2024-02-16 20:02:50 +00:00

1183 lines
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//@ run-pass
// This test exercises cases where cyclic structure is legal,
// including when the cycles go through data-structures such
// as `Vec` or `TypedArena`.
// The intent is to cover as many such cases as possible, ensuring
// that if the compiler did not complain circa Rust 1.x (1.2 as of
// this writing), then it will continue to not complain in the future.
// Note that while some of the tests are only exercising using the
// given collection as a "backing store" for a set of nodes that hold
// the actual cycle (and thus the cycle does not go through the
// collection itself in such cases), in general we *do* want to make
// sure to have at least one example exercising a cycle that goes
// through the collection, for every collection type that supports
// this.
// -----------------------------------------------
// We pick a data structure and want to make a cyclic construction
// from it. Each test of interest is labelled starting with "Cycle N:
// { ... }" where N is the test number and the "..."`is filled in with
// a graphviz-style description of the graph structure that the
// author believes is being made. So "{ a -> b, b -> (c,d), (c,d) -> e }"
// describes a line connected to a diamond:
// c
// / \
// a - b e
// \ /
// d
// (Note that the above directed graph is actually acyclic.)
// The different graph structures are often composed of different data
// types. Some may be built atop `Vec`, others atop `HashMap`, etc.
// For each graph structure, we actually *confirm* that a cycle exists
// (as a safe-guard against a test author accidentally leaving it out)
// by traversing each graph and "proving" that a cycle exists within it.
// To do this, while trying to keep the code uniform (despite working
// with different underlying collection and smart-pointer types), we
// have a standard traversal API:
// 1. every node in the graph carries a `mark` (a u32, init'ed to 0).
// 2. every node provides a method to visit its children
// 3. a traversal attmepts to visit the nodes of the graph and prove that
// it sees the same node twice. It does this by setting the mark of each
// node to a fresh non-zero value, and if it sees the current mark, it
// "knows" that it must have found a cycle, and stops attempting further
// traversal.
// 4. each traversal is controlled by a bit-string that tells it which child
// it visit when it can take different paths. As a simple example,
// in a binary tree, 0 could mean "left" (and 1, "right"), so that
// "00010" means "left, left, left, right, left". (In general it will
// read as many bits as it needs to choose one child.)
// The graphs in this test are all meant to be very small, and thus
// short bitstrings of less than 64 bits should always suffice.
// (An earlier version of this test infrastructure simply had any
// given traversal visit all children it encountered, in a
// depth-first manner; one problem with this approach is that an
// acyclic graph can still have sharing, which would then be treated
// as a repeat mark and reported as a detected cycle.)
// The travseral code is a little more complicated because it has been
// programmed in a somewhat defensive manner. For example it also has
// a max threshold for the number of nodes it will visit, to guard
// against scenarios where the nodes are not correctly setting their
// mark when asked. There are various other methods not discussed here
// that are for aiding debugging the test when it runs, such as the
// `name` method that all nodes provide.
// So each test:
// 1. allocates the nodes in the graph,
// 2. sets up the links in the graph,
// 3. clones the "ContextData"
// 4. chooses a new current mark value for this test
// 5. initiates a traversal, potentially from multiple starting points
// (aka "roots"), with a given control-string (potentially a
// different string for each root). if it does start from a
// distinct root, then such a test should also increment the
// current mark value, so that this traversal is considered
// distinct from the prior one on this graph structure.
// Note that most of the tests work with the default control string
// of all-zeroes.
// 6. assert that the context confirms that it actually saw a cycle (since a traversal
// might have terminated, e.g., on a tree structure that contained no cycles).
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::LinkedList;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Mutex};
const PRINT: bool = false;
pub fn main() {
let c_orig = ContextData {
curr_depth: 0,
max_depth: 3,
visited: 0,
max_visits: 1000,
skipped: 0,
curr_mark: 0,
saw_prev_marked: false,
control_bits: 0,
// SANITY CHECK FOR TEST SUITE (thus unnumbered)
// Not a cycle: { v[0] -> (v[1], v[2]), v[1] -> v[3], v[2] -> v[3] };
let v: Vec<S2> = vec![Named::new("s0"),
v[0].next.set((Some(&v[1]), Some(&v[2])));
v[1].next.set((Some(&v[3]), None));
v[2].next.set((Some(&v[3]), None));
v[3].next.set((None, None));
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 10;
v[0].descend_into_self(&mut c);
assert!(!c.saw_prev_marked); // <-- different from below, b/c acyclic above
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 1: { v[0] -> v[1], v[1] -> v[0] };
// does not exercise `v` itself
let v: Vec<S> = vec![Named::new("s0"),
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 10;
v[0].descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 2: { v[0] -> v, v[1] -> v }
let v: V = Named::new("v");
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 20;
v.descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 3: { hk0 -> hv0, hv0 -> hk0, hk1 -> hv1, hv1 -> hk1 };
// does not exercise `h` itself
let mut h: HashMap<H,H> = HashMap::new();
h.insert(Named::new("hk0"), Named::new("hv0"));
h.insert(Named::new("hk1"), Named::new("hv1"));
for (key, val) in h.iter() {;;
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 30;
for (key, _) in h.iter() {
c.curr_mark += 1;
c.saw_prev_marked = false;
key.descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 4: { h -> (hmk0,hmv0,hmk1,hmv1), {hmk0,hmv0,hmk1,hmv1} -> h }
let mut h: HashMap<HM,HM> = HashMap::new();
h.insert(Named::new("hmk0"), Named::new("hmv0"));
h.insert(Named::new("hmk0"), Named::new("hmv0"));
for (key, val) in h.iter() {
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.max_depth = 2;
c.curr_mark = 40;
for (key, _) in h.iter() {
c.curr_mark += 1;
c.saw_prev_marked = false;
key.descend_into_self(&mut c);
// break;
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 5: { vd[0] -> vd[1], vd[1] -> vd[0] };
// does not exercise vd itself
let mut vd: VecDeque<S> = VecDeque::new();
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 50;
vd[0].descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 6: { vd -> (vd0, vd1), {vd0, vd1} -> vd }
let mut vd: VecDeque<VD> = VecDeque::new();
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 60;
vd[0].descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 7: { vm -> (vm0, vm1), {vm0, vm1} -> vm }
let mut vm: HashMap<usize, VM> = HashMap::new();
vm.insert(0, Named::new("vm0"));
vm.insert(1, Named::new("vm1"));
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 70;
vm[&0].descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 8: { ll -> (ll0, ll1), {ll0, ll1} -> ll }
let mut ll: LinkedList<LL> = LinkedList::new();
for e in &ll {
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 80;
for e in &ll {
c.curr_mark += 1;
c.saw_prev_marked = false;
e.descend_into_self(&mut c);
// break;
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 9: { bh -> (bh0, bh1), {bh0, bh1} -> bh }
let mut bh: BinaryHeap<BH> = BinaryHeap::new();
for b in bh.iter() {
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 90;
for b in &bh {
c.curr_mark += 1;
c.saw_prev_marked = false;
b.descend_into_self(&mut c);
// break;
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 10: { btm -> (btk0, btv1), {bt0, bt1} -> btm }
let mut btm: BTreeMap<BTM, BTM> = BTreeMap::new();
btm.insert(Named::new("btk0"), Named::new("btv0"));
btm.insert(Named::new("btk1"), Named::new("btv1"));
for (k, v) in btm.iter() {
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 100;
for (k, _) in &btm {
c.curr_mark += 1;
c.saw_prev_marked = false;
k.descend_into_self(&mut c);
// break;
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 10: { bts -> (bts0, bts1), {bts0, bts1} -> btm }
let mut bts: BTreeSet<BTS> = BTreeSet::new();
for v in bts.iter() {
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.curr_mark = 100;
for b in &bts {
c.curr_mark += 1;
c.saw_prev_marked = false;
b.descend_into_self(&mut c);
// break;
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 11: { rc0 -> (rc1, rc2), rc1 -> (), rc2 -> rc0 }
let (rc0, rc1, rc2): (RCRC, RCRC, RCRC);
rc0 = RCRC::new("rcrc0");
rc1 = RCRC::new("rcrc1");
rc2 = RCRC::new("rcrc2");
rc0.0.borrow_mut().children.0 = Some(&rc1);
rc0.0.borrow_mut().children.1 = Some(&rc2);
rc2.0.borrow_mut().children.0 = Some(&rc0);
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.control_bits = 0b1;
c.curr_mark = 110;
rc0.descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// We want to take the previous Rc case and generalize it to Arc.
// We can use refcells if we're single-threaded (as this test is).
// If one were to generalize these constructions to a
// multi-threaded context, then it might seem like we could choose
// between either an RwLock or a Mutex to hold the owned arcs on
// each node.
// Part of the point of this test is to actually confirm that the
// cycle exists by traversing it. We can do that just fine with an
// RwLock (since we can grab the child pointers in read-only
// mode), but we cannot lock a std::sync::Mutex to guard reading
// from each node via the same pattern, since once you hit the
// cycle, you'll be trying to acquiring the same lock twice.
// (We deal with this by exiting the traversal early if try_lock fails.)
// Cycle 12: { arc0 -> (arc1, arc2), arc1 -> (), arc2 -> arc0 }, refcells
let (arc0, arc1, arc2): (ARCRC, ARCRC, ARCRC);
arc0 = ARCRC::new("arcrc0");
arc1 = ARCRC::new("arcrc1");
arc2 = ARCRC::new("arcrc2");
arc0.0.borrow_mut().children.0 = Some(&arc1);
arc0.0.borrow_mut().children.1 = Some(&arc2);
arc2.0.borrow_mut().children.0 = Some(&arc0);
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.control_bits = 0b1;
c.curr_mark = 110;
arc0.descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 13: { arc0 -> (arc1, arc2), arc1 -> (), arc2 -> arc0 }, rwlocks
let (arc0, arc1, arc2): (ARCRW, ARCRW, ARCRW);
arc0 = ARCRW::new("arcrw0");
arc1 = ARCRW::new("arcrw1");
arc2 = ARCRW::new("arcrw2");
arc0.0.write().unwrap().children.0 = Some(&arc1);
arc0.0.write().unwrap().children.1 = Some(&arc2);
arc2.0.write().unwrap().children.0 = Some(&arc0);
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.control_bits = 0b1;
c.curr_mark = 110;
arc0.descend_into_self(&mut c);
if PRINT { println!(); }
// Cycle 14: { arc0 -> (arc1, arc2), arc1 -> (), arc2 -> arc0 }, mutexs
let (arc0, arc1, arc2): (ARCM, ARCM, ARCM);
arc0 = ARCM::new("arcm0");
arc1 = ARCM::new("arcm1");
arc2 = ARCM::new("arcm2");
arc0.1.lock().unwrap().children.0 = Some(&arc1);
arc0.1.lock().unwrap().children.1 = Some(&arc2);
arc2.1.lock().unwrap().children.0 = Some(&arc0);
let mut c = c_orig.clone();
c.control_bits = 0b1;
c.curr_mark = 110;
arc0.descend_into_self(&mut c);
trait Named {
fn new(_: &'static str) -> Self;
fn name(&self) -> &str;
trait Marked<M> {
fn mark(&self) -> M;
fn set_mark(&self, mark: M);
struct S<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
next: Cell<Option<&'a S<'a>>>,
impl<'a> Named for S<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> S<'a> {
S { name: name, mark: Cell::new(0), next: Cell::new(None) }
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for S<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
struct S2<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
next: Cell<(Option<&'a S2<'a>>, Option<&'a S2<'a>>)>,
impl<'a> Named for S2<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> S2<'a> {
S2 { name: name, mark: Cell::new(0), next: Cell::new((None, None)) }
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for S2<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) {
struct V<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Vec<Cell<Option<&'a V<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for V<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> V<'a> {
V { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: vec![Cell::new(None), Cell::new(None)]
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for V<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
struct H<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
next: Cell<Option<&'a H<'a>>>,
impl<'a> Named for H<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> H<'a> {
H { name: name, mark: Cell::new(0), next: Cell::new(None) }
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for H<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> PartialEq for H<'a> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &H<'a>) -> bool { ==
impl<'a> Hash for H<'a> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
struct HM<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a HashMap<HM<'a>, HM<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for HM<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> HM<'a> {
HM { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for HM<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> PartialEq for HM<'a> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &HM<'a>) -> bool { ==
impl<'a> Hash for HM<'a> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
struct VD<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a VecDeque<VD<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for VD<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> VD<'a> {
VD { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for VD<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
struct VM<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a HashMap<usize, VM<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for VM<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> VM<'a> {
VM { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for VM<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
struct LL<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a LinkedList<LL<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for LL<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> LL<'a> {
LL { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for LL<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
struct BH<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a BinaryHeap<BH<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for BH<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> BH<'a> {
BH { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for BH<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> Eq for BH<'a> { }
impl<'a> PartialEq for BH<'a> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &BH<'a>) -> bool { ==
impl<'a> PartialOrd for BH<'a> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &BH<'a>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'a> Ord for BH<'a> {
fn cmp(&self, rhs: &BH<'a>) -> Ordering {
struct BTM<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a BTreeMap<BTM<'a>, BTM<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for BTM<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> BTM<'a> {
BTM { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for BTM<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> Eq for BTM<'a> { }
impl<'a> PartialEq for BTM<'a> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &BTM<'a>) -> bool { ==
impl<'a> PartialOrd for BTM<'a> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &BTM<'a>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'a> Ord for BTM<'a> {
fn cmp(&self, rhs: &BTM<'a>) -> Ordering {
struct BTS<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
contents: Cell<Option<&'a BTreeSet<BTS<'a>>>>,
impl<'a> Named for BTS<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> BTS<'a> {
BTS { name: name,
mark: Cell::new(0),
contents: Cell::new(None)
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for BTS<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> Eq for BTS<'a> { }
impl<'a> PartialEq for BTS<'a> {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &BTS<'a>) -> bool { ==
impl<'a> PartialOrd for BTS<'a> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &BTS<'a>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'a> Ord for BTS<'a> {
fn cmp(&self, rhs: &BTS<'a>) -> Ordering {
struct RCRCData<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
children: (Option<&'a RCRC<'a>>, Option<&'a RCRC<'a>>),
struct RCRC<'a>(Rc<RefCell<RCRCData<'a>>>);
impl<'a> Named for RCRC<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self {
RCRC(Rc::new(RefCell::new(RCRCData {
name: name, mark: Cell::new(0), children: (None, None), })))
fn name(&self) -> &str { self.0.borrow().name }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for RCRC<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.0.borrow().mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.0.borrow().mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> Children<'a> for RCRC<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 2 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
let children = &self.0.borrow().children;
let child = match index {
0 => if let Some(child) = children.0 { child } else { return; },
1 => if let Some(child) = children.1 { child } else { return; },
_ => panic!("bad children"),
// println!("S2 {} descending into child {} at index {}",,, index);
struct ARCRCData<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
children: (Option<&'a ARCRC<'a>>, Option<&'a ARCRC<'a>>),
struct ARCRC<'a>(Arc<RefCell<ARCRCData<'a>>>);
impl<'a> Named for ARCRC<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self {
ARCRC(Arc::new(RefCell::new(ARCRCData {
name: name, mark: Cell::new(0), children: (None, None), })))
fn name(&self) -> &str { self.0.borrow().name }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for ARCRC<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.0.borrow().mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.0.borrow().mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> Children<'a> for ARCRC<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 2 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
let children = &self.0.borrow().children;
match index {
0 => if let Some(ref child) = children.0 {
1 => if let Some(ref child) = children.1 {
_ => panic!("bad children!"),
struct ARCMData<'a> {
mark: Cell<u32>,
children: (Option<&'a ARCM<'a>>, Option<&'a ARCM<'a>>),
struct ARCM<'a>(&'static str, Arc<Mutex<ARCMData<'a>>>);
impl<'a> Named for ARCM<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self {
ARCM(name, Arc::new(Mutex::new(ARCMData {
mark: Cell::new(0), children: (None, None), })))
fn name(&self) -> &str { self.0 }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for ARCM<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { self.1.lock().unwrap().mark.get() }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) { self.1.lock().unwrap().mark.set(mark); }
impl<'a> Children<'a> for ARCM<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 2 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
let ref children = if let Ok(data) = self.1.try_lock() {
} else { return; };
match index {
0 => if let Some(ref child) = children.0 {
1 => if let Some(ref child) = children.1 {
_ => panic!("bad children!"),
struct ARCRWData<'a> {
name: &'static str,
mark: Cell<u32>,
children: (Option<&'a ARCRW<'a>>, Option<&'a ARCRW<'a>>),
struct ARCRW<'a>(Arc<RwLock<ARCRWData<'a>>>);
impl<'a> Named for ARCRW<'a> {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self {
ARCRW(Arc::new(RwLock::new(ARCRWData {
name: name, mark: Cell::new(0), children: (None, None), })))
fn name(&self) -> &str { }
impl<'a> Marked<u32> for ARCRW<'a> {
fn mark(&self) -> u32 { }
fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) {; }
impl<'a> Children<'a> for ARCRW<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 2 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
let children = &;
match index {
0 => if let Some(ref child) = children.0 {
1 => if let Some(ref child) = children.1 {
_ => panic!("bad children!"),
trait Context {
fn next_index(&mut self, len: usize) -> usize;
fn should_act(&self) -> bool;
fn increase_visited(&mut self);
fn increase_skipped(&mut self);
fn increase_depth(&mut self);
fn decrease_depth(&mut self);
trait PrePost<T> {
fn pre(&mut self, _: &T);
fn post(&mut self, _: &T);
fn hit_limit(&mut self, _: &T);
trait Children<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize;
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized;
fn next_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
let index = context.next_index(self.count_children());
self.descend_one_child(context, index);
fn descend_into_self<C>(&self, context: &mut C)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
if context.should_act() {
} else {
fn descend<'b, C>(&self, c: &Cell<Option<&'b Self>>, context: &mut C)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
if let Some(r) = c.get() {
impl<'a> Children<'a> for S<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 1 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, _: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized {
self.descend(&, context);
impl<'a> Children<'a> for S2<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 2 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
let children =;
let child = match index {
0 => if let Some(child) = children.0 { child } else { return; },
1 => if let Some(child) = children.1 { child } else { return; },
_ => panic!("bad children"),
// println!("S2 {} descending into child {} at index {}",,, index);
impl<'a> Children<'a> for V<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { self.contents.len() }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
if let Some(child) = self.contents[index].get() {
impl<'a> Children<'a> for H<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize { 1 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, _: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
self.descend(&, context);
impl<'a> Children<'a> for HM<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(m) = self.contents.get() { 2 * m.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
if let Some(ref hm) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some((k, v)) = hm.iter().nth(index / 2) {
[k, v][index % 2].descend_into_self(context);
impl<'a> Children<'a> for VD<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(d) = self.contents.get() { d.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<Self>, Self: Sized
if let Some(ref vd) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some(r) = vd.iter().nth(index) {
impl<'a> Children<'a> for VM<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(m) = self.contents.get() { m.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<VM<'a>>
if let Some(ref vd) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some((_idx, r)) = vd.iter().nth(index) {
impl<'a> Children<'a> for LL<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(l) = self.contents.get() { l.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<LL<'a>>
if let Some(ref ll) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some(r) = ll.iter().nth(index) {
impl<'a> Children<'a> for BH<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(h) = self.contents.get() { h.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<BH<'a>>
if let Some(ref bh) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some(r) = bh.iter().nth(index) {
impl<'a> Children<'a> for BTM<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(m) = self.contents.get() { 2 * m.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<BTM<'a>>
if let Some(ref bh) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some((k, v)) = bh.iter().nth(index / 2) {
[k, v][index % 2].descend_into_self(context);
impl<'a> Children<'a> for BTS<'a> {
fn count_children(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(s) = self.contents.get() { s.iter().count() } else { 0 }
fn descend_one_child<C>(&self, context: &mut C, index: usize)
where C: Context + PrePost<BTS<'a>>
if let Some(ref bh) = self.contents.get() {
if let Some(r) = bh.iter().nth(index) {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct ContextData {
curr_depth: usize,
max_depth: usize,
visited: usize,
max_visits: usize,
skipped: usize,
curr_mark: u32,
saw_prev_marked: bool,
control_bits: u64,
impl Context for ContextData {
fn next_index(&mut self, len: usize) -> usize {
if len < 2 { return 0; }
let mut pow2 = len.next_power_of_two();
let _pow2_orig = pow2;
let mut idx = 0;
let mut bits = self.control_bits;
while pow2 > 1 {
idx = (idx << 1) | (bits & 1) as usize;
bits = bits >> 1;
pow2 = pow2 >> 1;
idx = idx % len;
// println!("next_index({} [{:b}]) says {}, pre(bits): {:b} post(bits): {:b}",
// len, _pow2_orig, idx, self.control_bits, bits);
self.control_bits = bits;
return idx;
fn should_act(&self) -> bool {
self.curr_depth < self.max_depth && self.visited < self.max_visits
fn increase_visited(&mut self) { self.visited += 1; }
fn increase_skipped(&mut self) { self.skipped += 1; }
fn increase_depth(&mut self) { self.curr_depth += 1; }
fn decrease_depth(&mut self) { self.curr_depth -= 1; }
impl<T:Named+Marked<u32>> PrePost<T> for ContextData {
fn pre(&mut self, t: &T) {
for _ in 0..self.curr_depth {
if PRINT { print!(" "); }
if PRINT { println!("prev {}",; }
if t.mark() == self.curr_mark {
for _ in 0..self.curr_depth {
if PRINT { print!(" "); }
if PRINT { println!("(probably previously marked)"); }
self.saw_prev_marked = true;
fn post(&mut self, t: &T) {
for _ in 0..self.curr_depth {
if PRINT { print!(" "); }
if PRINT { println!("post {}",; }
fn hit_limit(&mut self, t: &T) {
for _ in 0..self.curr_depth {
if PRINT { print!(" "); }
if PRINT { println!("LIMIT {}",; }