
60 lines
2 KiB

LL| |#![allow(unused_assignments, unused_variables, dead_code)]
LL| |
LL| 1|fn main() {
LL| 1| // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure
LL| 1| // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from
LL| 1| // dependent conditions.
LL| 1| let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;
LL| 1|
LL| 1| let mut countdown = 0;
LL| 1| if is_true {
LL| 1| countdown = 10;
LL| 1| }
LL| |
LL| | mod in_mod {
LL| | const IN_MOD_CONST: u32 = 1000;
LL| | }
LL| |
LL| 3| fn in_func(a: u32) {
LL| 3| let b = 1;
LL| 3| let c = a + b;
LL| 3| println!("c = {}", c)
LL| 3| }
LL| |
LL| | struct InStruct {
LL| | in_struct_field: u32,
LL| | }
LL| |
LL| | const IN_CONST: u32 = 1234;
LL| |
LL| | trait InTrait {
LL| | fn trait_func(&mut self, incr: u32);
LL| |
LL| 1| fn default_trait_func(&mut self) {
LL| 1| in_func(IN_CONST);
LL| 1| self.trait_func(IN_CONST);
LL| 1| }
LL| | }
LL| |
LL| | impl InTrait for InStruct {
LL| 1| fn trait_func(&mut self, incr: u32) {
LL| 1| self.in_struct_field += incr;
LL| 1| in_func(self.in_struct_field);
LL| 1| }
LL| | }
LL| |
LL| | type InType = String;
LL| |
LL| 1| if is_true {
LL| 1| in_func(countdown);
LL| 1| }
LL| |
LL| 1| let mut val = InStruct {
LL| 1| in_struct_field: 101, //
LL| 1| };
LL| 1|
LL| 1| val.default_trait_func();
LL| 1|}