Commit graph

16690 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Rollup merge of #131712 - tgross35:const-lazy_cell_into_inner, r=joboet
Mark the unstable LazyCell::into_inner const

Other cell `into_inner` functions are const and there shouldn't be any problem here. Make the unstable `LazyCell::into_inner` const under the same gate as its stability (`lazy_cell_into_inner`).

Tracking issue:
2024-10-16 12:03:41 +02:00
1f67a7aa8d Auto merge of #131460 - jwong101:default-placement-new, r=ibraheemdev
Optimize `Box::default` and `Arc::default` to construct more types in place

Both the `Arc` and `Box` `Default` impls currently call `T::default()` before allocating, and then moving the resulting `T` into the allocation.

Most `Default` impls are trivial, which should in theory allow
LLVM to construct `T: Default` directly in the `Box` allocation when calling

However, the allocation may fail, which necessitates calling `T`'s destructor if it has one.
If the destructor is non-trivial, then LLVM has a hard time proving that it's
sound to elide, which makes it construct `T` on the stack first, and then copy it into the allocation.

Change both of these impls to allocate first, and then call `T::default` into the uninitialized allocation, so that LLVM doesn't have to prove that it's sound to elide the destructor/initial stack copy.

For example, given the following Rust code:

#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct Foo {
    x: Vec<u8>,
    z: String,
    y: Vec<u8>,

pub fn src() -> Box<Foo> {

<details open>
<summary>Before this PR:</summary>

`@__rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable` = external global i8

; drop_in_place() generated in case the allocation fails

; core::ptr::drop_in_place<playground::Foo>
; Function Attrs: nounwind nonlazybind uwtable
define internal fastcc void `@"_ZN4core3ptr36drop_in_place$LT$playground..Foo$GT$17hff376aece491233bE"(ptr` noalias nocapture noundef readonly align 8 dereferenceable(72) %_1) unnamed_addr #0 personality ptr `@rust_eh_personality` {
  %_1.val = load i64, ptr %_1, align 8
  %0 = icmp eq i64 %_1.val, 0
  br i1 %0, label %bb6, label %"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i"

"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i": ; preds = %start
  %1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 8
  %_1.val6 = load ptr, ptr %1, align 8, !nonnull !3, !noundef !3
  tail call void `@__rust_dealloc(ptr` noundef nonnull %_1.val6, i64 noundef %_1.val, i64 noundef 1) #8
  br label %bb6

bb6:                                              ; preds = %"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i", %start
  %2 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 24
  %.val9 = load i64, ptr %2, align 8
  %3 = icmp eq i64 %.val9, 0
  br i1 %3, label %bb5, label %"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i.i11"

"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i.i11": ; preds = %bb6
  %4 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 32
  %.val10 = load ptr, ptr %4, align 8, !nonnull !3, !noundef !3
  tail call void `@__rust_dealloc(ptr` noundef nonnull %.val10, i64 noundef %.val9, i64 noundef 1) #8
  br label %bb5

bb5:                                              ; preds = %"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i.i11", %bb6
  %5 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 48
  %.val4 = load i64, ptr %5, align 8
  %6 = icmp eq i64 %.val4, 0
  br i1 %6, label %"_ZN4core3ptr46drop_in_place$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$u8$GT$$GT$17hb5ca95423e113cf7E.exit16", label %"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i15"

"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i15": ; preds = %bb5
  %7 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 56
  %.val5 = load ptr, ptr %7, align 8, !nonnull !3, !noundef !3
  tail call void `@__rust_dealloc(ptr` noundef nonnull %.val5, i64 noundef %.val4, i64 noundef 1) #8
  br label %"_ZN4core3ptr46drop_in_place$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$u8$GT$$GT$17hb5ca95423e113cf7E.exit16"

"_ZN4core3ptr46drop_in_place$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$u8$GT$$GT$17hb5ca95423e113cf7E.exit16": ; preds = %bb5, %"_ZN63_$LT$alloc..alloc..Global$u20$as$u20$core..alloc..Allocator$GT$10deallocate17heaa87468709346b1E.exit.i.i.i4.i15"
  ret void

; Function Attrs: nonlazybind uwtable
define noalias noundef nonnull align 8 ptr `@src()` unnamed_addr #1 personality ptr `@rust_eh_personality` {

; alloca to place `Foo` in.
  %_1 = alloca [72 x i8], align 8
  call void `@llvm.lifetime.start.p0(i64` 72, ptr nonnull %_1)
  store i64 0, ptr %_1, align 8
  %_2.sroa.4.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 8
  store ptr inttoptr (i64 1 to ptr), ptr %_2.sroa.4.0._1.sroa_idx, align 8
  %_2.sroa.5.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 16
  %_3.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 32
  call void `@llvm.memset.p0.i64(ptr` noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(16) %_2.sroa.5.0._1.sroa_idx, i8 0, i64 16, i1 false)
  store ptr inttoptr (i64 1 to ptr), ptr %_3.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx, align 8
  %_3.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 40
  %_4.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 56
  call void `@llvm.memset.p0.i64(ptr` noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(16) %_3.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx, i8 0, i64 16, i1 false)
  store ptr inttoptr (i64 1 to ptr), ptr %_4.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx, align 8
  %_4.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_1, i64 64
  store i64 0, ptr %_4.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx, align 8
  %0 = load volatile i8, ptr `@__rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable,` align 1, !noalias !4
  %_0.i.i.i = tail call noalias noundef align 8 dereferenceable_or_null(72) ptr `@__rust_alloc(i64` noundef 72, i64 noundef 8) #8, !noalias !4
  %1 = icmp eq ptr %_0.i.i.i, null
  br i1 %1, label %bb2.i, label %"_ZN5alloc5boxed12Box$LT$T$GT$3new17h0864de14f863a27aE.exit"

bb2.i:                                            ; preds = %start
; invoke alloc::alloc::handle_alloc_error
  invoke void `@_ZN5alloc5alloc18handle_alloc_error17h98142d0d8d74161bE(i64` noundef 8, i64 noundef 72) #9
          to label %.noexc unwind label %cleanup.i

.noexc:                                           ; preds = %bb2.i

cleanup.i:                                        ; preds = %bb2.i
  %2 = landingpad { ptr, i32 }
; call core::ptr::drop_in_place<playground::Foo>
  call fastcc void `@"_ZN4core3ptr36drop_in_place$LT$playground..Foo$GT$17hff376aece491233bE"(ptr` noalias noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(72) %_1) #10
  resume { ptr, i32 } %2

"_ZN5alloc5boxed12Box$LT$T$GT$3new17h0864de14f863a27aE.exit": ; preds = %start

; Copy from stack to heap if allocation is successful
  call void `@llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr` noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(72) %_0.i.i.i, ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(72) %_1, i64 72, i1 false)
  call void `@llvm.lifetime.end.p0(i64` 72, ptr nonnull %_1)
  ret ptr %_0.i.i.i


<summary>After this PR</summary>

; Notice how there's no `drop_in_place()` generated as well

define noalias noundef nonnull align 8 ptr `@src()` unnamed_addr #0 personality ptr `@rust_eh_personality` {
; no stack allocation

  %0 = load volatile i8, ptr `@__rust_no_alloc_shim_is_unstable,` align 1
  %_0.i.i.i.i.i = tail call noalias noundef align 8 dereferenceable_or_null(72) ptr `@__rust_alloc(i64` noundef 72, i64 noundef 8) #5
  %1 = icmp eq ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, null
  br i1 %1, label %bb3.i, label %"_ZN5alloc5boxed16Box$LT$T$C$A$GT$13new_uninit_in17h80d6355ef4b73ea3E.exit"

bb3.i:                                            ; preds = %start
; call alloc::alloc::handle_alloc_error
  tail call void `@_ZN5alloc5alloc18handle_alloc_error17h98142d0d8d74161bE(i64` noundef 8, i64 noundef 72) #6

"_ZN5alloc5boxed16Box$LT$T$C$A$GT$13new_uninit_in17h80d6355ef4b73ea3E.exit": ; preds = %start
; construct `Foo` directly into the allocation if successful

  store i64 0, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, align 8
  %_8.sroa.4.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, i64 8
  store ptr inttoptr (i64 1 to ptr), ptr %_8.sroa.4.0._1.sroa_idx, align 8
  %_8.sroa.5.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, i64 16
  %_8.sroa.7.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, i64 32
  tail call void `@llvm.memset.p0.i64(ptr` noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(16) %_8.sroa.5.0._1.sroa_idx, i8 0, i64 16, i1 false)
  store ptr inttoptr (i64 1 to ptr), ptr %_8.sroa.7.0._1.sroa_idx, align 8
  %_8.sroa.8.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, i64 40
  %_8.sroa.10.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, i64 56
  tail call void `@llvm.memset.p0.i64(ptr` noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(16) %_8.sroa.8.0._1.sroa_idx, i8 0, i64 16, i1 false)
  store ptr inttoptr (i64 1 to ptr), ptr %_8.sroa.10.0._1.sroa_idx, align 8
  %_8.sroa.11.0._1.sroa_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i, i64 64
  store i64 0, ptr %_8.sroa.11.0._1.sroa_idx, align 8
  ret ptr %_0.i.i.i.i.i

2024-10-16 06:36:43 +00:00
Michael Goulet
Rollup merge of #131521 - jdonszelmann:rc, r=joboet
rename RcBox to RcInner for consistency

Arc uses ArcInner too (created in collaboration with `@aDotInTheVoid` and `@WaffleLapkin` )
2024-10-15 12:33:36 -04:00
Michael Goulet
Rollup merge of #130568 - eduardosm:const-float-methods, r=RalfJung,tgross35
Make some float methods unstable `const fn`

Some float methods are now `const fn` under the `const_float_methods` feature gate.

I also made some unstable methods `const fn`, keeping their constness under their respective feature gate.

In order to support `min`, `max`, `abs` and `copysign`, the implementation of some intrinsics had to be moved from Miri to rustc_const_eval (cc `@RalfJung).`

Tracking issue:

impl <float> {
    // #[feature(const_float_methods)]
    pub const fn recip(self) -> Self;
    pub const fn to_degrees(self) -> Self;
    pub const fn to_radians(self) -> Self;
    pub const fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
    pub const fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
    pub const fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self;
    pub const fn abs(self) -> Self;
    pub const fn signum(self) -> Self;
    pub const fn copysign(self, sign: Self) -> Self;

    // #[feature(float_minimum_maximum)]
    pub const fn maximum(self, other: Self) -> Self;
    pub const fn minimum(self, other: Self) -> Self;

    // Only f16/f128 (f32/f64 already const)
    pub const fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool;
    pub const fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool;
    pub const fn next_up(self) -> Self;
    pub const fn next_down(self) -> Self;

r? libs-api

try-job: dist-s390x-linux
2024-10-15 12:33:35 -04:00
Michael Goulet
Rollup merge of #129794 - Ayush1325:uefi-os-expand, r=joboet
uefi: Implement getcwd and chdir

- Using EFI Shell Protocol. These functions do not make much sense unless a shell is present.
- Return the exe dir in case shell protocol is missing.

r? `@joboet`
2024-10-15 12:33:35 -04:00
f79fae3069 Auto merge of #131723 - matthiaskrgr:rollup-krcslig, r=matthiaskrgr
Rollup of 9 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #122670 (Fix bug where `option_env!` would return `None` when env var is present but not valid Unicode)
 - #131095 (Use environment variables instead of command line arguments for merged doctests)
 - #131339 (Expand set_ptr_value / with_metadata_of docs)
 - #131652 (Move polarity into `PolyTraitRef` rather than storing it on the side)
 - #131675 (Update lint message for ABI not supported)
 - #131681 (Fix up-to-date checking for run-make tests)
 - #131702 (Suppress import errors for traits that couldve applied for method lookup error)
 - #131703 (Resolved python deprecation warning in
 - #131710 (Remove `'apostrophes'` from `rustc_parse_format`)

r? `@ghost`
`@rustbot` modify labels: rollup
2024-10-15 11:50:31 +00:00
Eduardo Sánchez Muñoz
c09ed3e767 Make some float methods unstable const fn
Some float methods are now `const fn` under the `const_float_methods` feature gate.

In order to support `min`, `max`, `abs` and `copysign`, the implementation of some intrinsics had to be moved from Miri to rustc_const_eval.
2024-10-15 10:46:33 +02:00
88f311479d Auto merge of #131724 - matthiaskrgr:rollup-ntgkkk8, r=matthiaskrgr
Rollup of 7 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #130608 (Implemented `FromStr` for `CString` and `TryFrom<CString>` for `String`)
 - #130635 (Add `&pin (mut|const) T` type position sugar)
 - #130747 (improve error messages for `C-cmse-nonsecure-entry` functions)
 - #131137 (Add 1.82 release notes)
 - #131328 (Remove unnecessary sorts in `rustc_hir_analysis`)
 - #131496 (Stabilise `const_make_ascii`.)
 - #131706 (Fix two const-hacks)

r? `@ghost`
`@rustbot` modify labels: rollup
2024-10-15 05:02:38 +00:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131706 - GKFX:fix-const-hacks, r=tgross35
Fix two const-hacks

Fix two pieces of code marked `FIXME(const-hack)` related to const_option #67441.
2024-10-15 05:12:37 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131496 - bjoernager:const-make-ascii, r=dtolnay
Stabilise `const_make_ascii`.

Closes: #130698

This PR stabilises the `const_make_ascii` feature gate (i.e. marking the `make_ascii_uppercase` and `make_ascii_lowercase` methods in `char`, `u8`, `[u8]`, and `str` as const).
2024-10-15 05:12:36 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #130608 - YohDeadfall:cstr-from-into-str, r=workingjubilee
Implemented `FromStr` for `CString` and `TryFrom<CString>` for `String`

The motivation of this change is making it possible to use `CString` in generic methods with `FromStr` and `TryInto<String>` trait bounds. The same traits are already implemented for `OsString` which is an FFI type too.
2024-10-15 05:12:34 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131339 - HeroicKatora:set_ptr_value-documentation, r=Mark-Simulacrum
Expand set_ptr_value / with_metadata_of docs

In preparation of a potential FCP, intends to clean up and expand the documentation of this operation.

Rewrite these blobs to explicitly mention the case of a sized operand. The previous made that seem wrong instead of emphasizing it is nothing but a simple cast. Instead, the explanation now emphasizes that the address portion of the argument, together with its provenance, is discarded which previously had to be inferred by the reader. Then an example demonstrates a simple line of incorrect usage based on this idea of provenance.

Tracking issue:
2024-10-15 05:11:37 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #122670 - beetrees:non-unicode-option-env-error, r=compiler-errors
Fix bug where `option_env!` would return `None` when env var is present but not valid Unicode

Fixes #122669 by making `option_env!` emit an error when the value of the environment variable is not valid Unicode.
2024-10-15 05:11:36 +02:00
785c83015c Auto merge of #129458 - EnzymeAD:enzyme-frontend, r=jieyouxu
Autodiff Upstreaming - enzyme frontend

This is an upstream PR for the `autodiff` rustc_builtin_macro that is part of the autodiff feature.

For the full implementation, see:

It contains a new `#[autodiff(<args>)]` rustc_builtin_macro, as well as a `#[rustc_autodiff]` builtin attribute.
The autodiff macro is applied on function `f` and will expand to a second function `df` (name given by user).
It will add a dummy body to `df` to make sure it type-checks. The body will later be replaced by enzyme on llvm-ir level,
we therefore don't really care about the content. Most of the changes (700 from 1.2k) are in `compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/`, which expand the macro. Nothing except expansion is implemented for now.
I have a fallback implementation for relevant functions in case that rustc should be build without autodiff support. The default for now will be off, although we want to flip it later (once everything landed) to on for nightly. For the sake of CI, I have flipped the defaults, I'll revert this before merging.

**Dummy function Body:**
The first line is an `inline_asm` nop to make inlining less likely (I have additional checks to prevent this in the middle end of rustc. If `f` gets inlined too early, we can't pass it to enzyme and thus can't differentiate it.
If `df` gets inlined too early, the call site will just compute this dummy code instead of the derivatives, a correctness issue. The following black_box lines make sure that none of the input arguments is getting optimized away before we replace the body.

The user facing autodiff macro can verify the user input. Then I write it as args to the rustc_attribute, so from here on I can know that these values should be sensible. A rustc_attribute also turned out to be quite nice to attach this information to the corresponding function and carry it till the backend.
This is also just an experiment, I expect to adjust the user facing autodiff macro based on user feedback, to improve usability.

As a simple example of what this will do, we can see this expansion:
#[autodiff(df, Reverse, Duplicated, Const, Active)]
pub fn f1(x: &[f64], y: f64) -> f64 {
pub fn f1(x: &[f64], y: f64) -> f64 {
    ::core::panicking::panic("not implemented")
#[rustc_autodiff(Reverse, Duplicated, Const, Active,)]
pub fn df(x: &[f64], dx: &mut [f64], y: f64, dret: f64) -> f64 {
    unsafe { asm!("NOP"); };
    ::core::hint::black_box(f1(x, y));
    ::core::hint::black_box((dx, dret));
    ::core::hint::black_box(f1(x, y))
I will add a few more tests once I figured out why rustc rebuilds every time I touch a test.



try-job: dist-x86_64-msvc
2024-10-15 01:30:01 +00:00
Gabriel Bjørnager Jensen
Stabilise 'const_make_ascii' 2024-10-14 17:56:36 -07:00
Trevor Gross
373142aaa1 Mark LazyCell::into_inner unstably const
Other cell `into_inner` functions are const and there shouldn't be any
problem here. Make the unstable `LazyCell::into_inner` const under the
same gate as its stability (`lazy_cell_into_inner`).

Tracking issue:
2024-10-14 17:16:01 -04:00
George Bateman
Fix two const-hacks 2024-10-14 20:50:40 +01:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131384 - saethlin:precondition-tests, r=ibraheemdev
Update precondition tests (especially for zero-size access to null)

I don't much like the current way I've updated the precondition check helpers, but I couldn't come up with anything better. Ideas welcome.

I've organized `tests/ui/precondition-checks` mostly with one file per function that has `assert_unsafe_precondition` in it, with revisions that check each precondition. The important new test is `tests/ui/precondition-checks/`.
2024-10-14 17:06:36 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #129424 - coolreader18:stabilize-pin_as_deref_mut, r=dtolnay
Stabilize `Pin::as_deref_mut()`

Tracking issue: closes #86918

Stabilizing the following API:

impl<Ptr: DerefMut> Pin<Ptr> {
    pub fn as_deref_mut(self: Pin<&mut Pin<Ptr>>) -> Pin<&mut Ptr::Target>;

I know that an FCP has not been started yet, but this isn't a very complex stabilization, and I'm hoping this can motivate an FCP to *get* started - this has been pending for a while and it's a very useful function when writing Future impls.

r? ``@jonhoo``
2024-10-14 17:06:35 +02:00
17a19e684c Auto merge of #131672 - matthiaskrgr:rollup-gyzysj4, r=matthiaskrgr
Rollup of 8 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #128967 (std::fs::get_path freebsd update.)
 - #130629 (core/net: add Ipv[46]Addr::from_octets, Ipv6Addr::from_segments.)
 - #131274 (library: Const-stabilize `MaybeUninit::assume_init_mut`)
 - #131473 (compiler: `{TyAnd,}Layout` comes home)
 - #131533 (emscripten: Use the latest emsdk 3.1.68)
 - #131593 (miri: avoid cloning AllocExtra)
 - #131616 (merge const_ipv4 / const_ipv6 feature gate into 'ip' feature gate)
 - #131660 (Also use outermost const-anon for impl items in `non_local_defs` lint)

r? `@ghost`
`@rustbot` modify labels: rollup
2024-10-14 12:20:35 +00:00
Ayush Singh
uefi: Implement getcwd and chdir
- Using EFI Shell Protocol. These functions do not make much sense
  unless a shell is present.
- Return the exe dir in case shell protocol is missing.

Signed-off-by: Ayush Singh <>
2024-10-14 11:05:22 +05:30
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131616 - RalfJung:const_ip, r=tgross35
merge const_ipv4 / const_ipv6 feature gate into 'ip' feature gate has been closed a while ago, but there are still some functions that reference it. Those functions are all unstable *and* const-unstable. There's no good reason to use a separate feature gate for their const-stability, so this PR moves their const-stability under the same gate as their regular stability, and therefore removes the remaining references to
2024-10-14 06:04:29 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131274 - workingjubilee:stabilize-the-one-that-got-away, r=scottmcm
library: Const-stabilize `MaybeUninit::assume_init_mut`

FCP completed in

Also moves const-ness of an unstable fn under the `maybe_uninit_slice` gate, Cc
2024-10-14 06:04:27 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #130629 - Dirbaio:net-from-octets, r=tgross35
core/net: add Ipv[46]Addr::from_octets, Ipv6Addr::from_segments.


- `Ipv4Address::from_octets([u8;4])`
- `Ipv6Address::from_octets([u8;16])`
- `Ipv6Address::from_segments([u16;8])`

equivalent to the existing `From` impls.


- Consistent with `to_bits, from_bits`.
- More discoverable than the `From` impls.
- Helps with type inference: it's common to want to convert byte slices to IP addrs. If you try this

fn foo(x: &[u8]) -> Ipv4Addr {

it [doesn't work]( You have to write `Ipv4Addr::from(<[u8;4]>::try_from(x).unwrap())` instead, which is not great. With `from_octets` it is able to infer the right types.

Found this while porting [smoltcp]( from its own IP address types to the `core::net` types.

~~Tracking issues #27709 #76205~~
Tracking issue:
2024-10-14 06:04:27 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #128967 - devnexen:get_path_fbsd_upd, r=joboet
std::fs::get_path freebsd update.

what matters is we re doing the right things as doing sizeof, rather than passing KINFO_FILE_SIZE (only defined on intel architectures), the kernel
 making sure it matches the expectation in its side.
2024-10-14 06:04:26 +02:00
f6648f252a Auto merge of #126557 - GrigorenkoPV:vec_track_caller, r=joboet
Add `#[track_caller]` to allocating methods of `Vec` & `VecDeque`

Part 4 in a lengthy saga.
r? `@joshtriplett` because they were the reviewer the last 3 times.
`@bors` rollup=never "[just in case this has perf effects, Vec is hot]("

This was first attempted in #79323 by `@nvzqz.` It got approval from `@joshtriplett,` but rotted with merge conflicts and got closed.

Then it got picked up by `@Dylan-DPC-zz` in #83359. A benchmark was run[^perf], the results (after a bit of thinking[^thinking]) were deemed ok[^ok], but there was a typo[^typo] and the PR was made from a wrong remote in the first place[^remote], so #83909 was opened instead.

By the time #83909 rolled around, the methods in question had received some optimizations[^optimizations], so another perf run was conducted[^perf2]. The results were ok[^ok2]. There was a suggestion to add regression tests for panic behavior [^tests], but before it could be addressed, the PR fell victim to merge conflicts[^conflicts] and died again[^rip].

3 years have passed, and (from what I can tell) this has not been tried again, so here I am now, reviving this old effort.

Given how much time has passed and the fact that I've also touched `VecDeque` this time, it probably makes sense to
`@bors` try `@rust-timer`

2024-10-14 02:33:40 +00:00
5ceb623a4a Auto merge of #131662 - matthiaskrgr:rollup-r1wkfxw, r=matthiaskrgr
Rollup of 8 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #130356 (don't warn about a missing change-id in CI)
 - #130900 (Do not output () on empty description)
 - #131066 (Add the Chinese translation entry to the RustByExample build process)
 - #131067 (Fix std_detect links)
 - #131644 (Clean up some Miri things in `sys/windows`)
 - #131646 (sys/unix: add comments for some Miri fallbacks)
 - #131653 (Remove const trait bound modifier hack)
 - #131659 (enable `download_ci_llvm` test)

r? `@ghost`
`@rustbot` modify labels: rollup
2024-10-13 22:38:44 +00:00
Jonathan Dönszelmann
rename rcbox in other places as per review comments 2024-10-13 21:25:00 +02:00
Dario Nieuwenhuis
0b7e39908e core/net: use hex for ipv6 doctests for consistency. 2024-10-13 20:27:24 +02:00
Dario Nieuwenhuis
725d1f7905 core/net: add Ipv[46]Addr::from_octets, Ipv6Addr::from_segments 2024-10-13 20:26:23 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131646 - RalfJung:unix-miri-fallbacks, r=joboet
sys/unix: add comments for some Miri fallbacks
2024-10-13 18:27:21 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131644 - RalfJung:win-miri, r=joboet
Clean up some Miri things in `sys/windows`

- remove miri hack that is only needed for win7 (we don't support win7 as a target in Miri)
- remove outdated comment now that Miri is on CI
2024-10-13 18:27:21 +02:00
36780360b6 Auto merge of #125679 - clarfonthey:escape_ascii, r=joboet
Optimize `escape_ascii` using a lookup table

Based upon my suggestion here:

Effectively, we can take advantage of the fact that ASCII only needs 7 bits to make the eighth bit store whether the value should be escaped or not. This adds a 256-byte lookup table, but 256 bytes *should* be small enough that very few people will mind, according to my probably not incontrovertible opinion.

The generated assembly isn't clearly better (although has fewer branches), so, I decided to benchmark on three inputs: first on a random 200KiB, then on `/bin/cat`, then on `Cargo.toml` for this repo. In all cases, the generated code ran faster on my machine. (an old i7-8700)

But, if you want to try my benchmarking code for yourself:

<details><summary>Criterion code below. Replace <code>/home/ltdk/rustsrc</code> with the appropriate directory.</summary>

use core::ascii;
use core::ops::Range;
use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

const HEX_DIGITS: [ascii::Char; 16] = *b"0123456789abcdef".as_ascii().unwrap();

const fn backslash<const N: usize>(a: ascii::Char) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
    const { assert!(N >= 2) };

    let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];

    output[0] = ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus;
    output[1] = a;

    (output, 0..2)

const fn hex_escape<const N: usize>(byte: u8) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
    const { assert!(N >= 4) };

    let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];

    let hi = HEX_DIGITS[(byte >> 4) as usize];
    let lo = HEX_DIGITS[(byte & 0xf) as usize];

    output[0] = ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus;
    output[1] = ascii::Char::SmallX;
    output[2] = hi;
    output[3] = lo;

    (output, 0..4)

const fn verbatim<const N: usize>(a: ascii::Char) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
    const { assert!(N >= 1) };

    let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];

    output[0] = a;

    (output, 0..1)

/// Escapes an ASCII character.
/// Returns a buffer and the length of the escaped representation.
const fn escape_ascii_old<const N: usize>(byte: u8) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
    const { assert!(N >= 4) };

    match byte {
        b'\t' => backslash(ascii::Char::SmallT),
        b'\r' => backslash(ascii::Char::SmallR),
        b'\n' => backslash(ascii::Char::SmallN),
        b'\\' => backslash(ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus),
        b'\'' => backslash(ascii::Char::Apostrophe),
        b'\"' => backslash(ascii::Char::QuotationMark),
        0x00..=0x1F => hex_escape(byte),
        _ => match ascii::Char::from_u8(byte) {
            Some(a) => verbatim(a),
            None => hex_escape(byte),

/// Escapes an ASCII character.
/// Returns a buffer and the length of the escaped representation.
const fn escape_ascii_new<const N: usize>(byte: u8) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
    /// Lookup table helps us determine how to display character.
    /// Since ASCII characters will always be 7 bits, we can exploit this to store the 8th bit to
    /// indicate whether the result is escaped or unescaped.
    /// We additionally use 0x80 (escaped NUL character) to indicate hex-escaped bytes, since
    /// escaped NUL will not occur.
    const LOOKUP: [u8; 256] = {
        let mut arr = [0; 256];
        let mut idx = 0;
        loop {
            arr[idx as usize] = match idx {
                // use 8th bit to indicate escaped
                b'\t' => 0x80 | b't',
                b'\r' => 0x80 | b'r',
                b'\n' => 0x80 | b'n',
                b'\\' => 0x80 | b'\\',
                b'\'' => 0x80 | b'\'',
                b'"' => 0x80 | b'"',

                // use NUL to indicate hex-escaped
                0x00..=0x1F | 0x7F..=0xFF => 0x80 | b'\0',

                _ => idx,
            if idx == 255 {
            idx += 1;

    let lookup = LOOKUP[byte as usize];

    // 8th bit indicates escape
    let lookup_escaped = lookup & 0x80 != 0;

    // SAFETY: We explicitly mask out the eighth bit to get a 7-bit ASCII character.
    let lookup_ascii = unsafe { ascii::Char::from_u8_unchecked(lookup & 0x7F) };

    if lookup_escaped {
        // NUL indicates hex-escaped
        if matches!(lookup_ascii, ascii::Char::Null) {
        } else {
    } else {

fn escape_bytes(bytes: &[u8], f: impl Fn(u8) -> ([ascii::Char; 4], Range<u8>)) -> Vec<ascii::Char> {
    let mut vec = Vec::new();
    for b in bytes {
        let (buf, range) = f(*b);
        vec.extend_from_slice(&buf[range.start as usize..range.end as usize]);

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let mut group = c.benchmark_group("escape_ascii");


    let rand_200k = &mut [0; 200 * 1024];
    thread_rng().fill(&mut rand_200k[..]);
    let cat = include_bytes!("/bin/cat");
    let cargo_toml = include_bytes!("/home/ltdk/rustsrc/Cargo.toml");

    group.bench_function("old_rand", |b| {
        b.iter(|| escape_bytes(rand_200k, escape_ascii_old));
    group.bench_function("new_rand", |b| {
        b.iter(|| escape_bytes(rand_200k, escape_ascii_new));

    group.bench_function("old_bin", |b| {
        b.iter(|| escape_bytes(cat, escape_ascii_old));
    group.bench_function("new_bin", |b| {
        b.iter(|| escape_bytes(cat, escape_ascii_new));

    group.bench_function("old_cargo_toml", |b| {
        b.iter(|| escape_bytes(cargo_toml, escape_ascii_old));
    group.bench_function("new_cargo_toml", |b| {
        b.iter(|| escape_bytes(cargo_toml, escape_ascii_new));


criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);


My benchmark results:

escape_ascii/old_rand   time:   [1.6965 ms 1.7006 ms 1.7053 ms]
Found 22 outliers among 1000 measurements (2.20%)
  4 (0.40%) high mild
  18 (1.80%) high severe
escape_ascii/new_rand   time:   [1.6749 ms 1.6953 ms 1.7158 ms]
Found 38 outliers among 1000 measurements (3.80%)
  38 (3.80%) high mild
escape_ascii/old_bin    time:   [224.59 µs 225.40 µs 226.33 µs]
Found 39 outliers among 1000 measurements (3.90%)
  17 (1.70%) high mild
  22 (2.20%) high severe
escape_ascii/new_bin    time:   [164.86 µs 165.63 µs 166.58 µs]
Found 107 outliers among 1000 measurements (10.70%)
  43 (4.30%) high mild
  64 (6.40%) high severe
                        time:   [23.397 µs 23.699 µs 24.014 µs]
Found 204 outliers among 1000 measurements (20.40%)
  21 (2.10%) high mild
  183 (18.30%) high severe
                        time:   [16.404 µs 16.438 µs 16.483 µs]
Found 88 outliers among 1000 measurements (8.80%)
  56 (5.60%) high mild
  32 (3.20%) high severe

Random: 1.7006ms => 1.6953ms (<1% speedup)
Binary: 225.40µs => 165.63µs (26% speedup)
Text: 23.699µs => 16.438µs (30% speedup)
2024-10-13 14:05:50 +00:00
Ralf Jung
a87f5ca917 sys/unix: add comments for some Miri fallbacks 2024-10-13 12:35:06 +02:00
Ralf Jung
8d0a0b000c remove outdated comment now that Miri is on CI 2024-10-13 12:30:23 +02:00
Ralf Jung
2ae3b1b09a sys/windows: remove miri hack that is only needed for win7 2024-10-13 12:30:23 +02:00
Ralf Jung
90e4f10f6c switch unicode-data back to 'static' 2024-10-13 11:53:06 +02:00
Ralf Jung
1ebfd97051 merge const_ipv4 / const_ipv6 feature gate into 'ip' feature gate 2024-10-13 09:55:34 +02:00
Trevor Gross
Rollup merge of #131418 - coolreader18:wasm-exc-use-stdarch, r=bjorn3
Use throw intrinsic from stdarch in wasm libunwind

Tracking issue: #118168

This is a very belated followup to #121438; now that rust-lang/stdarch#1542 is merged, we can use the intrinsic exported from `core::arch` instead of defining it inline. I also cleaned up the cfgs a bit and added a more detailed comment.
2024-10-12 21:38:36 -05:00
Trevor Gross
Rollup merge of #131120 - tgross35:stabilize-const_option, r=RalfJung
Stabilize `const_option`

This makes the following API stable in const contexts:

impl<T> Option<T> {
    pub const fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>;
    pub const fn expect(self, msg: &str) -> T;
    pub const fn unwrap(self) -> T;
    pub const unsafe fn unwrap_unchecked(self) -> T;
    pub const fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>;
    pub const fn replace(&mut self, value: T) -> Option<T>;

impl<T> Option<&T> {
    pub const fn copied(self) -> Option<T>
    where T: Copy;

impl<T> Option<&mut T> {
    pub const fn copied(self) -> Option<T>
    where T: Copy;

impl<T, E> Option<Result<T, E>> {
    pub const fn transpose(self) -> Result<Option<T>, E>

impl<T> Option<Option<T>> {
    pub const fn flatten(self) -> Option<T>;

The following functions make use of the unstable `const_precise_live_drops` feature:

- `expect`
- `unwrap`
- `unwrap_unchecked`
- `transpose`
- `flatten`

Fixes: <>
2024-10-12 21:38:35 -05:00
Fix bug where option_env! would return None when env var is present but not valid Unicode 2024-10-13 02:10:19 +01:00
Andreas Molzer
c128b4c433 Fix typo thing->thin referring to pointer 2024-10-13 02:35:09 +02:00
Trevor Gross
19f6c17df4 Stabilize const_option
This makes the following API stable in const contexts:

    impl<T> Option<T> {
        pub const fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T>;
        pub const fn expect(self, msg: &str) -> T;
        pub const fn unwrap(self) -> T;
        pub const unsafe fn unwrap_unchecked(self) -> T;
        pub const fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>;
        pub const fn replace(&mut self, value: T) -> Option<T>;

    impl<T> Option<&T> {
        pub const fn copied(self) -> Option<T>
        where T: Copy;

    impl<T> Option<&mut T> {
        pub const fn copied(self) -> Option<T>
        where T: Copy;

    impl<T, E> Option<Result<T, E>> {
        pub const fn transpose(self) -> Result<Option<T>, E>

    impl<T> Option<Option<T>> {
        pub const fn flatten(self) -> Option<T>;

The following functions make use of the unstable
`const_precise_live_drops` feature:

- `expect`
- `unwrap`
- `unwrap_unchecked`
- `transpose`
- `flatten`

Fixes: <>
2024-10-12 17:07:13 -04:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131617 - RalfJung:const_cow_is_borrowed, r=tgross35
remove const_cow_is_borrowed feature gate

The two functions guarded by this are still unstable, and there's no reason to require a separate feature gate for their const-ness -- we can just have `cow_is_borrowed` cover both kinds of stability.

Cc #65143
2024-10-12 23:00:59 +02:00
Matthias Krüger
Rollup merge of #131503 - theemathas:stdin_read_line_docs, r=Mark-Simulacrum
More clearly document Stdin::read_line

These are common pitfalls for beginners, so I think it's worth making the subtleties more visible.
2024-10-12 23:00:57 +02:00
Ralf Jung
a0661ec331 remove const_cow_is_borrowed feature gate 2024-10-12 19:48:28 +02:00
Trevor Gross
Rollup merge of #131233 - joboet:stdout-before-main, r=tgross35
std: fix stdout-before-main

Fixes #130210.

Since #124881, `ReentrantLock` uses `ThreadId` to identify threads. This has the unfortunate consequence of breaking uses of `Stdout` before main: Locking the `ReentrantLock` that synchronizes the output will initialize the thread ID before the handle for the main thread is set in `rt::init`. But since that would overwrite the current thread ID, `thread::set_current` triggers an abort.

This PR fixes the problem by using the already initialized thread ID for constructing the main thread handle and allowing `set_current` calls that do not change the thread's ID.
2024-10-12 11:08:43 -05:00
Trevor Gross
Rollup merge of #130954 - workingjubilee:stabilize-const-mut-fn, r=RalfJung
Stabilize const `ptr::write*` and `mem::replace`

Since `const_mut_refs` and `const_refs_to_cell` have been stabilized, we may now also stabilize the ability to write to places during const evaluation inside our library API. So, we now propose the `const fn` version of `ptr::write` and its variants. This allows us to also stabilize `mem::replace` and `ptr::replace`.
- const `mem::replace`:
- const `ptr::write{,_bytes,_unaligned}`:

Their implementation requires an additional internal stabilization of `const_intrinsic_forget`, which is required for `*::write*` and thus `*::replace`. Thus we const-stabilize the internal intrinsics `forget`, `write_bytes`, and `write_via_move`.
2024-10-12 11:08:42 -05:00
std: fix stdout-before-main
Fixes #130210.

Since #124881, `ReentrantLock` uses `ThreadId` to identify threads. This has the unfortunate consequence of breaking uses of `Stdout` before main: Locking the `ReentrantLock` that synchronizes the output will initialize the thread ID before the handle for the main thread is set in `rt::init`. But since that would overwrite the current thread ID, `thread::set_current` triggers an abort.

This PR fixes the problem by using the already initialized thread ID for constructing the main thread handle and allowing `set_current` calls that do not change the thread's ID.
2024-10-12 13:01:36 +02:00
Jubilee Young
187c8b0ce9 library: Stabilize const_replace
Depends on stabilizing `const_ptr_write`.

- `core::mem::replace`
- `core::ptr::replace`
2024-10-12 00:02:38 -07:00