unsafe {
let test_loop = loop_new();
let tcp_handle = tcp_t();
let tcp_handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&tcp_handle);
let connect_handle = connect_t();
let connect_req_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&connect_handle);
// this is the persistent payload of data that we
// need to pass around to get this example to work.
// In C, this would be a malloc'd or stack-allocated
// struct that we'd cast to a void* and store as the
// data field in our uv_connect_t struct
let req_str_bytes = str::to_bytes(req_str);
let req_msg_ptr: *u8 = vec::raw::to_ptr(req_str_bytes);
log(debug, fmt!("req_msg ptr: %u", req_msg_ptr as uint));
let req_msg = ~[
buf_init(req_msg_ptr, vec::len(req_str_bytes))
// this is the enclosing record, we'll pass a ptr to
// this to C..
let write_handle = write_t();
let write_handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&write_handle);
log(debug, fmt!("tcp req: tcp stream: %d write_handle: %d",
tcp_handle_ptr as int,
write_handle_ptr as int));
let client_data = { writer_handle: write_handle_ptr,
req_buf: ptr::addr_of(&req_msg),
read_chan: client_chan };
// this is the persistent payload of data that we
// need to pass around to get this example to work.
// In C, this would be a malloc'd or stack-allocated
// struct that we'd cast to a void* and store as the
// data field in our uv_connect_t struct
let req_str_bytes = str::to_bytes(req_str);
let req_msg_ptr: *u8 = vec::raw::to_ptr(req_str_bytes);
log(debug, fmt!("req_msg ptr: %u", req_msg_ptr as uint));
let req_msg = ~[
buf_init(req_msg_ptr, vec::len(req_str_bytes))
// this is the enclosing record, we'll pass a ptr to
// this to C..
let write_handle = write_t();
let write_handle_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&write_handle);
log(debug, fmt!("tcp req: tcp stream: %d write_handle: %d",
tcp_handle_ptr as int,
write_handle_ptr as int));
let client_data = { writer_handle: write_handle_ptr,
req_buf: ptr::addr_of(&req_msg),
read_chan: client_chan };
let tcp_init_result = tcp_init(
test_loop as *libc::c_void, tcp_handle_ptr);
if (tcp_init_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"sucessful tcp_init_result");
let tcp_init_result = tcp_init(
test_loop as *libc::c_void, tcp_handle_ptr);
if (tcp_init_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"sucessful tcp_init_result");
log(debug, ~"building addr...");
let addr = ip4_addr(ip, port);
// FIXME ref #2064
let addr_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&addr);
log(debug, fmt!("after build addr in rust. port: %u",
addr.sin_port as uint));
log(debug, ~"building addr...");
let addr = ip4_addr(ip, port);
// FIXME ref #2064
let addr_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&addr);
log(debug, fmt!("after build addr in rust. port: %u",
addr.sin_port as uint));
// this should set up the connection request..
log(debug, fmt!("b4 call tcp_connect connect cb: %u ",
on_connect_cb as uint));
let tcp_connect_result = tcp_connect(
connect_req_ptr, tcp_handle_ptr,
addr_ptr, on_connect_cb);
if (tcp_connect_result == 0i32) {
// not set the data on the connect_req
// until its initialized
connect_req_ptr as *libc::c_void,
ptr::addr_of(&client_data) as *libc::c_void);
tcp_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void,
ptr::addr_of(&client_data) as *libc::c_void);
log(debug, ~"before run tcp req loop");
log(debug, ~"after run tcp req loop");
// this should set up the connection request..
log(debug, fmt!("b4 call tcp_connect connect cb: %u ",
on_connect_cb as uint));
let tcp_connect_result = tcp_connect(
connect_req_ptr, tcp_handle_ptr,
addr_ptr, on_connect_cb);
if (tcp_connect_result == 0i32) {
// not set the data on the connect_req
// until its initialized
connect_req_ptr as *libc::c_void,
ptr::addr_of(&client_data) as *libc::c_void);
tcp_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void,
ptr::addr_of(&client_data) as *libc::c_void);
log(debug, ~"before run tcp req loop");
log(debug, ~"after run tcp req loop");
else {
log(debug, ~"tcp_connect() failure");
assert false;
else {
log(debug, ~"tcp_connect() failure");
assert false;
log(debug, ~"tcp_init() failure");
assert false;
else {
log(debug, ~"tcp_init() failure");
assert false;
extern fn server_after_close_cb(handle: *libc::c_void) unsafe {
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER server stream closed, should exit.. h: %?",
extern fn client_stream_after_close_cb(handle: *libc::c_void)
extern fn server_after_close_cb(handle: *libc::c_void) {
unsafe {
~"SERVER: closed client stream, now closing server stream");
let client_data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
handle) as
close((*client_data).server as *libc::c_void,
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER server stream closed, should exit. h: %?",
extern fn after_server_resp_write(req: *uv_write_t) unsafe {
let client_stream_ptr =
log(debug, ~"SERVER: resp sent... closing client stream");
close(client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void,
extern fn client_stream_after_close_cb(handle: *libc::c_void) {
unsafe {
~"SERVER: closed client stream, now closing server stream");
let client_data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
handle) as
close((*client_data).server as *libc::c_void,
extern fn after_server_resp_write(req: *uv_write_t) {
unsafe {
let client_stream_ptr =
log(debug, ~"SERVER: resp sent... closing client stream");
close(client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void,
extern fn on_server_read_cb(client_stream_ptr: *uv_stream_t,
nread: libc::ssize_t,
++buf: uv_buf_t) unsafe {
let nread = nread as int;
if (nread > 0) {
// we have data
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER read: data! nread: %d", nread));
++buf: uv_buf_t) {
unsafe {
let nread = nread as int;
if (nread > 0) {
// we have data
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER read: data! nread: %d", nread));
// pull out the contents of the write from the client
let buf_base = get_base_from_buf(buf);
let buf_len = get_len_from_buf(buf) as uint;
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER buf base: %u, len: %u, nread: %d",
buf_base as uint,
buf_len as uint,
let bytes = vec::from_buf(buf_base, buf_len);
let request_str = str::from_bytes(bytes);
// pull out the contents of the write from the client
let buf_base = get_base_from_buf(buf);
let buf_len = get_len_from_buf(buf) as uint;
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER buf base: %u, len: %u, nread: %d",
buf_base as uint,
buf_len as uint,
let bytes = vec::from_buf(buf_base, buf_len);
let request_str = str::from_bytes(bytes);
let client_data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *tcp_server_data;
let client_data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *tcp_server_data;
let server_kill_msg = (*client_data).server_kill_msg;
let write_req = (*client_data).server_write_req;
if (str::contains(request_str, server_kill_msg)) {
log(debug, ~"SERVER: client req contains kill_msg!");
log(debug, ~"SERVER: sending response to client");
let server_chan = *((*client_data).server_chan);
oldcomm::send(server_chan, request_str);
let write_result = write(
client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void,
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER: resp write result: %d",
write_result as int));
if (write_result != 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"bad result for server resp write()");
log(debug, get_last_err_info(
as *libc::c_void)));
assert false;
let server_kill_msg = (*client_data).server_kill_msg;
let write_req = (*client_data).server_write_req;
if (str::contains(request_str, server_kill_msg)) {
log(debug, ~"SERVER: client req contains kill_msg!");
log(debug, ~"SERVER: sending response to client");
let server_chan = *((*client_data).server_chan);
oldcomm::send(server_chan, request_str);
let write_result = write(
client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void,
log(debug, fmt!("SERVER: resp write result: %d",
write_result as int));
if (write_result != 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"bad result for server resp write()");
log(debug, get_last_err_info(
as *libc::c_void)));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, ~"SERVER: client req !contain kill_msg!");
else {
log(debug, ~"SERVER: client req !contain kill_msg!");
else if (nread == -1) {
// err .. possibly EOF
log(debug, ~"read: eof!");
else {
// nread == 0 .. do nothing, just free buf as below
log(debug, ~"read: do nothing!");
// when we're done
log(debug, ~"SERVER exiting on_read_cb");
else if (nread == -1) {
// err .. possibly EOF
log(debug, ~"read: eof!");
else {
// nread == 0 .. do nothing, just free buf as below
log(debug, ~"read: do nothing!");
// when we're done
log(debug, ~"SERVER exiting on_read_cb");
extern fn server_connection_cb(server_stream_ptr:
status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
log(debug, ~"client connecting!");
let test_loop = get_loop_for_uv_handle(
server_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void);
if status != 0i32 {
let err_msg = get_last_err_info(test_loop);
log(debug, fmt!("server_connect_cb: non-zero status: %?",
let server_data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
server_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *tcp_server_data;
let client_stream_ptr = (*server_data).client;
let client_init_result = tcp_init(test_loop,
client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void,
server_data as *libc::c_void);
if (client_init_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"successfully initialized client stream");
let accept_result = accept(server_stream_ptr as
client_stream_ptr as
if (accept_result == 0i32) {
// start reading
let read_result = read_start(
client_stream_ptr as *uv_stream_t,
if (read_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"successful server read start");
status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
log(debug, ~"client connecting!");
let test_loop = get_loop_for_uv_handle(
server_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void);
if status != 0i32 {
let err_msg = get_last_err_info(test_loop);
log(debug, fmt!("server_connect_cb: non-zero status: %?",
let server_data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
server_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *tcp_server_data;
let client_stream_ptr = (*server_data).client;
let client_init_result = tcp_init(test_loop,
client_stream_ptr as *libc::c_void,
server_data as *libc::c_void);
if (client_init_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"successfully initialized client stream");
let accept_result = accept(server_stream_ptr as
client_stream_ptr as
if (accept_result == 0i32) {
// start reading
let read_result = read_start(
client_stream_ptr as *uv_stream_t,
if (read_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"successful server read start");
else {
log(debug, fmt!("server_connection_cb: bad read:%d",
read_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("server_connection_cb: bad read:%d",
read_result as int));
log(debug, fmt!("server_connection_cb: bad accept: %d",
accept_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("server_connection_cb: bad accept: %d",
accept_result as int));
log(debug, fmt!("server_connection_cb: bad client init: %d",
client_init_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("server_connection_cb: bad client init: %d",
client_init_result as int));
assert false;
type tcp_server_data = {
@ -1422,17 +1443,19 @@ pub mod test {
extern fn continue_async_cb(async_handle: *uv_async_t,
status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
// once we're in the body of this callback,
// the tcp server's loop is set up, so we
// can continue on to let the tcp client
// do its thang
let data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
async_handle as *libc::c_void) as *async_handle_data;
let continue_chan = *((*data).continue_chan);
let should_continue = status == 0i32;
oldcomm::send(continue_chan, should_continue);
close(async_handle as *libc::c_void, async_close_cb);
status: libc::c_int) {
unsafe {
// once we're in the body of this callback,
// the tcp server's loop is set up, so we
// can continue on to let the tcp client
// do its thang
let data = get_data_for_uv_handle(
async_handle as *libc::c_void) as *async_handle_data;
let continue_chan = *((*data).continue_chan);
let should_continue = status == 0i32;
oldcomm::send(continue_chan, should_continue);
close(async_handle as *libc::c_void, async_close_cb);
fn impl_uv_tcp_server(server_ip: &str,
@ -1440,144 +1463,148 @@ pub mod test {
+kill_server_msg: ~str,
+server_resp_msg: ~str,
server_chan: *oldcomm::Chan<~str>,
continue_chan: *oldcomm::Chan<bool>) unsafe {
let test_loop = loop_new();
let tcp_server = tcp_t();
let tcp_server_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&tcp_server);
continue_chan: *oldcomm::Chan<bool>) {
unsafe {
let test_loop = loop_new();
let tcp_server = tcp_t();
let tcp_server_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&tcp_server);
let tcp_client = tcp_t();
let tcp_client_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&tcp_client);
let tcp_client = tcp_t();
let tcp_client_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&tcp_client);
let server_write_req = write_t();
let server_write_req_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&server_write_req);
let server_write_req = write_t();
let server_write_req_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&server_write_req);
let resp_str_bytes = str::to_bytes(server_resp_msg);
let resp_msg_ptr: *u8 = vec::raw::to_ptr(resp_str_bytes);
log(debug, fmt!("resp_msg ptr: %u", resp_msg_ptr as uint));
let resp_msg = ~[
buf_init(resp_msg_ptr, vec::len(resp_str_bytes))
let resp_str_bytes = str::to_bytes(server_resp_msg);
let resp_msg_ptr: *u8 = vec::raw::to_ptr(resp_str_bytes);
log(debug, fmt!("resp_msg ptr: %u", resp_msg_ptr as uint));
let resp_msg = ~[
buf_init(resp_msg_ptr, vec::len(resp_str_bytes))
let continue_async_handle = async_t();
let continue_async_handle_ptr =
let async_data =
{ continue_chan: continue_chan };
let async_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&async_data);
let continue_async_handle = async_t();
let continue_async_handle_ptr =
let async_data =
{ continue_chan: continue_chan };
let async_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&async_data);
let server_data: tcp_server_data = {
client: tcp_client_ptr,
server: tcp_server_ptr,
server_kill_msg: kill_server_msg,
server_resp_buf: ptr::addr_of(&resp_msg),
server_chan: server_chan,
server_write_req: server_write_req_ptr
let server_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&server_data);
set_data_for_uv_handle(tcp_server_ptr as *libc::c_void,
server_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
let server_data: tcp_server_data = {
client: tcp_client_ptr,
server: tcp_server_ptr,
server_kill_msg: kill_server_msg,
server_resp_buf: ptr::addr_of(&resp_msg),
server_chan: server_chan,
server_write_req: server_write_req_ptr
let server_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&server_data);
set_data_for_uv_handle(tcp_server_ptr as *libc::c_void,
server_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
// uv_tcp_init()
let tcp_init_result = tcp_init(
test_loop as *libc::c_void, tcp_server_ptr);
if (tcp_init_result == 0i32) {
let server_addr = ip4_addr(server_ip, server_port);
// FIXME ref #2064
let server_addr_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&server_addr);
// uv_tcp_init()
let tcp_init_result = tcp_init(
test_loop as *libc::c_void, tcp_server_ptr);
if (tcp_init_result == 0i32) {
let server_addr = ip4_addr(server_ip, server_port);
// FIXME ref #2064
let server_addr_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&server_addr);
// uv_tcp_bind()
let bind_result = tcp_bind(tcp_server_ptr,
if (bind_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"successful uv_tcp_bind, listening");
// uv_tcp_bind()
let bind_result = tcp_bind(tcp_server_ptr,
if (bind_result == 0i32) {
log(debug, ~"successful uv_tcp_bind, listening");
// uv_listen()
let listen_result = listen(tcp_server_ptr as
if (listen_result == 0i32) {
// let the test know it can set up the tcp server,
// now.. this may still present a race, not sure..
let async_result = async_init(test_loop,
if (async_result == 0i32) {
continue_async_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void,
async_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
// uv_run()
log(debug, ~"server uv::run() has returned");
// uv_listen()
let listen_result = listen(tcp_server_ptr as
if (listen_result == 0i32) {
// let the test know it can set up the tcp server,
// now.. this may still present a race, not sure..
let async_result = async_init(test_loop,
if (async_result == 0i32) {
continue_async_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void,
async_data_ptr as *libc::c_void);
// uv_run()
log(debug, ~"server uv::run() has returned");
else {
log(debug, fmt!("uv_async_init failure: %d",
async_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("uv_async_init failure: %d",
async_result as int));
log(debug, fmt!("non-zero result on uv_listen: %d",
listen_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("non-zero result on uv_listen: %d",
listen_result as int));
log(debug, fmt!("non-zero result on uv_tcp_bind: %d",
bind_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("non-zero result on uv_tcp_bind: %d",
bind_result as int));
log(debug, fmt!("non-zero result on uv_tcp_init: %d",
tcp_init_result as int));
assert false;
else {
log(debug, fmt!("non-zero result on uv_tcp_init: %d",
tcp_init_result as int));
assert false;
// this is the impl for a test that is (maybe) ran on a
// per-platform/arch basis below
fn impl_uv_tcp_server_and_request() unsafe {
let bind_ip = ~"";
let request_ip = ~"";
let port = 8886;
let kill_server_msg = ~"does a dog have buddha nature?";
let server_resp_msg = ~"mu!";
let client_port = oldcomm::Port::<~str>();
let client_chan = oldcomm::Chan::<~str>(&client_port);
let server_port = oldcomm::Port::<~str>();
let server_chan = oldcomm::Chan::<~str>(&server_port);
fn impl_uv_tcp_server_and_request() {
unsafe {
let bind_ip = ~"";
let request_ip = ~"";
let port = 8886;
let kill_server_msg = ~"does a dog have buddha nature?";
let server_resp_msg = ~"mu!";
let client_port = oldcomm::Port::<~str>();
let client_chan = oldcomm::Chan::<~str>(&client_port);
let server_port = oldcomm::Port::<~str>();
let server_chan = oldcomm::Chan::<~str>(&server_port);
let continue_port = oldcomm::Port::<bool>();
let continue_chan = oldcomm::Chan::<bool>(&continue_port);
let continue_chan_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&continue_chan);
let continue_port = oldcomm::Port::<bool>();
let continue_chan = oldcomm::Chan::<bool>(&continue_port);
let continue_chan_ptr = ptr::addr_of(&continue_chan);
do task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1)) {
impl_uv_tcp_server(bind_ip, port,
do task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1)) {
impl_uv_tcp_server(bind_ip, port,
// block until the server up is.. possibly a race?
log(debug, ~"before receiving on server continue_port");
log(debug, ~"received on continue port, set up tcp client");
// block until the server up is.. possibly a race?
log(debug, ~"before receiving on server continue_port");
log(debug, ~"received on continue port, set up tcp client");
do task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u)) {
impl_uv_tcp_request(request_ip, port,
do task::spawn_sched(task::ManualThreads(1u)) {
impl_uv_tcp_request(request_ip, port,
let msg_from_client = oldcomm::recv(server_port);
let msg_from_server = oldcomm::recv(client_port);
let msg_from_client = oldcomm::recv(server_port);
let msg_from_server = oldcomm::recv(client_port);
assert str::contains(msg_from_client, kill_server_msg);
assert str::contains(msg_from_server, server_resp_msg);
assert str::contains(msg_from_client, kill_server_msg);
assert str::contains(msg_from_server, server_resp_msg);
// FIXME don't run on fbsd or linux 32 bit(#2064)
@ -1590,8 +1617,10 @@ pub mod test {
pub mod impl64 {
use uv_ll::test::*;
pub fn test_uv_ll_tcp_server_and_request() unsafe {
pub fn test_uv_ll_tcp_server_and_request() {
unsafe {
@ -1600,8 +1629,10 @@ pub mod test {
use uv_ll::test::*;
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "linux"))]
pub fn test_uv_ll_tcp_server_and_request() unsafe {
pub fn test_uv_ll_tcp_server_and_request() {
unsafe {
@ -208,14 +208,16 @@ pub impl FileMap {
pub fn get_line(&self, line: int) -> ~str unsafe {
let begin: BytePos = self.lines[line] - self.start_pos;
let begin = begin.to_uint();
let end = match str::find_char_from(*self.src, '\n', begin) {
Some(e) => e,
None => str::len(*self.src)
str::slice(*self.src, begin, end)
pub fn get_line(&self, line: int) -> ~str {
unsafe {
let begin: BytePos = self.lines[line] - self.start_pos;
let begin = begin.to_uint();
let end = match str::find_char_from(*self.src, '\n', begin) {
Some(e) => e,
None => str::len(*self.src)
str::slice(*self.src, begin, end)
pub fn record_multibyte_char(&self, pos: BytePos, bytes: uint) {
@ -157,11 +157,13 @@ fn byte_offset(rdr: string_reader) -> BytePos {
(rdr.pos - rdr.filemap.start_pos)
fn get_str_from(rdr: string_reader, start: BytePos) -> ~str unsafe {
// I'm pretty skeptical about this subtraction. What if there's a
// multi-byte character before the mark?
return str::slice(*rdr.src, start.to_uint() - 1u,
byte_offset(rdr).to_uint() - 1u);
fn get_str_from(rdr: string_reader, start: BytePos) -> ~str {
unsafe {
// I'm pretty skeptical about this subtraction. What if there's a
// multi-byte character before the mark?
return str::slice(*rdr.src, start.to_uint() - 1u,
byte_offset(rdr).to_uint() - 1u);
fn bump(rdr: string_reader) {
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ pub enum ObsoleteSyntax {
impl ObsoleteSyntax : cmp::Eq {
@ -118,6 +119,10 @@ impl Parser {
ObsoleteBinaryMove => (
"binary move",
"Write `foo = move bar` instead"
ObsoleteUnsafeBlock => (
"non-standalone unsafe block",
"use an inner `unsafe { ... }` block instead"
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteLet, ObsoleteFieldTerminator};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteMoveInit, ObsoleteBinaryMove};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteStructCtor, ObsoleteWith, ObsoleteClassMethod};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteSyntax, ObsoleteLowerCaseKindBounds};
use parse::obsolete::{ObsoleteUnsafeBlock};
use parse::prec::{as_prec, token_to_binop};
use parse::token::{can_begin_expr, is_ident, is_ident_or_path};
use parse::token::{is_plain_ident, INTERPOLATED, special_idents};
@ -2336,12 +2337,13 @@ impl Parser {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let us = self.eat_keyword(~"unsafe");
if self.eat_keyword(~"unsafe") {
self.obsolete(copy self.span, ObsoleteUnsafeBlock);
let {inner: move inner, next: move next} =
maybe_parse_inner_attrs_and_next(self, parse_attrs);
let blk_check_mode = if us { unsafe_blk } else { default_blk };
return (inner, self.parse_block_tail_(lo, blk_check_mode, next));
return (inner, self.parse_block_tail_(lo, default_blk, next));
fn parse_block_no_value() -> blk {
@ -21,20 +21,24 @@ fn recurse() {
struct r {
recursed: *mut bool,
drop unsafe {
if !*(self.recursed) {
*(self.recursed) = true;
drop {
unsafe {
if !*(self.recursed) {
*(self.recursed) = true;
fn r(recursed: *mut bool) -> r unsafe {
r { recursed: recursed }
fn r(recursed: *mut bool) -> r {
unsafe {
r { recursed: recursed }
fn main() {
let mut recursed = false;
let _r = r(ptr::mut_addr_of(&recursed));
@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ fn r(v: *int) -> r {
fn main() unsafe {
let i1 = ~0;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let x = @r(i1p);
log(error, x);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let i1 = ~0;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let x = @r(i1p);
log(error, x);
@ -62,19 +62,21 @@ fn test_box() {
assert (@10 == @10);
fn test_ptr() unsafe {
let p1: *u8 = ::core::cast::reinterpret_cast(&0);
let p2: *u8 = ::core::cast::reinterpret_cast(&0);
let p3: *u8 = ::core::cast::reinterpret_cast(&1);
fn test_ptr() {
unsafe {
let p1: *u8 = ::core::cast::reinterpret_cast(&0);
let p2: *u8 = ::core::cast::reinterpret_cast(&0);
let p3: *u8 = ::core::cast::reinterpret_cast(&1);
assert p1 == p2;
assert p1 != p3;
assert p1 < p3;
assert p1 <= p3;
assert p3 > p1;
assert p3 >= p3;
assert p1 <= p2;
assert p1 >= p2;
assert p1 == p2;
assert p1 != p3;
assert p1 < p3;
assert p1 <= p3;
assert p3 > p1;
assert p3 >= p3;
assert p1 <= p2;
assert p1 >= p2;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ extern mod libc {
fn my_strlen(str: *u8) -> uint;
fn strlen(str: ~str) -> uint unsafe {
// C string is terminated with a zero
let bytes = str::to_bytes(str) + ~[0u8];
return libc::my_strlen(vec::raw::to_ptr(bytes));
fn strlen(str: ~str) -> uint {
unsafe {
// C string is terminated with a zero
let bytes = str::to_bytes(str) + ~[0u8];
return libc::my_strlen(vec::raw::to_ptr(bytes));
fn main() {
@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ use core::cast;
use core::libc::{c_double, c_int};
use core::f64::*;
fn to_c_int(v: &mut int) -> &mut c_int unsafe {
fn to_c_int(v: &mut int) -> &mut c_int {
unsafe {
fn lgamma(n: c_double, value: &mut int) -> c_double {
@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ pub mod pipes {
mut payload: Option<T>
pub fn packet<T: Owned>() -> *packet<T> unsafe {
let p: *packet<T> = cast::transmute(~{
mut state: empty,
mut blocked_task: None::<task::Task>,
mut payload: None::<T>
pub fn packet<T: Owned>() -> *packet<T> {
unsafe {
let p: *packet<T> = cast::transmute(~{
mut state: empty,
mut blocked_task: None::<task::Task>,
mut payload: None::<T>
#[abi = "rust-intrinsic"]
@ -218,22 +220,26 @@ pub mod pingpong {
pub enum ping = ::pipes::send_packet<pong>;
pub enum pong = ::pipes::send_packet<ping>;
pub fn liberate_ping(-p: ping) -> ::pipes::send_packet<pong> unsafe {
let addr : *::pipes::send_packet<pong> = match &p {
&ping(ref x) => { cast::transmute(ptr::addr_of(x)) }
let liberated_value = move *addr;
cast::forget(move p);
move liberated_value
pub fn liberate_ping(-p: ping) -> ::pipes::send_packet<pong> {
unsafe {
let addr : *::pipes::send_packet<pong> = match &p {
&ping(ref x) => { cast::transmute(ptr::addr_of(x)) }
let liberated_value = move *addr;
cast::forget(move p);
move liberated_value
pub fn liberate_pong(-p: pong) -> ::pipes::send_packet<ping> unsafe {
let addr : *::pipes::send_packet<ping> = match &p {
&pong(ref x) => { cast::transmute(ptr::addr_of(x)) }
let liberated_value = move *addr;
cast::forget(move p);
move liberated_value
pub fn liberate_pong(-p: pong) -> ::pipes::send_packet<ping> {
unsafe {
let addr : *::pipes::send_packet<ping> = match &p {
&pong(ref x) => { cast::transmute(ptr::addr_of(x)) }
let liberated_value = move *addr;
cast::forget(move p);
move liberated_value
pub fn init() -> (client::ping, server::ping) {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
extern mod issue_2723_a;
use issue_2723_a::*;
fn main() unsafe {
fn main() {
unsafe {
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Tests that "loop unsafe" isn't misparsed.
fn main() {
loop unsafe {
io::println("Hello world!");
return ();
@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ type ccx = {
x: int
fn alloc(_bcx : &arena) -> &bcx unsafe {
return cast::reinterpret_cast(
&libc::malloc(sys::size_of::<bcx/&blk>() as libc::size_t));
fn alloc(_bcx : &arena) -> &bcx {
unsafe {
return cast::reinterpret_cast(
&libc::malloc(sys::size_of::<bcx/&blk>() as libc::size_t));
fn h(bcx : &bcx) -> &bcx {
@ -26,9 +26,11 @@ impl r : Drop {
fn r(v: *int) -> r unsafe {
r {
v: v
fn r(v: *int) -> r {
unsafe {
r {
v: v
@ -37,41 +39,43 @@ enum t = {
r: r
fn main() unsafe {
let i1 = ~0;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let i2 = ~0;
let i2p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i2);
cast::forget(move i2);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let i1 = ~0;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let i2 = ~0;
let i2p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i2);
cast::forget(move i2);
let x1 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: {
let rs = r(i1p);
debug!("r = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&rs)));
move rs }
debug!("x1 = %x, x1.r = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<@t, uint>(&x1),
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&(x1.r))));
let x1 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: {
let rs = r(i1p);
debug!("r = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&rs)));
move rs }
debug!("x1 = %x, x1.r = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<@t, uint>(&x1),
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&(x1.r))));
let x2 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: {
let rs = r(i2p);
debug!("r2 = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&rs)));
move rs
debug!("x2 = %x, x2.r = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<@t, uint>(&x2),
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&(x2.r))));
let x2 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: {
let rs = r(i2p);
debug!("r2 = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&rs)));
move rs
debug!("x2 = %x, x2.r = %x",
cast::reinterpret_cast::<@t, uint>(&x2),
cast::reinterpret_cast::<*r, uint>(&ptr::addr_of(&(x2.r))));
|||| = Some(x2);
|||| = Some(x1);
|||| = Some(x2);
|||| = Some(x1);
@ -39,25 +39,27 @@ enum t = {
r: r
fn main() unsafe {
let i1 = ~0xA;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let i2 = ~0xA;
let i2p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i2);
cast::forget(move i2);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let i1 = ~0xA;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let i2 = ~0xA;
let i2p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i2);
cast::forget(move i2);
let u1 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i1p};
let u2 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i2p};
let u1 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i1p};
let u2 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i2p};
let x1 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u1)
let x2 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u2)
|||| = Some(x2);
|||| = Some(x1);
let x1 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u1)
let x2 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u2)
|||| = Some(x2);
|||| = Some(x1);
@ -33,11 +33,13 @@ impl r : Drop {
fn r(v: u, w: int, _x: *int) -> r unsafe {
r {
v: v,
w: w,
x: cast::reinterpret_cast(&0)
fn r(v: u, w: int, _x: *int) -> r {
unsafe {
r {
v: v,
w: w,
x: cast::reinterpret_cast(&0)
@ -46,25 +48,27 @@ enum t = {
r: r
fn main() unsafe {
let i1 = ~0xA;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let i2 = ~0xA;
let i2p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i2);
cast::forget(move i2);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let i1 = ~0xA;
let i1p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i1);
cast::forget(move i1);
let i2 = ~0xA;
let i2p = cast::reinterpret_cast(&i2);
cast::forget(move i2);
let u1 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i1p};
let u2 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i2p};
let u1 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i1p};
let u2 = {a: 0xB, b: 0xC, c: i2p};
let x1 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u1, 42, i1p)
let x2 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u2, 42, i2p)
|||| = Some(x2);
|||| = Some(x1);
let x1 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u1, 42, i1p)
let x2 = @t({
mut next: None,
r: r(u2, 42, i2p)
|||| = Some(x2);
|||| = Some(x1);
@ -24,25 +24,27 @@ extern mod rustrt {
fn start_task(id: task_id, f: closure);
fn main() unsafe {
let po = oldcomm::Port();
let ch = oldcomm::Chan(&po);
let parent_sched_id = rustrt::rust_get_sched_id();
error!("parent %?", parent_sched_id);
let num_threads = 1u;
let new_sched_id = rustrt::rust_new_sched(num_threads);
error!("new_sched_id %?", new_sched_id);
let new_task_id = rustrt::rust_new_task_in_sched(new_sched_id);
assert !new_task_id.is_null();
let f = fn~() {
let child_sched_id = rustrt::rust_get_sched_id();
error!("child_sched_id %?", child_sched_id);
assert child_sched_id != parent_sched_id;
assert child_sched_id == new_sched_id;
oldcomm::send(ch, ());
let fptr = cast::reinterpret_cast(&ptr::addr_of(&f));
rustrt::start_task(new_task_id, fptr);
cast::forget(move f);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let po = oldcomm::Port();
let ch = oldcomm::Chan(&po);
let parent_sched_id = rustrt::rust_get_sched_id();
error!("parent %?", parent_sched_id);
let num_threads = 1u;
let new_sched_id = rustrt::rust_new_sched(num_threads);
error!("new_sched_id %?", new_sched_id);
let new_task_id = rustrt::rust_new_task_in_sched(new_sched_id);
assert !new_task_id.is_null();
let f = fn~() {
let child_sched_id = rustrt::rust_get_sched_id();
error!("child_sched_id %?", child_sched_id);
assert child_sched_id != parent_sched_id;
assert child_sched_id == new_sched_id;
oldcomm::send(ch, ());
let fptr = cast::reinterpret_cast(&ptr::addr_of(&f));
rustrt::start_task(new_task_id, fptr);
cast::forget(move f);
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn main() {
test_color(orange, 4, ~"orange");
fn test_color(color: color, val: int, name: ~str) unsafe {
fn test_color(color: color, val: int, name: ~str) {
//assert unsafe::reinterpret_cast(color) == val;
assert color as int == val;
assert color as float == val as float;
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
// in that type gets resolved.
extern mod std;
fn null<T>() -> *T unsafe { cast::reinterpret_cast(&0) }
fn null<T>() -> *T {
unsafe {
fn main() { null::<int>(); }
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
fn main() unsafe {
let i = ~@1;
let j = ~@2;
let rc1 = sys::refcount(*i);
let j = copy i;
let rc2 = sys::refcount(*i);
error!("rc1: %u rc2: %u", rc1, rc2);
assert rc1 + 1u == rc2;
fn main() {
unsafe {
let i = ~@1;
let j = ~@2;
let rc1 = sys::refcount(*i);
let j = copy i;
let rc2 = sys::refcount(*i);
error!("rc1: %u rc2: %u", rc1, rc2);
assert rc1 + 1u == rc2;
@ -20,9 +20,5 @@ fn g() {
fn h() unsafe {
fn main() {
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