Allow SSR to match type references, items, paths and patterns

Part of 
This commit is contained in:
David Lattimore 2020-06-17 16:53:51 +10:00
parent 3370c81525
commit 662ab2ecc8
10 changed files with 1480 additions and 555 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View file

@ -1075,6 +1075,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -1179,6 +1180,18 @@ dependencies = [
name = "ra_ssr"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
name = "ra_syntax"
version = "0.1.0"

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ ra_fmt = { path = "../ra_fmt" }
ra_prof = { path = "../ra_prof" }
test_utils = { path = "../test_utils" }
ra_assists = { path = "../ra_assists" }
ra_ssr = { path = "../ra_ssr" }
# ra_ide should depend only on the top-level `hir` package. if you need
# something from some `hir_xxx` subpackage, reexport the API via `hir`.

View file

@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ pub use crate::{
inlay_hints::{InlayHint, InlayHintsConfig, InlayKind},
references::{Declaration, Reference, ReferenceAccess, ReferenceKind, ReferenceSearchResult},
runnables::{Runnable, RunnableKind, TestId},
Highlight, HighlightModifier, HighlightModifiers, HighlightTag, HighlightedRange,
@ -89,6 +88,7 @@ pub use ra_ide_db::{
pub use ra_ssr::SsrError;
pub use ra_text_edit::{Indel, TextEdit};
pub type Cancelable<T> = Result<T, Canceled>;

View file

@ -1,31 +1,12 @@
use std::{collections::HashMap, iter::once, str::FromStr};
use ra_db::{SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt};
use ra_db::SourceDatabaseExt;
use ra_ide_db::{symbol_index::SymbolsDatabase, RootDatabase};
use ra_syntax::ast::{
make::try_expr_from_text, ArgList, AstToken, CallExpr, Comment, Expr, MethodCallExpr,
RecordField, RecordLit,
use ra_syntax::{AstNode, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode};
use ra_text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use crate::SourceFileEdit;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct SsrError(String);
impl std::fmt::Display for SsrError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Parse error: {}", self.0)
impl std::error::Error for SsrError {}
use ra_ssr::{MatchFinder, SsrError, SsrRule};
// Feature: Structural Seach and Replace
// Search and replace with named wildcards that will match any expression.
// Search and replace with named wildcards that will match any expression, type, path, pattern or item.
// The syntax for a structural search replace command is `<search_pattern> ==>> <replace_pattern>`.
// A `$<name>` placeholder in the search pattern will match any AST node and `$<name>` will reference it in the replacement.
// Available via the command `rust-analyzer.ssr`.
@ -46,550 +27,24 @@ impl std::error::Error for SsrError {}
// | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Structural Search Replace**
// |===
pub fn parse_search_replace(
query: &str,
rule: &str,
parse_only: bool,
db: &RootDatabase,
) -> Result<Vec<SourceFileEdit>, SsrError> {
let mut edits = vec![];
let query: SsrQuery = query.parse()?;
let rule: SsrRule = rule.parse()?;
if parse_only {
return Ok(edits);
let mut match_finder = MatchFinder::new(db);
for &root in db.local_roots().iter() {
let sr = db.source_root(root);
for file_id in sr.walk() {
let matches = find(&query.pattern, db.parse(file_id).tree().syntax());
if !matches.matches.is_empty() {
edits.push(SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit: replace(&matches, &query.template) });
if let Some(edit) = match_finder.edits_for_file(file_id) {
edits.push(SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit });
struct SsrQuery {
pattern: SsrPattern,
template: SsrTemplate,
struct SsrPattern {
pattern: SyntaxNode,
vars: Vec<Var>,
/// Represents a `$var` in an SSR query.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Var(String);
struct SsrTemplate {
template: SyntaxNode,
placeholders: FxHashMap<SyntaxNode, Var>,
type Binding = HashMap<Var, SyntaxNode>;
struct Match {
place: SyntaxNode,
binding: Binding,
ignored_comments: Vec<Comment>,
struct SsrMatches {
matches: Vec<Match>,
impl FromStr for SsrQuery {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(query: &str) -> Result<SsrQuery, SsrError> {
let mut it = query.split("==>>");
let pattern ="at least empty string").trim();
let mut template = it
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError("Cannot find delemiter `==>>`".into()))?
if {
return Err(SsrError("More than one delimiter found".into()));
let mut vars = vec![];
let mut it = pattern.split('$');
let mut pattern ="something").to_string();
for part in {
let (var, remainder) = part?;
let new_var = create_name(var, &mut vars)?;
template = replace_in_template(template, var, new_var);
let template = try_expr_from_text(&template)
.ok_or(SsrError("Template is not an expression".into()))?
let mut placeholders = FxHashMap::default();
traverse(&template, &mut |n| {
if let Some(v) = vars.iter().find(|v| v.0.as_str() == n.text()) {
placeholders.insert(n.clone(), v.clone());
} else {
let pattern = SsrPattern {
pattern: try_expr_from_text(&pattern)
.ok_or(SsrError("Pattern is not an expression".into()))?
let template = SsrTemplate { template, placeholders };
Ok(SsrQuery { pattern, template })
fn traverse(node: &SyntaxNode, go: &mut impl FnMut(&SyntaxNode) -> bool) {
if !go(node) {
for ref child in node.children() {
traverse(child, go);
fn split_by_var(s: &str) -> Result<(&str, &str), SsrError> {
let end_of_name = s.find(|c| !char::is_ascii_alphanumeric(&c)).unwrap_or_else(|| s.len());
let name = &s[..end_of_name];
Ok((name, &s[end_of_name..]))
fn is_name(s: &str) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
if s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '_') {
} else {
Err(SsrError("Name can contain only alphanumerics and _".into()))
fn replace_in_template(template: String, var: &str, new_var: &str) -> String {
let name = format!("${}", var);
template.replace(&name, new_var)
fn create_name<'a>(name: &str, vars: &'a mut Vec<Var>) -> Result<&'a str, SsrError> {
let sanitized_name = format!("__search_pattern_{}", name);
if vars.iter().any(|a| a.0 == sanitized_name) {
return Err(SsrError(format!("Name `{}` repeats more than once", name)));
fn find(pattern: &SsrPattern, code: &SyntaxNode) -> SsrMatches {
fn check_record_lit(
pattern: RecordLit,
code: RecordLit,
placeholders: &[Var],
match_: Match,
) -> Option<Match> {
let match_ = check_opt_nodes(pattern.path(), code.path(), placeholders, match_)?;
let mut pattern_fields: Vec<RecordField> =
pattern.record_field_list().map(|x| x.fields().collect()).unwrap_or_default();
let mut code_fields: Vec<RecordField> =
code.record_field_list().map(|x| x.fields().collect()).unwrap_or_default();
if pattern_fields.len() != code_fields.len() {
return None;
let by_name = |a: &RecordField, b: &RecordField| {
.map(|x| x.syntax().text().to_string())
.cmp(&b.name_ref().map(|x| x.syntax().text().to_string()))
|accum, (a, b)| {
accum.and_then(|match_| check_opt_nodes(Some(a), Some(b), placeholders, match_))
fn check_call_and_method_call(
pattern: CallExpr,
code: MethodCallExpr,
placeholders: &[Var],
match_: Match,
) -> Option<Match> {
let (pattern_name, pattern_type_args) = if let Some(Expr::PathExpr(path_exr)) =
let segment = path_exr.path().and_then(|p| p.segment());
(segment.as_ref().and_then(|s| s.name_ref()), segment.and_then(|s| s.type_arg_list()))
} else {
(None, None)
let match_ = check_opt_nodes(pattern_name, code.name_ref(), placeholders, match_)?;
let match_ =
check_opt_nodes(pattern_type_args, code.type_arg_list(), placeholders, match_)?;
let pattern_args = pattern.syntax().children().find_map(ArgList::cast)?.args();
let code_args = code.syntax().children().find_map(ArgList::cast)?.args();
let code_args = once(code.expr()?).chain(code_args);
check_iter(pattern_args, code_args, placeholders, match_)
fn check_method_call_and_call(
pattern: MethodCallExpr,
code: CallExpr,
placeholders: &[Var],
match_: Match,
) -> Option<Match> {
let (code_name, code_type_args) = if let Some(Expr::PathExpr(path_exr)) = code.expr() {
let segment = path_exr.path().and_then(|p| p.segment());
(segment.as_ref().and_then(|s| s.name_ref()), segment.and_then(|s| s.type_arg_list()))
} else {
(None, None)
let match_ = check_opt_nodes(pattern.name_ref(), code_name, placeholders, match_)?;
let match_ =
check_opt_nodes(pattern.type_arg_list(), code_type_args, placeholders, match_)?;
let code_args = code.syntax().children().find_map(ArgList::cast)?.args();
let pattern_args = pattern.syntax().children().find_map(ArgList::cast)?.args();
let pattern_args = once(pattern.expr()?).chain(pattern_args);
check_iter(pattern_args, code_args, placeholders, match_)
fn check_opt_nodes(
pattern: Option<impl AstNode>,
code: Option<impl AstNode>,
placeholders: &[Var],
match_: Match,
) -> Option<Match> {
match (pattern, code) {
(Some(pattern), Some(code)) => check(
(None, None) => Some(match_),
_ => None,
fn check_iter<T, I1, I2>(
mut pattern: I1,
mut code: I2,
placeholders: &[Var],
match_: Match,
) -> Option<Match>
T: AstNode,
I1: Iterator<Item = T>,
I2: Iterator<Item = T>,
.fold(Some(match_), |accum, (a, b)| {
accum.and_then(|match_| {
.filter(|_| &&
fn check(
pattern: &SyntaxElement,
code: &SyntaxElement,
placeholders: &[Var],
mut match_: Match,
) -> Option<Match> {
match (&pattern, &code) {
(SyntaxElement::Token(pattern), SyntaxElement::Token(code)) => {
if pattern.text() == code.text() {
} else {
(SyntaxElement::Node(pattern), SyntaxElement::Node(code)) => {
if placeholders.iter().any(|n| n.0.as_str() == pattern.text()) {
match_.binding.insert(Var(pattern.text().to_string()), code.clone());
} else {
if let (Some(pattern), Some(code)) =
(RecordLit::cast(pattern.clone()), RecordLit::cast(code.clone()))
check_record_lit(pattern, code, placeholders, match_)
} else if let (Some(pattern), Some(code)) =
(CallExpr::cast(pattern.clone()), MethodCallExpr::cast(code.clone()))
check_call_and_method_call(pattern, code, placeholders, match_)
} else if let (Some(pattern), Some(code)) =
(MethodCallExpr::cast(pattern.clone()), CallExpr::cast(code.clone()))
check_method_call_and_call(pattern, code, placeholders, match_)
} else {
let mut pattern_children = pattern
.filter(|element| !element.kind().is_trivia());
let mut code_children = code
.filter(|element| !element.kind().is_trivia());
let new_ignored_comments =
code.children_with_tokens().filter_map(|element| {
element.as_token().and_then(|token| Comment::cast(token.clone()))
.fold(Some(match_), |accum, (a, b)| {
accum.and_then(|match_| check(&a, &b, placeholders, match_))
.filter(|_| { &&
_ => None,
let kind = pattern.pattern.kind();
let matches = code
.filter(|n| {
n.kind() == kind
|| (kind == SyntaxKind::CALL_EXPR && n.kind() == SyntaxKind::METHOD_CALL_EXPR)
|| (kind == SyntaxKind::METHOD_CALL_EXPR && n.kind() == SyntaxKind::CALL_EXPR)
.filter_map(|code| {
let match_ =
Match { place: code.clone(), binding: HashMap::new(), ignored_comments: vec![] };
check(&pattern.pattern.clone().into(), &code.into(), &pattern.vars, match_)
SsrMatches { matches }
fn replace(matches: &SsrMatches, template: &SsrTemplate) -> TextEdit {
let mut builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
for match_ in &matches.matches {
render_replace(&match_.binding, &match_.ignored_comments, template),
fn render_replace(
binding: &Binding,
ignored_comments: &Vec<Comment>,
template: &SsrTemplate,
) -> String {
let edit = {
let mut builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
for element in template.template.descendants() {
if let Some(var) = template.placeholders.get(&element) {
builder.replace(element.text_range(), binding[var].to_string())
for comment in ignored_comments {
builder.insert(template.template.text_range().end(), comment.syntax().to_string())
let mut text = template.template.text().to_string();
edit.apply(&mut text);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use ra_syntax::SourceFile;
fn parse_error_text(query: &str) -> String {
format!("{}", query.parse::<SsrQuery>().unwrap_err())
fn parser_happy_case() {
let result: SsrQuery = "foo($a, $b) ==>> bar($b, $a)".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&result.pattern.pattern.text(), "foo(__search_pattern_a, __search_pattern_b)");
assert_eq!(result.pattern.vars.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(result.pattern.vars[0].0, "__search_pattern_a");
assert_eq!(result.pattern.vars[1].0, "__search_pattern_b");
assert_eq!(&result.template.template.text(), "bar(__search_pattern_b, __search_pattern_a)");
fn parser_empty_query() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text(""), "Parse error: Cannot find delemiter `==>>`");
fn parser_no_delimiter() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text("foo()"), "Parse error: Cannot find delemiter `==>>`");
fn parser_two_delimiters() {
parse_error_text("foo() ==>> a ==>> b "),
"Parse error: More than one delimiter found"
fn parser_repeated_name() {
parse_error_text("foo($a, $a) ==>>"),
"Parse error: Name `a` repeats more than once"
fn parser_invlid_pattern() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text(" ==>> ()"), "Parse error: Pattern is not an expression");
fn parser_invlid_template() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text("() ==>> )"), "Parse error: Template is not an expression");
fn parse_match_replace() {
let query: SsrQuery = "foo($x) ==>> bar($x)".parse().unwrap();
let input = "fn main() { foo(1+2); }";
let code = SourceFile::parse(input).tree();
let matches = find(&query.pattern, code.syntax());
assert_eq!(matches.matches.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].place.text(), "foo(1+2)");
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].binding.len(), 1);
let edit = replace(&matches, &query.template);
let mut after = input.to_string();
edit.apply(&mut after);
assert_eq!(after, "fn main() { bar(1+2); }");
fn assert_ssr_transform(query: &str, input: &str, result: &str) {
let query: SsrQuery = query.parse().unwrap();
let code = SourceFile::parse(input).tree();
let matches = find(&query.pattern, code.syntax());
let edit = replace(&matches, &query.template);
let mut after = input.to_string();
edit.apply(&mut after);
assert_eq!(after, result);
fn ssr_function_to_method() {
"my_function($a, $b) ==>> ($a).my_method($b)",
"loop { my_function( other_func(x, y), z + w) }",
"loop { (other_func(x, y)).my_method(z + w) }",
fn ssr_nested_function() {
"foo($a, $b, $c) ==>> bar($c, baz($a, $b))",
"fn main { foo (x + value.method(b), x+y-z, true && false) }",
"fn main { bar(true && false, baz(x + value.method(b), x+y-z)) }",
fn ssr_expected_spacing() {
"foo($x) + bar() ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo(5) + bar() }",
"fn main() { bar(5) }",
fn ssr_with_extra_space() {
"foo($x ) + bar() ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo( 5 ) +bar( ) }",
"fn main() { bar(5) }",
fn ssr_keeps_nested_comment() {
"foo($x) ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo(other(5 /* using 5 */)) }",
"fn main() { bar(other(5 /* using 5 */)) }",
fn ssr_keeps_comment() {
"foo($x) ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo(5 /* using 5 */) }",
"fn main() { bar(5)/* using 5 */ }",
fn ssr_struct_lit() {
"foo{a: $a, b: $b} ==>> foo::new($a, $b)",
"fn main() { foo{b:2, a:1} }",
"fn main() { foo::new(1, 2) }",
fn ssr_call_and_method_call() {
"foo::<'a>($a, $b)) ==>> foo2($a, $b)",
"fn main() { get()<'a>(1); }",
"fn main() { foo2(get().bar, 1); }",
fn ssr_method_call_and_call() {
"$<i32>($a)) ==>> $o.foo2($a)",
"fn main() { X::foo::<i32>(x, 1); }",
"fn main() { x.foo2(1); }",

crates/ra_ssr/Cargo.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
edition = "2018"
name = "ra_ssr"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["rust-analyzer developers"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
description = "Structural search and replace of Rust code"
repository = ""
doctest = false
ra_text_edit = { path = "../ra_text_edit" }
ra_syntax = { path = "../ra_syntax" }
ra_db = { path = "../ra_db" }
ra_ide_db = { path = "../ra_ide_db" }
hir = { path = "../ra_hir", package = "ra_hir" }
rustc-hash = "1.1.0"

crates/ra_ssr/src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
//! Structural Search Replace
//! Allows searching the AST for code that matches one or more patterns and then replacing that code
//! based on a template.
mod matching;
mod parsing;
mod replacing;
mod tests;
use crate::matching::Match;
use hir::Semantics;
use ra_db::{FileId, FileRange};
use ra_syntax::{AstNode, SmolStr, SyntaxNode};
use ra_text_edit::TextEdit;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
// A structured search replace rule. Create by calling `parse` on a str.
pub struct SsrRule {
/// A structured pattern that we're searching for.
pattern: SsrPattern,
/// What we'll replace it with.
template: parsing::SsrTemplate,
struct SsrPattern {
raw: parsing::RawSearchPattern,
/// Placeholders keyed by the stand-in ident that we use in Rust source code.
placeholders_by_stand_in: FxHashMap<SmolStr, parsing::Placeholder>,
// We store our search pattern, parsed as each different kind of thing we can look for. As we
// traverse the AST, we get the appropriate one of these for the type of node we're on. For many
// search patterns, only some of these will be present.
expr: Option<SyntaxNode>,
type_ref: Option<SyntaxNode>,
item: Option<SyntaxNode>,
path: Option<SyntaxNode>,
pattern: Option<SyntaxNode>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct SsrError(String);
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct SsrMatches {
matches: Vec<Match>,
/// Searches a crate for pattern matches and possibly replaces them with something else.
pub struct MatchFinder<'db> {
/// Our source of information about the user's code.
sema: Semantics<'db, ra_ide_db::RootDatabase>,
rules: Vec<SsrRule>,
impl<'db> MatchFinder<'db> {
pub fn new(db: &'db ra_ide_db::RootDatabase) -> MatchFinder<'db> {
MatchFinder { sema: Semantics::new(db), rules: Vec::new() }
pub fn add_rule(&mut self, rule: SsrRule) {
pub fn edits_for_file(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Option<TextEdit> {
let matches = self.find_matches_in_file(file_id);
if matches.matches.is_empty() {
} else {
fn find_matches_in_file(&self, file_id: FileId) -> SsrMatches {
let file = self.sema.parse(file_id);
let code = file.syntax();
let mut matches = SsrMatches::default();
self.find_matches(code, &None, &mut matches);
fn find_matches(
code: &SyntaxNode,
restrict_range: &Option<FileRange>,
matches_out: &mut SsrMatches,
) {
for rule in &self.rules {
if let Ok(mut m) = matching::get_match(false, rule, &code, restrict_range, &self.sema) {
// Continue searching in each of our placeholders.
for placeholder_value in m.placeholder_values.values_mut() {
// Don't search our placeholder if it's the entire matched node, otherwise we'd
// find the same match over and over until we got a stack overflow.
if placeholder_value.node != *code {
&mut placeholder_value.inner_matches,
for child in code.children() {
self.find_matches(&child, restrict_range, matches_out);
impl std::fmt::Display for SsrError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Parse error: {}", self.0)
impl std::error::Error for SsrError {}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
//! This module is responsible for matching a search pattern against a node in the AST. In the
//! process of matching, placeholder values are recorded.
use crate::{
parsing::{Placeholder, SsrTemplate},
SsrMatches, SsrPattern, SsrRule,
use hir::Semantics;
use ra_db::FileRange;
use ra_syntax::ast::{AstNode, AstToken};
use ra_syntax::{
ast, SyntaxElement, SyntaxElementChildren, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TextRange,
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use std::{cell::Cell, iter::Peekable};
// Creates a match error. If we're currently attempting to match some code that we thought we were
// going to match, as indicated by the --debug-snippet flag, then populate the reason field.
macro_rules! match_error {
($e:expr) => {{
MatchFailed {
reason: if recording_match_fail_reasons() {
Some(format!("{}", $e))
} else {
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {{
MatchFailed {
reason: if recording_match_fail_reasons() {
Some(format!($fmt, $($arg)+))
} else {
// Fails the current match attempt, recording the supplied reason if we're recording match fail reasons.
macro_rules! fail_match {
($($args:tt)*) => {return Err(match_error!($($args)*))};
/// Information about a match that was found.
pub(crate) struct Match {
pub(crate) range: TextRange,
pub(crate) matched_node: SyntaxNode,
pub(crate) placeholder_values: FxHashMap<Var, PlaceholderMatch>,
pub(crate) ignored_comments: Vec<ast::Comment>,
// A copy of the template for the rule that produced this match. We store this on the match for
// if/when we do replacement.
pub(crate) template: SsrTemplate,
/// Represents a `$var` in an SSR query.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct Var(pub String);
/// Information about a placeholder bound in a match.
pub(crate) struct PlaceholderMatch {
/// The node that the placeholder matched to.
pub(crate) node: SyntaxNode,
pub(crate) range: FileRange,
/// More matches, found within `node`.
pub(crate) inner_matches: SsrMatches,
pub(crate) struct MatchFailureReason {
pub(crate) reason: String,
/// An "error" indicating that matching failed. Use the fail_match! macro to create and return this.
pub(crate) struct MatchFailed {
/// The reason why we failed to match. Only present when debug_active true in call to
/// `get_match`.
pub(crate) reason: Option<String>,
/// Checks if `code` matches the search pattern found in `search_scope`, returning information about
/// the match, if it does. Since we only do matching in this module and searching is done by the
/// parent module, we don't populate nested matches.
pub(crate) fn get_match(
debug_active: bool,
rule: &SsrRule,
code: &SyntaxNode,
restrict_range: &Option<FileRange>,
sema: &Semantics<ra_ide_db::RootDatabase>,
) -> Result<Match, MatchFailed> {
record_match_fails_reasons_scope(debug_active, || {
MatchState::try_match(rule, code, restrict_range, sema)
/// Inputs to matching. This cannot be part of `MatchState`, since we mutate `MatchState` and in at
/// least one case need to hold a borrow of a placeholder from the input pattern while calling a
/// mutable `MatchState` method.
struct MatchInputs<'pattern> {
ssr_pattern: &'pattern SsrPattern,
/// State used while attempting to match our search pattern against a particular node of the AST.
struct MatchState<'db, 'sema> {
sema: &'sema Semantics<'db, ra_ide_db::RootDatabase>,
/// If any placeholders come from anywhere outside of this range, then the match will be
/// rejected.
restrict_range: Option<FileRange>,
/// The match that we're building. We do two passes for a successful match. On the first pass,
/// this is None so that we can avoid doing things like storing copies of what placeholders
/// matched to. If that pass succeeds, then we do a second pass where we collect those details.
/// This means that if we have a pattern like `$` we won't do an insert into the
/// placeholders map for every single method call in the codebase. Instead we'll discard all the
/// method calls that aren't calls to `foo` on the first pass and only insert into the
/// placeholders map on the second pass. Likewise for ignored comments.
match_out: Option<Match>,
impl<'db, 'sema> MatchState<'db, 'sema> {
fn try_match(
rule: &SsrRule,
code: &SyntaxNode,
restrict_range: &Option<FileRange>,
sema: &'sema Semantics<'db, ra_ide_db::RootDatabase>,
) -> Result<Match, MatchFailed> {
let mut match_state =
MatchState { sema, restrict_range: restrict_range.clone(), match_out: None };
let match_inputs = MatchInputs { ssr_pattern: &rule.pattern };
let pattern_tree = rule.pattern.tree_for_kind(code.kind())?;
// First pass at matching, where we check that node types and idents match.
match_state.attempt_match_node(&match_inputs, &pattern_tree, code)?;
match_state.match_out = Some(Match {
range: sema.original_range(code).range,
matched_node: code.clone(),
placeholder_values: FxHashMap::default(),
ignored_comments: Vec::new(),
template: rule.template.clone(),
// Second matching pass, where we record placeholder matches, ignored comments and maybe do
// any other more expensive checks that we didn't want to do on the first pass.
match_state.attempt_match_node(&match_inputs, &pattern_tree, code)?;
/// Checks that `range` is within the permitted range if any. This is applicable when we're
/// processing a macro expansion and we want to fail the match if we're working with a node that
/// didn't originate from the token tree of the macro call.
fn validate_range(&self, range: &FileRange) -> Result<(), MatchFailed> {
if let Some(restrict_range) = &self.restrict_range {
if restrict_range.file_id != range.file_id
|| !restrict_range.range.contains_range(range.range)
fail_match!("Node originated from a macro");
fn attempt_match_node(
&mut self,
match_inputs: &MatchInputs,
pattern: &SyntaxNode,
code: &SyntaxNode,
) -> Result<(), MatchFailed> {
// Handle placeholders.
if let Some(placeholder) =
if self.match_out.is_none() {
return Ok(());
let original_range = self.sema.original_range(code);
// We validated the range for the node when we started the match, so the placeholder
// probably can't fail range validation, but just to be safe...
if let Some(match_out) = &mut self.match_out {
PlaceholderMatch::new(code, original_range),
return Ok(());
// Non-placeholders.
if pattern.kind() != code.kind() {
fail_match!("Pattern had a {:?}, code had {:?}", pattern.kind(), code.kind());
// Some kinds of nodes have special handling. For everything else, we fall back to default
// matching.
match code.kind() {
SyntaxKind::RECORD_FIELD_LIST => {
self.attempt_match_record_field_list(match_inputs, pattern, code)
_ => self.attempt_match_node_children(match_inputs, pattern, code),
fn attempt_match_node_children(
&mut self,
match_inputs: &MatchInputs,
pattern: &SyntaxNode,
code: &SyntaxNode,
) -> Result<(), MatchFailed> {
fn attempt_match_sequences(
&mut self,
match_inputs: &MatchInputs,
pattern_it: PatternIterator,
mut code_it: SyntaxElementChildren,
) -> Result<(), MatchFailed> {
let mut pattern_it = pattern_it.peekable();
loop {
match self.next_non_trivial(&mut code_it) {
None => {
if let Some(p) = {
fail_match!("Part of the pattern was unmached: {:?}", p);
return Ok(());
Some(SyntaxElement::Token(c)) => {
self.attempt_match_token(&mut pattern_it, &c)?;
Some(SyntaxElement::Node(c)) => match {
Some(SyntaxElement::Node(p)) => {
self.attempt_match_node(match_inputs, &p, &c)?;
Some(p) => fail_match!("Pattern wanted '{}', code has {}", p, c.text()),
None => fail_match!("Pattern reached end, code has {}", c.text()),
fn attempt_match_token(
&mut self,
pattern: &mut Peekable<PatternIterator>,
code: &ra_syntax::SyntaxToken,
) -> Result<(), MatchFailed> {
// Ignore whitespace and comments.
if code.kind().is_trivia() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(SyntaxElement::Token(p)) = pattern.peek() {
// If the code has a comma and the pattern is about to close something, then accept the
// comma without advancing the pattern. i.e. ignore trailing commas.
if code.kind() == SyntaxKind::COMMA && is_closing_token(p.kind()) {
return Ok(());
// Conversely, if the pattern has a comma and the code doesn't, skip that part of the
// pattern and continue to match the code.
if p.kind() == SyntaxKind::COMMA && is_closing_token(code.kind()) {;
// Consume an element from the pattern and make sure it matches.
match {
Some(SyntaxElement::Token(p)) => {
if p.kind() != code.kind() || p.text() != code.text() {
"Pattern wanted token '{}' ({:?}), but code had token '{}' ({:?})",
Some(SyntaxElement::Node(p)) => {
// Not sure if this is actually reachable.
"Pattern wanted {:?}, but code had token '{}' ({:?})",
None => {
fail_match!("Pattern exhausted, while code remains: `{}`", code.text());
/// We want to allow the records to match in any order, so we have special matching logic for
/// them.
fn attempt_match_record_field_list(
&mut self,
match_inputs: &MatchInputs,
pattern: &SyntaxNode,
code: &SyntaxNode,
) -> Result<(), MatchFailed> {
// Build a map keyed by field name.
let mut fields_by_name = FxHashMap::default();
for child in code.children() {
if let Some(record) = ast::RecordField::cast(child.clone()) {
if let Some(name) = record.field_name() {
fields_by_name.insert(name.text().clone(), child.clone());
for p in pattern.children_with_tokens() {
if let SyntaxElement::Node(p) = p {
if let Some(name_element) = p.first_child_or_token() {
if match_inputs.get_placeholder(&name_element).is_some() {
// If the pattern is using placeholders for field names then order
// independence doesn't make sense. Fall back to regular ordered
// matching.
return self.attempt_match_node_children(match_inputs, pattern, code);
if let Some(ident) = only_ident(name_element) {
let code_record = fields_by_name.remove(ident.text()).ok_or_else(|| {
"Placeholder has record field '{}', but code doesn't",
self.attempt_match_node(match_inputs, &p, &code_record)?;
if let Some(unmatched_fields) = fields_by_name.keys().next() {
"{} field(s) of a record literal failed to match, starting with {}",
fn next_non_trivial(&mut self, code_it: &mut SyntaxElementChildren) -> Option<SyntaxElement> {
loop {
let c =;
if let Some(SyntaxElement::Token(t)) = &c {
if t.kind().is_trivia() {
return c;
fn record_ignored_comments(&mut self, token: &SyntaxToken) {
if token.kind() == SyntaxKind::COMMENT {
if let Some(match_out) = &mut self.match_out {
if let Some(comment) = ast::Comment::cast(token.clone()) {
impl MatchInputs<'_> {
fn get_placeholder(&self, element: &SyntaxElement) -> Option<&Placeholder> {
.and_then(|ident| self.ssr_pattern.placeholders_by_stand_in.get(ident.text()))
fn is_closing_token(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool {
kind == SyntaxKind::R_PAREN || kind == SyntaxKind::R_CURLY || kind == SyntaxKind::R_BRACK
pub(crate) fn record_match_fails_reasons_scope<F, T>(debug_active: bool, f: F) -> T
F: Fn() -> T,
RECORDING_MATCH_FAIL_REASONS.with(|c| c.set(debug_active));
let res = f();
RECORDING_MATCH_FAIL_REASONS.with(|c| c.set(false));
// For performance reasons, we don't want to record the reason why every match fails, only the bit
// of code that the user indicated they thought would match. We use a thread local to indicate when
// we are trying to match that bit of code. This saves us having to pass a boolean into all the bits
// of code that can make the decision to not match.
thread_local! {
pub static RECORDING_MATCH_FAIL_REASONS: Cell<bool> = Cell::new(false);
fn recording_match_fail_reasons() -> bool {
impl PlaceholderMatch {
fn new(node: &SyntaxNode, range: FileRange) -> Self {
Self { node: node.clone(), range, inner_matches: SsrMatches::default() }
impl SsrPattern {
pub(crate) fn tree_for_kind(&self, kind: SyntaxKind) -> Result<&SyntaxNode, MatchFailed> {
let (tree, kind_name) = if ast::Expr::can_cast(kind) {
(&self.expr, "expression")
} else if ast::TypeRef::can_cast(kind) {
(&self.type_ref, "type reference")
} else if ast::ModuleItem::can_cast(kind) {
(&self.item, "item")
} else if ast::Path::can_cast(kind) {
(&self.path, "path")
} else if ast::Pat::can_cast(kind) {
(&self.pattern, "pattern")
} else {
fail_match!("Matching nodes of kind {:?} is not supported", kind);
match tree {
Some(tree) => Ok(tree),
None => fail_match!("Pattern cannot be parsed as a {}", kind_name),
// If `node` contains nothing but an ident then return it, otherwise return None.
fn only_ident(element: SyntaxElement) -> Option<SyntaxToken> {
match element {
SyntaxElement::Token(t) => {
if t.kind() == SyntaxKind::IDENT {
return Some(t);
SyntaxElement::Node(n) => {
let mut children = n.children_with_tokens();
if let (Some(only_child), None) = (, {
return only_ident(only_child);
struct PatternIterator {
iter: SyntaxElementChildren,
impl Iterator for PatternIterator {
type Item = SyntaxElement;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<SyntaxElement> {
while let Some(element) = {
if !element.kind().is_trivia() {
return Some(element);
impl PatternIterator {
fn new(parent: &SyntaxNode) -> Self {
Self { iter: parent.children_with_tokens() }
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::MatchFinder;
fn parse_match_replace() {
let rule: SsrRule = "foo($x) ==>> bar($x)".parse().unwrap();
let input = "fn main() { foo(1+2); }";
use ra_db::fixture::WithFixture;
let (db, file_id) = ra_ide_db::RootDatabase::with_single_file(input);
let mut match_finder = MatchFinder::new(&db);
let matches = match_finder.find_matches_in_file(file_id);
assert_eq!(matches.matches.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].matched_node.text(), "foo(1+2)");
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].placeholder_values.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].placeholder_values[&Var("x".to_string())].node.text(), "1+2");
let edit = crate::replacing::matches_to_edit(&matches);
let mut after = input.to_string();
edit.apply(&mut after);
assert_eq!(after, "fn main() { bar(1+2); }");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
//! This file contains code for parsing SSR rules, which look something like `foo($a) ==>> bar($b)`.
//! We first split everything before and after the separator `==>>`. Next, both the search pattern
//! and the replacement template get tokenized by the Rust tokenizer. Tokens are then searched for
//! placeholders, which start with `$`. For replacement templates, this is the final form. For
//! search patterns, we go further and parse the pattern as each kind of thing that we can match.
//! e.g. expressions, type references etc.
use crate::{SsrError, SsrPattern, SsrRule};
use ra_syntax::{ast, AstNode, SmolStr, SyntaxKind};
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use std::str::FromStr;
/// Returns from the current function with an error, supplied by arguments as for format!
macro_rules! bail {
($e:expr) => {return Err($crate::SsrError::new($e))};
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {return Err($crate::SsrError::new(format!($fmt, $($arg)+)))}
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct SsrTemplate {
pub(crate) tokens: Vec<PatternElement>,
pub(crate) struct RawSearchPattern {
tokens: Vec<PatternElement>,
// Part of a search or replace pattern.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum PatternElement {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Placeholder {
/// The name of this placeholder. e.g. for "$a", this would be "a"
pub(crate) ident: SmolStr,
/// A unique name used in place of this placeholder when we parse the pattern as Rust code.
stand_in_name: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Token {
kind: SyntaxKind,
pub(crate) text: SmolStr,
impl FromStr for SsrRule {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(query: &str) -> Result<SsrRule, SsrError> {
let mut it = query.split("==>>");
let pattern ="at least empty string").trim();
let template = it
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError("Cannot find delemiter `==>>`".into()))?
if {
return Err(SsrError("More than one delimiter found".into()));
let rule = SsrRule { pattern: pattern.parse()?, template: template.parse()? };
impl FromStr for RawSearchPattern {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<RawSearchPattern, SsrError> {
Ok(RawSearchPattern { tokens: parse_pattern(pattern_str)? })
impl RawSearchPattern {
/// Returns this search pattern as Rust source code that we can feed to the Rust parser.
fn as_rust_code(&self) -> String {
let mut res = String::new();
for t in &self.tokens {
res.push_str(match t {
PatternElement::Token(token) => token.text.as_str(),
PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) => placeholder.stand_in_name.as_str(),
fn placeholders_by_stand_in(&self) -> FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder> {
let mut res = FxHashMap::default();
for t in &self.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = t {
res.insert(SmolStr::new(placeholder.stand_in_name.clone()), placeholder.clone());
impl FromStr for SsrPattern {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<SsrPattern, SsrError> {
let raw: RawSearchPattern = pattern_str.parse()?;
let raw_str = raw.as_rust_code();
let res = SsrPattern {
expr: ast::Expr::parse(&raw_str).ok().map(|n| n.syntax().clone()),
type_ref: ast::TypeRef::parse(&raw_str).ok().map(|n| n.syntax().clone()),
item: ast::ModuleItem::parse(&raw_str).ok().map(|n| n.syntax().clone()),
path: ast::Path::parse(&raw_str).ok().map(|n| n.syntax().clone()),
pattern: ast::Pat::parse(&raw_str).ok().map(|n| n.syntax().clone()),
placeholders_by_stand_in: raw.placeholders_by_stand_in(),
if res.expr.is_none()
&& res.type_ref.is_none()
&& res.item.is_none()
&& res.path.is_none()
&& res.pattern.is_none()
bail!("Pattern is not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern");
impl FromStr for SsrTemplate {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<SsrTemplate, SsrError> {
let tokens = parse_pattern(pattern_str)?;
// Validate that the template is a valid fragment of Rust code. We reuse the validation
// logic for search patterns since the only thing that differs is the error message.
if SsrPattern::from_str(pattern_str).is_err() {
bail!("Replacement is not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern");
// Our actual template needs to preserve whitespace, so we can't reuse `tokens`.
Ok(SsrTemplate { tokens })
/// Returns `pattern_str`, parsed as a search or replace pattern. If `remove_whitespace` is true,
/// then any whitespace tokens will be removed, which we do for the search pattern, but not for the
/// replace pattern.
fn parse_pattern(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<Vec<PatternElement>, SsrError> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let mut placeholder_names = FxHashSet::default();
let mut tokens = tokenize(pattern_str)?.into_iter();
while let Some(token) = {
if token.kind == SyntaxKind::DOLLAR {
let placeholder = parse_placeholder(&mut tokens)?;
if !placeholder_names.insert(placeholder.ident.clone()) {
bail!("Name `{}` repeats more than once", placeholder.ident);
} else {
/// Checks for errors in a rule. e.g. the replace pattern referencing placeholders that the search
/// pattern didn't define.
fn validate_rule(rule: &SsrRule) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
let mut defined_placeholders = std::collections::HashSet::new();
for p in &rule.pattern.raw.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = p {
let mut undefined = Vec::new();
for p in &rule.template.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = p {
if !defined_placeholders.contains(&placeholder.ident) {
undefined.push(format!("${}", placeholder.ident));
if !undefined.is_empty() {
bail!("Replacement contains undefined placeholders: {}", undefined.join(", "));
fn tokenize(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, SsrError> {
let mut start = 0;
let (raw_tokens, errors) = ra_syntax::tokenize(source);
if let Some(first_error) = errors.first() {
bail!("Failed to parse pattern: {}", first_error);
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
for raw_token in raw_tokens {
let token_len = usize::from(raw_token.len);
tokens.push(Token {
kind: raw_token.kind,
text: SmolStr::new(&source[start..start + token_len]),
start += token_len;
fn parse_placeholder(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>) -> Result<Placeholder, SsrError> {
let mut name = None;
if let Some(token) = {
match token.kind {
SyntaxKind::IDENT => {
name = Some(token.text);
_ => {
bail!("Placeholders should be $name");
let name = name.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Placeholder ($) with no name"))?;
impl Placeholder {
fn new(name: SmolStr) -> Self {
Self { stand_in_name: format!("__placeholder_{}", name), ident: name }
impl SsrError {
fn new(message: impl Into<String>) -> SsrError {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parser_happy_case() {
fn token(kind: SyntaxKind, text: &str) -> PatternElement {
PatternElement::Token(Token { kind, text: SmolStr::new(text) })
fn placeholder(name: &str) -> PatternElement {
let result: SsrRule = "foo($a, $b) ==>> bar($b, $a)".parse().unwrap();
token(SyntaxKind::IDENT, "foo"),
token(SyntaxKind::L_PAREN, "("),
token(SyntaxKind::COMMA, ","),
token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, " "),
token(SyntaxKind::R_PAREN, ")"),
token(SyntaxKind::IDENT, "bar"),
token(SyntaxKind::L_PAREN, "("),
token(SyntaxKind::COMMA, ","),
token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, " "),
token(SyntaxKind::R_PAREN, ")"),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
//! Code for applying replacement templates for matches that have previously been found.
use crate::matching::Var;
use crate::parsing::PatternElement;
use crate::{Match, SsrMatches};
use ra_syntax::ast::AstToken;
use ra_syntax::TextSize;
use ra_text_edit::TextEdit;
/// Returns a text edit that will replace each match in `matches` with its corresponding replacement
/// template. Placeholders in the template will have been substituted with whatever they matched to
/// in the original code.
pub(crate) fn matches_to_edit(matches: &SsrMatches) -> TextEdit {
matches_to_edit_at_offset(matches, 0.into())
fn matches_to_edit_at_offset(matches: &SsrMatches, relative_start: TextSize) -> TextEdit {
let mut edit_builder = ra_text_edit::TextEditBuilder::default();
for m in &matches.matches {
edit_builder.replace(m.range.checked_sub(relative_start).unwrap(), render_replace(m));
fn render_replace(match_info: &Match) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
for r in &match_info.template.tokens {
match r {
PatternElement::Token(t) => out.push_str(t.text.as_str()),
PatternElement::Placeholder(p) => {
if let Some(placeholder_value) =
let range = &placeholder_value.range.range;
let mut matched_text = placeholder_value.node.text().to_string();
let edit =
matches_to_edit_at_offset(&placeholder_value.inner_matches, range.start());
edit.apply(&mut matched_text);
} else {
// We validated that all placeholder references were valid before we
// started, so this shouldn't happen.
"Internal error: replacement referenced unknown placeholder {}",
for comment in &match_info.ignored_comments {

crates/ra_ssr/src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
use crate::matching::MatchFailureReason;
use crate::{matching, Match, MatchFinder, SsrMatches, SsrPattern, SsrRule};
use matching::record_match_fails_reasons_scope;
use ra_db::{FileId, FileRange, SourceDatabaseExt};
use ra_syntax::ast::AstNode;
use ra_syntax::{ast, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, TextRange};
struct MatchDebugInfo {
node: SyntaxNode,
/// Our search pattern parsed as the same kind of syntax node as `node`. e.g. expression, item,
/// etc. Will be absent if the pattern can't be parsed as that kind.
pattern: Result<SyntaxNode, MatchFailureReason>,
matched: Result<Match, MatchFailureReason>,
impl SsrPattern {
pub(crate) fn tree_for_kind_with_reason(
kind: SyntaxKind,
) -> Result<&SyntaxNode, MatchFailureReason> {
record_match_fails_reasons_scope(true, || self.tree_for_kind(kind))
.map_err(|e| MatchFailureReason { reason: e.reason.unwrap() })
impl std::fmt::Debug for MatchDebugInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "========= PATTERN ==========\n")?;
match &self.pattern {
Ok(pattern) => {
write!(f, "{:#?}", pattern)?;
Err(err) => {
write!(f, "{}", err.reason)?;
"\n============ AST ===========\n\
match &self.matched {
Ok(_) => write!(f, "Node matched")?,
Err(reason) => write!(f, "Node failed to match because: {}", reason.reason)?,
impl SsrMatches {
/// Returns `self` with any nested matches removed and made into top-level matches.
pub(crate) fn flattened(self) -> SsrMatches {
let mut out = SsrMatches::default();
self.flatten_into(&mut out);
fn flatten_into(self, out: &mut SsrMatches) {
for mut m in self.matches {
for p in m.placeholder_values.values_mut() {
std::mem::replace(&mut p.inner_matches, SsrMatches::default()).flatten_into(out);
impl Match {
pub(crate) fn matched_text(&self) -> String {
impl<'db> MatchFinder<'db> {
/// Adds a search pattern. For use if you intend to only call `find_matches_in_file`. If you
/// intend to do replacement, use `add_rule` instead.
fn add_search_pattern(&mut self, pattern: SsrPattern) {
self.add_rule(SsrRule { pattern, template: "()".parse().unwrap() })
/// Finds all nodes in `file_id` whose text is exactly equal to `snippet` and attempts to match
/// them, while recording reasons why they don't match. This API is useful for command
/// line-based debugging where providing a range is difficult.
fn debug_where_text_equal(&self, file_id: FileId, snippet: &str) -> Vec<MatchDebugInfo> {
let file = self.sema.parse(file_id);
let mut res = Vec::new();
let file_text = self.sema.db.file_text(file_id);
let mut remaining_text = file_text.as_str();
let mut base = 0;
let len = snippet.len() as u32;
while let Some(offset) = remaining_text.find(snippet) {
let start = base + offset as u32;
let end = start + len;
TextRange::new(start.into(), end.into()),
&mut res,
remaining_text = &remaining_text[offset + snippet.len()..];
base = end;
fn output_debug_for_nodes_at_range(
node: &SyntaxNode,
range: TextRange,
restrict_range: &Option<FileRange>,
out: &mut Vec<MatchDebugInfo>,
) {
for node in node.children() {
if !node.text_range().contains_range(range) {
if node.text_range() == range {
for rule in &self.rules {
let pattern =
rule.pattern.tree_for_kind_with_reason(node.kind()).map(|p| p.clone());
out.push(MatchDebugInfo {
matched: matching::get_match(true, rule, &node, restrict_range, &self.sema)
.map_err(|e| MatchFailureReason {
reason: e.reason.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Match failed, but no reason was given".to_owned()
node: node.clone(),
} else if let Some(macro_call) = ast::MacroCall::cast(node.clone()) {
if let Some(expanded) = self.sema.expand(&macro_call) {
if let Some(tt) = macro_call.token_tree() {
fn parse_error_text(query: &str) -> String {
format!("{}", query.parse::<SsrRule>().unwrap_err())
fn parser_empty_query() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text(""), "Parse error: Cannot find delemiter `==>>`");
fn parser_no_delimiter() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text("foo()"), "Parse error: Cannot find delemiter `==>>`");
fn parser_two_delimiters() {
parse_error_text("foo() ==>> a ==>> b "),
"Parse error: More than one delimiter found"
fn parser_repeated_name() {
parse_error_text("foo($a, $a) ==>>"),
"Parse error: Name `a` repeats more than once"
fn parser_invalid_pattern() {
parse_error_text(" ==>> ()"),
"Parse error: Pattern is not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern"
fn parser_invalid_template() {
parse_error_text("() ==>> )"),
"Parse error: Replacement is not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern"
fn parser_undefined_placeholder_in_replacement() {
parse_error_text("42 ==>> $a"),
"Parse error: Replacement contains undefined placeholders: $a"
fn single_file(code: &str) -> (ra_ide_db::RootDatabase, FileId) {
use ra_db::fixture::WithFixture;
fn assert_ssr_transform(rule: &str, input: &str, result: &str) {
assert_ssr_transforms(&[rule], input, result);
fn assert_ssr_transforms(rules: &[&str], input: &str, result: &str) {
let (db, file_id) = single_file(input);
let mut match_finder = MatchFinder::new(&db);
for rule in rules {
let rule: SsrRule = rule.parse().unwrap();
if let Some(edits) = match_finder.edits_for_file(file_id) {
let mut after = input.to_string();
edits.apply(&mut after);
assert_eq!(after, result);
} else {
panic!("No edits were made");
fn assert_matches(pattern: &str, code: &str, expected: &[&str]) {
let (db, file_id) = single_file(code);
let mut match_finder = MatchFinder::new(&db);
let matched_strings: Vec<String> = match_finder
.map(|m| m.matched_text())
if matched_strings != expected && !expected.is_empty() {
let debug_info = match_finder.debug_where_text_equal(file_id, &expected[0]);
eprintln!("Test is about to fail. Some possibly useful info: {} nodes had text exactly equal to '{}'", debug_info.len(), &expected[0]);
for d in debug_info {
eprintln!("{:#?}", d);
assert_eq!(matched_strings, expected);
fn assert_no_match(pattern: &str, code: &str) {
assert_matches(pattern, code, &[]);
fn ssr_function_to_method() {
"my_function($a, $b) ==>> ($a).my_method($b)",
"loop { my_function( other_func(x, y), z + w) }",
"loop { (other_func(x, y)).my_method(z + w) }",
fn ssr_nested_function() {
"foo($a, $b, $c) ==>> bar($c, baz($a, $b))",
"fn main { foo (x + value.method(b), x+y-z, true && false) }",
"fn main { bar(true && false, baz(x + value.method(b), x+y-z)) }",
fn ssr_expected_spacing() {
"foo($x) + bar() ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo(5) + bar() }",
"fn main() { bar(5) }",
fn ssr_with_extra_space() {
"foo($x ) + bar() ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo( 5 ) +bar( ) }",
"fn main() { bar(5) }",
fn ssr_keeps_nested_comment() {
"foo($x) ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo(other(5 /* using 5 */)) }",
"fn main() { bar(other(5 /* using 5 */)) }",
fn ssr_keeps_comment() {
"foo($x) ==>> bar($x)",
"fn main() { foo(5 /* using 5 */) }",
"fn main() { bar(5)/* using 5 */ }",
fn ssr_struct_lit() {
"foo{a: $a, b: $b} ==>> foo::new($a, $b)",
"fn main() { foo{b:2, a:1} }",
"fn main() { foo::new(1, 2) }",
fn ignores_whitespace() {
assert_matches("1+2", "fn f() -> i32 {1 + 2}", &["1 + 2"]);
assert_matches("1 + 2", "fn f() -> i32 {1+2}", &["1+2"]);
fn no_match() {
assert_no_match("1 + 3", "fn f() -> i32 {1 + 2}");
fn match_fn_definition() {
assert_matches("fn $a($b: $t) {$c}", "fn f(a: i32) {bar()}", &["fn f(a: i32) {bar()}"]);
fn match_struct_definition() {
"struct $n {$f: Option<String>}",
"struct Bar {} struct Foo {name: Option<String>}",
&["struct Foo {name: Option<String>}"],
fn match_expr() {
let code = "fn f() -> i32 {foo(40 + 2, 42)}";
assert_matches("foo($a, $b)", code, &["foo(40 + 2, 42)"]);
assert_no_match("foo($a, $b, $c)", code);
assert_no_match("foo($a)", code);
fn match_nested_method_calls() {
"fn f() {h().i().j().z().z().z().d().e()}",
fn match_complex_expr() {
let code = "fn f() -> i32 {foo(bar(40, 2), 42)}";
assert_matches("foo($a, $b)", code, &["foo(bar(40, 2), 42)"]);
assert_no_match("foo($a, $b, $c)", code);
assert_no_match("foo($a)", code);
assert_matches("bar($a, $b)", code, &["bar(40, 2)"]);
// Trailing commas in the code should be ignored.
fn match_with_trailing_commas() {
// Code has comma, pattern doesn't.
assert_matches("foo($a, $b)", "fn f() {foo(1, 2,);}", &["foo(1, 2,)"]);
assert_matches("Foo{$a, $b}", "fn f() {Foo{1, 2,};}", &["Foo{1, 2,}"]);
// Pattern has comma, code doesn't.
assert_matches("foo($a, $b,)", "fn f() {foo(1, 2);}", &["foo(1, 2)"]);
assert_matches("Foo{$a, $b,}", "fn f() {Foo{1, 2};}", &["Foo{1, 2}"]);
fn match_type() {
assert_matches("i32", "fn f() -> i32 {1 + 2}", &["i32"]);
assert_matches("Option<$a>", "fn f() -> Option<i32> {42}", &["Option<i32>"]);
assert_no_match("Option<$a>", "fn f() -> Result<i32, ()> {42}");
fn match_struct_instantiation() {
"Foo {bar: 1, baz: 2}",
"fn f() {Foo {bar: 1, baz: 2}}",
&["Foo {bar: 1, baz: 2}"],
// Now with placeholders for all parts of the struct.
"Foo {$a: $b, $c: $d}",
"fn f() {Foo {bar: 1, baz: 2}}",
&["Foo {bar: 1, baz: 2}"],
assert_matches("Foo {}", "fn f() {Foo {}}", &["Foo {}"]);
fn match_path() {
assert_matches("foo::bar", "fn f() {foo::bar(42)}", &["foo::bar"]);
assert_matches("$a::bar", "fn f() {foo::bar(42)}", &["foo::bar"]);
assert_matches("foo::$b", "fn f() {foo::bar(42)}", &["foo::bar"]);
fn match_pattern() {
assert_matches("Some($a)", "fn f() {if let Some(x) = foo() {}}", &["Some(x)"]);
fn match_reordered_struct_instantiation() {
"Foo {aa: 1, b: 2, ccc: 3}",
"fn f() {Foo {b: 2, ccc: 3, aa: 1}}",
&["Foo {b: 2, ccc: 3, aa: 1}"],
assert_no_match("Foo {a: 1}", "fn f() {Foo {b: 1}}");
assert_no_match("Foo {a: 1}", "fn f() {Foo {a: 2}}");
assert_no_match("Foo {a: 1, b: 2}", "fn f() {Foo {a: 1}}");
assert_no_match("Foo {a: 1, b: 2}", "fn f() {Foo {b: 2}}");
assert_no_match("Foo {a: 1, }", "fn f() {Foo {a: 1, b: 2}}");
assert_no_match("Foo {a: 1, z: 9}", "fn f() {Foo {a: 1}}");
fn replace_function_call() {
assert_ssr_transform("foo() ==>> bar()", "fn f1() {foo(); foo();}", "fn f1() {bar(); bar();}");
fn replace_function_call_with_placeholders() {
"foo($a, $b) ==>> bar($b, $a)",
"fn f1() {foo(5, 42)}",
"fn f1() {bar(42, 5)}",
fn replace_nested_function_calls() {
"foo($a) ==>> bar($a)",
"fn f1() {foo(foo(42))}",
"fn f1() {bar(bar(42))}",
fn replace_type() {
"Result<(), $a> ==>> Option<$a>",
"fn f1() -> Result<(), Vec<Error>> {foo()}",
"fn f1() -> Option<Vec<Error>> {foo()}",
fn replace_struct_init() {
"Foo {a: $a, b: $b} ==>> Foo::new($a, $b)",
"fn f1() {Foo{b: 1, a: 2}}",
"fn f1() {Foo::new(2, 1)}",
fn replace_binary_op() {
"$a + $b ==>> $b + $a",
"fn f() {2 * 3 + 4 * 5}",
"fn f() {4 * 5 + 2 * 3}",
"$a + $b ==>> $b + $a",
"fn f() {1 + 2 + 3 + 4}",
"fn f() {4 + 3 + 2 + 1}",
fn match_binary_op() {
assert_matches("$a + $b", "fn f() {1 + 2 + 3 + 4}", &["1 + 2", "1 + 2 + 3", "1 + 2 + 3 + 4"]);
fn multiple_rules() {
&["$a + 1 ==>> add_one($a)", "$a + $b ==>> add($a, $b)"],
"fn f() -> i32 {3 + 2 + 1}",
"fn f() -> i32 {add_one(add(3, 2))}",