8 changed files with 224 additions and 21 deletions
@ -101,4 +101,9 @@ td {
#TOC ul {
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0px;
/* Adjust list alignment so rustdoc indexes don't align with blockquotes */
div.index ul {
padding-left: 1em;
@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ pub struct MethodDoc {
pub struct ImplDoc {
item: ItemDoc,
bounds_str: Option<~str>,
trait_types: ~[~str],
self_ty: Option<~str>,
methods: ~[MethodDoc]
@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ fn impldoc_from_impl(
) -> doc::ImplDoc {
doc::ImplDoc {
item: itemdoc,
bounds_str: None,
trait_types: ~[],
self_ty: None,
methods: do vec::map(methods) |method| {
@ -143,12 +143,16 @@ fn pandoc_header_id(header: &str) -> ~str {
let s = str::replace(s, ~":", ~"");
let s = str::replace(s, ~"&", ~"");
let s = str::replace(s, ~"^", ~"");
let s = str::replace(s, ~",", ~"");
let s = str::replace(s, ~"'", ~"");
let s = str::replace(s, ~"+", ~"");
return s;
fn replace_with_hyphens(s: &str) -> ~str {
// Collapse sequences of whitespace to a single dash
// XXX: Hacky implementation here that only covers
// one or two spaces.
let s = str::trim(s);
let s = str::replace(s, ~" ", ~"-");
let s = str::replace(s, ~" ", ~"-");
return s;
@ -170,6 +174,17 @@ fn should_remove_punctuation_from_headers() {
== ~"impl-of-numnum-for-int");
fail_unless!(pandoc_header_id(~"impl for & condvar")
== ~"impl-for-condvar");
fail_unless!(pandoc_header_id(~"impl of Select<T, U> for (Left, Right)")
== ~"impl-of-selectt-u-for-left-right");
fail_unless!(pandoc_header_id(~"impl of Condition<'self, T, U>")
== ~"impl-of-conditionself-t-u");
fail_unless!(pandoc_header_id(~"impl of Condition<T: Copy + Clone>")
== ~"impl-of-conditiont-copy-clone");
fn should_trim_whitespace_after_removing_punctuation() {
fail_unless!(pandoc_header_id("impl foo for ()") == ~"impl-foo-for");
@ -249,6 +249,11 @@ pub fn header_name(doc: doc::ItemTag) -> ~str {
&doc::ImplTag(ref doc) => {
let bounds = if (&doc.bounds_str).is_some() {
fmt!(" where %s", (&doc.bounds_str).get())
} else {
let self_ty = (&doc.self_ty).get();
let mut trait_part = ~"";
for doc.trait_types.eachi |i, trait_type| {
@ -259,7 +264,7 @@ pub fn header_name(doc: doc::ItemTag) -> ~str {
trait_part += *trait_type;
fmt!("%s for %s", trait_part, self_ty)
fmt!("%s for %s%s", trait_part, self_ty, bounds)
_ => {
@ -271,11 +276,18 @@ pub fn header_text(doc: doc::ItemTag) -> ~str {
match &doc {
&doc::ImplTag(ref ImplDoc) => {
let header_kind = header_kind(copy doc);
let bounds = if (&ImplDoc.bounds_str).is_some() {
fmt!(" where `%s`", (&ImplDoc.bounds_str).get())
} else {
let desc = if ImplDoc.trait_types.is_empty() {
fmt!("for `%s`", (&ImplDoc.self_ty).get())
fmt!("for `%s`%s", (&ImplDoc.self_ty).get(), bounds)
} else {
fmt!("of `%s` for `%s`", ImplDoc.trait_types[0],
fmt!("of `%s` for `%s`%s",
return fmt!("%s %s", header_kind, desc);
@ -424,6 +436,9 @@ fn write_index(ctxt: &Ctxt, index: doc::Index) {
ctxt.w.put_line(~"<div class='index'>");
for index.entries.each |entry| {
let header = header_text_(entry.kind,;
let id = copy;
@ -435,6 +450,8 @@ fn write_index(ctxt: &Ctxt, index: doc::Index) {
@ -749,6 +766,12 @@ fn should_write_impl_header() {
fail_unless!(str::contains(markdown, ~"## Implementation for `int`"));
fn should_write_impl_header_with_bounds() {
let markdown = test::render(~"impl <T> int<T> { }");
fail_unless!(str::contains(markdown, ~"## Implementation for `int<T>` where `<T>`"));
fn should_write_impl_header_with_trait() {
let markdown = test::render(~"impl j for int { fn a() { } }");
@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ pub fn from_str_sess(sess: session::Session, source: ~str) -> @ast::crate {
fn cfg(sess: session::Session, input: driver::input) -> ast::crate_cfg {
driver::default_configuration(sess, ~"rustdoc", input)
driver::build_configuration(sess, ~"rustdoc", input)
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
use core::prelude::*;
use extract;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast_map;
use astsrv;
use doc;
use fold::Fold;
@ -28,12 +31,73 @@ pub fn mk_pass() -> Pass {
pub fn run(srv: astsrv::Srv, doc: doc::Doc) -> doc::Doc {
// First strip private methods out of impls
let fold = Fold {
ctxt: srv.clone(),
fold_impl: fold_impl,
.. fold::default_any_fold(srv.clone())
let doc = (fold.fold_doc)(&fold, doc);
// Then strip private items and empty impls
let fold = Fold {
ctxt: srv.clone(),
fold_mod: fold_mod,
.. fold::default_any_fold(srv)
(fold.fold_doc)(&fold, doc)
let doc = (fold.fold_doc)(&fold, doc);
return doc;
fn fold_impl(
fold: &fold::Fold<astsrv::Srv>,
doc: doc::ImplDoc
) -> doc::ImplDoc {
let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_impl(fold, doc);
do astsrv::exec(fold.ctxt.clone()) |ctxt| {
match ctxt.ast_map.get(& {
ast_map::node_item(item, _) => {
match item.node {
ast::item_impl(_, None, _, ref methods) => {
// Associated impls have complex rules for method visibility
strip_priv_methods(copy doc, *methods, item.vis)
ast::item_impl(_, Some(_), _ ,_) => {
// Trait impls don't
copy doc
_ => fail!()
_ => fail!()
fn strip_priv_methods(
doc: doc::ImplDoc,
methods: &[@ast::method],
item_vis: ast::visibility
) -> doc::ImplDoc {
let methods = do (&doc.methods).filtered |method| {
let ast_method = do methods.find |m| {
extract::to_str(m.ident) ==
let ast_method = ast_method.unwrap();
match ast_method.vis {
ast::public => true,
ast::private => false,
ast::inherited => item_vis == ast::public
doc::ImplDoc {
methods: methods,
.. doc
fn fold_mod(
@ -44,28 +108,40 @@ fn fold_mod(
doc::ModDoc {
items: doc.items.filtered(|ItemTag| {
is_visible(fold.ctxt.clone(), ItemTag.item())
match ItemTag {
&doc::ImplTag(ref doc) => {
if doc.trait_types.is_empty() {
// This is an associated impl. We have already pruned the
// non-visible methods. If there are any left then
// retain the impl, otherwise throw it away
} else {
// This is a trait implementation, make it visible
// NOTE: This is not quite right since this could be an impl
// of a private trait. We can't know that without running
// resolve though.
_ => {
is_visible(fold.ctxt.clone(), ItemTag.item())
.. doc
fn is_visible(srv: astsrv::Srv, doc: doc::ItemDoc) -> bool {
use syntax::ast_map;
use syntax::ast;
let id =;
do astsrv::exec(srv) |ctxt| {
match ctxt.ast_map.get(&id) {
ast_map::node_item(item, _) => {
match item.node {
ast::item_impl(_, Some(_), _, _) => {
// This is a trait implementation, make it visible
// NOTE: This is not quite right since this could be an impl
// of a private trait. We can't know that without running
// resolve though.
match &item.node {
&ast::item_impl(*) => {
// Impls handled elsewhere
_ => {
// Otherwise just look at the visibility
@ -85,7 +161,8 @@ fn should_prune_items_without_pub_modifier() {
fn unless_they_are_trait_impls() {
fn should_not_prune_trait_impls() {
// Impls are more complicated
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~" \
trait Foo { } \
@ -94,16 +171,87 @@ fn unless_they_are_trait_impls() {
fn should_prune_associated_methods_without_vis_modifier_on_impls_without_vis_modifier() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~"impl Foo {\
pub fn bar() { }\
fn baz() { }\
fail_unless!(doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods.len() == 1);
fn should_prune_priv_associated_methods_on_impls_without_vis_modifier() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~"impl Foo {\
pub fn bar() { }\
priv fn baz() { }\
fail_unless!(doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods.len() == 1);
fn should_prune_priv_associated_methods_on_pub_impls() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~"pub impl Foo {\
fn bar() { }\
priv fn baz() { }\
fail_unless!(doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods.len() == 1);
fn should_prune_associated_methods_without_vis_modifier_on_priv_impls() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~"priv impl Foo {\
pub fn bar() { }\
fn baz() { }\
fail_unless!(doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods.len() == 1);
fn should_prune_priv_associated_methods_on_priv_impls() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~"priv impl Foo {\
pub fn bar() { }\
priv fn baz() { }\
fail_unless!(doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods.len() == 1);
fn should_prune_associated_impls_with_no_pub_methods() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~"priv impl Foo {\
fn baz() { }\
fn should_not_prune_associated_impls_with_pub_methods() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(
~" \
impl Foo { pub fn bar() { } } \
pub mod test {
use astsrv;
use doc;
use extract;
use tystr_pass;
use prune_private_pass::run;
pub fn mk_doc(source: ~str) -> doc::Doc {
do astsrv::from_str(copy source) |srv| {
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv.clone(), ~"");
let doc = tystr_pass::run(srv.clone(), doc);
run(srv.clone(), doc)
@ -274,17 +274,20 @@ fn fold_impl(
let srv = fold.ctxt.clone();
let (trait_types, self_ty) = {
let (bounds, trait_types, self_ty) = {
let doc = copy doc;
do astsrv::exec(srv) |ctxt| {
match ctxt.ast_map.get(& {
ast_map::node_item(@ast::item {
node: ast::item_impl(_, opt_trait_type, self_ty, _), _
node: ast::item_impl(ref generics, opt_trait_type, self_ty, _), _
}, _) => {
let bounds = pprust::generics_to_str(generics, extract::interner());
let bounds = if bounds.is_empty() { None } else { Some(bounds) };
let trait_types = opt_trait_type.map_default(~[], |p| {
~[pprust::path_to_str(p.path, extract::interner())]
self_ty, extract::interner())))
@ -294,6 +297,7 @@ fn fold_impl(
doc::ImplDoc {
bounds_str: bounds,
trait_types: trait_types,
self_ty: self_ty,
methods: merge_methods(fold.ctxt.clone(),, copy doc.methods),
@ -301,6 +305,12 @@ fn fold_impl(
fn should_add_impl_bounds() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(~"impl<T, U: Copy, V: Copy + Clone> Option<T, U, V> { }");
fail_unless!(doc.cratemod().impls()[0].bounds_str == Some(~"<T, U: Copy, V: Copy + Clone>"));
fn should_add_impl_trait_types() {
let doc = test::mk_doc(~"impl j for int { fn a<T>() { } }");
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