Add TYSPEC_mutable, merge control-flag for it and auto_deref into unify_ctx structure.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 263 additions and 172 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ type tyspec =
| TYSPEC_all
| TYSPEC_resolved of (Ast.ty_param array) * Ast.ty
| TYSPEC_exterior of tyvar (* @ of some t *)
| TYSPEC_mutable of tyvar (* something mutable *)
| TYSPEC_callable of (tyvar * tyvar array) (* out, ins *)
| TYSPEC_collection of tyvar (* vec or str *)
| TYSPEC_comparable (* comparable with = and != *)
@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ let rec tyspec_to_str (ts:tyspec) : string =
fmt ff "@@";
fmt_tyspec ff (!tv)
| TYSPEC_mutable tv ->
fmt ff "mutable ";
fmt_tyspec ff (!tv)
| TYSPEC_callable (out, ins) ->
fmt_obb ff;
fmt ff "callable fn(";
@ -166,6 +171,32 @@ let rec resolve_tyvar (tv:tyvar) : tyvar =
| _ -> tv
type unify_ctxt =
{ mut_ok: bool;
ext_ok: bool }
let arg_pass_ctx =
{ ext_ok = false;
mut_ok = true }
let rval_ctx =
{ ext_ok = true;
mut_ok = true }
let lval_ctx =
{ ext_ok = false;
mut_ok = true }
let strict_ctx =
{ ext_ok = false;
mut_ok = false }
let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let depth = ref 0 in
@ -206,16 +237,17 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let visitor (cx:ctxt) (inner:Walk.visitor) : Walk.visitor =
let rec unify_slot
(id_opt:node_id option)
(tv:tyvar) : unit =
match id_opt with
Some id -> unify_tyvars auto_deref (Hashtbl.find bindings id) tv
Some id ->
unify_tyvars ucx (Hashtbl.find bindings id) tv
| None ->
match slot.Ast.slot_ty with
None -> bug () "untyped unidentified slot"
| Some ty -> unify_ty auto_deref ty tv
| Some ty -> unify_ty ucx ty tv
and check_sane_tyvar tv =
match !tv with
@ -223,21 +255,25 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
bug () "named-type in type checker"
| _ -> ()
and unify_tyvars (auto_deref:bool) (av:tyvar) (bv:tyvar) : unit =
and unify_tyvars (ucx:unify_ctxt) (av:tyvar) (bv:tyvar) : unit =
let indent = String.make (4 * (!depth)) ' ' in
iflog cx
(fun _ ->
log cx "%s> unifying types:" indent;
if auto_deref
if ucx.ext_ok || ucx.mut_ok
log cx "%s> (w/ auto-deref)" indent;
log cx "%s> (w/ %s%s%s)"
(if ucx.ext_ok then "ext-ok" else "")
(if ucx.ext_ok && ucx.mut_ok then " " else "")
(if ucx.mut_ok then "mut-ok" else "");
log cx "%s> input tyvar A: %s" indent (tyspec_to_str !av);
log cx "%s> input tyvar B: %s" indent (tyspec_to_str !bv));
check_sane_tyvar av;
check_sane_tyvar bv;
incr depth;
unify_tyvars' auto_deref av bv;
unify_tyvars' ucx av bv;
decr depth;
iflog cx
@ -248,7 +284,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
check_sane_tyvar av;
check_sane_tyvar bv;
and unify_tyvars' (auto_deref:bool) (av:tyvar) (bv:tyvar) : unit =
and unify_tyvars' (ucx:unify_ctxt) (av:tyvar) (bv:tyvar) : unit =
let (a, b) = ((resolve_tyvar av), (resolve_tyvar bv)) in
let fail () =
err None "mismatched types: %s vs. %s" (tyspec_to_str !av)
@ -259,7 +295,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let c = Hashtbl.create ((Hashtbl.length a) + (Hashtbl.length b)) in
let merge ident tv_a =
if Hashtbl.mem c ident
then unify_tyvars auto_deref (Hashtbl.find c ident) tv_a
then unify_tyvars ucx (Hashtbl.find c ident) tv_a
else Hashtbl.add c ident tv_a
Hashtbl.iter (Hashtbl.add c) b;
@ -278,7 +314,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let check_entry ident tv =
unify_ty auto_deref (find_ty ident) tv
unify_ty ucx (find_ty ident) tv
Hashtbl.iter check_entry dct
@ -289,7 +325,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let check_entry (query:Ast.ident) tv : unit =
match htab_search fns query with
None -> fail ()
| Some fn -> unify_ty auto_deref (Ast.TY_fn fn) tv
| Some fn -> unify_ty ucx (Ast.TY_fn fn) tv
Hashtbl.iter check_entry dct
@ -300,9 +336,9 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
: Ast.ty =
match ty_a, ty_b with
a, b when a = b -> a
| Ast.TY_exterior a, b | b, Ast.TY_exterior a when auto_deref ->
| Ast.TY_exterior a, b | b, Ast.TY_exterior a when ucx.ext_ok ->
Ast.TY_exterior (unify_resolved_types a b)
| Ast.TY_mutable a, b | b, Ast.TY_mutable a ->
| Ast.TY_mutable a, b | b, Ast.TY_mutable a when ucx.mut_ok ->
Ast.TY_mutable (unify_resolved_types a b)
| Ast.TY_constrained (a, constrs), b
| b, Ast.TY_constrained (a, constrs) ->
@ -321,22 +357,19 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.TY_fn _ | Ast.TY_obj _
| Ast.TY_param _ | Ast.TY_native _ | Ast.TY_type -> false
| Ast.TY_named _ -> bug () "unexpected named type"
| Ast.TY_mutable ty
| Ast.TY_constrained (ty, _) ->
is_comparable_or_ordered comparable ty
| Ast.TY_mutable ty ->
ucx.mut_ok && is_comparable_or_ordered comparable ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty ->
if auto_deref
is_comparable_or_ordered comparable ty
ucx.ext_ok && is_comparable_or_ordered comparable ty
let rec floating (ty:Ast.ty) : bool =
match ty with
Ast.TY_mach TY_f32 | Ast.TY_mach TY_f64 -> true
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> floating ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when auto_deref -> floating ty
| Ast.TY_mutable ty when ucx.mut_ok -> floating ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when ucx.ext_ok -> floating ty
| _ -> false
@ -347,8 +380,8 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.TY_mach TY_i16 | Ast.TY_mach TY_i32
| Ast.TY_mach TY_i64 ->
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> integral ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when auto_deref -> integral ty
| Ast.TY_mutable ty when ucx.mut_ok -> integral ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when ucx.ext_ok -> integral ty
| _ -> false
@ -358,8 +391,8 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
match ty with
Ast.TY_str -> true
| Ast.TY_vec _ -> true
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> plusable ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when auto_deref -> plusable ty
| Ast.TY_mutable ty when ucx.mut_ok -> plusable ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when ucx.ext_ok -> plusable ty
| _ -> numeric ty
@ -369,8 +402,8 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.TY_mach TY_u8 | Ast.TY_mach TY_u16 | Ast.TY_mach TY_u32
| Ast.TY_mach TY_i8 | Ast.TY_mach TY_i16 | Ast.TY_mach TY_i32
-> true
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> loggable ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when auto_deref -> loggable ty
| Ast.TY_mutable ty when ucx.mut_ok -> loggable ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when ucx.ext_ok -> loggable ty
| _ -> false
@ -383,22 +416,46 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
(* exterior *)
| (TYSPEC_exterior a', TYSPEC_exterior b') ->
unify_tyvars ucx a' b'; !a
| (TYSPEC_exterior a',
TYSPEC_resolved (_, Ast.TY_exterior _)) ->
unify_tyvars auto_deref a' b; !b
unify_tyvars ucx a' b; !b
| (TYSPEC_resolved (_, Ast.TY_exterior _),
TYSPEC_exterior b') ->
unify_tyvars auto_deref a b'; !b
unify_tyvars ucx a b'; !a
| (TYSPEC_exterior a', _) when auto_deref
-> unify_tyvars auto_deref a' b; !a
| (_, TYSPEC_exterior b') when auto_deref
-> unify_tyvars auto_deref a b'; !b
| (TYSPEC_exterior a', _) when ucx.ext_ok
-> unify_tyvars ucx a' b; !a
| (_, TYSPEC_exterior b') when ucx.ext_ok
-> unify_tyvars ucx a b'; !b
| (_, TYSPEC_exterior _)
| (TYSPEC_exterior _, _) -> fail()
(* mutable *)
| (TYSPEC_mutable a', TYSPEC_mutable b') ->
unify_tyvars ucx a' b'; !a
| (TYSPEC_mutable a',
TYSPEC_resolved (_, Ast.TY_mutable _)) ->
unify_tyvars ucx a' b; !b
| (TYSPEC_resolved (_, Ast.TY_mutable _),
TYSPEC_mutable b') ->
unify_tyvars ucx a b'; !a
| (TYSPEC_mutable a', _) when ucx.mut_ok
-> unify_tyvars ucx a' b; !a
| (_, TYSPEC_mutable b') when ucx.mut_ok
-> unify_tyvars ucx a b'; !b
| (_, TYSPEC_mutable _)
| (TYSPEC_mutable _, _) -> fail()
(* resolved *)
| (TYSPEC_resolved (params_a, ty_a),
@ -412,7 +469,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| (TYSPEC_callable (out_tv, in_tvs),
TYSPEC_resolved (params, ty)) ->
let unify_in_slot i in_slot =
unify_slot false in_slot None in_tvs.(i)
unify_slot arg_pass_ctx in_slot None in_tvs.(i)
let rec unify ty =
match ty with
@ -424,12 +481,13 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
fail ()
unify_slot false out_slot None out_tv;
unify_slot arg_pass_ctx out_slot None out_tv;
Array.iteri unify_in_slot in_slots;
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when auto_deref
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when ucx.ext_ok
-> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty when ucx.mut_ok
-> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| _ -> fail ()
TYSPEC_resolved (params, unify ty)
@ -438,12 +496,13 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| (TYSPEC_collection tv, TYSPEC_resolved (params, ty)) ->
let rec unify ty =
match ty with
Ast.TY_vec ty' -> unify_ty auto_deref ty' tv; ty
Ast.TY_vec ty' -> unify_ty ucx ty' tv; ty
| Ast.TY_str ->
unify_ty auto_deref (Ast.TY_mach TY_u8) tv; ty
unify_ty ucx (Ast.TY_mach TY_u8) tv; ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty
when auto_deref -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
when ucx.ext_ok -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty
when ucx.mut_ok -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| _ -> fail ()
TYSPEC_resolved (params, unify ty)
@ -469,8 +528,9 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
unify_dict_with_obj_fns dct fns;
| Ast.TY_exterior ty
when auto_deref -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
when ucx.ext_ok -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty
when ucx.mut_ok -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| _ -> fail ()
TYSPEC_resolved (params, unify ty)
@ -500,7 +560,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| (TYSPEC_resolved (params, ty), TYSPEC_app (tv, args))
| (TYSPEC_app (tv, args), TYSPEC_resolved (params, ty)) ->
let ty = rebuild_ty_under_params ty params args false in
unify_ty auto_deref ty tv;
unify_ty ucx ty tv;
TYSPEC_resolved ([| |], ty)
| (TYSPEC_resolved (params, ty), TYSPEC_record dct)
@ -511,8 +571,9 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
unify_dict_with_record_fields dct fields;
| Ast.TY_exterior ty
when auto_deref -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
when ucx.ext_ok -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty
when ucx.mut_ok -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| _ -> fail ()
TYSPEC_resolved (params, unify ty)
@ -526,13 +587,14 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
then fail ()
let check_elem i tv =
unify_ty auto_deref (elem_tys.(i)) tv
unify_ty ucx (elem_tys.(i)) tv
Array.iteri check_elem tvs;
| Ast.TY_exterior ty
when auto_deref -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
when ucx.ext_ok -> Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty
when ucx.ext_ok -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| _ -> fail ()
TYSPEC_resolved (params, unify ty)
@ -541,10 +603,11 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| (TYSPEC_vector tv, TYSPEC_resolved (params, ty)) ->
let rec unify ty =
match ty with
Ast.TY_vec ty' -> unify_ty auto_deref ty' tv; ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when auto_deref ->
Ast.TY_vec ty' -> unify_ty ucx ty' tv; ty
| Ast.TY_exterior ty when ucx.ext_ok ->
Ast.TY_exterior (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty -> Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| Ast.TY_mutable ty when ucx.mut_ok ->
Ast.TY_mutable (unify ty)
| _ -> fail ()
TYSPEC_resolved (params, unify ty)
@ -553,9 +616,10 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| (TYSPEC_callable (a_out_tv, a_in_tvs),
TYSPEC_callable (b_out_tv, b_in_tvs)) ->
unify_tyvars false a_out_tv b_out_tv;
unify_tyvars arg_pass_ctx a_out_tv b_out_tv;
let check_in_tv i a_in_tv =
unify_tyvars false a_in_tv b_in_tvs.(i)
unify_tyvars arg_pass_ctx
a_in_tv b_in_tvs.(i)
Array.iteri check_in_tv a_in_tvs;
TYSPEC_callable (a_out_tv, a_in_tvs)
@ -588,7 +652,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
(* collection *)
| (TYSPEC_collection av, TYSPEC_collection bv) ->
unify_tyvars auto_deref av bv;
unify_tyvars ucx av bv;
TYSPEC_collection av
| (TYSPEC_collection av, TYSPEC_comparable)
@ -617,7 +681,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| (TYSPEC_collection av, TYSPEC_vector bv)
| (TYSPEC_vector bv, TYSPEC_collection av) ->
unify_tyvars auto_deref av bv;
unify_tyvars ucx av bv;
TYSPEC_vector av
(* comparable *)
@ -786,7 +850,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
then fail()
unify_tyvars auto_deref tv_a tv_b;
unify_tyvars ucx tv_a tv_b;
TYSPEC_app (tv_a, args_a)
@ -819,7 +883,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
else if i >= len_b
then tvs_a.(i)
else begin
unify_tyvars false tvs_a.(i) tvs_b.(i);
unify_tyvars strict_ctx tvs_a.(i) tvs_b.(i);
@ -831,7 +895,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
(* vector *)
| (TYSPEC_vector av, TYSPEC_vector bv) ->
unify_tyvars false av bv;
unify_tyvars strict_ctx av bv;
TYSPEC_vector av
let c = ref result in
@ -839,19 +903,19 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
b := TYSPEC_equiv c
and unify_ty_parametric
(tps:Ast.ty_param array)
: unit =
unify_tyvars auto_deref (ref (TYSPEC_resolved (tps, ty))) tv
unify_tyvars ucx (ref (TYSPEC_resolved (tps, ty))) tv
and unify_ty (auto_deref:bool) (ty:Ast.ty) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
unify_ty_parametric auto_deref ty [||] tv
and unify_ty (ucx:unify_ctxt) (ty:Ast.ty) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
unify_ty_parametric ucx ty [||] tv
let rec unify_lit (auto_deref:bool) (lit:Ast.lit) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
let rec unify_lit (ucx:unify_ctxt) (lit:Ast.lit) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
let ty =
match lit with
Ast.LIT_nil -> Ast.TY_nil
@ -861,16 +925,16 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.LIT_uint (_, _) -> Ast.TY_uint
| Ast.LIT_char _ -> Ast.TY_char
unify_ty auto_deref ty tv
unify_ty ucx ty tv
and unify_atom (auto_deref:bool) (atom:Ast.atom) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
and unify_atom (ucx:unify_ctxt) (atom:Ast.atom) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
match atom with
Ast.ATOM_literal { node = literal; id = _ } ->
unify_lit auto_deref literal tv
unify_lit ucx literal tv
| Ast.ATOM_lval lval ->
unify_lval auto_deref lval tv
unify_lval ucx lval tv
and unify_expr (auto_deref:bool) (expr:Ast.expr) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
and unify_expr (ucx:unify_ctxt) (expr:Ast.expr) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
match expr with
Ast.EXPR_binary (binop, lhs, rhs) ->
let binop_sig = match binop with
@ -901,64 +965,64 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
match binop_sig with
BINOPSIG_bool_bool_bool ->
unify_atom true lhs
unify_atom rval_ctx lhs
(ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)));
unify_atom true rhs
unify_atom rval_ctx rhs
(ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)));
unify_ty true Ast.TY_bool tv
unify_ty rval_ctx Ast.TY_bool tv
| BINOPSIG_comp_comp_bool ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_comparable in
unify_atom true lhs tv_a;
unify_atom true rhs tv_a;
unify_ty true Ast.TY_bool tv
unify_atom rval_ctx lhs tv_a;
unify_atom rval_ctx rhs tv_a;
unify_ty rval_ctx Ast.TY_bool tv
| BINOPSIG_ord_ord_bool ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_ordered in
unify_atom true lhs tv_a;
unify_atom true rhs tv_a;
unify_ty true Ast.TY_bool tv
unify_atom rval_ctx lhs tv_a;
unify_atom rval_ctx rhs tv_a;
unify_ty rval_ctx Ast.TY_bool tv
| BINOPSIG_integ_integ_integ ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_integral in
unify_atom true lhs tv_a;
unify_atom true rhs tv_a;
unify_tyvars true tv tv_a
unify_atom rval_ctx lhs tv_a;
unify_atom rval_ctx rhs tv_a;
unify_tyvars rval_ctx tv tv_a
| BINOPSIG_num_num_num ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_numeric in
unify_atom true lhs tv_a;
unify_atom true rhs tv_a;
unify_tyvars true tv tv_a
unify_atom rval_ctx lhs tv_a;
unify_atom rval_ctx rhs tv_a;
unify_tyvars rval_ctx tv tv_a
| BINOPSIG_plus_plus_plus ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_plusable in
unify_atom true lhs tv_a;
unify_atom true rhs tv_a;
unify_tyvars true tv tv_a
unify_atom rval_ctx lhs tv_a;
unify_atom rval_ctx rhs tv_a;
unify_tyvars rval_ctx tv tv_a
| Ast.EXPR_unary (unop, atom) ->
match unop with
Ast.UNOP_not ->
unify_atom true atom
unify_atom rval_ctx atom
(ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)));
unify_ty true Ast.TY_bool tv
unify_ty rval_ctx Ast.TY_bool tv
| Ast.UNOP_bitnot ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_integral in
unify_atom true atom tv_a;
unify_tyvars true tv tv_a
unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv_a;
unify_tyvars rval_ctx tv tv_a
| Ast.UNOP_neg ->
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_numeric in
unify_atom true atom tv_a;
unify_tyvars true tv tv_a
unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv_a;
unify_tyvars rval_ctx tv tv_a
| Ast.UNOP_cast t ->
(* FIXME (issue #84): check cast-validity in
* post-typecheck pass. Only some casts make sense.
let tv_a = ref TYSPEC_all in
let t = Hashtbl.find cx.ctxt_all_cast_types in
unify_atom true atom tv_a;
unify_ty true t tv
unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv_a;
unify_ty rval_ctx t tv
| Ast.EXPR_atom atom -> unify_atom auto_deref atom tv
| Ast.EXPR_atom atom -> unify_atom ucx atom tv
and unify_lval' (auto_deref:bool) (lval:Ast.lval) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
and unify_lval' (ucx:unify_ctxt) (lval:Ast.lval) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
let note_args args =
iflog cx (fun _ -> log cx "noting lval '%a' type arguments: %a"
Ast.sprintf_lval lval Ast.sprintf_app_args args);
@ -980,7 +1044,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
log cx "lval-base slot tyspec for %a = %s"
Ast.sprintf_lval lval (tyspec_to_str (!tv));
unify_slot auto_deref slot (Some referent) tv
unify_slot ucx slot (Some referent) tv
| _ ->
let spec = (!(Hashtbl.find bindings referent)) in
@ -1002,7 +1066,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
ref (TYSPEC_app (tv, args))
| _ -> err None "bad lval / tyspec combination"
unify_tyvars auto_deref (ref spec) tv
unify_tyvars ucx (ref spec) tv
| Ast.LVAL_ext (base, comp) ->
let base_ts = match comp with
@ -1023,7 +1087,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
TYSPEC_tuple (Array.init (i + 1) init)
| Ast.COMP_atom atom ->
unify_atom true atom
unify_atom rval_ctx atom
(ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_int)));
TYSPEC_collection tv
@ -1031,14 +1095,14 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
TYSPEC_exterior tv
let base_tv = ref base_ts in
unify_lval' auto_deref base base_tv;
unify_lval' ucx base base_tv;
match !(resolve_tyvar base_tv) with
TYSPEC_resolved (_, ty) ->
unify_ty auto_deref (project_type ty comp) tv
unify_ty ucx (project_type ty comp) tv
| _ ->
and unify_lval (auto_deref:bool) (lval:Ast.lval) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
and unify_lval (ucx:unify_ctxt) (lval:Ast.lval) (tv:tyvar) : unit =
let id = lval_base_id lval in
(* Fetch lval with type components resolved. *)
let lval = Hashtbl.find cx.ctxt_all_lvals id in
@ -1046,13 +1110,13 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
"fetched resolved version of lval #%d = %a"
(int_of_node id) Ast.sprintf_lval lval);
Hashtbl.add lval_tyvars id tv;
unify_lval' auto_deref lval tv
unify_lval' ucx lval tv
let gen_atom_tvs atoms =
let gen_atom_tv atom =
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_atom false atom tv;
unify_atom strict_ctx atom tv;
|||| gen_atom_tv atoms
@ -1062,92 +1126,94 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let check_callable out_tv callee args =
let in_tvs = gen_atom_tvs args in
let callee_tv = ref (TYSPEC_callable (out_tv, in_tvs)) in
unify_lval false callee callee_tv;
unify_lval rval_ctx callee callee_tv;
let ty t = ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], t)) in
let any _ = ref TYSPEC_all in
match stmt.node with
Ast.STMT_spawn (out, _, callee, args) ->
let out_tv = ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_nil)) in
unify_lval true out (ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_task)));
Ast.STMT_spawn (dst, _, callee, args) ->
let out_tv = ty Ast.TY_nil in
unify_lval lval_ctx dst (ty Ast.TY_task);
check_callable out_tv callee args
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (lval, fields, Some base) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (dst, fields, Some base) ->
let dct = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let tvrec = ref (TYSPEC_record dct) in
let add_field (ident, atom) =
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_atom true atom tv;
let tv = any() in
unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv;
Hashtbl.add dct ident tv
Array.iter add_field fields;
let tvbase = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_lval true base tvbase;
unify_tyvars true tvrec tvbase;
unify_lval true lval tvrec
let tvbase = any() in
unify_lval rval_ctx base tvbase;
unify_tyvars rval_ctx tvrec tvbase;
unify_lval lval_ctx dst tvrec
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (lval, fields, None) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_rec (dst, fields, None) ->
let dct = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let add_field (ident, atom) =
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_atom true atom tv;
let tv = any() in
unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv;
Hashtbl.add dct ident tv
Array.iter add_field fields;
unify_lval true lval (ref (TYSPEC_record dct))
unify_lval lval_ctx dst (ref (TYSPEC_record dct))
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (lval, members) ->
| Ast.STMT_init_tup (dst, members) ->
let member_to_tv atom =
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_atom true atom tv;
let tv = any() in
unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv;
let member_tvs = member_to_tv members in
unify_lval true lval (ref (TYSPEC_tuple member_tvs))
unify_lval lval_ctx dst (ref (TYSPEC_tuple member_tvs))
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (lval, atoms) ->
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
let unify_with_tv atom = unify_atom true atom tv in
| Ast.STMT_init_vec (dst, atoms) ->
let tv = any() in
let unify_with_tv atom = unify_atom rval_ctx atom tv in
Array.iter unify_with_tv atoms;
unify_lval true lval (ref (TYSPEC_vector tv))
unify_lval lval_ctx dst (ref (TYSPEC_vector tv))
| Ast.STMT_init_str (lval, _) ->
unify_lval true lval (ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_str)))
| Ast.STMT_init_str (dst, _) ->
unify_lval lval_ctx dst (ty Ast.TY_str)
| Ast.STMT_copy (lval, expr) ->
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_expr false expr tv;
unify_lval false lval tv
| Ast.STMT_copy (dst, expr) ->
let tv = any() in
unify_expr rval_ctx expr tv;
unify_lval lval_ctx dst tv
| Ast.STMT_copy_binop (lval, binop, at) ->
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_expr false
(Ast.EXPR_binary (binop, Ast.ATOM_lval lval, at)) tv;
unify_lval false lval tv;
| Ast.STMT_copy_binop (dst, binop, at) ->
let tv = any() in
unify_expr rval_ctx
(Ast.EXPR_binary (binop, Ast.ATOM_lval dst, at)) tv;
unify_lval lval_ctx dst tv;
| Ast.STMT_call (out, callee, args) ->
let out_tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_lval false out out_tv;
let out_tv = any() in
unify_lval arg_pass_ctx out out_tv;
check_callable out_tv callee args
| Ast.STMT_log atom -> unify_atom true atom (ref TYSPEC_loggable)
| Ast.STMT_log atom ->
unify_atom rval_ctx atom (ref TYSPEC_loggable)
| Ast.STMT_check_expr expr ->
unify_expr true expr (ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)))
unify_expr rval_ctx expr (ty Ast.TY_bool)
| Ast.STMT_check (_, check_calls) ->
let out_tv = ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)) in
let out_tv = ty Ast.TY_bool in
(fun (callee, args) ->
check_callable out_tv callee args)
| Ast.STMT_while { Ast.while_lval = (_, expr);
Ast.while_body = _ } ->
unify_expr true
expr (ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)))
| Ast.STMT_while { Ast.while_lval = (_, expr) } ->
unify_expr rval_ctx expr (ty Ast.TY_bool)
| Ast.STMT_if { Ast.if_test = if_test } ->
unify_expr true
if_test (ref (TYSPEC_resolved ([||], Ast.TY_bool)));
unify_expr rval_ctx if_test (ty Ast.TY_bool);
| Ast.STMT_decl _ -> ()
@ -1155,8 +1221,8 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
| Ast.STMT_put atom_opt ->
match atom_opt with
None -> unify_ty false Ast.TY_nil (retval_tv())
| Some atom -> unify_atom false atom (retval_tv())
None -> unify_ty arg_pass_ctx Ast.TY_nil (retval_tv())
| Some atom -> unify_atom arg_pass_ctx atom (retval_tv())
| Ast.STMT_be (callee, args) ->
@ -1166,15 +1232,15 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
(* FIXME (issue #81): handle binding type parameters
* eventually.
let out_tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
let out_tv = any() in
let residue = ref [] in
let gen_atom_opt_tvs atoms =
let gen_atom_tv atom_opt =
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
let tv = any() in
match atom_opt with
None -> residue := tv :: (!residue);
| Some atom -> unify_atom false atom tv
| Some atom -> unify_atom arg_pass_ctx atom tv
@ -1185,14 +1251,14 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let arg_residue_tvs = Array.of_list (List.rev (!residue)) in
let callee_tv = ref (TYSPEC_callable (out_tv, in_tvs)) in
let bound_tv = ref (TYSPEC_callable (out_tv, arg_residue_tvs)) in
unify_lval true callee callee_tv;
unify_lval false bound bound_tv
unify_lval rval_ctx callee callee_tv;
unify_lval lval_ctx bound bound_tv
| Ast.STMT_for_each fe ->
let out_tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
let out_tv = any() in
let (si, _) = fe.Ast.for_each_slot in
let (callee, args) = fe.Ast.for_each_call in
unify_slot false si.node (Some out_tv;
unify_slot lval_ctx si.node (Some out_tv;
check_callable out_tv callee args
| Ast.STMT_for fo ->
@ -1200,13 +1266,13 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let seq_tv = ref (TYSPEC_collection mem_tv) in
let (si, _) = fo.Ast.for_slot in
let (_, seq) = fo.Ast.for_seq in
unify_lval true seq seq_tv;
unify_slot false si.node (Some mem_tv
unify_lval rval_ctx seq seq_tv;
unify_slot lval_ctx si.node (Some mem_tv
| Ast.STMT_alt_tag
{ Ast.alt_tag_lval = lval; Ast.alt_tag_arms = arms } ->
let lval_tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_lval true lval lval_tv;
let lval_tv = any() in
unify_lval lval_ctx lval lval_tv;
Array.iter (fun _ -> push_pat_tv lval_tv) arms
(* FIXME (issue #52): plenty more to handle here. *)
@ -1236,7 +1302,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let enter_fn fn retspec =
let out = fn.Ast.fn_output_slot in
push_retval_tv (ref retspec);
unify_slot false out.node (Some (retval_tv())
unify_slot arg_pass_ctx out.node (Some (retval_tv())
let visit_obj_fn_pre obj ident fn =
@ -1303,12 +1369,12 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let visit_pat_pre (pat:Ast.pat) : unit =
let expected = pat_tv() in
match pat with
Ast.PAT_lit lit -> unify_lit true lit expected
Ast.PAT_lit lit -> unify_lit strict_ctx lit expected
| Ast.PAT_tag (lval, _) ->
let expect ty =
let tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_ty false ty tv;
unify_ty strict_ctx ty tv;
push_pat_tv tv;
@ -1320,7 +1386,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
* exactly to that function type, rebuilt under any latent type
* parameters applied in the lval. *)
let lval_tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_lval false lval lval_tv;
unify_lval strict_ctx lval lval_tv;
let tag_ctor_ty =
match !(resolve_tyvar lval_tv) with
TYSPEC_resolved (_, ty) -> ty
@ -1332,13 +1398,13 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let tag_ty_tup = tag_or_iso_ty_tup_by_name tag_ty lval_nm in
let tag_tv = ref TYSPEC_all in
unify_ty false tag_ty tag_tv;
unify_tyvars false expected tag_tv;
unify_ty strict_ctx tag_ty tag_tv;
unify_tyvars strict_ctx expected tag_tv;
List.iter expect
(List.rev (Array.to_list tag_ty_tup));
| Ast.PAT_slot (sloti, _) ->
unify_slot false sloti.node (Some expected
unify_slot strict_ctx sloti.node (Some expected
| Ast.PAT_wild -> ()
@ -1366,7 +1432,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
match defn with
DEFN_slot { Ast.slot_mode = _; Ast.slot_ty = None } ->
Queue.add id auto_queue;
Hashtbl.add bindings id (ref TYSPEC_all)
Hashtbl.add bindings id (ref (TYSPEC_mutable (ref TYSPEC_all)))
| DEFN_slot { Ast.slot_mode = _; Ast.slot_ty = Some ty } ->
let _ = iflog cx (fun _ -> log cx "initial slot #%d type: %a"
(int_of_node id) Ast.sprintf_ty ty)
@ -1432,6 +1498,8 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
match slot_defn.Ast.slot_ty with
Some _ -> ()
| None ->
log cx "setting auto slot #%d to %a"
(int_of_node id) Ast.sprintf_ty ty;
Hashtbl.replace cx.ctxt_all_defns id
(DEFN_slot { slot_defn with
Ast.slot_ty = Some ty })
@ -1443,7 +1511,29 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
let ts = !(resolve_tyvar tv) in
match ts with
TYSPEC_resolved ([||], ty) -> ty
| TYSPEC_vector (tv) ->
| TYSPEC_exterior tv ->
match !(resolve_tyvar tv) with
TYSPEC_resolved ([||], ty) ->
(Ast.TY_exterior ty)
| _ ->
err (Some id)
"unresolved exterior type in %s (%d)"
(tyspec_to_str ts) (int_of_node id)
| TYSPEC_mutable tv ->
match !(resolve_tyvar tv) with
TYSPEC_resolved ([||], ty) ->
(Ast.TY_mutable ty)
| _ ->
err (Some id)
"unresolved mutable type in %s (%d)"
(tyspec_to_str ts) (int_of_node id)
| TYSPEC_vector tv ->
match !(resolve_tyvar tv) with
TYSPEC_resolved ([||], ty) ->
@ -1453,6 +1543,7 @@ let process_crate (cx:ctxt) (crate:Ast.crate) : unit =
"unresolved vector-element type in %s (%d)"
(tyspec_to_str ts) (int_of_node id)
| _ -> err (Some id)
"unresolved type %s (%d)"
(tyspec_to_str ts)
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