2024-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

35 lines
1.2 KiB

// Check that if a trait has more than 2 bounds, they are displayed on different lines.
// It tries to load a JS for each trait but there are none since they're not implemented.
fail-on-request-error: false
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/trait_bounds/trait.OneBound.html"
// They should have the same Y position.
compare-elements-position: (
".item-decl code",
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::marker::Sized']",
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/trait_bounds/trait.TwoBounds.html"
// They should have the same Y position.
compare-elements-position: (
".item-decl code",
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::marker::Copy']",
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/trait_bounds/trait.ThreeBounds.html"
// All on their own line.
compare-elements-position-false: (
".item-decl code",
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::marker::Sized']",
compare-elements-position-false: (
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::marker::Sized']",
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::marker::Copy']",
compare-elements-position-false: (
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::marker::Copy']",
".item-decl a.trait[title='trait core::cmp::Eq']",