Michael Howell 12dc24f460 rustdoc-search: simplify rules for generics and type params
This commit is a response to feedback on the displayed type
signatures results, by making generics act stricter.

Generics are tightened by making order significant. This means
`Vec<Allocator>` now matches only with a true vector of allocators,
instead of matching the second type param. It also makes unboxing
within generics stricter, so `Result<A, B>` only matches if `B`
is in the error type and `A` is in the success type. The top level
of the function search is unaffected.

Find the discussion on:

* <>
* <>
* <>
2024-10-30 12:27:48 -07:00

42 lines
2 KiB

// Check the "About this Result" popover.
// Try a complex result.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html?search=scroll_traits::Iterator<T>,(T->bool)->(Extend<T>,Extend<T>)"
// These two commands are used to be sure the search will be run.
focus: ".search-input"
press-key: "Enter"
wait-for: "#search-tabs"
assert-count: ("#search-tabs button", 1)
assert-count: (".search-results > a", 1)
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/strong[text()='Iterator']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/strong[text()='(B']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/strong[text()='B)']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/div[@class='where']/strong[text()='FnMut']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/div[@class='where']/strong[text()='Iterator::Item']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/div[@class='where']/strong[text()='bool']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/div[@class='where']/strong[text()='Extend']"
assert-text: ("div.type-signature div.where:nth-child(4)", "where")
assert-text: ("div.type-signature div.where:nth-child(5)", " T matches Iterator::Item")
assert-text: ("div.type-signature div.where:nth-child(6)", " F: FnMut (&Iterator::Item) -> bool")
assert-text: ("div.type-signature div.where:nth-child(7)", " B: Default + Extend<Iterator::Item>")
// Try a simple result that *won't* give an info box.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html?search=F->lib2::WhereWhitespace<T>"
// These two commands are used to be sure the search will be run.
focus: ".search-input"
press-key: "Enter"
wait-for: "#search-tabs"
assert-text: ("//div[@class='type-signature']", "F -> WhereWhitespace<T>")
assert-count: ("#search-tabs button", 1)
assert-count: (".search-results > a", 1)
assert-count: ("//div[@class='type-signature']/div[@class='where']", 0)
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/strong[text()='F']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/strong[text()='WhereWhitespace']"
assert: "//div[@class='type-signature']/strong[text()='T']"