Remove the old variants replaced by Ty::Apply
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 265 additions and 403 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use std::fmt::Write;
use hir::{
AdtDef, Ty, FieldSource, source_binder,
AdtDef, FieldSource, source_binder,
use ra_syntax::ast::{self, AstNode};
@ -26,14 +26,10 @@ pub(crate) fn fill_match_arms(mut ctx: AssistCtx<impl HirDatabase>) -> Option<As
let source_map = function.body_source_map(ctx.db);
let node_expr = source_map.node_expr(expr)?;
let match_expr_ty = infer_result[node_expr].clone();
let enum_def = match match_expr_ty {
Ty::Adt { def_id: AdtDef::Enum(e), .. } => e,
Ty::Ref(adt, _) => match *adt {
Ty::Adt { def_id: AdtDef::Enum(e), .. } => e,
_ => return None,
_ => return None,
let enum_def = match_expr_ty.autoderef(ctx.db).find_map(|ty| match ty.as_adt() {
Some((AdtDef::Enum(e), _)) => Some(e),
_ => None,
let enum_name =;
let db = ctx.db;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use std::fmt::Write;
use hir::{AdtDef, Ty, db::HirDatabase, source_binder::function_from_child_node};
use hir::{AdtDef, db::HirDatabase, source_binder::function_from_child_node};
use ra_syntax::ast::{self, AstNode};
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ where
let source_map = function.body_source_map(self.ctx.db);
let node_expr = source_map.node_expr(self.struct_lit.into())?;
let struct_lit_ty = infer_result[node_expr].clone();
let struct_def = match struct_lit_ty {
Ty::Adt { def_id: AdtDef::Struct(s), .. } => s,
let struct_def = match struct_lit_ty.as_adt() {
Some((AdtDef::Struct(s), _)) => s,
_ => return None,
self.struct_fields = struct_def
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub use self::{
ids::{HirFileId, MacroCallId, MacroCallLoc, HirInterner},
nameres::{PerNs, Namespace},
ty::{Ty, Substs, display::HirDisplay},
ty::{Ty, ApplicationTy, TypeName, Substs, display::HirDisplay},
impl_block::{ImplBlock, ImplItem},
docs::{Docs, Documentation},
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ pub(crate) use lower::{TypableDef, CallableDef, type_for_def, type_for_field, ca
pub(crate) use infer::{infer, InferenceResult, InferTy};
use display::{HirDisplay, HirFormatter};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum TypeName {
/// The primitive boolean type. Written as `bool`.
@ -96,80 +96,11 @@ pub struct ApplicationTy {
/// This should be cheap to clone.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Ty {
/// A nominal type with (maybe 0) type parameters. This might be a primitive
/// type like `bool`, a struct, tuple, function pointer, reference or
/// several other things.
/// The primitive boolean type. Written as `bool`.
/// The primitive character type; holds a Unicode scalar value
/// (a non-surrogate code point). Written as `char`.
/// A primitive integer type. For example, `i32`.
/// A primitive floating-point type. For example, `f64`.
/// Structures, enumerations and unions.
Adt {
/// The definition of the struct/enum.
def_id: AdtDef,
/// Substitutions for the generic parameters of the type.
substs: Substs,
/// The pointee of a string slice. Written as `str`.
/// The pointee of an array slice. Written as `[T]`.
/// An array with the given length. Written as `[T; n]`.
/// A raw pointer. Written as `*mut T` or `*const T`
RawPtr(Arc<Ty>, Mutability),
/// A reference; a pointer with an associated lifetime. Written as
/// `&'a mut T` or `&'a T`.
Ref(Arc<Ty>, Mutability),
/// The anonymous type of a function declaration/definition. Each
/// function has a unique type, which is output (for a function
/// named `foo` returning an `i32`) as `fn() -> i32 {foo}`.
/// This includes tuple struct / enum variant constructors as well.
/// For example the type of `bar` here:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo() -> i32 { 1 }
/// let bar = foo; // bar: fn() -> i32 {foo}
/// ```
FnDef {
/// The definition of the function / constructor.
def: CallableDef,
/// Substitutions for the generic parameters of the type
substs: Substs,
/// A pointer to a function. Written as `fn() -> i32`.
/// For example the type of `bar` here:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo() -> i32 { 1 }
/// let bar: fn() -> i32 = foo;
/// ```
/// The never type `!`.
/// A tuple type. For example, `(i32, bool)`.
/// A type parameter; for example, `T` in `fn f<T>(x: T) {}
Param {
/// The index of the parameter (starting with parameters from the
@ -200,6 +131,10 @@ impl Substs {
pub fn single(ty: Ty) -> Substs {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Ty> {
@ -256,6 +191,12 @@ impl FnSig {
impl Ty {
pub fn simple(name: TypeName) -> Ty {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, parameters: Substs::empty() })
pub fn apply_one(name: TypeName, param: Ty) -> Ty {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, parameters: Substs::single(param) })
pub fn apply(name: TypeName, parameters: Substs) -> Ty {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, parameters })
@ -270,38 +211,7 @@ impl Ty {
Ty::Slice(t) | Ty::Array(t) => t.walk(f),
Ty::RawPtr(t, _) => t.walk(f),
Ty::Ref(t, _) => t.walk(f),
Ty::Tuple(ts) => {
for t in ts.iter() {
Ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
for t in sig.iter() {
Ty::FnDef { substs, .. } => {
for t in substs.0.iter() {
Ty::Adt { substs, .. } => {
for t in substs.0.iter() {
| Ty::Char
| Ty::Int(_)
| Ty::Float(_)
| Ty::Str
| Ty::Never
| Ty::Param { .. }
| Ty::Infer(_)
| Ty::Unknown => {}
Ty::Param { .. } | Ty::Infer(_) | Ty::Unknown => {}
@ -311,30 +221,7 @@ impl Ty {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => {
Ty::Slice(t) | Ty::Array(t) => Arc::make_mut(t).walk_mut(f),
Ty::RawPtr(t, _) => Arc::make_mut(t).walk_mut(f),
Ty::Ref(t, _) => Arc::make_mut(t).walk_mut(f),
Ty::Tuple(ts) => {
Ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
Ty::FnDef { substs, .. } => {
Ty::Adt { substs, .. } => {
| Ty::Char
| Ty::Int(_)
| Ty::Float(_)
| Ty::Str
| Ty::Never
| Ty::Param { .. }
| Ty::Infer(_)
| Ty::Unknown => {}
Ty::Param { .. } | Ty::Infer(_) | Ty::Unknown => {}
@ -347,6 +234,31 @@ impl Ty {
pub fn as_reference(&self) -> Option<(&Ty, Mutability)> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name: TypeName::Ref(mutability), parameters }) => {
Some((parameters.as_single(), *mutability))
_ => None,
pub fn as_adt(&self) -> Option<(AdtDef, &Substs)> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name: TypeName::Adt(adt_def), parameters }) => {
Some((*adt_def, parameters))
_ => None,
pub fn as_tuple(&self) -> Option<&Substs> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name: TypeName::Tuple, parameters }) => Some(parameters),
_ => None,
fn builtin_deref(&self) -> Option<Ty> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
@ -354,8 +266,6 @@ impl Ty {
TypeName::RawPtr(..) => Some(Ty::clone(a_ty.parameters.as_single())),
_ => None,
Ty::Ref(t, _) => Some(Ty::clone(t)),
Ty::RawPtr(t, _) => Some(Ty::clone(t)),
_ => None,
@ -369,8 +279,6 @@ impl Ty {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, .. }) => {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, parameters: substs })
Ty::Adt { def_id, .. } => Ty::Adt { def_id, substs },
Ty::FnDef { def, .. } => Ty::FnDef { def, substs },
_ => self,
@ -396,7 +304,6 @@ impl Ty {
fn substs(&self) -> Option<Substs> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { parameters, .. }) => Some(parameters.clone()),
Ty::Adt { substs, .. } | Ty::FnDef { substs, .. } => Some(substs.clone()),
_ => None,
@ -487,69 +394,6 @@ impl HirDisplay for Ty {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter<impl HirDatabase>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => a_ty.hir_fmt(f)?,
Ty::Bool => write!(f, "bool")?,
Ty::Char => write!(f, "char")?,
Ty::Int(t) => write!(f, "{}", t)?,
Ty::Float(t) => write!(f, "{}", t)?,
Ty::Str => write!(f, "str")?,
Ty::Slice(t) | Ty::Array(t) => {
write!(f, "[{}]", t.display(f.db))?;
Ty::RawPtr(t, m) => {
write!(f, "*{}{}", m.as_keyword_for_ptr(), t.display(f.db))?;
Ty::Ref(t, m) => {
write!(f, "&{}{}", m.as_keyword_for_ref(), t.display(f.db))?;
Ty::Never => write!(f, "!")?,
Ty::Tuple(ts) => {
if ts.0.len() == 1 {
write!(f, "({},)", ts.0[0].display(f.db))?;
} else {
write!(f, "(")?;
f.write_joined(&*ts.0, ", ")?;
write!(f, ")")?;
Ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
let sig = FnSig::from_fn_ptr_substs(sig);
write!(f, "fn(")?;
f.write_joined(sig.params(), ", ")?;
write!(f, ") -> {}", sig.ret().display(f.db))?;
Ty::FnDef { def, substs, .. } => {
let sig = f.db.callable_item_signature(*def);
let name = match def {
CallableDef::Function(ff) =>,
CallableDef::Struct(s) =>,
CallableDef::EnumVariant(e) =>,
match def {
CallableDef::Function(_) => write!(f, "fn {}", name)?,
CallableDef::Struct(_) | CallableDef::EnumVariant(_) => write!(f, "{}", name)?,
if substs.0.len() > 0 {
write!(f, "<")?;
f.write_joined(&*substs.0, ", ")?;
write!(f, ">")?;
write!(f, "(")?;
f.write_joined(sig.params(), ", ")?;
write!(f, ") -> {}", sig.ret().display(f.db))?;
Ty::Adt { def_id, substs, .. } => {
let name = match def_id {
AdtDef::Struct(s) =>,
AdtDef::Enum(e) =>,
write!(f, "{}", name)?;
if substs.0.len() > 0 {
write!(f, "<")?;
f.write_joined(&*substs.0, ", ")?;
write!(f, ">")?;
Ty::Param { name, .. } => write!(f, "{}", name)?,
Ty::Unknown => write!(f, "{{unknown}}")?,
Ty::Infer(..) => write!(f, "_")?,
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ use crate::{
resolve::{Resolver, Resolution},
use super::{Ty, TypableDef, Substs, primitive, op, FnSig};
use super::{Ty, TypableDef, Substs, primitive, op, FnSig, ApplicationTy, TypeName};
/// The entry point of type inference.
pub fn infer(db: &impl HirDatabase, func: Function) -> Arc<InferenceResult> {
@ -237,28 +237,9 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
match (&*ty1, &*ty2) {
(Ty::Unknown, ..) => true,
(.., Ty::Unknown) => true,
(Ty::Int(t1), Ty::Int(t2)) => match (t1, t2) {
(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Unknown, _)
| (_, primitive::UncertainIntTy::Unknown) => true,
_ => t1 == t2,
(Ty::Float(t1), Ty::Float(t2)) => match (t1, t2) {
(primitive::UncertainFloatTy::Unknown, _)
| (_, primitive::UncertainFloatTy::Unknown) => true,
_ => t1 == t2,
(Ty::Bool, _) | (Ty::Str, _) | (Ty::Never, _) | (Ty::Char, _) => ty1 == ty2,
Ty::Adt { def_id: def_id1, substs: substs1, .. },
Ty::Adt { def_id: def_id2, substs: substs2, .. },
) if def_id1 == def_id2 => self.unify_substs(substs1, substs2, depth + 1),
(Ty::Slice(t1), Ty::Slice(t2)) => self.unify_inner(t1, t2, depth + 1),
(Ty::RawPtr(t1, m1), Ty::RawPtr(t2, m2)) if m1 == m2 => {
self.unify_inner(t1, t2, depth + 1)
(Ty::Apply(a_ty1), Ty::Apply(a_ty2)) if == => {
self.unify_substs(&a_ty1.parameters, &a_ty2.parameters, depth + 1)
(Ty::Ref(t1, m1), Ty::Ref(t2, m2)) if m1 == m2 => self.unify_inner(t1, t2, depth + 1),
(Ty::FnPtr(sig1), Ty::FnPtr(sig2)) => self.unify_substs(sig1, sig2, depth + 1),
(Ty::Tuple(ts1), Ty::Tuple(ts2)) => self.unify_substs(ts1, ts2, depth + 1),
(Ty::Infer(InferTy::TypeVar(tv1)), Ty::Infer(InferTy::TypeVar(tv2)))
| (Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(tv1)), Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(tv2)))
| (Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(tv1)), Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(tv2))) => {
@ -296,8 +277,14 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
fn insert_type_vars_shallow(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
match ty {
Ty::Unknown => self.new_type_var(),
Ty::Int(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Unknown) => self.new_integer_var(),
Ty::Float(primitive::UncertainFloatTy::Unknown) => self.new_float_var(),
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy {
name: TypeName::Int(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Unknown),
}) => self.new_integer_var(),
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy {
name: TypeName::Float(primitive::UncertainFloatTy::Unknown),
}) => self.new_float_var(),
_ => ty,
@ -608,12 +595,12 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Pat::Wild | Pat::Bind { .. } | Pat::Ref { .. } | Pat::Missing => false,
if is_non_ref_pat {
while let Ty::Ref(inner, mutability) = expected {
while let Some((inner, mutability)) = expected.as_reference() {
expected = inner;
default_bm = match default_bm {
BindingMode::Move => BindingMode::Ref(*mutability),
BindingMode::Move => BindingMode::Ref(mutability),
BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Shared) => BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Shared),
BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Mut) => BindingMode::Ref(*mutability),
BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Mut) => BindingMode::Ref(mutability),
} else if let Pat::Ref { .. } = &body[pat] {
@ -629,8 +616,8 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
let ty = match &body[pat] {
Pat::Tuple(ref args) => {
let expectations = match *expected {
Ty::Tuple(ref tuple_args) => &*tuple_args.0,
let expectations = match expected.as_tuple() {
Some(parameters) => &*parameters.0,
_ => &[],
let expectations_iter = expectations.iter().chain(repeat(&Ty::Unknown));
@ -642,20 +629,20 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Ty::apply(TypeName::Tuple, Substs(inner_tys))
Pat::Ref { pat, mutability } => {
let expectation = match *expected {
Ty::Ref(ref sub_ty, exp_mut) => {
let expectation = match expected.as_reference() {
Some((inner_ty, exp_mut)) => {
if *mutability != exp_mut {
// TODO: emit type error?
_ => &Ty::Unknown,
let subty = self.infer_pat(*pat, expectation, default_bm);
Ty::Ref(subty.into(), *mutability)
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(*mutability), subty.into())
Pat::TupleStruct { path: ref p, args: ref subpats } => {
self.infer_tuple_struct_pat(p.as_ref(), subpats, expected, default_bm)
@ -682,7 +669,9 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
let inner_ty = self.insert_type_vars_shallow(inner_ty);
let bound_ty = match mode {
BindingMode::Ref(mutability) => Ty::Ref(inner_ty.clone().into(), mutability),
BindingMode::Ref(mutability) => {
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(mutability), inner_ty.clone().into())
BindingMode::Move => inner_ty.clone(),
let bound_ty = self.resolve_ty_as_possible(&mut vec![], bound_ty);
@ -736,7 +725,7 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Expr::Missing => Ty::Unknown,
Expr::If { condition, then_branch, else_branch } => {
// if let is desugared to match, so this is always simple if
self.infer_expr(*condition, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::Bool));
self.infer_expr(*condition, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::simple(TypeName::Bool)));
let then_ty = self.infer_expr(*then_branch, expected);
match else_branch {
Some(else_branch) => {
@ -753,11 +742,11 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Expr::Loop { body } => {
self.infer_expr(*body, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::unit()));
// TODO handle break with value
Expr::While { condition, body } => {
// while let is desugared to a match loop, so this is always simple while
self.infer_expr(*condition, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::Bool));
self.infer_expr(*condition, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::simple(TypeName::Bool)));
self.infer_expr(*body, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::unit()));
@ -787,17 +776,23 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Expr::Call { callee, args } => {
let callee_ty = self.infer_expr(*callee, &Expectation::none());
let (param_tys, ret_ty) = match &callee_ty {
Ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
let sig = FnSig::from_fn_ptr_substs(sig);
(sig.params().to_vec(), sig.ret().clone())
Ty::FnDef { substs, def, .. } => {
let sig = self.db.callable_item_signature(*def);
let ret_ty = sig.ret().clone().subst(&substs);
let param_tys =
sig.params().iter().map(|ty| ty.clone().subst(&substs)).collect();
(param_tys, ret_ty)
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::FnPtr => {
let sig = FnSig::from_fn_ptr_substs(&a_ty.parameters);
(sig.params().to_vec(), sig.ret().clone())
TypeName::FnDef(def) => {
let sig = self.db.callable_item_signature(def);
let ret_ty = sig.ret().clone().subst(&a_ty.parameters);
let param_tys = sig
.map(|ty| ty.clone().subst(&a_ty.parameters))
(param_tys, ret_ty)
_ => (Vec::new(), Ty::Unknown),
_ => {
// not callable
// TODO report an error?
@ -828,32 +823,43 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
let method_ty = method_ty.apply_substs(substs);
let method_ty = self.insert_type_vars(method_ty);
let (expected_receiver_ty, param_tys, ret_ty) = match &method_ty {
Ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
let sig = FnSig::from_fn_ptr_substs(sig);
if !sig.params().is_empty() {
(sig.params()[0].clone(), sig.params()[1..].to_vec(), sig.ret().clone())
} else {
(Ty::Unknown, Vec::new(), sig.ret().clone())
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::FnPtr => {
let sig = FnSig::from_fn_ptr_substs(&a_ty.parameters);
if !sig.params().is_empty() {
} else {
(Ty::Unknown, Vec::new(), sig.ret().clone())
Ty::FnDef { substs, def, .. } => {
let sig = self.db.callable_item_signature(*def);
let ret_ty = sig.ret().clone().subst(&substs);
TypeName::FnDef(def) => {
let sig = self.db.callable_item_signature(def);
let ret_ty = sig.ret().clone().subst(&a_ty.parameters);
if !sig.params().is_empty() {
let mut params_iter =
sig.params().iter().map(|ty| ty.clone().subst(&substs));
let receiver_ty =;
(receiver_ty, params_iter.collect(), ret_ty)
} else {
(Ty::Unknown, Vec::new(), ret_ty)
if !sig.params().is_empty() {
let mut params_iter = sig
.map(|ty| ty.clone().subst(&a_ty.parameters));
let receiver_ty =;
(receiver_ty, params_iter.collect(), ret_ty)
} else {
(Ty::Unknown, Vec::new(), ret_ty)
_ => (Ty::Unknown, Vec::new(), Ty::Unknown),
_ => (Ty::Unknown, Vec::new(), Ty::Unknown),
// Apply autoref so the below unification works correctly
let actual_receiver_ty = match expected_receiver_ty {
Ty::Ref(_, mutability) => Ty::Ref(Arc::new(derefed_receiver_ty), mutability),
let actual_receiver_ty = match expected_receiver_ty.as_reference() {
Some((_, mutability)) => {
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(mutability), derefed_receiver_ty)
_ => derefed_receiver_ty,
self.unify(&expected_receiver_ty, &actual_receiver_ty);
@ -877,7 +883,10 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
let _pat_ty = self.infer_pat(pat, &input_ty, BindingMode::default());
if let Some(guard_expr) = arm.guard {
self.infer_expr(guard_expr, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::Bool));
self.infer_expr(arm.expr, &expected);
@ -889,19 +898,19 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
let resolver = expr::resolver_for_expr(self.body.clone(), self.db, tgt_expr);
self.infer_path_expr(&resolver, p, tgt_expr.into()).unwrap_or(Ty::Unknown)
Expr::Continue => Ty::Never,
Expr::Continue => Ty::simple(TypeName::Never),
Expr::Break { expr } => {
if let Some(expr) = expr {
// TODO handle break with value
self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::none());
Expr::Return { expr } => {
if let Some(expr) = expr {
self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::has_type(self.return_ty.clone()));
Expr::StructLit { path, fields, spread } => {
let (ty, def_id) = self.resolve_variant(path.as_ref());
@ -923,16 +932,19 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
let ty = receiver_ty
.find_map(|derefed_ty| match derefed_ty {
Ty::Tuple(fields) => {
let i = name.to_string().parse::<usize>().ok();
i.and_then(|i| fields.0.get(i).cloned())
Ty::Adt { def_id: AdtDef::Struct(s), ref substs, .. } => {
s.field(self.db, name).map(|field| {
self.write_field_resolution(tgt_expr, field);
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::Tuple => {
let i = name.to_string().parse::<usize>().ok();
i.and_then(|i| a_ty.parameters.0.get(i).cloned())
TypeName::Adt(AdtDef::Struct(s)) => {
s.field(self.db, name).map(|field| {
self.write_field_resolution(tgt_expr, field);
_ => None,
_ => None,
@ -949,18 +961,19 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Expr::Ref { expr, mutability } => {
let expectation = if let Ty::Ref(ref subty, expected_mutability) = expected.ty {
if expected_mutability == Mutability::Mut && *mutability == Mutability::Shared {
// TODO: throw type error - expected mut reference but found shared ref,
// which cannot be coerced
} else {
let expectation =
if let Some((exp_inner, exp_mutability)) = &expected.ty.as_reference() {
if *exp_mutability == Mutability::Mut && *mutability == Mutability::Shared {
// TODO: throw type error - expected mut reference but found shared ref,
// which cannot be coerced
} else {
// TODO reference coercions etc.
let inner_ty = self.infer_expr(*expr, &expectation);
Ty::Ref(Arc::new(inner_ty), *mutability)
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(*mutability), inner_ty)
Expr::UnaryOp { expr, op } => {
let inner_ty = self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::none());
@ -974,19 +987,27 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
UnaryOp::Neg => {
match inner_ty {
| Ty::Int(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Signed(..))
| Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..))
| Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..))
| Ty::Float(..) => inner_ty,
match &inner_ty {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
| TypeName::Int(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Signed(..))
| TypeName::Float(..) => inner_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..)) | Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..)) => {
// TODO: resolve ops::Neg trait
_ => Ty::Unknown,
UnaryOp::Not => {
match inner_ty {
Ty::Bool | Ty::Int(_) | Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..)) => inner_ty,
match &inner_ty {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::Bool | TypeName::Int(_) => inner_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..)) => inner_ty,
// TODO: resolve ops::Not trait for inner_ty
_ => Ty::Unknown,
@ -997,7 +1018,7 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
Some(op) => {
let lhs_expectation = match op {
BinaryOp::BooleanAnd | BinaryOp::BooleanOr => {
_ => Expectation::none(),
@ -1018,11 +1039,16 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
ty_vec.push(self.infer_expr(*arg, &Expectation::none()));
Ty::apply(TypeName::Tuple, Substs(ty_vec.into()))
Expr::Array { exprs } => {
let elem_ty = match &expected.ty {
Ty::Slice(inner) | Ty::Array(inner) => Ty::clone(&inner),
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::Slice | TypeName::Array => {
_ => self.new_type_var(),
_ => self.new_type_var(),
@ -1030,21 +1056,23 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::has_type(elem_ty.clone()));
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Array, elem_ty)
Expr::Literal(lit) => match lit {
Literal::Bool(..) => Ty::Bool,
Literal::String(..) => Ty::Ref(Arc::new(Ty::Str), Mutability::Shared),
Literal::Bool(..) => Ty::simple(TypeName::Bool),
Literal::String(..) => {
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(Mutability::Shared), Ty::simple(TypeName::Str))
Literal::ByteString(..) => {
let byte_type = Arc::new(Ty::Int(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Unsigned(
let byte_type = Ty::simple(TypeName::Int(primitive::UncertainIntTy::Unsigned(
let slice_type = Arc::new(Ty::Slice(byte_type));
Ty::Ref(slice_type, Mutability::Shared)
let slice_type = Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Slice, byte_type);
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(Mutability::Shared), slice_type)
Literal::Char(..) => Ty::Char,
Literal::Int(_v, ty) => Ty::Int(*ty),
Literal::Float(_v, ty) => Ty::Float(*ty),
Literal::Char(..) => Ty::simple(TypeName::Char),
Literal::Int(_v, ty) => Ty::simple(TypeName::Int(*ty)),
Literal::Float(_v, ty) => Ty::simple(TypeName::Float(*ty)),
// use a new type variable if we got Ty::Unknown here
@ -1180,11 +1208,11 @@ impl InferTy {
match self {
InferTy::TypeVar(..) => Ty::Unknown,
InferTy::IntVar(..) => {
InferTy::FloatVar(..) => {
InferTy::FloatVar(..) => Ty::simple(TypeName::Float(
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
//! This usually involves resolving names, collecting generic arguments etc.
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::{
Function, Struct, StructField, Enum, EnumVariant, Path,
ModuleDef, TypeAlias,
@ -21,40 +19,40 @@ use crate::{
use super::{Ty, primitive, FnSig, Substs};
use super::{Ty, primitive, FnSig, Substs, TypeName};
impl Ty {
pub(crate) fn from_hir(db: &impl HirDatabase, resolver: &Resolver, type_ref: &TypeRef) -> Self {
match type_ref {
TypeRef::Never => Ty::Never,
TypeRef::Never => Ty::simple(TypeName::Never),
TypeRef::Tuple(inner) => {
let inner_tys =
inner.iter().map(|tr| Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, tr)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Ty::apply(TypeName::Tuple, Substs(inner_tys.into()))
TypeRef::Path(path) => Ty::from_hir_path(db, resolver, path),
TypeRef::RawPtr(inner, mutability) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
Ty::RawPtr(Arc::new(inner_ty), *mutability)
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::RawPtr(*mutability), inner_ty)
TypeRef::Array(inner) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Array, inner_ty)
TypeRef::Slice(inner) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Slice, inner_ty)
TypeRef::Reference(inner, mutability) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
Ty::Ref(Arc::new(inner_ty), *mutability)
Ty::apply_one(TypeName::Ref(*mutability), inner_ty)
TypeRef::Placeholder => Ty::Unknown,
TypeRef::Fn(params) => {
let inner_tys =
params.iter().map(|tr| Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, tr)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let sig = Substs(inner_tys.into());
Ty::apply(TypeName::FnPtr, sig)
TypeRef::Error => Ty::Unknown,
@ -64,14 +62,14 @@ impl Ty {
if let Some(name) = path.as_ident() {
// TODO handle primitive type names in resolver as well?
if let Some(int_ty) = primitive::UncertainIntTy::from_type_name(name) {
return Ty::Int(int_ty);
return Ty::simple(TypeName::Int(int_ty));
} else if let Some(float_ty) = primitive::UncertainFloatTy::from_type_name(name) {
return Ty::Float(float_ty);
return Ty::simple(TypeName::Float(float_ty));
} else if let Some(known) = name.as_known_name() {
match known {
KnownName::Bool => return Ty::Bool,
KnownName::Char => return Ty::Char,
KnownName::Str => return Ty::Str,
KnownName::Bool => return Ty::simple(TypeName::Bool),
KnownName::Char => return Ty::simple(TypeName::Char),
KnownName::Str => return Ty::simple(TypeName::Str),
_ => {}
@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ fn fn_sig_for_fn(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: Function) -> FnSig {
fn type_for_fn(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: Function) -> Ty {
let generics = def.generic_params(db);
let substs = make_substs(&generics);
Ty::FnDef { def: def.into(), substs }
Ty::apply(TypeName::FnDef(def.into()), substs)
/// Build the declared type of a const.
@ -289,7 +287,7 @@ fn type_for_struct_constructor(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: Struct) -> Ty {
let generics = def.generic_params(db);
let substs = make_substs(&generics);
Ty::FnDef { def: def.into(), substs }
Ty::apply(TypeName::FnDef(def.into()), substs)
fn fn_sig_for_enum_variant_constructor(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: EnumVariant) -> FnSig {
@ -317,7 +315,7 @@ fn type_for_enum_variant_constructor(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: EnumVariant) ->
let generics = def.parent_enum(db).generic_params(db);
let substs = make_substs(&generics);
Ty::FnDef { def: def.into(), substs }
Ty::apply(TypeName::FnDef(def.into()), substs)
fn make_substs(generics: &GenericParams) -> Substs {
@ -333,12 +331,12 @@ fn make_substs(generics: &GenericParams) -> Substs {
fn type_for_struct(db: &impl HirDatabase, s: Struct) -> Ty {
let generics = s.generic_params(db);
Ty::Adt { def_id: s.into(), substs: make_substs(&generics) }
Ty::apply(TypeName::Adt(s.into()), make_substs(&generics))
fn type_for_enum(db: &impl HirDatabase, s: Enum) -> Ty {
let generics = s.generic_params(db);
Ty::Adt { def_id: s.into(), substs: make_substs(&generics) }
Ty::apply(TypeName::Adt(s.into()), make_substs(&generics))
fn type_for_type_alias(db: &impl HirDatabase, t: TypeAlias) -> Ty {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use crate::{
HirDatabase, Module, Crate, Name, Function, Trait,
impl_block::{ImplId, ImplBlock, ImplItem},
ty::{AdtDef, Ty},
ty::{Ty, TypeName},
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::{
/// This is used as a key for indexing impls.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TyFingerprint {
Adt(AdtDef), // we'll also want to index impls for primitive types etc.
impl TyFingerprint {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ impl TyFingerprint {
/// `impl &S`. Hence, this will return `None` for reference types and such.
fn for_impl(ty: &Ty) -> Option<TyFingerprint> {
match ty {
Ty::Adt { def_id, .. } => Some(TyFingerprint::Adt(*def_id)),
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => Some(TyFingerprint::Apply(,
_ => None,
@ -111,7 +111,10 @@ impl CrateImplBlocks {
fn def_crate(db: &impl HirDatabase, ty: &Ty) -> Option<Crate> {
match ty {
Ty::Adt { def_id, .. } => def_id.krate(db),
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::Adt(def_id) => def_id.krate(db),
_ => None,
_ => None,
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::expr::BinaryOp;
use super::{Ty, InferTy};
use crate::{ ty::ApplicationTy, expr::BinaryOp};
use super::{Ty, TypeName, InferTy};
pub(super) fn binary_op_return_ty(op: BinaryOp, rhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
match op {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pub(super) fn binary_op_return_ty(op: BinaryOp, rhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
| BinaryOp::LesserEqualTest
| BinaryOp::GreaterEqualTest
| BinaryOp::LesserTest
| BinaryOp::GreaterTest => Ty::Bool,
| BinaryOp::GreaterTest => Ty::simple(TypeName::Bool),
| BinaryOp::AddAssign
| BinaryOp::SubAssign
@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ pub(super) fn binary_op_return_ty(op: BinaryOp, rhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
| BinaryOp::BitwiseAnd
| BinaryOp::BitwiseOr
| BinaryOp::BitwiseXor => match rhs_ty {
| Ty::Float(..)
| Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..))
| Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..)) => rhs_ty,
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, .. }) => match name {
TypeName::Int(..) | TypeName::Float(..) => rhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..)) | Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..)) => rhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
BinaryOp::RangeRightOpen | BinaryOp::RangeRightClosed => Ty::Unknown,
@ -44,9 +45,17 @@ pub(super) fn binary_op_return_ty(op: BinaryOp, rhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
pub(super) fn binary_op_rhs_expectation(op: BinaryOp, lhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
match op {
BinaryOp::BooleanAnd | BinaryOp::BooleanOr => Ty::Bool,
BinaryOp::BooleanAnd | BinaryOp::BooleanOr => Ty::simple(TypeName::Bool),
BinaryOp::Assignment | BinaryOp::EqualityTest => match lhs_ty {
Ty::Int(..) | Ty::Float(..) | Ty::Str | Ty::Char | Ty::Bool => lhs_ty,
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, .. }) => match name {
| TypeName::Float(..)
| TypeName::Str
| TypeName::Char
| TypeName::Bool => lhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..)) | Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..)) => lhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
@ -73,7 +82,11 @@ pub(super) fn binary_op_rhs_expectation(op: BinaryOp, lhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
| BinaryOp::BitwiseAnd
| BinaryOp::BitwiseOr
| BinaryOp::BitwiseXor => match lhs_ty {
Ty::Int(..) | Ty::Float(..) => lhs_ty,
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, .. }) => match name {
TypeName::Int(..) | TypeName::Float(..) => lhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..)) | Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..)) => lhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use hir::{Ty, AdtDef};
use hir::{Ty, AdtDef, TypeName};
use crate::completion::{CompletionContext, Completions};
@ -24,23 +24,20 @@ pub(super) fn complete_dot(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext) {
fn complete_fields(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext, receiver: Ty) {
for receiver in receiver.autoderef(ctx.db) {
match receiver {
Ty::Adt { def_id, ref substs, .. } => {
match def_id {
AdtDef::Struct(s) => {
for field in s.fields(ctx.db) {
acc.add_field(ctx, field, substs);
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::Adt(AdtDef::Struct(s)) => {
for field in s.fields(ctx.db) {
acc.add_field(ctx, field, &a_ty.parameters);
// TODO unions
AdtDef::Enum(_) => (),
Ty::Tuple(fields) => {
for (i, ty) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
acc.add_pos_field(ctx, i, ty);
// TODO unions
TypeName::Tuple => {
for (i, ty) in a_ty.parameters.iter().enumerate() {
acc.add_pos_field(ctx, i, ty);
_ => {}
_ => {}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use hir::{Ty, AdtDef};
use hir::AdtDef;
use crate::completion::{CompletionContext, Completions};
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ pub(super) fn complete_struct_literal(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionCon
None => return,
let ty = infer_result[expr].clone();
let (adt, substs) = match ty {
Ty::Adt { def_id, ref substs, .. } => (def_id, substs),
let (adt, substs) = match ty.as_adt() {
Some(res) => res,
_ => return,
match adt {
@ -87,14 +87,12 @@ pub(crate) fn reference_definition(
if let Some(expr) = struct_lit.and_then(|lit| source_map.node_expr(lit.into())) {
let ty = infer_result[expr].clone();
if let hir::Ty::Adt { def_id, .. } = ty {
if let hir::AdtDef::Struct(s) = def_id {
let hir_path = hir::Path::from_name_ref(name_ref);
let hir_name = hir_path.as_ident().unwrap();
if let Some((hir::AdtDef::Struct(s), _)) = ty.as_adt() {
let hir_path = hir::Path::from_name_ref(name_ref);
let hir_name = hir_path.as_ident().unwrap();
if let Some(field) = s.field(db, hir_name) {
return Exact(NavigationTarget::from_field(db, field));
if let Some(field) = s.field(db, hir_name) {
return Exact(NavigationTarget::from_field(db, field));
@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ pub(crate) fn reference_definition(
Some(Resolution::SelfType(impl_block)) => {
let ty = impl_block.target_ty(db);
if let hir::Ty::Adt { def_id, .. } = ty {
if let Some((def_id, _)) = ty.as_adt() {
return Exact(NavigationTarget::from_adt_def(db, def_id));
@ -517,23 +517,8 @@ The Some variant
assert_eq!("u32", &type_name);
// FIXME: improve type_of to make this work
fn test_type_of_for_expr_1() {
let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
fn main() {
let foo = <|>1 + foo_test<|>;
let type_name = analysis.type_of(range).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!("{unknown}", &type_name);
fn test_type_of_for_expr_2() {
fn test_type_of_for_expr() {
let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
fn main() {
Add table
Reference in a new issue