stdlib: add json.
Add a json serializer and deserializer. Signed-off-by: Elly Jones <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 294 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
#[link(name = "json",
vers = "0.1",
uuid = "09d7f2fc-1fad-48b2-9f9d-a65512342f16",
url = "")];
#[copyright = "Google Inc. 2011"];
#[comment = "JSON serialization format library"];
#[license = "BSD"];
import float;
import map;
import option;
import option::{some, none};
import str;
import vec;
export json;
export tostr;
export fromstr;
tag json {
fn tostr(j: json) -> str {
alt j {
num(f) { float::to_str(f, 6u) }
string(s) { #fmt["\"%s\"", s] } // XXX: escape
boolean(true) { "true" }
boolean(false) { "false" }
list(@js) {
vec::map::<json,str>({ |e| tostr(e) }, js),
", "),
dict(m) {
let parts = [];
m.items({ |k, v|
vec::grow(parts, 1u,
str::concat(["\"", k, "\": ", tostr(v)])
str::concat(["{ ", str::connect(parts, ", "), " }"])
fn rest(s: str) -> str {
str::char_slice(s, 1u, str::char_len(s))
fn fromstr_str(s: str) -> (option::t<json>, str) {
let pos = 0u;
let len = str::byte_len(s);
let escape = false;
let res = "";
alt str::char_at(s, 0u) {
'"' { pos = 1u; }
_ { ret (none, s); }
while (pos < len) {
let chr = str::char_range_at(s, pos);
let c =;
pos =;
if (escape) {
res = res + str::from_char(c);
escape = false;
if (c == '\\') {
escape = true;
} else if (c == '"') {
ret (some(string(res)), str::char_slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s)));
res = res + str::from_char(c);
ret (none, s);
fn fromstr_list(s: str) -> (option::t<json>, str) {
if str::char_at(s, 0u) != '[' { ret (none, s); }
let s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s));
let vals = [];
if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); }
if str::char_at(s0, 0u) == ']' { ret (some(list(@[])), rest(s0)); }
while str::is_not_empty(s0) {
s0 = str::trim_left(s0);
let (next, s1) = fromstr_helper(s0);
s0 = s1;
alt next {
some(j) { vec::grow(vals, 1u, j); }
none { ret (none, s0); }
s0 = str::trim_left(s0);
if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); }
alt str::char_at(s0, 0u) {
',' { }
']' { ret (some(list(@vals)), rest(s0)); }
_ { ret (none, s0); }
s0 = rest(s0);
ret (none, s0);
fn fromstr_dict(s: str) -> (option::t<json>, str) {
if str::char_at(s, 0u) != '{' { ret (none, s); }
let s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s));
let vals = map::new_str_hash::<json>();
if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); }
if str::char_at(s0, 0u) == '}' { ret (some(dict(vals)), rest(s0)); }
while str::is_not_empty(s0) {
s0 = str::trim_left(s0);
let (next, s1) = fromstr_helper(s0); // key
let key = "";
s0 = s1;
alt next {
some(string(k)) { key = k; }
_ { ret (none, s0); }
s0 = str::trim_left(s0);
if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); }
if str::char_at(s0, 0u) != ':' { ret (none, s0); }
s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s0));
let (next, s1) = fromstr_helper(s0); // value
s0 = s1;
alt next {
some(j) { vals.insert(key, j); }
_ { ret (none, s0); }
s0 = str::trim_left(s0);
if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); }
alt str::char_at(s0, 0u) {
',' { }
'}' { ret (some(dict(vals)), rest(s0)); }
_ { ret (none, s0); }
s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s0));
(none, s)
fn fromstr_float(s: str) -> (option::t<json>, str) {
let pos = 0u;
let len = str::byte_len(s);
let res = 0f;
let neg = 1.f;
alt str::char_at(s, 0u) {
'-' {
neg = -1.f;
pos = 1u;
'+' {
pos = 1u;
'0' to '9' | '.' { }
_ { ret (none, s); }
while (pos < len) {
let opos = pos;
let chr = str::char_range_at(s, pos);
let c =;
pos =;
alt c {
'0' to '9' {
res = res * 10f;
res += ((c as int) - ('0' as int)) as float;
'.' { break; }
_ { ret (some(num(neg * res)),
str::char_slice(s, opos, str::char_len(s))); }
if pos == len {
ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::char_slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s)));
let dec = 1.f;
while (pos < len) {
let opos = pos;
let chr = str::char_range_at(s, pos);
let c =;
pos =;
alt c {
'0' to '9' {
dec /= 10.f;
res += (((c as int) - ('0' as int)) as float) * dec;
_ { ret (some(num(neg * res)),
str::char_slice(s, opos, str::char_len(s))); }
ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::char_slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s)));
fn fromstr_bool(s: str) -> (option::t<json>, str) {
if (str::starts_with(s, "true")) {
(some(boolean(true)), str::slice(s, 4u, str::byte_len(s)))
} else if (str::starts_with(s, "false")) {
(some(boolean(false)), str::slice(s, 5u, str::byte_len(s)))
} else {
(none, s)
fn fromstr_helper(s: str) -> (option::t<json>, str) {
let s = str::trim_left(s);
if str::is_empty(s) { ret (none, s); }
let start = str::char_at(s, 0u);
alt start {
'"' { fromstr_str(s) }
'[' { fromstr_list(s) }
'{' { fromstr_dict(s) }
'0' to '9' | '-' | '+' | '.' { fromstr_float(s) }
't' | 'f' { fromstr_bool(s) }
_ { ret (none, s); }
fn fromstr(s: str) -> option::t<json> {
let (j, _) = fromstr_helper(s);
fn main() {
let j = fromstr("{ \"foo\": [ 4, 5 ], \"bar\": { \"baz\": true}}");
alt j {
some(j0) {
log tostr(j0);
_ { }
mod tests {
fn test_fromstr_num() {
assert(fromstr("3") == some(num(3f)));
assert(fromstr("3.1") == some(num(3.1f)));
assert(fromstr("-1.2") == some(num(-1.2f)));
assert(fromstr(".4") == some(num(0.4f)));
fn test_fromstr_str() {
assert(fromstr("\"foo\"") == some(string("foo")));
assert(fromstr("\"\\\"\"") == some(string("\"")));
assert(fromstr("\"lol") == none);
fn test_fromstr_bool() {
assert(fromstr("true") == some(boolean(true)));
assert(fromstr("false") == some(boolean(false)));
assert(fromstr("truz") == none);
fn test_fromstr_list() {
assert(fromstr("[]") == some(list(@[])));
assert(fromstr("[true]") == some(list(@[boolean(true)])));
assert(fromstr("[3, 1]") == some(list(@[num(3f), num(1f)])));
assert(fromstr("[2, [4, 1]]") ==
some(list(@[num(2f), list(@[num(4f), num(1f)])])));
assert(fromstr("[2, ]") == none);
assert(fromstr("[5, ") == none);
assert(fromstr("[6 7]") == none);
assert(fromstr("[3") == none);
fn test_fromstr_dict() {
assert(fromstr("{}") != none);
assert(fromstr("{\"a\": 3}") != none);
assert(fromstr("{\"a\": }") == none);
assert(fromstr("{\"a\" }") == none);
assert(fromstr("{\"a\"") == none);
assert(fromstr("{") == none);
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ mod ufind;
mod ebml;
mod dbg;
mod getopts;
mod json;
mod math;
mod rand;
mod sha1;
Add table
Reference in a new issue